giulia celentano architectural portfolio 2007-2013

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Giulia Celentano architect/researcher

collection of architectural projects 2007-2013

CV giulia celentano 21/09/1988 milan

Formation: sep2006-sep2009 Politecnico di Milano Bachelor in Civil Architecture: Construction Architecture. score: 110/110

sep2009-jul2010 Universidade Lusiada do Lisboa (PT) Erasmus exchange program

sep2009-dec2011 Politecnico di Milano Master degree in Civil Architecture, Science of Architecture thesis project: a sustainable living proposal for the former industrial area “Atena�, Vercelli supervisor: Arch. Emilia Costa (sustainable technologies exp score 110/110

march2011 EcoWeek Thessaloniki (GR) partecipating in sustainable architecture workshop held in Thessaloniki (GR) March2011 collaborating with the design studio 157+173 designers.

march2012 Natural Building Construction Workshop, Granara Ecovillage (Parma) attending a natural building practical workshop involving straw bales + timeber frame construction and clay construction, including natural plasters

may2012 Rammed Earth Workshop, Aljezur (PT) Varzea Viva Ecovillage, arq. Henrqiue Schreck attending a rammed earth building theorical and practical w.orkshop on rammed earth + natural plaster construction

nov2012 AK0 Earth Construction Workshop, Rome attending an earth building theorical and practical workshop concerning different construction techniques mar2013 adobe (clay bricks) technique workshop Adobe for Women ngo San Juan Mixtepec (Mexico) with BeRoots architects (Oaxaca, MEXico)

jan 2014-ongoing Designing Resilient Schools course Open Online Academy, New York

languages knowledge: mother tongue: Italian others: English (excellent: toefl test score 106/120) Portuguese (good: settled in Lisbon for one year) Spanish (good: Enforex language school, Barcelona) French (fair)

works and architectural office collaborations Jul2013-on going ETH Zurich - Chair of Architecture of A. Brillembourg and H. Klumpner , Zurich, CH Researcher and designer for informal settlements and slum upgrade. Main focus: shack prototype research+project for the South African slum of Khayelitsha, in collaboration with Ikhalayami ngo, Shacks/Dwellings International NGO phase 1: research (urban scale --> technology) phase 2: prototype construction in Glarus, CH during ETH Summerschool phase 3: research + project upgrade + on field construction in Cape Town, South Africa phase 4 (february 2014): SLUM lab Publication (ETH Zurich + Columbia university) + exhibition in Zurich Mar2012 - now Liveinslums ngo (Italy+Kenya+Egypt) (Liveinslums is an ngo settled in Milan, operating with research and projects on informal settlements and critical areas in the Third and Fourth World.) Development and project of the new Why Not Academy Junior School in Mathare slum Nairobi (Kenya) based on sustainabilty principles and natural materials (clay) Vegetable garden exposition for EXPO2015 net @ Palazzo delle Stelline, Milan Research on six favelas in San Paolo city for the international exposition San Paolo Calling. - Apr-Jun2013 Liveinslums ngo - EGYpt Microjardin horticultural project in the informal area of the necropolis The City Of The Dead, El Cairo. - Sep-Oct2012 Liveinslums ngo - KEnya Nairobi (Mathare slum, Kenya) slum street school construction (clay and wood) Project previusly developed in Italy. Construction lead in collaboration with a local team and involving the local community. Jan-Mar2013 C.A.S.A. GUAtemala Central America Sustainable Architecture - Cerro la Granadilla Ruaral area construction of a training practical school (wood, rammed earth, bambù) Project previusly developed by AK0 + Mezzosangue Lab Architectural Office, Italy. 2011-2012 Politecnico di Milano – Architectural Department assistent professor at Master course of Urban Planning and Contemporary Project 2011 Laboratorio Permanente Urban scale project for a sustainable development of Dublin west side., in collaboration with the Royal Instituteif Architects of Ireland. In print publication on Irish national scale. 2011 BEMaa architetti associati Europan 11 in Clermont Ferrand: proposal of the developement of Clermont into a “Ecoville”. Particular assignment on the project for developing the sustainable aspects on different scales. 2011 EcoWeek Milan member of the organizing team of the sustainable architecture workshop EcoWeek held in Milan in Sept2011. Tutor of one of the groups (as Laboratorio Permanente architectural office collaborator) 2011 Politecnico di Milano organizer of photography course in Politecnico di Milano Univeristy, promoted by StudentiBovisa 2008 2010 studio Macchi Cassia urban scale project for a regional istitution (Infrastrutture Lombarde) Privileggio-Secchi architettura 2009 BEMaa architetti associati photographer for Salone del Mobile presentation of the design series WoodyWoody 2008 Privileggio-Secchi architetti urban scale competition for a new settlement on the artificial island of Koivusaarii (Finland) CV

