5 minute read


by Peter Saunders

Valuable progress during difficult times

Major infrastructure projects are significant not just physically and economically, but also socially. They can bring us and our nation together—or keep us apart. With today’s increasing awareness of social justice issues and their political, moral and ethical implications, we cannot ignore what is going on around us. Rather, we must consider the further potential of engineering to solve the multi-faceted problems that lie ahead.

This need has been illustrated particularly eloquently by many of the entries that were submitted for the 2021 Canadian Consulting Engineering Awards program, which we at Canadian Consulting Engineer co-sponsor with the Association of Consulting Engineering Companies – Canada (ACEC-Canada). Such themes as environmental sustainability, Indigenous community outreach, energy efficiency,

mentorships, urban enhancement and specialized knowledge transfer came up time and again in the project descriptions (and make no mistake, our judging panel of industry experts took notice).

Some of these worthy goals have been all the more difficult for Canadian consulting engineering firms to prioritize and pursue during the global COVID-19 pandemic, to say nothing of getting shovels in the ground while restrictive measures have been in place. Yet, while we received somewhat fewer project submissions for the awards program this year than last,

“I think you’ll be both duly impressed and, perhaps, a little surprised by which particular projects shone through this year.”

the field of entries was nevertheless still large, broad and diverse and reflected the very best efforts to not let the virus get in the way of valuable progress.

In this issue, we showcase all the winners of the Awards of Excellence and the Special Awards. I think you’ll be both duly impressed and, perhaps, a little surprised by which particular projects shone through this year, following what has been such a bizarre time for the engineering profession and the related trades of the construction industry.

Once again, we have highlighted their geographical diversity with a special map, which you’ll find on page 13, right before the profiles of all the winning projects. And of course you will soon be able to browse all of the non-winning projects, too, in the Showcase of Entries on our website (ccemag.com).

Speaking of the pandemic, we’re not back to normal yet. Our jury had to deliberate over Zoom, rather than meet in person to make the final decisions. And ACEC-Canada handed out the awards on Oct. 28 at a virtual celebration, rather than hosting a gala in Ottawa. (We've tried to make sure this issue reaches you as shortly thereafter as possible!)

Indeed, this fall, many industry events have also taken either a fully virtual or 'hybrid' approach, slowing down the return of large crowds to indoor conference venues.

As Canada slowly recovers from the pandemic, however, the engineering sector is clearly taking the right steps toward a brighter future on all social fronts.

Peter Saunders • psaunders@ccemag.com

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EDITOR Peter Saunders (416) 510-5119 psaunders@ccemag.com

SENIOR PUBLISHER Maureen Levy (416) 510-5111 mlevy@ccemag.com


EDITORIAL ADVISORS Bruce Bodden, P.Eng., Gerald Epp, P.Eng., Chris Newcomb, P.Eng., Laurier Nichols, ing., Jonathan Rubes, P.Eng., Paul Ruffell, P.Eng., Andrew Steeves, P.Eng.

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