Girl Scouts River Valleys 2014 Annual Report

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Change the. World

Annual Report 2014



G I R L S C O U T S R I V E R VA L L E Y S A N N U A L R E P O R T 2 0 1 4



Letter from the Board Chair and CEO


Donor Highlights


Challenges That Girls Face


Girl Scouts ConnectZ


Outdoor Program


Girl Scout Gold Award


Standing Up Against Bullying in Minnesota


Women of Distinction Honorees


Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM)


Financial Report


Cookie Program


Endowment Report


Volunteer Highlights


Donors and Partners


Sustaining Partners

I N V E S T I N G I R L S . C H A N G E T H E WO R L D.




Directors Executive Officers Amy Kroll, Chair, Principal, Deloitte & Touche, LLP Janet L. Stacey, First Vice-Chair, Vice President, Health Care and Medical Device Clients, PadillaCRT Beth Voermans, Second Vice-Chair, Director, Financial Operations, Group Insurance, Securian Financial Group Kathleen Meyerle, Secretary, Attorney, Mayo Clinic Norma Porter, Treasurer, Director of Dental Administration, DeCare Dental

Directors At-Large Lisa Armstrong, Vice President of Global Marketing and Branding, Pentair Michele Azar, Vice President, Supply Chain – Multichannel Fulfillment & Growth, Best Buy Co., Inc. Millie Birr, Health Policy Director, American Association of Neuromuscular & Electrodiagnostic Medicine


Melisa Lopez Franzen, Minnesota State Senator, District 49 Gayle Hayhurst, Vice President of Human Capital, Schwan’s Home Service Division Megan Hertzler, Director of Information Governance, Xcel Energy Wendy Klager, Community Volunteer Nancy Klemek, Community Volunteer

4 Katharine (Katie) Knudtson, Audit Partner, Deloitte & Touche, LLP

Christine Longe, Deputy General Counsel, Optum Mary-Alice Muraski, Teaching and Learning Technologies Consultant, University of Wisconsin-River Falls Jeffrey Redmon, Attorney, Redmon Law Chartered Christine Sand, Entrepreneur Cynthia (Cindy) Sanders, Software Engineer, Vision Solutions Elizabeth Streeper, Community Volunteer Jennifer Suter, Ambassador Girl Scout, Girl Scouts of Minnesota and Wisconsin River Valleys Luke Wegner, Treasury Director, Ecolab Brett White, Vice President, International Finance, General Mills Jan Yeomans, Retired Executive, 3M


Board Chair and CEO When you consider that today’s girls are the pipeline for 50 percent of our future workforce, it’s important for us all to think about the economic and social implications of what is happening with girls right now.

At Girl Scouts of Minnesota and Wisconsin River Valleys, our work to instill courage, confidence, and character in girls is nothing short of awe-inspiring. We intervene at a critical point in girls’ lives to help them develop a sense of their future possibilities and build the skills and confidence to achieve success as they grow into young women. We wouldn’t be able to do this without your commitment to Girl Scouts. Through participation in age-specific activities, Girl Scouts are encouraged to discover their values, interests, and skills; connect with others locally and globally; and take action to create sustainable solutions to issues they care about. These activities take place in a supportive, all-girl environment where they can try new things without fear of failure.

We remain dedicated to making Girl Scouting available to any girl who wants to participate, regardless of ability to pay. In 2014, Girl Scouts River Valleys provided $500, 509 in grants to ensure access to the Girl Scout program. We also invested in our staff-led program, Girl Scouts ConnectZ, which offers the Girl Scout troop experience to low-income girls through partnerships with schools and community organizations. Your gifts have made all of this possible. We know that when girls succeed, society benefits. On behalf of the 36,000 girls and 15,000 volunteers and adult members of our council, thank you for making girls a priority. Your support makes a world of difference. Yours in Girl Scouting,

Amy Kroll Chair of the Board of Directors

Linda B. Keene Chief Executive Officer

I N V E S T I N G I R L S . C H A N G E T H E WO R L D.

Although girls are more likely to graduate from high school, and women now outnumber men on college campuses, there are still barriers that keep young women from taking on leadership roles or pursuing careers in high-growth STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) fields. Even in 2014, girls underestimate their own abilities and they experience a significant loss in self-esteem during adolescence. For girls of color, these problems are compounded by higher poverty and teen pregnancy rates and lower educational attainment.



While American girls have made gains in many areas, girls continue to face challenges that impact their ability to make successful transitions to adulthood and overcome barriers to gender equity as women.



I N V E S T I N G I R L S . C H A N G E T H E WO R L D.

Emotional and Physical Health During the transition from childhood to adolescence, girls experience a sharp decline in confidence, while this is much less true for boys. Girls are significantly more likely than boys to report signs of emotional distress. American Association of University Women, Shortchanging Girls, Shortchanging America, 1991



More than 1/4 of Minnesota high school girls report being bullied or harassed at school in the past 30 days.


By the time they graduate from high school, a significant number of Minnesota girls have experienced relationship violence. Minnesota Department of Education, Minnesota Student Survey, 2013

STEM Although women fill close to half of all jobs in the U.S. economy, they hold less than 25% of STEM jobs. In Minnesota, women make up approximately 50% of the workforce, but men are twice as likely to hold jobs in high-paying computer and mathematics occupations and 5 times as likely to work in architecture and engineering fields. United States Census Bureau, 2011 American Community Survey 1-Year Estimates for Minnesota, 2011

Leadership is not a top goal for girls, as only 39% say they want to be a leader. Only 21% of girls believe they possess the skills to lead. There are no women CEOs of any Fortune 500 company in Minnesota. Girl Scout Research Institute, Change it Up: What Girls Say About Redefining Leadership, 2008

I N V E S T I N G I R L S . C H A N G E T H E WO R L D.



Girl Scouts provides the right experiences and environment to help girls defy the statistics and grow into healthy and confident women.


36,000 G I R L




I N V E S T I N G I R L S . C H A N G E T H E WO R L D.




Girl Scouts participate in outdoor programming, which builds skills that help them combat social pressure and self-image issues. Self-Respect and Character Building • Responsibility Resourcefulness • Resilience • Community Living/Service Skills

that Girl Scouts provided them with opportunities to experience the outdoors that they would not otherwise have. Girl Scout Research Institute, More Than S’mores: Success and Surprises in Girl Scouts’ Outdoor Experiences, 2014

We served


campers this year.

I N V E S T I N G I R L S . C H A N G E T H E WO R L D.

50% of survey respondents said



They stand up for the health and safety of their peers.


Against Bullying I N M I N N E S O TA


Even at the age of ten, Lydia Ross, a Girl Scout Junior from Troop 54258, knows how to make her community a safer place for kids.


She’s currently working on her Bronze Award project, which will help younger Girl Scouts learn how to be an Up-Stander for Peace and Kindness – someone who knows how to step in and prevent bullying.

“I also learned that when you stand up for things you believe in, it makes you stronger. I plan to continue to work to prevent bullying because I know it’s the right thing to do, and I like helping others.”

When Lydia was in kindergarten, her second grade brother was teased, threatened, and even attacked at school. When the bullying didn’t stop, Lydia and her brother were forced to switch schools. This experience is what has inspired Lydia to take action and speak up for anti-bullying policies. Lydia attended youth summits at the State Capitol and legislative hearings for the Safe and Supportive Minnesota Schools Act. She visited

with her state legislators about why she supports the bill, staffed information booths at events, gave presentations, and collected petition signatures. She even provided a guest writer commentary for her local newspaper. “My experience advocating for the Safe and Supportive Minnesota Schools Act has taught me that speaking out and getting involved is important when there is a problem. Problems don’t get solved if people stay quiet and don’t do anything. Problems get fixed when people choose to fix them,” says Lydia. “I also learned that when you stand up for things you believe in, it makes you stronger. I plan to continue to work to prevent bullying because I know it’s the right thing to do, and I like helping others.”

I N V E S T I N G I R L S . C H A N G E T H E WO R L D.

Lydia’s Bronze Award isn’t her first anti-bullying initiative, however. This past year, she spent a great deal of time and energy campaigning in support of the Safe and Supportive Minnesota Schools Act, which has now been passed by the Minnesota State Legislature and signed into law by Governor Mark Dayton .



They gain critical exposure to STEM activities as well as women role models in STEM fields. Over the next 10 years, 5 out of 8 new jobs and 8 out of 10 of the highest-paying jobs will be in STEM fields. Girl Scouts will be ready. Bureau of Labor Statistics, Occupational Employment Projections to 2022, 2013

At STEM events, 96% of Girl Scouts have fun and 84% would like to try science again.

In Girl Scout STEM programming, 80% of girls connect with women in STEM fields at a River Valleys STEM event.



“Girl Scouts gave me a look at science that was different than the way we learned in school.” - M A YA , 9 T H G R A D E G I R L S C O U T


I N V E S T I N G I R L S . C H A N G E T H E WO R L D.

 “I learned how to run a small business from selling cookies.”





