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Assignment Portfolio


ASSIGNMENT PORTFOLIO Student: Trịnh Nhật Tuân ID: K39.701.140


Using Resources in Language Teaching


Assignment Portfolio

This document is my portfolio for the first assignment of Using Resources in Language Teaching course. The course code is 1811ENGL1442 and the teacher is Mr. Cao Hồng Phát. There are two parts of this portfolio: Part 1 is my design rationale for a set of supplementary materials used for Unit 1 of the coursebook Tieng Anh 10. Part 2 is a task designed to go with a piece of authentic material chosen for a lesson of Unit 1, Tieng Anh 10. This portfolio, however, is just part of a complete submission, which is compressed into one Zip file. The complete submission includes: • 1 set of supplementary materials presented in Part 1, including 8 folders. • 1 piece of authentic material used in Part 2. • 1 portfolio in pdf version. • 1 portfolio in doc version. The submission date is 7th November 2018. Trịnh Nhật Tuân K39.701.140


Using Resources in Language Teaching





1.1. Process of supplementary materials design


1.2. Describe the educational context


1.3. Evaluate the coursebook


1.4. Analyse the unit and propose ways to make good use of the coursebook


1.4.1. Lesson 1: Getting started


1.4.2. Lesson 2: Language


1.4.3. Lesson 3: Skills - Reading


1.4.4. Lesson 4: Skills - Speaking


1.4.5. Lesson 5: Skills - Listening


1.4.6. Lesson 6: Skills - Writing


1.4.7. Lesson 7: Communication and Culture


1.4.8. Lesson 8: Looking Back and Project


1.5. Finalise the supplementary materials




2.1. Evaluate the selected authentic material


2.2. The task and answer keys


2.3. The tapescript




Assignment Portfolio

RATIONALE FOR SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIALS DESIGN Tieng Anh 10 is the first of a three-level English language set of textbooks for the Vietnamese upper secondary school. This part of the portfolio provides the rationale for my design of supplementary materials used in addition to a unit of Tieng Anh 10, which is Unit 1: Family Life.


Using Resources in Language Teaching

1.1. Process of supplementary materials design My process of designing materials includes 5 steps: Step 1: Describe the educational context Step 2: Evaluate the course book Step 3: Analyse the unit and propose ways to make good use of the coursebook Step 4: Finalise the supplementary materials. Step 5: Evaluate the supplementary materials These steps will be elaborately presented in the following pages.


Assignment Portfolio

1.2. Describe the educational context Supplementary materials are best designed when they are contextualised. The educational context, however, has not been sufficiently mentioned. Therefore, I propose my interpretation of them based on personal experience. Teaching aids: The typical classroom is equipped with blackboard, data projector, microphone, speakers, computer with PowerPoint software and a CD player. Learners’ level: Theoretically, trade 10 students are at Level 2 of Vietnamese Foreign Language Competence Framework (equivalent to A2 in the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages). Class size: The typical size of an upper secondary class is 4050 students and it is a mixed-ability class. The learners’ characteristics: Grade 10 students are adolescents. They understand the need of learning and are responsible to do what is asked of them. They can discuss abstract thoughts and address learning issues directly. They would likd to response to texts with their own experiences. 7

Using Resources in Language Teaching

From the description, there are some important things that needs to be paid due attention to when we design materials: • The design of supplementary materials must be grounded in the availability of the teaching aids and the class size. • The materials must be relevant and involving, closely linked to students’ interests. • Individual participation should be maximised with homeworks, pairworks and groupworks. • Worksheets are highly recommended for tasks. • Use multi-tiered tasks to handle mixed-ability class reality.


Assignment Portfolio

1.3. Evaluate the coursebook Tieng Anh 10 is the first of a three-level English language set of coursebooks for Vietnamese upper secondary students. Tieng Anh 10 follows the systematic, cyclical and theme-based curriculum approved by the Minister of Education and Training on 23rd November 2012. There are many benefits of using this coursebook in teaching: • Accessibility: The book can easily be found in the local bookstore with reasonable price. • Convenience: Unlike previous version of Tieng Anh 10, the new version is divided into two volumes, which makes each book lighter. • Print design: The new book size (19x27 cm) is also greater than the old one (17x24 cm). This provides more space for photos, illustrations and text boxes. Colours and lines are used effectively to separate the unit sections and emphasise the important information. • Activities: The activities are designed differently, which caters for different learning styles and needs. • Relevance: The content is relevant, related to Ss’ daily life. It is also useful, providing them with knowledge about the world. 9

