October 2022January OctoberRegistration2023opens1,Noon Fall/Winter Events Guide

2 Girl Scouts of Wisconsin Southeast • 800-565-4475 • gswise.org Journey and Badge in a Box are perfect for individual Girl Scouts and troops! Choose a badge or Journey award from the chart below, and let us do all the work preparing you for the adventure. Each Journey or Badge in a Box comes fully stocked with a lesson plan and all required supplies needed to earn the badge or award. We will even print the Volunteer Toolkit materials if you don’t have access to the VTK or a printer. To order your Journey or Badge in a Box kit, complete an order form found at https://form.jotform.com/202866633733157. Journey and Badge in a Box Cost/Girl Scout D B J C S A Virtual Event Option A Trip Around the World Centers patch $10 Bridging Ceremony Kits (available in spring) $5-7 Welcome to the Daisy Flower Garden Journey $16 Daisy Petal Package (includes lessons, supplies, and petals for all 10 Daisy petals and center) $30 Rollercoaster Design Challenge badge $10 Space Science Explorer badge $10 Toy Business Designer badge $10 Trail Adventure badge $18 Candy Crush (coming soon!) New! $10 Jan. 11 Think Like an Engineer Journey $16 Brownie Quest Journey $16 Bugs badge $10 Leap Bots Design Challenge badge $10 Letterboxer badge $18 Hand Sewing patch $10 Space Science Adventurer badge $10 Flowers badge $10 Jeweler badge $12 Space Science Investigator badge $10 Geocacher badge $18 Agent of Change Journey $16 Mars Rover Design Challenge (Robotics) New! Free (deposit required) Machine Sewing patch $10 aMAZE Journey $16 Chocolatiers (coming soon!) New! $10 Jan. 25 Comic Artist badge $10 Night Owl badge $18 Book Artist badge $11 Woodworker badge $16 Woodworker patch $16 GIRLtopia Journey $16 Your Voice, Your World Journey $16 Daisy Brownie Junior Cadette Senior AmbassadorD B J C S AKey: Available Journey and Badge in a Box options: Register for one of our FREE Badge in a Box virtual events - see chart below for all available options. Journey and Badge in a Box Choose Your Own Adventure
Totally fun. Totally you. Right now, Girl Scouts are meeting furry friends at a local animal shelter, giggling past lights-out at sleepovers, and learning how their favorite roller coasters work. Above all else, you’re having a blast—because you know bringing the fun is all about being your true selves, trying new things, and cheering each other on. Get ready to have fun, learn cool new skills, and bring a bit more happy to your life.
Registration Information
Registration Details
Program Activity Credits (PACs)
Girl Scouts earn PACs by participating in the Girl Scout Fall Product and Cookie Programs. Credits can be used to pay for all or partial event fees when GSWISE hosts the event registration.
• All events are subject to change. Refer to www.gswise.org/events for details.
• Due to the ever-evolving COVID-19 guidelines, registrants impacted by event changes or cancellations will be Currentcontacted.detailed safety guidelines for in-person events will be outlined in your confirmation.
COVID-19 Safety at In-Person Events
• Some events require that chaperones register for the event and accompany Girl Scouts during the event. These events are indicated with the chaperone CH symbol.
We are taking necessary precautions to prioritize your safety and the safety of our staff and event volunteers while participating in in-person council events, including:
• Some events are appropriate for the whole family, including siblings. Look for the family F symbol.
Girl Scouts of Wisconsin Southeast • 800-565-4475 • gswise.org 3
• Go to www.gswise.org/events
• Masks may be required indoors.
• Temperatures may be taken during event check-in.
Registration opens October 1 at Noon (unless otherwise noted) for events beginning OctoberJanuary. Some events are already open for registration, these events are noted in the program description where applicable.
• Event capacities may be reduced as needed to observe distancing guidelines.
• We have established enhanced cleaning/disinfecting guidelines.
• Wipes and sanitizer are available in every room.
Overnight event registration closes two weeks before the event. Day events close either one week or two days before the event. Registration deadlines are listed in the event details for each event at www.gswise.org/events
• Registrants who feel ill on the day of the event should stay home; we can make exceptions and provide refunds when GSWISE hosts the event registration.
