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WITH MRO Pro Tip 2 Top 10 - Managing a database effectively


Consistency - Entering data into a database is easy. Retrieving information and finding all instances of what you are looking for is more challenging. The description of a work order, can have information either entered as full word or an abbreviated version. The information needs to be entered the same way every time, so all instances of hydraulic leaks may be retrieved with a simple query. Naming conventions - To enhance consistency in the database and facilitate queries, some fields require information to be populated in a separate table to be acceptable. For example, often the location field of CMMS on a equipment form is populated based on the data typed into an associated location table. If the entry in the equipment table field does not exist in the associated location table of the software, the entry would not be valid, showing an error message. Use naming conventions established at your organization to populate these tables.

Coding structure - Coding structure to populate tables are your naming conventions. Smart coding with today’s software abilities and advanced search features, where any field is searchable, allows you to use dumb codes. It depends on the software, the fields available to search, and any regulatory requirements regarding number sequencing.

General to specific - There is a negotiable trade-off between obtaining information to the valve and overburdening your staff. It’s best to build slowly, star ting general and drilling down to specifics. For example, HVAC is general, followed by focus on AC, air handling unit, air handling unit one. Should you break the air handling unit one out further, to the motor, valves, and coils, and into their own equipment records? If it is important to track the life cycle of the asset in question, then it needs to be an equipment record. If it is simply tracking the cost of replacement, then no.

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Parent/child relationships - All software is organized in a parent/child relationship. For example, work order tables usually have a work order number and description field, in the parent area. The child information associated with the work order number will be the equipment record associated with the work order. In other software, equipment assigned to the work order will be at the parent level. The software that has equipment at the child level allow for multiple equipment against one work order. The software has equipment at the parent level, allowing only one equipment assigned to a work order. Which software design is better? It depends on your environment and user requirements. If your environment dictates must be a one for one relationship between work order and equipment, then software where the equipment is at the parent level is the right fit.

Gatekeeper - It is important to have someone enforcing the data entry rules otherwise people revert to old habits.

Databases sort - To have line one equipment displayed all under line one, you need to make sure line one is identified as the prefix of the number. If child equipment records such as motors move around, you want the software to identify a generic number. If you have 100 air compressors and use a counter methodology to signify how many air compressors are present in the facility, the first air compressor needs to be numbered 001, allowing it to be the first one displayed.

More information - The more fields used in a database the more flexibility you will have in producing and organizing meaningful information.Take a work order with no labour information entered.Who did the work, how long did it take, when was it done? These are simple everyday questions that will remain unanswered if no entries are made.

Backup - A database is only as good as its last backup. Often the server gets backed up, but the database itself is ignored. Things happen and an effective strategy for data backup is critical so that the risk of losing key information or having to re-enter information is minimized.

Resources and training - It is important to know that to keep the database current, requires human input. Training of people and ensuring there is sufficient human resource support for the software, are two critical success factors in effective usage of the technology

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