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Camp at Home
Girl Scouts are always ready for a challenge and innovating creative solutions. While we couldn’t be together in a traditional setting, surrounding the campfire at Four Winds or zip lining at Starwoods, this year’s challenges offered a chance to explore new adventures. Camp at Home offered six weeks of unique Girl Scout summer programming for girls across Kansas, and beyond! Girl Scouts celebrated sisterhood and fun with camp sessions filled with songs, crafts, engaging activities, and community guests. With Camp at Home, Girl Scouts connected and engaged while earning badges, meeting new friends, and discovering the world through inspiring activities.
Peyton C.

Peyton H.

Peyton H. “I was so excited that even though I couldn’t go to overnight camp again this year, that I was still able to try so many great camps through Camp at Home. My favorite weeks were Hermoine’s Magical Adventure, Color Me Crazy: Messy Edition and Mermaid Mania. One of the highlights was having the opportunity to be paired with a pen pal. I had a great time learning to write letters and correspond with an older Girl Scout sister. ” - Girl Scout Ainsley
“I loved the crafts and hearing about all the other girls' experiences with Girl Scouts. I really liked doing the love the great outdoors patch work. I feel like this really helped with my confidence attending camp virtually.” - Girl Scout Peyton C.

Peyton C.
"The concept of camp at home was a little overwhelming at first. I was worried I wouldn't get to interact and connect with others, like you do at camp. The more I got into each week, the more I was able to get the same feeling from in-person camp! I loved the various activities, crafts, recipes and experiences that Camp at Home was able to provide me this summer. Not to mention, I was able to earn badges along the way. I can't wait until next summer and camping, regardless of whether it is in person or at home." - Girl Scout Peyton H.
"I loved the activities. They were fun! I loved the colors in the messy camp. I had fun making the "lava lamp" too!" - Girl Scout Madeline Madeline

Volunteer Awards
Volunteer of the Month This recognition honors outstanding volunteers and their contributions on a monthly basis. February Marissa Schultz 79 March Don Woosley 71 April Caitlyn Hanneman 71 May Christina Witten 91 June Connie Allen 71
Volunteer of Excellence Recognizes a volunteer who has contributed outstanding service while working directly with girls to implement the Girl Scout Leadership Experience or has contributed outstanding service in support of the council’s mission delivery to girl and adult members. Jessica Albers 74 Marie Allen 71 Robin Armfield 81 Whitney Ashford 70 Elizabeth Bailey 80 Chelsea Barton 86 Tiffany Berry 91 Jessica Blevens 86 Ronda Bowen 91 Kris Bradley 74 Amber Brown 73 Blythe Brown 74 Tracie Brunner 78 Roseanna Carter 84 Kara Conley 83 Carrie Conner 71 Heather Corl 79 Katrina Davis 70 Julie de la Garza 92 Kristy Derby 86 Autumn Dickens 86 Heidemarie Fortner 86 Ginger Garcia 79 Kari Garison 85 Maria Gonzalez 87 Anna Griekspoor 87 Celeste Hays 70 Ashley Hollingshead 70 Sheridan Hubbell 86 Terri Hutton 71 Cristina Janney 74 Jennifer Jensik 86 Regina Jimerez 86 Corina Julian 86 Lynde Langdon Michele Lawrence Nicole Leonard Larrilee Loeppke Emily Long Mhara Southard Heather Matzek Diana Mayhew Hope McFee Sara McIntyre Leigh McNeill Leann Moddelmog Melissa Moore Tara Nisbeth Andrew Nolan Cozetta O’Dea Amber O'Connor Kristy Opat Amanda Page Bree Perkins Heather Peterson Nicole Polley Barbara Reeves-Coulter Stephanie Richmond Brandi Rising Jamie Roberts Debbie Rohr Lisa Ruark Teia Salcido Kendra Schneider Rachel Schober Jennifer Shanks Lynessa Sherwood Sheryl Smith Shanette Smith Brenda Soyez Jessica Stafford Lara Staker Liz Stapleford Melissa Steinman Bessie Sterbenz Heather Stewart Amanda Svaty Marjorie Waddell Jennifer Watson Tiffany Welk Kevin White Susan White Patrick Williams Melissa Winters Schandelle Wolfe Marcalyn Yutzy Maria Zuno Stacy Siegele 87 87 79 71 87 79 70 86 70 87 84 91 81 78 75 71 85 74 92 79 83 70 85 81 85 83 87 86 70 91 87 87 83 71 86 81 89 86 86 92 84 90 86 85 85 92 80 89 84 86 80 81 81 86 Each year we enjoy taking time to celebrate the amazing volunteers who make Girl Scouts possible at our Annual Meeting. This Spring, we were unfortunately not able to partake in our usual in-person recognition events for these dedicated and inspiring volunteers. We’re excited to take a moment here and honor all of those who continue to embody the Girl Scout mission with their time, talents, and commitment to the girls we serve.
Appreciation Pin Recognizes a volunteer who displays excellent service in delivering the Girl Scout Mission to one or more geographic areas, Girl Scout communities or program delivery audiences. Amanda Dorey 92 Ember Dortch 71 Valerie Garver 81 Anna Gee 77 Carrie Handy 71 Caitlin Hieden 91 Stacey Hughey 86 Ashley McKnight 83 Marissa Schultz 79 Melissa Shoaf 86 Jessica Shulda 78 Joanne Swan 70 Chris TenBraak 80 Dani VanArsdale 92 Gennifer Winger 82 Natalie Wood 79 Mathais Woosley 71 Jade Yeager 71 Stacey Zerbe 79
Honor Pin Honors an individual’s exemplary service in support of delivering the Girl Scout Leadership Experience, which has had measurable impact on two or more geographic areas of service, allowing the council to reach and surpass its mission delivery goals. Sean Davis 70 April Erwin 85 Terri Gibler 89 Jamie Hollon 91 Marie Morgan 88 Shanna Prior 85 Amie Scott 73 Malena Starr 74 Don Woosley 71
Treasured Time Celebrates the work of a volunteer who has made a significant impact on Girl Scouting with their time, talent, and treasure. Connie Allen 71 Vicky Chessmore 70 Jennifer Foos 74 Brenda Geist 79 Cherie Herredsberg 73 Ronda Holmes Mary Jo Jurey Tamillia Moore Jeanette Moore Nicole Parks Diana Staab Cherie Starbuck Victoria Starr Victoria Tully Shannon Vande Brake Trisha Walls 87 92 71 74 89 74 86 86 91 87 92
Thanks Badge I Recognizes an individual whose commitment, leadership, and service had an exceptional, measurable impact on meeting the mission delivery goals and priorities of the entire council or the entire Girl Scout Movement. Janine Eilert 89 Elaine Harrington 87 Joyce Russ 70
Young Alumna Shining Star This award is for Girl Scouts who make the transition from girl to adult member and continue to be involved in the movement beyond high school, providing leadership to the next generation of girls. Desirea Adelgren 87
Regional Recognitions For outstanding service above and beyond expectations in a region of the council. Crystal Evans 80 Wheatbelt Pascha Medlin 89 Wiedemann Carol Ruff 91 Wiedemann
President's Award Recognizes an entire service delivery team or committee whose support of Girl Scouts leads to a significant impact in reaching council goals. Service Unit 79 Event Committee Service Unit 85 Service Unit 91 Lead Team