Girlz 4 Christ Spring 2016

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Ring by Spring? I’ve occasionally visited Christian colleges to meet the students, and stepping on the campus brings a completely different atmosphere. Sure, the encouraging Christian environment is there, but I immediately feel something else. Many people joke that girls go to Christian colleges to get their “MRS” degree, and the challenge is to get their (engagement) ring by the end of the spring semester. Wanting to get married can be a Godhonoring goal, but whether or not we’re hearing wedding bells, our current goal should be to use our single years for the Lord. Marriage is a cause for celebration, but if you focus on what you can do in the here and now, you’ll find many reasons for celebrating today! One thing that the Girlz 4 Christ staff is celebrating this spring is not that we got a ring, but that the Lord has provided for this magazine for 5 years now! Join us in the following pages for a celebration of what God has done!

From the Editor, Jessica Lippe Design: Lily Garay and Jessica Lippe Editors: Jessica Lippe and Lily Garay All other contributors, photo credits, and sources are listed on the page in which they appear. Although we try to ensure that all recommended websites and other outside resources are accurate and appropriate, Girlz 4 Christ cannot guarantee due to changes over time. Opinions/recommendations were not swayed by payment. Readers under 13 need to obtain parental permission before reading or visiting any online sites.

In This Issue Godly Girlz ......................................... 3 Mirror, Mirror ................................. 3 I’m Possible Dreams ...................... 5 Comparison Syndrome ................. 8 Fearing the Future ....................... 10 Girlz in Action ................................. 12 5 Girls Who Changed the World.. 12 Cozi Zuehlsdorff........................... 16 The 5-Day Adoption .....................20 Beautiful Girlz ................................. 23 Style Savvy ................................... 23 Skirting the Issue .........................26 Skincare ........................................ 27 Fun 4 Girlz ....................................... 30 5th Birthday Giveaway! .................30 5 For The Bookshelf ..................... 32 Introvert or Extrovert? ................34 Top 10 Reasons to Go to Camp ... 37 Behind the Scenes .......................38 Find more content at We’re on your favorite social media, too!



By Monica Withers, author of Radical God Talk



Monica Withers wrote a book full of devotionals like this! Order your copy at GIRLZ4CHRISTMAGAZINE.ORG


When I grow up… How many of us have said that? While our dreams differ, we can agree on at least three areas where we want to succeed. (Relationships would be a fourth major area; we’ll save this topic for another day.)

next day, you’re at the mall and find a pair of shoes you like. The price is $25. Do you buy them? Are they worth three hours of your life? You see, that’s what money is. It’s the amount of time or “life energy” that you’re willing to spend on something.

Take a pop quiz, and see if you’re tracking with me. True or False: 1. I want financial freedom/success. 2. I want the job of my dreams (business, ministry, homemaker, etc.) 3. I want a purpose-filled life, pleasing to God.

Whether or not you decide to buy the shoes is up to you. However, if we’re going to be wise with money, we need to “Money is carefully weigh what we something we spend and what we save. choose to trade our Saving is delayed gratification for something that we want life energy for.” later (maybe a dress for the - Vicki Robin, author prom, the down payment on a car or money for camp this of Your Money or summer).

Your Life

If you answered true to at least one of those, the good news is that you don’t have to wait for “someday” but can start today to make your dreams a reality. Someday #1: Financial Freedom Consider this scenario. You’ve just spent three hours babysitting and earned $25. The

Ask your parents, guardian or older sibling to help you start a basic budget. The point isn’t the amount of money you have; it’s what you do with what you have. Even more unpopular than saving is tithing. This practice involves giving back to God a percentage of our money, traditionally a GIRLZ4CHRISTMAGAZINE.ORG


tenth or more, wherever He calls us to give (perhaps to our church, a missionary, or an orphan we can support for $20 a month). Why is tithing crucial to our success, financial or otherwise? Because it reminds us that everything we have belongs to God in the first place and that we are to depend on Him, not on our finances.

school has a newsletter or yearbook, apply to join.  Read outside of your schoolwork. Find a topic, author or series that interests you. Reading improves vocabulary and builds comprehension and critical thinking skills that will help you in your future job. There’s so much more that could be said  Participate in volunteer about tithing, but I encourage you to try it. opportunities, or consider an Start small, and give cheerfully (2 internship. Corinthians 9:7). When we honor God with  Explore your hobbies, and our money, we may be surprised develop your interests now. Take at the ways He honors us (Malachi “He who is lessons. Show up to practice faithful in what is early. The results may not be 3:10). immediate, but they add up over least is faithful Someday #2: Dream Job time. When I was seven, I dreamed of becoming a veterinarian. What kid wouldn’t want to spend all day with animals? And then I realized I would also be jabbing my furry friends with needles. There died that dream.

also in much; and he who is unjust in what is least is unjust also in much.” - Luke 16:10 NKJV

Someday #3: Purpose-Filled Life Kristen, I’m a teenager. Yes, I want God’s best, but I don’t see how my life right now is preparing me for my future – and God’s not exactly face-timing me about His plan.

When we think dream job, we also need to think reality and what kind of preparation is needed. Go online, and search for the requirements of a career that interests you.

God can use you right where you are, and though He won’t chat on the phone, He’ll do something even more amazing. He’ll speak through His Word: through its promises, its clear commandments, and the examples of the men and women who flood its pages.

Don’t get overwhelmed. Rather, get creative in the ways you can start preparing now. Some practical ideas include:

Right. But they’re superhero Christians.

