What is a Juliette? A Juliette is a girl who has decided to experience Girl Scouting as an individual (not in a troop). As a Juliette, she has the unique ability to mix and match Girl Scout activities that suit her interests by choosing special events, leadership projects, travel opportunities, and badge work that appeals to her. Juliettes are busy, independent, self-confident girls and young women who may still be looking for a troop, have once been part of a troop that disbanded, or whose availability does not fit the traditional troop schedule. Girls in any grade (kindergarten through 12th) can be a Juliette. As a Juliette, she can participate in any program, event, trip, or summer camp that is open to her grade level with a parent or other adult mentor.
Why “Juliette�?
The Girl Scout Promise
In 1912, Juliette Gordon Low (1860–1927) founded Girl Scouts of the USA, an organization that today serves millions of girl members and alumnae, and reflects the arc of her remarkable life. An ardent believer in the potential of all girls and the importance of fostering their individual growth, character, and self-sufficiency, Juliette Gordon Low is credited with establishing and nurturing a global movement that has changed the world.
Our fearless founder, Juliette Gordon Low!
On my honor, I will try: To serve God* and my country, To help people at all times, And to live by the Girl Scout Law.
The Girl Scout Law I will do my best to be honest and fair, friendly and helpful, considerate and caring, courageous and strong, and responsible for what I say and do, and to respect myself and others, respect authority, use resources wisely, make the world a better place, and be a sister to every Girl Scout. *Members may subsitute the word God in accordance with their own spiritual beliefs.
Juliette Mentors A Juliette mentor is a parent, family member, caregiver, or other adult who guides a Juliette during her Girl Scout journey. Juliette mentors are not assigned by council, but chosen by the girl and her family.
As a Juliette mentor, you will: • • • • • • • •
Register as an adult volunteer (registration fee: $25/year), complete the required, eligible background check, and complete mentor training Support your Juliette’s commitment to Girl Scouting Explore council programs, helping her pick the activities she wants to participate in, and plan how she will fund her participation Help your Juliette choose the badges and Journeys that interest her Assist your Juliette in purchasing or borrowing the books and materials needed to complete each badge or award Verify that your Juliette has completed badge requirements and purchase badges and awards from the Girl Scout Store Retain signed annual health history and permission form for your Juliette to participate in product programs, events, summer camp, and other activities Help your Juliette participate in product programs by submitting the required forms, completing your training, fulfilling program requirements, and following safety guidelines Girl Scouts of Southern Arizona is divided into local service units and regions which Membership fees have volunteers who can answer your A $25 annual membership fee, due questions about Girl Scouts. As a Juliette at the time of registration, goes mentor, you are welcome to attend monthly directly to Girl Scouts of the USA and service unit meetings to learn about area pays for the various services GSUSA events or activities and get connected to provides to councils, development other Girl Scout volunteers. Please contact of program materials, and activity juliettesupport@girlscoutssoaz.org to learn insurance. Parents, guardians, and more about service unit meetings. other adults are all encouraged to become members of the Girl Scout Customer Care is your go-to for information movement. about registration, council programs, events and summer camp. Customer Care is Financial assistance available 8:30 am – 5:00 pm, Mon-Fri at (520) GSSOAZ is committed to providing 327-2288 or customercare@girlscoutssoaz. every girl with the opportunity org. to participate in Girl Scouting, regardless of financial background. Your Girl Scout Resource Center provides Financial assistance is available resources and information on Girl Scout to cover annual memberships, curriculum, activities and events, as well books and uniforms, and summer as ceremonies and outdoor programs. camp fees. Contact Customer Resources are available to all Girl Scout Care at (520) 327-2288 for more members and can be borrowed on a firstinformation. come, first-served basis.
The Girl Scout Leadership Experience Research shows that girls learn best in an all-girl, girl-led environment. Girl Scouts is a place where she’ll practice different skills, explore her potential, take on leadership positions—and even feel allowed to fail, dust herself off, get up, and try again. The Girl Scout Leadership Experience (GSLE) is a collection of engaging, challenging, and fun activities that prepare girls for a lifetime of leadership, success, and adventure in a safe, no-limits place designed for, and by girls.
