April 2011 Council Connection

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APRIL 2011 - ISSUE 32


Gladstone Regional Council Phone 497 0 0700 Fax 4975 8500 Email info@gladstonerc.qld.gov.au

You're Invited Airport Open Day - April 17 Gladstone Airport is throwing a party - and the Gladstone Region public is invited. Gladstone Regional Council will host a day of celebrations to officially open the newly redeveloped airport, with the extended airport terminal building also to be officially named. Council Airport spokesperson Councillor Clyde Cameron said the event was an ideal opportunity for the region's residents to learn more about the airport and its facilities. "A 60-seat bus will ferry people along the runway so they can view the completed reconstruction works, plus the ongoing work to widen the runway as per recent Federal Government requirements," Cr Cameron said.

Gladstone Regional Council's Local Law Review enters a new phase this month following the closure of formal submissions on March 31. - Continued Page 7

"Residents will also be able to see the airport's new security screening facilities, which will be up and running ahead of Strategic Airlines' maiden service into Gladstone the following day, and the static displays in the terminal that will showcase the project and its milestones."

Cr Cameron said the fact the terminal's expansion attracted $5.5 million in Federal Government funding was an acknowledgement of Gladstone Airport's significance in ensuring the future prosperity of the region. Cr Cameron praised the project contractors Golding Contractors and Woollam Constructions - for delivering first-class runway and terminal facilities respectively. "The improvements mean larger aircraft can now bring more passengers to our growing city and the redeveloped terminal building will provide passengers with an efficient, safe and pleasant arrival and departure experience," he said. "The project has taken time to complete and we are mindful of the fact that it has impacted on nearby residents and we encourage them, and the remainder of the community, to come along and enjoy the open day." Council will host its open day from 11.30am to 1pm. Parking is free for all visitors on the day.

S T L U S E R M U R O F COMMUNITY Get online and list Top 12 Priorities for region Observer website (www.gladstoneobserver. com.au) or via direct email to Council at consultation@gladstonerc.qld.gov.au. Submissions must be received by April 21. About 300 regional residents attended the forum to hear about the impacts of growth on the community and make comment about what they believed were the priorities for the region.

What do you think are the Top 12 priorities for the Gladstone Region? Residents now have a chance to list the priorities from the list of 60 suggestions made at Gladstone Regional Council's Community Forum at the Gladstone Entertainment Centre on February 17. Residents are being asked to name the Top 12 Priorities via an online survey through The

The result was the list of 60 suggestions which have been analysed and grouped into themes for ease of reference. The suggestions can be viewed at Council's website at www.gladstone.qld.gov.au/web/ guest/community-forum-results. A full list of the forum results have previously been published in The Community Advocate, The Observer's free weekly newspaper.



Mayor's Message


Stormwater Plan


Wyndham Park Upgrade

Visit Council’s Website - www.gladstone.qld.gov.au


Football gathering


Win car registration

e g a s s e M s ' r o y a The M

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Gail Sellers

Council has actively worked with all LNG proponents over the past year to discuss options for the companies to meet their obligations under the Coordinator General's conditions


Photographers urged to get clicking for Sister City exchange 2011 INTERCITY IMAGES: Gladstone Saiki Photographic Exchange Gladstone Regional Art Gallery & Museum - April 13 - May 21 There are a few extra days to get your cameras clicking for the annual Intercity Images photographic exchange, with Gladstone Art Gallery and Museum Director Pamela Whitlock extending the opportunity to 5pm on Monday, April 11.

Sister City Advisory Committee President Wendy Marsh, on Friday, April 15, at 5.30pm.

Photographers of all ages and experience levels are invited to submit up to two images each that capture the spirit of the region's people, environment or lifestyle.

The images will then be returned to Gladstone for the combined Intercity Images display, from August 8 to September 10, to be staged in conjunction with the Gladstone Multicultural Festival.

An exhibition of all Gladstone entries received will be held at the Gallery/Museum from April 13 to May 21, in conjunction with the Gladstone Harbour Festival. All are invited to the official launch and announcement of the 30 selected images by Gladstone Mayor Gail Sellers and Gladstone Saiki


The selected images will travel to Gladstone's Japanese Sister City, Saiki, for display alongside images from that city's photographers in June.

For further information or to RSVP for the official event phone the Gallery/Museum on 4976 6766 or email gragm@gladstonerc.qld.gov.au Intercity Images is an initiative of the Gladstone Saiki Sister City Advisory Committee, supported by Queensland Alumina Limited.


Sunrise Over Gladstone, Brad Ryman 2010 selected Intercity Image

Urban stormwater plan ultimately protects the Great Barrier Reef Gladstone Regional Council is taking steps to plan towards greater protection of our region’s waterways which lead to the pristine Great Barrier Reef. In February, Council awarded a tender to O2 Environmental + Engineering Pty Ltd to develop the Gladstone Regional Urban Stormwater Quality Management Plan (GRUSQMP). The plan will identify water quality standards for urban stormwater flowing into the region’s creeks, rivers and harbours. It will also identify possible solutions to either improve or maintain the current quality of our waterways through various avenues from installation of stormwater treatment devices to community education about stormwater contamination. The GRUSQMP will mean our region's waterways will be managed efficiently to ensure water quality and flows are sustainable and environmentally friendly. The State Government’s policy framework for urban stormwater management in Queensland has undergone significant change aimed at strengthening the role of the State in guiding best practice management of urban stormwater for healthy waters objectives. Significant infrastructure planning is required to satisfy the Environmental Protection (Water) Policy and the draft

State Planning Policy: Healthy Waters. The plan will provide the community with an understanding of the effects of poor stormwater quality on our waterways and ways that both Council and the community can contribute to protecting the environmental value of our creeks, rivers and harbour which all feed into the Great Barrier Reef. The GRUSQMP is broken into three phases with Phase 1 involving the consultants clearly defining the scope, objectives and outcomes of the plan in order to ensure its relevance for all urban areas throughout Gladstone Region. An internal working group (including officers and elected members) has been established to provide advice and to discuss issues arising throughout the project. External stakeholders including (but not limited to) DERM, GBRMPA and Gladstone Ports Corporation and the community will be invited to contribute to the plan through various workshops. As the project progresses, the public will be provided with more information about the plan including the objectives and a fact sheet about Urban Stormwater Management. Additionally the community will be invited to provide comment at various stages throughout the project.

