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A Note From Julie

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Camp Beyond Binary

Camp Beyond Binary

The challenges of the last few years have taught me that one of the most important traits I can help to instill in my child is grit. Grit is described as “steadfast and maintaining the firmness of character needed to see things through.”

Our girls, volunteers, and staff have shown strength and resiliency during many difficult times in our Movement’s history. This past year, we continued to traverse unexpected challenges, meeting them head-on with courage, confidence, and character. We had the grit to keep going, moving forward, and pushing through.

It has been a year of rebuilding, recovering, and beginning anew. We remain strongly committed to expanding the reach and impact of Girl Scouts in the communities we serve.

As we look forward to a future that has been shaped and changed by a worldwide epidemic, we draw on the spirit of innovation, courage, and grit that propelled our organization throughout the last membership year and look forward to building upon this momentum well into the future.

Yours in Girl Scouting,

Julie Dale, CEO Girl Scouts of NYPENN Pathways

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