Mining Excellence 2015

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2015 Edition

“Productivity is never an accident. It is always the result of a commitment to excellence, intelligent planning, and focused effort.” – Paul J. Meyer


ining excellence

In a country built on abundant natural resources, mining represents Canada’s backbone. It’s a $54-billion industry employing more than 380,000 workers across the nation. It accounts for half of all of our rail freight revenues. It contributes billions of dollars in tax revenue to all levels of government every year and makes up nearly 20 per cent of our global exports. Even in the face of ever-fiercer global competition for investment, Canada remains one of the world’s leading mining countries. The reason why is companies like the ones profiled in this publication – companies that are committed to excellence. The companies, suppliers, consultants and contractors you will read about here represent the diversity and vast scope of the mining industry, but they all have characteristics in common: their talent, skill, dedication and experience and commitment to excellence in every aspect of their business demonstrate why mining has long been, and continues to be, the backbone of Canada. Glacier Media, one of Canada’s leading information communications companies, is proud to celebrate these dedicated professionals and this vital industry.

Tim Shoults Vice-President, Content and Audience Development Glacier Media



Director of Special Projects: Kevin Dergez Manager, Specialty Publications: Keshav Sharma Editorial: Heidi Turner, Writer / Editor Design + Production: Jennifer Poohachoff Photography: Kelly Funk

Mining Association of British Columbia ..................................................4 B2Gold corp. ..................................................................................................................6 CSC Electric Ltd. .........................................................................................................8 Moly-Cop canada .....................................................................................................10 The Pacific Group of Companies / NorLand Limited ...................... 12 KGHM International Ltd. - Ajax Project ................................................ 16

Video Production : Mastermind Studios Mining Excellence 2015 (Edition 3) is being produced by, and is exclusive property of, Glacier Media Inc. Copyright : 2015 For enquiries regarding the next edition, contact Keshav Sharma, Manager, Specialty Publications, Glacier Media Group:

Excel Personnel Inc. ............................................................................................ 18 Northland Dodge ..................................................................................................20 Motion Industries (Canada) Inc. ................................................................. 22 Cummins western canada ............................................................................... 24

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Mining in B.C. By Karina Briño, President & CEO Mining Association of British Columbia

British Columbia has a long history of mining, dating back from the gold rush in the Kootenays and the Cariboo to early coal mining on Vancouver Island in the early 1800s. Thanks to its diverse geology, the province is rich in high quality mineral resources and, today, there are mining operations in every corner of the province. Vancouver has positioned itself as a global centre of excellence in building and operating mines and is home to some of the most innovative, sustainable mining companies in the world. The province benefits from home-grown technology and innovation, drawing largely from the incredibly talented and dedicated workforce that calls B.C. home. With close proximity to Asian markets and a wealth of talent and expertise in the mining industry, B.C. is positioned to build on its reputation as a mining jurisdiction of choice in the competitive international marketplace. Despite all of these advantages, 2014-2015 have been challenging years for the mining industry. Largely due to falling commodity prices, several operating mines in B.C. were placed in care and maintenance, resulting in workforce reductions, primarily in the North Eastern corner of the province. These external pressures are continuing through 2015.

M BC mining association of british columbia

900-808 West Hastings Street Vancouver, BC TEL 604.681.4321 WEB

Notwithstanding these challenges, there are currently a significant number of projects in the approval process which provide an opportunity for growth of the mining industry, further strengthening the provincial economy. This wealth of potential is represented by approximately 30 projects, worth an estimated $30 billion, in varying stages of the environmental assessment and mine permitting process.

The BC Government has committed to growing the mining industry and the BC Jobs Plan identifies a goal of 8 new mines and 9 mine expansions. Later this year, Red Chris, a copper and gold mine located 80 km south of Dease Lake in northern British Columbia, will be the sixth mine to open in B.C. since 2011. It is the first mine to connect to the new Northwest Transmission Line, a new 340 km, 287 kV transmission line providing clean, reliable energy to B.C.’s northern interior.