Diverting water into sewer can cause a stink for neighbours Gladstone Regional Council is calling on residents to ensure they are not diverting storm water and pool water runoff into the sewer system. Council's Infrastructure Services portfolio spokesperson Councillor Matt Burnett said "our sewer system is designed to cope with the demands of our population now and into the future, but it is not designed to carry stormwater or runoff water of the volume it is now experiencing, especially during heavy rain events". He said Council was appealing to residents to consider that diverting water into the system was not only illegal but detrimental to the wellbeing of neighbours whose yards could be inundated by raw sewage overflow. "We are currently identifying properties

where landscaping is inadvertently directing stormwater into the overflow relief gullies and we will ask landholders to rectify the situation." Cr Burnett said Council was also in the process of investigating the locations of illegal connections to the system. Gladstone Regional Council has attended to some complaints recently from residents who noticed sewer overflowing from manholes located within their properties. "Residents should ensure stormwater runoff goes into the stormwater system and not into our sewer system," he said. Residents who seek further advice on stormwater management, please contact Customer Service on phone (07) 4975 8100.


Book lovers go on blind date Gladstone City Library staff were pleased that the public joined in the romantic spirit of Valentine's Day with its Library Lovers Day promotion proving a hit in February. About 200 readers took a leap of faith by borrowing a Blind Date Book, consisting of a book wrapped in a brown paper bag so that the borrower had no idea of what type of book he or she was borrowing. Library Services Manager Peter Cramb said it was possible that some library members' reading horizons had been changed by the exercise. A little less successful was the library's Best and Worst Pick-up Line competition with staff reporting that Gladstone Region romantics had a lot of work to do before next Valentine's Day.

Heritage Week display The Gladstone Genealogical Society will conduct a display at Gladstone City Library to commemorate the Heritage Trust's Heritage Week from May 8-15. Heritage Week's theme is Heritage of Water and the Gladstone Genealogical Society's display will feature "They came by water", a tribute to those families whose history incorporates our nation's convict past or whose families arrived in Australia as immigrants. Visitors will be able to access information on how to research their family history including ancestors who emigrated to Australia over the water.

Department restructured Gladstone Regional Council has approved the management structure for its newly created Environment and Recreation Department. The new structure was necessitated by Council's decision to amalgamate its Parks and Recreation and Environment and Regulation Departments. Under the new structure the departments will be split into four program areas: Environmental Health and Compliance; Parks and Conservation; Sustainability and Waste Services and Sport and Recreation. A manager in each department will report to the Director Environment and Recreation Leisa Dowling and the new structure is expected to produce a management cost saving of $18,175 per annum.



Community has say on Wyndham Park Redevelopment An internal audit late last year revealed the playground at Wyndham Park, Boyne Island, no longer met Australian Standards for Playgrounds. Council closed access to the equipment prompting the need to redevelop this historic park area. Neighbouring residents were invited to have their say on the redevelopment for Council consideration when creating a park concept plan. Council's Parks and Recreation portfolio

spokesperson Councillor Graham McDonald said the old playground was removed in March to ensure Council was providing safe public parks and facilities for regional residents. "Council will consider making a funding provision in the 2011/12 budget for the project," he said. "This park is an area of local historical significance, designed to reflect the historical connection to the original Wyndham House, owned by well-known Boyne Island settler

Get ready for the switch to digital television

Residents are urged to finalise preparations for the switchover to digital television later in the year. The Australian Government has scheduled the regional Queensland change from analogue to digital television transmission for the latter part of 2011. When the changeover occurs transmission of the existing analogue television signal will stop. Viewers in areas covered by normal broadcaster transmissions will need to acquire set-top boxes (or their equivalent) to receive the new digital signal. Alternately, for those considering updating their televisions, new models are equipped with this technology in-built. When the switchover is made, residents in areas such as Rosedale, Miriam Vale and Bororen will no longer receive analogue transmissions from Council-controlled "self-help" equipment and will need to convert to the Viewer Access Satellite Television (VAST) service. Regional Broadcasters Australia is considering funding the conversion of the Agnes Water tower only. Some areas of the Boyne Valley and Wurdong Heights are already receiving satellite television signals and should make their own enquiries with the Australian Government about any necessary changeover needs. Details of the VAST (satellite) service and more information concerning the Australian Government’s switchover process is available at www.digitalready.gov.au or by phoning 1800 201 013.



William Wyndham. "To this day William Wyndham's gravesite lies in a small clearing amongst the native flora adjacent to the park area, along with mango and tamarind trees from Wyndham's original orchard." Cr McDonald said project updates would be available for download from Council's website at www.gladstone.qld.gov.au under the 'Major Projects' tab. For further information, phone Council's Parks team on 4977 6899.

Cat traps available from Council Region residents experiencing difficulties with cats straying on to their properties and causing a nuisance can lend a Council-owned cat trap. The traps are available for a five-day period at no charge and are permitted to be placed on the hirer's private property only and are to be used for the sole purpose of catching roaming animals. Council Environment and Regulation portfolio spokesperson Councillor Col Chapman said the traps were of a basic design, featuring a plate or hook on which food is placed inside the cage. "The food attracts the cat which steps on the plate, or disturbs the food on the hook, springing the trap door which closes behind it," he said. "When the trapped cat is reported to Council our Local Law Enforcement Officers will collect the trap and impound it. "Owners of the cat then have three full working days in which to claim their pet back from Council or face being charged relevant release fees." Cr Chapman said Council does not issue cat traps for the purpose of capturing possums, a protected native animal for which residents require a permit to trap. Cat traps may be borrowed from Council Administration Centres at Gladstone, Calliope, Miriam Vale and Boyne Island from Monday to Friday and collection of trapped cats can be organised seven days per week. Residents are asked to phone the relevant administration centre prior to calling in to ensure traps are available. While the traps are free to hire, a fee will be charged for lost, damaged or non-returned traps. For more information visit Council's website at www.gladstone.qld.gov. au or phone 4970 0700 or after hours and public holidays 4979 1134.