index About

South Africa (on going, from ETH Zurich) Guatemala


Kenya Egypt


Multiplied Centralities



structuring wall



waterproof hanging layer steel cages

hanging layer

water absorbing layer irrigating system attaching layer -1.5m


perennial plants -1.5m



teatro romano projecto III



universidade lusiada de lisboa _faculdade de arquitectura e artes

giulia celentano


p06 p12 p16 p20








SOUTH AFRICA CHAPTER Empower Shack Prototype

LOCATION: khayelitscha Slum, Cape Town CONTEXT: Urban informal settlement -slumN째 INHABITANTANTS: 410.000 PROJECT BY: ETH University, Zurich Chair of Arch and Urban Design Brillembourg and Klumpner Project manager: Scott Lloyd Research coordinator: Giulia Celentano Research /design team: Daniel Hudson, Mirko Gatti, Nicole Reamey, Ilaria Riscassi

PROJECT SCHEDULE: July 2013-on going The Empowershack Prototype is meant to support the urban relocation process taking place in the informal settlement of Khayelitsha. In partnership with the local ngo Ikhalayami, the research team is working on a double storey solution suitable for a low cost, low tech , fireproof, dry construction for an enlarged family (6-8 dwellers). The unit is meant to be modular so to be expanded in time over an incremental process. The units should rearrange the urban layout according to a clustering setting, increasing safety and communal social life.

ventilation prefab and disassemblable SIP modular panels

prefab and disassemblable steel structure

Prototype#1 sep2013 _ Glarus (CH) Prototype#2 dec2013 _ Khayelitscha , Cape Town (South Africa) floodproof



d recycled cladding

solar power system

rain water roof collection


external shared stairs

water tank





PALLET BOARDS dim: 50x245 weight: 2kgs use: floor support n° of pieces:140 cost per piece: / recycled: Y

WATER TANK dim:14x8x220 weight: 2kgs rainwater collected from the roof cost per piece: infratructure shared by 2 shacks

KITCHEN ******

SANITATION UNIT wet system/dry system? (community tank recollection 1/week) 2 toilets/core (1/shack)


dim: weight: use: floor finishing n° of pieces: 8 cost per piece: / recycled: Y

**** STEEL

dim: weight: use: steel framing system n° of pieces: cost per piece: / recycled: N

PALLET BOARDS dim: 50x245 weight: 2kgs use: floor support n° of pieces:140 cost per piece: / recycled: Y

ASSEMBLABLE STEEL STAIR dim: weight per piece: use: shared infrastructure n° of pieces: cost per piece: / recycled: N (prefabricated)


dim: weight: use: floor finishing n° of pieces: 8 cost per piece: / recycled: Y

**** STEEL

dim: weight: use: steel framing system n° of pieces: cost per piece: / recycled: N

**** STEEL

dim: weight: use: steel framing system n° of pieces: cost per piece: / recycled: N


dim: weight: use: floor finishing n° of pieces: 8 cost per piece: / recycled: Y

PALLET BOARDS dim: 50x245 weight: 2kgs use: floor support n° of pieces:140 cost per piece: / recycled: Y


dim:14x8x220 weight: 2kgs use: floor support n° of pieces:140 cost per piece: 6540 recycled/recyclable: Y


dim: 50x245 weight: 2kgs use: foundations n° of pieces:140 cost per piece: / recycled/recyclable: Y

