Weichi Jeang

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Weichi Jeang

Global Initiatives Symposium Essay ʳ ˧˻˸̀˸ˍʳ ˖˻˴˿˿˸́˺˸̆ʳ˴́˷ʳˢ̃​̃̂̅̇̈́˼̇˼˸̆ʿʳ̇˻˸ʳ˚˿̂˵˴˿ʳ˘˶̂́̂̀̌ʳ˼́ʳ̇˻˸ʳ˧̅˴́̆˼̇˼̂́ʳˣ˻˴̆˸ʳ ʳ ˦̈˵̇˼̇˿˸ˍʳ ˕˿˼̆​̆ʳ̂̅ʳˠ˼̆˸̅̌Ϋʳ ˖̂́̇˸̀̃˿˴̇˼́˺ʳ̇˻˸ʳ˘́˺˴˺˸̀˸́̇ʳ˴̇ʳ˖̈˿̇̈̅˴˿ʳ˙̂̅̀̆ʳ ʳ ˴́˷ʳ˘˶̂́̂̀˼˶ʳˣ̅̂˺̅˸̆​̆ʳ ʳ ʳ ʳ National Taiwan University Department of Medicine College of Occupational Therapy ʳ ˝˸˴́˺ʿʳ̊˸˼ˀ˶˻˼ʳ ʳ ʳ ʳ ˠ˴̅˶˻ʿʳ˅˃˃ˌʳ ʳ ʳ ʳ ʳ ʳ ʳ ʳ ʳ ʳ ʳ

Weichi Jeang

Preface Because numerous social difficulties have appeared day after day, I started wondering about what’s going on, and what is the reason that made so many people struggling in works and the salary. Thought the process, I realize that not only the financial strategy but also the value that matters of all. There maybe hides a fact that “Not to earn the most for the temporary, but for the permanence”, which may be a solution to the ecomomic dilemma . Hoping to having a proper values to esteem with, the whole environment can possess its own enthusiasm for another decades.

Text Recently, multitudinous social phenomenon of economy recession has made us to consider the solution of the predicament. The reasons of the recession have been brought up by numerous distinguished scholars. The first point of this article is to emphasize on the aspect that people probably may ignore: When the resource is sufficient enough, the entire environment can provide higher proportion of popularity to live in the high quality of life. On the contrast, when the environment doesn’t convert any new energy acquisition for the population outrageously rising, the affordable proportion will decrease, which is also represented that lower revenue group may become the majority. What’s worse, as soon as the divergence of proportion between high and low income group is over the toleration of society , the industry will develop unequally so as to cause only some companies that have gained profits from the high income can survive. Others will lost consumers, been forced to provide cheaper commodities. Otherwise, if people who used to live in luxury can not evaluate and control their ability of expenses, many phenomenon of malignant financial planning and banking problems will appear. Second, to explore the business, leaders have to ponder on what is the motivation that drive the consumers to spend their income. Leaders have to mold a set of permanent environment , to mold a set of values that is judged by a long-term thought rather than a temporal desire in order to urge the economic pattern without suspending.

Global Initiatives Symposium in Taiwan 2009

ʳ “According to Mogan JR reported at the end of last year……, the sales volume of global luxury commodities of 2009 will reduce to 4%. Especially in the main market such as United States and Japan , the volumes will drop apparently. Including the newest market as China , the sales volumes increased range will decrease from 15 -25% to 3%” From the figures of the table above, we can discover the percentage of basic consumption of eating and dressing had transferred to medical, entertainment and other categories that ensured the quality of life, which is indirectly indicated that more advanced, higher price commodities is gained the popularity gradually. As the reference, higher price commodities will not that welcomed as usual recently. The reason that encourages people to purchase high class level goods behind is affected by the entire social values that can be realizes as “Earn more, spend more, succeed more.” In this belief, people make the best effort to get property as much as they can. The unsteady situation will appear ill in such belief especially when the resource is insufficient as the population roars. Nevertheless, even people still maintain the eager of high class goods the basic living need is considerate at the first place. The demands of cheaper commodities arise progressively and win the profits by the amount nowadays. One way to unravel the dilemma is to adjust the motivation that caused the recession. Consumer require another core thinking as the motive force—According to Maslow's hierarchy of needs, what propel people to strive on work is the eager of the