Interactive sound playground to provide Ecofest entertainment Heads will turn in disbelief at Ecofest in June as all ages discover the use of recycled items to make music. Maleny-based Hubbub Music designer Steve Langton has no hesitation using diverse materials to create stunning sounds. Steve said he started making instruments from recyclables about 15 years ago when his interest was sparked during a leisurely stroll through a community market. “I saw a recycled thongaphone (like a xylophone) made from waste pipe, old bits of carpet and inner tube,” he said. “I’ve travelled far and wide and have had lots of different jobs but this just fascinated me. “I heard the sound at the market first, ran up towards it and saw this man hammering the instrument with old thongs.” And from there Steve’s creative enthusiasm soared. “The thongaphone had a great sound, was great looking, got people’s attention and was very environmentally commendable,” Steve said. “Speaking to the man, I found out he had tuned it to bird songs.” From then on Steve saw recycled items in a different light with new life options. He has since made instruments using items from thongs to mag wheels, polypipe and parts of ex-defence force tanks. Originally Steve’s main goal was to make a three octave instrument with black and white notes. “It was the first tuned percussion instrument I’d made.” Steve said he joined a band and performed at locations where “kids used to mob the stage” and parents and teachers often asked if he held any music workshops. Hubbub Music then evolved offering workshops and making more unusual instruments.


Ecofest visitors will be welcome to play a range of instruments created from recycled materials in an 8m x 8m sound playground at Tondoon Botanic Gardens on June 5. Coinciding with World Environment Day, Ecofest will run from 9am to 3pm with parking available at Meteors Sports Club opposite the Gardens for a goldcoin donation. Other highlights will include two bilbies promoting the Save the Bilby Fund, Ranger Tim, Koorana Crocodile Farm shows, displays, entertainment and arts and crafts.

Young Oscar Langton gets into the action using one of the sound playground instruments made from recycled materials.

Council in joint project with CQUniversity BLM students Gladstone Regional Council has entered into a joint agreement with CQUniversity Australia to deliver a disaster resilience program to school children. Mayor Gail Sellers said Council was looking forward to working closely with CQUniversity's Bachelor of Learning Management students and staff to raise awareness of the impacts and effects of natural disasters and how to better prepare for them. "This program provides benefits for the university students by giving them real life experiences in delivering important programs to school students while helping to make the community more resilient through the education of our young people," Cr Sellers said.

CQUniversity Australia Gladstone lecturer Julianne Impiccini (centre) with Bachelor of Learning Management students (from left) Stephanie Redgen, Amy Durman, Julianne Impiccini, Stacey Caldwell and Kyle Stein at the launch of the joint disaster resilience education project with Gladstone Regional Council.

She said the project was timely, given the natural disasters that had confronted communities across the globe since December 2010.

"We've had first hand experience of mass flooding across much of the state, cyclones, the devastating earthquakes in New Zealand and off Japan

and the tsunami that has killed thousands and thousands of people." Cr Sellers said the funding for this project was part of the community awareness and education initiatives outlined in the $1.66m Tigalee Creek flood mitigation project, which is being funded equally between the Federal, State and Local Governments. The Tigalee Project, which involves the construction of a large water detention basin at Kathleen Shanahan Park, at the corner of Glenlyon Road and Philip Street in Gladstone to control the flow of water downstream, was halted during the wet season and is scheduled to resume as soon as the area is dry.



Mayor’s Flood Relief Ball raises $80,000 for Queensland flood victims Gladstone residents provided strong support to fellow Queenslanders, raising $80,000 at the Mayor’s Flood Relief Ball on March 5. A crowd of 395 attended the sell-out event, socialising over fine food and entertainment while helping victims of the State’s tragic flood disaster. Mayor Gail Sellers thanked the many individuals, businesses and industries who helped, either through support, donations or sponsorship. “The community response to the event was superb and is indicative of the strong spirit often displayed by our region’s residents,” Cr

Sellers said. “The support by community members, individuals and businesses was magnificent and ensured attendees had a wonderful night,” she said. “It was overwhelming to witness people’s compassion and generosity whether it was by donation of one of the 60-odd prizes to those bidding at the silent auction. “Everyone valiantly displayed their willingness to join in the spirit of the event by ensuring they all had a good time while vehemently supporting the cause.”

Councillors Graham McDonald, Rick Hansen, Matt Burnett, Maxine Brushe, Mayor Gail Sellers, Lyn Paton, Clyde Cameron and Craig Butler.

Kirsten, Gail, Tony and Todd Sellers. Robyn & Charlie Sotiris.

GLNG Staff & Partners.


Anne Stoneley, Angelo & Pella Maltabes and Joanna Lee.

Chris Trevor set the stage alight. Erin & James Robertson.

Heather Congram and Amanda Brooks.

Cr Col Chapman and Cher yl Liddell.

Images available online at www.katrinaelliott.com.au


Decision to ban alcohol in parks not made lightly

"Unfortunately this is a case of the minority ruining it for the majority," Gladstone Region Mayor Gail Sellers said about the decision to ban the consumption of liquor in public spaces. Council's decision to cease public consumption of alcohol in its parks stemmed from a number of unsavoury incidents which have occurred in public areas. Council had received many reports of unruly public behaviour in Gladstone Region parks in recent times.

"Our parks should provide pleasant recreational areas for our residents and visitors to enjoy our lovely environment," Cr Sellers said. "It is unfortunate that the behaviour of some, while under the influence of alcohol, forced our hand to ban alcohol consumption. "Council made this decision in the interest of public safety and local police will enforce the ban." Prior to Council revoking the policy, time

Council noticeboards to enhance communication in smaller centres Gladstone Regional Council will soon erect community noticeboards at several outlying communities in an effort to enhance communication in those areas. Not-for-profit groups and organisations at Mt Larcom, Many Peaks, Lowmead, Calliope and Agnes Water will be able to request that information on their events are displayed once the noticeboards are installed. Council messages will also be displayed when events and activities are planned within those communities. Community Services portfolio spokesperson Councillor Maxine Brushe said the project was undertaken as a result of community feedback. "We often find that people living in small, outlying townships rely on different mechanisms to gather information than those living in the city, where information is readily

accessible," Cr Brushe said. "We decided to ask residents how we can communicate with them better and one common suggestion was to have community noticeboards set up within townships where Council, and other organisations, could display their notices of upcoming events, meetings and the like." Cr Brushe said Council asked for expressions of interest from groups to manage the noticeboards and had since entered agreements with the Mt Larcom Rural Transaction Centre for a noticeboard outside the RTC and community hall; the Many Peaks Hotel for a noticeboard outside the hotel; the Bendigo Bank for signage to be placed on the grassed area opposite the information building and shopping centre at Agnes Water; the Lowmead Sporting Association for a noticeboard on the sports grounds at Lowmead; and, Council's Calliope Library for a noticeboard outside the Calliope Administration building.

restrictions governing alcohol consumption within 14 parks in the Region had been enforced. Cr Sellers said Council had considered altering these time restrictions but, after consulting police, resolved to fall in line with other coastal Queensland councils and ban liquor consumption in parks. For more information on booking a function or event in Council's parks, phone the Parks team on 4977 6899.