“British Columbia is uniquely positioned, through geography, geology and innovative people, as an international mining hub.” Since 2001, the value of the mining industry in BC has nearly tripled to $8.2 billion in 2014 and the benefits of this important industry extend far beyond the mines and communities where mining activity takes place. From pit to port, the industry supports thousands of direct and indirect jobs in communities across B.C. In 2014, the B.C. mining industry employed approximately 10,000 workers across the province. Additionally, B.C. is home to hundreds of mining supplier companies, generating an estimated two additional jobs for every direct job in mining. While the industry faces external pressures, the B.C. mining industry remains resilient and well positioned for the future. B.C.`s mine operators are recognized as global leaders in the planning, development and operation of mines. Consistently,

PHOTO: Karina Briño, President & CEO, Mining Association of BC with her team.


the members of the Mining Association of B.C. have shown their commitment to environmental stewardship, community engagement and social responsibility. One example of such industry leadership is the Towards Sustainable Mining program (TSM). TSM was established in 2004 by the Mining Association of Canada, with strong representation from industry leaders from B.C., and is a set of tools and indicators to

drive performance and ensure that risks are managed responsibly at each operation. The TSM program is about transparency, integrity, credibility and it is a leading system in the field of corporate social responsibility. B.C. was the first provincial jurisdiction to adopt the program in 2010 and our members are currently engaged in implementation.

people, as an international mining hub. The B.C. mining industry is ready to meet our needs for mined materials in a sustainable, responsible way and we look forward to continuing to be global leaders in environmental stewardship, community engagement and economic prosperity for generations to come.

British Columbia is uniquely positioned, through geography, geology and innovative



B2Gold Corp.


lthough B2Gold has been around for less than a decade, its foundations extend back to the late 1970s and its pedigree includes several highly successful mining companies. Clive Johnson, B2Gold president, CEO and founder, was also a founder of Bema Industries, which later became Bema Gold. Bema Industries started in Vancouver in the mid 1970s as an exploration contracting company. In the early 1980s the Bema Group launched three public exploration companies that merged to form Bema Gold in 1989. As Bema Gold grew, it expanded to add mine building and mine operations to its exploration capabilities.

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because of our experienced team and our belief in accountability. We also have a highly successful exploration team.” B2Gold’s accountability extends to the people of the regions they mine. When the Otjikoto mine in Namibia was built, B2Gold trained over a thousand Namibians. Johnson says the industry maxim is that for every one job created in mining, eight other jobs in the region are also created. With 5,000 employees around the world, B2Gold is making a significant difference in the countries it operates in.

“Our culture is one of fairness, respect and transparency,” Johnson says. “We care very much about the communities we operate in. Mining should be win-win for everyone “The vast majority of exploration companies involved. Because of that attitude, we’ve won do not produce gold, and they shouldn’t,” says awards in many countries for our programs. Clive Johnson. “It takes a different set of skills In Namibia in 2014, we won the top business to become a builder and a producer. Producers enterprise for the year award and the top don’t tend to be good at exploration, but we environmental company award.” wanted to be both. So we grew Bema Gold Even though times are difficult in the from a small company to a producer.” industry, Johnson says B2Gold has managed That growth resulted in Bema Gold being to continue its dramatic growth because the bought by Kinross Gold Corporation in 2007 company has made accretive acquisitions for $3.5 billion. Johnson and many of the and had exploration success. With the recent former Bema Gold team decided they wanted commencement of production at the Otjikoto to build another successful gold producer, so Mine in Namibia, and the completion of B2Gold was formed. Much like its predecessor, construction of the Fekola Mine in Mali, B2Gold has been highly successful, with projected for late 2017, B2Gold’s production is exploration and developing and operating projected to grow from approximately 385,000 mines around the world, including the La ounces of gold in 2014 to approximately Libertad and Limon mines in Nicaragua; 1 million ounces in 2018. These low-cost the Masbate mine in Philippines; Otjikoto in mines will result in a significant decline in the Namibia; and the Fekola project in Mali. company’s cost to produce gold. Among the keys to B2Gold’s success are “I’m proud of what we’ve done,” Johnson says. a focus on accountability and the ability “We continue to grow with the same core to execute the entire mining process from values. It’s rewarding to see what we can do exploration to production. Because they when we treat people with respect. If you build their own mines, they ensure mines are do good things, have good projects and are completed on time and on budget. disciplined, you can create value for your shareholders. But being disciplined doesn’t “Many companies use consultants to do their due diligence,” Johnson says. “We have a mean treating people poorly. We want our tremendous technical team of engineers and employees around the world to be happy to be geologists. We do our own due diligence, part of B2Gold.”

“We care very much about the communities we operate in. Mining should be win-win for everyone involved. Because of that attitude, we’ve won awards in many countries for our programs.” ‒ Clive Johnson, B2Gold President

Suite 3100, 595 Burrard Street Vancouver, BC TEL 604.681.8371 WEB

PHOTO: Clive Johnson President, CEO & Founder of B2Gold at his corporate office in Vancouver.