Computer skills: Take advantage of your technology classes, and practice your words per minute (at sites like If design interests you, try your hand at free photo editors (like or offer to create Facebook banners for your friends (at If your

Are they? True, God used many Bible characters in awesome ways, but let’s not forget their beginnings. Joseph was seventeen when his brothers sold him into slavery. None of us would want to trade places with him for the next thirteen years of his life (Genesis 41:46). Going from a favored son to a servant and later prisoner, Joseph could have thought GIRLZ4CHRISTMAGAZINE.ORG


that God had forgotten him. Instead, he forged a relationship with God in his present circumstances that prepared him to rule Egypt. Don’t forget the shepherd boy David, youngest of eight brothers (I Samuel 16:1011). Some days, he probably felt like a nobody, but he faithfully protected his flock. Instead of idly waiting for God to use him in some big way, he took advantage of the training opportunities right where God had him. Little did he know that his sling shot practice on wild animals was preparing him to take down the giant Goliath (I Samuel 17).

Start taking your goals seriously today Putting off our dreams until tomorrow – when we’re “older” – is a convenient way to avoid preparing for them. When we fail to plan, we plan to fail. In the action/comedy Knight and Day, Agent Roy Miller (Tom Cruise) tells accidental sidekick June (Cameron Diaz), “Someday is a dangerous word. It’s a code word for never.” Don’t let someday become never. Start today by taking small steps toward your I’m possible dreams.

Kristen Hogrefe is the award-winning author of the young adult suspense trilogy Wings of the Dawn. Her blog is designed to help young women think biblically about themselves, others, God and the world. She enjoys meeting new friends at



Galatians 6:4-5 “Each of you must examine your own actions. Then you can be proud of your own accomplishments without comparing yourself to others. Assume your own responsibility”

We are keeping ourselves from wisdom the longer we compare ourselves to others.

tiny things that can be easy to overlook. Honestly, I can compare myself to others all day long and no one really has to know.

James 3:16 “From where jealousy and selfish ambition exist, there will be disorder and every vile practice”

I have had a lot of friends through my life who have told me that they think I am “such a good person” or that they are scared to tell me about their sins, because I might not understand. I remember so many times telling those friends that I AM a sinner, believe it or not. And it didn’t understand how they didn’t know I sinned. Of course I sin. But recently I have learned that the reason they didn’t know is because my sin is a lot of times in my mind. I can compare myself all day long and no one will even know. It takes humility and courage to open up to someone about the comparison syndrome and actually ask to be held accountable.

We don’t always mean for it, but selfish ambition is what we have when we compare ourselves to others. Comparison is like a disease that the devil uses to keep us from being sober minded. If we, as Christians, really want to preach to the world about our God, then we have to live our His word first. And, if you are a follower of Christ, you know that this isn’t always the easiest thing. And in my opinion, comparison is one of those really



Opening up to someone like that is pure transparency. It’s scary. It can sometimes make us feel dirty and guilty. What we have to remember is these feelings are from the devil. Just like comparison is of the world, not of the Lord, also guilt is of the world. Conviction is of God, and the difference is that conviction causes us to change, as to where guilt scares us into a corner. The Lord has called us to a life without fear and a life with freedom. Comparison is a joy killer. Not only that, but comparison is captivating. It binds us like a chain. It suffocated us. It makes us feel isolated and lonely and unworthy and

incapable. All of these things lead to destruction. All of it covers up the still small voice of the Lord in our heart. What would this generation look like if we decided to attempt to overcome comparison. I believe when we take a bold step, the Lord rewards that. Doing an action for Him will never come back void. Therefore, arise oh sleeper. See the dawn. See all that God has in store. It is so much more. Immeasurably more than we can even imagine. Set your eyes on Him. Full Focus Forward.

2 Corinthians 10:12 “For we dare not make ourselves of the number, or compare ourselves with some that commend themselves: but they measuring themselves by themselves, and comparing themselves among themselves, are not wise.” GIRLZ4CHRISTMAGAZINE.ORG


Fearing the

Hey girls! How are you? Feeling a little stressed about your future? Inhale. Exhale. Get your sweats on, brew a cup of tea and lets’ have a chat. Thinking about the future is overwhelming, no matter how old you are. We’re always uneasy when it comes to things we can’t completely control. You probably have a mug or screen saver with one of the more frequently quoted Bible verses we use when we’re worried about the future: Jeremiah 29:11, “’For I know the plans I have for you,’ declares the Lord, ‘plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future.’” It is certainly encouraging to hope in the promise that God intends to do good things in our lives, but this verse is rich with greater value than reminding us that our well-being is God’s concern. Most people totally miss what God is saying to his people in these verses. Quick history lesson. The Israelites, God’s chosen people, are by no means a people who have had an easy life. Throughout history, they have been jolted in and out of slavery to different nations, like a basketball being tossed from player to player. In Jeremiah 29 we meet the people of Israel in bondage to the Babylonians a few hundred years after their deliverance from bondage to Egypt. In these chapters they find themselves back in captivity with only God’s help as their hope for freedom. It’s in this place of fear and desperation that God speaks to them, and his message isn’t all that hopeful to begin with. He basically tells them to unpack their suitcases and get ready to spend the GIRLZ4CHRISTMAGAZINE.ORG


