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We’re making a difference
Tottenham, Ontario (40 Mins from TO Pearson Airport)
Mark your calendars for the 48th Annual Shad’s R&R Golf Tournament on Thursday, June 22nd. All proceeds to Muscular Dystrophy Canada.
If you would like to become a sponsor or make a donation to SHAD’s R&R For the Kids, please contact one of our board members directly.
Shad’s Board of Directors
Chairman Brad Shaddick brad.shaddick@driv.com
• Kristine Brown KBrown@wakefieldcanada.ca
• Luc Champagne luc.champagne@rousseaucommunication.ca
• Andrew Connor aconnor@dormanproducts.com
• Mike Fazackerley mike.fazackerley@matthewscott.com
• Charlie Grant cgrant@gbsales.com
• Malcolm Sissmore Malcolm.Sissmore@delphi.com
• Scott Stone Scott@promaxauto.com
• Cameron Young cameron.young@ca.bosch.co
Publisher | Peter Bulmer (585) 653-6768 peter@turnkey.media
Managing Editor | Adam Malik (647) 988-3800 adam@turnkey.media
Contributing Writers | Greg Aguilera, John Burkhauser, Tim Burgin
Creative Director | Samantha Jackson
Video / Audio Engineer | Ashley Mikalauskas, Nicholas Paddison
Sales | Peter Bulmer, (585) 653-6768 peter@turnkey.media
Delon Rashid, (416) 459-0063 delon@turnkey.media
Production and Circulation | Delon Rashid, (416) 459-0063 delon@turnkey.media
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CARS magazine (ISSN# 2368-9129) is published six times per year by Turnkey Media Solutions Inc., 48 Lumsden Crescent, Whitby, ON, L1R 1G5
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