Perspective December 2014

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DEcember 2014





DEcember 2014


E T O N ’S R O T I ED “Oh look, they’ve made another one!” Now as the weeks roll on by; as our writers write, our editors edit and as the weekly Monday meetings continue to brim with lively (and sometimes endless) chatter from our 33 students… I’m beginning to really build a sense for what this magazine means and what I hope for it to be. Not going to lie here, my initial aim was basically: “Ok Ina, let’s just try not to mess this up.” But lately, I feel a fondness now for this whole endeavour. Perhaps it might be my silly idealist tendencies but I think that there is room for something brilliant in all of this. As of now, here is what I define as the aims of Perspective: 1. Perspective represents the freedom of opinion and the interests of the student body. Being 100% student led, Perspective is one of the handful of things in school where we as students have the capability to voice out to the masses; to say what needs to be said and to express and narrate the experiences unique to being a kid in this day and age. It is a creation that is proudly our own, and proudly for us. An aggregate of the streams of thoughts, ideals and beliefs brought to light for us all to see. 2. Perspective is about bringing our school community closer together. Something we’ve started doing is, as you’ll see, the sections where we get to know teachers, students and the events of GIS a bit more. Not only is it fun to be nosy, but you can actually learn a lot from the insights of other people. And like who would have guessed that Mr Padgett once fought off a pack of hyenas in Tanzania? Sharing perspectives is essentially what Perspective is about (what a genius deduction), and I believe that’s what truly brings people closer. 3. Perspective is about taking pleasure in hearing what other people have to say. Yeah yeah, long pages of text might not sound appealing to everyone. But give a bit of patience with it, and you might

realise that some of our writers are either pretty hilarious, have some brilliant insight to share, or sometimes even both. Reading is like climbing into the mind of another person and roaming around in it. It is both exciting, and it nurtures wisdom. So here we turn over a new leaf. To my grief, we’ve had to say goodbye to Sara Trett, our initial Managing Editor. Having been the previous Editor-in-chief and writing for Perspective over 5 years, she’s probably one of the best writers I personally know. Apart from being a cool person to be with, she’s also graced our pages so many times with her wit, charm and that type of thoughtfulness this magazine truly hopes to see. But alas... at least we’ve found an adequate postSara Sara. After close observation and a pretty hilarious interview, we’ve selected Zhou Chen Chee to take on the role. For the 3 years I’ve known him, Zhou Chen has always been vibrant, virtuous, trustworthy and all in all a great people person. I look forward to you doing us proud. And now with the first Term coming to a close, and 2014 nearing it’s end- I’d like to send out my thanks to all who worked tirelessly for our little endeavour. Firstly, thank you editors and writers- it’s honestly been such a pleasure to read through all your articles. A special thanks to our Head of Finance, Gautam, for always pulling through with organizing our pizza sales and our accounts; even though we bicker sometimes, know that your efforts have been critical to our success and that I respect you a lot for this. (For the last time, I’m not going to fire you.) For this issue in particular, my gratitude also goes out to Chang Shen who’s been so kind enough to carry the load of Layout Design all on his own (for Norikas sake)- he has been diligent, dedicated and has created layouts nothing short of fantastic. I may not be super big with Christmas (which is probably why I’ve decided not to ask for any corny “meaning of Christmas” articles this time). But hey, well done on a busy term and Happy Holidays everyone.



DEcember 2014


“Hi, I really like your shirt” “Oh thanks, it’s a Dalek” “MAKE OUT WITH ME”

HARIN SRIMUGAYOGAM “I’ll be your therapist for today, Mr.......Harin” “What are your qualifications?” “I’m a Doctor!” “A doctor? Doctor Who? Bdum Tssk These are the kinda jokes that provoke a response that goes along the lines of: ‘What on earth?’ ‘Are you serious?’ And sometimes they just throw me a face that tells me to shut up. You know, the straight face, tilted head, raised eyebrows sort of thing. But once in a blue moon, someone laughs. These are the moments fanboys and girls live for, the moments where they share their passion for a TV show, book, movie, YouTube channel, actor, musician, anything with a following, with like-minded people. It’s fantastic! It’s a bunch of wizards and demigods all having a moment together. There aren’t many things worthy of a collective AWWW, but I can’t help but feel that this is one of those things. People making friends through the success of other people they don’t even know. How cool! Yet many skeptics of our type think of us as stupid, naive and a waste of time. I’m telling you, though, that those people haven’t been part of a fandom and have absolutely no idea what they’re missing. I sit here in my bed writing this in hopes that you understand just how much fun this is (I would wink here but I can’t because this is an article, and I feel the use of emojis kind of downgrades the official-ness) Firstly, you create friends. Lots of them. I can’t tell you how many times saying I’m a “whovian” has cemented some of the coolest friendships I have ever experienced.

Okay... that was a bit of an exaggeration, well... I say a bit, but the point still stands, a fandom bringing people closer together. This is because fandoms aren’t just a bunch of hopeless viewers, (I know it’s cheesy, deal with it). They’re a family: a group of people who argue, who can be dysfunctional, but will still always enjoy each other’s company. And although nobody will admit it, no one can deny that they love arguing about their OTP.