Enjoy a Sleepover at Our Camp Properties!
To redeem PACs, select “Program Credits” as your payment method during online registration. A PAC Form will be emailed to the family to complete and submit.
Attending an event on a GSWISE property? Extend your experience with troop camping! Consider bringing your troop to spend the evening before or after your event to experience all that camp has to offer. Learn more about troop camping at www.gswise.org/troopcamping
• Events are facilitated by staff, volunteers, and/or Girl Scouts (under supervision), and community partners.
• Questions? Contact Customer Care at 800-565-4475 or customercare@gswise.org
• Girl Scouts may share supplies and equipment at events. Supplies for sanitizing items are available for event registrants.
When and How to Register
• Events are offered in-person or virtually.
To request event financial assistance, select the Financial Assistance box during online registration. A Financial Assistance Form will be emailed to the family to complete and submit. Financial assistance is funded by proceeds from the Girl Scout Cookie Program and gifts to Girl Scouting.
All Girl Scouts can pursue their ambitions. Financial assistance is available to help members participate in Girl Scout events. Financial assistance can be considered for one event per season (fall, spring, summer) per Girl Scout when GSWISE hosts the event registration. Financial assistance may not be available for partner events.
Event Financial Assistance
• All GSWISE-sponsored events are fun, interactive, educational, held to the highest safety standards, and developed to meet the needs of all members.
• Events are a great way to start or complete requirements for an earned award.
Program Aides (PA) PA Girl Scouts in grades 6-12 can strengthen their leadership skills, channel their confidence, and work directly with younger Girl Scouts as a Program Aide! They can assist at events and lead activities to turn their goals into reality.
Additional forwebsiteemail,theopportunitieseventwillbepostedthroughoutyear!WatchyourRallyhood,thecalendar,andGSWISEsocialmediadetailsasneweventspopup.
• Attend PA Core Training. Training is not required, but is very helpful. Find PA trainings at gswise.org>MYGS>Find Events.
• How PAs register: • Go to gswise.org>MYGS>Find Events. • Find events that interest you where you are at least two years older than the event participants.
• Find the event name with “PA” in front of it and use that link to complete your registration. PAs do not pay a registration fee.
4 Girl Scouts of Wisconsin Southeast • 800-565-4475 • gswise.org
Event Cancellations Policy
Event confirmation details are available at gswise.org>MYGS>My Events>Upcoming Events two weeks prior to the event. Share the event confirmation with everyone registered from your group. When applicable, earned awards will be provided at events. Related awards are available for purchase at your local Resource Center. Awards for virtual events will be available for pickup at your local Resource Center, or opt for the award to be mailed ($1 fee) by contacting us at 800-565-4475 or customercare@gswise.org
Adult Volunteers/Chaperones
Cancellations are available when requested more than two weeks ahead of an event when GSWISE hosts the event registration. A $5 cancellation processing fee will be incurred for each registrant for events with fees $5 and higher. Refunds are not available when canceling within two weeks of the event. If you would like to change the event or date, please register and pay for the new session and contact us at 800-565-4475 or customercare@gswise.org to process a cancellation. If the event is canceled by the council, full refunds will be issued. Refunds should be received within two weeks from when the cancellation was processed.
Adults chaperoning Girl Scouts other than their daughter are required to be registered with Girl Scouts of the USA as an adult member. Safety is our number one priority. We can prioritize the safety of all Girl Scouts and Girl Scout volunteers only when adults become registered members and complete the required background check. Adult volunteers are responsible for obtaining permission slips and for meeting adult-to-Girl Scout ratios for the event. All attending adults are expected to assist the Girl Scout(s) as needed and to prioritize appropriate Girl Scout behavior.
Confirmations and Recognitions

