Who We Are About Us
A speaker at the youth forum on 28 th May 2012 Campaign
Vision. A Violence free society, where women can enjoy social, political, cultural, economic and reproductive health rights and have their personal values and dignity maintained
Mission: Creating gender sensitive community, violence fee environment and promoting of women reproductive and Sexual Health Rights. What We Do GIWYN’s work is based on the principle that every woman has the right to the highest standard of life, safe reproductive right choices, high quality health care, and enabling environment that promote their reproductive and sexual health rights. We are a national organization and work throughout Nigeria. Our activities have resulted in, but not limited to:
Generation Initiative for women and youth network (GIWYN) formally known as Generation Foundation is a non– profitable and nongovernmental organization emerged in 2005 out of the desire to protect women and youths in crisis. It was duly registered with the state in 2008 and in cooperated in 2010 with cooperate affair commission Nigeria as a Non-Governmental organization. GIWYN has its headquarters in Owerri and a small office in Lagos. GIWYN became a member of Women Global Network for Reproductive Rights (WGNRR) in 2005.
Contact Us. Phone: 08036690097 Email:giwyn@yahoo.com] Web: [www.geninitiative.gnbo.com.ng]
Generation Initiative for Women and Youth Network ( G I W Y N)
Policy Influencing •
Analyzes the National Health Insurance Scheme, of Nigeria to examine its consequences for access to reproductive health of uninsured women and youths by using human rights, feminist and reproductive right frameworks to promotes the implementation of SRHR targets outlined within the International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD) Program of Action (PoA) and the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs
Network Meeting and Membership
Breaking internal barriers for young people to be able to speak about sexuality, pregnancy, condoms, abortions, STDs through consultative and interactive meetings, seminars ,computer literacy programs
Our priority in 2012 is to reduce
Campaigns: In Commemorating African Women’s Health Day, International Women’s day, and 16 days of Activism against violence Against Women, through forums where women identified violence and unsafe abortion as their challenges: Such violence as sexual assault, human trafficking, female genital mutilation, early marriage, stigmatization, discrimination of young girls with unwanted •
pregnancy and restrictive abortion laws. On such occasions testimonies and evidences of true stories of the consequences of unsafe abortion from rural woman are collected and videoed
Giwyn works locally but thinks globally. We Connect our rural women's issues to the global world
by attending
international conferences to learn new skills and
maternal mortality through Access to Safe and legal Abortion Service in Nigeria. GIWYN is currently leading the WGNRR’S Safe Abortion Advocacy Project in Nigeria and has been the driving force in combating unsafe abortion and stigma in Nigeria
acquire new knowledge to strengthen the network
Communication • Establishment of face book and twitter sites and website where advocacy, communication and capacity development program are thoroughly discussed, establishment of email data base of members, with regular reports posted to members. Regular blogs posted to GIWYN Website. Updates on information on both ICPD processes and post 2015 agenda forwarded to members. GIWYN Newsletter, reaching 2,500 people in Nigeria including women and youths. .
Providing Micro credit to women for organized trading