“JOHNLOCK!” “PERCABETH!” “JOHNLOCK!” “PERCABETH!” Secondly, it’s enticing! I know that none of us like to be “manipulated”, but what if you gave a TV show that power? Words like “The Game Is On” or “I am the Doctor” have a profound effect on you. It’s almost... humbling, to see people portray fiction in a manner that just gets to you. It’s an experience fans yearn for week in week out (or year in year out if you’re a Sherlock fan) and it’s a healthy yearning too! Like yearning for veggies (which I doubt many of us do) instead of yearning for chocolate (which I’m pretty sure we all do). Now if your thing is non-fiction shows (which is great and you should be proud of that), the same thing applies. Waiting to hear the soulful voice of Neil deGrasse Tyson tell you about the universe is an experience worth waiting for. If only him and Morgan Freeman worked together, which would be appropriate considering the fact they both host a leading show in the non-fiction TV show industry. One more aspect of fandoms that skeptics shouldn’t overlook is the ability it has to affect the way you see the world. One of my closest friends is a huge detective show geek, he adores Sher-

lock, watches way too many cop shows for his own good and has the most impressive collection of batman comics I have ever seen. He is also one of the greatest writers I have had the pleasure of meeting, particularly in the crime genre. It’s because of the media he’s surrounded by that has shaped the sort of person he is today, of course credit is due to his teachers, his friends, his family. But the media that he follows also plays a big part in who he is today. What I’m trying to say is that the things we freak out about are more influential than you think, and for the most part, that’s for the better. They widen your scope on life introducing these different viewpoints. They have the ability to break you down or build you up. They have the potential to make you a better person empathetically.

I AM THE DOCTOR These are the reasons I am a fanboy. Not because I’m pathetic. Not because I’m a loser. But because it’s an experience worth dreaming about.

Calling all Freelance writers, Artists & Photographers! Submissions to:



what a

Pity JEREMY SWEE & YUNKAI LEE Around about ten blisteringly quick months ago, something happened to pop up in my otherwise usually trivial news feed that mortified me beyond logical belief. There it was, in shameless promotion. A proud announcement of the wouldbe Simpsons/Family Guy crossover. Needless to say I sighed and rolled my eyes both unoriginally and pretentiously, much like the foreseen episode. In television these days, we rarely see the crossover episode because it has notorious flaws. Which show takes the lead in the episode? How do you balance the episode so that each show is equally allowed to shine? How do you concoct a story that explains why the two shows have met? It was a bold move on the part of creators Matt Groening and Seth Macfarlane to join forces for this undertaking, at a time in which both shows have seen their Golden Ages disappear into history. The episode has hugely divided opinion among fans worldwide, some calling it ‘eeexxxcellent’ as Mr Burns would say, others arguing it was the last desperate cynical money grabbing breaths of two dying TV shows.

The Simpsons A SHOW ONCE SO SLICK The Simpsons, a show once so slick, smart, beautiful, and naturally funny was being taken upon by a show that from its creation was said to be a rip-off of the same brilliant sitcom. How ironic. What has to be said however in the context of being a huge Simpsons fan, is the steady and sizable decline of the series in both humour, charm, and likeability over time. It would be painstakingly obvious to say, having watched every season even remotely worth watching (seasons 1-14), that the

lovable show saw a monumental drop in quality by the end of season 9 and has only gained since then. Family Guy isn’t far from the same however. The show started positively and managed to amass a following through its more joke-centric and impulsive form of comedy which kept both a charm and enjoyable humour. Yet after the fourth season of the show another sizable decrease in quality was clearly apparent to the onlookers and fans of the show, jokes more random and confusing rather than funny with many parts drawn out and put to uncomfortable lengths for no real reason. In these striking parallels came two shows that portrayed a similar progression albeit very different in style. From what we’ve seen over the last decade or so, the crossover promises to be a terrible and hopeless waste of time. In in my honest, all-knowing opinion- it was.


First and foremost, this episode was the premiere for Season 13 of Family Guy, therefore it is that show’s humour that dominates this episode. The result is a ruder, dumber version of Simpsons. I love Family Guy for their irreverent take on every aspect of life but as a child growing up watching The Simpsons, it was odd seeing this style seep into Springfield. Even so, me thinking that some original simpsons writers would come and work for the episode seemed to be unreasonable in the eyes of FOX. While one could imagine that the producers would send out to hopefully somewhat redeem the already tainted reputation of both shows Instead, the crossover portrayed sheer desperation.

In this episode, the “Family Guy” characters’ stereotypes were even more exaggerated than usual. Peter was at his most misogynistic, writing offensive comics about women being dishwash-

DEcember 2014

7 ers and bordering on abuse toward tired punching bag, Meg. Lois was treated as the sexual object again, with Marge calling her out on not wearing a bra in one of the few genuine moments of humour in the episode. Brian and Chris served next to no purpose, with Brian talking about his writing in a way that would make any real writer cringe uncomfortably, while Chris made a few forgettable inane comments.The best thing about Brian and Chris this episode was that they were paired together for the whole hour, making it easier to trek through the mediocre jokes toward the minute number of decent lines.

Much of the attempts to show a genuine connection and humour between the very different set of characters pretty much failed. Many of the character’s personalities already having been horribly shifted over the years while many of the interactions felt either forced or predictable (In a soul crushingly poor way). Another disappointment was the terrible, distinct lack of other characters from both shows- besides the immediate families. I for one was hoping to see Mr Burns to somehow make an appearance and incite a terrifying yet ill-perceived plot. What a waste.





Reflecting on just how “rekt” our moral principles are in modern day society. Alright, so being in a culturally diverse community like GIS, we get exposed to a whole lot of conflicting beliefs and behaviours. You might witness your friends drinking, hear about their obsession with obscure Japanese anime, feel like they’re either excessively modest or unnecessarily vulgar. Maybe they follow a certain religion, political ideology, or even an odd type of humour. It’s all natural. Sometimes you passionately disapprove of these things, sometimes you are these things, and sometimes you won’t even care. Yet at the end of the day, encountering social norms that do not match up with our own and conflicts of personal values is an inevitable part of life. And trust me, this is a good thing.

And arguably, as a human being you have a duty to act upon that judgement if you believe it threatens the wellbeing of you or those around you. But only if that’s the case. Remember to be careful not to fall into the trap of being narrow-minded, self-righteous and arrogant about your beliefs (if not, everyone might hate you). We all have to understand that, surprise surprise, you can easily be wrong. There’s no shame in that and it’s always much more admirable to admit wrongdoings when you realise it, rather than to be stubborn. On top of that, realise that with some things, the word “right” doesn’t even exist! What I mean by that is, especially with cultural norms, traditions, religious beliefs etc, there are no “moral absolutes.” How can I say that cultures who eat with their hands are doing it wrong? How can I say loving one thing over another is silly? How can I ever say that it is wrong to believe in one God over another? For things that do not threaten or even concern us, for behaviour that is innocent even if strange— please keep your nose out. There’s a difference between trivial personal beliefs and true moral standards that need to be upheld.