Girl Scouts of Wisconsin Southeast • 800-565-4475 • gswise.org 5 Service Centers Membership Center Camp and Program Centers Camp and Council Properties operated by Girl Scouts of Wisconsin Southeast Racine Center 5801 Washington Avenue (Hwy 20), Suite 200, Mount Pleasant C B A C D E Marion Chester Read Service Center (MCRSC) 131 S. 69th Street, Milwaukee Woodhaven Service Center (WHSC) 2303 37th Street, Kenosha C B A C D E C B A C D E C A E C C C B A C D E Camp Alice Chester (CAC) N8651 Townline Road, East Troy Chinook Program Center (CPC) S62W24528 Townline Road, Waukesha Fowler Troop House (FTH) 438 N. Oakwood Avenue, fowlertroophouse@gmail.comOconomowoc Camp Silver Brook (CSB) 2561 W. Decorah Road, West Bend Trefoil Oaks Program Center (TFOPC) 3901 First Street (County Road KR), Kenosha B A C D E C B A C D E For ServicecurrentCenterhours,goto www.gswise.org/locations

$14/Girl Scout; registration is currently open for Sept.-Oct. sessions Sat., Sept. 17, 10:00-11:15 a.m., TFOPC Sat., Sept. 17, 11:30 a.m.-12:45 p.m., TFOPC Sun., Sept. 18, 12:30-1:45 p.m., CAC Sun., Sept. 25, 12:30-1:45 p.m., CPC Sun., Sept. 25, 2:00-3:15 p.m., CPC Sat., Oct. 8, 10:00-11:15 a.m., TFOPC Sat., Oct. 8, 11:30 a.m.-12:45 p.m., TFOPC Sun., Oct. 9, 12:30-1:45 p.m., CPC Sun., Oct. 9, 2:00-3:15 p.m., CPC Sat., Oct. 15, 10:00-11:15 a.m., CPC Sat., Oct. 15, 11:30 a.m.-12:45 p.m., CPC Sat., Oct. 15, 1:15-2:30 p.m., CPC Sat., Oct. 15, 2:45-4:00 p.m., CPC Sat., Oct. 22, 10:00-11:15 a.m., CAC Sat., Oct. 22, 11:30 a.m.-12:45 p.m., CAC Sat., Nov. 5, 10:00-11:15 a.m., CSB Sat., Nov. 5, 11:30-12:45 p.m., CSB
Earned award: Cadette Archery badge
6 Girl Scouts of Wisconsin Southeast • 800-565-4475 • gswise.org Events: listed in alphabetical order Event Location Key: To view the full list of properties operated by GSWISE, go to www.gswise.org/locations. CAC = Camp Alice Chester, East Troy CPC = Chinook Program Center, Waukesha CSB = Camp Silver Brook, West Bend MCRSC = Marion Chester Read Service Center, Milwaukee TFOPC = Trefoil Oaks Program Center, Kenosha WHSC = Woodhaven Service Center, Kenosha D Daisy (Grades K-1) B Brownie (Grades 2-3) J Junior (Grades 4-5) C Cadette (Grades 6-8) S Senior (Grades 9-10) A Ambassador (Grades 11-12) F Family CH Chaperone PA Program Aide Icon Key: A Victorian Tea New! J LearnCH Victorian manners and traditions as you enjoy tea and light refreshments, try on historic clothing, make an accessory, and participate in parlor games. $30/Girl Scout; registration is currently open Sat., Oct. 1, 10:00 a.m.-12:30 p.m., Civil War Museum, Kenosha Earned awards: Playing the Past and Social Butterfly badges Archery I B J C CH Take aim as you give archery a shot. Learn new skills and practice using a bow and arrow.
Earned award: Cadette Archery badge Archery II C S A CH Shoot like a pro! Review your skills and improve your accuracy with other experienced archers.
$14/Girl Scout; registration is currently open for Sept.-Oct. sessions Sat., Sept. 17, 1:15-2:30 p.m., TFOPC Sun., Sept. 25, 3:30-4:45 p.m., CPC Sat., Oct. 8, 1:15-2:30 p.m., TFOPC Sun., Oct. 9, 3:30-4:45 p.m., CPC Sat., Oct. 22, 1:15-2:30 p.m., CAC Sat., Nov. 5, 1:15-2:30 p.m., CSB

Sun., Sept. 18, 2:00-3:30 p.m., CAC Sun., Sept. 18, 3:45-5:15 p.m., CAC Candy Crush New!
$25/Girl Scout Registration open through Sept. 30, 2023, Virtual Earned award: Coding Basics badge
Girl Scouts of Wisconsin Southeast • 800-565-4475 • gswise.org 7 See page 6 for an icon and location key Events: listed in alphabetical order
a new skill has never been so tasty! Make painted chocolates and cake pops and launch your new candy business. Free; pre-registration required (Gather your own materials or purchase a Badge in a Box at gswise.org. The last day to purchase a Badge in a Box is January 16.)
New! J C S LearningA
Additional event opportunities will be posted throughout the year! Watch your email, Rallyhood, the website calendar, and GSWISE social media for details as new events pop up.
ExploreB the world of candy making! Find your inner confectioner skills as you design candy necklaces and try your hand at making painted chocolates. Free; pre-registration required (Gather your own materials or purchase a Badge in a Box at gswise.org. The last day to purchase a Badge in a Box is January 2.)
Earn the Coding for Good: Coding Basics badge from the comfort of your own home on your own schedule. CodeCampKidz will guide you step by step as you work through your projects. Learn to write a computer program and use your new programming skills to share your positive message to do good in the world. You’ll be introduced to JavaScript and jQuery fundamentals in the form of specific examples. Learn the basics of computational thinking and lay a foundation for building a live e-commerce application in the Applied JavaScript projects. You’re free to come and go as your schedule permits, picking up where you left off. Take as long as you need to complete your badge, which includes approximately 5-7 hours of instruction. Optional live support classes are available daily to help you.
Wed., Jan. 11, 6:00-7:00 p.m., Virtual Participation patch: Candy Making fun patch
Archery II and Hatchet Throwing
Grades 8-12 CH
Wed., Jan. 25, 6:00-7:00 p.m., Virtual Participation patch: Candy Making fun patch Coding Basics 2023 C S A
Can’t get enough target sports? You’ll get a chance to improve your skills and challenge yourself with some new fun as you enjoy both archery and hatchet throwing in the same session.
$20/Girl Scout; registration already open