Submissions under review for Local Laws Council is in the process of creating one set of Local Laws for the Gladstone Region from the three sets that were developed by the Gladstone City, Calliope Shire and Miriam Vale Shire Councils before amalgamation. Council embarked on the project in January this year and has undertaken an extensive community engagement campaign since. Engagement activities included fact sheets, media releases, posters, a public information stand at Stockland Gladstone, community meetings, requested meetings and face-to-face discussions with residents. Council's Environmental Health and Compliance staff are now compiling a report to Council that includes a summary of submissions and recommendations. Council will then decide on whether or not to amend or change any of the proposed Local Laws and progress the process further. If any changes are made, the community will have a second opportunity to make comment before a final decision is made. To find out more, visit Council's website www.gladstone. qld.gov.au and follow the Local Laws Review link under the Your Council drop down tab.



Gladstone Region residents have utilised a free website service to fill more than 180 voluntary community group positions within 10 months. Facilitated by Council, the Gladstone Region Volunteering website is funded on behalf of Gladstone Area Promotion and Development Limited through support from the Rio Tinto Alcan Community Fund. Forty organisations across the region are registered on the website with more than 80 volunteer positions currently available. Community Services portfolio spokesperson Councillor Maxine Brushe said the website, established in May 2010, was successfully providing a vital link between volunteers and organisations. "The website’s ability to promote organisations and groups seeking voluntary assistance plays an important part in strengthening the region’s community-based services," Cr Brushe said. "It’s a ‘win-win’ situation for those willing to volunteer and those seeking volunteer help. "Volunteer positions within not-for-profit organisations are able to be advertised and promoted freely throughout the region and those offering skills are able to find organisation requirements they are most suited to." Cr Brushe said site users could register and search the site by locality and/or role and apply directly to the organisations seeking help. Council now plans to expand the website service by installing web kiosks at 10 locations throughout the region. "This will allow residents without an internet connection the ability to browse the volunteering website for free and apply for volunteer positions," Cr Brushe said. Kiosk locations will include Gladstone City Library, Calliope Library, Mt Larcom Rural Transaction Centre, Boyne Island Community Centre, Agnes Water Rural Transaction Centre, Gladstone PCYC and the Gladstone Community Advisory Service. Also planned is the launch of the second website stage; providing participating voluntary organisations with their own profile and the ability to monitor their organisation’s information. For more information or assistance with the website, phone Council’s Volunteering Project Officer Ernie Coulton on 4976 6300.


To access the Gladstone Region Volunteering website visit http://www.gladstone.qld.gov.au/volunteer

Website links volunteers to organisations

statistics Gladstone Region Volunteering website the s more females than males have used • Over the 10-month period three time website referral service. are organisations were the most common • Community Service, Health and Welf the website. type of groups receiving volunteers via and d included administration, clerical • Most popular positions advertise , ation educ ts; ions, fundraising and even financial duties; marketing/public relat tutoring and mentoring. rs website about 75% have received voluntee • For organisations registered on the through the service. have d on the website have been filled or • 68% of volunteer positions liste received at least one referral. p. website are in the 25 to 34 year age grou • The majority of volunteers using the



Volunteer work captures interest Volunteer Ros Bowes collates media articles at Gladstone’s Community Advisory Service to assist regional funding submissions.

Spare hours are enjoyable for busy Gladstone wife, mother and volunteer Ros Bowes. Mrs Bowes moved to Gladstone from Sydney in mid-December and actively sought volunteer work to connect with the community. “My husband moved up for work and I thought it was a nice opportunity to take the year off and set our daughter up at school,” she said. Mrs Bowes said she was no stranger to voluntary work, having volunteered in minor capacities for community charity groups in Sydney. “I felt I wanted to continue to help in the local community so I looked at the Gladstone Region Volunteering website after reading an article in the newspaper,” she said. “The website is easy to use, very straightforward and it really helped to have volunteering information there in one place.” Mrs Bowes said her interest was captured by a Media Research Volunteer position advertised by Gladstone Regional Council’s Community Advisory Service. Her duties include reading through daily local and national media publications, cutting out and filing relevant articles on Human and Social Services with the region. “I read the paper anyway so I thought I might as well volunteer to read it,” Mrs Bowes said. “I file articles on issues like the housing crisis to service shortages, anything which can be used as information for funding submissions.” Mrs Bowes said using the website she was able to find the volunteer work herself with duties and hours to suit.

Rain cancels friendly match

Volunteers break rubbish record at Clean Up Australia Day 2011

Heavy downpours cancelled the Friendly International Football Match but 40 keen participants braved the wet weather to attend a Meet 'n' Greet instead at the Yaralla Football Club on March 12. Those who attended were able to talk all things football (soccer) with club members over a barbecue lunch while children had fun colouring in pictures of flags from various countries and played football in the puddles. The sun came out later in the afternoon, just long enough for some to enjoy a kick around. The day was supported by the Active Link for Migrants project, part of the Healthy Active Gladstone Region program, and was aimed at linking migrants to local sport and recreation activities. It is hoped that the international game will be rescheduled later in the year, to be held in conjunction with a Yaralla home game. Eventually the sun came out

More than 250 volunteers removed almost 7.5 tonnes of waste from the Gladstone Region environment on March 6 to record the most productive Clean Up Australia Day effort since the amalgamation of councils. The amount of waste collected was greater than the combined total of rubbish removed during Clean Up Australia Day events in 2009 and last year, with about a quarter of it being recyclable items. Gladstone Regional Council Mayor Gail Sellers praised the efforts of Clean Up Australia Day volunteers. “This has easily been the most rubbish removed from our region as part of the nationwide event since amalgamation,'' Cr Sellers said.

m the rain

Enjoying a break fro

“On behalf of the Council I would like to express my appreciation to all those residents who helped make the Gladstone Region a cleaner, healthier place for our community to enjoy for years to come. Cr Sellers said the support of the industrial and business sectors, including NRG Gladstone Operating Services, Boyne Smelters Limited, Ergon Energy, Veolia, QR National, Gladstone Ports Corporation, CQ Diesel, The Commonwealth Bank, McDonald’s Restaurant, Conservation Volunteers Australia, Local Marine Advisory Committee, Boyne Tannum Coast Care and QGC had ensured the event's success. She also extended her congratulations to Miriam Vale residents for their effort to collect 1.78 tonnes of rubbish and to the 85 volunteers from NRG who contributed significantly to the event's success.

s Little Sarah ha e th le hi w n fu some g in in sun was sh

In addition to the 28 official Clean Up Australia Day sites, extra collection points were provided by skip service operators Veolia, Burgmann Environmental Management, Transpacific and JJ Richards. Additional clean up activities are yet to be completed at Builyan while Curtis Ferries operators Dennis Toy and Keith Geljon have volunteered their services in order to remove abandoned car bodies from Curtis Island and Gatcombe Head with the assistance of Council.

