Vancouver's Profiles of Excellence - 2017

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Vancouver’s profiles of


2017 edition

Vancouver’s profiles of

excellence 2017 EDITION

Ò Excellence is an art won by training and habituation. We do not act rightly because we have virtue or excellence, but we rather have those because we have acted rightly. We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act but a habit.Ó aristotle


Welcome to the 2017 edition of Profiles of Excellence, a very special publication of the Vancouver Courier. The women and men profiled in these pages come from a wide variety of backgrounds, education, experience and expertise. What they all share is what Aristotle describes in the quote above: a commitment to excellence – an attribute that is not born, but bred in training and repetition, in years of service to their profession and to their community. The


awards these business leaders have earned are hallmarks of excellence – but the most important mark of excellence is the respect and loyalty of their customers. As you will discover in these pages, Vancouver is a community steeped in excellence in a great many fields. We are very proud to tell some of those stories of excellence here. Tim Shoults Vice-president, Content & Audience Development, Glacer Media

excellence Vancouver’s profilesinof

excellence healthcare 2017 2017EDITION BC edition

AllCArgo Express Inc.


copeman healthcare


Opal – Element Lifestyle Retirement


Alvin Brouwer Director, sales + marketing


Fairlane Collision Repairs Ltd.


Odlum brown limited


Michelle Bhatti manager, Specialty Projects

Keshav Sharma editorial

Ronda Payne

amherst funeral & cremation services


Phoenix truck & crane


Westminster House


design + production

Marina Rockey photography

David Buzzard

For enquires regarding the next edition, contact Keshav Sharma, Manager, Specialty Projects, Glacier Media Group, at 604-619-2933 or email

vancouver«s profiles of excellence 2017 is produced by, and is exclusive property of Glacier Media Inc. Copyright 2017.


Gilbert Chang, President, AllCargo Express Inc. Right: Gilbert with his core team.

AllCargo Express Inc. Experts with Cars and so Much More


Hiring a travel agent for a trip to destinations near or far is relatively easy. Look online, call someone who was recommended or check out travel listings. But what about a travel agent for cars and cargo? Who do you call when you have valuable and important goods to travel to destinations near or far? Turn to AllCargo Express Inc., a freight forwarder that manages the process of getting cargo from point A to point Z. AllCargo has been around since 1978 and has built its reputation on the ability to move collector’s vehicles, but all freight is fair game for this freight forwarder – via air, ocean or ground shipping. Gilbert Chang is the President of AllCargo. He worked as the business’s manager, then left to learn other aspect of the industry, but came back in 2010 when the opportunity arose to buy the business. All-in-all he’s been in the freight forwarding business since 1997 and knows how it works. “It’s a big market, the classic cars,” he says. “But that’s not all we do. It’s just one of the things we specialize in and what we’re best known for.” Gilbert explains that it takes a significant amount of expertise to ship more than one or two cars at a time in a container. At AllCargo, the team has the precision and experience to ship multiple cars in the same container safely, efficiently and cost-effectively. “There’s a difference between us and others. We have our own warehouse so we can control the quality of every single loading,” notes Gilbert. “Some forwarders load at a third party warehouse. They aren’t set up for cars like we are. We put them in without any scratches and we get them out without any scratches.

Everything is cared for properly from the paint job and wheels to trim and side mirrors, AllCargo has the materials to protect a car during transit, no matter where in the world it’s headed. The team at AllCargo uses that same philosophy on everything they ship. Cars or cargo are taken door to door or dock to dock to ensure the shipment is done exactly the way it needs to be. With so many different types of commercial freight, it can be challenging, but Gilbert knows his team is always up for it whether a client wants to ship a container of diapers or a flat rack of heavy equipment.