And they develop essential skills that will help them as tomorrow’s leaders. Goal Setting • Decision Making • People Skills Business Ethics • Money Management


troop proceeds earned


girls participated



cookie booths held



average packages sold per girl


packages of cookies donated through two donation programs

3,851,142 packages sold

I N V E S T I N G I R L S . C H A N G E T H E WO R L D.



At the heart of every Girl Scout experience are volunteers our girls’ role models and teachers.



K AT H R Y N B O N D S , a College

Recruiting Project Specialist at UnitedHealth Group, doesn’t have a daughter in Girl Scouts, yet she is in her fourth year of volunteering as a Brownie leader for a multi-level troop that meets out of Fellowship Missionary Baptist Church in North Minneapolis.


Her sense of commitment to her community is what brings her back every year. “I think it’s important to have leaders that look like them, says Kathryn. “Volunteering has always been something I’ve done. My father instilled that in me when I was young.”


Kathryn is one of five volunteers that lead the troop of 25 Girl Scouts. Girls come from all over the Twin Cities to participate in this troop, and they range in grade levels from Daisy to Ambassador. You can tell this is a tightknit group and Kathryn is thankful for the help she receives from the girls’ parents,

who are willing to help out when they can. One of the parents, for example, is coming to a meeting this year to lead a session on S.W.A.P.S., the tradition of Girl Scouts exchanging keepsakes. Kathryn likes to incorporate history and traditions into as many activities as possible and encourages giving back to the community. One memorable day from the past year for Kathryn was taking her Girl Scouts out for a day of service to clean out street drains and bag up trash. The experiences that Kathryn provides for her troop create meaningful learning opportunities that help them not only build skills, but friendships and connections. She also gets something back as a volunteer, too. She shares, “It’s so fun to see girls grow, parents grow, and the volunteers grow.”


T radition

“I was a Girl Scout and my mother was my troop leader,” says Terry, now a leader for her daughters’ Girl Scout Cadette and Brownie troops. ”I just remember having so much fun with my mom, and I wanted my girls to have that same feeling with me.”

As a troop leader, Terry has helped her troop learn about topics like self-defense, technology, art, and public relations. Her daughter even developed a special interest in science after a parent led Home Scientist badge activities at a troop meeting. “Because of Girl Scouts, my daughter has started a Sunday Science Club. One Sunday a month, we research a science experiment for her fellow Girl Scouts and classmates to investigate,” describes Terry. Another proud moment for Terry was her troop’s completion of the Girl Scout Bronze Award, the highest honor a Girl Scout Junior can achieve. The girls worked together

to create a series of promotional videos highlighting the grand opening of Brookview Park in Golden Valley, MN. “We worked with a local television studio and each girl had a job. Some girls wrote the script, while others were responsible for the lighting and props, sound effects, and editing. It was so fulfilling seeing the finished videos on the City of Golden Valley’s website plus at the grand opening ceremony at the park.”

As a volunteer, Terry is helping build our next generation of women leaders. “The moments when I see girls in my troop finding new hobbies and skills are why I am a troop leader,” reflects Terry. “Those moments are priceless and make volunteering worth every minute.”

I N V E S T I N G I R L S . C H A N G E T H E WO R L D.

Terry has seen first-hand that Girl Scouts is much more than camps, cookies, and crafts. Girl Scouts has given her more time to spend with her daughters, while she watches them become confident and open to trying new things.



Girl Scouts River Valleys is extremely grateful to our Sustaining Partners for their support.

Sustaining Partners

I N V E S T I N G I R L S . C H A N G E T H E WO R L D.

These companies and organizations have generously invested in Girl Scouts because they believe in the enduring impact of the Girl Scout mission. Their generosity empowers girls to reach their fullest potential, enabling them to discover what’s important to them, connect with their communities, and take action to make the world a better place. Girl Scouts’ supporters know that when girls succeed, so does society—and Girl Scouts River Valleys thanks them for investing in girls who will change the world!


With help from all of our supporters, we’re bringing positive change to the world.


true passion?

Without a second thought, can you express your enthusiasm and support for a particular cause? Imagine knowing for certain what drives you to be the best version of yourself. A . J . S T E I N B R I N G is someone who

can without a doubt state the one thing she is wholly dedicated to.


“Girl Scouts is my life blood. I have been a member of Girl Scouts for 27 years. This organization means the world to me,” states A.J.


Affectionately known as “Sweet Pea” through her time spent at Camp Northwoods, A.J. is the youngest Juliette Gordon Low Society member currently at Girl Scouts River Valleys. Making the decision to allot funds to Girl Scouts through her retirement and living will was an easy one for her.

“I have to give back to Girl Scouts. If I don’t give back, I’m cheating the organization that has given me so much,” describes A.J. Since 2007, A.J. has been donating to Girl Scouts. Her contributions have helped make Girl Scouting possible for girls in our communities. “I don’t have a daughter in Girl Scouts. There is no biological need to contribute to Girl Scouts. This organization is simply part of my pulse. My donations, although small, make a huge impact on the life of a girl,” says A.J.

A Sisterhood


Growing up, Robin Stegner played in her high school band, sang in chorus, was a yearbook staff member, and was even voted the “Most Versatile Girl” in her senior class.

“For me, Girl Scouts was the place where I became confident and found my sisters. Girl Scouts became a second home for me,” describes Robin. The sisterhood Robin developed through Girl Scouts has lasted 56 years. Throughout her lifetime, Robin has not only volunteered her time to Girl Scouts, but she has also been a staff member for several councils throughout the country. No matter where Robin has lived, there has been a single constant—Girl Scouts. “As a young adult I relocated to several different cities and even out of state. In every case, I started out knowing very few people; however, because of my

ties to Girl Scouts, I was always able to find like-minded people who shared my beliefs and values. Girl Scouts has been there for me both as a girl and an adult.” As a Lifetime Member and an active member of the Redwood Falls community, Robin knows the importance of advocating for today’s girls. She is helping to make sure girls have a multitude of opportunities to discover how they can contribute and lead in our society. This tradition of investing in girls was instilled in Robin early by her parents, who were also members of the Juliette Gordon Low Society. “The sisterhood I have enjoyed through Girl Scouts has made it easy for me to contribute. It is a pleasure to give back to an organization that I value so much.”

I N V E S T I N G I R L S . C H A N G E T H E WO R L D.

She achieved many successes at a young age, however the place Robin truly shined was in Girl Scouts.


Girl Scout programming – supported by our volunteers, donors, and sponsors – is offered to girls in our communities who would otherwise not be able to afford it. Girl Scouts provides girls with the opportunity to challenge the odds and succeed.

ECONOMIC WELL-BEING Although the child poverty rate of 14% in Minnesota is lower than the national average, poverty is a significant issue in the state for girls of color.

Percentage of girls in poverty AFRICAN AMERICAN



U.S. Census Bureau, American Community Survey, 2013




Four-year graduation rates for African American, Latina, and American Indian girls are considerably lower than the state average of 80%. Minnesota Department of Education, 2013







Stats Nearly

9 in 10 girls report they try harder in schools.


There are more than 3,000 girls in River Valleys’ Girl Scouts ConnectZ program.

The Girl Scout ConnectZ initiative reaches girls who often lack access to out-of-school opportunities that build non-academic skills like teamwork, goal-setting, and persistence. Girl Scouts ConnectZ is offered at no cost to participating girls and families, ensuring that all girls can join and develop skills for a successful future.


of middle school participants report Girl Scouts is a place they feel welcome.

I N V E S T I N G I R L S . C H A N G E T H E WO R L D.

6 in 10 girls

will be the first generation in their family to attend postsecondary education.



 Last year alone, River Valleys Gold and Silver Award recipients invested over 23,000 hours to improve their local and global communities.

28 PHOTO CREDIT: Post-Bulletin, Rochester



Local Girl Scout Increases Community’s Health Literacy As a teenager, Krysta White was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes. Being an adolescent is challenging enough without having a health condition, but Krysta was determined to regain a healthy lifestyle. After her diagnosis, Krysta started reading books at her library about nutrition, diabetes, and other health conditions. “I realized a lot of people didn’t know that our local library had these types of books. There are so many helpful books on healthy living, but no one was checking these resources out,” says Krysta. This discovery sparked the basis of Krysta’s Girl Scout Gold Award project. To raise awareness about the connection between good nutrition and disease prevention, Krysta partnered with the Rochester Public

Library and the People’s Food Co-op of Rochester. The Rochester Public Library let Krysta create a library of health and nutrition related books to be housed at the People’s Food Co-op. “People can go to the co-op and check out books right there. There are also new books filtered in routinely. Luckily, the co-op has continued to run the library even after I completed my Gold Award project,” describes Krysta. After only a month of Krysta’s library being in place at the co-op, more than half of the books had been checked out. “The manager of the People’s Food Co-op has told me how hard it’s been to keep the shelves stocked with books! It is a great feeling knowing people are actually using this resource and bettering themselves,” Krysta says.

