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The Gladewater Mirror, Wednesday, March 25, 2015, Page 5

Rep. Simpson discusses his pot bill at town hall meeting

Continued from Page 1 I appreciate and respect those who have called, emailed, or posted on my Facebook page with their opinions on HB 2165 which would repeal all marijuana offenses in Texas statutes. “I do not advocate the irresponsible use of marijuana or any substance, but those are choices that should be made by individuals, not the state. We have plenty of laws to deal with those who harm their neighbor and these will remain in force if this law is passed.” Simpson’s bill would open the door for medical-use of marijuana and that is what one family is hoping for, so their son can receive treatment for his seizures. Rachel and Jon-Eric

Johnson’s 6-year-old son Lleyton suffers from an average of 30 seizures a day. He currently takes over 20 medicines a day to help control his seizures. Without these meds, his parents say their son would have over 100 seizures a day. While they are not for or against legalizing marijuana, they do hope Texas will do like many other states have done and will allow marijuana to be used in medicinal situations . An oil derived from marijuana has been shown to control seizures like Lleyton’s and his parents are hoping they can find help for their son’s condition. If the bill fails, Jon-Eric who has been a fireman in Longview for eight years, may

be forced to move his family to Colorado, so his son can obtain the marijuana-based medicine. The family doesn’t want to move, but they must do what is best for their child. “Lleyton was normal at birth. At 3-4 months we noticed developmental delays. At nine months he had his first seizure. He is now 100 percent dependent. He is on 20 medicines that have side effects and he still has 30 seizures a day. Without the medicine he has 100 seizures a day,” Johnson explained. “Lleyton can not walk or talk. He is completely dependent on us, but he does have emotions and he does interact with us. I feel honored being in his presence. He has met his destiny by sanctifying

Rachel and I, and making us prohibition has not stopped “great appreciation for David’s who we were meant to be. irresponsible people from courage and having such The role Lleyton is playing is using. common sense. I have called representing other kids in the “My favorite regulatory all members of the Criminal same condition. Longview is scheme is parenting,” Simpson Jurisprudence Committee our home and this bill is our said, adding “We are heading to voice support and I urge hope,” Johnson said. down a path toward Nanny everyone else to do the same.” Simpson looked at the young State. The solution is not more Simpson said he “want(s) boy and proclaimed - “Lleyton government. Government is to expand liberty and restore is the reason I proposed the not a cure all.” personal responsibility without legislation (HB 2165). It is He admits - marijuana, creating another bureaucracy a shame. It is tragic not to used irresponsibly, can have like the ATF on the state level use this plant responsibly,” some bad side effects. But to regulate it, nor a registry that Simpson said at the Town Hall many pharmaceuticals, used a future federal administration meeting Saturday. “This is my as intended, have even worse might use as evidence of medical bill. I do not advocate side effects. He said compare breaking federal law. recreational use but that is a the side effects of prescription “Getting back to the basics personal choice. It is certainly painkillers, antidepressants, or on this issue will put parents simpler than guns on hips,” he chemotherapy drugs to the side in charge of their children’s said referencing the push for effects of marijuana. lives and adults in charge of open-carry of firearms. “Should people be allowed their own. It is time to reject Simpson said government to make a choice between nanny state policies and restore has gotten it wrong when it the two? Also, compare the limited civil government, comes to marijuana, declaring side effects of marijuana to individual liberty, and personal the War on Drugs has failed. the countless substances and responsibility.” Over the past 44 years the activities, which may not be the Rudy Wright, also at the “War” has been waged, best choice for the individual, Town Hall meeting, said “No your own research of the issue and look at the people incarcerated has grown but which we tolerate and do matter how good a Constitution information from both sides of the argument. from 50,000 in 1980 to over not prohibit,” Simpson said. we have, we can not be lazy to Do you believe that there should be some 500,000 today. Simpson said Sherry Little said she has protect our rights.” regulatory scheme to protect children from getting marijuana? My favorite regulatory scheme for minors is The Armstrong Family would like to extend a genuine, heartfelt thank you to our parents. They have the greatest opportunity of friends and the community for your support and prayers as we grieve the sudden loss preventing bad behavior. Prohibiting the sale of of Roger, a husband, father, grandfather and friend. tobacco and alcohol for minors has not stopped the use and abuse of those products, though education has. Roger Armstrong Insurance has taken pride in their ability to serve the community Why are you bringing this bill up now? or the last 34 years and the family is honored to let you know that Armstrong I filed the bill to help constituents who desire Insurance will continue to serve your insurance needs. Please call or stop by and see access to the natural plant for treatment of seizures, us if you have any questions. PTSD, cancer, etc. I want to expand liberty and restore personal responsibility without creating more bureaucracy. There are other bills promoting the legalization of marijuana for medical purposes, but they create a regulatory scheme that would be counter productive and create more government. They also create a registry of all medical users. Should the federal government choose to come into the state and enforce federal statutes, we would be giving them the information needed to prosecute. What happens if someone smokes marijuana and has a car crash killing someone? Driving impaired is illegal, whether it be under the influence of cough medicine, alcohol, or marijuana. This bill would not change any penalties for harming another person currently in statute. Why do you keep saying there are medical benefits when there are so many studies saying there aren’t? There are studies on both sides of this issue. To date, 23 states have legalized marijuana for medical use. I am not a medical expert, but I have heard numerous first hand accounts from people in Texas and across the country that have said it has helped them, including veterans. I believe people should be given the freedom to make responsible decisions about their health without being criminals, and I trust them more than I do government to keep them safe from themselves. Were you smoking marijuana when you came up with this idea? No, and I never have.

Simpson’s HB 2165 Frequently Asked Questions Is marijuana a gateway drug? Perhaps, but is it a gateway because of the chemical influence or because of the criminal element that a person is involved with in obtaining the plant? What can I do to help get the bill passed? Contact your elected officials and express your support for the bill. Pray for me. Why do you encourage recreational use of marijuana by saying all things created by God are for good? What I said in my op-ed is that “As a Christian, I recognize the innate goodness of everything God made and humanity’s charge to be stewards of the same.” I do not encourage the irresponsible use of any plant, chemical, or other substance. I do not allow my children to consume caffeine until they are in their teenage years and then only in moderation. I instruct them on its addictive nature and potential abuse. Anything can be used for evil, but that does not make it evil. Cannabis can be used for much good. Why do you want to legalize the plant that can harm you just because God made it? Many plants aren’t good for human consumption. Some of them can even kill you. However, we do not need to outlaw them to avoid their irresponsible use. To my knowledge there are no confirmed reports of dying from marijuana, unlike synthetic marijuana. Won’t this increase impaired driving accidents? The research on driving accidents does not support any special fear about marijuana. While most studies will agree that the number of people who test positive for marijuana use in driving accidents has increased, there is less evidence to indicate that the drug use was directly related to the accident. Colorado accident rates were at a near historic low in 2013. The federal government recently conducted a study and concluded that marijuana potential contribution to accidents was not statistically significant. Have you researched what legalization has done in Colorado? Yes. It is mixed. I encourage you to do

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