Giuliano Fer to nani Af f in i P o r tfo l io 2 02 0
co n ten ts
Zone 30 street: via Cesare Battisti
Resilience over scales: 10 projects
The linear biome: Re-thinking borders
Modena IX: Rediscovering Modena Nord
Spatial conflict solutions: Siping campus, Tongji Univeristy
urban design
spatial plan
landscape design
urban planning
I / zone 30 Cesare Battisti street
ZONE 30 STREET: CESARE BATTISTI Regeneration project of Cesare Battisti street, that follow the Zone 30 concept, developed to rethink the public spaces in responce to the Covid-19 problematics. Rivarolo Mantovano, Italy 2020
Palazzo del Bue scuola
Rivarolo Mantovano is a small municipality
in the southern part of Padana Plain. The area is highly polluted and characterized
by a high percentage of urbanized spaces.
Comune di Rivarolo Mantovano
The aim of the project is to rethink the
Fondazione Sangunini
public spaces of the small villages to answer the Covid-19 crisis and following
the zone 30 concepts. The choice of the intervention area is based on the analysis carried out in a territorial scale, identifying
banca Palazzo Penci
two main backbones: the Vertical Backbone and the Horizontal Backbone.
Each of the two backbones crosses the town’s key points such as shops, historic
Porta Mantova
Porta Parma
areas and places of interest. The intersection of the two backbones
parcheggio sud
affects the street located south of the square: via Cesare Battisti.
main backbones
I / zone 30 Cesare Battisti street
This street turns out to be an important connection of the town, between Piazza Finzi and the main parking area in the south of the town. The public space of Cesare Battisti street is 75% for cars. This makes the pedestrian and cyclist the possibility to use only the remain 25%. This unbalanced street division cause problems of safety and impossibility to keep social distances. The project aim’s to be a starting point to rethink completely the public spaces of the villages, having a strong answer to the pandemic crisis. The widening of the pedestrian areas, the introduction
sidewalk changes
of new seats, the shading thanks to the new vegetation, will allow the road to be repopulated, and a new development for the area and the whole country may be the beginning, with the possible opening of new shops and promotion of new initiatives. The project was donated to the Municipality of Rivarolo Mantovano
mobility changes
I / zone 30 Cesare Battisti street
isometric view of via Cesare Battisti
The entrance from Porta Parma will be safe from vehicles, respecting the historical value of the place. The creation of a new square will bring social benefits and allow citizens to regain possession of a piece of public space that has been lost for a long time.
I / zone 30 Cesare Battisti street
via Cesare Battisti, collage of the new square
10 projects of Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS) developed during the working period in the Municipality of Rivarolo Mantovano Rivarolo Mantovano, Italy 2016
Rivarolo Mantovano is a small municipality in the central part of Padana Plain. The
n. 3
Multi-layer intervention in the public sport facilities area
most part of the area is highly polluted and PRODUCED BY AN AUTODESK STUDENT VERSION
II / resilience over scale: 10 projects
The aim of the project «Resilience over
Restoration of the naturalbased function in the existing tree containers
A tree-lined boulevard with permeable trees containers that collect the run-off water from the road
n. 10
characterized by impermeable surfaces.
n. 6
n. 4
A new cycle path designed following SuDS standards
n. 7
A new green area designed to detain and infiltrate the storm run-off
scale» is to implement small-scale natural-
n. 5
based interventions in order to create a system of natural regeneration and contribute to restoration of the biodiversity in the village. All the intervention are following natural-
n. 8
n. 9
n. 2
A linear green wall separates the industrial site from the residential area
Transformation of a low-quality lawn into a Rain Garen
based principles. Various trees and local
Restoration of abandoned green strips
n. 1
autochthonous plants were used in the
A new Rain Garden that solves the flooding problems in the south rotary
project in order to improve the infiltration and biodiversity of the area. The total scope of work includes 10 different projects in the village. The interventions are going to be developed gradually step by steps during the next years. The construction started from the
“Casa dell’Acqua”
Project N.3 that is going to be described in
SuDS projects
the next part of this book.