Laura Anderson Alena Ave-Lallemant Marissa Bartels Rachel Binish Kate Carroll Gwen Cheney Mariah Christensen Elizabeth Dauk Mikyla Denney Cassandra Dulek Grace Garry Courtney Gastecki Becca Gonsior Erin Goodson Morgan Grimm Celia Hallan Bobbie Harjo Grace Hauff Laura Heinzen Sarah Hemstad Summer Hoeft Emily Hohenshell Maddy Jackson Katie Jecha Alexis Johnson Cecelia LechnerRiehle

Vanessa Lee Zhuoqian Li Madeleine Logeais Johanna Low Heather McGahan Jessica Meyer Sara Morton Elizabeth Moy Kristina Newland Leanna Nielsen Emily Norgrant Ellen O’Connell Grace Oehrlein Danielle Reinertson Savannah Riese Callan Schackor Laura Serier Mikaela Sharon Rebekah Steward Alexandra Trnka Clare Umberger Anne Velazquez Stephanie Vos Sarah Whisler Krysta White Ellen Wick 29 Ahna Wilson I N V E S T I N G I R L S . C H A N G E T H E WO R L D.

Girl Scouts are doing outstanding things to improve communities in Minnesota, Wisconsin, and around the globe.

The Gold Award is the highest award in Girl Scouting. Generations of young women have made a difference in their communities both locally and globally through their sustainable Gold Award projects.


Women who have been in Girl Scouts are leaders in their fields. They are breaking through barriers.


Girl Scout alumnae are more engaged in volunteerism and community service, they have attained higher levels of education, and they perform better on key economic indicators.

K A R E N PA R K G A L L I VA N Vice President, General Counsel and Secretary, Graco Inc.



President and CEO, Select Comfort

Retired President and CEO, NSP/ Xcel Energy


S A N D R A L . VA R G A S

– Girl Scouting Works: The Alumnae Impact Study, Girl Scout Research Institute, 2012

Co-Founder, President and CEO, Innovative Office Solutions

Vice President of Environmental Health, Safety, and Sustainability Operations, 3M

President and CEO, Minneapolis Foundation

Girl Scouts RiverValleys WO M E N O F D I S T I N C T I O N 2014 HONOREES


Executive Vice President and Chief Marketing Officer, Health Partners

Girl Scout Alumnae and our community’s leaders.

I N V E S T I N G I R L S . C H A N G E T H E WO R L D.




Board Treasurer and CFO Girl Scouts River Valleys closed fiscal year 2014 with growth in net assets of $2.4 million and an operating surplus, despite a decline in membership and revenue. Aggressive management of operating expenses, including additional adjustments to our staffing levels to align expenses with revenues, resulted in an operations surplus of $424,514 at the close of the year. Contributed income from both individual and corporate foundation donations also finished the year slightly above planned results. A positive change in net assets of $2,439,895* included a significant one-time gain from the sale of a decommissioned property (Camp Greenwood), with proceeds from the sale being added to the board designated property fund endowment. In addition, River Valleys’ overall results included sizable unrealized gains on our investment portfolio. Our financial position is solid and our internal controls and processes remain strong. The year-end audit was completed with no audit adjustments, material weaknesses, or operational management comments identified. The statement of financial position remained strong, with total assets of nearly $43 million and no long-term debt. River Valleys is committed to ensuring that Girl Scouting remains accessible and affordable for years to come.


With a keen eye to the future,


Norma Porter Treasurer

Scott Schufman Chief Financial Officer

*Change in net assets of $2,439,895 equals the total revenue of $15,829,883 less total expenses of $13,563,024 less depreciation on assets held for sale of $241,750 and restructure costs of $251,891 plus unrealized investment gains of $666,677.

Financials River Valleys dedicates 80.2% of budget to programming


was provided as Financial Assistance to girls, troops, and volunteers.

2 0 1 4 T O TA L E X P E N S E S



Program Expenses


� Product Sales


Administrative Expenses


� Contributions


Fundraising Expenses


� Decommissioned Property Sale $1,842,345


� Resident Camp Fees



� Realized Investment Income


� Girl Leadership Dev. Program


� Shop Sales


� Member and Volunteer Support


� Event Program Fees


� Camp Maintenance


� Facility Rental Fees


� Retail Services

� Other



I N V E S T I N G I R L S . C H A N G E T H E WO R L D.

2 0 1 4 T O TA L R E V E N U E


At Girl Scouts, we are connected by our beloved traditions as well as the possibilities that lay ahead as we look towards the future for girls and Girl Scouting.

Endowment 2 014


(fiscal year ending September 30, 2014)



Financial Assistance Ensure that every girl who wants to be a Girl Scout has the opportunity to become one by providing critical financial support to those in need. Funding travel scholarships gives girls the opportunity to interact with new people, cultures, and perspectives, and challenges them to grow as individuals.


Gold Award Scholarship Fund the academic futures of girls who have earned the Girl Scout Gold Award, which is presented to girls who demonstrate extraordinary leadership through execution of sustainable service projects for their communities.

Juliette Gordon Low Secure the financial stability of Girl Scouting for current and future generations of girls by giving to this crucial fund, named in honor of Girl Scouts’ founder, Juliette Gordon Low. Camp - Board Designated Preserve the legacy of the camping experience through support of highquality camp programs and wellmaintained properties. General Purposes – Board Designated Support current operations of Girl Scouts River Valleys through unrestricted bequests and deferred gifts.

2014 FINANCIAL SUMMARY Endowment Focus


Financial Assistance (includes travel scholarship) $612,309 Gold Award Scholarship


Juliette Gordon Low


Camp – Board Designated


General Purposes – Board Designated Total Endowment Balance

$1,832,251 $9,225,653

The investment committee meets quarterly to provide guidance to the board of directors to fulfill their fiduciary responsibilities related to prudent management of River Valleys’ invested assets. This committee is supported by Slocum and Associates, an investment advisory firm overseeing the investment of Girl Scouts River Valleys’ endowment funds. Committee Members as of September 30, 2014: MI L L I E AC A MOV IC , Northwest Area Foundation JOS EPH BE T L E J, Advantus Capital Management

2 0 1 4 E N D OW M E N T N O T E S Endowment income transferred to support Girl Scout programs equaled $341,016 in fiscal year 2014, an increase of $20,786 over fiscal year 2013. Investment returns on endowment assets equaled 9.50%.

SPENDING POLICY The endowment spending policy is designed to stabilize annual spending levels and to preserve the value of endowment principal. Combined with a smoothing rule, a long-term targeted spending rate is used to gradually adjust spending changes in endowment market value. River Valleys’ spending rate is five percent of the market value of investments over a three-year rolling average.

A S S E T A L LO C A T I O N All Girl Scouts River Valleys investments are strategically allocated among diverse mutual funds.

SU S A N N A GI BB ONS , RBC Global Asset Management TR AC Y H OWA R D, M. A. Mortenson Company W EN DY K L AGE R , Investment Committee Chair

26% U.S. Fixed Income

14% U.S. Equity 10% Real Estate

C H R I S R A S MU SS E N, SIT Investment Associates L A U R I S A LVER DA , Clerestory Advisors, Inc.

8% Global Fixed Income

42% Global Equity

I N V E S T I N G I R L S . C H A N G E T H E WO R L D.





To all of our supporters, thank you for making girls a priority. Girl Scouts River Valleys has carefully reviewed all donations to ensure proper recognition of each gift. If we have made an error or you prefer an alternative recognition, please contact us at 800-845-0787 or We gratefully acknowledge all those who made outright gifts and pledge payments, which may also include a gift in-kind commitment, during the past fiscal year of October 1, 2013 to September 30, 2014.

Greater Twin Cities United Way Joyful Women Fund


3M Foundation Andersen Corporate Foundation CBS Outdoor Clear Channel Outdoor Fred C. and Katherine B. Andersen Foundation Margaret A. Cargill Foundation Otto Bremer Foundation United Way of Olmsted County


Best Buy Children’s Foundation Carlson & The Carlson Family Foundation General Mills Foundation Hugh J. Andersen Foundation Mayo Clinic The Saint Paul Foundation W.K. Kellogg Foundation Wells Fargo Bank N.A. Wells Fargo Foundation Women’s Foundation of Minnesota Xcel Energy Foundation

$10,000–$24 ,999

Anonymous (2) 3M Corporation Allina Health System Carolyn Foundation Ecolab Foundation F.R. Bigelow Foundation Fox 9 KMSP Greater Mankato Area United Way Hardenbergh Foundation Hilton Minneapolis The Hormel Foundation The Pentair Foundation Travelers Foundation United Way of Mower County Wells Fargo Bank Minnesota

Anonymous Best Buy Corporate, Inc. Boomerang Foundation Deloitte LLP Express Scripts Foundation Girl Scouts of the USA HealthPartners Horton Holding, Inc. IBM Corporation Innovative Office Solutions Julia Kaemmer Fund of HRK Foundation Land O’ Lakes, Inc. Mardag Foundation Medtronic Foundation Mpls St. Paul Magazine Northwest Area Foundation Rochester Area Foundation TempForce - Minneapolis Thomson Reuters United Way of the Brown County Area United Way St. Croix Valley Wells Fargo Community Support Campaign William H. Phipps Foundation