next 70 years living under the reign of a tyrant. 70 years! Can you imagine?! “Dear God, please save us from this terrible situation.” “Yes, my child I will…but in 70 years.” I don’t know about you, but I would have thought, “Yeah, okay we’ll see about that. I’m going to get myself out of this mess.” Sometimes when we’re in the midst of trial, it’s hard to trust that God has plans for our future. We want a resolution, and we want it in our timing. But, what if God’s plan is bigger than our own individual happiness and security? What if He had plans to use the Israelites as witnesses to the Babylonians? God says to the Israelites, “Also, seek the peace and prosperity of the city to which I have carried you into exile. Pray to the Lord for it, because if it prospers, you too will prosper.” Clearly Israel’s presence in Babylonia is an important part of God’s design to ultimately bless Israel. After God breaks the news that the Israelites won’t be going home so soon, he quickly follows up with the verse we’re so familiar with: the promise that He has a plan, and it is not a plan to hurt them but a plan that will give them abundant life and abiding joy. God’s plan for your life is first and foremost that you would bring glory to His name. At times it can feel like you’re giving up your own desires or even your own comfort to live out this plan, but He knows what’s best for you. He knows that what produces pure joy and everlasting peace is being an instrument of His love. He is weaving your life and the lives of everyone he loves into a beautiful tapestry. Right now you see the back of the tapestry. You can make out blobs of color and may be able to guess what shapes and forms they represent, but you will not see the full picture until you stand next to the Weaver Himself. Until then, trust that your thread is being carefully and lovingly intertwined with others in such a way that if it were removed or altered in some way, the picture would lose its beauty.



Over the past five years, our covers have featured 25 inspirational ladies whose love for God has encouraged them to change their world. They wrote books, starred in movies, started charities, performed music, and so much more.

Collaborated by Jessica Lippe

To help celebrate our 5th birthday, five of our cover girls returned to tell us what is going on in their lives and how their ministry has grown. Also check out how they’ve changed between then and now! GIRLZ4CHRISTMAGAZINE.ORG


Ruby Gomez, age 27 I was the first person interviewed in Girlz 4 Christ Magazine. I met Jessica before she became the editor of Girlz 4 Christ when she went on a mission trip to the Posada de Amor children’s home in Cieneguilla, Peru. I grew up in the care of Posada de Amor and also worked there for several years. I joined Youth With A Mission around the same time as Girlz 4 Christ’s first publication and got involved in international missions. I also studied to become fluent in English. My dream for many years was to visit the United States, and I finally got to do that in 2015! I visited several states where other missionaries to Peru lived, but most of my time was spent helping at Lake Bradley Christian Camp on the Oregon coast. I’m now home in Peru, but who knows what adventure will come next!

Editor Jessica and Ruby Today

Lily Garay, age 19

Lily: Then and Now

Things change after three years! That’s about how long it’s been since my G4C cover was published (discussing my music career). Since then, I’ve gone from regular staffer to the Assistant Editor of G4C! Actually lots of amazing things have happened to me since 2012. I’ve released 3 singles, started working on a book, performed in front of thousands of people, had articles published, graduated high school, started college, and have started gaining quite the social media following (kinda weird that that’s an accomplishment). But behind the scenes of my seemingly glamorous life (I public life is quite glam), I’ve changed many diapers for the girl I babysit, cleaned up after dogs, driven hours upon hours upon hours, dealt with boys being weird, lots of doubts/questions, and way too many hours behind my computer screen to make sure my website looks amazing. Don’t get me wrong, while I haven’t loved every minute of it, I do appreciate all the not-so-fab moments. I've learned a lot from them! I'm basically a pro at diaper changing now, I've learned how to guard my heart in a healthy way, and I'm pursuing my dreams regardless of how hard it is. Regardless of what you’re doing in life, stay passionate. Dream. Believe. Work hard. Achieve. Repeat. And do it all for the glory of God. GIRLZ4CHRISTMAGAZINE.ORG


Madison: Now and Then

Madison Wiese, age 18 Spring of 2013, my non-profit organization Boyfriend Bears was published in Girlz4Christ and I am so grateful! I started Boyfriend Bears when I was 14 years old. I remember wanting to create a conversation about healthy relationships and sex between teen girls. Little did I know then that Boyfriend Bears would ultimately allow me and my teen board to create an environment to talk to girls about these things. We developed our Purity is a Battle curriculum that we presented in a fun girls night out event which we called “Sessions” and after our Purity is a Battle Sessions, each girl would get a stuffed white bear, a “Boyfriend Bear” to keep on her bed to remind her that she is loved and worthy of love! Since then, Boyfriend Bears has been growing a lot! Last year, my senior year in high school, the teen board and I focused our energy on producing a DVD of our Purity is a Battle curriculum. In the DVD we share from our hearts and personal experiences and discuss some of the Bible verses that have helped us in our struggles and fight for purity. I am so excited that girls all over the world can now bring our curriculum into their home, school and church communities. I decided to go to college after high school and I’m now a freshman studying in California! I am hoping to get my degree in Communications in hopes to travel and speak! I have left my mom in charge of Boyfriend Bears and she is following God’s direction on how to transition the organization. It’s looking as though you’ll soon be able to find Boyfriend Bears in Christian Bookstores across the nation. My favorite verse is 1 Timothy 4:12 which says, “Don’t let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for all believers in life, love, faith, speech, and in purity.” You are not defined by your age, or anything for that matter. You are worthy of love and no matter what has happened in your life, you deserve God’s unconditional love. You are enough! GIRLZ4CHRISTMAGAZINE.ORG


Nicole Weider

Emma, still gardening!

