LOWER DIVISION CLERK VARIOUS DEPARTMENTS PART I ( DIRECT RECRUITMENT) (CATEGORY No.414/16) Simple arithmetic and Mental Ability A. ܸá·ÃßÄ¢ (Simple Arithmetic) 1. Ø¢¶cµ{ᢠ¥¿ßØíÅÞÈ dµàϵ{ᢠ(Numbers and Basic Operations) 2. ÍßKØ¢¶cµ{ᢠÆÖÞ¢Ö Ø¢¶cµ{ᢠ(Fraction and Decimal Numbers) 3. ÖÄÎÞÈ¢ (Percentage) 4. ÜÞÍÕᢠÈ×í¿Õᢠ(Profit and Loss) 5. ØÞÇÞøà ÉÜßÖÏᢠµâGáÉÜßÖÏᢠ(Simple and Compound Interest) 6. ¥¢ÖÌtÕᢠ¥ÈáÉÞÄÕᢠ(Ratio and Proportion) 7. ØÎÏÕᢠÆâøÕᢠ(Time and Distance) 8. ØÎÏÕᢠdÉÕãJßÏᢠ(Time and Work) 9. ÖøÞÖøß (Average) 10. µãÄcCBZ (Laws of Exponents) 11. ¼cÞÎßÄàÏ øâÉB{áæ¿ ºáx{Õí, ÕßØñàVH¢, ÕcÞÉñ¢ Äá¿BßÏÕ (Mensuration) 12. çdÉÞd·×ÈáµZ (Progressions) B.
ÎÞÈØßµ çÖ×ß
(Mental Ability)
1. çdÖÃßµZ_Ø¢¶cÞ çdÖÃßµZ, ¥fø çdÖÃßµZ (Sseries) 2. ·ÃßÄ ºßKBZ ©ÉçÏ޷ߺîáU dÉÖíÈBZ (Problems on Mathematical signs) 3. ØíÅÞÈ ÈßVHÏ ÉøßçÖÞÇÈ 4. ØÎÞÈ ÌtBZ (Analogy) - Word Analogy, Alphabet Analogy, Number Analogy 5. ²xÏÞæÈ µæIJáµ (Odd man out) 6. Ø¢¶cÞÕçÜÞµÈ dÉÖíÈBZ 7. çµÞÁߢ·á¢ ÁàçµÞÁߢ·á¢ (Coding and De coding) 8. µá¿á¢Ì ÌtBZ (Family Relations) 9. ÆßÖÞÕçÌÞÇ¢ (Sense of Direction) 10. çµïÞAßæÜ ØÎÏÕᢠçµÞÃ{Õᢠ(Time and Angles) 11. çµïÞAßæÜ ØÎÏÕᢠdÉÄßÌߢÌÕᢠ(Time in a clock and its reflection) 12. µÜIùᢠÄßÏÄßÏᢠ(Date and Calendar) 13. µïùßAW çÖ×ß ÉøßçÖÞÇßAáKÄßÈáU çºÞÆcBZ (Clerical Ability)
§LcÏáæ¿ ÍâÎßÖÞdØñÉøÎÞÏ ØÕßçÖ×ĵZ, ÈÆßµ{ᢠÈÆàÄ¿ ÉiÄßµ{á¢, ÇÞÄá ÕßÍÕB{ᢠdÉÇÞÈ ÕcÕØÞÏB{á¢, ·ÄÞ·Ä, ÕÞVJÞ ÕßÈßÎÏ çζÜÏßæÜ ÉáçøÞ·Äß, ÕßÕßÇ Ø¢ØíÅÞÈBZ, çµdw Íøà dÉçÆÖBZ ®KßÕß¿B{ßæÜ ÍìÄàµÕᢠÕcÞÕØÞÏßµÕᢠØÞ ¢ØíµÞøßµÕáÎÞÏn¥¿ßØíÅÞÈÕßÕøBZ 2.