National Leadership Journeys When girls participate in Girl Scouts, they benefit in 5 important ways: 1. Develop a strong sense of self 2. Seek challenges and learn from setbacks 3. Display positive values 4. Form and maintain healthy relationships 5. Identify and solve problems in the community Four areas form the foundation of the Girl Scout Leadership Experience: • STEM (Science, technology, engineering, and math) • Outdoors • Life Skills • Entrepreneurship
The National Leadership Journeys and Girl’s Guide to Girl Scouting are at the core of the GSLE. Through National Leadership Journeys, your Juliette will try new things (Discover), connect with friends and the community (Connect) and make a difference in the world (Take Action)! She’ll have Journey series to choose from at every grade level, each including a sustainable Take Action project and plenty of fun activities and adventure! Journey topics include outdoors, girl-expression, computer science, improving our planet, and more.
Badges In addition to the National Leadership Journeys, badges are a great way for your Juliette to explore her interests and learn new skills— and to remember every adventure, and show the world what she’s accomplished. Essential information pertaining to badges is outlined in each age-appropriate Girl’s Guide to Girl Scouting.
Girl’s Guide to Girl Scouting (GGGS) GGGS is a colorful, easy to use binder specially designed for girls at each age level. It holds a handbook, information on bridging, and the Girl Scout Bronze, Silver, and Gold Awards, Girl Scout history, traditions, and much more. It also helps girls understand how to tie their badges and Journeys together to create an amazing experience.
Tools of the Trade A typical Girl Scout year is made up of a blend of experiences and opportunities as the Girl Scout Leadership experience is different for every girl, based on her needs and interests. Below are the tools you will need to successfully support your Juliette Girl Scout!
Volunteer Toolkit (VTK) The Volunteer Toolkit or VTK is a great companion to the other resources in your Girl Scout Library! Free, online access for parents or caregivers of GIrl Scout Juliettes, means you can build your program year plan with your Juliette the moment she begins her Girl Scout adventure. All badge requirements and journey information are included in this digital tool and can be a great aid as you lead your girl through the Girl Scout program. Gain access to the VTK through your MyGS profile and explore! Staff are available to hep you navigate the program and training is always available.
Program Resources Girl’s Guide to Girl Scouting: Discover Girl Scout history and traditions, award earning opportunities, and step by step badge earning requirements to the seven legacy badges; build your badge book with additional badge inserts. Girl Scout Journeys: Girls Discover, Connect, and Take Action while focusing on a chosen topic to earn their leadership awards within that subject area. Journey Adult Guide: A step by step guide for the adult mentoring girls in gaining the tools and resources to take action after exploring and ifentifying needs in their community. Journey Girl Guide: An optional interactive resource for girls to enhance their Journey. Girls will find thought provoking, real life stories and activities that tie into their journey.
Badges vs. Patches Badges and awards are earned by completing the requirements in the National Portfolio resources. THese are placed on the FRONT of the uniform. Patches are given to girls for attending events or activities. These are placed on the BACK of the uniform.
What a Juliette Can Do Council Programs and Events Every year brings countless ways to be involved in Girl Scouting! You’ll receive our annual Program Events and Family Guide, and summer camp guide, where you’ll find upcoming programs, events, series, travel, and summer camp opportunities. Designed to enhance the Girl Scout experience, all council-sponsored programs are developed for specific grade levels. Stay up to date and register for programs, events, and summer camp at girlscoutssoaz. org/events. Programs are added continually throughout the year.
Camp Camp memories last a lifetime, where girls will forever cherish the lessons learned, challenges surpassed and dear friends made! Our camp staff will support your girl as she engages in programs and activities so she can make healthy risks, venture out, develop, grow and learn more about herself in a supportive, safe and loving environment. Girl Scouts of Southern Arizona owns and operates two camp facilities for day and overnight summer camps, programs, and encampments. Whether you’re looking to spend some time in the water or take a trail ride on horseback, we’ve got a camp for you! Camp Whispering Pines Tucked away in the Santa Catalina Mountain at an elevation of 8,000 feet is our unforgettable camping experience on 16.5 acres of Girl Scout land—Camp Whispering Pines. Girls who dare to adventure here will participate in hiking, low ropes, campfires, archery, smores and so much more! Resident camp runs Sunday through Friday, and are open to girls 7-17 years of age. Hacienda Program Center Not yet ready for the mountain? The Hacienda offers “close to home” comfort and facilities, where girls will find themselves in a desert-like oasis on our 16-acre property nestled within Tucson. Girls will sharpen their skill building activities, participate in archery, swimming and beat the heat on the hottest of Tucson summers. Day camp runs Monday through Friday, 8:00 am to 5:00 pm, open to girls 5-17 years of age.
