The Gladewater Mirror, Wednesday, March 25, 2015, Page 9
LeTourneau U. Announces Fall 2014 Dean’s List
LONGVIEW - Megan Morris, of Gladewater was anmong the students named to the Fall 2014 Dean’s List at LeTourneau University, which recognizes students who have a grade point average between 3.50 and 3.99 for the semester. LeTourneau University President Dr. Dale A. Lunsford said being named to the Dean’s List is a significant academic achievement and honor. “LETU students are among our nation’s best,” Lunsford said. “I’m especially impressed with these honor roll students. Expect them to have a significant impact on our future.”
Neighbors Helping Neighbors Earthly Provision needs listed
Earthly Provisions is a program within Restoring Joy Ministries that supplies furniture, appliances and household items to families reestablishing homes after personal crisis or natural disaster. Instead of a garage sale consider bringing your gently used furniture and household appliances and goods to this community ministry and make a difference. Individuals may donate or apply for the program by contacting the ministry at 903-844-8066 or come by Restoring Joy at 214 Glade Ave. Monday through Friday 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Buttered Up & Peachy
Manna House needs canned fruit and 16 oz. jars of peanut butter, along with cans of chili. Children can handle the 16 oz. size PB jars and prepare healthy snacks for themselves. Volunteer Bob Sedgwick reported that 79 family food boxes were given out in February despite the fact it was a short month and closed two service days because of bad weather. In January 138 boxes were distributed.
Food donations may be dropped off at the Gladewater Mirror during business hours or during Manna House hours Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays 9 a.m. until 11 a.m. in the southwest corner of City Hall on Hwy. 80. Financial donations are always welcome and can go far since purchases are made at large food ministry distribution sites for staples like rice, beans, flour, sugar etc. Please send donations to: Manna House, P.O. Box 808, Gladewater 75647 or contact Manna House Board President Jimmie Muckleroy at American Canopies at 903-845-4066.
Restoring Joy needs assistance
The ladies of Restoring Joy Ministries have these acute and immediate needs: diapers (size4-6), baby wipes, all sizes of socks, all kinds of cleaners, towels, twin size blankets, twin size sheet sets, pillows, ink pens, baby gates, laundry baskets and a push mower. Residential rooms are also available for individuals, families and businesses to adopt. RJM is a Christian residential facility for women and single mothers with children who are homeless or without a stable home environment. Items may be dropped off at Restoring Joy Ministries at 214 E. Glade Ave. or call 903-844-8066 for information.
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