STEP BY STEP 12H CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCE The prototype is meant to be -self build -low tech -flood safe -insulated -fire resistant -low cost -fast buildable (1day max) -dismantable -remountable -low-tech

CORRUGATED SHEET dim:14x8x220 weight: pretty heavy use: floor support n° of pieces:140 cost per piece: 6540 recycled/recyclable: Y


dim:14x8x220 weight: 2kgs use: floor support n° of pieces:140 cost per piece: 6540 recycled/recyclable: N

WATER TANK dim:14x8x220 weight: 2kgs use: floor support n° of pieces:140 cost per piece: 6540 recycled/recyclable: Y

COLD ROLLED STEEL dim:14x8x220 weight: pretty heavy use: floor support n° of pieces:140 cost per piece: 6540 recycled/recyclable: Y

SANITATION UNIT jacuzzi/ massage shower/ thermal bath/ pediluvium/


dim:14x8x220 weight: 2kgs use: floor support n° of pieces:140 cost per piece: 6540 recycled/recyclable: Y

PALLET BOARDS dim: 50x245 weight: 2kgs use: floor support n° of pieces:140 cost per piece: / recycled: Y



dim:14x8x220 weight: 2kgs use: floor support n° of pieces:140 cost per piece: 6540 recycled/recyclable: Y

BLABLA ftvservs blavjgvse


dim: 50x245 weight: 2kgs use: foundations n° of pieces:140 cost per piece: / recycled/recyclable: Y





ongoing technological research: >100 options as a kickstarter






polycarbonate sheet

paper bricks


hemp p


clay bricks

fibrecement planks

load bearing walls

EPS polyblock



timber frame




steel scaffolding deck

steel de

precast concrete deck

steel spike






to be continued! follow our research

publication: SLUM lab (ETH zurich+ Columbia university NY)

Assemblation study 1

Rooftop Sollar Aray


SIP Roof (Slight Grade) / PV cell frame


MGO (magnesium board) SIP Panels


Ecoboard flooring


First Floor Structure- trusses and joists


Steel Structural Frame


Sanitation Unit (Structurally Independent)


Ecoboard flooring


Floor Insulation


Interior Cladding




Existing Cladding Material


Fiber cement/ Steel sheet siding


Floor Structure










Exterior Stairs


Rain Water Cisterns



Solar meter/ converter/ battery station



Pre-cast Concrete / Gabion Wall Footings





6 19

In-situ concrete foundation

12 13


19 18 Optional Elements



Why Not Academy Street School LOCATION: Mathare Slum, Nairobi CONTEXT: Urban informal settlement -slumN째 INHABITANTANTS: 500.000 PROJECT BY: Liveinslums NGO (Gaetano Berni, Luca Astorri, Francesco Segre, Marialuisa Daglia. Collaborator: Giulia Celentano)

PROJECT SCHEDULE: July - October 2012 architecture + design + agricolture + social studies ARCH+DESIGN -timber frame structure -clay+bambu wall -wood + recycled ironsheet roof -low cost / no waste school forniture -sustainable approach AGR -requalification of Mathare River riverbank facing the school -developement of an above-land in bags vegetable garden (feeding students+creating microcredit activity) SOC -open building site: involving kids + -use of low-tech + poor material for long lasting building families -involvement - knowledge sense of belonging 12


previous conditions: old school + 2011project (vegetable garden + kitchen)

July-Aug: veg garden improvement+ new school basement/vertical structure

14 Aug-Sept: veg garden improvement+ new school structure + walls

sept-oct new school plastering + design forniture production


GUATEMALA CHAPTER Escola das Obras (practical training school) LOCATION: Cerro la Granadilla, San Raymundo CONTEXT: Rural village N° INHABITANTANTS: 600 PROJECT BY: AK0 +Mezzosangue Lab Architecture office (Italy) (Stefan Pollak, Sandro Sarcineto, Laura Di Virgilio, Sara Parlato, Federico Fillo, Cristiana Graziani. Technical assistance: Giulia Celentano)