Emma Sleeth Davis, age 25 When I was seventeen, I wrote It’s Easy Being Green: A Student’s Guide to Serving God and Saving the Planet. I graduated from Asbury University with a double major in English and history when I was nineteen, and I now work for the non-profit my parents founded, Blessed Earth. Our organization works with churches and seminaries across the country to inspire faithful stewardship of all creation; we’ve literally done thousands of speaking engagements since Blessed Earth’s foundation seven years ago. My publisher, Zondervan, gave me the opportunity to update and expand my book for a second edition, which was released in 2012. I got married two years ago, and my husband, Zach, is a farmer, so I’ve also gotten a lot more hands-on experience in sustainable agriculture the past few years! Growing so much of our own food has certainly made me even more aware of how what we eat affects the environment, and working in the garden has only increased my appreciation for God’s creation. Zach is currently in seminary, so I look forward to seeing where God leads us next!

Although it hasn’t been very long since being featured in Girlz 4 Christ Magazine, I’m already getting Project Inspired involved in new endeavors! Right now I am currently building a new and inspiring snapchat that encompasses all things beauty and style- not just as an individual, but stylecrowd highlights and showcasing other women doing cool things in their own field. So it's a collective and interactive community. I also do giveaways weekly by just sending me a snap when it starts. Every day I share new style and beauty items! Nicole Today



Cozi Zuehlsdorff Have you seen Dolphin Tale and Dolphin Tale 2? How about Disney Channel shows like Mighty

Med or Liv and Maddie? If so, Cozi Zuehlsdorff needs no introduction! Get to know how this seventeen-year-old actress and musician shines the light of Christ in the spotlight!



-What is your favorite song to perform? My favorite song to perform is probably Handpainted. I pray before I sing it, and the Holy Spirit always lets me get carried away in the music! -Tell us about Handpainted. Did a specific incident happen that inspired this song about inner beauty and self-worth in God? My dear friend Brennley inspired this song. As teenagers, we both can struggle with being overly-critical of our appearance, and I got to thinking about Psalm 139 and the truth that God has carefully and lovingly designed us, and I thought that idea could be translated into a song. Sometimes a song is worth a thousand conversations.



-Why did you decide to get involved in performing at such a young age? Do you think acting and singing is your lifetime career, or are there other jobs that you’re also interested in? My mom encouraged me to audition for the musical Annie when I was eight years old; that’s how I got started. I immediately fell in love with performing. I love acting and singing, and definitely would love to continue doing both for the rest of my life. I also love to write, whether its songs or poems or short stories. It’s fun to have interests that can overlap. -In Dolphin Tale and Dolphin Tale 2, you got to do lots of things that many girls only dream about, such as swimming with dolphins and starring in a movie. Was it a dream come true for you, or were there challenges associated with movie making? Both! The Dolphin Tale movies were some of the most beautiful, magical times of my entire life, and the friends I made in the cast and crew will last a lifetime. It was also very challenging—I learned to actively trust the Lord as I worked 9 1/2 hours a day as a twelve-year-old, and swam for long periods of time in some pretty chilly water. Anyone will tell you, though, that if you love doing something, you’re willing to deal with the challenges. -Who was your favorite animal in the movies? Does your passion for animals transfer to your real life? I can’t pick a favorite! What if they read this article? Ha-ha! I love them ALL for different reasons. Winter is sweet and gentle, and Hope is crazy and fun-loving. I have a dog named Bandit, and he is the joy of my life. -What keeps you going and motivates you to stay involved in movies, music, and television? Acting, singing, and writing are all things I’m very passionate about, so it’s not hard to stay motivated. I’d say songwriting is what’s hardest to constantly keep up on, because it takes a lot of creative energy. Often, I’ve found that songs come to you when you’re not looking for them, so I put in long hours of bouncing around ideas at the piano, and it pays off when I finally find the words later that day at the supermarket or something. GIRLZ4CHRISTMAGAZINE.ORG


-How do you represent Christ in your work? I am very open about my faith over social media, which is how I stay connected with the people who like my songs and tv or film characters. I have also found that simply praying for someone can make a huge imprint on them; often, if I pray for a crew or cast member on a set, it’s the first time they’ve ever been prayed for. It’s amazing that Jesus lets me share His love with them in such a gentle, simple, profound way. -How did you come to understand Christ and put your faith in Him? I asked Jesus to come into my heart when I was six years old. As I’ve grown older, He is knitting me closer and closer to Him through a deeper understanding of His grace. Sometimes, I put pressure on myself to be “perfect” for Jesus—but if I could be perfect, He wouldn’t have had to die on the cross! I’m learning that peace is found in this truth: I am not perfect, and Jesus doesn’t ask me to be. He simply asks me to surrender and let Him hold me, and He will take it from there. I love that. -What do you do outside of the spotlight? Any “typical teen” activities you enjoy? I love to play piano—I practice daily! I’m homeschooled, and my favorite subjects are writing, history, and psychology. When I’m hanging out with my friends, I love to go see a movie, or just hang around and talk (and if Indian food is involved, I am in heaven). My best friend and I watch our favorite tv show together every week, which I love. -Do you have any upcoming projects that we can look forward to, or goals you’d like to reach? I just finished shooting as a guest star on Disney Channel’s KC Undercover, and am so excited for it to air. I got to do stunts, which was so fun! I’m also working on a lot of new music, writing both for my own voice and starting to write for others, so that’s been a dream come true. We’ll see where the Lord leads!

Cozi’s Top


1. Favorite Breakfast: I am a cereal FANATIC. I love Frosted Mini Wheats, Special K Vanilla Almond, Fiber One (it’s better than it sounds) …SO many. 2. Favorite Color: Pink. Pink is such a happy color. 3. Favorite Food: Anything Indian, Thai, or Japanese… especially if it includes noodles. 4. Favorite Bible Verse: Hebrews 4:15-16 5. Favorite Charity: International Justice Mission During 2016, a sponsor will contribute to the favorite charity of each Girlz 4 Christ cover girl. With this issue’s donation, International Justice Mission was able to build a thatched home for former slaves!