Vancouver’s profiles of

excellence 2017 EDITION

There«s a difference between us and others. We have our own warehouse so we can control the quality of every single loading. Gilbert Chang

“We organize the whole movement. We are a complete logistics solution,” he says. Part of his vision for the long term growth and success of the company is to offer options to his customers, which include many large businesses throughout Vancouver. “We work as the shipping department for some small companies, picking up their delivery, putting it together in one container and arranging the shipping,” notes Gilbert. “We save them money. They don’t incur the expense of a number of small shipments.” Because AllCargo is a mid-sized operation, they can give a more customized service experience by guiding the process and offering a single point of contact. AllCargo is a shipping partner that builds relationships on trust and the fact that they continually focus on their clients’ best interests.

2251 No. 5 Rd., Richmond, BC t 604.606.0633 w


photo: Claudette Carracedo

Dr. Beth Donaldson, Family Physician & Medical Director at Copeman Healthcare.


Copeman Healthcare Collaborative care model helps motivate work-life balance


Dr. Beth Donaldson need only consider her own challenge in achieving work-life balance to truly understand the value provided by Copeman Healthcare. She has worked for the private, primary care Centre for the past 11 years and currently serves as its Medical Director and strongest advocate. “I’m passionate about this organization,” Dr. Donaldson says. “I’ve been here since day one. In fact, I was the first female physician and the first physician to take maternity leave.” And through these experiences, she has learned firsthand how challenging it can be to have a demanding career and busy family life. It’s something she hears from her patients who often struggle with making healthy choices for themselves when they’re stretched for time and energy. One of the ways Copeman helps with this struggle is to offer a collaborative care model where physicians and other health care experts such as dietitians, psychologists and family health nurses all work together under the same roof. “Clients don’t want to have to explain their situation over and over again to various caregivers – it adds to their stress levels and consumes their time - so we make every effort to ensure they don’t have to,” she notes. “We’re very client-focused and this is demonstrated in our customization of care,” Dr. Donaldson says. “It’s about putting patient needs first. Collaboration is everything. We work together for the health of our clients, bringing together every piece of the puzzle – from complete lab diagnostics to nutrition and exercise.” As Medical Director, Dr. Donaldson is not only tasked with taking care of her patients, she is also responsible for modeling a healthy and positive attitude for members of her collaborative care team.

“Physicians always want to do their best, it comes with the profession,” she says. “I try to keep things light-hearted and fun. You have to let the team know that you’re only human. They’ve all seen me at my strongest, and my weakest. They see that I have to be efficient at work if I want to make it to my son’s hockey game, for example. It’s good for my health to have that family time and ultimately it makes me more productive when I come back to the office.”

profiles of

excellence 2017 EDITION

We work together for the health of our clients bringing together every piece of the puzzle. Dr. Beth Donaldson

She says that making her family a priority helps inspire others at Copeman to do the same. It’s difficult to provide the best in care to clients if care givers are not taking care of their own health too. “I practice what I preach – to my clients and my team. I eat well, and work out every morning. And when I recommend this to my clients, I understand this is not easy to achieve. But in collaboration with a dietitian and kinesiologist, we’re able to offer realistic ways to integrate good health habits into the lives of our clients.” With family health nurses and nurse practitioners working as the quarterbacks to bring client needs to the team, each client (and their family) has a compassionate voice championing personal issues. “I’m so proud to work at Copeman Healthcare and of the care we provide. I’m blessed because Copeman allows for flexibility and holds our wellbeing in such high regard. The company understands that I care deeply for all my patients, so I’ll always give my best.”

suite 300, 808 Nelson St., Vancouver, BC t 604.707.2273 w


State-of-the-art upcoming retirement residence Ă’OPALĂ“ in Vancouver. Right: Don Ho and Candy Ho of Element Retirement Lifestyle.

Opal – Element Lifestyle Retirement Intergenerational, socially engaged, lifestyle retirement


Facing a healthcare crisis is no time to be considering a move. Unfortunately many seniors wait until they simply cannot manage.

From this, Candy recognized many retirees need to stay close to their most important relationships to consider living in a retirement community.

What if there was a place where seniors could live well before there was ever an issue? What if that home included everything to allow for intergenerational living while celebrating the importance of family?