$13/Girl Scout; registration is currently open Sat., Oct. 1, 9:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m., Milwaukee School of Engineering
8 Girl Scouts of Wisconsin Southeast • 800-565-4475 • gswise.org See page 6 for an icon and location key
Earned award: Designing Robots badge
Earn the Coding for Good: Digital Game Design badge from the comfort of your own home on your own schedule. CodeCampKidz will guide you step by step as you work through your projects. Explore how programmers write code for computers and use Bootstrap to begin to understand how video games are created. Learn about the Bootstrap toolkit for creating pages that automatically change their appearance based on the viewing device (phone, tablet, laptop). In the process, you will create a suite of professional tools that you can reuse and customize for your own future development efforts. You’re free to come and go as your schedule permits, picking up where you left off. Take the time you need to complete your badge, which includes approximately 6-8 hours of instruction. Optional live support classes are available daily to help you.
Designing Robots
Join us for a fun-filled, fall kick-off event at the Milwaukee County Zoo to celebrate the new Girl Scout year! Have fun doing interactive activities, learn about the new Girl Scout badges, and more! Girl Scouts must be registered for the 2022-2023 membership year to qualify for these discounted tickets.
$10/child ages 3-12; $12/adult; children 2 years old and younger free; registration is currently open Sun., Oct. 9, 10:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m., Milwaukee County PurchaseZoo Discounted Tickets by Sept. 26: https://form.jotform.com/221096468571159
listed in alphabetical order
$25/Girl Scout
LearnB how robots are inspired by humans, animals, and nature. Then engineer and build a robotic hand prototype that helps other people or animals.
$26/Girl Scout Sat., Jan. 28, 9:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m., Kenosha Public Museum Earned award: Special Agent badge Girl Scout Day at the Milwaukee County Zoo D B J C S A F CH PA
Digital Game Design 2023 C S A
Registration open through Sept. 30, 2023, Virtual
Earned award: Digital Game Design badge
Entertainment Technology
ExploreJ the connections between science, engineering, and entertainment. Design a catapult or explore stop motion filming to discover all about the science behind some of your favorite technologies.
$13/Girl Scout; registration is currently open Sat., Oct. 1, 1:00-4:00 p.m., Milwaukee School of Engineering Earned award: Entertainment Technology badge Forensic Science New! C LearnCH about the exciting world of forensic science by examining fingerprints, recreating blood spatter patterns, and extracting DNA—then use your new knowledge to solve a crime scene.
Purchase Tickets Now Sat., Sept. 24, 4:00 p.m., Klotsche Center
Parks weekend on
Scouts Love State Parks D B J C S A F CH
Enjoy the evening rallying for the UW-Milwaukee Women’s Volleyball team on Saturday, Sept. 24, 4:00 p.m at the Klotsche Center. Stick around after the game to meet the team, get autographs, and enjoy a post-game volleyball skills clinic. Girls Scouts will receive a Panthers patch. All seating is general admission for $3/ticket.
Go Camping Sleepover
Be a rock star, role model, and real-life hero by making lasting change in the world and you can earn the Girl Scout Gold Award—the highest award in Girl Scouting! Gold Award Girl Scouts distinguish themselves in the college admissions process, have an opportunity to earn scholarships, and enter the military at a higher pay grade. Learn more about the award steps and council processes by choosing an in-person training session below or watching our Gold Video Training. Gold Award Training is required for Girl Scouts going for the Gold and is best taken after completing the prerequisite Journey requirement(s).
Celebrate Scouts Love State September 10-11, Rallyhood,
Earned award: Outdoor Adventurer badge
Adults will receive credit for completing Planning the Overnight Experience and Fire Safety and Outdoor Cooking Training.
Girl Scout Night with UW-Milwaukee New!
2022! Watch your email,
B CH LearnPAcamping skills like how to do a flag ceremony, follow the trail signs on a hike, and build and cook over a fire. Round out your experience with a service project at camp. Troops/Groups will share sleeping areas and will need to provide their own meals. Meal suggestions will be included in your confirmation.
$24/Girl Scout; $12/adult Fri., Nov. 4, 6:00 p.m.-Sat., Nov. 5, 12:00 p.m., CSB Sat., Nov. 5, 2:00 p.m.-Sun., Nov. 6, 9:00 a.m., CSB
with the
Panthers Women’s Volleyball
Related award: Hiker badge Gold Award Training
D Girl Scouts, and friends and Milwaukee
$5/Girl Scout Tue., Sept. 20, 6:00-8:00 p.m., CPC (registration now open for this session) Wed., Nov. 30, 6:00-8:00 p.m., MCRSC Tue., Jan. 17, 6:00-8:00 p.m., TFOPC Related award: Girl Scout Gold Award
Bucks! Watch your email, social media, and Rallyhood for more information this fall.
Girl Scout Night Milwaukee Bucks
Girl Scouts of Wisconsin Southeast • 800-565-4475 • gswise.org 9 See page 6 for an icon and location key Events: listed in alphabetical order
B J C S A CH Join your sister
cheer on the
and social media for details.

