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Check out The Wine Lady's Wine Commandments




Meet Jameleeh Lewis, The Wine Lady out of Washington D.C.

Are you taking a double look? If so, you'd be correct in thinking you've seen her before as in early 2019 we shared her story of entrepreneurship and wine on the East Coast. We had so much fun during that interview and felt like we were soul wine sisters! So, it only is fitting that we reintroduce her to you this month and announce her monthly column in Sip On Life - The Wine L ady Commandments.

She's fun, she's witty and she knows wine! Her goal is to share another perspective on how to enjoy your wine while being kind to your wine. Find her here monthly or head over to her social sites, like Instagram and give her some love!

Welcome to The Wine Commandments by The_Wine_Lady on Uncorked Wine Bar, Washington, DC!

Undeniably, t he Ten Com m andm ent s are t ruly one of t he cornerst ones of t he Christ ian fait h. If t he god of w ine, Dionysus, t hought it not robbery t o give m e t he Ten Com m andm ent s of w ine, t o est ablish t he fundam ent als of drinking and enjoying w ine, I are sure t hey w ould be som et hing like w hat I have creat ed.

Over the next months I will reveal The Wine Lady's Ten Com m andm ent s. Now, I assure you there will be someone who might get offended by the analogies that are drawn, but before you decide to reply or email me, I encourage you to read your Bible, and have a glass of wine or two just like Jesus used to do and I am sure still does...Selah

The Wine Lady?s 1st Com m andm ent

" Thou Shalt not exalt any ot her drink above w ine"

Usually, we are born with 5 senses: sound, sight, smell, taste

and touch. Wine is the ONLY drink that engages ALL 5 senses. Now, before you posture against me on this please continue to read why no other drink shall be exalted over wine.


According to one of the legends regarding the origin of clinking your glass for the famous words ?CHEERS?, it is believed it was done to seal some form of deal. The motivation behind clinking your glass with another person you are making a deal with, derives from a symbolic gesture of trust. If one was to deceive the other by backing out of the deal by killing them by poisoning their wine, the idea was by clinking the glasses together, some of the wine each person had would splash into the others.

Thus, the clinking of your glass with another person was viewed as a the sign of trust, because who wants to poison and kill themselves? Not me! The proper way to ?cheers? your wine glass is to look the other person in the eye simultaneously clinking your glass together at the lip of the

glass and saying, ?CHEERS?.


Your eyes provide clues on what to expect from a wine based on its color and clarity. A cloudy wine may be flawed, or it might simply be unfiltered, like some natural wines. Also, your eyes allow you to determine what the alcohol content may be based on the tears/legs of the wine, looking at the wine is a imperative step in assessing, enjoying and drinking wine, because there is so much to me gleaned from by simply looking at a wine.

Sm ell

Smell IS the most important sense in wine tasting! Allow yourself to be focused and open to interpret the various messages and discern the individual notes of what the smell of the wine reminds you of. Yes, sometimes this might lead you down a Cousin Gabe tasting note, but even that is okay. I guess. LOL! The reality is, this is a step that is just as


important as it is subjective, therefore there are no wrong answers. Unless you are Cousin Gabe and in which case you are WRONG on every level! LOL!


When the wine touches your tongue, you are able to assess fizziness, temperature, viscosity (light/full), alcohol content, as well as the presence of high or low tannins.

Tast e

This is when your nose impression is confirmed and sometimes even enhanced with new notes and messages. Tasting wine detects sweetness, acidity, and bitterness of a wine.

Disclaimer: The team at Uncorked Wine Bar is waiting for Dionysus to sober up so they can be approved. The Wine Lady Ten Commandments are to be used for entertainment and learning purposes only.

Be sure to check back next month for my 2nd Wine Commandment and join me for this sip filled ride! Heading to Washington, D.C. - then be sure to give us a shout and come sip with at www.uncorkeddc.com.


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