$1,000 - $4 ,999

Anonymous Advantage Emblem AgStar Financial Services American Express Employee Giving Program Ameriprise Financial Employee Gift Matching Program Ameriprise Financial Employee Giving Campaign Archie D. & Bertha H. Walker Foundation Ashdon Farms/QSP Atomic Data, LLC Baker Tilly Virchow Krause, LLP Bemis Company Foundation Bickel & Brewer Foundation Blackwell Burke P.A. Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Minnesota Boomerang Foundation Caledonia Charities

Carlson Children’s Hospitals and Clinics of Minnesota DeCare Dental Dorsey & Whitney LLP Eagan Service Unit Early Risers Exchange Club Emerson Process Management - Rosemount Inc. Faegre Baker Daniels LLP Faribault and Medford Service Unit Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund Fredrikson & Byron, P.A. Frenzel Foundation GE United Way Campaign Girl Scout Troop 30158 Graco Foundation Graco, Inc. Great River Energy Greene Espel PLLP Highlanders and Kewaydin Service Unit Honeywell Hometown Solutions Jackson United Fund Lakamaga Conference Lights and Lakes Day Camp Maguire Agency Margaret H. and James E. Kelley Foundation Midway Mens Club Minnesota Valley Electric Cooperative Minnesota Youth Athletic Services Mutual of America Nicollet County Service Unit Oak Shore Hills/Mounds View Service Unit Oppenheimer Wolff & Donnelly, LLP PadillaCRT PepsiCo Employee Giving Campaign Plainview Firefighters Relief Association Prairie Sun Service Unit Rahr Foundation Ramsey Lions Club Rapid Press Printing Red Wing Shoe Company Foundation Robins, Kaplan, Miller & Ciresi LLP Rosewood Service Unit Saint Croix Central Service Unit 37 I N V E S T I N G I R L S . C H A N G E T H E WO R L D.


$100,000 +





Securian Financial Group Select Comfort SRI St. Croix Valley Foundation St. Peter Service Unit TCF Foundation Terhuly Foundation The Bush Foundation The Elizabeth C. Quinlan Foundation The Hubbard Broadcasting Foundation The Minneapolis Foundation The Polaris Foundation The Schwan’s Food Company The Wade Financial Group Charitable Fund Think Mutual Bank Thomson Reuters Matching Gifts Program Thomson Reuters Volunteer Hour Program Thrivent Financial for Lutherans Employee Giving Campaign Thrivent Financial for Lutherans Foundation Tonka Waters East Service Unit United Way of Dodge County United Way of Fairmont United Way of Hastings United Way of Washington County East, Inc. UnitedHealth Group UnitedHealth Group Matching Gift Fund Vista Star Service Unit Waseca Area United Way Wayzata Service Unit WINGS: Women in Northfield Giving Support Xcel Energy Corporation Xcel Energy Foundation Matching Program


Aetna Foundation AgriBank American Express - Global Volunteer Action Fund Program American Girl Doll Store-Mall of America American Legion Post 43 *deceased

Ameriprise Financial Anoka Area Kiwanis Arbor Lakes Service Unit AT&T Employee Giving Campaign Austin Noon Kiwanis Autumn Ridge/Southern Stars Service Unit Bird Island Community United Fund Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Minnesota Foundation Braham Service Unit Brickhouse Getaway, LLC Burnsville/Savage Service Unit Cargill, Inc. Centennial Service Unit Central Bank- North Hudson and Hudson CIGNA Foundation Crow River Service Unit Cub Foods - Har Mar Donaldson Foundation Eagan Rotary Club Early Risers/Noon Kiwanis Ecolab Inc. Edina Service Unit Elk River Service Unit Fairmont Service Unit Fairmount Minerals Fairview Health Services First State Bank & Trust Girl Scout Day Camp - Rosemount Girl Scout Troop 10406 Girl Scout Troop 11725 Girl Scout Troop 12965 Girl Scout Troop 13433 Girl Scout Troop 13551 Girl Scout Troop 50758 Girl Scout Troop 51104 Girl Scout Troop 70519 Goodrich Corporation Partners in Giving Plan Grantsburg Service Unit Greater Brown County Service Unit Greater Rochester Service Unit Hennepin Technical College Honeywell International Charity Matching Izaak Walton Chapter #79 Jackson Service Unit Jordan Service Unit

Kopp Family Foundation Lexington Floral - Shoreview Lions Club - Hammond Loyal Order of Moose Lodge #1544 LSP - Cottage Grove, L.P. Mall of America Martin County and Fairmont Service Unit Mayo Clinic Health System - Albert Lea and Austin Public Affairs McLeod Cooperative Power Association Merit Chevrolet Microsoft Matching Gifts Program Mid Du Lac Service Unit Minco Products, Inc. Minneapolis Elks Lodge #44 Minneapolis Lakes Service Unit Montgomery, Lonsdale and LeCenter Service Unit Network for Good New Brighton Service Unit New Horizon Thrift Store Nexen Group North Pines Service Unit Northfield Hospital NuStar Energy L.P. PCL Construction Services, Inc. Pine City Service Unit Pine Island Service Unit Pizza Ranch - Elk River Polaris Industries, Inc. PSAV Presentation Services RBC Wealth Management Rice County Pork Producers Robbinsdale Service Unit Rogers Service Unit Rushford-Peterson Community Chest SaNeCo Service Unit Sherburn Community Chest Shopbop Sioux Valley Energy Customers’ Trust Slayton Firemans Relief Association Slocum & Associates Somerset Service Unit South Saint Paul Service Unit Spookamaga St. Louis Park Service Unit State Farm Companies Foundation Symantec Corporation

Target Corporation Target Foundation The Benevity Community Impact Fund The Crown Construction Company, Inc. The University of Saint Catherine The UPS Foundation Tracy United Fund Travelers Community Connections Matching Gifts Program U.S. Bancorp Foundation Employee Gift Matching Program United Fund of Kenyon United Prairie Bank United Way of Greater Atlanta United Way of the Capital Region University of Minnesota University of Minnesota Alumni Association Valley Lake Service Unit VFW Auxiliary Post 4258 Walmart Foundation Waseca Lions Club Waseca Service Unit West Carver Service Unit Western National Insurance White Bear South Service Unit Whitewater Service Unit Woodbury Service Unit Woodlake Service Unit Xcel Energy Center Zachry Engineering Corporation


Anonymous Barbara and David Koch Grace B. Wells Fund of The Minneapolis Foundation

$10,000-$24 ,999

Anonymous Katherine B. Andersen Fund of The Saint Paul Foundation Estate of Sidonia Balke* Carol Bierbrauer Lorraine H. and Richard J. Carlander Family Sandra and Donald Craighead


Anonymous Craighead Family Fund of The Saint Paul Foundation Hayes Family Fund Marlys Knuth Joan Krikava Valerie Halverson Pace Norma and David Porter Jeannine and Warren Rivet Christine M. Sand

$1,000-$4 ,999

Anonymous (2) Alkire Family Foundation Beverly Aplikowski Lisa Armstrong Michele and Miquel Azar Ruth and Mike Bash Tisha Bolger Janet Boyle Tammy and Michael Broderick Kathleen and David Carlsen Leslie and Gerald Chapman Judith and Richard Corson Jonathan M. Curtis Memorial Fund Watson P., Jr. and Ariel D. W. Davidson Fund of The Saint Paul Foundation Jean M. Dehning Sandra and Nancy Berg Dickson Charles & Jean Engasser Foundation Tim J. Fischer Patience Gall Joan and James Gardner Beth, Jerry, Joan and Janice Geis Janet and Philip Gracia Jean and Tim Hanle Kathryn and John Hatlestad Megan Hertzler George A. Hormel

Testamentary Trust Virginia Hubbard Morris M. Huerta-Lopez Jeff Jacobs Lucy Jones and Jim Johnson Linda B. Keene Wendy Klager Katie and Joseph Knudtson Lynn Krapf Jean LeJune Rev. Kathi Mahle Rosanne Malevich Andrea Malloy Chris Martin Kathryn and George May Kathleen McMahon Kathy Meyerle Betsy and Jim Moore Pam Moret Carol and Doug Ogren Rhoda and Greg Olsen Amanda Olson Sabra Otteson Lorena Palm Sally and Tom Patterson Linda and Jarrod Peterson Donna Pietsch Christy and Kevin Post Cynthia and Jeffrey Redmon Janis and Craig Reidlinger Sharon and Robert Ryan Cindy and Peter Sanders Marianne Short and Raymond Skowyra Romy Shreve Karen and Bill Snedeker Spatz Family Andrea Specht Janet Stacey Eugenia and Lee Steffens Lisa and Kenneth Steffes Robin Gay Stegner and Scott Larson Elizabeth Streeper Jean and Steven Sweeney Martha J. Tateosian Caroline and Richard Thompson Heidi Thorson

Jennifer Thorson Sandra L. Vargus Fund of The Minneapolis Foundation Beth and Gerald Voermans Mrs. and Mr. Jerry Wade Andrea Walsh Kathleen Watts Abby and Luke Wegner Brett White Mary and Kevin Wilde Debra Wilkinson Phyllis and Anton Willerscheidt Pam Wurster Pang Xiong Mary and William Zrust