Extend your experience with troop camping! Consider bringing your troop to spend the evening before or after your event to experience all that camp has to offer. Learn more about troop camping at www.gswise.org/troopcamping
$10/Girl Scout Sat., Nov. 19, 9:00 a.m.-1:30 p.m., CPC Sat., Jan. 7, 9:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m., Virtual Related award: Program Aide pin Enjoy a Sleepover at Our Camp Properties!
10 Girl Scouts of Wisconsin Southeast • 800-565-4475 • gswise.org See page 6 for an icon and location key Events: listed in alphabetical order
$16/Girl Scout To schedule a session for your troop, contact us at 800-565-4475 or customercare@gswise.org
$10/child, children under five do not need to register Fri., Oct. 28, 5:30-8:30 p.m., CPC Fri., Nov. 11, 5:30-8:30 p.m., TFOPC Low Ropes New!
D B J C S A F CH PA Light up the night to explore all that lies in the darkness. Join us for a nighttime outdoor adventure that includes night hikes and scavenger hunts, stargazing, and finding animals of the night. Meet new friends around the fire and try a fall campfire snack. Explore chemiluminescence during the glow lab and play glow games. This open-house style event has activities for all ages, and you can come and go as you please.
Learn the basics of hatchet throwing. Master the throwing techniques and scoring and challenge your friends to a contest as you become a target-sport pro!
Attending an event on a GSWISE property?
PA Core Training
National Girl Scout Events
D B J C S A CH Enjoy time team building with your troop on our new low ropes course! Work together to complete the course while learning communication, problem solving, collaboration, and much more.
Tune in to these interactive and fun virtual events— with your troop or on your own! Pre-register to watch and participate live, or check out the interactive playback on demand. Explore the full Virtual Events Calendar at girlscouts.org> Discover>Virtual Events Calendar for even more Girl Scout fun.
OlderAGirl Scouts can assist or lead activities for younger Girl Scouts at council and service unit events, within a troop, and at camp, while fine-tuning their own skills as a Program Aide (PA). This training prepares Girl Scouts for the Program Aide (PA) Experience and includes leadership skills, tips for working with younger Girl Scouts, an overview of the Girl Scout Leadership Experience, teaching methods, and more.
$16/Girl Scout; registration is currently open for Sept.-Oct. sessions Sat., Sept. 17, 2:45-4:00 p.m., TFOPC Sat., Oct. 8, 2:45-4:00 p.m., TFOPC Sat., Oct. 22, 2:45-4:00 p.m., CAC Sat., Nov. 5, 2:45-4:00 p.m., CSB Light Up the Night New!
Hatchet Throwing C S A CH
Girl Scouts of Wisconsin Southeast • 800-565-4475 • gswise.org 11 See page 6 for an icon and location key Events: listed in alphabetical order
Earned award: Programming Robots badge Rock Climbing C S A CH
$40/Girl Scout; $30/adult Junior Overnight Options: Fri., Jan. 13, 5:30 p.m.-Sat., Jan. 14, 11:45 a.m., CSB Sat., Jan. 14, 1:15 p.m.-Sun., Jan. 15, 9:30 a.m. CSB Cadette-Ambassador Overnight Option: Fri., Jan. 20, 5:30 p.m.-Sat., Jan. 21, 11:45 a.m., CSB Junior-Ambassador Overnight Option: Sat., Jan. 21, 1:15 p.m.-Sun., Jan. 22, 9:30 a.m. CSB
$13/Girl Scout; registration is currently open Sat., Oct. 1, 9:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m., Milwaukee School of Engineering
$5/Girl Scout Wed., Sept. 21, 6:00-8:00 p.m., CPC (registration now open for this session) Tue., Nov. 29, 6:00-8:00 p.m., MCRSC Mon., Jan. 16, 6:00-8:00 p.m., TFOPC Related award: Girl Scout Silver Award
Embrace Wisconsin winter by exploring camp and snow tubing at Sunburst Ski Area! Activities may include ice fishing, snowshoeing, outdoor art, shelter building, and more—depending on weather and partner availability. Troops/groups must provide their own meals. Simple dinner and breakfast suggestions will be included in your confirmation.
Related awards: Brownie and Cadette Snow or Climbing Adventure badges
LearnJ how programmers code robots to move, understand, and solve real life problems. Design a code and program a robot to complete tasks, from helping in a hospital to working in a factory.
C WhenCH you team up with a small group of Girl Scout friends to find an issue you care about and then make a difference in your community, you can earn the Girl Scout Silver Award—one of the highest awards in Girl Scouting. Learn more about the award steps and council processes by choosing an in-person training session below, or by watching our Silver Video Training. Silver Award Training is best taken after completing the prerequisite Journey requirement(s).
Challenge yourself on the rock wall at Camp Alice Chester. Receive safety instruction on the auto-belay system and then climb as much as you like!
Silver Award Training
Programming Robots
Snow Spectacular Sleepover
$16/Girl Scout; registration is currently open Sat., Sept. 17, 10:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m., CAC Sat., Sept. 24, 1:30-3:30 p.m., CAC Sat., Oct. 29, 10:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m., CAC

2ndC and 4th Tuesday of every month, 6:00-7:00 p.m.; Begins Sept. 13, ends in June
Virtual Troops
Stars and Stories
Events: listed in alphabetical order
2ndBWednesday of every month, 6:00-7:00 p.m.; Begins Sept. 14, ends in June
Think Like a Programmer Journey 2023
BeCHdazzled by the night sky in UW-Milwaukee’s planetarium theater, learn how to use stars to find your way, and hear stories of constellations in the sky.
D B J (Spanish speaking multi-level)
$11/Girl Scout Sun., Nov. 6, 2:00-3:10 p.m., UW-Milwaukee Manfred Olson Planetarium Related award: Space Science Adventurer badge
C S CompleteA your Programmer Journey online and learn to code all from the comfort of your own home on your own schedule! CodeCampKidz will guide you step by step as you work through your projects. No experience or previous coding knowledge is required. Code like a Programmer while overcoming obstacles, building problem solving skills, and developing confidence as an independent coder. When you finish your Journey, you’ll have coded a final project of your choosing and earned your Think Like a Programmer Journey award. You’re free to come and go as your schedule permits, picking up where you left off. Take the time you need to complete your Journey, which includes approximately 6-10 hours of instruction. Optional live support classes are available daily to help you.
12 Girl Scouts of Wisconsin Southeast • 800-565-4475 • gswise.org See page 6 for an icon and location key
Join a Virtual Troop and you’ll always have something to look forward to! Team up with sister Girl Scouts your age from across the council to lead your own adventure together. Engage in a wide variety of exciting activities of your choice such as earning badges, completing a Journey, and earning fun patches. Discover your talents and passions and learn new skills while having fun together! All virtual troops are free; pre-registration is required. Join the troop at any time! Registration is now open.
$25/Girl Scout Registration open through Sept. 30, 2023, Virtual Earned award: Think Like a Programmer Journey award
3rd Monday of every month, 6:00-7:00 p.m.; Begins Sept. 19, ends in May Registration is now open. Go to gswise.org>MYGS>Find Events. Questions? Contact Customer Care at 800-565-4475 or customercare@gswise.org.

