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at Eric’s trial. Torres said that he and Anna looked at “open source” information on explosives on the internet” and then met with Philly FBI bomb experts to create a recipe for something that was just an initiator, meaning that it will create a small flash that would only work if it were next to a large amount of explosives. Torres said that the FBI ordered Anna to get the group together to “set the stage for a meeting of the conspirators.” The meeting in California was already being planned. After biotech, Anna noticed a change in Eric. She said, “I kinda’ called him on how much he had changed. And he said, yeah well, I had a lot of big influences. I asked him ‘like what?’ And he goes, ‘you for one.’” She said at this point, he seemed “radicalized.” Eric said Anna pushed this change. This was a recorded conversation. Many agree that Eric is not violentlynatured. His sister Sarah McDavid said violence isn’t in his character. He’s peaceful and sensitive. She said she was surprised at the media saying he was an eco-terrorist because killing people is not ok with him. Even Zach said that he was not violent when they first met (pre-Anna). EricwasinlovewithAnnaandthesefeelings fully emerged during this time. But Anna didn’t allow any kind of sexual relationship to occur, only “cuddling and sleeping,” according to Zach. Anna filled out a 240 question assessment on Eric’s personality traits at some point. These emotional implications allowed Anna’s influence to reach farther. Entrapment. Anna created a book that the group called the “burn book.” It was a book that she wanted to put bomb recipes and other information in, although this issue had been discussed at an earlier date and every one, even Anna, agreed they would right nothing down of the plan. Anna wrote in the first six recipes, which, in her testimony, she claimed were false recipes and that she got them ffrom rom the FBI. She encouraged everyone in the group to write in it. It was to be burned after they were done with it. Entrapment. In December of ‘05 she was granted Otherwise Illegal Activity authorization (OIA), which allowed her to commit crimes and get away with it. Then she got pushy. The FBI became more concerned and they “formulated” a plan to get the four together and acting on the alleged plan; a meeting in Northern California in a cabin in Dutch Flat for January 2006. Anna sent Lauren an email stating that she had an “awesome, devious” plan to get them all to California. Anna offered a free plane ticket to Lauren, and Zach and Eric drove to California on Anna’s expense. The cabin was wired and under video surveillance. Anna said her main reason for being there was to get the group to pick a target, an object, and to form a plan and stick to it. Entrapment. On January 12, an argument arose from the cabin; Anna was being pushy Anna was pushing everyone to speed up the plans, to pick targets, to experiment with explosives. The other three wanted to slow down. Eric

said at one point that maybe they could just do billboards, rather than other targets that they had scoped. Anna was upset that took a “walk.” She met with FBI agents and told them she couldn’t handle any more of it and she was under too much stress and the FBI told her they were planning to arrest Eric, Zach and Lauren the next day. Sure enough, they were arrested on January 13 at a Wal-Mart after purchasing more supplies to make bombs. They were arrested under one count of conspiracy to blow up a government building or other infrastructure by means of explosive devices. Zach and Lauren both testified that they acted in many cases to impress Anna. They were under her thrall and couldn’t disappoint her. The two took plea agreements and have testified against Eric. They both said that they hope the government attorneys are happy with them as witnesses. Zach said he had talked to the prosecutor about what questions they would be asking during the trial. Zach is now facing 0-5 years. Anna was pushing to make a decision on a target, provided financial backing and recipes and chemistry knowledge, and was granted an OIA, and the court practically ignored these facts. Entrapment was not reviewed by the court, and the judge said that he didn’t want this case to turn into an indictment of the FBI, the informant Anna, or the Justice Department. Had the judge considered this to be a serious matter as a check on the conduct of government operations, maybe Eric wouldn’t be facing a sentencing of up to 20 years on February 28, 2008. For more information on Eric, the trial, and how to help, visit supporteric.org or write a letter to Eric; MCDAVID, ERIC X-2972521 4E231A Sacramento County Main Jail 651 “I” Street Sacramento, CA 95814

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VOL. 6 NO. 4




n January 13, 2006, Eric McBride, Zachary Jensen, and Lauren Weiner were arrested in Auburn, California on conspiracy charges; victims of FBI infiltration. The target wasn’t chosen, the bombs were not manufactured, and the group was internally unprepared to commit these crimes upon arrest. Anna, an FBI informant, had infiltrated the group of activists/anarchists and entrapped them to conspire and provided them with a means to do so. Eric and Zach experienced homelessness on a regular basis and Lauren said that the three of them were always dumpster diving for their food; most activists are poor and choose to. Anna always provided financial backing for the group; she bought the supplies for their bomb-making-experiment, brought along a chemistry set, provided a cabin as a meeting place, bought food and wine, and paid for travel expenses. She claimed to be a stripper, and the others testified that she always had $100 bills. Now, Eric is facing 20 years in prison because he was found guilty of conspiring to blow up infrastructure as part of an ecoterrorplot. Butwasn’t itentrapment? Anna’s interest in spying arose at an early age. She posted a comment on the website militarywoman.com that stated her interest in military counter intelligence at the age of 15. Her career with the FBI started at 17. She wanted to impress a political science class at a junior college in Florida she was attending, so she infiltrated the FTAA (Free trade Area of the Americas) protest in Miami. Protesters were suspicious of her at first, but a quick trip to the Goodwill for some ratty clothes solved that. After presenting her infiltration project to the class, a fellow student, possibly someone from the Florida investigators office, liked her work and news of Anna’s findings made its way up the ladder. The Miami police department and the FBI called her in hopes of an interview