10 projects on the map of Rivarolo Mantovano
II / resilience over scale: 10 projects
“CASA DELL’ ACQUA” (Project n. 3 from the series of projects “Resilience over scales: 10 projects”) “Casa dell’ Acqua” (House of water) gives opportunity to all local citizens to have access to drinkable filtered water at low price. While collecting the water, personal re-utilizable containers are used. This allow to reduce drastically the amount of greenhouse emission from the water production process. The “Casa dell’ Acqua” is designed following the Sustainable Drainage System principles. It gives a natural direction to run-off storm water. Withing the the project two SuDS containers were designed to host the plants. These containers bring a series of positive externalities (allowing the water to infiltrate in the ground in a shorter time; cleaning the water from pollutants; improving biodiversity; cleaning the surrounding air; etc.). The rain runs-off flows from the surfaces of the roof and the pavement inside the SuDS containers. This process allow the water to infiltrate in the ground and reach the aquifer. isometric view of the project “Casa dell’Acqua”
II / resilience over scale: 10 projects
front facade +3.500
Punica granatum
8 000
Arundo donax water dispenser
SuDS container
3 800
SuDS container
3 800
The Sustainable Drainage System allows the RAINWATER RUN-OFF to follow tha natural flows and infiltrate in the aquifer instead of going inside the sewage system. The water dispenser is washed each 4 hours using 5 liters of AQUEDUCT WATER each time. After the dispenser is being washed, used water is directed to SuDS containers to feed the plants.
II / resilience over scale: 10 projects
The SuDS containers are composed by
water machinery
a series of layers that allow the drainage system to function. This configuration permits the water to infiltrate in the soil in a short period.
non-woven sheet layer
gravel Ă˜ 10 mm
corten border
gravel Ă˜ 20/60 mm
non-woven sheet layer
peat mix loam
layers of the SuDS container
water dispenser
information board
Sustanable Drainage System
elements of the project
II / resilience over scale: 10 projects
“Casa dell’ Acqua”: photo of the project
III / the linear biome: re-thinking borders
Individual project developed for Bilancio Partecipativo, a competition promoted by the Municipality of Milan Milan, Italy 2017
The inner part of the city of Milan is surrounded by a railway circle line, that in the east part is characterized to be sopra elevated and wide. The presence of the railway creates a huge division between the central and the peripherical part of the city, often bringing to a degradation of the area’s surroundings the wall. The sopra elevated railway borders are made by concrete, and in some point are over 10 meters tall. The wall continues for many kilometres along the railway, that run through several neighbourhood, bringing a series of negative externalities as heating waves and uncomfortable environment. The project aims to change this situation and to add the wall an additional layer of creeping vegetation, that naturally grow vertically and stick to it. the green biome impacts
III / the linear biome: re-thinking borders
Scalo Farini
Scalo Lambrate
Porta Genova
San Cristoforo
Scalo Porta Romana
Santa Giulia
area of intervention buffer zone
Milan with main transformation areas along railway belt
III / the linear biome: re-thinking borders
Hedera helix
Hydrangea petiolaris
Parthenucissus tricuspidata
leaf and flowers structure
existing situation: the wall is poorly maintained and degradated
The linear biome is composed by three different species of climbing trees. This will create the composition of colours that will change along the year drawing a dynamic landscape. Once the wall will be completely covered by plants there will be several positive effects. The leaf structure creates oxygen and reduces the pollutants in the air,
in 1 year the concrete surface of the wall and the graffiti are partly covered by the greenery
resulting in the increase of the biodiversity in the whole area. The roots of the plants will be able to reduce the presence of pollutants in the water and increase the water soil infiltration. The climate of the surrounding areas will be balanced, the heating waves will decrease ensuring an improvement of the living standard. in 5 years the whole wall becomes a linear vertical biome
III / the linear biome: re-thinking borders
collage of the wall along Lambrate station with completely grown vegetation
IV / Modena IX: rediscovering Modena Nord
Group project developed for the Masterplan studio (prof. Gabellini, prof. Fini) during the studies in Politecnico di Milano Modena, Italy 2018
Modena is a city in the region of Emilia Romagna that is in the north part of Italy. Modena Nord is an area of the city adjacent to the city center, surrounded by the agricultural fields and located between the railway tracks, rivers Secchia and Panaro, and transportation thoroughfares. Modena Nord suffers from many problems: there is a concentration of disadvantaged population, a decay of public spaces and buildings, limited accessibility. The area also loses the sense of belonging and lacks identity. The master plan and regeneration strategies are the attempts to reverse the decline of the area and its uncontrolled transformation by improving the physical structure, the economy, social activities and environmental conditions. Modena Nord: IX backbones
IV / Modena IX: rediscovering Modena Nord
Backbone - a series of connected strategic spaces that provide support for the whole area
I beyond edges of the railway
II traces of the local paths
III between industrial nodes
IV spaces for locals
V exploring Secchia River
VI towards the heart of
The master plan is based on the concept of nine backbones (Modena IX) which are a series of connected strategic spaces providing support for the whole
Modena Nord
area. The system of backbones is the most important part of Modena Nord which initiates the transformation and regeneration of this part of the city. The backbones are divided into 3 transversal and 6 longitudinal ones, while some of them function at territorial (2) or urban scale (4) and 3 of them have a multidimensional character.