Ashdon Farms, located right here in Waukesha, Wisconsin, supplies all the delicious product for the Fall Product Program. This business also partners with other local suppliers for labels, boxes, design, printing, and manufacturing – so your participation will support other local businesses – making all of our communities stronger. Product begins October 1. Visit Rallyhood for complete timeline and details.
• Online ordering – customers can choose to have nuts, chocolates, or magazines shipped directly to them, or they can select from a group of nut and chocolate products that Girl Scouts can deliver.
• In-person by taking orders using the paper order card and collecting payments from customers.
You’ll learn how to create a budget and handle money.
As an entrepreneur, you’ll use your Girl Scout “can do” spirit to sell delicious nuts, chocolates, and magazines to your family, friends, and neighbors. These tasty treats make great holiday gifts! There are multiple ways to sell:
What’s in it for you:
While you have fun selling nuts, chocolates, and magazines, you’ll also learn and practice five skills that’ll set you up for sweet success on all your future adventures: Goal Setting You’ll learn how to set goals and create a plan to reach them.
How the Fall Product Program works: Supporting LOCAL businesses:
The Fall
You’ll learn to make decisions on your own and as a team. People Skills You’ll find your voice and build confidence through customer interactions. Business Ethics
Decision Making
The money from selling nuts, chocolates, and magazines stays locally to benefit the council – and troops earn 15% on all items sold. Plus, you’ll earn exciting rewards along the way!
Girl Scouts of Wisconsin Southeast • 800-565-4475 • gswise.org 1313 Girl Scouts of Wisconsin Southeast • 800-565-4475 • gswise.org Fuel your next adventure by participating in the Fall Product Program!
You’ll learn to act ethically, both in business and in life. Money Management
Locally Made SunFactoryChocolatePrairieChocolateWatertown Order Cards, Labels, & Chocolate Boxes New Berlin Pop Top Can Labels & Corporate Offices MenomoneeStickerWaukeshaBoxChocolatesCases&OnlineStoreFulfillmentRacineLabelsFallsPopTopsBoxes/TraysGreenBay
Running your very own Fall product business makes it all possible – from camping trips to STEM activities to community service projects that make the world a little brighter – your sales will help fund you and your troop’s big plans. Are you ready to use your unstoppable Girl Scout drive and ingenuity to make amazing things happen and reach your goals? Of course. You’ve got this!

14 Girl Scouts of Wisconsin Southeast • 800-565-4475 • gswise.orgGirl Scouts of Wisconsin Southeast • 800-565-4475 • gswise.org 14 Be a Force of Nature Save the Date! Girl Scout Summer Camp 2023 registration will open on November 15! Stay tuned for a complete Summer Camp 2023 book in October. Have fun at Girl Scout Summer Camp! Girl Scout Summer Camp is open to campers in grades K5-12, so there’s a place and opportunity for everyone to experience the outdoors and build your own adventure. At Summer Camp 2023 Sessions, Girl Scouts can: • Seek challenges on new ninja/ropes courses • Explore new areas during hikes, on the water, or on adventure trips • Learn cool skills like archery, hatchet throwing, orienteering, and outdoor cooking • Develop a stronger sense of self and have fun with friends • And so much more! Visit www.gswise.org/summercamp to register for Summer Camp and to learn more about all camp sessions beginning November 15.