PROJECT SCHEDULE: Dec - March 2013 (+ dec - march 2014 yet to come)

ARCHITECTURAL PROJECT: -single span timber structure -quincha wall (bambù+clay) -bambù window shelters -rammed earth load bearing kitchen -natural plaster -wood + recycled ironsheet roof -0km materials: bambù grown on field, rammed earth” from foundations digging





EGYPT CHAPTER Microjardin Project

LOCATION: Al Qarafa-The City of the Dead, El Cairo CONTEXT: Urban necropolis N째 INHABITANTANTS: 500.000 Development of an horticultural project in the informal settlement of the necropolis of The CIty of The Dead, aiming to improve horticultural knowledge of the inhabitants, feeding conditions and knowledge and involve young generation in communitary works. 2 main paths: -formation center (for growing + teaching thoughout workshops) -family-operator close contact work

PROJECT BY: Liveinslums NGO in partnership with Municipality of Milan, Agronomy University of El Cairo (on field team: Andrea Giro, Veronica Vecchi, Giulia Celentano, Amanda Marquez, Tommaso Sacconi, Carmen Manocchia)

PROJECT SCHEDULE: sep 2012 - dec 2013 horticulture + design + social project HORT

-developing self constructed box horts -improving feeding conditions -creating microcredit acitivity -overcoming the bad sandy soil problem -avoiding water waste

DESIGN -low cost hort boxes design solution -Do It Yourself solution -construction of a wooden birdhouse prototipe for familiar feeding use SOCIAL -creating knowledge -developing communication between families 20 -gives chances for microeconomy activity -actively involves a ghost community





in teamwork with: Mariapia Bettiol, Giorgia Cilli, Margherita Locatelli, Emanuele Romani

Settled in a strategic point, at the intersection between artificial and natural infrastructures and crossed by the Cervetto creek, the project area contains great potentials. The aim is to settle a complex of sustainable living. The localization becomes a great chance for declining the passage from the city to the countryside. At first the intervention assumes value for the whole city, becoming central knot of a urban and environmental wide riqualification system. A slow mobility urban project has been developed, with a public space and river riqualification, enriched by botanic studies (self-mantaining and local lawn varieties) and able to structure a new net for the city. In the area we create a compact settlement with commercial ground on the main axe, structuring the corner facing the intersection with the beltway. On the contrary, inside we can find a lower and natural architecture, linked to the agricoltural environment and strongly characterized by the presence of the creek and of its riverbanks (a linear park and urban vegetable gardens). An existing farmhouse is included in the project. In order to characterize the area in all the sustainable aspects, functional and social mixitĂŠ become necessary. The housing settlement (traditional, temporary and collective) is acompanied by commercial, a multifunctional space (a 0km green market linked to the vegetable riverbank gardens), a co-work building, an eco-swimming pool, a kindergarden and a vegetable glasshouse. Each of the buildings has been developed within a specific technological choice: a dry wood system for the market, clay for kindergarden and ecoswimmingpool, prefabricated wood panels and rice hunk added concrete for the traditional housing, up to the timber frame wood structure and straw bale walls system for the co-housing.. The project earns high energetic efficiency and the decrese of coasts of builiding, maintenance and use, thanks to natural, local and waste materials. Private spaces for bike parking and recycled trash are provided to the buildings. Therefore, co-housing promotes common living partecipation, offering a reuse craft laboratory, a bike fixing garage, a loundry, a wide common space, a small gymnasium and a 24 glasshouse, managed by the inhabitants. The majority of the building are aligned on the heliocentric axe and most of them are provided with photovotaic and termic solar panels. In this way the environmental impact of the project is decreased as well as the economic investment.


