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Trust the process

Trust the process

JACOB STOLLER / Principal, StollerStrategies

On the digital frontier that is opening up as companies explore VDC model capabilities:

“These capabilities are only beginning to find use cases in construction, but compared with what’s possible, contractors are only scratching the surface. Looking at details about materials, for example, a company can measure and track the environmental footprint of a project, fine-tune allocation of resources, or factor supply chain constraints into a project schedule.”

DAVID BOWCOTT / Managing Director, Construction, at NFP Corp.

On reducing risk through collaboration in delivery models: “Many in the construction sector have used the term “siloed” to describe the current state of the industry, and these new collaborative delivery models propose to de-silo the industry through collaboration.”

NEMANJA SIMIC / Writer, Bridgit

On using software to address labour shortages in the construction sector:

“The difficulty of predicting and planning labour is a strain throughout the industry. Adding pursuits in your planning can help avoid surprise complications and immediately help you mitigate shortages.”


On posting security to vacate liens:

“Lien legislation creates a process by which the lien may be discharged, contract funds continue to flow, and the lien claim be resolved without compromising the protections afforded to the lien claimant.” www.on-sitemag.com


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