NRG's George Bennetts and Councillor Rick Hansen catch up during Clean Up Australia Day.

NRG's Glenn Schumacher and George Bennetts tend to the barbecue during Clean Up Australia Day at Lions Park.

The game was called off but it didn't stop kids from enjoying a game of puddle soccer!



Win six months car rego with Agnes Water QGAP

Clinic Dates for April 2011 SERVICE



Child Health Nurse

Agnes Water

Wednesday and Thursday

Miriam Vale

April 13

Agnes Water


Turkey Beach

April 5 & 15

Community Nurse

Counselling Services Agnes Water

Monday to Thursday


Agnes Water

April 14

Family Support Worker

Agnes Water

Monday to Friday


Agnes Water

April 15

Baffle Creek

April 20

Miriam Vale

April 6

Agnes Water

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday & Friday

Baffle Creek

April 14 & 28

Miriam Vale

April 7 & 21

Agnes Water

Monday to Friday


April 19

Miriam Vale

April 1 - 9.30am-1.30pm


April 19 - 9.30-11.30am

Turkey Beach

April 5 - 9.30am-12.30pm


Seniors Nurse Seasonal Flu Vaccination Clinics

Community Intra/Agency Meeting Wednesday, April 27, 2011 9.30am Please phone 4902 1100 for an appointment for these services

Seasonal flu vaccine offered Are you prepared for the 'flu season? Under the national Immunisation program, influenza vaccine is FREE for the following groups: • Persons aged 65 years and over • Aboriginal and Torres Strait islander people aged 15 years and over • Pregnant women at any stage during pregnancy • People with a chronic disease If you require any further information on flu vaccination please contact our Community Nurse on 4902 1100. Bookings are essential. Residents who are not eligible for free vaccinations can seek advice and immunisation from their local GP.



Gladstone Region residents have the opportunity to win themselves six months FREE Queensland vehicle registration, thanks to Agnes Water QGAP (Queensland Government Agent Program). Agnes Water QGAP is a ‘one-stop’ government service shop located in Gladstone Regional Council’s Agnes Water Rural Transaction Centre. Residents are welcome to drop in and have a chat with QGAP staff and see the range of information, assistance and advice available on all State Government and some Federal Government services. Fill out the puzzle below to learn about the many government services available at the Agnes Water QGAP and for your chance to win six months free motor vehicle registration for a Queensland privately registered four or six cylinder passenger vehicle, CTP Class 1 or 6. Entry forms can be dropped into any Council office, posted to Agnes Water QGAP (c/- Post Office, Agnes Water, Qld, 4677) or faxed to 4902 1599. For further information, contact Agnes Water QGAP on 4902 1555. Conditions of entry Entries close 4.30pm on Friday, May 27. The winning entry will be drawn at 2pm on Tuesday, May 31 and the winner will be notified by phone, email or post. The value of the prize will be that of this financial year prices and will be credited to the winner’s Queensland Transport account. QGAP staff and their immediate families are not eligible to enter the competition and the judges’ decision is final – no correspondence will be entered into after the winner is drawn.

Agnes Water QGAP ‘FIND-A-WORD’ puzzle The words in the puzzle are just some of the many services we can assist you with when you visit the Agnes Water RTC. When you have completed the puzzle, take all the unused letters and put in the spaces below to disclose the answer. Justice of the Peace can certify your: DOCUMENTS can witness your: SIGNATURE Registration for your: BABY BUSINESS CAR MOTORCYCLE TRAILER TRUCK Q S P E R N B O N D L O A N O
















Place all the unused letters on the grid below to reveal the answer ____ - __________ __________ _____ _______

Gladstone Airport introduces increased safety for passengers Gladstone Airport's security screening facilities will be operational by the arrival of Strategic Airlines' first commercial flight into Gladstone on April 18. Airport portfolio spokesperson Councillor Clyde Cameron said Council was in the process of training 13 screening staff in preparation for the commencement of passenger screening on April 18. Cr Cameron said Council was required to install the security measures by the arrival of the first Strategic Airlines passenger jet on April 18. He said the terminal would now be one of the most modern terminals in regional Australia as a result of the extension and security upgrade. "This work at the terminal building complements the runway reconstruction project, allowing us to accept more passengers and a wider range of aircraft types, which is a boon for this rapidly growing region." Cr Cameron said there would be two different screening points for passengers and checked baggage at the terminal when installation was complete. "The passenger screening point will be situated at the start of the western entry to the departures lounges. This facility will check all hand luggage and passengers. "The check baggage screening point will be situated 'back of house' which is the area behind the check-in counters. "This facility will x-ray all passengers' baggage before being loaded on to the aircraft."

Scheduled Infrastructure Works PROJECT


Hawke Street, Ubobo

Formation, drainage and bitumen April seal works, from Railway Street to the end of Lot 15.

Popenia Road, Widening and drainage Mount Larcom improvements from the Mount Larcom Cemetery to the transfer station.



Bishop Drive, Gladstone

Relocation of Bishop Drive to the April west due to the slip on Auckland Hill. Works include drainage, kerbs, asphalt and retaining walls.

John Clifford Way, Lowmead

Alignment, drainage improvements and safety improvements will continue through April.


Sharyn Drive, Gladstone

Construction of a cycle path and low level causeway through Briffney Creek.


Flood damage - various locations

Main Roads emergent works will April continue throughout the region.

* Estimated completion date only and subject to favourable weather conditions.

Trainee screening officer Sarah Miller is one of 13 new staff members who will operate Gladstone Airport's new security screening facilities.