Using Resources in Language Teaching

• Grading: The coursebook is at the right level of the students, with comprehensible input. • Authenticity: Although the content is bound up with Vietnamese context, the language is nearly authentic. • Availability: The complete set of the coursebook includes the Teacher’s book, with notes for teaching procedures and suggestions for teaching techniques, which is really helpful to inexperienced teacher. However, there are also some drawbacks that we need to embrace: • Despite the relevance, the content of the texts is sometimes dull. • Some activities are too easy and shallow. • No sufficient advice is presented. Self-study is not encouraged. The coursebook cannot be used without the guidance from the teachers. All in all, this coursebook can be used in teaching. However, to make the best use of it, it is necessary to have some amendment. 10

Assignment Portfolio

1.4. Analyse the unit and propose ways to make good use of the coursebook Unit 1: Family life is a topic-based unit. The topic is about household chores, roles in family and other aspects of family life. This unit helps students acquire certain knowledge of the language construction and practise certain language skills. The teaching of both the language construction and language skills follows a three-stage procedure: • Teaching language construction: follows Presentation-Practice-Production (PPP) procedure. • Teaching language skills: follows Pre-, While-, and Post-stage procedure. The unit consists of 5 sections: Getting started, Language, Skills, Communication and Culture, and Looking back and Project. These sections are taught in eight 45-minute lessons.


Using Resources in Language Teaching

1.4.1. Lesson 1: Getting started By the end of this lesson, Ss should know some vocabulary items about Household chores and the grammar point of the present continuous tense.

Activities provided by the Activity 3 and activity 4 provide pronunciation and collocation coursebook: In activity 1, Ss are asked to listen to the recording of a conversation and read along silently. This activity, however, is not a good way to introduce new words because Ss do not know what words they are expected to focus on. Also, despite being related to Ss’ daily life, the conversation is quite boring. In activity 2, Ss have to complete a T/F/NG task to check the comprehension of the texts. However, this conversation is not supposed to test Ss’ reading ability, but to introduce the topic. Therefore, it should not be intensive or task-bound. 12

practice. However, if we decide to teach vocabulary at the beginning of the lesson, then these activities may be unnecessary.

How activities should be changed: 1. Presenting vocabulary (15 min): Use a set of pictures to present new vocabulary items. 2. Presenting grammar (5 min): Have students review the grammar point of present continuous with PowerPoint slides. Grammar is taught with deductive approach. 3. Vocabulary game (10 min): Nominate 3-4 Ss to privately read cuecards describing

Assignment Portfolio

a housework (do the ironing, wash the dishes, etc.), then mime and have their friends guess what they are doing. Other students have to speak up their guess in a full sentence, like “A is cleaning the floor.” 4. Discussion (5 min): Ask Ss to work in pairs, look at the picture in page 6, ask and answer: “What are Nam’s family members doing?” 5. Listen and read (10 min): Have Ss listen to the recording of the conversation in page 6 and read along. Then, use comprehension checking questions to ask the whole class and explain.

coursebook at home.

With the changes above, here are the supplementary materials required: • A set of pictures to present new words (printed in A4 paper, with colour). • PowerPoint slides presenting the grammar point of present continuous tense. • Cuecards describing houseworks (print on A5 paper).

At the end of the lesson, ask Ss to finish activity 3 and 4 in the 13

Using Resources in Language Teaching

1.4.2. Lesson 2: Language In this lesson, Ss are given further practice on the vocabulary and grammar points learned in lesson 1. They also practise the pronunciation of consonant clusters / tr/, /kr/ and /br/.

Activities provided by the How activities should be coursebook: changed: In the Vocabulary sub-section, Ss review the vocabulary they learned with a three activities. The second activity, however, is too easy. We should cut it out to save time for introducing more words. We can keep the activities in the Pronunciation sub-section, but also reduce the time for it because these consonant clusters are easy to distinguish. Before moving on to the Grammar sub-section, it is necessary to present the present continuous spelling rules to Ss.