CSC Electric Ltd.


irst and foremost, CSC Electric Ltd. prides itself on providing high quality electrical work and upholding a high safety standard. With almost 200,000 work hours with no lost workdays, CSC Electric has built a reputation for its commitment to exceptional service in British Columbia mines, and for completing projects on time and on budget.

Clayton Scott, CSC Electric owner and operator, trained with master electricians to develop a well-rounded electrical background. After his training was complete, he founded in CSC Electric in 2001. Initially, CSC Electric provided commercial, industrial and residential electrical work, but in 2009 the company began to focus on the mining industry. By 2011, following a contract with New Gold’s New Afton underground gold mine and the Huldra silver mine near Merritt, CSC Electric began working exclusively in mining. CSC Electric’s work with New Gold provided excellent training in mine construction, allowing CSC to continue with its mine offerings and move forward with new partnerships. This includes working with companies throughout British Columbia and across Canada. Because CSC Electric is an Aboriginal company, it is sensitive to the needs of the First Nations people, often providing a bridge between local First Nations and mining companies. In 2011, CSC Electric participated in and sponsored the Aboriginal Trade Forum. “We can provide employment opportunities in the areas we work,” says Sue Scott, CSC business partner. “We give back to the communities by providing jobs. When companies mine on band land, they make

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partnerships and we are sensitive to that and can be part of it. Not only are we able to work with the band, we understand the industry.” Along with being known for its quality work and safety record, CSC Electric makes industry training a high priority, welcoming apprentices who go on to become journeymen while working with CSC Electric. CSC Electric makes a point of giving back to the community, as evidenced by its donations to local organizations and sponsorship of local events, including the Kamloopa Powwow, the Howling Coyote Education Fund, the Kamloops Blazers, and the Merritt Speedway. The company also gives back to the industry, and was recognized in 2015 for its apprentice training by the Industry Training Association. In addition to the Industry Training Association recognition, CSC Electric was recognized in 2011 for being the top Aboriginal Business of the Year by the Kamloops Chamber of Commerce and was awarded the 2011 Aboriginal Business of the Year by the BC Aboriginal Business Awards.

“We understand mining and complete construction projects on time and on budget. It’s what we are known for.” ‒ Sue Scott, CSC Business Partner

“We’re confident in providing mine construction,” Sue says. “We understand mining and complete construction projects on time and on budget. It’s what we are known for. Our goal is to continue to be part of the mining industry as it develops.” Although the company has branched out again into commercial and residential services, it remains focused on the mining industry, and continues its commitment to providing safe, high quality electrical work for mining companies in British Columbia and across Canada.

1-415 Dene Drive Kamloops, BC TEL 250.851.6225 WEB

PHOTO: CSC Electric owner operator Clayton Scott at the work site. | Right: State of the art new office building of CSC Electric.



Moly-Cop canada


ompanies that are successful in the mining industry know they have to keep one eye on their current situation and another on the future. MolyCop, the largest supplier of grinding balls and grinding rods in the world, is doing just that. The company, which in September will enter its 30th year in business, is working on doubling its capacity while still providing the high level of customer service its reputation is built on. Part of the company’s success is their extensive international manufacturing network, with facility locations chosen based on their proximity to mining sites. This includes the Moly-Cop manufacturing plant in Kamloops, which provides grinding balls to mines across Canada, eastern Russia and Alaska, and allows the company to be flexible and efficient in responding to customers with assured backup from the Kansas City, USA and El Salto, Mexico plants if needed.

“We are positioned close to mining communities around the world,” says Maurice Hindle, marketing and sales manager of Moly-Cop Canada. “This allows us to meet the requirements of our customers. If you’re close to your customer, you can reduce their costs and respond more quickly to their needs.” While remaining focused on its customers, Moly-Cop is also investing in the future, taking steps to expand product capability and production. Those steps include expansions or improvements at facilities in Kamloops, Kansas City, Indonesia and Peru.