3. ÎicµÞÜ §Lc, §LcÏáæ¿ ²KÞ¢ ØbÞÄdLc ØÎøJßæa µÞøÃB{á¢
ËÜB{á¢, §LcÏáæ¿ ØbÞÄdLcÕáÎÞÏß ÌtæMG øÞ×íd¿àÏÕᢠØÞÎâÙßµÕᢠØÞ¢ØíµÞøßµÕáÎÞÏ ÎáçKxBZ, ØbÞÄdLcÞÈLø §Lc, §LcÏáæ¿ ÕßçÆÖÈÏ¢ ®KßÕAí dÉÞÇÞÈc¢ ÈWµßæµÞIáU §LcÞºøßdÄJßæa ¥ÕçÜ޵Ȣå 4. §LcÏáæ¿ ÉFÕÄíØø ÉiÄßµZ, ¦ØâdÄâ, ÌÞCß¹í, §X×bùXØí
çζܵZ, çµdw Ø¢ØíÅÞÈ d·ÞÎÕßµØ ÉiÄßµZ, ØÞÎáÙc dÉÕVJÈBZ, §LcX Íøø¿ÈÏáæ¿ ØÕßçÖ×ĵZ
ÎÈá×cÞÕµÞÖ Ø¢øfà ÈßÏ΢, çÆÖàÏ ÎÈá×cÞÕµÞÖ µNß×ÈᢠÎáÈá×cÞÕµÞÖÕáÎÞÏß ÌtæMG dÉÖíÈB{á¢, ÕßÕøÞÕµÞÖ ÈßÏ΢, çµdw Ø¢ØíÅÞÈ ÕßÕøÞÕµÞÖ µNß×ÈáµZ, ÉGßµ¼ÞÄß, ÉGßµÕVP ÕßÍÞ·BZæAÄßæøÏáU ¥ÄßdµÎ¢ Ä¿ÏáKÄßÈáU 1989 çÜÏᢠ1995çÜÏá¢åÈßÏÎBZ, 1955æÜ ÉìøÞÕµÞÖ Ø¢øfà ÈßÏ΢, dØñàÖÞµñàµøâ, dØñàµZæAÄßçøÏáU µáxµãÄcBZ Ä¿ÏáKÄßÈáU ÈßÏÎBZ, èØÌV ÈßÏÎBZ Äá¿BßÏÕæÏ µáùߺîáU dÉÞÅÎßµ ¥ùßÕí. 6. øÞ×íd¿àÏ¢, ØÞOJßµ¢, ØÞÙßÄc¢, ÖÞdØñ¢, µÜÞ_ØÞ¢ØíµÞøßµ¢,µÞÏßµ¢,
Äá¿BßÏ çζܵ{ßæÜ Ø¢ÍÕBZå
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
a\pjy icocs¯¡pdn¨pff s]mXp Adnhv PohI§fpw A]cym]vXXm tcmK§fpw tcmK§fpw tcmKImcnIfpw tIcf¯nse BtcmKyt£a {]hÀ¯\§Ä tIcf¯nse {][m\ `£y, ImÀjnI hnfIÄ ImÀjnI KthjW tI{µ§Ä h\§fpw h\hn`h§fpw ]cnØnXnbpw ]cnØnXn {]iv\§fpw GENERAL SCIENCE
Physical Science
1. Bähpw Bä¯nsâ LS\bpw 2. AbncpIfpw [mXp¡fpw 3. aqeI§fpw AhbpsS hÀ¤oIcWhpw 4. ssl{UP\pw HmIvknP\pw 5. ckX{´w ssZ\wZn\ PohnX¯nð 6. {Zhyhpw ]nÞhpw 7. {]hr¯nbpw iànbpw 8. DuÀÖhpw AXnsâ ]cnhÀ¯\hpw 9. Xm]hpw Dujvamhpw 10. {]IrXnbnse Ne\§fpw _e§fpw 11. i_vZhpw {]Imihpw 12. kucbqYhpw khntijXIfpw
General English A. English Grammar 1. Types of Sentences and Interchange of Sentences 2. Different Parts of Speech 3. Agreement of Verb and Subject 4. Confusion of Adjectives and Adverbs 5. Comparison of Adjectives 6. Articles – The Definite and the Indefinite Articles 7. Uses of Primary and Model Auxiliary Verbs 8. Tag Questions 9. Infinitive and Gerunds 10. Tenses 11. Tenses in Conditional Tenses 12. Adverbs and Position of adverbs 13. Prepositions 14. The Use of Correlatives 