Bliss or Misery? Contemplating the Engagement of Cultural Forms and Economic Progress

Weichi Jeang

satisfaction of the need of physiological, safety, love/belonging, esteem, self-actualization. The flourishing economy is based on the values that various high class commodities and all kinds of exchange conducts can satisfy one’s esteem and self-actualization, which is truly brought a summit of lots of industries during 1960 to 1990. However, in the recent year, the strength is fading away step by step. Not focusing on real producing has had made the commerce of vanity and has had made the financial industry connected relatively to commerce meet the perplexity of challenges. It’s definitely convinced that the economic systems have to implement continuously, but the reason caused that caused finical difficulties must have to be deal with every effort. As well, the radical solution to the recession is still on the foundation of social values to the recognition of self esteem and self-actualization. If the whole environment still put highly praise on purchasing what others cannot afford , supposed that is a conduct of superiority, the chaos of economy will not have the opportunity to reflect its original view and will not provide human a placid life in the end. For the stable frame of commerce, correct values orientation is the social responsibility of each profit seeking enterprise, meanwhile, is one of the strategies of extend surplus and fortune.

Conclusion As what is mentioned before, to prevent the useless production and work plight, the main commodities should provide what consumers really need. If we over-emphasized on the unnatural desires, the society will sink in chaos that the persistence of products will decreased and causing the public diminish their spending for that they can’t explain what supports them to be the consumers. Certainly, if there is a quantification of whether the items of consuming are meeting the expectation, creating a scientific statistics. Furthermore, by comparing the timing of this factor and the relations between each economic depression, it is a more specific realizing and a stable index for predicting the prosperity. More over, it will provide those organizations directly involving in dominating the values of all public a most benefit suggestion, standing in the just right balance between luxury and the basic need-which can lead the most amount of wealth in the long run, getting the society a proper value in quality of life and self-esteem, and promoting the authentic booming in the commerce.

Reference ˗˼̅˸˶̇̂̅˴̇˸ˀ˚˸́˸̅˴˿ʳ̂˹ʳ˕̈˷˺˸̇ʿʳ˔˶˶̂̈́̇˼́˺ʳ˴́˷ʳ˦̇˴̇˼̆̇˼˶̆ʿʳ˘̋˸˶̈̇˼̉˸ʳˬ̈˴́ʿ˥ˁˢˁ˖ʳʻ˧˴˼̊˴́ʼʳ http://www.dgbas.gov.tw/public/Data/57121635571.pdfΖʻ˙˸˵̈˴̅̌ʳ˅˃ʿʳ˅˃˃ˌʼʳ

Global Initiatives Symposium in Taiwan 2009

˗̂̈ˀ˪˸˼ʳˡ˸̊̆ʳ ˻ttp://www.dwnews.com/big5/Consumer/shopping/ifeng_2009_02_11_4_0_49_895.h tmlʻ˙˸˵̈˴̅̌ʳ˅˃ʿʳ˅˃˃ˌʼʳ ್ཎ੖Ε‫׾‬ᆳख़࿭Ε௧ዿΖ್ཎ੖Գࢤጥ෻ᆖࠢΖʻ‫ؑק؀‬Κ೸ࡌΔ‫ˈˌ ا‬ʼΖ଄ ˆ˅ˀˇˋΖ ‫׆‬ਙࣟ‫ܦ‬ભဎΖᆖᛎ८ᘜ‫ٲ‬ᖲऱ߻ᒤፖ‫ڂ‬ᚨ  ‫ٺ‬ഏᆖ᧭ΰ‫ؑק؀‬Κ‫؀‬᨜८ᘜ㷇 ಝೃ‫ ا‬91α ൈॾពΖഏᎾ८ᘜ෻ᓵፖኔᎾΖ‫ؑק؀‬ΚԿ‫ا‬‫ ا‬92α ࡜ࣧሒᐚ(Nigel Doddထ ്‫ܩ‬फ᤟Ζषᄎ෻ᓵፖ෼‫ࢤז‬Ζΰ‫ؑק؀‬Κ؎ੌΔ ‫ ا‬92α

Bliss or Misery? Contemplating the Engagement of Cultural Forms and Economic Progress

Weichi Jeang

Global Initiatives Symposium in Taiwan 2009

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