“We want whole families to enjoy life, and we want to eliminate the tension of unspoken duty or burden,” Candy says. “We engage all ages in new playful, enriching experiences. There is nothing ‘old’ about this environment.”

There soon will be, with OPAL, an element™ community at King Edward and Cambie, just steps from Queen Elizabeth Park and the Canada Line.

At Opal, there will be a rooftop patio with views, barbeque and fire pits; private dining rooms complete with board games; and an open chef’s table for culinary classes. Facilitated programs in intergenerational spaces will let seniors play and do yoga with kids, share their life stories, and instill values and skills that would otherwise be lost.

Candy Ho, Director and VP, Marketing and Corporate Relations with element™ is the daughter of Don Ho, who had the vision of a real retirement community. Candy’s father pioneered the Aging in Place concept in the 90’s. He led the cofounding of BC Senior Living Association and influenced the government to form the Registrar of Assisted Living. Personal experience with his own parents and in-laws drove him to create something to prevent separating companions after a lifetime together. He wanted the active spouse to continue to live fully, and to not struggle to provide care without professional training. OPAL builds on Don’s legacy and the Ho family’s way of living. Candy knew the residence would become her parents’ home and as soon as the design began, she had a moment of eureka. “For my parents it’s a non-negotiable that we all continue to be part of their life. My mom can’t bear to burden anyone. She wouldn’t move unless she knew the kids would be excited to play there.” Candy explains. Candy’s mom lives with chronic challenges, yet chooses to spend on a chef to bring the family of 12 together every day, instead of hiring assistance for herself.

Vancouver’s profiles of

excellence 2017 EDITION

Retirement is not about age, need, or whether one works. It«s about meaningful connection and a quality of life that people have earned. Candy Ho

OPAL offers peace of mind for all generations, removing the scramble of moving during an urgent state of need. Priority access to 24-hour licensed care means residents are not among many thousands waiting for a bed to open. More than that, Opal will be a home with a built-in clubhouse. At Opal, life will be full of vibrancy and warmth. Don, Candy and her sister, Wendy work collaboratively with a deeply experienced team to create Opal, expected to complete in early 2019. It’s based on the intergenerational concept that won Element™ an international award out of 950 projects worldwide. “Element™ is founded on a shift in mindset. We are driven by shared values and purpose.” notes Candy. “Retirement is not about age, need, or whether one works. It’s about meaningful connection and a quality of life that people have earned.”

1147 Homer St., Vancouver, BC t 604.676.1418 w


Evelyn Chand-Caleb, Owner, Fairlane Collision at her state-of-the-art 15,000 square foot facility.

Fairlane Collision Repairs Ltd. At Fairlane, their reputation is your guarantee


Fairlane Collision Repairs is, in every sense of the term, a family business. Evelyn Chand-Caleb took on ownership and management of the business about a year and a half ago after her father passed away. She worked with him at Fairlane for 27 years, so the progression was a natural fit. “I grew up with this business,” Evelyn says. “I loved coming here and gaining knowledge in the auto repair industry from my father. I worked through different roles like managing the office, accounting and customer relations.” Customers are the core of the business and Evelyn stays focused on their needs in what can be a challenging time. “When a customer sees their repaired car, smiles and tells me how happy they are, that makes me feel great,” she notes. “Helping people is a core value of this business.” With customer satisfaction her number one priority, Evelyn has not only invested in renovating the office to make the environment more comfortable and modern, but she has also upgraded important elements behind the scenes. “We recently upgraded some of the vehicle repair equipment and we are supporting our employees in enhancing their education,” she says. “Doing a great job for our customers is what we are known for and have been for more than 39 years.” The 15,000 square foot facility at Fairlane includes some of the most high-tech vehicle repair equipment available. This includes two downdraft spray booths and a state-of-the-art bake oven which all lead to professional repairs to return your car to factory specifications. Every car is repaired with the utmost attention to detail.