and she was offered a job attending the Democratic National Convention in Boston, the G8 in Georgia, and the Republican National Convention in New York City. She was asked to give real time information concerning illegal activities, like “breakaway marches” and banner drops. At the DNC, she posed as a medic (medics were in high demand), although she had no medical training and would pass people off to other medics if they needed attention. Anna’s next stop was the CrimethInc convergence center in Des Moines, Iowa. There she met Eric McDavid, the man she testified against and who is now facing 20 years, and Zach Jensen. At this time, Anna viewed Eric as non-threatening, inconsequential, and that he looked “gentler” than the other people there. She reported to the FBI that he was no one of interest. Nearly a year later, Anna tried to contact Eric upon the FBI’s request. In an email, she wrote, “I’d love to have a party, if you know what I mean.” In the same email string she wrote “Do you guys need anything? Supplies, paint, chains, nails, pipe, anything? Tar and Feathers? Like I said, disposable income, so ask around all your contacts. It’d be safer to bring from outside as well. So what are we gonna do? :)” Anna claimed that this was simply a question about supplies and it was not a suggestion. She met with Eric and two others in Philadelphia in 2005 (biotech protest); Zach Jensen and Lauren Weiner. Of course, Anna told the FBI that Eric had something big to tell her. The FBI directed Anna to continue contact with Eric. In August of 2005, Eric and Anna met again and Anna told him she was interested in joining him for a bombing campaign in the winter. Eric supposedly asked Anna if she could provide a chemical equivalency list and she agreed. FBI special agent Ricardo Torres testified



1) “The Family Jewels”—1973 The family jewels is a massive disorganized compilation of CIA criminal activities. It was compiled by CIA director James R. Schlesinger, after he found out that Watergate burglars, E. Howard Hunt, and James McCord, had received CIA aid and

approval for running Nixon’s dirty tricks. He put a call out for all activities that the CIA is participating in or has participated in that were illegal. The resulting 693-page document became known as the “Family Jewels.” After a 15-year-long Freedom of Information Act Request, by the National Security Archives at George Washington University, the document was released, almost in its entirety, in June of 2007. Highlights include: Covert mail opening at JFK airport, surveillance of journalists, drug experiments on unwitting subjects, plans to poison Congo leader Patrice Lumumba, training foreign police in bomb-making and sabotage, kidnapping, assassination plots, surveillance against domestic dissident groups, warrantless wiretapping, surveillance of John Lennon for his support of the anti-war movement, and even a request from Watergate burglar E. Howard Hunt for a lock picking kit. The ‘Family Jewels’ really represents the most important declassification in years. It is literally a laundry lists of crimes committed by the ‘intelligence community’ in the name of national security, and is the new grand daddy of declassified government dirt. 2) Operations Northwood(s)—1962 Operations Northwood(s) was a Joint Chiefs of Staff plan for clandestine operations to create a “pretext which would provide justification for US military intervention in Cuba.” When people think of spies and the ‘intelligence community,’ they often think of the usual—CIA, FBI, and NSA, but each of the four branches of the military run their own intelligence services which report to the Joint Chiefs. In the document, they propose; staging attacks on Guantanamo Bay with “friendly Cubans,” staging riots near Guantanamo Bay,

“Lob mortar shells from outside into the base,” sabotaging a US ship in the harbor, and even blowing up a US ship in the harbor (in what the document terms a “Remember the Maine Incident”), and even staging a “Communist Cuban terror campaign in the Miami area, in other Florida cities, and even in Washington D.C.” To give these staged attacks credibility, the Joint Chiefs suggest holding “mock funerals for mock victims,” and they noted that “Casualty lists in US newspapers would cause a helpful wave of national indignation.” The craziest idea of all was to fake a Cuban shoot down of an American civil aircraft. According to the plan, the CIA would set up a drone airplane and a copy of it. The two planes would then rendezvous and the passengers would be transferred to the copy and the drone would fly empty into Cuban waters where it would then broadcast a “MayDay” signal before being blown up. Thankfully for us and the people of


he very nature of the intelligence community (CIA, FBI, NSA, and 12 others) is clandestine and highly secretive. Everything is compartmentalized, on a ‘need-to-know basis’, ‘for eyes only’, or ‘top secret.’ What is known about what really goes on inside the national security apparatus is gleaned from whistle-blower testimonies and declassified documents. The following documents are highly indicative of the dirty tricks our government is up to, or at least what they knew and when they knew it. These are our top five favorite declassified American documents.