Static display showcases nature’s role in chemistry Nature’s ability to provide useful properties for chemistry will be at the forefront of information provided by Gladstone City Library from April 20 to June 5. Library visitors will be able to wander through a large, static travelling display celebrating the International Year of Chemistry. Information panels highlight the importance nature has played in providing known, new and yet to be discovered chemicals. Some plants, sea animals and minerals have been the base for treatments for diseases. Others have been utilised for their light, yet strong properties, or their ability to be adapted to transmit electricity and communication signals. Showcase topics promoted include the wide range of use for seaweed, the ability of bubbles to separate minerals from unwanted materials and the contribution of jellyfish to medical research. Learn about the value of emu droppings to land rehabilitation, venomous paths to painkillers, the origins of aspirin, flower producing insect killers and a new form of carbon. Nature’s Chemical Diversity is sponsored by the Department of Innovation, Industry, Science and Research – Questacon and has been developed by The Royal Australian Chemical Institute.



Gladstone artist inspired by interconnectedness

sport and recreation Applications closing soon for Council's Club Development Grant

Gladstone artist Denise Reichenbach's exhibition 'Nature and Humanity "Interconnected" is on display at the Gladstone Tondoon Botanic Gardens Visitor Centre until April 29.

The relationship between humans and the natural world provides the inspiration for Gladstone artist Denise Reichenbach's exhibition at Tondoon Botanic Gardens this month. Titled 'Nature and Humanity "Interconnected", German-born Ms Reichenbach's exhibition, which opened on April 1, is an exploration of humans and nature, as well as forms of disruption and conflict caused by our ways of life. Ms Reichenbach, 30, said the theme of humanity and nature was one she had visited previously "mainly because human beings and all their relationships and connections are of great interest to me." Her current exhibition consists of a variety and mix of techniques, ranging from oils, acrylics to mixed media, as well as textile art multiple mediums, and a variety of techniques. "I think what inspired me with this particular exhibition is the fact that in today's world, we all seem to be so hectic and stressed out with our daily lives and, consequently, we all can feel pretty lost and disconnected to our surroundings - the person next to us, our neighbours - and nature itself," she said. "I think I just felt it would be important to remind ourselves that on some levels, we are all connected - 'interconnected' with nature on a deep level." Despite her deep contemplations on the topic, Ms Reichenbach, who moved to Gladstone in 2009, does not subscribe to the school of thought that humans cannot live amicably with nature. "I do think that we can do that, the only thing required would be a shift in consciousness, just to remind ourselves that we can not be without nature, but nature can be quite fine without us," she said. "But, generally, I feel that we are heading in a good direction." 'Nature and Humanity "Interconnected"' continues at the Gladstone Tondoon Botanic Gardens Visitor Centre until April 29.



The deadline is fast approaching for sporting bodies, community groups and businesses to lodge their applications for Gladstone Regional Council's second round of 2010/11 Club Development Grant (CDG) program funding. Applications for the grant, which assist in the development and capacity building of sport and active recreation organisations throughout the region, were opened on March 14 and close at 4pm on Friday, April 15. Council's Parks and Recreation portfolio spokesperson Councillor Graham McDonald said the grant enabled organisations to apply for funding for a wide range of projects. "These projects include education and training initiatives, participation initiatives, organisational and project planning and programs to recruit and develop volunteers," Cr McDonald said. "Eligible organisations can apply for up to $1200, excluding GST, towards project costs. "However, as the grant is usually heavily oversubscribed, clubs and other organisations who received funding in the 2010 offers are not eligible to apply this time." More information along with funding guidelines and the CDG application form are available now from Council's website www. gladstone.qld.gov.au/community/grantsfunding.html or contact Council's Sport and Recreation section on 4977 6899.

Vandalism of sporting facilities hurts more than just the hip pocket Gladstone Regional Council Sport and Recreation Coordinator Steve Bankier says mindless vandalism, such as that directed at some of Gladstone's key sporting facilities recently, has a farreaching effect on the community beyond simply repairing the damage. "Vandalism at Marley Brown Oval and the Rigby Park hockey fields last month may not have been large scale in terms of financial cost; but the work to rectify the damage has a huge impact on the limited resources of the sporting clubs and associations involved at the venues," Mr Bankier said. "In particular, it impacts upon the volunteers who give many hours of their time to keep these facilities safe, usable and wellpresented to the community." He said the effort required to recover from these incidents was enormous for organisations which provide valuable sporting, social and healthy lifestyle opportunities for the community. "The time and money spent on repairs is time and money that cannot be spent on developing these opportunities, the selfish actions of a few affecting a large section of the community," he said. "Where vandalism, no matter how minor, occurs at a facility maintained by Council such as a park, beach or swimming pool, it is the ratepayer who will ultimately foot the repair bill. "Council therefore encourages anyone who has knowledge of any vandalism attacks on community facilities, including sporting fields, to contact the police."

arts, culture & entertainment

artgalleryandmuseum 1888 Melbourne Cup April 15 - May 31

View one of Australia's most precious sporting trophies, the 1888 Melbourne Cup, when it comes to Gladstone on its national tour. Toured by the National Gallery of Australia thanks to The Jim and Elaine Wolfensohn gift. The 1888 Melbourne Cup is a spectacular trophy with three horses cast in silver weighing 800 grams surmounted on a large silver plated base.

THE PROMISED LAND: The art of Lawrence Daws April 16 - May 28

An exhibition featuring work from renowned octogenarian Australian artis Lawrence Daws. Fifty paintings celebrating a career spanning six decades. A Caloundra Regional Gallery travelling exhibition curated by Bettina MacAulay and supported by Queensland Government, and Visions of Australia, an Australian Government program supporting touring exhibitions through financial assistance for the development and touring of Australian cultural material throughout Australia.

Two Tommies: Paintings by local artist Beryl Wood April 4 - May 7

A tribute to her father-in-law and all World War I servicemen. The exhibition emphasises the human aspect of war and the small but significant means by which men endured it. Beryl Wood with one of the works from Two Tommies.

ANZAC DAY: Lest we Forget April 9 - May 7

The Gallery/Museum will be open from 10am to 5pm on ANZAC Day, Monday, April 25. The exhibition, Lest We Forget, honours those who served in war and features portrait photographs from the Returned Services League collection of local servicemen lost during World War II. Also on permanent display is the 1914 - 1919 Roll of Honour for the Town of Gladstone and the Shire of Calliope from World War I, many of the names will be recognisable from local street names and families still in the area. Uniforms and long-treasured mementos will accompany the photographs from the community and the Gallery/Museum collection.