VII traces of Modena
VIII where the urban turns
harbor past
into nature
IX reaching Panaro River
IV / Modena IX: rediscovering Modena Nord
Working on the existing environmental features supported by new elements in order to make the area more sustainable and resilient, rediscovering the traces of Modena’s harbor Strategy 1:
past as well as enhancing the relationship between the
Revive blue and
inhabitants and nature
green network
Examples of policies: - Reducing pollution by creating a system of greenery in order to absorb CO2; river
- etc.
Developing an interconnected system of environmentally friendly infrastructure allowing people moving freely in different directions Examples of policies: Strategy 2:
- Improving sustainability of the area by promoting electric
Reorganize mobility
car sharing and electric charging point; - Introducing restricted traffic zones; - Encouraging the citizens to use soft mobility; river
existing bike line
new bike line
- etc. Transforming existing voids and reusing abandoned buildings by introducing new social activities at a temporal and permanent scale, favouring community inclusion and enlarging leisure and labour offer of the area.
Strategy 3:
Examples of policies:
Regain social activities
- Encourage farmers to support local distribution through tax reductions; - Supporting start-ups and innovative hubs; - etc. river
new centralities
IV / Modena IX: rediscovering Modena Nord
Modena Nord: new darsena
V / spatial conflict solutions: Siping campus, Tongji Univeristy
Individual project developed during the studio of Transportation and mobility (prof. Zhuo Jian) in Tongji University Shanghai, China 2019
The Siping Road Campus of Tongji University is a wide area composed by more than one hundred buildings. Inside the campus there are several road connections that allow the movements of pedestrians, cars and cyclists in the area. The actual spatial division of the roadway is creating several problems for the users, mostly regarding safety and freedom of movement. Most of people are not following this spatial division, driving the car along the area reserved for the pedestrian circulations, or walking in the roadway reserved only for cars. The aim of the project is to propose a better organisation of the space, dividing the different fluxes (cars, bikes, pedestrians), and creating circular bike line around the campus that connects the most important campus destinations. the circle bike line - Siping Road Campus, Tongji Univeristy
V / spatial conflict solutions: Siping campus, Tongji Univeristy
Design of the project aimes to find an optimal spatial solution for the existing conflicts in space. In order to organize the flows of different users, the space has to be defined in the most clear and in the same time simple way. Conceptually the organisation of the metro lines is a perfect case study for this purpose.
points of interest
circle line
secondary line
the bike circular line passes through main points of interest in the Siping Campus
fragment of the Shanghai metro map
circle line
secondary line
six intersection points for the cyclist to switch from the circle line to the secondary lines
main stations
circle line
secondary line
the bike circular line is composed by fourteen stations that correspond to main arrival points
critical point
circle line
secondary line
the circular bike line solves critical situation in which the road spatial division create dangerous conflicts
V / spatial conflict solutions: Siping campus, Tongji Univeristy
situation of conflict in the different areas of the Siping Campus
spatial division of the bike circle line example of the devision of the roadway into the cyclepath and the pedestrian path
example of converting the road shared by cyclists and pedestrians to solely cyclepath
example of the clear organization of the space division using colors and explanations
V / spatial conflict solutions: Siping campus, Tongji Univeristy
environmental science faculty
bridge museum
forest canteen grand auditorium
main canteen school of science
civil engineering
school of electronics the graduate school
Sino German school
CAUP faculty of medicine normal canteen
main library
swimming pool
main lecture hall
bike circle line across the main attraction points