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“Our commitment is certainly to be in a position to support the future market, but we have demonstrated over three decades that we look after our current customers,” Hindle says. “That’s equally important to us.” As Moly-Cop grows, it maintains its focus on environmentally sustainable practices. Water that leaves the Kamloops facility does so through evaporation or irrigation, not through the South Thompson River. Meanwhile, scrap steel from the production process is sent back to the supplier or to recyclers. In addition the scale (iron oxide) produced as a byproduct in the heating of the steel bars from which the balls are made, is sent to a cement plant preventing it from winding up as landfill. Moly-Cop is not only committed to the environment, it’s also dedicated to workplace safety. “Safety is a core value,” Hindle says. “We’re focused on zero harm. Working safely is a condition of employment with us. We want our employees to arrive healthy and leave healthy. We want them to take home what they learn here so they can enjoy life at home without injury as well.” Employees also give back to the community, enhancing the company’s solid connection with the local area. Moly-Cop employees volunteer with a variety of organizations, including the Kamloops Chamber of Commerce, First Aid and local Search and Rescue organizations. MolyCop also donates money to the United Way, Royal Inland Hospital and many other worthy causes.

Moly-Cop’s expanded facility in Kamloops “Our emphasis in on building now for future demand,” Hindle says. “We’re putting a will focus on best practices and best technologies for forging and heat treatment, lot of effort and resources into growth to support future mining activity. It’s a risk but to enhance the performance aspect of the company’s grinding balls and grinding rods. we feel it’s worth it.”

“Our commitment is certainly to be in a position to support the future market, but we have demonstrated over three decades that we look after our current customers,” ‒ Maurice Hindle, Marketing and Sales Manager

250 Andover Crescent Kamloops, BC TEL 250.573.7770 WEB

PHOTO: Grinding balls ready for delivery to the mines. | Right: Aerial view of the production facility of Moly Cop near Kamloops.


The Pacific Group of Companies NorLand Limited The Pacific Group of Companies has been around in one form or another since it started as a blasting company more than 60 years ago. Since that time the company has continued to evolve and grow. Now, it’s being rebranded as NorLand Limited, in an initiative that will see The Pacific Group of Companies officially change names in August 2015.

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“I’m proud of the longevity of The Pacific Group and we’re excited about launching NorLand Limited” ‒ The Pacific Group of Companies President, Dale Bekar

3183 Norland Avenue Burnaby, BC TEL 604.291.1255 WEB

The Pacific Group of Companies / NorLand Limited


specialties of the surface blasting division, hose familiar with the construction industry know shoring and excavating, demolition, civil construction, heavy industrial moving, that when times are good, ground engineering, industrial design and new companies tend to construction, and finally underground pop up, only to disappear when the economy slows mining and development and tunneling for down. The Pacific Group of Companies has pipe line and hydro projects. been around in one form or another since “We have done contract mining for Golden it started as a blasting company more than Sunlight Mines in Butte, Montana,” Bekar 60 years ago. Since that time the company says. “We’ve also sent crews to Russia, has continued to evolve and grow. Now, Turkey and Chile, and done a lot of work it’s being rebranded as NorLand Limited, in the United States. Our work in high rock in an initiative that will see The Pacific stabilization and contract mining can be Group of Companies officially change applied all over the world.” names in August 2015. Despite the switch in name and branding, NorLand Limited Understanding the cycles that affect the will continue to offer the same high-quality construction industry has helped The Pacific work with a focus on safety that earned The Group survive and thrive. Pacific Group its reputation. “Some construction companies grow too “I’m proud of the longevity of The Pacific fast,” says Bekar. “Those that survive learn Group,” says Dale Bekar, president of The how to deal with the downtimes and the Pacific Group of Companies. “Longevity good times. Control costs and growth in construction is not a common thing. If during good times because things will slow you look at the VRCA [Vancouver Regional in the down market. That’s the way the Construction Association] today compared industry works.” with 20 years ago, there are not a lot of the Because Pacific Group is so highly same players. We’re proud that we’ve stuck diversified the rebranding as NorLand around.” Limited is an opportunity to better identify The Pacific Group started out as Pacific the various divisions as one company. Not Blasting in 1954. In 1971, Dale Bekar and his only does it show potential clients and two brothers became shareholders. At the customers the strength and skillset of the time, Bekar himself became a blaster gaining company, it helps employees feel they are all experience in close, controlled blasting in working on the same team, under one name the Vancouver region. The company soon and one identity. began expanding, starting with shoring Tim Doucette, Sr. VP & CFO, says the name work, then in 1981, with demolition. In 1989, Bekar sold the company and stayed on NorLand allows the company to promote itself more effectively. as president. Although his agreement with the new owners was to stay on for five years, he remains president today, having overseen “It allows us to promote ourselves as a substantial entity that can tackle these big a company that has continued to grow and projects,” Doucette says. “The work we want diversify. is large-scale projects. With that, you’re on a set schedule, and have cost constraints Among the services that The Pacific Group and safety standards to meet. Customers of Companies/NorLand offers its clients are need to know you’re batting a thousand surface blasting including open pit mining and high face slope stabilization, which are on all three of those things and can handle PHOTO: Previous Page: Fully restored 1957 Willys pickup from Pacific Blasting’s original fleet, and new model truck with NorLand Limited graphics.