With this in mind, exercise your judgements and criticism with care. Please, oh please. Social disapproval and criticism are such powerful tools that can vastly influence behaviour. It could completely transform the way a person thinks and acts, it could shatter self-esteems and in some cases even inflict self-loathing. It presents you an opportunity to reflect, question yourself and question the people around you. When people say “omg stop judging me, you have no right!,” that’s really quite a bit of rubbish in my opinion. Of course you have a right to be critical of other people and their actions- it’s an evolutionary instinct! Judgements prevented us cave people from merrily leaping towards vicious wooly mammoths, it prevented us from trusting the wrong people; judgements of an unjust world made Martin Luther King Jr fight racism and Gandhi start such a profound revolution. As long as your intentions are positive, of course you have the right to make a judgement.

In school nowadays however, it feels as though the act of dissing people tends to be the mother of all jokes, even something to be respected for. Evidenced by the range of internet insults, “u got rekt m8” jokes and the maniacal laughter that ensues, telling people they’re wrong has become somewhat fashionable. Yeah of course, they’re just jokes. Even I’m all for some humour and a good laugh (believe it or not). Except what you have to realise is that, even if you intend no harm or meaning in what you say, your words will have consequences regardless of whether you mean it to. There are other ways to be funny without being cruel.

DEcember 2014




Curiously enough though, we see that it’s usually the kids that seem unusual who are at the receiving end of this mockery. Let’s think here for a minute about why that is. Why do we tend to belittle people who look, think or act differently, or who aren’t as socially apt? Why do we make fun of that weird kid in class? Sociology students will probably have linked this social disapproval to the ingrained human desire for people to act the same so as to preserve a sense of order and predictability. But don’t you think its just so silly sometimes? It’s like society is obsessed with mediocrity. Why can’t we just accept and see beauty in people that act differently from us? Perhaps the idea of individuality, diversity and giving people a bit of space to break free from norms not only makes life vibrant and fascinating, I say it also breeds innovation. It exposes us to new viewpoints and allows people who might not typically fit in to feel confident enough to make a good mark on the world. If the end goal of a society is to be progressive, productive and positiveyou realise that so many people do not act towards this. Why do we take the piss out of passion and hard work, even though they are the two things that drive our community to great heights? Why do we bully others, even though bringing them down might one day hinder them from doing good for us all? ...The truth is that it doesn’t make much sense at all. We’re illogical and imperfect beings. Most of us primarily act upon emotions, insecurities and automatic instincts; we do not think enough, we are self centered, we seek pleasure and find security in blindly following the crowd. What is even sadder, and even terrifying, is that many of us will unknowingly mirror what society expects us to be. We mirror the behaviours we see... and sometimes we even mirror the cruelties. Sometimes without realising it, we become the very thing we once despised.


To the eccentrics, the misfits, the overachievers and the “weird” kids—do not ever dim your shine. If you love things no one sees value for, if you fight for a cause no one believes in, or if you have thoughts no one else understands: refuse to hide behind mediocrity. People may put you down for reasons unjust, irrational or for none at all. Refuse to surrender and lower yourself in fear that you will not fit in. If you know that you act with goodness and virtue, you will never be ‘wrong’. Equip yourself with the thick skin and tenacity to be as bold and brilliant as you are and then learn to show others the beauty in all that which you stand by. Or at least... refuse to believe that your uniqueness renders you wrong.



“If you follow the crowd, you will likely get no further than the crowd. If you walk alone, you’re likely to end up in places no one has ever been before.” -Alan Ashley-Pitt

bite-size points: - Sometimes no form of behaviour can be claimed to be “right” or “wrong” - Keep harsh judgement and criticism solely for actions that harm others - If you act within morals, there is no shame in being different/unique - Rude humour can be immoral even if we don’t intend it to be



W E I V RE QADIRA RAZMAN For all the girls out there wondering what the hype is with Dylan O’Brien and his amazingly good looks, here’s a breakdown. Recently, a new movie has been released, based off the novel The Maze Runner. The movie is about a protagonist called Thomas who is brought into an unknown location, which has been called the ‘Glade.’ In the Glade, there is a community where each member is assigned to a task belonging to different departments, each headed by a Keeper. The movie is very fast paced, thrilling and not to mention, filled with quite a number of very good looking boys. Actors such as Will Poulter, Thomas Brodie-Sangster and Dylan O’Brien star in this movie and do an excellent job to portray the community’s struggle and frustration as they attempt to escape. Thomas, played by Dylan O’Brien, is a very charming character and his looks will win your hearts for sure! In an attempt to somehow escape the maze, there are several moments in which a few tears will spill. I personally think that the creators and directors of the movie have done a great job in portraying the true emotions of the characters.

In the midst of the movie, a girl makes an entrance. Her name is Teresa and is played by the beautiful Kaya Scodelario. Teresa and Thomas have a telepathic connection and the two display a strong bond in the movie.

Minho, played by Ki Hong Lee, stars as the keeper of the Runners who portrays a very sneaky but loyal character who I found myself hating and loving at the same time. I found the graphics in this movie especially exceptional as they had shown the “Grievers” in the movie very realistically. The Grievers are mechanical creatures which roam around at night. The level of detail and quality of sound effects will leave you hanging on the edge of your seat the whole time!

Overall, this movie is definitely one to watch as you get to follow Thomas on his incredible journey fighting for his life with the rest of the Maze Runners. I definitely recommend to watch this movie with your friends and family!

