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Letter from Rolinda
There has been a lot of inspiring Girl Scout moments the past several months and more coming throughout the new troop year. It was wonderful to recognize outstanding youth and volunteers for their leadership and furthering the Girl Scout mission throughout the spring and summer. In this edition, you will learn more about the Elite Entrepreneurs, scholarship recipients, volunteers who received awards at the Annual Meeting and the Legacy Pearls. From witnessing girls set and achieve their goals so they could attend summer camp or travel, and high school graduates bridging to Adult Lifetime Girl Scouts, they have done it all. Troop and service unit volunteers have also done meaningful work to ensure our girls are supported. Along with our incredible girl and adult members, our Legacy Pearls, Coleen and Sandy, continue to give their time, talent and treasure to support all of Girl Scouts. I am so thankful to be part of Girl Scouts where together we are making the world a better place.
Thank you for supporting Girl Scout experiences in so many ways!
Rolinda Sample, CEO
Thank You!
Thank you to Girl Scout Alumni & Friends for their generous donation which doubled to $5,000 this year compared to the 2022–2023 Girl Scout season. With this donation, we were able to purchase a new fire ring, picnic table and benches for the Garden City Little House and chairs for the Parsons Little House. We are also adding new security cameras to the Augusta, Garden City and Newton Little Houses and the Garden City and Hays offices. Additionally, we purchased new walkie talkies for camps and events.

3 Donor Spotlight
4 GSUSA Gold Award Scholarship Recipient
5 Highest Awards Project Fund
6 Volunteer Awards
9 2023-24 Product Program
10 Elite Entrepreneurs
13 Summer Camp Recap
14 Upcoming Events