parks and public gardens mitigate the ranges of the weather conditions decrease the level of air pollution decrease the noise mprovement and purification of soil conditions shelter for a wide range of bio-diversity increase the urban landscape involve sensibility to the seasons features perma-culture principles for reducing the waste of energy due for the mantainance of the parks

wildflower meadow: promote a self-regulated environment native species of plants and animals. throughout the seasons and the years self-regulated processes increase the diversity and natural balance provides a shelter no need for mantainance and for energy to be wasted high dynamics throughout the seasons


riverside and flood plain areas: promotion of a set regulated habitat hot spot of biological diversity connecting corridor for migrant species. shelter in case of events. restocking of species. protection from the human settlements opportunity to observe


horse chestnut



plane tree




maple 27


100 m

urban scale project

subjects building pre-existing building riverbanks project

bike parking private public

building techniques prefab wood, concrete clay wood straw bales, wood



housing 0km green market kindergarden coworking - temporary housing eco swimmingpool and wellness laboratories vegetables glasshouse vegetables gardens park

10m ground level plan N

RESIDENTIAL BUILDING X LAM WALL COMPOSITION eco plaster rice hulk insultarion board x lam wood panel eco plaster

20 mm 250 mm 140 mm 20 mm

Thermal transmittance: 0,22 K un Wh 째C mq


housing 1:50 section (prefab. wood system)

KINDERGARDEN CLAY WALL COMPOSITION clay plaster natural cane hanging layer wood support curb clay wall (pisĂŠ technique) natural clay layer to increase energetic performance


15 mm 25 mm 550 x 140 mm 550 mm 20 mm


kindergarden 1:50 section (clay technology)

COHOUSING STRAW - STEKO WALL COMPOSITION STEKO MODULAR WOOD BRICKS WALL wooden vertical board supporting wooden structure ventilated cavity rice hulk insulation board steko block earth plaster

20 mm 10 mm 40 mm 100 mm 160 mm 10 mm

Thermal transmittance: 0,18 K in Wh 째C mq STRAW BALES WALL eco plaster hanging grid wind stop paper layer straw bale hanging grid eco plaster Thermal transmittance: 0,13 K in Wh 째C mq


30 mm 10 mm 10 mm 450 mm 10 mm 20 mm


cohousing 1:50 section (wood timber frame + straw bales technology)

MULTIFUNCTIONAL BUILDING DRY WOOD WALL COMPOSITION wood lath external layer hanging lining wood structure clay plaster hanging net cork fiber natural insulating layer hardwood panel wood fiber insulation glulam timber




polifunctional building 1:50 section (dry wood



AGGREGATES AND GRAVELS earth supplied on the building involve economical and ecologi- obtained demolishing existsite, enriched with clay and cal systems ing buildings, not valuable of aggregates to well performe rice husk for insultating board requalification for an efficient earth buildand for bricks building process ing technology (adobe, clay rice straw as a building material aggregate base gravel laid plaster, bricks) rice pelletrs to produce energy sown as the lowest layer for highly ecological tehnologies and heating the building the paved areas easily recyclable and dismissable after building use


WOOD wooden frameworks and boards supplied obtained in local wood involves local economy different declinations: prefab panels, frameworks structures it allows dry construiction

local materials supplies: 37

MULTIPLIED CENTRALITIES EUROPAN 10: GRAZ in teamwork with: Alessandro Benetti, Mirko Gatti, Simone Zanni

Puntigam is a suburban area, located just a few minutes outside Graz still strongly exploited for both industrial and farming production. Due to the natural expansion of the city, the area is currently emerging as one of the most interesting areas of development. The current perception that one gets of Puntigam is of a chaotic mix of farming landscape, factories and small suburban properties. Although, proximity to the river side, the presence of a dismissed rail track (heritage of an industrial past) hs been considered as a backbone-facility for a possible new urban design, we can imagine a dense amount of residential and commercial clusters to be spread across the area in order to challenge the role of Graz itself as an attractive pole. The land is strongly signed from the ancient water draining system, whose traces determine a subcession of voids. The major ones are agricultural fields, the minors are antropized leftovers. Our goal is to estabilish a new set of centralities (radial and orthogonal) able to challenge a development and users flux. The small voids perfectly fits to this aim, working as plugs for the whole web. The green surface that has been preserved by this capillary re-urbanization can now be reorganized on the base of its ecological potential, with the aim of exploiting its enormous environmental value. The main goal of this second phase is to reduce the ecological footprint of the future inhabitants by the dispose of most of the emissions produced by the new settlements development.


