Constituent Relationship Management Systems The benefits of constituent relationship management systems are many. In addition to providing a comprehensive database of constituents, they let you track their preferences and interactions. Among the features of a CRM system are the ability to store and retrieve a constituent's record, including contact information and preferences for alternative means of communication, including email and fax. You can also view the most recent correspondence with your constituents by viewing their constituent dashboard. And if your constituents prefer not to receive any marketing materials at all, you can easily send them a message that they will not miss. The Allegiance constituent management system features a classic interface and displays a comprehensive list of interactions between constituents and your organization. Constituent interactions are rolled up by numerical codes that mirror general ledger codes. Some of these CRMs also offer separate solutions for traffic and underwriting. You can also purchase separate modules for major donors, volunteers, auctions, and pledge drives. You can even integrate your constituent management system with Constant Contact to create electronic communications with constituents. In addition to providing a comprehensive database, these systems also provide member portals where members can pay for events and make contributions online. Some systems also have case management capabilities that help you track grant proposals and customer service requests. They help you to manage all aspects of your constituent database, from collecting data to making decisions. The database should also help you maintain the privacy and security of your constituents. There are several different types of constituent relationship management systems on the market, and it is important to choose one that meets your needs. A good CRM system should help you build a holistic view of your constituents, including their levels of commitment and involvement. The ability to track all constituent interactions helps you understand the unique qualities and differences between your constituents. An example of such a system might be an online radio station that is devoted to its community. It encourages its volunteer to become a monthly sustaining member. This particular person even gave a car to the station in exchange for tax benefits. If you are planning to use constituent relationship management systems, it is important to ensure that the database you select is easy to integrate with other systems. The data import and export should be simple and straightforward. There should be an API that is open to third party integration, as this allows you to connect two different systems without having to install any additional software or hardware. You should also check out the compatibility of the CRM with the back-office functions of the organization. A constituent relationship can be created through another constituent, such as a parent who enrolls a child in a program or a staff member who contacts the organization. It depends on the situation and the mission of the organization. One person may fall into several constituent categories, and a CRM can help you maintain them. And if you use a CRM in this way, you'll have an easier time
improving relationships and building loyalty.