DEcember 2014


Being the

NEW GIRL Featuring Zooey Deschanel Cynthia DaR man

Hi! My name is Cynthia Darman and I’m ultimately one of the new kids in Year 12. Nervous, curious and somewhat giddy— this was the peculiar flurry of emotions that kept me agitated on the first day. Nervous, because who wouldn’t be after being plucked out of a homely environment and dropped off at a stranger’s place? Curious, because this colossal school seemed daunting, yet warmly welcoming. And I was incredibly giddy because I couldn’t wait to see what the people were like.

There must be a lot of other new students arriving at GIS in 2014, and I hope that you all too had a fantastic start. I mean, I don’t know much about the other years, but my sister is in Year 8, and she’s managed to fit right in. On the behalf of everyone else, I’d like to personally thank everyone who’s made us comfortable in this place. You might not necessarily know how much it means to new kids to be able to fit in, but it really does. Thank you for being such wonderful people, it’s almost made me forget about ever living in Holland.

Before GIS, I went to the British School in the Netherlands. I lived in the South of Holland for 7 years but I’m originally from Indonesia, so my roots sprouted here in Asia. I haven’t lived in the Eastern part of the world for quite a while and I only ever go back for holidays. But this is my new home, my new family. Would the heat bother me? Would my parents have to drive me everywhere? And most importantly— where am I going to get those amazing Dutch pancakes? But this anxiety couldn’t compare to the way I felt about school. Luckily for me, I had a fabulous first day.

I don’t know what I’ll be to GIS. Whether I’ll be another valuable example for this generation or a disappointment, I will never know. But I can promise the school one thing: I will strive to reach my full potential. And frankly, I don’t find that hard to do here— all the teachers can see it and they’re ever so supportive. I’m sure that younger students too will find a way to place their mark on this world. I’m aware that it’s cliche, but it’s true.

“I WAS BLOWN AWAY BY THE KINDNESS” Coming into a new school, what concerned me the most was if I was able to fit in ... and I was blown away by the kindness my year group expressed. I felt involved, at ease and totally chilled with them. At this point, I must applaud Simone Knight for being an excellent tour guide. My old school was half the size of GIS, so getting around was truly a task. Also, the floors— I was utterly confused as to how anyone could get used to them (they all look identical). But 6 weeks in and I’m slowly getting the hang of it.

“I WILL STRIVE TO REACH MY FULL POTENTIAL” PS: the green culottes look comfy. If I wear them to school, do you reckon they’ll mistake me for a year 7?

Top tip for new comers: to stay organized, try using post it notes for important memos or to do lists and stick them in your planner, locker or books!




ject matter, it’s so fascinating: as a Psychology student, you’re learning about human behaviour and how people work and try to get an understanding of that. I think that appeals to a lot of people.


Interviewer: You mentioned earlier that you loved reading! What are some of your favorite books?


SVETHA RAVINDRAN Behold, the ever so grand and lively musical that lucky students and staff have had the opportunity to see: Grease. An old comedy and romantic film was chosen to be this year’s production by the drama department ( Mr.Lawrence, Mrs. Long and Mr.Rankin) undoubtedly due to its name as a 1978 film directed by Randal Kleiser with its soundtrack rated as the best-selling album of the year in the United States. This musical has a record breaking number of students involved. All keen members have practiced every Thursday, devoting their time in order to perfect dances, songs and acts. The eager and excited staff have also spent time making this production the best that they possibly can by encouraging the cast and practicing songs to helping with dances. After a chat with Danny Zuko (played by Iskandar Daud Mah), he explains that he’s doing what he enjoys, which is dancing. He also mentioned that he has had past experience, starring in numerous plays in primary. Like Isk, Julian Amani, a newcomer to the GIS musical scene admits that he joined Grease because he felt like participating in something different and more special than what he does usually.

For me, as someone who’s been a part of the Grease cast, I’ve been really amazed at how much effort people have put into making this show a reality. It has been such a pleasure to be part of such an interesting production that has hopefully entertained many. From the start, with each rehearsal, the show has become more and more interesting and I feel it has without a doubt been a real hit. Performed from the 2nd to 5th of December, we hope this show has entertained all of you fabulous readers!


So in further attempts to familiarise ourselves with the cohort of new teachers that have joint GIS this academic year, this time we’ve managed to get a hold of Ms. Round. Both a nature lover, a 1920’s literature enthusiast and just a real nice person, you may see her around in school as Head of Year 12 and a Psychology teacher; if so, don’t be afraid to smile and say Hi. Now read on to find out more! Interviewer: Hi Ms. Round! Tell us a bit about yourself. What sort of things are you passionate about, what hobbies do you have? Ms. Round: Well, I absolutely love teaching Psychology and I’m really interested in the subject. I love how much enthusiasm students have for it. It’s a good subject because of the fact that we don’t know all the answers yet about Psychology- there are always more developments, there’s so much more to learn about the human brain, so I really love that about the subject. And I love the biological aspects of Psychology especially. Outside of teaching and outside school, I love getting out into nature. It’s the main reason why I moved to malaysia- I love the fact that there’s jungle out here. I love reading as well, I really like to relax with a good book when I get home. And travelling too, Malaysia’s a great place I think for exploring South East Asia.

Ms. Round: I’d recommend and say one of my favorite books (for factual information), is a book by V S Ramachandran called the Telltale Brain. It’s all about how our brains work in terms of neurotransmitters and the neurons in the brain and how we can learn a lot about the brain from looking at problems that occur and strange things that can happen. So that’s one of my favorite books from a factual perspective. In terms of fiction, one of my favorite books ever is the Great Gatsby. I love 1920s literature, I love that whole era and the decadence of it all. Interviewer: So how are you finding your time at GIS so far? What was your first impression of the school and it’s students? Ms. Round: Incredibly friendly. I think it’s just been brilliant so far, I feel really welcomed here and I think that’s such a great thing to say in a school of this size. I’ve found both staff and students to be exceedingly welcoming and exceedingly hardworking as well. I’m really impressed by how motivated students are, I hear how much they really want to achieve the best results possible and how much they get involved in school life as well. Just taking on this role in Sixth Form and you know, you ask for students to volunteer for things and they get straight into things and that’s great- it says so much about this school.