1. Vocabulary practice (5 min): Ask Ss to finish Activity 1 of Vocabulary sub-section, then give the keys and explain. 2. Presenting vocabulary (5 min): Introduce Ss with more vocabulary items of the topic Family Life. 3. Discussion (5 min): Ask Ss to finish Activity 3 of Vocabulary sub-section. 4. Pronunciation Practice 4 (10 min): Have students finish activities of the sub-section Pronunciation. 5. Presenting Grammar (5 min): Present the present continu-

Assignment Portfolio

ous spelling rules with PowerPoint slides. Grammar Practice (10 min): Have Ss finish activities of the sub-section Grammar, then give the keys and explain.

With the changes above, here are the supplementary materials required: • PowerPoint slides presenting present continuous spelling rules.


Using Resources in Language Teaching

1.4.3. Lesson 3: Skills - Reading By the end of this lesson, Ss shoud know about the skils of reading for the general ideas. They can also practise these skills with the text in the coursebook.

Activities provided by the context. Activity 4 helps them practise understanding referenccoursebook: This lesson starts with a discussion activity on page 9. The first question of this activity may help Ss review what they learned before. But the second question should be more direct and closely related to the reading texts to activate Ss’ knowledge. In activity 2, when Ss read, we must control their reading pace. Also, there should be more questions to check comprehension after skimming. Activity 3 helps Ss practise understanding word meanings in 16

es. Both of them can be used.

Before getting Ss work on Activity 5, unkown vocabulary items from the text should be introduced. Ss can work on activity 6 if we still have time.

How activities should be changed: 1. Discussion (5 min): Ask Ss to discuss in pairs these questions: - What are the people in the picture of page 9 doing? - Do you think sharing housework in family is a good idea? - What are the benefits of shar-

Assignment Portfolio

ing the houseworks?

are the supplementary mate2. Reading for general ideas rials required: (15 min): Briefly introduce what skimming is and how to skim. Then deliver a worksheet to check comprehension after Ss skimming. Use a text prompter software to control Ss’ reading pace and get them focus on the general idea.

• A worksheet with more questions in addition to Activity 2 (printed on A5 paper). • A text prompter software to show the text with data projector.

3. Understaning word meanings in context (5 min): Ask Ss to do Activity 3, then provide keys and explain. 4. Understanding references (5 min): Ask Ss to do Activity 4, then provide keys and explain. 5. Presenting vocabulary (5 min): Ask Ss what vocabulary items in the text are unfamiliar to them, then introduce those. 6. Discussion (10 min): Have students work in group to finish Activity 5.

With the changes above, here 17

Using Resources in Language Teaching

1.4.4. Lesson 4: Skills - Speaking By the end of this lesson, students can exchange opinions about household chores.

Activities provided by the How activities should be coursebook: changed: Activity 1 on page 10 is necessary, it helps Ss brainstorm the ideas for speaking. However, we can have it practised in more depth. Activity 2 provides some models for speaking. But it is not enough and does not focus on the language that Ss need to focus. We may replace this. Activity 3 is easy and boring. It can be changed and conducted with teaching aid. All the activities in this lessons are quite easy and not engaging.

1. Brainstorming (5 min): Ask Ss to finish Task 1 in the coursebook. 2. Presenting the language to expess like/dislike (5 min): Show slides presenting the functional language to express like/dislike. 3. Practising expressing like/dislike (10 min): Instead of asking Ss to do Activity 3, we can give them a survey worksheet, ask them to collect the information from 3-4 classmates about what chores they like/ dislike and why. 4. Brainstorming (5 min): Have Ss work in pairs, each pair is


Assignment Portfolio

given a pair of worksheet about a specific housework. One student has to list down the reasons why people like that housework, the other has to list down the reasons why they dislike it. 5. Presenting the language to agree/disagree (5 min): Show slides presenting the functional language to agree/disagree an opinion. 6. Debate (10 min): Ask Ss to work in pairs, discuss whether we should spend time doing a specific housework. One has to go for it, the other has to go

against it, using the worksheet for ideas.

With the changes above, here are the supplementary materials required: • Slides presenting functional language to express like/dislike and to agree/disagree. • A survey worksheet. • Random sheets.




Using Resources in Language Teaching

1.4.5. Lesson 5: Skills - Listening In this lesson, students can practise listening for specific information about how roles in the family are changing.