The Purple Poppy Field, Lawrence Daws 1955, oil on hardboard, 100.2 x 137.8cm. Collection: Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery

CONTEMPORARY MINIATURES: From the Queensland Art Gallery collection Continuing until May 7 A Queensland Art Gallery travelling exhibition of paintings from South Asia, exploring the dynamic visual language of miniature works. Contemporary Miniatures is supported by the Queensland Government and the Australian Government Visual Arts and Crafts Strategy. Untitled (from `Rustam-e-pardar (Rustam with wings)' series) 2006, Khadim Ali Pakistan/Australia b.1978 Watercolour, ink, gold and silver leaf on wasli paper 27.2 x 15.8cm (comp.) Collection: Queensland Art Gallery

2010 Anzac Day March, Goondoon Street, Gladstone



arts, culture & ente gladstoneregionlibraries Library craft activities to enhance Easter celebrations Gladstone Regional Libraries will host craft activities to help keep youngsters busy and entertained during the Easter school holidays. Children and their parents or carers are encouraged to visit their local library and exercise their creative talents during the free activity sessions. Bookings are required for the Boyne Island, Calliope, Miriam Vale and Mount Larcom sessions so don't miss the opportunity to get involved. Parents and carers must supervise their children at all times during the craft activities. Gladstone Regional Libraries craft program: Gladstone City Library (no bookings required) - Tuesday, April 19, 9am-11am: Easter cards, Easter baskets, decorated foam eggs, Easter egg biscuits.

Agnes Water Library (no bookings required) - Friday, April 15, 10am-11am: Easter cards; Wednesday, April 20, 10am-11am: Easter baskets, decorated foam eggs. Boyne Island Library (bookings required – phone 4973 7723) - Thursday, April 21, 9.30am-11.30am: Easter cards, Easter baskets, Decorated foam eggs, Easter egg biscuits. Calliope Library (bookings required – phone 4975 8105) - Wednesday, April 20, 10am-11am and 2pm3pm: Easter cards, Easter baskets, decorated foam eggs, Easter egg biscuits. Miriam Vale Library (bookings required – phone 4971 9700) - Tuesday, April 19, 9.30am-10.30am: Easter cards, Easter baskets, Decorated foam eggs. Mount Larcom Library (bookings required - phone 4975 1205) - Thursday, April 21, 10.30am-11.30am: Easter baskets, decorated foam eggs.

hereinhistory With the formation of the Port Curtis Aquatic Club on April 3, 1941, permission to sail in Gladstone Harbour was only one of the many problems experienced, and overcome, by the new executive committee. As it was during World War II and petrol rationing was in force, the club wrote to the Liquid Fuel Control Board for a ration of 10 gallons of petrol per month for use by its safety boats. However, the board only allotted the club a small quota of fuel, causing many races to be held in ‘the creek’ as the club’s by-laws did not require safety boats there. A permit also had to be obtained from the Royal Australian Navy to set a sailing course from Calliope River to Rich Rock Light near Barney Point, allowing club members to sail between 2pm-5pm each Saturday. Access to Auckland Creek via a slipway and rails to launch the sharpies, VJs and skiffs was one of the first requests the club was to put to the Gladstone Harbour Board now Gladstone Ports. It wasn’t until after the war that permission was finally given and members armed with shovels and a borrowed truck shifted the soil from Auckland Hill for the slipway.


The 24 people present at the foundation meeting at Ferris’ Paramount Café intended the club would cater for all water sport, hence the Aquatic Club name.


The name was changed to Port Curtis Sailing Club on September 3, 1947, when members realised it was only ever going to be a sailing club. The club is a credit to its early members who voluntarily gave their time to raise funds and help build the clubhouse. Timber milled locally from trees blown down in the 1949 cyclone was donated to build the clubhouse. The community spirit of the members and the support of the locals can still be seen today as members still maintain and upgrade the clubhouse while taking time to teach juniors the joys of sailing. Few, if any, would have foreseen the change from ‘standing a makeshift mast with a sail cut from opened out sacks in a dinghy, sailing with the wind from where the landing is now to the bend in the creek, then rowing back, to do it all over again,’ (Port Curtis Aquatic Club 2008) to the sight of today’s graceful yachts entering Auckland Creek in the Brisbane to Gladstone Yacht race. Happy 70th Birthday!


entertainmentcentre Morning Melodies: The Look of Love starring Jackie Love

Take a trip down memory lane with Australia's international leading lady of Television, Musical Theatre and Stage, Jackie Love. Remember the songs that once filled our days, shaped our lives and provided the musical canvas to our life of love. Morning Melodies is a lovely opportunity, specifically for seniors, to enjoy an entertaining live performance at an affordable price, renew old acquaintances and meet some new friends. Guests are provided with a complimentary morning tea from 10am with the performance starting at 11am. Tuesday, April 19, 11am

Gladstone State High School Reunion

This is a school reunion for students (and teachers) who attended Gladstone State High School, and would have finished Year 10 in 1989 through to Year 12 in 1991. For more details or information contact Kylie Barnsley gshs91reunion@bigpond.com. If you are registered on Facebook go to the Event Gladstone State High School Reunion Saturday, April 30, 9.30am

Play School

Prince Big Ted has a royal crown, he has a royal cloak but doesn’t have a royal castle. He sets off to find one, and is joined by his friends Humpty, Jemima, Little Ted and the Play School toys as he travels through a fun filled world of nursery rhymes, songs and stories. Get ready for 40 minutes of singing, dancing and jumping for joy, with a live show that will delight and captivate all Play School fans. Saturday, May 7, 10am

Motherhood the Musical

A baby is just the beginning. Motherhood is for life… Brought to you by the producers of ‘Menopause the Musical’, this examination of how tough it is to be a parent is engaging, hilarious and truly touching. It is a joyous journey and loving look at the blessings and perils of being a Mum. It is climbing the emotional mountain only to find that there is a massive pile of laundry at the top. It is discovering how powerful your love can be and how quickly they grow up. It is helping them find their way and not losing yours. It is about laughing and crying, craziness and calm, smiles and tears…and all before breakfast. This hysterically and poignant musical is a must see for anyone who is, has or knows a Mum. It will remind you that it’s not just about Motherhood…it’s about you. Wednesday, May 18, 8pm

Melbourne International Comedy Festival Roadshow 2011

The Melbourne International Comedy Festival is one of the three largest comedy festivals in the world, alongside Edinburgh Festival Fringe and Montreal’s Just for Laughs Festival. An annual event, the Melbourne International Comedy Festival literally takes over Australia’s comedy capital, Melbourne, each autumn with an enormous program of stand-up comedy, cabaret, theatre, street performance, film, television, radio and visual arts. Sunday, May 29, 7.30pm

Good vibes passed around at Blues and Roots Festival The 2011 Agnes Water Blues and Roots Festival was a huge success, with 19 artists from all over Australia performing to a record crowd over three days. Some of the audience favourites included Jon Stevens, Phil Emmanuel, Busby Marou, Bluesville Station, Shoeless Joe and The Thunderbirds. Gladstone Entertainment Centre General Manager Troy Everett said the patrons were to be congratulated. "The vibe for the whole weekend was light and the crowd was very well-behaved," Mr Everett said. "The weather was perfect, the bands were awesome and overall it was just a great weekend for everyone," he said. The Agnes Water Blues and Roots Festival was certainly a boost for tourism and business in the Agnes Water and Seventeen Seventy Region, having had a very average summer due to weather.