Cuba, Operation Northwood(s) was never carried out, but it’s clear evidence of the government’s willingness to inflict casualties amongst its own people, stage terrorist attacks, and even blow up airplanes to create a pretext for war. Many who doubt the official 9/11 story point to this document to show that the government is plenty willing to kill our own citizens to provide a needed pretext for war. 3) Bin Ladin Preparing to Hijack US Aircraft and Other Attacks—1998 The title and the date say it all. But this Clinton-era Presidential Daily Brief made waves when it was declassified in 2004 after Condoleezza Rice Testified to the 9/11 Commission that, “We did not have...threat information that was in any way specific enough to suggest something was coming in the United States.” During that same testimony, Rice remembered that the title of a similar Bush Jr. PDB was entitled “Bin Ladin Determined to Attack Inside United States.” In the 1998 memo, intelligence indicated that Bin Ladin’s operatives had already completed a trial run at a New York area airport eluding security. The memo also states that some members of Bin Ladin’s network had received hijacking training, and had acquired SA-7 missiles (powerful shoulder launched heat seeking anti –aircraft missiles.) 4) KUBARK Counterintelligence Interrogation—1963 The famous images coming out of Abu Ghraib and Guantanamo Bay of prisoners in chains wearing orange jump suits and hoods, and the debate about interrogation techniques

all has its roots in a CIA program, code-named MK-ULTRA. MK-ULTRA was a mind control research project that included LSD tests, interrogation techniques, hypnotism, and other psychological experiments. Coming out of this research came the KUBARK Interrogation Manual, some techniques that the CIA recommended using with “resistant sources” included electroshock, sensory depravation, threat of death, and that “the threat of coercion usually weakens or destroys resistance more effectively than coercion itself. The threat to inflict pain, for example, can trigger fears more damaging than the immediate sensations of pain.” This paper was later rewritten in 1983 and re-titled “Human Resource Exploitation Training Manual-1983” The original KUBARK (a code name for the CIA itself) manual was also used heavily in at least seven different South American training manuals that were used to train the forces of many Latin American dictators. 5) The CIA’s Nicaraguan Cartoon Sabotage Manual—1984 For sheer reading pleasure, this is hands down the most fun declassified document to read. The pamphlet was originally printed and distributed in Nicaragua during the mid1980s as part of Ronald Reagan’s covert war against the leftist Sandistas. Entitled “What the Free Nicaraguan Can Do In Order To Tie Down The Marxist Economy,” the pamphlet implores its readers to engage in sabotage on an individual and cellular level. “Some might think that today’s armed struggle requires military supplies and economic resources only available to states…There is an essential economic infrastructure that any government needs to function, which can easily be disabled and even paralyzed without the use of armaments,” the pamphlet states in Spanish and English. The pamphlet illustrates how to disable cars, make incendiary devices, make Molotov cocktails, how to pull down telephone wires, how to short out whole electrical grids, and much more. It also suggests calling in fake hotel reservations, false fire alarms, and calling to threaten the boss, planting flowers on farms, placing nails on highways, and even to steal or hide “key documents.” It is great example of the dirty tricks our intelligence services have had their hands in Latin America over the decades. Honorable Mentions: CIA’s official histories of the Operation Ajax (Iran 1953), Operation PBSUCCSESS (Guatemala 1954), and Operation Zapata (Cuba 1960). The CIA is pretty slow about declassifying documents. It often takes 40 years for the truth to come out of the Agency. When documents

From the Nicaruagua Sabotage Manual

do get declassified, it’s a unique opportunity to see inside the planning and execution of clandestine operations. The CIA is nice enough to have its own history department. The CIA’s own histories of the overthrow of Mosaddeq in Iran, Jacobo Arbenz in Guatemala, and the failed Bay of Pigs invasion in Cuba are fascinating stories and are especially important because they are the only operations that have been fully declassified. These histories give us a better idea of the strategies used by the CIA to bring foreign governments to their knees. A Study of Assassination—1954 This little gem came out of the overthrow of Arbenz in Guatemala, also known as Operation PBSUCCESS. According to a related document entitled, “CIA and Guatemala Assassination Proposals 19521954” by the CIA Historical Staff, the CIA and allies on the ground composed multiple hit lists and trained special assassination squads quads known as “k-groups.” “(1) Finishes burst. Commands A Study of “shift”. Drops back thru [sic] Assassination door. Replaces magazine. Covers is a howmanual corridor. (2) On command, to “shift”, re-enters room. Covers prepared by group: kills survivors with the CIA and used two-round bursts. Leaves was to train ‘kpropaganda.” groups’ for political killings. The manual states that “The simplest local tools are often the most efficient means of assassination. A hammer, ax, wrench, screw driver, fire poker, kitchen knife, lamp stand, or anything hard, heavy and handy will suffice.” The document notes that “murder is not morally justifiable,” and “persons who are morally squeamish should not attempt it.”• Links to the documents are on our website.

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