Activities provided by the How activities should be coursebook: changed: Actity 1 on page 11 is quite boring, it has nothing relevant to the students. The chart could not evoke strong feeling and make students engaged. Before listening, the unfamiliar vocabulary items should be presented. Therefore, Activity 3 should be re-ordered, coming before Activity 2. There should be an aid to help Ss take note when they do Task 4.

1. Discussion (10 min): Divide the class in four groups. Each group is given a picture from the series In A Parallel Universe created by Eli Rezkallah, a photographer from Beirut, Lebanon. With the picture, Ss discuss the questions: “How the roles of men and women in family changed overtime?�. Then, nominate some Ss to present what they have discussed with the whole class. 2. Word-meaning matching (10 min): Ask Ss to do Activity 3, then give keys and explain. Also, provide them with some more vocabulary items needed for listening.


Assignment Portfolio

3. Listening (10 min): Have Ss do Activity 2 then give keys and explain. 4. Listening for details (15 min): Deliver the worksheets to help students take note. Have them listen to the recording again and complete worksheets. Then with the completed worksheet, they can do the Activity 4.

With the changes above, here are the supplementary materials required: • Series In A Parallel Universe” by Eli Rezkallah (colourly printed in A3 size). • Worksheet for Activity 4.


Using Resources in Language Teaching

1.4.6. Lesson 6: Skills - Writing In this lesson, students can practise writing about doing houseworks.

Activities provided by the How activities should be coursebook: changed: Activity 1 is too easy. It can be used as Lead-in, where teacher introduces the saying, explains the meaning and talks about how it is true with housework sharing. Activity 2 provides a model writing. However, presenting the complete model then analysing it is not a really good way to show Ss how to write. We can reverse the order of presenting the model. Activity 3 helps Ss brainstorm the ideas for writing, but it does not help them conduct a complete writing. 22

1. Brainstorming (10 min): Deliver worksheets to Ss, ask them discuss in pairs to fill in the worksheet. The worksheet provides Ss with ideas for writing. 2. Write sentences with information given (10 min): Show a completed worksheet about Lam’s family (which has similar format to Ss’ worksheet) with slides. Ask Ss to write full sentences with the information given. 3. Present model writing (10 min): Now ask Ss to open the coursebook, page 12, to read

Assignment Portfolio

the complete model writing. Then show it again on slides, analyse the structure to see how the writer combines and links the sentences together. 4. Writing (15 min): Ask Ss to write a similar passage to the model, on how their family share houseworks.

With the changes above, here are the supplementary materials required: • Worksheet for brainstorming. • Slides describing how to write a complete passage with the information from a worksheet.


Using Resources in Language Teaching

1.4.7. Lesson 7: Communication and Culture In this lesson, students can practise the language and skills they learned in previous sections. They also know some knowledge about Family Life in Singapore and in Vietnam.

Activities provided by the 2. Listening practice (10 min): Have Ss do Activity 2. coursebook: In Communication sub-section, Activity 1 is dull and should be replaced with a better warm-up. Activity 2 can be used. Activity 3 is quite boring, we can cut it off to save time for other activities. The Culture sub-section is useful but dull. We can find alternatives to it which are more engaging.

How activities should be changed: 1. Vocabulary game (5 min): Stick on blackboard 10 pictures describing different houseworks (printed in A4 paper, with colour), Nominate 10 Ss to come and write down the vocabulary below the pictures. Then check and practice pronunciation with the words on board. 24

3. Presenting vocabulary (10 min): Introduce Ss with some new vocabulary about Family Life (nuclear family, extended family, single-parent home, etc.).

4. View a video and discuss (20 min): Briefly introduce that the video is about a big family in Singapore (that is the video Raising 7 Kids in Singapore: Life in a Big Family by CNA Insider). Then play the video, using freeze frame technique, and have Ss discuss the following questions in pairs: (1) Does it look like a Vietnamese family? Why?

Assignment Portfolio

(2) How many people do you think are there in this family? (3) What houseworks does the mother have to do? (4) Is the father the breadwinner of the family? Is his job busy? Does he love his family? (5) Do you often help your family with shopping for groceries? (6) How do they feel about their family?