Adoption can be a difficult process. Is it possible to complete in just five days? In this new documentary, the McCoskey family demonstrates the power of prayer and following God’s call in our lives.

By Jessica Lippe

Barbara, Christina, and Elisabeth While checking e-mail, Todd and Barbara McCoskey read a message about a need to find a family for a baby girl, and it needed to happen fast! As parents of three kids, the youngest being adopted with just a thirty-day process, they were willing to open their hearts and their home to one more. But while they were hoping for a child, they never expected a whirlwind journey of doctor visits, background checks, home studies, travel arrangements, and finally meeting their new daughter… in just 5 days! “The 5 Day Adoption” documents the adoption process for Christina McCoskey, the fourth child and second daughter of Todd and Barbara. We watched the documentary (and recommend that you watch it too) so we got to see how God orchestrated all these things to fall into place in such a short amount of time. But since we were wondering what must have been running through the minds of the family during this time, we asked the McCoskey family some questions. Christina’s mother Barbara and big sister Elisabeth gave Girlz 4 Christ the inside scoop. GIRLZ4CHRISTMAGAZINE.ORG


What made you and your family interested in adoption to begin with? Barbara: My husband and I always had a heart for adoption. We faithfully believed the Lord would guide us to when and where our child or children would be born and He did. Elisabeth: At the age of two, I remember my parents talking about adopting two little girls from China. However, one evening after my baby brother had just come home from the hospital, my mother was sitting on my bed reading me a story. I looked up and told her my baby brother was waiting for us, but he was far, far away. She explained that my baby brother was actually in the other room sleeping. I told her, “No, my other baby brother.” She then thought I was talking about a baby doll. I got insistent with her and said, “No Mommy, my other baby brother who is far, far away and he is waiting for us to come and get him.” My mother left my room and she went downstairs and told my father what I had said and together they thought, “Well, looks like we will be adopting a son one day.” Seven years later, we adopted my brother David. What was your personal initial reaction at the thought of adopting another child? Did it change over time? Barbara: I was thrilled to adopt. Most of the families in our church have adopted and it has always been such a joy to see the blessings of adoption. People ask if we are done adopting and our answer is, “No”, not if God has our child coming.

Elisabeth: I was so excited about having another baby brother or sister. And no it hasn’t changed over time, I love my family.

Because adoption is a lifelong commitment and not just a one-time event, how did your home life change after the adoption was finalized? Barbara: Raising children is a lifelong commitment that I devoted my life to early on. I left a very successful and lucrative career to stay home and give everything I had to the upbringing of my children. Being a mother has been the greatest career of my life. Elisabeth: There were a few changes in the home because now we had a newborn baby to take care of. I helped wash bottles, feed the baby, change diapers, and even rocked and sung to the baby often. Though my responsibilities in the home did increase, I enjoyed taking care of my new sibling. My role as older sister didn’t change because I was already an older sister with a younger brother. God GIRLZ4CHRISTMAGAZINE.ORG


just brought another younger brother and sister into my life and I love it. How did it feel to be a part of a documentary? Barbara: It was exciting to show the beautiful treasure of adoption while pointing everyone to God’s powerful and active presence in our lives. We did not want this documentary to be about us, but to give all glory to God. We prayed it would show viewers all that God can do in any situation when they pray and earnestly seek His answers and not their own outcome. Being in front of the camera was a challenge in some areas. I now have a greater respect for how filmmakers capture their story and bring each piece together. Those scenes that I thought would be easy to film turned out to be the most difficult scenes. I couldn’t move my hair (which I do without noticing) and I had to make sure I was wearing my old eyeglasses from a year ago. All the details, including the tiniest of details, had to be accurate. Our reenactments were fun to film. Amazingly, God had blessed us with actors and actresses who were so much like

The McCoskey Family

those we actually interacted with through our adoption that the reenactment was almost real to us. We felt like we were reliving our adoption! Elisabeth: It was fun being part of a documentary. It was neat to see our family’s personal story on how God did miracles through this adoption. It was easy to act out my role in this movie because we had just lived it out. It came naturally to me to share my part of the story. Thankfully I didn’t have to step out of my comfort zone because we knew the filmmaker personally. I was very comfortable filming because I knew everyone on the set. What is your family life like now? Barbara: We have always been an involved and active family. Even when our children were little, they were either in our arms or on our laps involved in everything the family does together. From playing board games and hide-and-go-seek, to family worship and reading stories, to traveling and taking weeklong vacations, our family loves to enjoy life together. Elisabeth: My sister and I now share a room. I wasn’t sure at first about sharing a room with someone else because I didn’t think all my stuff and her stuff would all fit in one room. But I am so glad now that she shares a room with me. It is so sweet to hear her voice in the morning and I love singing with her at night when we are tucked in our beds. I thank God for all my siblings. Learn more at GIRLZ4CHRISTMAGAZINE.ORG


“Fashion can be bought. Style one must possess.” -Ms. Edna Woolman Chase By Sydney Blackman Photography by Annie Shelmerdine