Interviewer: Why would you recommend Psychology as a subject for students at this school to take?

Interviewer: Do you have any role models? If so why?

Ms. Round: I would say it’s a great subject in terms of developing a whole range of skills. When you study Psychology, you’re not just learning the content of the subject, but you’re developing skills in terms of analysing data, going out and collecting your own research, and also looking at a theory and critically evaluating it- so saying the strengths and weaknesses. So it’s all skills that you can transfer to other areas of life. Also, in terms of sub-

Ms. Round: One of my biggest role models in my life has been my Dad. The reason for that is because he has taught himself so many skills through his life. So he’s never been formally trained in things, he just works hard and picks things up. He’s learnt to play all kinds of musical instruments; he’s built an extension on my parents house, did all the plumbing and all the electrical work himself because he just taught himself to do it. Obviously through his life, computers have come into being

DEcember 2014 such an important tool and he’s taught himself how to actually produce really detailed computer generated images- all kinds of skills and programming that he’s just learnt at all points through his own development, not through going on any courses. I really admire him for the fact that he sees a challenge and he just takes it on. I think I’d like to be like him in that way. Interviewer: That’s incredible, it reminds me a bit of Gatsby himself. Now for a final question: if you could give one piece of advice to GIS students about their future, what would it be? Ms. Round: I think my biggest piece of advice would be to take risks that scare you sometimes. So if you think that you can’t do something, then go ahead and try it because that’s the only thing that’s going to guarantee that you can’t do it: if you don’t give it a go in the first place. You have to take risks and do things that scare you. Often those are the things that could give the most benefits in lifemaking the big moves. For me, that was moving to Malaysia, and I was so glad I made that decision. It was a risky thing and some of my friends thought ‘Why are you doing this?’ It can be scary coming here and not knowing many people. But actually, I’m most proud of that decision. Interviewer: Wow thats impressive and some great advice there. Thanks a lot for your time Ms. Round it was a pleasure interviewing you!





of 2014

(so far)

KARIM SWIFT As 2014 comes to a close it is obligatory to compile a list of this year’s great albums. 2014 has blessed us with many great albums, from both fresh faces, like FKA twigs, and some returning ones, such as Every Time I Die. To stop any further padding in this introduction we shall just get right into it:

SUN KIL MOON BENJI Sun Kil Moon is the solo project of actor and musician, Mark Kozelek, featuring a mainly folk and americana sound. With 5 full-length records already under his belt, and 2008’s April receiving critical acclaim from websites such as Pitchfork (editorial note:Acclaim from Pitchfork does not really count for anything) and Allmusic, 2014’s Benji was under immense pressure to deliver. And damn it did. Containing his usual folk sound and autobiographical lyrics, paired with his baritone delivery, Kozelek delivers probably his strongest album to date. With songs like ‘Ben’s My Friend’ transporting you to relaxed weekend mornings with it’s lush instrumentation; for example the soaring saxophone line that runs through the second half of the track, and others such as ‘Micheline’ taking you through Kozelek’s troubled life, Benji is by far one of 2014’s strongest albums. Stand-Out Songs: Ben’s My Friend, Dogs


NEVER HUNGOVER AGAIN With the 3rd release from Californian punk rockers, Never Hungover Again, running at only 19 minutes long, had me listening to it

with great concern. However coming out of it I was more than just pleasantly surprised. This album features some of Joyce Manor’s most accessible and fun tracks, featuring catchy hooks, punchy riffs and more of the band’s signature hectic style. The shortness of the tracks does actually enhance the tracks rather than hinder them, allowing the band to deliver quick blows of punk rock, without causing them to drag and become boring. Some of the standout moments come to the middle of the record, with the ever-so catchy ‘Victoria’ featuring one of the most infectious hooks that has graced my ears, and the slightly more melancholy ‘End of the Summer’ includes sweet melodies from vocalist Barry Johnson and a deep rumbling bass line. Never Hungover Again will have you singing it’s great tunes for weeks to come after hearing it. Stand-Out Songs: End of the Summer, Victoria, Heart Tattoo


LP1 Former British dancer (Dancing backup for the likes of Beyonce), Tahliah Barnett or known professionally as FKA twigs, began her foray into music in 2012. ‘LP1’ is her debut full-length and is probably one of the best alternative R&B and dream pop records released in the past few years. Having produced many of the tracks on the album with acclaimed producer Arca, they create glistening soundscapes such as on lead single ‘Two Weeks’ and ‘Lights On’. Coupled with her angelic voice, the songs bring you to a state of euphoria as you listen to them. The album also shows progression for her making much more cohesive tracks then her more experimental work in her EP’s. Overall it is a great album, and it is even more impressive from a relative newcomer to the music scene. Stand-Out Songs: Two Weeks, Lights On, Video Girl She is going to be in our neck of the woods in January for Singapore’s Laneway Festival so make sure you make your way down and catch her perform live.