Anonymous (5) Melanie Abraham Rachel and Mark Anderson Heidi and Jeremy Andrist Kristen Andrus Randall Aranguren Missi Arens Tiffany Armas Wendi Arndt Sandra Aslaksen Peggy and Mark Bakko Connie Barry Foundation within The Raymond James Charitable Endowment Fund Christine Barry Angie Bastian Debra and Mark Bentfield Kathleen and Joseph Betlej Jimmi Lane-Bina and John Bina Elizabeth Bixby Louise and John Bjorkman Lee Blake Susan S. Boren Joan Borowiec Jayne and Jim Bradshaw Rebecca Brandt Cathy Breyer Sara and David Bright Mary Brown Sarah and Doug Burckhardt Tawonda Burks

Dorothea Burns Kimberly Button Susan and Arne Carlson Karen and Daniel Carlson Amy Caron Mary Ann Carter Janice and Donald Charpentier Margaret Citron Sandra Clair Jessica Clancy Cathy J. Clarke Mary and Patrick Clough Diane and Matthew Clysdale Jody Collis Jessica and John Comstock Carol and Robert Cook Jeff Cotton Lynda and Dean Czarnetzki Linda and Peter Dahm Sarah and Steven Dale Robert Daly Sara Danzinger Edie Deering Brenda Dege Gail and Daniel Devery Loralee DiLorenzo Kathleen and Paul Dinndorf Ann and Daniel Dixon Marti and Thomas Dixon Pamela and Bradley Dominicak Kate and Douglas Donaldson Bryce Doty Danielle Drevlow Colleen Dunn Sue Ebertz Laurene and Tim Engel Peggy Erickson Sara Ernst Louellen Essex The David R. and Elizabeth Fesler Fund of The Saint Paul Foundation Mike and Linda Fiterman Family Foundation Nancy and James Forman Patricia M. Frankenfield Jennifer Freeburg Lorene Freehill

Karen Gallivan Molly Garvey Pam Garvey Mary and Clyde Gates Cathy and Jeff Gendreau Jessica Gibson Doreen and Robert Gloede Phyllis Goff Ethel and Chauncey Griggs Brenda Ingalls Hanson Jo-Ida Hansen Nancy and Meldean Harnisch Carol Hatcher and Peter Jacobs Gayle and Greg Hayhurst Lori Helmer Amanda Hegstrom Jerry Herman Jacqueline Hill and Donald Christensen Micah Hines Joleen and Jason Hoeve Holly Hoglund Klein Deborah Hopp and Christopher Dahl Nancy and Robert Hughes Robert Hunn Angela Hutchinson Shelly Ibach Nancy Johnson Wanda Johnson Martha and Art Kaemmer Kim and Jim Kaster Carol Kaune Elaine Keefe Cindy and Kelton Kent Kathryn Kerst Jeanine Kiefer Steven G. King Mary and Tom Kingston Judith A. Kinsey Julie and Douglas Kleist Nancy Klemek Stacie Klitz Deyonne Knight Katherine Knowles Linda Krach Laurie and Mike Krachmer Kay Kramer and Sally Johnson *deceased

I N V E S T I N G I R L S . C H A N G E T H E WO R L D.

Doree A. Gamble* Family Trust Hallett Trust Amy and Ryan Kroll Estate of Florence Moxham* Silver and Gold Friends Club






Kerry and Tim Kraus Denice and Robert Krish Jama and Jeffrey Kriz Andy Kroll Beth Krueger Laurie M. Lafontaine Doreen and Jerome Lardy Marlyce and Don Lee Catherine and Peter Lenagh Joseph Lenz Beth Kieffer Leonard Cynthia Lesher Judith and Richard Lien Mary Lind Nancy and John Lindahl Meredith Lindley Ruth and Brian Long Susan Adams Loyd Jay Lund Anne Mahle and David McCarthy Mary Ruth Manthey Sharon and Alan Marquardt Rachelle Marvin and James Stock Marie Maslowski and Lionel Gordon Peggy Matthees Sherla and David Mayer Brenda McCann Donald and Anne McCarthy Jodi McCormack Denise and Clayton McNeff Erin Merrill Julia Miller Michelle and Al Miller Terry Michem and Diana Orr Terry Moen Sarah and James Monner Crystal Monson Vicki and Dale Morey Valerie and John Mortinson Marlene and John Mulrooney Susan and Emmanuel Munson-Regala *deceased

Joann and David Murphy Marilyn and Glen Nelson Juliann Nelson-Duffy Rebecca Nessette Ann Newhall and Richard Schleuss Genie Newville Ruth Nicolai Dana and Timothy O’Connor Pam and Dan Omann Julie Owen Marcia Page Norling Brothers Foundation - Palmer Norling Family Shannon and Lane Paolocci Kristen Pavelka Barb Payne Christina and Juan Paz Julie and John Peirson Theresa Pesch Patricia Peters Carol and Scott Peterson Tina Ham Peterson and Eric Peterson Karin and Doug Petty Julie Peyer Randall Pfeifer Stephanie and Jason Pommier Amy Rademacher Lisa and Mike Rademacher Robin and Steve Rasmussen Norling Brothers Foundation - Rayburn Norling Family Abigail Richardson Riley Family Fund of The American Center for Philanthropy Amy and Jan Rintamaki Robin Ritter and Ben Emmons Michael Roglaski Rebecca Roloff Lee Roper-Batker Jolene Ross Richard Ross LeAnn and Patrick Rossbach Kristen and Frank Salava Carolyn and Christopher Sandberg William Saul Francine Savage Keith Schade

Breia Schleuss Christine and Mark Schreier Nancy and David Schrimp Scott Schufman Bonita and Russell Schultz Cheryl L. Seely Mary and Dennis Selby Shelly and Brian Serra Lisa and Peter Sharbo Susan and Wayne Shelton Jennifer Smith Kristy Soelv Lori A. Sorenson Florence Sprague and David Misemer Sheila and Paul Stahler Tammy Lee Stanoch Emily and Dan Stephans Karen Stewart Naomi and Dayne Stewart Rachael and Barrett Sullivan Marianne Thielen Andrew Thomas Marianne Thompson Mary Gwen Thompson Tracie Thone Kari and Daniel Toft Robin Torgerson Nancy Truax Carol B. Truesdell Jennifer and Michael Truman Colleen and Tom Tweite Julie VanDale C. Lynn Vincent Fund “Lynn’s Fund” of The Minnesota Community Foundation Jill Weihrauch Bill Weimer Olive Welch Emily A. White Cristan and Thomas White Carol Wicktor Leonard and Jean Wilkening Fund of The Saint Paul Foundation Margaret Winters Sandi and Don Wintz JuvaLee and Donald Wolf Wilhelmina Wright and

Dan Schmechel Mary Edna and Alan Wuertenberger Phyllis and Anton Willerscheidt Foundation


Anonymous (25) Athena and Dan Adkins Carol Agnes Sarah and Tyler Akins Barbara Allan Ann Allison Judith Alme Albert J. Ambrose J. Forrest and Harriet H. Anderson Marsha and John Anderson Michelle and Mark Anderson Midge and Bob Andreas Catherine Andresen Kristine Antoski Jennifer Athanases Pamela Stegora Axberg Denise and Brad Baker Mary Bangle Pamela Barkela Lynn M. Basham Lisa Baumann Cathy and John Baumgartner Jeanette Bazis Ann and John Beane Liz and Dan Becker Terri Beckstead Mary and Tony Belden Marcia and Gary Belisle Sharon Sayles Belton Lynda Bennett Lavone Bennington Kimberly Benson-Johnson and David Johnson Michael Bentinck-Smith Anne and Carl Berberich Shannon Berg Lisa and Eric Berglund William Berneking Rose and John Berry Robert Biancamano Lori Bilderback Tawanna and Eric Black Wendy Blossom

Michele Bolden Shaila and Tom Bolger John Borger Karen Boros Beth Bouman Stacy and Cliff Bowdish Liz Boyd Shreyasi Brahmbhatt Frank Brixius Jr. Sara Brokaw Jacqueline Brudlos Mary Ellen and Donald* Brue Emily Burk Samantha Burns Rettke Elaina Buzzell Linda Capristo Craig Carlson Deborah and Scott Carlson Linda and Jerome Carlson Jill Carlson Karen and Greg Carlson Trista Carlson Jean A. Carraher Dylan Cassidy Ann Cathcart Jennifer Charpentier Cynthia Childs-Hager Suzanne Chochrek Debra Christensen Everett Christensen Rose Christie Elizabeth Christjansen Doris and Lorran Church Patty H. Clancy Kristin Cleary Katherine Cole Wendy Coles Mary Conners Diane Cooke Kathleen H. Corley Barbara and Todd Corniea Julie Costello Mary and Samuel Cote KC Cox Sarah Crosby Stephanie and Henry Crosby Betty Jayne and Kenneth Dahlberg