“We will fix your car and make you happy,” Evelyn says. “While our team is savvy in the computer-driven technology, old-fashioned craftsmanship comes into play as well.” A mix of ongoing government training and licensing as well as the I-Car education keeps this team on top of all the latest vehicle repair needs. Their training also allows them to do an expert job with auto glass and windshield replacements.

Vancouver’s profiles of

excellence 2017 EDITION

I want customers to feel comfortable coming here knowing that their vehicle will be repaired to their satisfaction. Evelyn Chand-Caleb

Fairlane is an ICBC accredited valet shop. They guarantee their repairs, do estimates on-site for the work required and arrange for alternative transportation during the repair process. Evelyn recognizes that being a woman in the car repair industry is something of a rarity, but she feels it gives Fairlane an advantage over other shops. “I want customers to feel comfortable coming here knowing that their vehicle will be repaired to their satisfaction,” she says. Evelyn interacts with customers directly, much the same way her father did. He focused on listening to his customers and being honest with them in all dealings. Evelyn is proud to carry that tradition forward. Another important aspect Evelyn gained from her father is the need to support others in the community through donations to children’s organizations and hospitals. She also encourages on-site participation of students from auto body work-experience programs. Fairlane is built on family values and is proud to share these values with their customers. That’s why we say “Our Reputation is your Guarantee.”

8230 Fraser St., Vancouver, BC t 604.321.2452 w


right: Debra Hewson, President and Chief Executive Officer at Odlum Brown Limited.

Odlum Brown Limited People Genuinely Make All the Difference


A lot of businesses reference the idea that people are what make the difference to their operation. At Odlum Brown Limited, this isn’t just a platitude or a catchphrase, it’s a reality that permeates this employeeowned and people-focused organization.

because they are drawn to the fact that this is a relationship-based business that we’re all partners in,” says Debra. “Good people want to be able to make a difference, and that’s a big part of our success.”

Odlum Brown is a full-service investment firm focused on building relationships with clients seeking investment advice. Debra Hewson, President and Chief Executive Officer, notes that every client and prospective client is an individual and is appreciated as such.

Odlum Brown’s environment is one where every team member knows they matter, and the firm’s low employee turnover proves it. Nearly 50% of Odlum Brown’s workforce has been with the firm for 10 years or longer, and 22% for at least 20 years.

“We create relationships with our clients that can only come from understanding what they want and what works for them,” she says. “There is no cookie-cutter approach here. We provide investment advice tailored to the individual investor, and we’re exceptional at it.”

“Whether it’s our clients or our team, we treat people the way they want to be treated,” Debra notes. “That’s also apparent in our long-standing tradition of community involvement.”

This relationship-based approach isn’t always possible at other firms, where operations are often pulled in numerous directions based on fluctuating, and even conflicting, company needs. As an independent firm that doesn’t participate in investment banking or trade for its own account, Odlum Brown is solely focused on one activity: advising individual clients on how to grow and preserve their wealth. In fact, for over 93 years the firm’s business model has centred on aligning the firm’s interests with the interests of their clients. “We’re employee-owned, so we’re all invested in what happens here,” Debra notes. “All of our key operational and administrative functions are performed in house. We encourage our research analysts to own the stocks they recommend because we wouldn’t offer anything to a client that we wouldn’t want to own ourselves.” In addition to those relationships built with clients, the unique corporate culture at Odlum Brown also fosters positive internal relationships. “We’re able to attract and retain such great people here

Vancouver’s profiles of

excellence 2017 EDITION

We provide investment advice tailored to the individual investor, and we«re exceptional at it. Debra Hewson

Throughout the year, Odlum Brown team members across BC spearhead events and fundraising initiatives that benefit their communities. From United Way campaigns to the CIBC Run for the Cure, much of Odlum Brown’s community presence is employee-driven and concentrated around making a difference in the areas where team members live and work. Odlum Brown supports over 100 charities and organizations throughout the province. “We’re leaders in our communities,” says Debra. “We don’t just write a cheque – we have people actively involved in supporting causes that matter to them. It could be sitting on a board of directors, volunteering at a run’s registration or even fundraising here in the office. Philanthropy and community involvement are in our DNA.” Through building positive relationships with the community, with clients and with each other, Odlum Brown’s people are the key ingredient to the firm’s success in helping individual investors grow and preserve their wealth.

