3 minute read

For the Foodies




Sum m ert im e is full of cam pfires and cook out s and w hat 's bet t er t han S'm ores? I recent ly t ried m aking hom em ade m arshm allow s and m uch t o m y surprise, t hey w ere fairly easy t o m ake. The biggest plus, is t hey t ast ed so m uch bet t er t han st ore bought . I could have used a sm aller pan for t hicker m arshm allow s, but using t he 9"x13: act ually m ade t he perfect size for graham crackers. St ore in plast ic bags or airt ight cont ainerr for up t o a w eek.


- 3 packages unflavored gelat in - 1 1/ 2/ cups sugar - 1 cup light corn syrup - 1 Tablespoon van illa - Confect ioner 's sugar

Inst ruct ions

1. Com bine gelat in and 1/ 2 cup cold w at er in a bow l and set aside. It w ill form a soft jello. 2. In a saucepan, com bine sugar, corn syrup and 1/ 2 cup w at er. Cook over m edium hear unt il sugar dissolves. Raise t em p t o high and bring sugar m ixt ure t o 240 degrees on candy t herm om et er. Rem ove from heat .

3. Turn m ixer on low speed and add gelat in m ixt ure. Slow ly pour sugar syrup int o gelat in m ixt ure. Put m ixer on high speed and w hip unt il very t hick, Add vanilla and w hip t hroughly.

4. Cover baking dish bot t om w it h confect ioner 's sugar for a coat ing layer. Pour m arshm allow m ixt ure int o pan and spread out , sm oot hing t op. Coat t op w it h anot her light layer of confec t ioner 's sugar. Dry for 4 hours or overnight . 5. Slide out of pan and cut t o desired shape or use cookie cut t ers for designs.



Try this delicious and refreshing spinach salad from our friends over at The Bottled Olive in Windsor with their barrel aged rapsberry balsamic vinegar for an irresistible dressing.

INGREDIENTSfor Caramelized nuts -

- 1/4 cup walnuts - 1 Tablespoon Raspberry Balsamic Vinegar - 1 teaspoon Sea Salt (vanilla bean or lime fresco)

For Dressing -

- 3 Tablespoons Balsamic Vinegar - 1 Tablespoon Oil (sicilian Lemon or roasted walnut) - 1/8 teaspoon seal salt

Salad -

- 4 cups Spinach - 1 cup Raspberries - 1/ 4 cup Parmesan Reggiano Cheese


1. Heat a skillet over medium heat. Add walnuts and cook until they start to become aromatic. Stir to keep from burning. Add balsamic vinegar, stir to coat and remove from heat. toss with sea salt and cool.

2. Create dressing by whicking together vinegar, oil and salt.

3. Arrange spinach on plates. Toss with dressing and top with raspberries, cheese and caramelized walnuts.

4. Enjoy!


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