them. Branding is part of showing the world that we’re capable and have been so for some time.” The challenge with rebranding, Doucette says, is to move forward without losing sight of what made The Pacific Group so successful: the focus on families and an entrepreneurial spirit that emphasized hiring good people and letting them do their best. “We very much value the people working for us,” Bekar says. “The work we do is difficult, hard and comes with risk. We make sure we hire people who understand that and are capable of being safe. We want them to stay with us. We’re very proud that we have a lot of long-term employees—sons and daughters of people whose mother or father worked for us years ago. We want to be a company that people want to work for.” Because they value their people so highly, safety is their number one priority. Doucette says safety is essential to surviving in the industry, but it’s also vital to ensuring employees are happy and healthy.

“We have a tightknit group who look after their own,” Doucette says. “So we promote safety. Safety in the workplace now has transcended statistics. Smart thinkers realize that having a culture of safety promotes good safety results, makes for stronger work environments and results in a more vibrant company.” Along with family and safety, integrity is another core value at The Pacific Group. The company maintains high respect for everyone it deals with, from its clients to the tradespeople who work on their projects. Doucette says that along with awards and accolades, the most common letter they receive praises the professionalism of workers on jobsites.

Alliance (BCCSA) for their strategic approach to workplace safety. A member of the Pacific Group has also served as president of the International Society of Explosive Engineers. As The Pacific Group of Companies transitions to NorLand Limited, it does so with an eye to the future while maintaining the values that made it successful. “We’re excited about launching NorLand Limited,” Bekar says. “We’re doing more, and getting more involved in public/private partnerships. We’re taking on much larger projects than in the past, and we’re excited about the future.”

Their professionalism and commitment to safety and integrity have resulted in numerous awards and citations over the years, including Contractor of the Year from the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure, and VRCA Contractor of the Year. Several divisions have also received a Certificate of Recognition from the British Columbia Safety

PHOTO: Left: Golden Sunlight Mine – Developing the highwall pushback to access gold ore and developing haul road access on the East mine wall to pit bottom. Above: Drilling at the Baffinland Iron Ore Mine, Baffin Island.


KGHM International LTD.– Ajax Project


t KGHM International’s Ajax Project, an experienced team of mining professionals is working hard to ensure a proposed copper-gold open pit mine near Kamloops sets the industry’s highest standards. Considering the mine’s location near the city, which has a population of about 85,000 people, nothing less is an option. The Ajax team will use the most modern technologies along with the best mine design to create a project that minimizes or eliminates potential impacts on the project’s closest city neighbours roughly 2 1/2 kilometres away. KGHM International redesigned the mine site in 2014 to move many of the project’s facilities, including the tailings storage facility, the primary crusher and rock storage areas, farther away from city homes. The company will use road watering, vacuum and spray systems and covered ore stockpiles to keep dust out of the air. A well-designed road system and a tight mine footprint will reduce truck traffic – the largest generator of dust on a mine site – and lessen diesel emissions. Reclamation will be done at every stage of the project. The project is currently in the environmental assessment phase, with more than 40 studies underway examining key issues including air and water quality, human health and the possible effects of mine operations on wildlife and birds. There are many advantages to the Ajax Project’s closeness to an urban centre like Kamloops. To start, the existing

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infrastructure and the availability of services make economic sense from a project development standpoint. More importantly, Ajax Project employees work in high-paying jobs in the same community they live in. Most mining and construction professionals these days find jobs in distant camps in northern parts of B.C. and Alberta and spend weeks away from home at a time. The project is being developed according to a five-year plan. The company intends to submit its application for an environmental permit in mid to late 2015. The provincial and federal approval processes are expected to take six to 12 months. Construction of the mine could be complete by late 2018, meaning copper and gold production would start in 2019. The mine’s workforce would peak at roughly 1,400 people during construction and employ 400 to 500 full-time staff during operations. The Ajax Project will contribute millions of dollars every year to the local community through direct taxation and the benefits associated with spin-off jobs in supporting industries and trades. The Ajax Project also operates a full working ranch on its properties with more than 300 cattle. The ranchers are employees of KGHMI. The Ajax Project will do its best to keep the ranch running during mine operations.

“The mine’s workforce would peak at roughly 1,400 people during construction and employ 400 to 500 full-time staff during operations.”