Product Program Product programs not only give girls a way to earn money; they prepare them for a lifetime of leadership, while allowing their inner entrepreneur to shine. Built around entrepreneurship, product programs are an integral part of the Girl Scout Leadership Experience.
Girls who participate in product programs develop five essential life skills: 1. Goal setting 2. Decision making 3. Money management 4. People skills 5. Business ethics Fall Product Program The Fall Product Program takes place between September and November. It is a “friends and family” sale through which girls can sell nuts, candy, magazines, photo keepsakes, and other specialty items. The Fall Product Program is a great jumping-off point before the Girl Scout Cookie Program. It will give your Juliette the opportunity to learn the ins and outs of the program before cookie sales begin in the spring.
Girl Scout Cookie Program The Girl Scout Cookie Program is the largest girl-run business in the country! It takes place between December and March. Much more than a fundraiser, it’s a unique, handson program that empowers girls to become successful businesswomen. Plus, Juliettes can earn council credits that can be used to purchase membership or pay for camp, event fees, Destinations (travel trips for girls ages 11 or older), or items in the Girl Scout Store.
How to Participate in Product Programs as a Juliette Your Juliette can take part in the Fall Product Program and the Girl Scout Cookie Program, conducting sales in-person and/or online. She can also partake in cookie booth sales. In order to participate, a Juliette’s parent or other volunteer must attend a product program training provided at the service unit, where complete details of program participation will be discussed. Parents and/or other volunteers are required to sign a position agreement, register, and complete a background screening prior to training. Juliettes must adhere to the same safety guidelines as girls participating with a troop.
Highest Awards Community Service and Take Action Projects Community service is an integral part of being a Girl Scout, providing girls with an opportunity to practice teamwork, build critical-thinking skills and empower them to make changes in their community. Sharing their time and resources helps girls increase their self-esteem and civic responsibility. Girls are making a difference each day when they complete a Journey, Take Action project, or earn a Girl Scout Bronze, Silver, or Gold Award.
Learn Local, Lead Local! GSSOAZ Council’s own badges allow girls to get involved with this “localized” badge program. Experience partnering with the Tucson community through local badges. Patches are available for purchase at our Tucson shop.
The Girl Scout Bronze, Silver and Gold Awards represent the highest honors a Girl Scout can earn. All three awards will give your Juliette the chance to do big things and take action to support a cause she cares about.
Girl Scout Bronze Award The highest honor a Girl Scout Junior can achieve. Girls can pursue the Bronze Award if they: • Are in fourth or fifth grade, or equivalent • Are a registered Girl Scout Junior • Have completed a Junior Journey
Girl Scout Silver Award The highest honor a Girl Scout Cadette can achieve. Girls can pursue the Silver Award if they: • Are in middle school (sixth, seventh, or eighth grade) • Are a registered Girl Scout Cadette • Have completed a Cadette Journey
Girl Scout Gold Award The highest award in Girl Scouts—open only to girls in high school. This is the most prestigious award in the world for girls and it’s only available to Girl Scouts. Gold Award Girl Scouts are making the world a better place. These young women are inspiring leaders whose Gold Award projects are impacting the worlds of STEM, education, agriculture, medicine, and more on a local, national, or global level. Girls can pursue the Gold Awardif they: • Are in high school (ninth through twelfth grade, or equivalent) • Are a registered Girl Scout Senior, or Ambassador • Have completed two Senior or Ambassador Journeys OR earned the Girl Scout Silver Award and completed a Journey. To learn more about the requirements for highest awards please contact mmyers@girlscoutssoaz.org.
Travel, Field Trips and Far Off Destinations If you love exploring different places and cultures, then Girl Scouts Destinations— the ultimate adventure program—is designed for you! With so many different trips to apply for every year—from surfing camp on the east coast and breathtaking hikes out west, to the crazy-cool wonder of new cultures abroad—there’s something amazing for everyone to experience. Choose from international events and short term travel opportunities! Make lifelong friends from all over the country as you travel with Girl Scouts from different states, see and learn new things, and pack your bags full of inspiring, life-changing experiences and memories. Find your adventure today!!