With the changes above, here are the supplementary materials required: • The video Raising 7 Kids in Singapore: Life in a Big Family by CNA Insider (shown with data projector). • 10 pictures describing different houseworks (printed in A4 paper, with colour). We can reuse some from Lesson 1.


Using Resources in Language Teaching

1.4.8. Lesson 8: Looking Back and Project In this lesson, Ss can review, practise and apply what they learned in real life with a project. then give keys and explain. Activities provided by the coursebook: 4. Project (25 min): In this project, Most activities in Looking back sub-section can be used, except for Vocabulary 1 because we have done it in the previous lesson. In Project sub-section, having Ss conduct a survey in class is not a good idea, it is quite boring and may poses the problems in class management. We can replace this with another meaningful project.

How activities should be changed: 1. Pronunciation practice (5 min): Have Ss do Pronunciation acticity 1 on page 14.

students have to work in group of four. They are given a poster with 5 animated characters printed on. They are members of a family. Ss are also given 20 pieces of paper in which the jobs and houseworks are written. Ss discuss to determine what each character should do in a family by arranging the paper pieces to suitable position. Then show their products to the class.

With the changes above, here are the supplementary mate2. Procabulary practice (5 min): rials required:


Have Ss do Vocabulary activity 2, then give keys and explain.

• A poster for the project (printed in A3 paper, with colour).

3. Grammar practice (10 min): Have Ss do Grammar activities,

• 20 pieces of paper in which the jobs and houseworks are written.

Assignment Portfolio

1.5. Finalise and design the supplementary materials From the analysis in section 1.4., we can finalise the supplementary materials that need to be designed as below. Their preview can be found in the appendix. Their full version can be found the the folders attached with this document. Lesson 1

• A set of pictures to present new words (printed in A4 paper, with colour).

[Appendix 1]

• PowerPoint slides presenting the grammar point of present continuous tense.

[Appendix 2]

• Cuecards describing houseworks (print on A5 paper).

[Appendix 3]

Lesson 2

• PowerPoint slides presenting present continuous spelling rules.

[Appendix 4]

Lesson 3

• A worksheet with more questions in addition to Activity 2 (printed on A5 paper).

[Appendix 5]

• A text prompter software to show the text with data projector.

[Appendix 6]


Using Resources in Language Teaching

Lesson 4

Lesson 5

Lesson 6

Lesson 7

• Slides presenting functional language to express like/dislike and to agree/disagree.

[Appendix 7]

• A survey worksheet.

[Appendix 8]

• Random brainstorm worksheets.

[Appendix 9]

• Series In A Parallel Universe” by Eli Rezkallah (colourly printed in A3 size).

[Appendix 10]

• Worksheet for Activity 4.

[Appendix 11]

• Worksheet for brainstorming.

[Appendix 12]

• Slides describing how to write a complete passage with the information from a worksheet.

[Appendix 13]

• The video Raising 7 Kids in Singapore: Life in a Big Family by CNA Insider (shown with data projector).

[Appendix 14]

• 10 pictures describing different houseworks (printed in A4 paper, with colour). We can reuse some from Lesson 1. Lesson 8


• A poster for the project (printed in A3 paper, with colour), and 20 pieces of paper in which the jobs and houseworks are written.

[Appendix 15]

Assignment Portfolio

DESIGN A TASK FOR A PIECE OF AUTHENTIC MATERIAL In this section, a podcast is selected to be the authentic materials based on which a listening task is designed. This task can be used to give Ss further listening practice in Unit 1: Family Life.


Using Resources in Language Teaching

2.1. Evaluate the selected authentic material The authentic material chosen is a podcast on Household chores by PodcastsInEnglish.com. It can be found on YouTube with this link. However, the original text is quite long, therefore I cut the last part of it, only keep the first part, from the beginning to 1 minute 49 second. I have the mp3 file of the podcast included in the folder Authentic materials. This piece of material is closely related to the content of Unit 1. It’s comprehensible to grade 10 Ss and is totally teachable. Most vocabulary items in the texts are introduced to the Ss in the first two sections of Unit 1.

2.2. The task and answer keys Listen to a conversation between Jackie and Richard on Household chores, then decide whether these statements are True or False: 1. Jackie and Richard think doing the laundry is easy because they have the washing machine.