DECEMBER DEcember 2014



FROM PARTS UNKNOWN Every Time I Die - From Parts Unknown The hardcore veterans return with ‘From Parts Unknown’ and one of the heaviest records of 2014 and their careers. Two words to describe the album is ferocious and chaotic. Every Time I Die continue with their loud, angry and fun sound, but have found the perfect mix of the three. Sticking to their usual heavy metalcore riffs, they manage to encapsulate aggression in their instrumentation. However the album also includes some experimentation, such as the eerie piano track ‘Moor’, and probably the best track on the album. Lead single ‘Decayin’ With The Boys’ is a pummeling track with southern-metal tinges, providing a perfect anthem track. ‘From Parts Unknown’ is much brighter record than their previous effort, Ex-Lives, however the lyrics still include dark and sinister images. The chaos and sheer energy in the album constantly grips you, make it one of, if not the best album of 2014. Stand-Out Songs: Decayin’ With The Boys, Moor, El Dorado Honourable mentions: Julian Casablancas + The Voidz - Tyranny, Nothing - Guilty of Everything, Tigers Jaw - Charmer, Mac DeMarco Salad Days


A PASSIONATE PLEA FOR PERCEPTION SEUNG JUN HUR & KEVIN KIM Leaders from every corner of the world gathered in anticipation. The great crowd erupted in applause as a petite young lady tentatively walked up to the dais. Emma Watson prepared herself for her first speech to the United Nations. A speech about gender equality. Emma Watson was appointed to be the Goodwill Ambassador for UN Women in July, and now to be the representative of the United Nation’s #HeForShe campaign to end gender inequality. It is the United Nation’s intention to utilise someone who can contribute a fresh perspective to the issue of gender inequality. Who better than the Harry Potter girl?

16 Naturally, Emma Watson does not leave out the males in her speech. Gender equality is a man’s issue as well. As she mentioned in her speech, we don’t generally consider men being “imprisoned by gender stereotypes”. Nevertheless throughout the world, men are suffering from mental illnesses and unable to reach out for help, believing it is not ‘manly’ to do so. this ultimately may lead to suicide. In fact, suicide is the biggest killer of men between 20 to 49 in the UK, exceeding road accidents, cancer and coronary heart diseases. Misconceptions about men’s gender roles such as those mentioned by Emma prove to us that sexual discrimination does exist for both sexes. Through her speech on the topic at such a globally renowned conference, Emma indicates that discrimination is a significant global topic and should be dealt with immediately.



For the longest time, the word “feminism” has held a negative connotation but here is a young lady proudly proclaiming herself as a feminist to a large international audience. According to her, “women’s rights has too often become synonymous with man-hating.” Obviously worrisome, as if that is true the struggle for equality is not considered an advance, but merely a brawl for power. She defined feminism as the belief that men and women should have equal rights and opportunities. However the problem lies in the fact that modern day feminists are seen as too strong, too aggressive, isolating and unattractive. It is clear that for a woman like Emma, it is an uphill battle to be considered a feminist. However the battle is far from over. Out of the 196 existing countries, not a single country has yet to achieve gender equality. Can we in Malaysia say that we have achieved gender equality? No, far from it! It is the goal of the United Nation’s through the #HeForShe campaign to bring awareness about gender inequality around the world. Ultimately to achieve equality between everyone; to distribute freedom amongst both genders, not just women. We want men and their sons to have permission to be “vulnerable and human too”.

From a young age, Emma has witnessed and was a victim of sexual discrimination. She recounts her anecdote of being called “bossy” for wanting to direct the school plays when she was 8. Or when she was “sexualised by certain parts of the media” at the age of 14. Maybe her male friends did not stand up for her, because by the time they were 18, her male friends were “unable to express their feelings”. Incidents like those tell us how girls and boys are introduced to gender inequality since young and are inculcated with gender roles. Now she stands in front of numerous influential figures from across the globe, speaking of her experiences and what we can do to prevent those mistakes. Although not game changing immediately, Emma’s speech nevertheless was definitely enlightening. We learnt that even a young, beautiful and successful woman still faces difficulties in a gender-biased world. A lot more should be done in terms of publicising the issue and escalating awareness. Already we can see the outcome of the Emma Watson effect - only 3 days after her speech was uploaded on to youtube, over 6 million viewed it. Even on twitter, over 110 thousand people followed the #HeForShe twitter page. Emma Watson suggests we all embrace the word “feminism” instead of rejecting it. Now do your part.


ALEXANDER DE GUISE The turnout was huge and the response fairly decisive. Very recently, as we all know, Scotland had a referendum that decided the fate of a country. It was entirely their choice: whether they would stay as a part of the United Kingdom or rule as a country all by themselves. Although it was a rather close call, the majority of the people in Scotland were for them staying in the end. After more than 300 years of them together, it is hard to imagine how one single referendum, could change everything immediately. Despite Scotland’s final decision to stay, one cannot help but question the possible consequences if they were ever to rule themselves. How would it affect England, and are they ‘Better Together’? Some people would wonder why Scotland even wants to be independent and consider the potential benefits independence may bring. Nonetheless, there is a profusion of logical reasons for Scotland staying, and I will start off by assessing the matter from a Scottish perspective. Scotland is a country and therefore the people who live, know and care about the country should be the ones making the decisions. If the people don’t like the way they are being ruled and treated, shouldn’t they be allowed an alternative?

“SOME PEOPLE WOULD WONDER WHY SCOTLAND EVEN WANTS TO BE INDEPENDENT” If Scotland did become independent, how would it change? Well, The Scottish National Party (SNP), claim that they can make £400 million by

DEcember 2014 extracting oil from the North Sea and subsequently spend it on nurses, teachers and the police force, in turn financing an additional 1,500 nurses and 1000 police officers. Not only will this provide jobs, but it would also relieve stress on the public sector services for the good of the Country and its people. They believe that it is wrong how the economy grows and grows and the people with pensions get left behind as the economy gets better and better. They promised they would fix it, and make sure that pensioners will not be forgotten. They would try and improve the quality of life of poorer people through the current progressive taxation system, with particular emphasis to individuals earning over £100,000 per annum, resulting in fairer income distribution. Moreover, decreasing the price of petrol by 10p per gallon is quite handy following the soaring prices petrol in Scotland.

“MANY OF THE SCOTTISH PEOPLE STILL WANT TO BE INDEPENDENT” Many of the Scottish people still want to be independent, so I don’t think the Scotland independence situation will end here. Some of the Scottish people will continue to dislike the English outright and the way they rule their country. Therefore, this independence problem is not going to end anytime soon. People in England are now hoping that they will gain more independence within the United Kingdom for themselves.