suite 1100, 250 Howe St., Vancouver, BC t 604.669.1600 w


AmherstÂŤs founder, Scott McFarlane and co-owner Christian Natadiredja (centre), with their team of directors and counselors: Ersilio Iacuitto, Laura Todd, Juliana Ho and Billy Chiew.

Amherst Funeral & Cremation Services Compassionate and Personalized Service


Most of us don’t want to talk about death or dying. It’s a time in life that is wrought with emotion, stress and sadness. Additionally, when it’s time to lay your loved one to rest too often people are hit with expenses they didn’t realize they would have to pay for. In the midst of grief, Amherst Funeral and Cremation Services is there to help. As a wholly Canadian owned and operated independent company, it was founded on a belief that they could still offer quality funeral services to all at affordable prices — without forfeiting compassion, respect and dignity for both the families and their deceased loved ones. “We offer genuine care and respect without the high costs often associated with funerals,” says owner Scott McFarlane. “Every one of our employees lives by that mission. It’s simply the right thing to do.” Founded in 2008 by McFarlane, a licensed funeral director with more than 30 years in the industry, he sees his business as a vocation of caring for people at one of life’s most difficult moments in a cost-effective way. With a dedicated staff and an array of services, Amherst Funeral and Cremation Services has built a reputation for offering superior funeral arrangements. McFarlane was motivated to open Amherst because he felt there was a better and more respectful way to help families make funeral arrangements. Amherst is committed to providing compassionate and thoughtful service to all the families that come to them in their time of need. It has earned the company numerous awards for best funeral home and best in the city by a number of local publications.

So how does one prepare for this eventuality? McFarlane says you can make it so much easier for grieving family and friends if you record your wishes ahead of the need. “When this is done it relieves the family of additional stress as to what type of service you want,” he adds. “A prearranged funeral allows for all the necessary information to be recorded that will be required at the time of death.”

Vancouver’s profiles of

excellence 2017 EDITION

We offer genuine care and respect without the high costs often associated with funerals. Christian Natadiredja, co-owner

By pre-arranging your funeral, you let your family know exactly what type of service you wish for including the important details such as funeral or memorial, disposition (cremation or burial), casket, urn, scattering or burial of ashes as well as memorial items. In order to keep costs down, Amherst collaborates with the city-owned Mountain View Cemetery’s Celebration Hall for funeral and memorial services. “For the value, it’s a gorgeous facility and a perfect location, with the option for catered receptions following events and services,” he adds. When the time comes, discover the surprising difference compassionate and personalized services, with no hidden fees, no hassle and no pressure, can be. For more information, call Amherst Funeral and Cremation Services at 604568-8112 or visit www.amherstcremation. com. Amherst serves the entire Lower Mainland and beyond. They are conveniently located at #1209-207 West Hastings, Vancouver. For all that they do, Amherst gets a nod of excellence.

suite 1209, 207 West Hastings St., Vancouver, BC t 604.831.3023 w


Owner Bill Dick at his office building in Coquitlam.