Highest Awards Video Trainings Video trainings are available for Girl Scouts, parents/ caregivers, and volunteers who want to learn what it takes to earn each of the Highest Awards. Watch the videos at a time that works best for you.
2023 Date/Time TBD and in-person Silver and Gold Award 11.
• Gold Award Video Training and other resources can be found at www.gswise.org/goldaward (note: training is required at the Gold level). Girl Scout Gold Award Approval Process
• Bronze Award Video Training and other resources can be found at www.gswise.org/bronzeaward.
• To obtain second project approval, Girl Scouts must submit their Final Report in GoGold after project completion (final deadline is September 30 after they graduate high school).
• Silver Award Video Training and other resources can be found at www.gswise.org/silveraward
Related award: Girl Scout Gold Award Girl Scout Highest Awards Celebration
The Girl Scout Bronze, Silver, and Gold Awards prove you’ve got what it takes to build a better today—and tomorrow. You shine brightest when you’re making the world a better place. That’s why you can earn three separate awards— the Girl Scout Bronze, Silver, and Gold Awards—as you dream of a better tomorrow and take action in big ways today. Whether you want to focus on health and wellness, animals, STEM, public safety, education, the environment, or any other issue, you’ll inspire others and learn more about yourself. As you earn one of Girl Scouting’s highest awards, you’ll change your corner of the world—and maybe even beyond.
going for the Gold must receive council approval at two occasions, first prior to starting the project and second after project completion.
This optional celebration is for Girl Scouts who have earned the Girl Scout Bronze, Silver, and Gold Awards and their guests. Final Reports are due March 1, 2023 to be recognized at the 2023 Girl Scout Highest Awards Celebration. Submit Final Report online at www.gswise.org/highestawards (go to Bronze, Silver, or Gold Award webpage for the report). Invitations will be sent in the spring to eligible Girl Scout awardees.
See page 6 for an icon
Trainings on pages 9 and
S GirlAScouts
location key Find
• To obtain first project approval, Girl Scouts must submit their Proposal in GoGold at least three weeks prior to the tentative start date of the project.
Highest Awards
Upon submission of the Proposal or Final Report, the council will connect the Girl Scout with a representative from the Highest Awards Mentor Committee. Girl Scouts will correspond with the committee member to gain council approval through email, text messages, phone calls, video calls, and/or in-person meetings. If you wish to connect with the Highest Awards Mentor Committee prior to submitting a Project Proposal, simply contact Customer Care at 800-565-4475 or customercare@gswise.org to be connected earlier in the process.
Girl Scout Bronze, Silver, and Gold Awards

See page 6 for an icon and location key
Girl Board Members for the GSWISE Board of GradesDirectors10-12
Program Aide (PA) C S A
Older Girl Scouts can lead, or assist leading, specific activities for younger Girl Scouts while fine-tuning their own skills. Girl Scouts can serve as PAs at council and service unit events, within a troop, and at camp. PAs need to be at least two years older than the Girl Scouts they are working with. See the Cadette Girl’s Guide to Girl Scouting for information on earning the Program Aide PAaward.Core Training is required to be a PA at day camp, and is recommended for being a PA at events and with troops. See page 10 for upcoming PA Core Training session dates/times.
Training Requirement: None; PA Core Training highly encouraged Troop Program Aide (PA) C S A
16 Girl Scouts of Wisconsin Southeast • 800-565-4475 • gswise.org
Training Requirement: PA Core Training and Troop Specific Training Volunteer-in-Training (VIT) Grades 10–12 This is an opportunity for Girl Scouts who’d like to mentor a younger Girl Scout group in a setting other than camp. See the Senior or Ambassador Girl’s Guide to Girl Scouting for information on how to earn this award.
Training Requirement: Leadership Essentials for the level Girl Scouts choose to work with. Refer to page 3 for directions to register for training.
Looking for a unique leadership experience? Be the voice of Girl Scouts as you help Girl Scouts of Wisconsin Southeast make strategic decisions about the organization in order to fulfill our mission. Each year, GSWISE accepts applications for the position of girl board member to serve on the Board of Directors for a one-year term with full voting privileges. Girl Scout board members are elected annually and attend 4-6 board meetings. They work alongside the Chief Executive Officer and other adult board members who are community and business leaders in our jurisdiction. Applicants must be registered Girl Scouts, 14+ years old, and a high school sophomore, junior, or senior by the time the term begins on October 1, 2023. The application will be posted at gswise.org in spring 2023. For more information and to apply, check gswise.org or contact us at customercare@gswise.org or 800-565-4475.
Girl Scouts assist a younger troop in their area and gain practical skills and tips for working with both Girl Scouts and troop leaders. Contact us at customercare@gswise.org to get details on Troop Specific Training and connect with a troop.
Event Program Aide (PA) C S EventsA throughout this book with the PA symbol provide a great PA opportunity. PAs attend events for free. Refer to page 4 for directions to register for PA events.

Your troop can plan the adventure of a lifetime! Girl Scouts develop self-confidence and leadership skills by working together to plan a trip. To organize a safe and enjoyable troop trip: Refer to the Troop Trip Guidelines and Safety Activity Checkpoints at www.gswise.org/travel Refer to the current COVID guidelines for in-person gatherings at www.gswise.org/covid19 Check out the Girl Scout Guide to U.S. Travel or the Guide to Global Travel at www.gswise.org/travel
Complete and submit a Troop Trip Application form found at www.gswise.org/travel for: One or two night trips to a non-council owned site more than 100 miles away from the troop’s community A trip of three or more nights Submit troop trip forms 30 days prior to departure (two years for international trips). Questions? Contact us at 800-565-4475 or customercare@gswise.org.
Girl Scouts of Wisconsin Southeast • 800-565-4475 • gswise.org 17 Travel Girl Scouts at Home Explore hundreds of activities online and see for yourself how you’ll have more fun learning, doing, and growing as a Girl Scout. Your options are virtually limitless. Visit both the Girl Scouts of Wisconsin Southeast (GSWISE) and Girl Scouts of the USA (GSUSA) websites for a complete list of opportunities. • GSWISE: Find it in Rallyhood>Council-Wide Groups & Events Hub>Resources>Program • GSUSA: girlscouts.org>Discover>Activity Zone Destinations Information C S You’reAgoing places, Girl Scout. Whether you dream of heading to one of our national parks, scoring seats to a Broadway play, checking out incredible Girl Scout history in Savannah, Georgia—or even traveling to a whole different country—you can make it happen with these opportunities. Experience incredible travel opportunities, meet Girl Scouts from around the country and the world, and return feeling inspired and Tripsempowered.generally happen in the summer, range from several days to a couple weeks long, and are sponsored by Girl Scout councils across the country or Girl Scouts of the USAapproved organizations. For a list of Girl Scout Destinations and to apply online, go to destinations/.https://forgirls.girlscouts.org/travel/take-a-trip/ Financial assistance may be available. For more information, contact us at 800-565-4475 or customercare@gswise.org
Troop Trips