Funding the fun! Scholarships are available for Girl Scout Destinations. Juliettes can also use council credits, travel bucks from her cookie efforts or Community Achievement Awards toward a Girl Scout Destination. For more information about current council travel opportunities, please contact tnevels@girlscoutssoaz.org.
Build Your Juliette Year! Will your Juliette build robots, plant a garden, travel to another country, or become an entrepreneur? It’s up to her. She’ll decide which badges and Journeys to take on at each grade level for a one-of-a-kind experience. Below is just a sampling of some of the activities she can do as a Girl Scout. Girl Scout Daisy, Grades K-1
Badges & Journeys
Rosie Petal Badge Clover Petal Badge Mari Petal Badge
Money Management
Count It Up Leaf Badge Talk It Up Leaf Badge Making Choices Leaf Badge
Lupe Petal Badge Sunny Petal Badge Safety Award
Outdoor/ Camp
Outdoor Journey Outdoor Art Maker Badge Buddy Camper Badge
Community Service
Take Action Projects Zinni Petal Badge
What Daisies Do: Don’t we all wish we could look at the world through a Girl Scout Daisy’s yes? Everything they do—from planting a garden, to putting on a skit, to proudly adding that first petal on their vest—sparkles with that “first-time ever” newness! As a Girl Scout Daisy, she might: • Meet other Juliette friends • Earn petals and badges as she embraces the Girl Scout Promise and Law • Make a difference in her community through a Leadership Journey • Develop the five key business skills through the Girl Scout Cookie Program and Fall Product Programs • Explore nature
Girl Scout Brownies, Grades 2-3
Badges & Journeys
Inventor Badge Bugs Badge Home Scientist Badge
Money Management
Meet My Customers Badge Philanthropist Badge Money Manager Badge
Hiker Badge Fair Play Badge Dancer Badge
Outdoor/ Camp
Outdoor Journey Letterboxer Badge Outdoor Art Creator Badge
Community Service
Take Action Projects Give Back Badge
What Brownies Do: Girl Scout Brownies are ready to take on the world and Girl Scouts lets them do just that! They want to learn new things and show off what they know. She might take that first hike in the great outdoors, visit a museum or strengthen her money management skills during the Girl Scout Cookie and Fall Product Programs. Life is good when you are a Girl Scout Brownie! As a Girl Scout Brownie, she might: • Expand her circle of friends • Have fun learning new skills as she earns badges • Complete a service project as part of her Leadership Journey • Develop the five key business skills through the Girl Scout Cookie Program and Fall Product Programs • Attend overnight or day camp
Girl Girl Scout Juniors, Grades 4-5
Badges & Journeys
Flowers Badge Product Designer Badge Detective Badge
Money Management
Customer Insight Badge Business Owner Badge Savvy Shopper Badge
Social Butterfly Badge Simple Meals Badge Staying Fit Badge
Outdoor/ Camp
Outdoor Journey Eco Camper Badge Horseback Riding Badge
Community Service
Take Action Projects
What Juniors Do: Want to meet a real-life superhero? Just talk to a Girl Scout Junior who wakes up every day ready to play a new role. Juniors are explorers when they go camping for the first time. They’re CEOs when they market and sell cookies. They’re scientists when they perform energy audits and go on nature walks. And, they’re product designers and writers when they earn their Innovation and Storytelling Badges. As a Girl Scout Junior, she might: • Earn her Girl Scout Bronze Award, one of Girl Scouts’ highest awards • Share stories and smiles with new friends • Try new experiences as she earns badges • Develop the five key business skills through the Girl Scout Cookie Program and Fall Product Programs • Explore the outdoors at camp and beyond
Girl Girl Scout Juniors, Grades 4-5
Badges & Journeys
Woodworking Badge Trees Badge Special Agent Badge
Money Management
Financing My Dreams Badge Budgeting Badge Comparison Shopping Badge
New Cuisines Badge Good Sportsmanship Badge Babysitting Badge
Outdoor/ Camp
Outdoor Journey Trailblazing Badge Outdoor Art Apprentice Badge
Community Service
Take Action projects Cadette Community Service Bar
What Cadettes Do: Making forever friends, saving the planet, standing up against stereotypes, using their powers for the greater good—that’s what being a Girl Scout Cadette is all about. Cadettes blaze trails in the wilderness, write and direct their own movies, express themselves with confidence, make delicious meals from around the world and pick up practical life skills. As a Girl Scout Cadette, she might: • Earn her Girl Scout Silver Award, one of Girl Scouts’ highest awards • Get outdoors and off the beaten path • Gain confidence as she mentors younger Girl Scouts • Choose an issue she cares about as part of a Girl Scout Leadership Journey