2235 sqm

11285 sqm

191780 sqm

10118 sqm

9052 sqm

8950 sqm

9700 sqm 49950 sqm

87352 sqm

48115 sqm 31508 sqm


29268 sqm

39 quantification of centralities dimension in relationship with green voids extention


3370 sqm phitodepuration 3380 trees

11.130 sqm plots 1.730 sqm phitodepuration system 3.580 trees

1.360 sqm phitodepuration system 3.620 trees

28.820 sqm plots 3370 sqm phitodepuration 23.600 sqm plots 5.770 sqm phitodepuration system 13.320 trees 8.920 trees 8.375 sqm plots 2.270 sqm phitodepuration 2600 sqm phitodepuration

4.510 trees

7.6700 trees


N 100M



42 Orthogonal Centralities: Located at infrastructural knots Absorbing the orthogonal terriotorial path Functions: housing, public, commercial


Radial Centralities: Structuring element: station Overlayering radial flux + station center New high level paths Functions: public space, commercial

43 10M

24h/24 cycle

sport facilities grass field wood playground phitodepuration area farming plot phitodepuration area grass field concert space wood sport facilities flower field playground phitodepuration area grass field sport facilities wood flowers field sport facilities wood flowers field sport facilities farming plot playground farming plot farming plot sport facilities flowers field wood concert space wood playground flowers field grass field sport facilities wood phitodepuration area farming plot


declination of the zebra voids landscape


WEST SIDE STRATEGY Synecdoche in Dublin: a part for the whole developed with: LaboratorioPermanente Architectural Office (Arch. Nicola Russi, Arch. Angelica Sylos Labini), Alessandro Benetti, SImone Zanni

The European Forum for architectural policies in association with the Royal Institute of Architects in Ireland selected LaboratorioPermanente for Converging Territories, a pilot project promoting cultural exchange ithrough the European Community nations. The study concerns a urbanistic strategy for Dublin city development, dramatically affected by economic crysis. The city council requires densification, reuse of the big amount of abandoned buildings and lots and an activation of the general economy. The proposal moves from the idea of mantaing the typical Dubliner cityscape and taste, interveening with a process of filling the voids when needed and projecting them when necessary. The strategy is applied on a specific case (Cork Street) located in West Dublin, area where more the potentials of the city are underrated. The final outcome of the process is appliable to all the main streets of the city. The aim is not just working with architectural volums to gain the required density, but to always project the buildings in relationship with the free space of the lot. That’s why the research offers different typologies and proposals, always satisfying the imrpovement both of build volume and of empty ground space. These ones are studied in the way to work in continuity with the street surface, so able to gain characteristics of quality able to support public life. The improvement of the medium height of the new buildings is located in the backyard of the lot, so not to close the streetscape but mantaining a free sky sight and a traditional street front. 46


LOT 1: urban void

LOT 2: small housing fabric

LOT 3: big industrial fabric


LOT 4: mixed fabric

type 1: tower

type 2: stair steps

type 2: snake

composition of different fabric and typologies

new street surface structuring the city



housing fabric intervention 51

actual situation


TOPOTYPO EUROPAN 11:CLERMONT FERRAND developed with: BEMaa architectural office

The aim of the Europan 11 in the site is the urban redefinition of a strategical area that will work as a core point for the city, involved in different transformation processes. The TGV line will connect it fastly to Paris and Lion and it will become one of the knots of the national net of ecoville. The request is about social housing settlement, a park and a urban structure able to absorb the railway presence. The choice is to consider Clermont in its whole potentials, from the local ones up to the national ones. Enriched by amazing landscapes (considering volcanoes and natural parks) and wide natural variety, the area perfectly fits to a sustainable approach, extendable to all the project scales. Working on different subjects and scales of research, the project is developed not simply according to its architectonical subjects, but carries on a sustanable role of ecological corridor and spot of a natural pedestrian system. The park, developed by folowing principles of permaculture, is the linking subjects to the different architecture involved in the process. Sustainability is approached not only concerning an environmental and energetic aspect, but also as a possible keypoint for introducing a sustainable sociality, involving common places, coworking, shared structures and promoting relationships able to infrastructure space and give strenght to the proposed mixitĂŠ..