Phoenix Truck & Crane Service and safety are Key


From its humble beginnings operating out of a Coquitlam townhouse with just a few trucks, Bill Dick has spent the last 25 years building the Lower Mainland’s leading same-day delivery company and premier crane service. Phoenix’s fleet is now 150-strong and comprised of cube vans, flat decks, curtain sides and cranes of various sizes and capabilities. All working hard to move freight throughout the Lower Mainland in a timely manner. “I operated out of my townhouse for a couple of months before I moved it all to a 700 square foot office where it was just me and a few trucks,” said Dick of the birth of Phoenix Truck & Crane, now based on Rogers Avenue.” By the end of that first year, Bill had amassed a fleet of 20 vehicles. “After that, well I guess we were just in the right place at the right time. Everyone wanted to be the cheapest, offering discounts, while we operated at the full rate. We were all about quality of service and safety over price and we remain that way today.” Year on year growth continued with fleet and client expansion. Establishing partners in the roofing, heating and plumbing and film industries solidified Phoenix as a reliable and safe choice when it comes to transporting goods throughout the lower mainland. Safety has always been a priority to Bill and the company proved that in 2016 when Phoenix Truck & Crane earned their certificate of recognition (COR). COR is a voluntary program that recognizes and rewards employers who go beyond the legal requirements of the Workers Compensation Act and the Occupational Health and Safety Regulation. Phoenix’s commitment to health & safety goes well beyond the office. They have taken responsibility to train their 150+ owner operators. Phoenix is now spearheading a new method of delivering safety certification for owner-

operators. “Drivers built this company and we owe it to them to take every measure possible to send them back home safely every day” says Bill “The dedication of our team during the preparation for COR has made me nothing but prouder and confirmed that I have surrounded myself with exceptional people.” The success of achieving COR, as well as sustaining and growing a company for 25 years, comes down to the team Bill has built.

Vancouver’s profiles of

excellence 2017 EDITION

The dedication of our team during the preparation for COR has made me nothing but prouder and confirmed that I have surrounded myself with exceptional people. Bill Dick

Service for our customers and their clients is key. You can bring in as much business as you want, but if you can’t control the movement, then it’s all for nothing.” All of the 50-strong staff at Phoenix play important roles in its success and are invaluable to help sustain and grow the company in today’s economy. The operators delivering product, the dispatch team managing the flow of products, the sales staff who provide full service project management, and the office staff who ensure their customers’ needs are met. Many of them have been with the company for the 20+ years – an indication of how well Phoenix treats its biggest asset, people. It’s that focus on people that compels Bill and his Phoenix Truck & Crane team to continually give back to the community. Year after year, local charities and causes such as the Eagle Ridge Hospital Foundation and Cystic Fibrosis, benefit from Phoenix’s generosity. And in 2016, when Syrian refugees began arriving in the Tri Cities, there was an immediate need to help with their integration into the community. Phoenix provided a BBQ lunch to celebrate Eid al-Fitr and hired one of the new Syrian-Canadians. “We are all about people and giving back is something I feel very strongly about,” said Dick. 2320 Rogers Ave., Coquitlam, BC t 1.800.313.3370 W



Is addiction causing harm in your life? New West Recovery offers Social Model Programming as a strategy for recovery from addiction through long term residential abstinent based treatment. Last Door Recovery Society for Men and Westminster House Society for Women provide safe environments that promote a desire for recovery and facilitate the process. This socio-cultural approach to recovery involves both the individual and their social and physical environment. The social model principles that are used in day to day life within the programs are closely aligned with distinctive philosophies and practices instilled by former clients. Professional Addiction Services offered are residential treatment, detox, family support groups, continuing care for alumni. From youth to adults, New West Recovery offers services for over 300 people every week. Our community recovery program is a peer-oriented process of rehabilitation and healing.

breaking the chains of addiction


Male Treatment

Medical Services

Community Services


Support Meetings

Health is where we live, learn, work and play.

Healthier You is an innovative health and wellness magazine, published by Glacier Media Group, one of the largest publishers of specialty publications in Canada. Healthier You offers readers in depth features on health professionals, events and issues that have an impact on B.C. Communities, as well as informed articles designed to help the people of B.C. live healthier lives. With three different editions, Healthier You offers a targeted and qualified readership in Vancouver Coastal region, Fraser Valley region and Northern Health region. Join the growing network of businesses and organizations supporting health improvement and benefit from the valuable exposure of Healthier You publications. For further details, please contact Keshav Sharma, Manager of Specialty Projects at 604-619-2933 or

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