The Ajax Project is committed to making a positive difference in Kamloops, through the work it does with local charities and other community groups. 124 Seymour Street Kamloops, BC TEL 250.374.5446 WEB

PHOTO: Work in progress at the proposed open pit Ajax mine near Kamloops.



Excel Personnel Inc.


hen your company is recruiting the right people to fill important jobs, you have to focus on relationships, and that’s exactly what Excel Personnel Inc. does. Excel Personnel, a Kamloops-based employment-recruiting firm, sources employees to fill positions in a wide range of industries, including mining.

“We started off 23 years ago and we’ve been building Excel Personnel ever since,” says Karen Watt, CEO of Excel Personnel. “We’ve gone from a one-person operation to a 10-person operation and grown substantially in the last five years by adding five additional employees and the Prince George and Kelowna branches.” Excel Personnel sources employees for companies across British Columbia and, for national clients, across western Canada and parts of Ontario. “We expanded in northern B.C. with the Prince George office,” Watt says. “As the mines come on board, we work with their contractors, too. We’ve probably, in this last year, placed 70 employees in mining firms.” Those employees work in any area, including core cutting, underground mining, engineering, administration and accounting. So what’s Excel’s formula for success? No matter what position they’re recruiting for they identify and recommend employees based on the same criteria in their hiring process. “We use the same criteria to hire a manager as we do to hire a janitor,” Watt says. “It’s tried, tested and true, and it doesn’t change. We use the same process, steps and requirements for all levels of recruitment. We search for the right-fit candidates in skills, ability, personality, dress, attitude, and availability for our clients. It’s a unique

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process that we’ve developed over the years and it has repeatedly proven to be a huge success.” Even mining companies with their own human resources department turn to Excel for recruiting assistance. Often, human resources departments are busy with inhouse activities, such as managing benefit plans, on-boarding staff, relocations and conducting performance appraisals. They use Excel’s expertise to source the bestfit candidates for their company or gain additional candidates while they do what they do best in hiring for other positions. One of Excel’s core values is integrity, which is highlighted in the company’s guarantee. If a candidate quits or is released for cause before a predetermined time, Excel rerecruits the position at no additional cost. To assist the candidate and client through the transition, Excel maintains regular contact with both during the guarantee period. “We put in blood sweat and tears to make sure our client gets the right-fit candidates in front of them to interview,” Watt says. “We work days, evenings and some weekends identifying the right candidate for a client when an emergency arises. We make sure the candidate is the right fit the first time, so that we don’t have to rehire for that position and the client is able to carry on with on-boarding and making a difference within their firm.”

“We make sure the candidate is the right fit the first time, so that we don’t have to rehire for that position” ‒ Karen Watt, CEO of Excel Personnel

That dedication to clients and candidates gives Excel a vast network to pull from. Watt says they receive approximately 10,000 applications a year, and have a database of almost 40,000 resumes to mine from. “We’ve got a wide reach,” Watt says. “It doesn’t start with processes; it’s about building relationships. Clients recognize that our integrity is the highest.”

Suite #600 – 235 -1st Avenue Kamloops, BC TEL 250.374.3853 WEB

PHOTO: Excel Personnel CEO Karen Watt is proud to be the preferred recruiter to the mining industry.


Northland Dodge


erhaps few dealerships understand the importance of rugged, durable vehicles as well as Northland Chrysler Jeep Dodge, in Prince George, British Columbia. Located in the heart of B.C.’s northcentral interior, Northland Dodge has to meet the needs of customers involved in mining, forestry, oil and other heavy industries. Those residents need vehicles that can survive tough conditions, and dealerships that sell and service vehicles to meet those requirements.

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A firm commitment to customer satisfaction is what has made Northland Dodge successful, and allowed them to expand to their new facility, which they will move into late summer 2015. At 61,000 square feet, the new Northland Dodge building will nearly double the service department’s capacity, allowing for 26 bays, including two drive-thru MOPAR Quick Lube bays capable of accommodating heavy-duty trucks. The extra space also permits the new parts department to house more inventory, meaning vehicle repairs will take less time, and accessories will be readily available to expedite servicing. This is especially valuable for those industry-related customers that rely on their vehicles for work. The building will also contain a state-of-the-art car wash bay facility with brush, touchless or combination washes—an added value for customers.

