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Cookie Booths
NO SELLING AFTER 9 PM, REGARDLESS OF GIRLS’ AGES OR LEVELS! Troop leaders sign up for booths in advance, and will share dates with families once booths are scheduled. Individual sellers may contact their troop liaison to discuss booth scheduling.
Dates and Hours Cookie booths begin the first day of sales (January 19th). Please note that grocery stores and other locations are subject to scheduling by their corporate headquarters and may not be available the first weekend of sales. Booths will be scheduled as follows (dependent on store restrictions): Monday through Friday, 4:00pm to 7:00pm Saturday and Sunday, 8:00am to 8:00pm
Booth Behavior It is important for the girls (and guardians) to recognize that they are representing Girl Scouts at the booths, and therefore should be on their best “Girl Scout Behavior.” Remember the Girl Scout Promise and Law! Girls should be courteous to patrons, stand in front of the booth, and be energized and engaged! Girls should also be wearing appropriate Girl Scout attire.
Parents and guardians are also encouraged to wear Girl Scout attire, and should exhibit and role model appropriate behavior at booths.
While strongly encouraged, the second adult supporting a cookie booth is not required to have a Girl Scout membership. However, they MUST have an approved background check. Booth supporters do not count towards safety ratios. For more information, see girlscoutssoaz.org/boothsupport.
(When caregivers are working directly with their own girl and no other Girl Scouts are present, a background check is not required.)
A “My Sales Booth” can be scheduled with your Troop Cookie Manager. These are set up at businesses not already approached by council. Please contact your Troop Cookie Manager prior to asking a business about a “My Sales Booth,” so they can inform you whether or not the location is already secured by council.
Girls can set up a table in their own front yard. This is called a “lemonade stand.”
Pulling a wagon through a neighborhood is always encouraged! (However, please do not bring a wagon to the University of Arizona campus, through the Gem Show, or through city parks during sporting events. Per Arizona law, you can be fined for doing so.)