Girl Scout Seniors, Grades 9-10
Topic STEM
Money Management
Badges & Journeys
What Seniors Do: Girl Scout Seniors are ready to take the Locavore Badge world by storm—and at Girl Scouts, there Car Care Badge are millions of ways to do it. Whether Science of Style Badge it’s enhancing schoolbased activities or helping girls make the most of community My Portfolio Badge involvement, the opportunities open to Girl Financing My Future Badge Scout Seniors are virtually unlimited! Traveler Badge
Women’s Health Badge First Aid Badge Cross Training Badge
Outdoor/ Camp
Outdoor Journey Adventurer Badge Paddling Badge
Community Service
Take Action projects Senior Community Service Bar
As a Girl Scout Senior, she might: • Earn her Girl Scout Gold Award, Girl Scouts’ highest award • Go on an adventure and travel to amazing places like Costa Rica, Japan, or India • Be a positive role model, mentor younger girls, and develop strong friendships • Join other girls to tackle important international issues and earn a Global Action award • Explore exciting careers in a variety of fields
Girl Scout Ambassadors, Grades 11-12
Badges & Journeys
Photographer Badge Research & Development Badge Water Badge
Money Management
P & L Badge Good Credit Badge On My Own Badge
Dinner Party Badge Coaching Badge First Aid Badge
Outdoor/ Camp
Outdoor Journey Ultimate Recreation Challenge Badge Outdoor Art Master Badge
Community Service
Take Action projects Ambassador Community Service Bar
What Ambassadors Do: With a wider world comes even more opportunities—and Girl Scout Ambassadors make the most of every chance they get to improve themselves…and their community. Girl Scout Ambassadors are eligible for some pretty awesome opportunities to continue their leadership experience. As a Girl Scout Ambassador, she might: • Earn her Girl Scout Gold Award, Girl Scouts’ highest award • Enhance her relationship skills, problemsolving abilities, and knowledge of science and technology • Work to protect the environment • Implement a Take Action project
Uniforms & Insignia Girl Scout uniforms are available for purchase at our Girl Scout Stores, Saturday Shops, or online. You can find information explaining the uniform and where to place insignia in Girl’s Guide to Girl Scouting or at girlscoutssoaz.org. While there are many parts to the uniform (including clothing options), girls may just wear the sash, vest, or tunic over regular clothing.
Glossary of Terms Badges: Awards earned by Girl Scouts indicating increasing knowledge and skill in a particular subject. Birthplace: The Savannah, Georgia birthplace and childhood home of Juliette “Daisy” Gordon Low, founder of Girl Scouts of the USA. Counselor-in-Training (CIT): This award is for girls that mentor younger girls in a camp setting and build skills toward becoming a camp counselor. The steps to earning this award are outlined in Girl’s Guide to Girl Scouting. Founder’s Day: Oct. 31, the birthday of Juliette Gordon Low, founder of Girl Scouts. Fun patches and pins: Supplementary insignia received by girls for simply participating in an event or activity. Girls wear fun patches on the back of their uniform. Girl Scout handshake: A formal way of greeting other Girl Scouts and Girl Guides. You shake hands with the left hand and give the Girl Scout sign with your right hand. Girl Scout sign: Made by raising three fingers of the right hand. This sign stands for the three parts of the Girl Scout Promise and is used when reciting the Girl Scout Promise. Insignia: The umbrella term for U.S. Girl
Scout earned grade-level awards. Girls wear all insignia, except participation patches and pins, on the front of their uniform. Kaper chart: A grid, wheel, table, or other creative system showing the job or chore assigned to each girl or group of girls for any given project, meeting, or activity. Quiet sign: Made by raising the right hand over the head to signal for attention and quiet at any Girl Scout gathering. When the hand goes up, mouths go quiet, and everyone joins in giving the quiet sign. Religious and other awards: Official awards earned for completing requirements set by religious/other organizations or by Girl Scouts of the USA. These awards are all worn on a similar place on the uniform. Safety Activity Checkpoints: Girl Scout program standards and guidelines that provide for the health and safety of all girls. Sit-upon: A lightweight pad or mat used when sitting on the floor or ground. Situpons are often handmade by the girls. SWAPS (Special Whatchamacallits Affectionately Pinned Somewhere): Tokens exchanged at special Girl Scout/ Girl Guide events that signify friendship. Ideally these are inexpensive handmade items that are accepted by the receiver as a token of friendship.
