2 minute read
from The Year 2023
Welcome to the 2023 edition of The Year. ‘Open Doors’ is its theme, inspired by the arrival of both a new Mistress and a new Senior Tutor, as well as the range of new initiatives designed to fling wide the gates to our past, present and future for the benefit of everyone at Girton. You can read about these in the pages which follow.
I would like to thank, most warmly, all the content contributors and the editorial team of Jill Jondorf, Cherry Hopkins, Ross Lawther, Hannah Sargent and Rachael Humphrey, without whom it would have been impossible to produce this issue. I’m especially proud that the vast majority of the photographs in The Year have been taken by students, staff or fellows – and I would particularly like to thank Hannah Sargent, Rachael Humphrey, Peter Sparks and Girton’s first student comms intern, Hadeal Abdelatti, for their professional-standard images. As ever, I am deeply indebted to Peter Morrison, Derrin Mappledoram and Stuart Cleary of Cambridge Marketing for their expertise and patience in putting together the design.
We all hope you enjoy The Year 2022-23. We are always glad to hear from Girtonians with news for here or our sister publication The Girtonian. Please do contact the Development Office at Girton College, Cambridge CB3 0JG (alumni@girton.cam.ac.uk) if you have a story to share.