18 tions. It works by altering your taste bud receptors in a way that makes bitter and sour things taste sweet.

LEGO FUSION DANIEL WONG For many years people have been inventing new and exciting products - the phone in 1876, the light bulb in 1879 and the car in 1886, just to name a few. As time goes on numerous products are being created every year and inventors have to keep designing even more creative devices that stand out from the rest. Here are some imaginative ideas that have come to life in the 21st Century:

SEVEN YEAR PEN 1. Are you one of those people who carry 10 pens around because you have a fear of running out of ink? Then fear no more as the Seven-Year Pen comes to your rescue! Designed by an earth-friendly company called Seltzer, the Seven-Year Pen is one of their most eco-friendly designs by having an ink-capacity capable of writing 4.28 kilometres before running out. The pen also comes in a wide range of designs and is very slim for its capacity, sporting a diameter of only 5.5” x 0.375”.

3. Even if you’re not like me and aren’t a huge fan of Lego, you will still be amazed by the new Lego app, Lego Fusion. By capturing a single picture using a smartphone or tablet, watch your creation come to life through a series of games that will leave you mind-blown.

NINJA REMOTE 4. If you’re a prankster and want to prank others ‘ninja-style’, then you should get the Ninja Remote Stealth Television Gadget and IR Jammer. With a range of functions, such as the jam button which blocks the signal of any other remotes, a bomb button that randomly changes channels and volume as well as the functions of a normal remote control, this will be your best friend. It also has a shutter option that can control most camera shutters to take pictures, so now you can be just like Aiden Pearce…

LEVITRON REVOLUTION EZ FLOAT 5. If you love collectibles or like having something valuable to display, then the Levitron Revolution EZ Float can do it with style. The Levitron will float any object weighing less than 12 ounces, while rotating it slowly. By using a small magnetic disc and a base station to guide it, the Levitron can adjust to changes in weight by making up to 1,000 corrections per second to the electromagnets contained within the base.

MIRACLE BERRY FRUIT TABLETS 2. Have you always wanted to eat sugary food without ruining your teeth or having the risk of getting diabetes? If yes, you should try the mberry Miracle Berry Fruit Tablets! These special tablets are made from powdered Miracle Berries (Synsepalum dulcificum) that can only be grown in specific condi-

DEcember 2014


TEACHER LOOKALIKES&FACTS The festive season is almost upon us and as a bit of Christmas fun, the crew of GIS Perspective has gotten together and put together this list of lookalikes. I then went around collecting interesting facts about all of our teachers, take a look! MR. STEWART (BUSINESS TEACHER)


1) Is the founding member of the One Direction fan club (ASEAN chapter) 2) Once succeeded in tickling himself 3) Rode a motorbike over the second highest mountain pass in the world (without dying!)



1) Has an uncanny ability to attract weather phenomenon whilst on holiday, usually leading to him being stranded and missing work. This includes being recently stuck in the largest Typhoon in world history, the heaviest snowstorm in Tokyo for 50 years and also the volcanic ash cloud in 2010.

These are only some of the many products created by people today, who knows what other interesting inventions we may have in the distant future.

2) Passed his driving test with a broken arm. 2) Cooks the the most delicious curry on the planet (according to his Mum)




Ms Yap has had a variety of unfortunate events happened to her throughout her life, however, its a wonder that she still remains strong and positive today! 1) At the age of 3-4 years old, her thumb was severed almost completely. She still has the scar! 2) During her teenage years, her house was completely burned down, resulting in her losing almost everything. 3) More than 20 years ago, when 28 weeks pregnant, certain complications arose that required her to take out the baby prematurely. The baby’s arm was the size of Ms. Yap’s finger and it was true miracle that the baby survived. The baby went on to study at GIS and has now graduated from an Ivy league school.



1) Has an obsession with the colour pink, so much so that she actually owned a Pink Fiat 500 in the UK. 2) Can play the ukulele really well and was once part of a ukulele group in London, where she took part in regular performances. 3) Loves to spend the holidays either trekking the Grand Canyon in the USA or scuba diving in South East Asia.



1) Started body building at the age of 17 and weighed 68kg. By the time he took part in his first national body building contest, he weighed 90kg, doing so by lifting weights and eating lots of chicken rice! 2) Had a father who wanted him to conquer his fear of heights so his father managed to get him enrolled in the Paratroopers for his military service 3) Managed to create GCSE worksheets for his Year 11 French class last year and were rated by the Times Educational Supplement as the best MFL teaching resource of 2014 worldwide.

DEcember 2014



1) Lived in a commune during the 70s 2) Owned a cow and milked it every morning 3) Tries not to eat anything without chilli in it



1) Was able to design and synthesize anti-cancer drugs for his PhD 2) Was rated as an expert motocross rider when he left the UK to work at GIS 3) Was run over when he was 3 years old, on life support for 2 months and had a 5% chance of living



Mr Fernandes actually had an interesting story about his look alike! As expected, this is not the first time that someone has walked up to him and told him that he looked like Calombaris. In fact, these two pictures even managed to end up on Facebook. One of Mr. Fernandes’s friends from his Primary School in Melbourne, who, incidentally is friends with Calombaris, saw the picture and promised to tell Calombaris next time she saw him. She was not joking! Calombaris had to see this for himself and ended up taking a look at Mr. Fernandes’s Facebook page, where he discovered that he had gone to the same secondary school as Mr. Fernandes. Unfortunately, Calombaris didn’t agree that they looked alike, but had a good laugh about it!



DEcember 2014



2nd place


3rd place


Submit your photos for the next article at


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Perspective Perspective

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DEcember DEcember 2014 2014

This year Mufti has changed. For the first time in GIS history, Mufti day has been set to focus more on the charitable side of the day, promoting awareness and giving back to the community.