Northland Dodge understands that the success of a business depends on the strength of its vehicles. It meets industry demand with a line-up of heavy-duty trucks such as the RAM Chassis Cab, 3500, 4500 and 5500. Built to the highest standards of dependability and capability, the 2015 Chassis Cab is tougher, smarter and more capable than ever, with industry-standard 34-inch frame rail widths, “We’re number one because you’re number best-in-class 50,000 PSI rear frame strength, one,” says Steve Nickolls, Northland Dodge GCWR, and towing, excellent diesel torque and power take-off (PTO) capability, and best- general manager. “Moving into our new facility, customer service will remain our in-class 280 litre fuel tank capacity.1 top priority and number one focus. It’s at the Northland Dodge is the largest volume Dodge heart of our core values and also something dealer in British Columbia—and has held we continually try to improve upon on a daily this distinction for several years. It has built basis.” its reputation on a high level of customer Get all the details on the RAM family satisfaction, receiving a 2015 Consumer of trucks and service vehicles online at Satisfaction Award from DealerRater—the or visit them at leading car dealer review site for consumers, 1995–20th Avenue. After summer 2015 they which recognizes top-performing dealerships will be at their new location, 2844 Recplace in North America. The dealership also Drive, Prince George, BC. received the provincial 2015 DealerRater RAM Dealer of the Year Award and JEEP Dealer of the Year Award for BC.

“Moving into our new facility, customer service will remain our top priority and number one focus. It’s at the heart of our core values and also something we continually try to improve upon on a daily basis.” ‒ Steve Nickolls, Northland Dodge General Manager

1. cited from

1995-20th Avenue Prince George, BC TEL 1.888.324.6298 WEB DL: 30541 PHOTO: Vince Manwaring, Assistant Sales Manager (left) and Kyle Bachman, Dealer Principal (right) in front of new state of the art dealership location being constructed.


Motion Industries (Canada) Inc.


n a mine site time is money. When equipment stops working and parts need to be replaced, they need to be sourced quickly and installed rapidly. Motion Industries (Canada) Inc., a supplier of maintenance, repair and operation replacement parts and services, prides itself on keeping the mining industry moving. The company, formerly known as B.C. Bearing Engineers was acquired in 2010. Motion Industries is well known, with its parent, Genuine Parts Company, engaged in the distribution of automotive replacement parts, industrial replacement parts, office products and electrical and electronic materials dating back to 1928. Motion Industries has branches located throughout British Columbia in: Burnaby, Nanaimo, Cranbrook, Prince George, Kitimat, Kamloops, Quesnel, Abbotsford and Houston.

“Having branches located near industry is one of the reasons customers keep returning,” says vice-president of sales and marketing Brent Pope. “This is value added. We live and work in the mining communities and many of our guys are long tenured, so they have a lot of experience providing solutions to the mining industry.” And that’s exactly how Pope views Motion Industries: “We don’t just sell parts, we try to provide solutions.”

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Motion Industries is a North American supplier and distributor with access to all the major product lines required by the mining industry. Motion Industries is able to offer access to 5.2 million industrial replacement parts required by the mining industry including: bearings, mechanical power transmission, electrical and industrial automation, hydraulic and industrial hose, hydraulic and pneumatic components, industrial supplies and material handling. Company-wide, there are more than 3,300 technically trained sales representatives making on-site service calls daily, not including the more than 200 dedicated product specialists staffing a technical support centre. If a mine needs a retrofit on a specific piece of equipment, motion can make recommendations on the best product or products to use to achieve the desired outcome. “When our customers have a problem with a certain process or a part of their operation and they ask us for help, we use our expertise along with our manufacturers to find the best, most cost effective solution for them,” says Pope.

“When our customers have a problem with a certain process or a part of their operation and they ask us for help.” ‒ Brent Pope, Vice-President Sales and Marketing

As is so often the case with industry, parts are needed immediately. Through building relationships with customers, Motion Industries stocks parts at a local level to reduce the risk of downtime. “The necessary products,” says Pope, “are almost always on the shelves.”

8985 Fraserwood Court Burnaby, BC TEL 800.526.9328 WEB

PHOTO: Motion Industries provides maintenance, repair and operation replacement parts and services to the mining industry.