“You can have anything you want if you dress for it.� -Edith Head Fashion trends change faster than the seasons themselves. Style, however, is timeless. When finding your personal style for Spring 2016, there are four easy tips and tricks to follow in order to find the most fashionable you! First and foremost is to consider your lifestyle. If your career aspirations fall in the category of editor, buyer, designer, or a model in fashion industry, it would be acceptable to dress in a manner that reflects your personal, yet tasteful style. While a business intern who wants to become an executive should develop a professional wardrobe that reflects that goal. Personally, I believe that life is too short to be casual, so why waste beautiful days and priceless moments not looking or feeling your best? Whether your style falls in line with a maxi dress and blazer, or a pair of jeans and an oversized sweater, it should be representative of your lifestyle while

kicking it up a notch to the life you hope to have. The second tip in finding your personal style is to stay within your budget. Unless you are a member of high society or a reality celebrity, you will need to pass up the tweed Chanel jacket donning the $4000 price tag. The good news is that fashion is more affordable now than ever before! If you are on a tight budget and shopping is a luxury you wish you could afford, THERE IS HOPE! Many thrift stores have designated days where their entire inventory is 50% off the already insanely low price. When thrifting, however, make sure to look at the stitching and pull lightly on the seams to ensure it is constructed well and worth your hard-earned cash. When you are looking for a quality garment, apply this tried and true test. Place a white piece of cloth on the material and lightly rub a pencil eraser on top of the cloth. If the GIRLZ4CHRISTMAGAZINE.ORG


color transfers, rest assured that is will also transfer to your skin and possibly other clothing. It is not worth the money. The third tip to follow in your fashion journey is to recognize your comfort zone and then push yourself a little farther. Ultimately, if you don’t feel comfortable in what you are wearing, it will show and we all know that confidence is the most stylish thing you can wear. Every girl has her staple items that she can’t live without. By all means keep your favorite jeans, black leather jacket, little black dress, and favorite oversized sweater. Try to pair that jacket with a brighter dress instead of the usual jeans, or add some statement earrings to your outfit. DON’T BE AFRAID OF COLOR! Go shopping in your closet and see just how versatile your wardrobe really can be. The best fashion advice I was ever given was “Save yourself some money and go shopping inside your own closet.” You’ll be surprised how many cute outfits you can style when you push yourself out of your comfort zone. Finally,

as you look at the different Spring 2016 trends taking over the runway shows, try including some in your wardrobe. AKRIS and Gucci paid homage to the seventies by showing bold and beautiful colors in their collection with headscarves and oversized sunglasses. Dior and Chanel showcased nautical themes using navy and white dresses, trousers, and tweed blazers. A frugal fashionista can easily incorporate some of the runway trends into her wardrobe by investing in some colorful scarves or a white or navy blue blazer. Remember, trends are temporary. It is better to keep your main garments classic and accessorize with the fashion of the day while adding your own stylish spin. Most importantly, have fun developing your style! As you experiment with pairing the classic staples of your wardrobe with the more daring bright trendy colors, keep in mind that if you love it, can wear it with confidence, and feel beautiful, you have successfully found your style. GIRLZ4CHRISTMAGAZINE.ORG


By Jessica Lippe

Decorate and dress up this paper doll with these classy and modest skirts.

Better yet, class up your wardrobe by dressing up in the real-life skirts! This Exquisite Elastic Long Denim Skirt has a fashionable look with a casual feel. The dark color, striped elastic waistband, pockets, and long

length make it useful for a variety of occasions! From Style J,

The Dressy Scuba Skater Skirt elegantly falls to the knee and feels oh so comfortable with a full range of motion, making it a great option for dressing up or down. Since black goes with everything, the styling options are endless! From Kosher Casual, GIRLZ4CHRISTMAGAZINE.ORG


All-Natural Products We’ve all heard about the importance of skincare and having a good routine. As a 19-year-old, I’ve been starting to hear the constant, “you better start taking care of your skin” and “you’re going to regret not wearing sunscreen all the time” and of course the lovely uninformed comments about acne. Although I have been hearing these comments for years now, I’ve already taken heed to them well before they began. People just think I’m too naïve to know how to properly take care of my skin. Let me give you a quick intro to myself and my skincare habits: I’m Kayle, I’m 19, and I am obsessed with skin care I don’t know about any of you guys, but I have always taken a liking to researching new skin care techniques and products (and beauty products, because c’mon), but most importantly, I LOVE researching homemade/all-natural skin care products! In the past wonderful year, I can tell you I have tried almost everything under the sun. (Ok, obviously not, but still. It feels like everything!) Until doing research and looking at the unhealthy and possibly harmful chemicals found in a lot of our “favorite” skin care products, I decided to look to all-natural cures for healthy skin. When I say healthy skin, I don’t just mean free of acne. I mean EVERYTHING. From soft, smooth, and moisturized skin to even-toned, un-clogged, glowing skin. How does one achieve this, you may ask? Oils. I know this is nothing new to the world of beauty, but a lot of women still don’t know that oils are actually very beneficial to your skin. Yes, even if you have naturally oily skin! Oils can be a great fix (if they’re organic, cold-pressed, natural and USDA approved) for almost any skin-care issue or, even better, any beauty issue! Below I will discuss some of my favorite oils, what I use them for, and their properties. Just to note, I’m not a doctor and can only write about my personal experience. Even natural products can cause adverse reactions, so please speak with a healthcare professional before using these oils if you have any concerns! OILS Tea Tree Oil: First and foremost, one of my favorite oils! This little guy has been a lifesaver in the acne realm. This was the first oil I was really introduced to via the lovely internet and I fell in love with. Here’s how I use it and why:

 Tea Tree oil is known for its antibacterial, anti-microbial, anti-septic and anti-inflammatory. Perfect for zapping those stubborn red mountains that decide to form under your skin.  How I use it: I use this as a spot treatment. I take a Q-tip and dip it into GIRLZ4CHRISTMAGAZINE.ORG


the bottle, soaking it then apply it ONLY on existing pimples. This is crucial unless you dilute it with one part water to one part tea tree. Dilute it if you have sensitive skin, but if you don’t then it may be alright to just use it straight up. Test it out to see what works best for you! Rosehip Seed Oil: Rosehip is another one of my oils. After the whole ordeal with acne started to ween off (a good 5-6 months later), the dreaded acne scars were left behind. This natural oil has essential fatty acids that can help your skin decrease wrinkles and fade scars.  Rosehip Seed Oil is made up of almost 80% essential fatty acids which help reduce scarring and promote skin regeneration. Other wonderful properties include: anti-aging (it has the ability to penetrate deep layers and produce collagen to fill up fine lines and wrinkles), and antioxidants that help discoloration from the sun and uneven skin tone.  How I use it: Really pretty simple actually. Take a couple drops from the bottle and gently massage into skin where you have any scarring or discoloration.

Tamanu Oil: Ok, I’m starting to realize I love this oil too... I love them all I can’t choose a favorite! This lovely oil is fairly new to me but the benefits are outstanding. Since I haven’t been using this too long, I can’t speak for any

major changes from using this product, but with the benefits it has for the skin, I’m sure I’ll see some soon! This oil is very good for helping to regenerate new skin and heal broken skin.  Tamanu oil comes from the Ati tree. It is anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory and is packed full of antioxidants. It also has amazing properties that may accelerate wound healing and the   growth of healthy skin. So basically, amazing for acne and just about any cut you get!  How I use it: same as above! I just put a couple drops on my hands (clean hands!) and gently massage it all over my face. Coconut Oil: Ahh. The wonders of coconut oil. I just love this one. I’ve used this one from the start and I don’t think I will ever part from it. I use this oil as a cleanser because, let me tell you, this stuff is so multi-functional for just about anything you can think of. Plus, it’s the best makeup remover/cleanser in one.  Coconut oil is majorly known for its smoothing properties. This is such an amazing moisturizer for the skin because of its fatty acids that moisturize and smooth skin. It also contains acids such as Lauric acid which has strong disinfectant and antimicrobial properties. It’s packed full of antioxidants and vitamin E which aid in healthier, younger looking skin. GIRLZ4CHRISTMAGAZINE.ORG


 How I use it: I take a small spoonful of the coconut oil after rinsing face and then massage all over for a minute or so. Then, I wash it off with warm water. (It’s going to feel like it’s not coming off, just keep washing for a good minute and then dry off. You’ll still notice that slippery feeling but that’s protecting your skin and keeping it moisturized). PAT dry your skin with a clean t-shirt or paper towel. (Regular bath towels can aggravate the skin). These are just skimming the surface of what oils can be used for your skincare routine. I have actually almost fully replaced my skincare items with oils and other all-natural concoctions I found on Pinterest. I still use the occasional Neutrogena face cleanser or some drug-store brand scrub when I’m in a pinch, but I don’t rely on them nearly as much as I have in the past. However, as mentioned

above, these are not the end-all-be-all oils! Here are some others you can look into:        

Jojoba oil Argan oil Frankincense oil Lavender oil Vitamin E oil Sweet Almond oil Castor oil Olive oil

There is an endless variety to the all-natural goodness of oils. The internet is your friend, don’t be afraid to look up an oil that was not mentioned and see its benefits to your skin! Not every oil will work the same for every person. Some people are extremely sensitive to a particular oil, but handle another one very well. I hope this helps anyone struggling with skin problems or having a skincare routine! Best wishes to you all!

-Written by Kayle M. Lewis



It’s our birthday, but we’re giving YOU the gifts!



HOW TO ENTER: 1. Contest is open to anyone with a US address. Those living outside the United States may also enter, but will only be eligible for the digital (e-book) prizes. 2. Visit the blog at between Monday, March 21st and Friday, April 29th, 2016 to enter. 3. There are multiple ways to enter, such as subscribing to Girlz 4 Christ Magazine, visiting the Girlz 4 Christ Facebook page, pinning the contest on Pinterest, or referring a friend to Girlz 4 Christ. You can enter using one, some, or all of the methods!

PRIZES: 1. All prizes will be provided by Girlz 4 Christ Magazine. Makers of the prizes do not necessarily endorse this contest. 2. Five unique winners will be randomly selected from the entries. The first winner drawn will have the first choice of prize (from page 30), the second drawn winner will get second pick, and so on until the fifth drawn winner gets the remaining prize. 3. Winners will be selected at the end of the contest period and contacted during the first week of May via e-mail. 4. All contacted winners must respond during the month of May with their contact information or forfeit the prize.



Here are five reviews from a variety of genres to help fill your bookshelf! Glimmer Girls Musician Natalie Grant based her first series for girls on her real-life daughters. We meet tween twins Mia and Maddie in London Art Chase, who are traveling with their family to a performance in London. Little do they know they’ll witness an art thievery! Mystery follows them again in A Dolphin Wish as they head to San Diego for the next leg of their tour. Who’s freeing animals at the marine amusement park? Be sure to read both these books before the third releases in August!

A Chameleon, a Boy, and a Quest An orphaned 10-year-old named Mu is about to embark on a life-changing journey! While Mu does chores in his African village, he encounters a talking chameleon who guides him on a quest through mountains, wilderness, and danger! Authored by a missionary fulfilling the need for stories about the people in her family’s community, this fictional adventure drives home a genuine lesson.



Living in a Gray World By now, you’re aware of the gay marriage debate, but it can be confusing about how a Christian is to respond to homosexuality. This book is written for teens and addresses some of your biggest questions, as well as offers practical advice for living in today’s world. Please note: Due to the content and nature of this subject, the author recommends this book for ages 15 and up with parental approval. Girlz 4 Christ echoes this suggestion.