15. Direct and Indirect Speech 16. Active and Passive voice 17. Correction of Sentences B. Vocabulary 1. Singular & Plural, Change of Gender, Collective Nouns 2. Word Formation from other words and use of prefix or suffix 3. Compound words 4. Synonyms 5. Antonyms 6. Phrasal Verbs 7. Foreign Words and Phrases 8. One Word Substitutes 9. Words often confused 10.Spelling Test 11.I d i o m s a n d t h e i r M e a n i n g s
MALAYALAM Medium A. ÕcÞµøâ (Grammar) 1. ÈÞÎÉÆBZ Nouns), ÕßÕßÇ ÈÞÎBZ (Kinds of Nouns), Õß͵ñß (case), պȢ (Numbers), dµßÏÞÉÆBZ (Verbs), dµßÏÞÕßçÖ×ÃBZ (Adverbs),
ÄißÄ¢ (Words creation from Nouns and Adjectives) 2. ØtßÏᢠØÎÞØÕᢠ(Sandhi & Samasam), ÕÞµcJßW ºßഹB{áæ¿ ©ÉçÏÞ·BZ (Uses of punctuation marks) 3. ÍÞ×Þ dÉçÏÞ·JßæÜ èÕµÜcBZ (Correction of Sentences)
4. ÖøßÏÞÏ ÉÆ¢ (Right words), èÖÜßµZ (Idioms), ²xMÆBZ (One
word substitution) 5. ¥Vj¢ (Meaning of words), ¥Vj ÕcÄcÞØ¢ (Confused words), ÕßÉøàÄ ÉÆ¢ (Antonyms), ÉøcÞÏÉÆBZ (Synonyms) B. ØÞÙßÄc¢ (Literature) 1. çµø{JßæÜ dÉØßiøÞÏ ®ÝáJáµÞøᢠ¥Õøáæ¿ µãÄßµ{á¢, dÉÇÞÈ
µÅÞÉÞdÄB{ᢠ(Famous authors in Kerala, their works and Leading Characters) 2. dÉØßi ®ÝáJáµÞøáæ¿ ¥ÉøÈÞÎB{ᢠÄâÜßµÞÈÞÎB{ᢠ(Pen names and popular names of well known authors) 3. ØÞÙßÄc ÉáøØíµÞøB{ᢠ¥Õ ÜÍcÎÞÏ µãÄßµ{á¢/®ÝáJáµÞøᢠ(Literary Awards and prizes in Kerala – Books and their Authors) C. ÕßÕVJÈ¢ (Translation) 1. ÕÞµcB{áæ¿ ¥ÅÕÞ èÖÜßµ{áæ¿ ÖøßÏÞÏ §¢·ïà×í ÕßÕVJÈ¢_ Kannada Medium A. Grammar 1. ÈÞÎÉÆBZ (Nouns), ÕßÕßÇ ÈÞÎBZ (Kinds of Nouns), Õß͵ñß (case), պȢ (Numbers), dµßÏÞÉÆBZ (Verbs), dµßÏÞÕßçÖ×ÃBZ (Adverbs), ÄißÄ¢ (Words creation from Nouns and Adjectives)രബസ 2. Øtß, ØÎÞØ¢ Äá¿BßÏÕÏáÎÞÏß ÌtæMG ÕØñáĵZ (Relating to Sandhi,
punctuation marks) 3. ÍÞ×Þ dÉçÏÞ·JßæÜ èÕµÜcBZ (Correction of Sentences) 4. ÖøßÏÞÏ ÉÆ¢ (Right words), èÖÜßµZ (Idioms), ²xMÆBZ (One word substitution) 5. ¥Vj¢ (Meaning of words), ¥Vj ÕcÄcÞØ¢ (Confused words), (Antonyms), ÉøcÞÏ ÉÆBZ (Synonyms)