Helen Grant Hazen Graves Mary Green Teresa Gurin Teresa and John Guthmann Maia Haag Judith Halabrin and John Fisch Melanie and Kenneth Hall Beth Halloran Joseph Hammel Stephanie and Gregg Hammerly Laura and Steven Hansen Judith Hanson John Harrington Mary and Richard Harrington Amy and Aaron Hass Mary and Louis Hauser Jelan Heidelberg Beth Heinz Catherine Heither and Susan Mooney Kenneth Heller Texas Hemmaplardh H. Jed Hepworth and Lee H. Schubert Cora and Florencio Heras Sally Hickman Patricia Hilleman Susan Hofeld Steve Hoffman Judy Hunter Alana Bolle and Kevin Hustings Nancy Hylden Joan Ireland and Joe Springer Lorinda and Mike Jackson Kristi and Chad Jacobsen Pamela and Donald Jakes Tracey and Craig Jeffrey Andrea Jensen Valerie Jensen Jessica Johannes-Wick Cheryl Johnsen Cyndi Johnson Hicok and Kurt Hicok Jan Johnson Mark Johnson Pamela Johnson Sandra and Ronald Johnson

Susan Johnson Suzy and Thad Johnson Troy Johnson Wanda Johnson Shirley R. Jones Loralean Jordan Gina Kastel Ashley Kees Jayne Khalifa Elizabeth Kiernat Karin and Kenneth Kierzek Byron Kieser Audrey and Ron Kintzi Andrea Kircher Judith and Edward Kishel Mary and Karl Kjeldsen June Klaphake Carol and John Kleiner Kathryn Kleiter Felisa and Ronald Kline Peter Kokemueller Marla Kontak and Denise Krish Kathryn and Tom Kubinski Mary Lou Kudela Sarah Kuenle Shelley Kurzeka-Jung Thomas Landherr Amy Langer Katherine and Michael Lapic Adeel Lari Amy Larson Holly Larson Mary and Steve Lauinger Kathryne LaValley Kathleen Lawrence Joann and Donald Leavenworth Linda and Jim Lee Lisa and Glen Lee Robert Lee Andrea Leet Joan and Jack Hansen Sharon Lehmann Elaine and Jay Leppla John Levin Gloria Lewis Carol Ley Susan and Gene Littrell Jennifer and Tim Livingston

Marcia and James Lockman Christine Longe Shelly Losinski Kimberly A. Lowe Ellen Luger Judy Lutter Susan and Christopher Lyons Jane and William Machacek Susan Mahle Bonnie Mairs Brian Mallaro Cindy Marcotte Jane and James Martin Patti Martin Celina Martina Donna and Alan Mattis Deanne and Jack McCarthy Cathy McCoy Jessica and Thomas McDonnell Kathleen McDonough and Melanie Ruda Dawn McGinley Brenda McGuire Linda and Timothy McMahon Mary McMillan Melodie Melling Margaret Merriman Lori Messner Barb Mielke Gwen and Frank Milano Kathy and Kevin Miller Cynthia Davidson Mills Katie Misukanis Joani Moberg Cindy and Lawrence Mohr Sarah and Jim Monner Frances Monroe Barbara and Scott Montgomery Deborah Montgomery Patricia Mooney Linda and Charles Moore Kristine Morrison Michele and Wilson Moy Julie Muenkel Steven Mumm Susan and Emmanuel Munson- Regala Susan Navratil

Carrie Nelson Kris and Daniel Nelson Marilyn and Douglas Nelson Randy Nelson Sherri and Jeff Nelson Holli Nesse Claudia Nicholson Kari and John Niedfeldt-Thomas Robert Nielson Joan and Dick Niemiec Elizabeth Nordlie Lesley and Michael Nystrom Katherine Oberle Kathleen O’Brien Kristen and Toby Odegard Dawn and Eugene Olchefske Mary Olk and Michael Miller Susan Olsen and Mark Smith Muriel and Roger Olson Susan Oltman Dennis P. Ondik JoAnn O’Rourke Patricia Kromhout Orud Angy Owen Robert Owens Joan Palm Mary Frances Palmer Susan Amos Palmer and Rod Palmer Anita Pampusch Kathy and Forrest Pape Jessica Parcheta Christopher Pearce Robert Perodeau Cheryl A. Persigehl Cheryl Peterson and Darrin Peterson Timothy Peterson Julie and Von Peterson Amy and Jason Petterson Michael D. Pherson Denise Pietsch Laura Platt Katherine M. Poindexter Jolene Polster Denise and Dana Pomerleau Paula Prahl Debra Pridgen

I N V E S T I N G I R L S . C H A N G E T H E WO R L D.

Barb D’Aquila Susan and Bill Davern Anne M. Deboard Katherine Deforge Jamie Devore Cynthia Dillard Patricia Dirks Karen and Jerome Doherty Nicole Donlon Kelly and Brian Donovan Emily and John Douglass Robin and Kent Downing Suzanne Downs Cheryl and Dave Dvorak Winifred Dye Shirley and John Edmonson Joan and Dave Ellison Bev and Rod Engleson Gail Engstrom Elizabeth and Mike Erickson Amy Fewell Lisa and Michael Fix June and Harley Flathers Melanie and Bruce Flessner Geraldine and Bruce Floyd Suzanne Flynn Rebecca Forman Amy and James Fornshell Sarah and Mark Foster Juliette and Jimmy Francis Wendy Friede Wendy Fritz Kristine and Chris Frost J.S. Futcher Joanne and Charles Gamble Ruth and Paul Gangl Leslie and John Garner Karen Garvin Jean Gaylord Aaron Gebauer Gloria and Roger Gebhard Lucy M. Gerold Nicole Gilchrist Mary Goetz Gayle Goetzman Alan Goldbloom Jennifer Gorder Kate Graham






Shannon Rasmussen Kelly Kay Rausch and Jonathon Rausch Trudy and Kevin Rautio Kathy Ray Josephine Reed-Taylor Harry Reynolds Jeff Richter Polly Roach and David Patterson Carrie Robinson-Cannon Sharon Rodenberg Edward Rosenbaum Elisa R. Rucker Hope and Paul Rudeen Renee and Jamal Rushdy Janeth Rynning Kathleen and Adrian Sale Philomena Satre Linda Sauber Cheryl A. Saver Helen Schadegg Sara Schaffler Beth Navlt Schatz Bonna Scherer Bonnie and Michael Scheveck Lonna-Jean Schmidt Nelson Julie Schmidt Lynn and Joe Schmitt Amy and John Schneider Dee Scholes Linda and John Schroepfer Michelle and James Schuchard Pamela Schultz Kristi Scouton Kristen Seashore Kristi and Greg Sebastian Janice Sheedy Marte Sheeran Barbara Shimshock Linda and Ronald Shirk Rita Shor Beverly Simpson Jill Skogheim Renee and Ronald Skrbec Michelle Smith

Steve Smith Barbara and Peter Smyth Elizabeth Snelson Melissa Snelson Julie Spangler Rene Speer Joe Sriver Jennifer D. Stangret Nancy and Scott Stankiewicz Franklin Star A.J. Steinbring Nancy Stephan Catherine and Jim Stevenson Monique Stevenson David Stewart Karen and Paul Stoddard Kay and Martin Strauss Jasmine Stringer Linda Swanson Svidal Donna and Robert Swanson Nancy Swanson William Talen Gretchen and Brett Taylor Linda and Larry Teppo Nina and Jim Terhaar Candi and Jerry Testa Beatrice and Robert Tharp Jennie and Daniel Thomas Missy Staples Thompson Penny Thomspon-Burke Suzanne Marie Tillman Connie and Dennis Tooley Jennifer Tschida Leslie Turner Susan Turner Becky and Terry Turnquist Jennifer and John Urbanski Kimberly Vanderwall Maylee Vue and Wang Yang Jenifer Wagner and James Vogel Heather and Jeff Walberg Jeanne and Robert Walz Bonnie and Tom Warhol Sue and Jim Wedge Thomas Welna Gena Welsh Julie and Richard Wendland Nancy Werning Donna J. Wert

Ryan West John Westrom Christina and Daniel Wetenkamp Nora Whiteman and Tom Rush Bill Whiting Chris Widdess Beth Wiederholt Lauren Williams Terry Williams Mary Willman Chris and Tom Wilmot Ann Wilson Alice and William Wimer Marge Winkelman Katrina Wolyniec Amy Woodworth Cassandra Wright Jan and Don Yanzer Mary Yeager Loreen and James Yearick Cynthia and Kent York Cleo Young Alex Zelenski

IN HONOR OF: Sarah Ahlfs-Dunn Annette Ahlfs Bobbi and Norm Allan Barbara Allan Sue Althoff Mary Frances Palmer Sarah J. Andersen Jan M. George Regan Anderson Rachel Dawn Anderson Anna and Milea Susan V. Olsen Sarah Best Bethany Best Tisha Bolger Cathy McCoy Judy Brick Linda Bannigan Judy Brown Kathleen Lawrence Mary Buley Carolyn Sandberg

