2 minute read

From your Board President

Our founder was a wise and intuitive leader. Her goal was to develop rich programs for girls that provided outdoor and life adventures. At the same time, she created a place for women of all ages to learn, to grow, and to lead. By doing this, a love for Girl Scouting and its ideals became part of every member’s core values. One skill, one task, one service project at a time, a Girl Scout is motivated and inspired to reach new heights and conquer more challenges. That’s part of what makes Girl Scouts a dynamic and exhilarating organization.

Our girls demonstrate this every day. Our adult volunteers do this too, by giving their time to leading troops, managing service units, and serving on our board of directors. We’re inspired by our girls and that propels us to do more. Through this, we grow as well. This issue of Raising Change focuses on these incredible volunteers who guide girls along the Girl Scout journey. They bring their best to their respective roles and we’re grateful for their passion.

I am proud to serve on our board as we strive to make decisions on behalf of our girls, our volunteers, and the sta team. Recently our board voted to maintain GSWNY’s “Future of Work” model which was developed in the latter days of the COVID pandemic. Our council sta works an aggressive four-day work week in a hybrid model that allows for exibility and work-life balance. Like Juliette Gordon Low, we are trailblazing in ways that hold meaning for a 21st century workforce. Our interim CEO Javeena Edwards is leading this charge with a talented and engaged team.

Our board is composed of community leaders and professionals who provide GSWNY with leadership and vital resources. These women and men believe in the value of Girl Scouting and its ability to develop the leaders of tomorrow. As a girl-led organization, our girls are also a critical part of our governance structure at the local and national levels (read all about our Girl Scout board members on page 4). I invite you to consider joining our board as we bring Girl Scouts into the future, please reach out to me for more information.

Our Girl Scout membership is thriving and growing. In doing so, we continue to rise and put forth our best every day, just as our founder expected.

Lynn M. Lubecki, Ed.D. President, Board of Directors GS.CEO@gswny.org

Cover photo, top left: Thanks to Sheila L. Brown, Manager and Principal Owner of Vision Multi Media Group, LLC (right) for opening the doors of WUFO’s radio studio to GSWNY to host a few recruitment nights. GSWNY’s Michelle A. Martin, Director of Strategic Partnerships (left), was on hand to register girls for new troops in Bu alo.

Cover photo, bottom left: Amy Miehl, Carol Homechenko, Linda Simpson, and friends gather around the camp re for songs at Camp Seven Hills. A Girl Scout tradition!

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