ÕßÉøàÄ ÉÆ¢
B. Literature 1. çµø{JßæÜ dÉØßiøÞÏ ®ÝáJáµÞøᢠ¥Õøáæ¿ µãÄßµ{ᢠdÉÇÞÈ
µÅÞÉÞdÄB{ᢠ(Famous authors in Kerala , their works and important characters) 2. dÉØßi ®ÝáJáµÞøáæ¿ ¥ÉøÈÞÎB{ᢠÄâÜßµÞÈÞÎB{ᢠ(Pen names and popular names of well known authors)
3. ØÞÙßÄc ÉáøØíµÞøB{ᢠ¥Õ ÜÍcÎÞÏ µãÄßµ{á¢/®ÝáJáµÞøᢠ(Literary Awards and prizes in Kerala – Books and their Authors)
വാകയങളെട അഥവാ ൈശലികളെട §¢·ïà×ßW ÈßKᢠµK¿ÏßçÜAáU ശരിയായ വിവരതനം .
Tamil Medium
A. Grammar 1. ÈÞÎÉÆBZ (Nouns), ÕßÕßÇ ÈÞÎBZ (Kinds of Nouns),Õß͵ñß (case), պȢ (Numbers),
dµßÏÞÉÆBZ (Verbs), dµßÏÞÕßçÖ×ÃBZ (Adjectives), ÄißÄ¢
(Words creation from Nouns and Adjectives) 2. Øtß, ØÎÞØ¢ Äá¿BßÏÕÏáÎÞÏß Sandhi,
ÌtæMG ÕøñáĵZ (Relating to ºßKB{áæ¿ ©ÉçÏÞ·BZ (Uses of
punctuation marks)
3. ÍÞ×Þ dÉçÏÞ·JßæÜ èÕµÜcBZ (Correction of Sentences) 4. ÖøßÏÞÏ ÉÆ¢ (Right words), èÖÜßµZ (Idioms), ²xMÆBZ (One word substitution) 5. ¥Vj¢ (Meaning of words), ¥Vj ÕcÄcÞØ¢ (Confused words), ÕßÉøàÄ ÉÆ¢ (Antonyms),
ÉøcÞÏ ÉÆBZ (Synonyms)
B. Literature 1. çµø{JßæÜ dÉØßiøÞÏ ®ÝáJáµÞøᢠ¥Õøáæ¿ µãÄßµ{ᢠdÉÇÞÈ µÅÞÉÞdÄB{ᢠ(Famous authors in Kerala , their works and important characters) 2. dÉØßi ®ÝáJáµÞøáæ¿ ¥ÉøÈÞÎB{ᢠÄâÜßµÞÈÞÎB{ᢠ(Pen names and popular names of well known authors) 3. ØÞÙßÄc ÉáøØíµÞøB{ᢠ¥Õ ÜÍcÎÞÏ µãÄßµ{á¢/®ÝáJáµÞøᢠ(Literary Awards and prizes in Kerala – Books and their Authors) C.Translation 1. വാ ക യ ങ ള െട
അഥവാ ൈശ ലിക ള െട §¢·ïà× ßW ÈßK ᢠÄÎ ßÝ ß േല ക ള ശ ര ി യാ യ വി വര ത നം NO TE : - It ma y be n ot e d t ha t ap ar t fr o m t h e t o pi cs d et ai l ed ab ov e ,
qu e st io n s
f ro m
t op i c s
pr es cr i b e d
fo r
ed u c at io n al q ua li f ic at i o n o f t h e po st m a y al so a pp ea r i n t h e qu e st io n pa pe r. Th e re i s n o u nd e rt ak i ng t h at al l t h e t op i c s ab ov e ma y b e c o ve r ed i n t h e qu e st i o n p ap er .