Laura Wolf Carlisle JuvaLee Wolf Leslie Chapman Paul Rudeen Sandy Craighead Andrea Mitau Kircher Daughter Betsy and Granddaughter Erin Patricia Mooney Daughter Julie and Nieces Bill Weimer Brenda Davis Anonymous Jean Dehning Judith Alme Sydney Dykhuizen Anonymous Ella Dzubay Sue and Steven Dzubay JackLyn Evert Nancy Stephan Nancy Forman Rebecca Forman Josephina Francis Juliette Ann Francis Caroline Freiheit Suzanne Freiheit Catherine Fulford Cynthia Fulford Karen Park Gallivan Matt Gallivan Dana O’Connor Mary Gates Elisabeth Reif Sarah Gemlo Melissa S. Nelson Girl Scouts Gold Awardees Jean Gaylord Girl Scout Outdoor Endeavors Prairie Flower Outdoor Encampment Second Winds Alumnae Girl Scout Troop 13863 Valerie Mortinson Eva M. Gonyer Anonymous Erin Goodson June Klaphake

Janet Gracia Dawne Brown White Debbie Grimmer Camille Margaret Miller Evenelle Hamlin Susan Baysden Christine Hansen Laura and Steven Hansen Freya Hatch-Surisook Holly and Joe Hatch-Surisook Megan Hertzler Kristine Boylan Denae and John Grant Marian Hopkins Mary Frances Palmer Colleen Jackson Kimberly Greene Vanessa Jensen Valerie Jensen Kristina Johnson Jane Evonne Johnson Rose Jung James Jung Linda Baker Keene Jessica Gibson Jayne Baccus Khalifa Rebecca Roloff Cassandra Wright Brenda Kennedy Kathleen Lawrence Tara King Susan Boren Barbara Koch Mary and Clyde Gates Linda Krach Sally Sawyer Heidi Krauss Alanna Walen Dorothy Krike Dawn McGinley Gloria Kubak Anonymous Margaret Kubak Katherine Knudtson Anonymous Rachel Lamont Rosemarie May Aisha Laverty Jean Hariman

JoAnn Stormer Christine M. Sand Liz Boyd Lauren McKliget Katie Misukani Jennifer and Randy Sampson Beth Navlt Schatz Ana Schanzenbach Jean Hariman Mariah and Kristina Scheunemann Ellen Scholz and Roger Scheunemann Amy Schultz Pamela Schultz Second Winds Gathering Place at Camp Lakamaga Girl Scout Troop 11072 Don Rose Sharkey Karla Gunderson Jennifer Smith Judith and Richard Corson Amy Langer Beth Kieffer Leonard Sabra Otteson Roshini Rajkumar Hannah Stadler Donna Wert Abigail Stahl Claudia Waring A.J. Steinbring Lacie Drogen Elizabeth B. Streeper Mary Killian Judith and Edward Kishel Ann Wilson Jean Sweeney Ronald Anderson Bickel and Brewer Foundation Nancy and James Forman Gary Hohenstein Barb Mielke Kimberly Foster Price and Ron Price Rita Shor Madison Nicole Taylor Christine Derose Jen Thorson Madeline Moy

Troop 13708 Heather Kay Walberg Troop 56611 Carolyn Ladnar Takashi Tsuchiya Carolyn Sandberg Sandra Vargas Elizabeth Halloran Joanne Mullen Kathleen O’Brien Laura Vick Caryl Buchwald Beth Voermans Paul Rudeen Mary Vogel Patricia Vogel Volunteers Jennifer Thorson Andrea Walsh Virginia Hubbard Kathy Meyerle Maudie Weller Stephanie Putzier Emily White Cathy Miller Deb Wilkinson Rebecca Nesse Phyllis Willerscheidt Heather Lynn Farber-Lau Phyllis and Tony Willerscheidt Myrna Nelson Pamela Wurster Sandra Aslaksen Sheena Lynn Yetter Deyonne Knight

IN MEMORY OF: Hassin Abdallah Bea Abdallah Lillian Atkins Tisha Bolger Joan Borowiec Beverly Chlebeck Kathryn and George May Betsy and Jim Moore Myrna and Lyle Nelson Karen and Bill Snedeker Emily A. White

Phyllis and Anton Willerscheidt Mrs. Bagby Hon. Wilhelmina Wright Sidonia Balke Kathy J. Dierks Debra Wilkinson Ann and Wiley Bischoff Julianna Gilkinson Rachel Bissell Carol Truesdell Philip Borger Mary Bennett Faegre Baker Daniels Foundation Joy Brekke Peter Beniares Tisha Bolger Jeanne Carpenter Joanie Chevalier Marian Dombrock Bette Fiore Gloria Gran Evenelle Hamlin Jerry Knutson Gail Leary Linda Mona Florence Moxham Kathy Norquist Karen Pangerl Sandra Redahlen Estelle Chapman Gloria Lewis Bernadine Chmielak Patti Martin Dorothy Anne Daly Robert Daly Doris Engelhart Jeanne Jones Mary Jones Kathy Ray Ruth Flicek Loralee DiLorenzo Betsy Forbes Kathleen McDonough Doree Gamble Anonymous (2) Roberta Allan Sarah J. Andersen Midge Andreas

Melinda Backman Margaret Bakko John Beauchamp Lisa Berglund Ann Berry Joseph Betlej Sharon Blackie Joyce Blomquist Tisha Bolger Barbara Bonifas Stacey Bresina Sara Bright Mary Ellen Brue Marie Burnett Dorothea Burns Sherrill Carlson Jean Carraher Emily Chesick Doris Church Wendy Coles Mary Conners Carol Cook Kathleen Corley Craighead Family Fund of The Saint Paul Foundation Sandra Craighead Rose Cyert Linda Dahm Susan and Bill Davern Jean Dehning Sandra Dickson Doree A. Gamble Family Trust Suzanne Downs Laurene Engel Patricia Erickson Geraldine and Bruce Floyd Nancy Forman Virginia Fosse-Oie Patricia Frankenfield Joanne Gamble Ruth Gangl Joan Gardner Mary Gates Gloria Gebhard Kristin Gebhard Beth Geis Good Turn Club Jean Granger Sandra Greenstein

I N V E S T I N G I R L S . C H A N G E T H E WO R L D.

Cyndi Lesher Alan Goldbloom Virginia Hubbard Morris Theresa Pesch Meredith Lohne Edward Rosenbaum Rosanne Malevich Cassandra Wright Kathryn May Bev Engleson McKendra Long Ruth Long Elisa Mill Gina Kastel Cecilia Mitchell Barb Mitchell Robbi Moore Bloomington 9 Mile Mary Morrissey Philomena Morrissey Satre Northern Star Service Unit Denise McNeff Rowan O’hAodha Laurel Olson Betsy and Erin Olson Patricia Mooney Karen Oshikata Chris Widdess Northwoods Alumnae Kathryn Hatlestad Melissa Miller Valerie Halverson Pace Margaret Merriman Lillian Nelson Lorena Palm and Judy Hunter Beth and Gerald Voermans Ariel Parry Maechelle Marie Parry Olivia and Harlee Peltz Kelly Pietrzak Donna Pietsch Gordon Pietsch Katherine Platt Laura Platt Hana Potter Meredith Lindley Kimberly Rowland Prairie Sun Service Unit Jacqueline Roy






Mindy Greiling Ethel Griggs Rose Gustafson Teresa Guthmann Nancy Hafner Judith Halabrin Leroy Halvorsen Mary Harrington Kathryn Hatlestad Joan Henry Sally Hickman Patricia Hobbs Judy Hunter Pearl Jackson Kristi Jacobsen Elizabeth Jaeger Alice Johnson Lucy Johnson Mary Kingston Mary Kjeldsen Nancy Klemek Beverly Knippenberg Susan Korkowski Edith Korpi Laurie Krachmer Leslie Krona Amy Jo Kuhens Lakamaga Conference 2014 Cynthia Leblanc Marlyce and Don Lee Barbara Lindgren Judy Lutter Bonnie Mairs Mary Markgraf Debra Markham Kathryn May Barbara Mike Barbara Montgomery Elizabeth Moore Myrna Nelson Juliann Nelson-Duffy Lynne Nystrom Mary Anne and Catherine* O’Keefe


Elizabeth O’Mara Elaine Orlando Lorena Palm Susan Amos Palmer Sally Patterson Pamela Paulsen Carlita Payne Susan Petty Betty and Ron Phillippo Norine Phillips Denise Pietsch Donna Pietsch Ruby Pietsch Stephanie Pommier Cynthia and Jeffrey Redmon Sharon Reeck Trudy Richter Karen Richtman Joyce Rosene Cynthia Sanders Helen Schadegg Bonna Scherer Mary Selby Susan Shelton Judy Short Terri Siebert Rebecca Skally Myra Smisek Karen Snedeker St.Croix Valley Foundation Sue Stewart Laurel Stiebler Linda Teppo Paul Thorne Winifred Tillmann Sue Triebenbach Nancy Truax Roberta Vernon Beth Voermans Olive Welch Thomas Welna Emily White Phyllis Willerscheidt Sandra Wintz Kent York Susan Zellmer Mary and William Zrust

