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Chapter 3: How to Conduct an Intake

Along with the initial intake, ask questions using the Veterans Intake form, to discover their background, experience and barriers.

Job Readiness

Before they can prepare for a job they need a one on one and service plan to ask discovery type questions like do you have ID, DD-214 (military separation documentation, needed to access many benefits, including veterans preference), clothing for work, temporary shelter etc. Refer to the list of community partners to help with these needs.

Resumes’ etc.

Veterans may need a civilian resume if they are interested in civilian employment. Veterans should have a federal resume that was completed in the “Transition Assistance Program.” (TAP) Register them for Goodwill’s Virtual Resume Writing and assist with completing a resume. Tip: list AIT (Advanced Individual Training), BLC (basic leadership course), ALC (advanced leadership course), etc. for education if no formal degree. Tip: list security clearance, certifications (i.e. foreign disclosure officer certified) under skills if relevant.

Veterans may not know what type of work they would like to do post-military, so spend time exploring how their skills might transfer over to positions in the civilian workforce. (Use ONET.) GWCS can assist the client with this using Google’s MOS job search. Veterans may not know about paying state income tax in applicable states (TN vs KY) Veterans who do not have previous civilian employment experience may lack knowledge of civilian positions, pay, hiring process, and work environment. See if they would like to attend all job readiness training taught by GWCS and Operation HOPE.

Training and Education for Newly Separated Veterans

Veterans may not know how to use the GI bill and FAFSA. They may not know about opportunities for training during their transition out of the military. (Trade school or similar, the military will usually let service members complete this training during their transition). We can link with an education/training partner that can host an “orientation”. Refer to the Veteran Intake form for referrals and resources. Share our training classes and assessment tools (Northstar and ONET) to discover their competencies and career interest profile.

Applying for a Job

Veterans may not know how to find government jobs. USAjobs.gov can help them find GS jobs. Register them for Jobs4tn and focus on what they can do rather than what they can’t do. Learn more:

Veteran employment VA Benefits

VET Job Programs

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