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9













2 gentian bat peregrine squirtle

forests natural parks

polyculture grape horticulture cereals milk

polyculture grape horticulture cereals milk

3 municipal markets

4 railway tram A


6 thermal spots watersports

waterbasin rivers

fountain water pool agricoltural waterstream waterstream underground waterstream

wood <10% 10%-30% >30% forest work small medium large



9 wood area


parc agricultural N


leftover spaces new life given from wind seed transportation appearence of wild natural elements singolar special episodes in the cityscape botanic plan for protecting species

playground y0-99 city as an experimental field architectural ideas meet people relationships exchange place immagination evolving spaces open air markets connection places

different housing proposals traditional (tower, side S) free plan (tower, side N) communitarian lifestyle (longitudinal fabrics)

working place as a sharing occasion accorded to crative users working cells + shared facilities 56 facilities in accordance with the needs joining fragility creating strenght

goal: 100% own energy eco materials 0km collectables rainy water use natural ventilation recycling natural light

WILDERNESS extinguishing botanic species allium

biological fight

leygousia turgenia l. medicago o. cantaurea adalia b. convolvus glaucium c. viola b. opuntia h. anacamptis chrysopa o.

biofilters (phytoremediation)


wildflower meadow

quercus pinus s. zantedeschia cotonaster heliantuus miscanthus fraxinus

leucanthemum silaene v. biscutella onobrychis briza m.


PUBLIC SPACE lavic stone


shockproof rubber









CHAPITO CIRCUS SCHOOL PROJECT FOR THE CITY OF LISBON The new Chapito Circus school is projected in a complex site, actually ocupied by a city market. The urban void obtained by the demolition of the market building actually highlight a triangular hole, suffering big differences in level of the angles., as often happens in the Portugues capital city. This morphological limit has been used as a device and pushed to the edge. The Chapito School projects wants in fact not just to be an introverted funcion, but a dynamic actiity interacting with the city. The relationship between inner user and urban passer-by is the firm point of the project. The two buildings proposed for the school and housing of the students, create an occasion for the city. Their roofs become urban terraces and open air theaters, in direct communication with the Tejo river located on the South. The public space at the core of the area, on the other hand, is doubled and interacts actively with the traianing jym at the underground level of the circus school, flexible in its space and able to be completely opened on the new square. Commercial activities are settled underground (that means on the new square level) the housing, both for serving the residence and to activate the public space. The Southern corner of the area (that is naturally at a lower level) is the favored acces to the area. The suggestion for the materials of the public space comes from the city itself. Just a few meters higher than the rooftops infact a urban wood is strongly present in the cityscape. It actually belongs to a green ray, including the Sao Jorge Castle and heading down to the river. The new square partecipates in it with a massive vertical garden, partecipating with the city to the new stage scenery. 58


subjectos projectuais

autonomia dos subjectos projectuais cooperação entre os subjectos criação dum subjecto maior de referecia a escada da cidade


limitations -5m





-4m -4m






“limitations encourage creativity�


handrail concrete waterproof layer gradient layer concrete rolling curtain pvc box fabric double glass window