Bev Hathaway Jennifer Machtemes Ruth Wood Hodgson Thomas Hodgson Dorothy Jarvis Joan and Dave Ellison Bertha Mae Johnson Smith Evenelle Hamlin Jan Yanzer Bob Jorde Kathleen Jorde Donna Lee Robert O. Lee Linda Loerch Timothy Fischer Seiberta Lovestedt Helen Grant Monica Loye Girl ScoutTroop 11725 Katherine Lundberg Susan Johnson Laura Ann Mackin Terrence Mackin Suzanne Maslowski Marie Katherine Maslowski Lorraine McAleese Tisha Bolger Eleanore Merth Minnesota Hockey District 2 Arzella Mills Susan MacHolda Ardis Moore Robert Moore Florence Moxham Anonymous Alumnae Chapter Troop 1976 Sherrill Carlson Mary Ann Carter Jean Dehning Peggy Erickson Barbara Gegner Evenelle Hamlin Pamela Johnson Karen Klose Amy Kroll Joan Maronde Mary Pries Morrison Bonna Scherer

Kathleen Scholer Leslie Turner Joseph Nauer Marianne Holtz Gladys Noll Jo-Ida Hansen Ann Pfarr Stephanie Burnham Colette Picquet Nancy Randall Dana Norma Porter Phyllis Willerscheidt Doris Prestegaard Ruth Hovden Ellen Reece Sandra Craighead Jenny Reinertson Sarah Marie Emich Girl Scout Troop 33186 Ellen Rose Tisha Bolger Denise Schlitz Pamela Jane Johnson Kris Pope Richard and Nancy Selby Tracy Pavlick Michael Senger Geri Senger Gail Shapiro Sarah Crosby Jane Sturley-Long Susan Johnson Betty Swanson Grothe Donna Swanson Pam Taylor Susan Carter Kelly Jeanne Thompson Jeanne and Bob Walz Margaret Tyndall Hugh Tyndall Mary Urtuz Doreen Devoy-Hulgan Kimberly Vikla Kendall Watts Holmes Jennifer Allen Greg Weinand Phyllis Willerscheidt Sherri D. West

Linda and Peter Dahm Kathryn May Red Wings Shoes Company Foundation Rene Speer Kellie Steiner Ryan West Mary Edna Wuertenberger Bernice Wheeler Julie Costello

JULIETTE GORDON LOW C U R R E N T SOCIETY MEMBERS Anonymous Carol Agnes Alana Alexander Sheila and Joe Ambrose Sarah J. Andersen Robert Anderson Midge Andreas Beverly Aplikowski Karen Bachman Ann Barkelew Lynn Basich Thomas Benson Dorothy Bentfield Anne Berberich Lisa Berglund Madeline Betsch Ellen Betz Carol Bierbrauer Elizabeth Bixby Alexandra Bjorklund Jo Bogdan Karen Bohn Jane Bolenbaugh Tisha Bolger Margaret Bowles Elizabeth Bracken Karen and Richard Brinkman Mary Ellen Brue Terri Burkel Dorothea Burns Marcia Bystrom Jean Carraher Jeane Carter

Joan Gardner Marlys and Ken Garness Mary Gates Gloria Gebhard Beulah Gilligan Susan Ginder Gayle Goetzman Eva Gonyer Janet Gracia Eileen Grundman Marilyn Gryc Karen and Jim Guentzel Rose Gustafson Hugh Gwin Judith Halabrin Evenelle Hamlin Gregory Hammers Paul and Nancy Hansen Nancy Hanson Barbara Haroldson Jodi and Stan Harpstead Catherine Heither Debra Henry Joan Henry Jacqueline Hill Miriam Hof Sharon Hollatz Marianne Holtz Beverly and Wallace Houts Georgene and John Jackson Pearl Mitchell Jackson Shelley Jacobson Sharon Joe Marlys Johnson Connie Kass Linda B. Keene Judith Keogh Elizabeth Kiernat Judith Kinsey Audrey Kintzi Judith Kishel Wendy Klager Nancy Klemek Karen Klose Marlys Knuth Barbara Koch Laurie Krachmer Kay Kramer and Sally Johnson Lynn Krapf

Evonne Kremer Joan Krikava Amy Kroll G.J. Kunau Margaret LaMont Elizabeth Lang Bereth and Jerry Larson Kathryne G. LaValley Lisa Lee Gail Lewis Marcia Lockman Jean Ann Lundholm JoAnn Lux Lois Mack Susan Mahle Helen Mahler Alice Mairs Sharon Marquardt Vivian Mason Donna Mattis Kathryn May Nancy Mckay Kathleen McMahon Nancy Mellgren Sandra Meyer Kathleen Meyerle Mary Mittelstadt Mary Mollner Linda Mona Terry Moons Betsy and Jim Moore Robbi Moore Ramona Moore Frank Morrissey Bertha Munsell Mary-Alice Muraski and Stanley Schraufnagel Priscilla Nauer Susan Navratil Myrna Nelson Jacqueline Nilson Doris Olson Jody Olson Lorna Olson Cooper Elizabeth O’Mara Brenda Oseland Beatrice Ourada Lorena Palm D. Palmer

Susan Amos Palmer Arete Passas Annette Patel Sally Patterson Barbara Payne Bette Peltola Kathleen Pickering Donna Pietsch Linda and Joel Pilgrim Carol Pine Stephanie Pommier JoAnne Pooley Norma Porter Joanne Poss Linda and Rodney Rath Lenore Ravits Cynthia and Jeffrey Redmon Sharon Reece ShellyRegan Barbara Reichel Chris Reisdorf Bea Rocha Ferne Roesler Barbara Rose Karen Rose Kathryn Rosebear Joyce Rosene Ethelyn Rupp Mary Russell Kim Wolfgram Salz Christine M. Sand Carolyn and Christopher Sandberg Cindy Sanders Lucile Sanderson Helen Schadegg and Stephen Simmer Bonna Scherer Clara Schonlau Linda Schroepfer Judy Schuelke Bonita Schultz Carol Seidenkranz Janna Shaw Marte Sheeran Susan and Orin Shelton Anne Sholtz Jenifer Skjerven Mary Slack

Charlotte Smith Karen Snedeker Anna Sollid Henry Somsen Andrea Specht Kaye and Douglas Spike Janet Stacey Ethel and Robert Starr Robin Stegner A.J. Steinbring Susan Stewart Lisa Stordahl Elizabeth Strong Rita Sundberg Linda Svidal Janice and Richard Swartz William Talen Ann Taylor Linda Teppo Paula Thiede Mary and John Thoreen Terri Thostenson Elizabeth Tiffany Jennifer Tonder Georgia Toogood Nancy Truax Leslie Turner Dolores Ullstrom Beth Voermans Mardy and David Vosbeck Joyce Walls Jeanne and Robert Walz Pauline Wangen Lauren Weck Jim Wedge Olive Welch Donna Wert Kristin Wertz Dawne Brown White Maryjo White Emily White Agnes Whitlark Deb Wilkinson Phyllis and Anton Willerscheidt Meredith Wills Joan and John Wisniewski Elaine Wyatt Donna Young Jennifer Zvi

I N V E S T I N G I R L S . C H A N G E T H E WO R L D.

Mary Ann Carter Elissa Chaffee Jennifer Charpentier Rachelle Chase Beverly Chlebeck Everett and Donald Christensen Bernadette and Paul Christiansen Doris and Lorran Church Janell Cirkl Rose and James Clack Sandra Clair Judith Clayton Dorathy Clingingsmith Barbara Colliander Carol Cook Kathleen Corley Barbara Cox-Shaw Sandra and Donald Craighead Shermayne Cross Gail Cullinan Rose Cyert Linda Dahm Nancy Randall Dana Maryann Danforth Sara Danzinger Jennifer and Patrick Darling Joan Dehne Jean Dehning James Deweerd Ariel Dickerman Sandra and Nancy Berg Dickson Anita Dittrich Bryce Doty Anne Dudek Bonnie and Gerald Elfering Mary Engler Joyce Erickson Peggy Erickson B. J. Fesler Geraldine Floyd Nancy and James Forman Renee Fredericksen Dana and John Frederickson Dennis Frederickson Gerald Frodl Constance Fullmer Louise Gabbert Patience Gall Rita Garcia and Ronald Ibarra



Together, we’re riding the momentum of female empowerment and experiencing the thrill of supporting our region’s girls – tomorrow’s leaders.

I N V E S T I N G I R L S . C H A N G E T H E WO R L D.

We’re going to change the world.


THE GIRL SCOUT PROMISE On my honor, I will try: To serve God* and my country, To help people at all times, And to live by the Girl Scout Law. * Members may substitute for the word God in accordance with their own spiritual beliefs.

Thank you to our partners who support the Girl Scout program. S U S TA I N I N G PA R T N E R S




T H E G I R L S C O U T L AW I will do my best to be honest and fair, friendly and helpful, considerate and caring, courageous and strong, and responsible for what I say and do, and to respect myself and others, respect authority, use resources wisely, make the world a better place, and be a sister to every Girl Scout.


400 Robert Street South St. Paul, MN 55107 800-845-0787

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