Cummins Western Canada


nvironmental sustainability is an important consideration for mining companies and regulators, with U.S. legislation for diesel engines rated above 751 horsepower recently taking effect. That legislation requires very low limits for particulate matter and oxides of nitrogen (NOx), a significant technical challenge for high horsepower (HHP) engine manufacturers. Cummins’ Tier 4 Final HHP technology exceeds expectations, providing fuel savings of up to four percent, extending life-tooverhaul by 10 percent, and enabling engine uptime availability equal to any Cummins HHP engine in service today. These results have enabled Cummins to remain consistent in keeping its promise to deliver more productive engines on schedule for original equipment manufacturers’ introductions. Cummins’ Tier 4 Final engines achieve very low emission levels with no increase in engine displacement, no change to engine ratings and equivalent or improved power delivery. Each Cummins Tier 4 HHP engine also offers a near identical envelope to that of its Tier 2 predecessor. Cummins Tier 4 Final engine systems provide other important advantages. Service intervals are extended to 500 hours, twice that of the Tier 2 engines. Engine life-to-overhaul is increased by 10 percent, which, for a Tier 4 Final QSK60 rated at 2850 horsepower, can mean a remarkable fuel burn of 1,100,000 gallons depending on duty cycle. As part of the drive to enhance reliability, Cummins’ design teams analyzed every point on the Tier 4 Final engines that could lead to unscheduled downtime and took measures to prevent it. The new NanoNet filter media, which is used in fuel filters, is

ining M excellence

designed to ensure superior fuel cleanliness and protect the fuel system from dust or dirt ingress. Thanks to a more uniform pore size compared to traditional media, NanoNet captures and retains more harmful particles. Like their Tier 2 predecessors, Cummins’ Tier 4 Final engines are designed with rebuild potential in mind, and are easily capable of three overhauls. They also do not require any major intervention at mid-life. Removing particulate matter in-cylinder and NOx out-of-engine simplifies the emissions reduction strategy and allows the engine’s full potential to be realized. Without the need to remove NOx incylinder, the engine can operate at higher load factors while staying within a more comfortable range of cylinder pressure and piston speed. Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR) is now the key technology employed for all Tier 4 Final engines in the 75-to-751 horsepower category, and for every on-highway truck engine in North America. Cummins’ SCR population in North America has already passed the one million systems mark. SCR uses diesel exhaust fluid (DEF) to initiate the chemical reaction over the catalyst. DEF is easy to use, easy to store and widely available. It is also an important means for saving fuel; one gallon of DEF can result in up to two gallons less fuel consumed by Cummins Tier 4 engines per 40 gallons of fuel used. Tier 4 engines employ advanced combustion optimization techniques to improve engine efficiency and reduce tailpipe NOx through the SCR aftertreatment. The resulting optimized product consumes less total fuel and DEF, saving customers roughly three percent on total fluid cost. No other approach offers such significant performance and fuel saving benefits with very low emissions.

“No other approach offers such significant performance and fuel saving benefits with very low emissions.”

18452 96th Ave Surrey, BC TEL 604.882.5000 WEB

PHOTO: Rebuilt facility of Cummins Western Canada at Surrey location.


ining M excellence

mastermind studios Mastermind Studios is a full-service video production company, known for capturing authentic video that engages the audience. Based in Kamloops, Mastermind Studios provides video production work for clients in the heavy industry and resource sectors across British Columbia and Alberta. In 2010, Mastermind Studios became one of the first production companies in western Canada to work in aerial drone video production. Mastermind Studios is licensed by Transport Canada, and is fully insured and trained to operate multi-rotor, remote, unmanned aerial vehicles. All aspects of video production are meticulously planned with an emphasis on quality and safety, so clients can be confident the work will be done properly and safely. Mastermind Studios also produces and publishes online video learning systems, including training programs, training resources and demonstrated learning modules. It has built a strong reputation on creating engaging, high-quality visuals and content that meets its clients’ needs and exceeds expectations. In addition to its work for industry clients, Mastermind Studios believes strongly in the importance of giving back to the community. Since the company was formed it has provided more than two million dollars in pro-bono work for non-profit organizations in healthcare and social services, using video to give a voice to those who could otherwise not afford it. 954F Laval Crescent Kamloops, BC TEL 250.434.8918 email WEB


ining M excellence

Kelly funk photography For the last 15 years Kelly has lived in Kamloops, B.C. And has been lucky enough to narrow his professional photography areas to : Commercial; which promotes businesses both large and small in the Kamloops and Thompson Okanagan regions of British Columbia and beyond, Canadian tourism ; which has him involved in the photography and promotion of destinations and activities in the Thompson Okanagan region of British Columbia, as well as Western Canada. Kamloops and area imagery ; which targets his beautiful city and what it encompasses, and being the assistant photo editor and columnist for Outdoor Photography Canada magazine, Canada’s only outdoor photography publication.

TEL 250.320.4055 email WEB


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