18 Girl Scouts of Wisconsin Southeast • 800-565-4475 • gswise.org Community Event Providers Our Community Event Providers Community Service Make-A-Wish Wisconsin Milwaukee Prevent Child Abuse WI Will Travel Ronald McDonald House Varies The Sharing Center Kenosha Life Skills A Loving Village, Inc. Brookfield Allo Chocolat Waukesha Friendship Art Studio Fox Point Generations Against Bullying Milwaukee, Racine Good Friends, Inc. Will Travel Kreative Fruitz by Imani Raiyne Milwaukee,WillTravel La Terraza Pottery Studio Milwaukee Medical College of Wisconsin Virtual Milwaukee Youth Theatre Milwaukee Pediatric Acupuncture & CranioSacral Varies Premier Martial Arts Wind Lake Vine Images, INC Virtual Wisconsin Humane Society Ozaukee, Milwaukee Yoga Connects MKE Milwaukee or Virtual Museums, Tours, Attractions, & Shows Festival City Symphony Milwaukee Fiserv Forum & Milwaukee Bucks Milwaukee Kenosha Public Museums Kenosha Marcus Performing Arts Center Milwaukee Milwaukee Metro CYT & Kenosha CYT MilwaukeeKenosha& The Wisconsin Museum of Quilts & Cedarburg Fiber Arts Outdoors Door County Adventure Center Door County Lake Geneva Zipline & Adventure Lake Geneva Riveredge Nature Center Saukville Schlitz Audobon Nature Center Milwaukee The Funkin Farm Kenosha Treetop Explorers, LLC Wauwatosa Urban Ecology Center Milwaukee Wehr Nature Center Franklin STEM Center for Sustainable Living Kenosha Who are Community Event Providers? Community Event Providers are local organizations and businesses offering experiences that connect Girl Scouts with their community and the world around them. Activities are aligned with the Girl Scout Leadership Experience or are considered a beneficial opportunity for Girl Scouts. How do I sign up? Listings of activities are found at www.gswise.org/cep and in Rallyhood>Council-Wide Groups & Events Hub>Resources>Program>Community Event Providers. Opportunities are updated throughout the year. Check back often to see what’s new! • Listings are organized by category. • Registration and staffing are handled by the Community Event Provider. Contact the organization directly for questions or to register for an event. • Will travel indicates the organization will come to your troop meeting location. New this pre-scheduledProvidersCommunityyear,EventwhohaveeventdatescannowbefoundinthewebsitecalendarinadditiontoRallyhood.Checkitout! GSWISE event financial assistance is not available for Community Event Provider offerings.

gsLearn and
If haven’t already joined Rallyhood platform, join (it’s interact with Council, other troops, Girl Scout join Events, Rallyhood. how use Rallyhood be found on at www.gswise.org/rallyhood.
Join Us Rallyhood!in Contact Customer Care at customercare@gswise.org for questions about joining if you need further assistance. Tips and tools for
families! Use this QR code to
GSWISE” hub in
our “Council-Wide Groups &
Girl Scouts of Wisconsin Southeast • 800-565-4475 • gswise.org 19 In our Rallyhood online platform, you can: • Learn program updates from the Council and hear about new events • Explore all the rallies that interest you, including Girl Scout specific program levels, Fall Product + Cookie Program, volunteer-specific groups, STEM, Travel + Destinations, and more! • See a calendar of events for your service unit and council-sponsored events • Access files from your service unit and review council notes • Share photos of activities happening in your service unit or troop • Create and organize sign-ups for troop activities and events • See all the fun your Girl Scout(s) are having at summer camp with daily photo album uploads. • And so much more! Rallyhood is Girl Scouts of Wisconsin Southeast’s new, members-only online platform to make connections and share resources! Throughout the Girl Scout year, we will be posting important updates, new events, activities, guides, forms, documents, and fun photos in Rallyhood – so you’ll have everything you need to stay connected and have fun!
free!) and discover all the ways you can

Girl Scouting builds girls of courage, confidence, and character, who make the world a better place. Business Advisors, a proud sponsor and partner, supporting Girl Scouts of Wisconsin Southeast's commitment to STEM programming.
leewardba.com Join our Daisy’s Circle Monthly Giving Program Daisy’s Circle gives supporters a way to provide consistent, ongoing support so that ALL girls have access to Girl Scouting. Join GSWISE’s monthly giving program and become a Daisy’s Circle member today. Please visit www.gswise.org/giveContinuetoday! Investing in Girl Scouts
Changing the World with Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math