32- Soil Research Concept & Context

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WinterhillsoilresearchConcept&Context After delving into the research of the surrounding area and looking at specific areas of soil research, I came across the concept of the fungal growth of MYCORRHIZAE. These fungi attatch to plant/tree root hair cells and help increase the intake of nutrients and required minerals. They have a symbiotic relationship with their hosts, increasing the surface area of the roots whilst feeding off some of the nutrients the plants break down.

Ecto-Mycorrhizae The ecto mycorrhizae surrounds the plant hair cell with a mantle and creates a network of hyphae which branches out to pull out nutrients from distant areas within the soil.

Endo-Mycorrhizae The endo mycorrhizae invades the plant hair cell and buries its way within the structure of the plant. without disturbing the exisitng format of the cell it is similar to the ecto where the hyphae draws nutrients in a symbiotic format.

Rivington and winterhill

Lower rivington reservoir

Lever castle

As i progressed around the site looking for a suitable location, I discovered the ruins of Lever castle. These ruins are follies of liverpol castle built by the late lord Leverhume, unfinished and un-used. I decided to use the idea of the symbiotic relationship that the Mycorrhizae has with the plant as a metaphor. Creating a piece of architecture that would use the existing fabric of the castle and give it a sense of purpose within the site.

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