Contacting Council Main Phone: 4970 0700 Main Fax: 4975 8500 Gladstone Office

101 Goondoon Street, Gladstone Qld 4680 PO Box 29, Gladstone DC Qld 4680 Email: info@gladstonerc.qld.gov.au

Calliope Office

5 Don Cameron Drive, Calliope Qld 4680 PO Box 29, Gladstone DC Qld 4680 Email: info@gladstonerc.qld.gov.au

Miriam Vale Office

36 Roe Street, Miriam Vale Qld 4677 PO Box 29, Gladstone DC Qld 4680 Email: info@gladstonerc.qld.gov.au

Gladstone Regional Art Gallery & Museum Cnr Goondoon & Bramston Sts Gladstone Qld 4680 Telephone: (07) 4976 6766 Gladstone Entertainment Centre 58 Goondoon Street, Gladstone Qld 4680 Telephone: (07) 4972 2822 Community Advisory Service 142 Goondoon St, Gladstone Qld 4680 Telephone: (07) 4976 6300 Discovery Coast Community Health Service Rafting Ground Road, Agnes Water 4677 Telephone: (07) 4902 1100 Discovery Coast Community Care 36 Roe Street, Miriam Vale 4677 Tondoon Botanic Gardens Glenlyon Road, Gladstone Qld 4680 Telephone: (07) 4971 4444 Boyne Tannum Community Centre & Library Cnr Wyndham and Hayes Ave, Boyne Island Qld 4680 Telephone: (07) 4973 7723 Mt Larcom Rural Transaction Centre/ Library 47 Raglan St, Mount Larcom Qld 4695 Telephone: (07) 4975 1205 Gladstone Aquatic Centre 60 Tank Street, Gladstone Qld 4680 Telephone: (07) 4972 6822 Calliope Pool Stirrat Street, Phone: (07) 4975 6455 Mount Larcom Pool Narrows Road, Phone: (07) 4975 1185 Agnes Water Rural Transaction Centre 3 Captain Cook Drive, Agnes Water Qld 4677 Telephone: (07) 4902 1515 Agnes Water Library 3 Captain Cook Drive, Agnes Water Qld 4677 Telephone (07) 4902 1501 Gladstone City Library 39 Goondoon Street, Gladstone Qld 4680 Telephone: (07) 4976 6400 Calliope Library 5 Don Cameron Drive, Calliope Qld 4680 Telephone: (07) 4975 8105 Miriam Vale Library 34 Roe Street, Miriam Vale Qld 4677 Telephone: (07) 4974 6241


t’s On WhinaApril?

Council’s Community Calendar


What’s On

Event Description

Every Monday

Story Time

Story Time and Crafts for children aged zero to five years is held at Mt Larcom Library every Friday from 11am to 11.30am. No bookings are required.

Every Story Time Wednesday

Story Time and Crafts for children aged 0 to 5 years is held at Agnes Water Library from 10am to 10.30am. No bookings are required.

Every Story Time Wednesday

Story Time and Crafts for children aged 0 to 5 years is held at Gladstone City Library from 11am to 11.30am. No bookings are required.

Every Friday

Story Time

Story Time and Crafts for children aged 0 to 5 years is held at Boyne Island Library from 10.30am to 11am. No bookings are required.

Every Friday

Story Time

Story Time and Crafts for children aged 0 to 5 years is held at Calliope Library from 10.30am to 11am. No bookings are required.

April 5 & 19

Story Time

Story Time and Crafts for children aged 0 to 5 years is held at Miriam Vale Library from 9.30am to 10am. No bookings are required.

April 8

Baby Bounce

A lap sit program is being held for a parent and their child less than 2yrs at Gladstone City Library from 11am to 11.30am. This program includes songs and rhymes. No bookings are required.

Every Monday to Friday

Happy Hour

Old age pensioners (over 60s) are invited to attend Happy Hour at Gladstone Aquatic Centre for free access to the pool between 8.00am and 9.00am. Phone 4972 6822 for more information.

April 5 & 19

General Council Meeting

Community members are welcome to attend Council’s General Meetings held at the Gladstone Administration Centre, 101 Goondoon Street, Gladstone from 9am.

April 16

Councillor Community Awareness Sessions

Between 9am and 12noon, Councillors will be on hand to discuss any issues, topics or concerns that residents may have at Stockland Gladstone.

Every Friday & Saturday

Library Square

Free live musical performances every Friday and Saturday between 6pm and 8pm at Library Square, Goondoon St, Gladstone. Phone 4972 2822 for more information.


Gladstone Aquatic Centre

Come and join in the fun and learn to swim with fully qualified instructors at the Gladstone Aquatic Centre. Bookings are essential. Phone 4972 6822 to book.

April 7

Welcome to Welcome to Gladstone Morning Tea is being held at the Tondoon Botanic Gardens Visitor Information Centre deck from Gladstone Morning Tea 10am to noon. Phone Andrea Hughes on 4976 6358 or Luis Arroyo Serrano on 4976 6352 for further information.

Council numbers and information After hours emergency number 4979 1134. Residents who incur STD call rates in contacting Council, can phone 1300 733 343 at a cost of local call rates. Correspondence Residents are asked to direct all correspondence to the Chief Executive Officer, PO Box 29, Gladstone Qld 4680. Customer service Council is committed to providing you with timely, efficient and consistent service. Our customer service charter details the service standards that Council aims to meet. The charter can be accessed


from Council’s website. Council meetings Council meetings are held every first and third Tuesday of the month from 9am at the Gladstone Council Chambers, 101 Goondoon Street, Gladstone. A list of agenda items is available from Council’s website from 5pm the Friday prior to each meeting. Meeting minutes are also available from the website. • Airport Hotline: 1300 419 991 • Planning Scheme Hotline: 1300 621 922 www.gladstone.qld.gov.au

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