2. They also don’t have to hang the laundry out because they have a tumble dryer.

2. F

3. Richard enjoy doing the dusting because he likes the feather duster. 4. Jackie likes doing the hoovering. 5. Richard thinks they should buy a dishwasher.


1. T 3. F 4. F 5. F

Assignment Portfolio

2.3. The tapescript Jackie: For this week’s PodcastinEnglish.com, we’re talking about household chores. Richard: Yes, not very nice! Jackie: Well, some are nicer than others, but some are very unpleasant. Uhm... the laundry, Richard? Richard: Yes. Washing the clothes. Jackie: Not too bad. Richard: Very easy! We have a washing machine. Jackie: So actually we’re not really doing that, are we?

shirts. Jackie: Yes. And another rather boring chore, Richard, that’s the dusting, isn’t it? Richard: Yes, I don’t like the dusting. Jackie: We have a nice feather duster (laugh). It’s just a bit boring I think I do that more than you. Richard: Yes, you do the dusting, and I do the hoovering. Jackie: Yes, I don’t know why I don’t like the hoovering. I think it’s because of the noise.

Jackie: Yes we don’t have a tumble dryer. So?

Richard: It’s very very noisy, yes. I don’t mind that. Another thing I don’t really mind doing too much is the washing up. As you do all the cooking I feel I have to do the washing up.

Richard: We have to hang the laundry out.

Jackie: Yes we don’t have a dishwasher, do we?

Jackie: Yes.

Richard: No dishwasher.

Richard: And then... ironing

Jackie: So you do it all by hand?

Jackie: Well, we have an ironing board and we have an iron, but in fact, Richard, neither of us do the ironing, do we?

Richard: Exactly!

Richard: No. Put it in the washing machine, and then... But then drying?

Richard: No. Now I don’t have an office job I don’t need to iron my

Jackie: But that’s not too bad? Richard: That’s not too bad. Not at all. I don’t find it too bad after a good meal mm-hmm. 31


Using Resources in Language Teaching

[1] A set of pictures to present new words (printed in A4 paper, with colour).


Cook/ Do the cooking

Shop for groceries

Take out the rubbish/trash

Iron the clothes/ do the ironing

Wash the clothes/ Do the laundry

Make the bed

Lay the table

Do the heavy lifting

Assignment Portfolio

Clean the house

Feed the pet

[2] PowerPoint slides presenting the grammar point of present continuous tense.


Using Resources in Language Teaching

[3] Cuecards describing houseworks (print on A5 paper).


Assignment Portfolio

[4] PowerPoint slides presenting present continuous spelling rules.


Using Resources in Language Teaching

[5] A worksheet with more questions in addition to Activity 2 (printed on A5 paper).

[6] A text prompter software to show the text with data projector. My suggestion for this is Easy Prompter (https://www.easyprompter.com/). With this tool, we can highlight important words, edit font size, control the time limit and the scrolling speed.


Assignment Portfolio

[7] Slides presenting functional language to express like/dislike and to agree/disagree.


Using Resources in Language Teaching

[8] A survey worksheet.

[9] Random brainstorm worksheets.


Assignment Portfolio

[10] Series In A Parallel Universe� by Eli Rezkallah (colourly printed in A3 size).


Using Resources in Language Teaching


Assignment Portfolio

[11] Worksheet for Activity 4.


Using Resources in Language Teaching

[12] Worksheet for brainstorming.

[13] Slides describing how to write a complete passage with the information from a worksheet.


Assignment Portfolio

[14] The video Raising 7 Kids in Singapore: Life in a Big Family by CNA Insider (shown with data projector). The video can be found with YouTube (https:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=xd0hm5tDroo)


Using Resources in Language Teaching

[15] A poster for the project (printed in A3 paper, with colour), and 20 pieces of paper in which the jobs and houseworks are written. Unit 1 project

SHARING HOUSEWORK IN AN EXTENDED FAMILY Lucy is living in an extended family with grandpa, grandma, dad, mum, a younger brother and a younger sister. Everyday, they have to do a lot of housework. However, they are not really good at dividing the chores. In this project, you will work in group of four people. Assign the houseworks to each member of Lucy’s family.




Lucy’s brother


Dad Grandma

Lucy’s sister

Assignment Portfolio


Using Resources in Language Teaching


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