The Girl Scout Store The Girl Scout Store is where you’ll find the latest casual wear, uniform components, accessories, and memorabilia for girls and adults, Journey books and badges, plus the perfect gift (or a gift certificate!) for your Juliette or fellow Girl Scouts and volunteers. Visit one of your Girl Scout Stores located in Tucson, Sierra Vista, and Yuma.
Girl Scout Shop, Tucson, AZ 4330 E. Broadway Blvd., Tucson, AZ 85711 (520) 319-3145
Girl Scout Shop, Sierra Vista, AZ 2200 E. Mercado Loop. Suite 1164, Sierra Vista, AZ 85635 (520) 319-3191
Yuma Resource Center, Yuma, AZ 3250 S. 4th Ave. Suite F, Yuma, AZ 85364 (928) 782-9193 or (928) 782-1599
Juliettes may use council credit earned during Fall Product Program and the Girl Scout Cookie Program toward store purchases.
For current store hours and specials, give us a call—we are happy to chat! Not planning a trip to your local Girl Scout store? Shop online ANYTIME at girlscoutssoaz.org!
Your Juliette Year With tons of programs and events to choose from all year round, our Juliette will have the chance to try new things, and experience what interests her the most. Be sure to visit girlscoutssoaz.org for exact dates of events below as they may change year to year.
Fall •
Spring • • • • •
National Park Week (April) Volunteer Appreciation Month (April) Young Women of Distinction Awards Ceremony (Apr. 25th) Renew Your Membership (May 1st) National Bridging Weekend (May)
Summer • • • • • • •
Girl Scout Camp BEGINS! (Jun.Aug.) Centennial of Women’s Suffrage (Aug. 26th) GS Fest (Aug. 22nd) STEMtember (September) Girl Scouts of Southern Arizona Annual Meeting Girl Scouts Love State Parks (Sep. 12th-13th) Thin Mint Sprint (Sep. 22nd)
• • •
Official start of the membership year (Oct. 1) Fall Product Sale (Oct. 3rd) International Day of the Girl (October 11th) Juliette Gordon Low’s Birthday (“Founder’s Day,” Oct. 31)
Winter • • • • • • • • • •
Yuma Cookie Kickoff (Dec. 7th) Cochise Cookie Kickoff (Dec. 12th) Graham & Greenlee County Cookie Kickoff (Dec. 14th) Pima County Cookie Kickoff (Jan. 11th) Girl Scout Cookie season BEGINS! (Jan. 18th) World Thinking Day (Feb. 22) National Girl Scout Cookie Weekend (Feb. 28th-Mar. 1st) Women’s History Month (month of Mar.) Girl Scouts’ Birthday (Mar. 12) Girl Scout Week (Mar. 8th-Mar. 14th)
Stay up to date and register for programs, events, and summer camp at girlscoutssoaz.org/events. Programs are added continually throughout the year.
My Juliette Journal This journal belongs to: ________________________________________ My council and service unit contact names and numbers: ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________
Ideas and interests I want to explore as a Juliette: 1. _______________________________________________________ 2. _______________________________________________________ 3. _______________________________________________________
What I hope to discover as a Juliette: 1. _______________________________________________________ 2. _______________________________________________________ 3. _______________________________________________________
Ways I want to connect with my community: 1. _______________________________________________________ 2. _______________________________________________________ 3. _______________________________________________________
How I hope to make the world a better place: 1. _______________________________________________________ 2. _______________________________________________________ 3. _______________________________________________________
My Juliette Story: ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________
Facebook.com/girlscoutssoaz Instagram.com/girlscoutssouthernaz Twitter.com/girlscoutssoaz
4300 E. Broadway Blvd. Tucson, AZ 85711 (520) 327-2288 • girlscoutssoaz.org