Your Beautiful Heart Each of the thirty-one devotionals in this book are unique, yet explain different characteristics of your heart. Writer Lauren Scruggs illustrates with her experiences and trials of losing a hand and eye, as well as using examples from other inspirational people and the Bible. All of these make for an excellent reminder of who God wants you to be!

Your New Money Mindset This book may be geared more for adults, but that shouldn’t stop you from using these healthy financial principles. Whether you’re a Wall Street broker or weekend babysitter, you’re never too young to learn how God wants us to care for money! Reading Your New Money Mindset can help you spend better, save better, and give more generously.

Reviewed and written by Jessica Lippe GIRLZ4CHRISTMAGAZINE.ORG



Are You An

1. Your idea of a perfect day is: (a) Hanging out at the mall with a group of friends. (b) Chilling with your bestie while eating snacks and watching Netflix. (c) Having some quality alone time in your room, sipping hot tea and reading a good book. 2. You’re about to leave for a party when you find out it’s been cancelled. You: (a) Burst into tears and wallow in the depths of despair. (b) Shrug and search for something else to do. There’ll be other parties. (c) Exclaim “Hallelujah!” As relief floods your soul. Your whole evening has opened up. Now you can get started on the new book in your favorite series that you just bought! 3. It’s been a crazy week and you’re worn out. To recharge you: (a) Text a bunch of your friends and see if they wanna go see a movie. (b) Ask your best friend if she wants to go shopping. (c) Snuggle under a mountain of blankets on the couch and watch a chick flick. 4. Your teacher announces that your next assignment will be a group project. You: (a) Rejoice inwardly. This will give you a chance to get to know more people in the class!



(b)Tell yourself it’s no biggy. You’re up for it—if you get to pick your partners. (c)Resist a scream of terror and shrink down in your seat as you debate talking to your teacher privately and begging her to let you do the assignment on your own. 5. You’re going to a family reunion. You: (a) Chat it up with all your aunts, uncles, and cousins and see what everyone’s been up to. (b) Reconnect with the cousin you haven’t seen in a while. (c) Sit in the corner and read the book you brought while eavesdropping on everyone’s conversations. 6. Your friend convinces you to join her at Comic Con with a bunch of kids from school. You: (a) Dress up like a warrior princess and lead the way to convention center! You’re excited for a chance to get to know your classmates better. (b) Dress up like The Hunger Games’s Katniss and stick close to your BFF as you walk around the convention. (a) Create a full storm trooper costume—complete with helmet so you won’t have to talk to anyone. 7. It’s your birthday! You: (a) Invite all your friends over to play games and eat lots of cake. (b) Go to lunch with your BFF. (c) Chill at home with a bag of Oreos and count how many “Happy Birthday” messages you get on Facebook. 8. Your friend convinces you to join her in the school musical this year. You: (a)Audition for the lead role. You were born to be a star! (b)Try out for “person number three” in Act II. (c)Volunteer as part of the back stage crew. 9. It’s time a caffeine fix! You head to your favorite coffee shop and: (a) Chat with all the baristas and ask them how their week has been. (b) Smile at the cashier and order your usual. (c) Get your drink and head to the corner booth where you can sip your coffee in silence and people watch. 10. It’s the day of your big presentation for speech class. You: (a) Stride confidently into the classroom. You’ve got this. (b) Go over your notes a few times at lunch to make sure you remember everything. (c) Convince yourself you’ve contracted influenza and pray the school nurse will believe you. GIRLZ4CHRISTMAGAZINE.ORG


Mostly A: You’re an extrovert. You’re naturally outgoing and enjoy meeting new people. Your friends would describe you as friendly, funny, and the life of the party. Mostly B: You’re somewhere in between. You’re not super outgoing, but you step up to the challenge when necessary. Your friends would describe you as sweet, compassionate, and brave. Mostly C: You’re an introvert. Hanging out with lots of people for long periods of time wears you out, and your favorite way to recharge is with a warm blanket and a good book. Your friends would describe you as eccentric, witty, and loyal. Adelee Russell is a freelance writer from Brownsburg, IN. She’s a self-proclaimed introvert and her favorite activity is sitting in a corner booth at a coffee shop and people watching.



Top 10 Reasons to Go to Camp 1. Transformed lives – campers have time to get into God’s Word 2. Adult mentors – campers connect with encouraging role models 3. Nature & Adventure – experience God’s creation & explore creativity 4. Community – friends, new friends, counselors – there is nothing quite like camp community 5. Lifelong friendships – camp friendships can last a lifetime & provide a connection that helps young people navigate the challenges of life 6. Memories – camp provides some of the most memorable life experiences. Some activities fit into the “only at camp” category. So much fun! 7. Challenges -- trying new things is great for building confidence – wake board, wall climbing, jewelry making, archery, and so much more! 8. Jobs – campers become summer staffers who become full time staff 9. Future relationships – find out that great Christian guys really do exist! 10. Help for real life issues Jane Larsen & Natalie Hoyos are from Twin Lakes Bible Camp in Iowa. Visit their website at

To find a Christian camp near you, visit



Happy Birthday Girlz 4 Christ! It’s unbelievable that it’s already been 5 years since our first issue. We can’t wait to see what God will do in the next 5 years! This issue was a lot of fun to create. Here are a few inside looks. We love the Radical God Talk devotional! Here’s how editor Jessica filled out an “I am” page.

Make a Splash! Cozi on the set of the Dolphin Tale movies.



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