inox steel cable

perennial creeper

metallic stand standoff bracket type clay drainage plumb


structuring wall waterproof hanging layer steel cages

hanging layer

water absorbing layer irrigating system attaching layer perennial plants


view from the S corner

urban theatre

transition jym-square


green cityscape

urban hole intervention

architectural stage set

green scenery cityscape

STARGATE URBAN INTERVENTION ON ROMAN RUINES THEATER LISBON The project consists in the assignment of urban quality to the ancient roman theater ruines, settled in the fascinating neighbourhood of Alfama. The approach to the project has been both at a wide scale up to a detailed one. The site is in fact in a key position, thanks to the Alfama hill that generates suggestive visual points toward the river Tejo. Actually the roman theater ruines are abandoned under a steel roof, facing, but not relationing anyhow, with the roman ruines museum. The urban approach sets the project at a core point of a green net invading Alfama (and actually fisically invading every void in the nearby), considering it as a part of the green ray the start from the SAo Jorge Hill, goes through the Castel, down to the Cathedral (including ruines too) and arrives down to the river. The green ray is overlayered to a ruin ray. The architectural approach allows both to include the ruines experience into a everyday walking path (based on the ancient trace) and to connec the ruines with the actual museum, plus the extention of the museum in an abandoned, reprojected, biulding, facing directly with the ruine at an underground level. The path that goes from the city, to the ruins up to the roof of the thater for reaching an amazing “miradouro�, typical element of the city of Lisbon, behaves as a stargate for the user, that naturally will cross different worlds and eras, experiencing personally the ruines. and enjoying the green roof, directing the eyes sight down toward the green ray landscape.


present barrier on project site

present roman ruines museum

current urban fluxes


ruines traces

definition of the acces from the city

reuse of existing abandoned building


new paths net N


ruines traces

new paths


urban paths + ruines ray


+1.2m -1.5m -1.5m

planta -1

undergroun plan



o romano III


universidade lusiada de lisboa _faculdade de arquitectura e artes

giulia celentano



-1.5m +1.5m


city + ruins + architecture + landscape

hybrid path

city level plan


planta +1 1:200

+6m planplantaNnĂŹvel 1




ruines path

distributive and panoramic walk

museum space

MUSSEL TEMPORARY HOUSING AND PUBLIC SPACE: MILAN in teamwork with: Giorgia Cilli, Margherita Locatelli

The project acts as a morphological intervention aiming to define and arranging the urban void delimited by Via Giotto, Via del Burchiello and Via Pagano. The project deals with the pre-existing facing buildings both for continuity and for contrapposition. The alignment on Via del Burchiello in fact allows to redefine the ancient fabric trace by redrowing the study area through a contemporary project, clearly in contrapposition -formal and volumetrical- with the preexisting city The project asks for being crossed, perceived, used and walked by the city user. The starting act of rising and sinking the ground, slowly enriched by integrating public functions. These both work as public space activators and, in the meantime, strenghten the urban intervention. The soil along Via del Burchiello slowly rises from the ground, while, just a few meters on the South, the wide flexible void retires into the subway entrance. Under the new level projected soill, two buildings have been projected. The first one, stone composed, consists in a double heights exposition gallery with inclined ceiling. The second one is actually the simple glassed enclosure of a public space area. the commercial spaces so obtained are in fact light and permeable (both to light and to users paths). The first and second floor, entirely covered by a cortain skin, host temporary housing and a bar. The permeability theme has been followed in the study on the single housing proposals.




roof plan

groun floor plan



S prospect



transversal section study


my projectual “wish to do”list: _following my passion toword the informal settlements, both on the research side as on the projectual and practical one d_ eveloping technological and compositive research on sustainable architecture d_ eveloping natural building projects (straw bales system, clay,..) m _ astering knowledge concerning botanic subjects involved with architecture (from green roofs to vertical gardens) _investigating permaculture, horticulture and how to combine them with an architectural project able to play the role of a pro-positive social actor

about me: - co-founder and team member of Big Mamas Team Mongol Rally 2012, a 4 ladies team part of the Mongol Rally Charity Race all the way from Milan (Italy) to Ulaan Batar (Mongolia) raising money for Save The Children and the local orphanage The Lotus Children Center. The team - Nomad 4x4 off-road volunteer association traveller: active in North Africa, bringing support and “touch” to local communities. - co-founder and member since 2007 of Jubilant Gospel Girls Aps, volunteering association involved in fundraising for ONGs and social events promotion through musical performances. -sports: Agonistic (past): tennis, ski. Amateur: surf, capoeira, snowboarding -passions: backpack travel, photography (last update: ethical photography course 2011 with Enrico Mascheroni from Photographers Without Borders), music (playing -somehow- piano and guitar, singing); succulent plants and cactus

thank you for your attention

to contact me: giulia celentano skp: peyo701 tel: +39 338 88 27 985

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