“Like I told you last week, just eating, eating. So much time you know? Last time work, no time. Pressure you know? Have to get this done, have to get that done. Now so much time, you eat then what? Just to stomach full, but your head is thinking. You worry about this, your future”

These are some of the stories from the people that YOU have helped. Honest and heartfelt, here are the experiences they have shared with us and about the impacts mufti day has on their lives. Inspired by the world famous humans of new york, Humans of Mufti aims to capture the realities and conditions of those less fortunate than ourselves.

“So if you have one thing that you would like to happen, what would it be?”


“Just a job, a job, any job. As long as you are happy at your job, then the time will pass. But now you know everyday, you sleep, wake up tomorrow. It’s the same thing! You will be thinking: where to eat? After this where to sleep?”

Show your support!

“I’m looking for a job” “What qualifications do you have?” “I’ve worked for many corporate companies before, I worked for standard chartered bank for 10 years, many gaming companies as a QA. But my age is catching up and I have little bit of health problems. I don’t mind working as a driver or something, but they reject me when they see all my qualifications”

“I was married and then divorced.I have 3 children but have not seen them for 20 years but doing this gives me hope for a better life to come.I need a job to show that I am strong and can be strong thanks to this I have a chance to give myself happiness.”

“In Myanmar were you afraid?” “No.” “Here, are you afraid?” “Yes.”

“Tell me about your best friend” “My best friend is Anik and he’s very talkative and nice” “What do you do together?” “We play Batong, badminton or go bowling together”



zens on the coast of Cornwall. The mayor is rumoured to be calling out an emergency evacuation of the entire area within the next few days. >> Swoosh. Crush. Whoosh. Repeat.



DEcember 2014

derwater houses with our dwindling resources. The coasts have been broken, the continents sunk and the casualties made uncountable. But the human race shall live on, live on I say, in the form of the proud, the powerful, the eternal Mother-”

Hello America, I’m Tina Algerato, and this is the Tina Algerato talk show. Today we have with us some rather disturbing comments on the world-wide disappearing coasts problem.

>> Swoosh. Sigh. Whoosh. Repeat. This is the 6’o clock news with Jerry Borgon. Territino beach, the largest in the world, has been officially claimed by the sea earlier today. The last few remaining mounds of sand were absorbed by the tremendously large swash and backwash of the waves at 3.24am this morning. Now the coal black stones underneath have been exposed to public eyes, as they discern the seriousness of such a natural phenomenon. Geologists at the Territino Coastal Research Centre believe global warming is the cause of large amounts of ice from the North Pole displacing itself into the sea, leading to a startling rise in sea levels. They have no conclusion on the new height of the sea level nor the rate at which it continues to rise. All we can say is, it can’t be good. >> Swoosh. Crash. Whoosh. Repeat. This is the 9’o clock news with Sarah Banderas. Yet another seaside village on the coast of Cornwall has fallen. The cliff was reported to have collapsed at 4.32am this morning, claiming over 500 metres square of land and buildings. A total of 205 victims are presumed missing or dead and the police are still searching the wreckage for signs of survival. Scientists analyzing the situation believe that the cliff face has been both severely and rapidly undercut from an increased exposure to the sheer force of the tall waves. Coastal erosion is occurring so quickly, it now worries other citi-

First up, leading scientist of Massachusetts, Andy Dorsal. “After the complete disappearance of the North and South Pole last month, me and my colleagues have come to the conclusion that there is enough displaced water in the ocean to drown Indonesia, Australia, Japan and several other small islands.” Second is the minister of human relations of Korea, Lee Togkyu-chan. “The flooding of our coasts is no laughing matter. The percentage of Korea above water is now at 64% and decreasing. We have countless casualties, damages and lost resources. I would not say this unless it was absolutely inevitable: We are ******.” Lastly, our great president of USA, Barack Obama. “I wish America was found inland. Deep inland. Because our great nation is now falling. Not to an enemy of swords, nor missiles. It is falling to the waves from which we once fished. Now we run like children, running up the hills, away from the swallowing tides. This is a dark, dark time for our great nation.”

The girl switches the TV off, cutting off ‘Replays From The Times Of Dry Land’. The loud man behind the podium on the screen dies with an abrupt click. The girl stays seated, silent as the TV’s glare ends, enveloping the room into an azure glow. The faint light glimmering through the airtight window illuminates her scuba suit lying in a heap on the bunk bed. The snores of her little sister, sleeping on the bed above, echo off the walls of the hemispherical room. Arms wrapped around her legs, she feels the weight of the remote drag her hand slowly down onto the floor. Looking out the window, she sighs gloomily at the never-ending medium of deep, dark, blue.

“This is Vladimir Putin. If anyone is receiving this broadcast, it is with pride that I say Mother Russia is the last of the world’s countries to succumb the the ocean. Our scientists have finished making the last of the emergency un-

Pangaea of Poseidon reads as a fantastic short story that, while witty and vividly crafted, presents us with an eerie warning for the potential doom of our planet. Set in the not-so-distant future where global warming has gone past the point of no return and sea levels have risen beyond imagine, salvation for the human race seems pretty much hopeless. With each grim repetition of “Swoosh. Crash. Woosh. Repeat,” with every new character desperate and despairing- the message of the plot sinks in deeper. Ending tactfully with a young girl staring out her window, how long will it be before we realise it’s too late?

LAYOUTEDITOR’SNOTE >> Swoosh. Swoosh. Swoosh. Repeat.

>> Swoosh. Whoosh. Swoosh. Repeat.



Global warming is no joke. Take it seriously or consider buying a house. Underwater.

So it’s been a term, and this is my second article of Perspective I’ve laid out. This time, however, my co-editor, Norika, was ever so busy with work, so she’s only advised me. She’ll be back next term, we promise! Anyway, as you’ve probably noticed, the magazine has changed a lot, and it may not be to everyone’s taste, but I think it’s a good step forward for Perspective. Eye-catching, that’s what it is. After all, it is the student-led school magazine. So, reader, enjoy this issue of the Perspective! CHANGSHENHO



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