Council Connection July 2012

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JULY 2012 - ISSUE 46


Gladstone Regional Council Phone 497 0 0700 Fax 4975 8500 Email

ing your way CouncillorConnect com our newly elected Gladstone illors and myself now that

fellow Counc It is an exciting time for my has been finalised. and our induction process ce pla in Regional Council is will continue for some the organisation, and this iew rev to n bee has ks tas and aspirations of this One of our first planning reflect the needs and ns isio dec our ure ens time to come, to ure. , community well into the fut operational plan 2012-13 development of Council’s the in the ng of isti e ass som n bee sed But while we’ve illors have also discus term strategic plan, Counc budget 2012-13 and longer paigns. our respective election cam us feedback received during ed at making each one of series of initiatives design a on g rkin wo now are As a result, we residents. its and will more accessible to you, our ed CouncillorConnect Vis nam ely riat rop app n bee has ursday The first of these initiatives nth thereafter on the last Th and then continue each mo 26 y Jul , day urs Th on commence uar y). es in pairs (except December and Jan region's smaller communiti our g itin vis rs illo unc Co e olv ues or ideas CouncillorConnect Visits inv person and discuss any iss in us h wit et me can nts ide on a rotational basis so res sion between they have. morning tea and chat ses a , nity mu com h eac of p vate appointment We will host, with the hel five separate 20 minute pri er off n the and ue ven h as. 9.30am and 10.15am at eac s specific concerns or ide idents who wish to discus res for rs illo unc Co the h outline and/or times wit ual meetings provide an ivid ind t ues req o wh ple the appropriate We are keen to have peo may have so we can gather y the a ide or n cer con ue, documentation about the iss ance of our meetings. information for them in adv from people who email addresses as we can ny ma as her gat to n kee ir township, so In the meantime, we are Visits are scheduled for the ct nne rCo illo unc Co en wh in order to be added would like to be notified nec con llor nci cou to ails please for ward your det to our database. ents of the current tement as per the requirem sta y vac pri a t sen be l e of information. Please note that you wil munications and the storag com il unc Co to ting rela Queensland legislation sletter for the program r Council Connection new you on out eye an p kee In the meantime, please or visit our website at ww of CouncillorConnect Visits the right. ct schedule is published to The July CouncillorConne unications & Marketing ngs, please call our Comm oki bo w rvie inte or n atio For fur ther inform section on 4976 6946. - Mayor

CouncillorConnect regional visits Schedule Thursday, July 26, 2012 Raglan

Raglan QCWA Hall


Builyan Hall

Seventeen Seventy

VMR Base, 1770 Marina Precinct

Boyne Island Boyne Tannum Community Centre Heron Room 9.30am to 10.15am: Morning tea - open all community 10.15am - 11.55am: 20 minute individual meetings with Councillors available by booking. Phone 4976 6946 or email councillorconnect@gladstonerc.qld.

Gail Sellers



Entertainment Centre expansion


Housing support


Sports facilities opened

Visit Council’s Website -


Ecofest wrap-up


New look library website

Entertainment Centre and car park expansion set to start

About the GECPE project

Construction on the Gladstone Entertainment Centre Precinct Expansion project is scheduled to start in late July, following the formal approval of the Development Application by Gladstone Regional Council earlier this month. ADCO Constructions has been appointed as the construction contractor and will be on-site within the coming weeks to commence site preparation and early works. Construction is expected to take approximately 12 months to complete and both the entertainment centre and car park will need to be closed completely during this time due to the nature of the extensive works to be undertaken and safety requirements. During the closure, the entertainment centre will continue to run a key program of events at alternative venues throughout Gladstone. These venues are likely to include the PCYC and using GEC’s white marquee at the Marina. The GECPE project team will continue consultation with neighbouring stakeholders and the broader community in the lead up to construction starting.

Council Contacts

All mail to: PO Box 29 Gladstone DC Qld 4680 Email: Phone: 4970 0700 Fax: 4975 8500 A/Hrs Emergency Phone: 4979 1134

The GECPE project involves a state-of-the-art redevelopment of the Gladstone Entertainment Centre to include a 1000 square metre conference and event flat floor space and a vibrant new public plaza on Goondoon Street. It will also involve an expansion of the adjoining car park to include an additional three levels of car parking – taking the total number of parking levels to six – and two levels of commercial office space to be occupied my Maritime Safety Queensland and Gladstone Ports Corporation. The project is being jointly delivered by project partners Gladstone Regional Council and Gladstone Ports Corporation. If you would like any further information, or to speak to a member of the project team, please call the project enquiry line on 1800 668 118 or email Alternatively, you can visit the project’s webpage at www.

Office Locations Gladstone Office

101 Goondoon Street, Gladstone Qld 4680

Calliope Office

5 Don Cameron Drive, Calliope Qld 4680

Miriam Vale Office

36 Roe Street, Miriam Vale Qld 4677





Gladstone Regional Art Gallery & Museum Cnr Goondoon & Bramston Sts Gladstone Qld 4680 Telephone: (07) 4976 6766

Discovery Coast Community Care 36 Roe Street, Miriam Vale 4677

Agnes Water Rural Transaction Centre 71 Springs Road, Agnes Water Qld 4677 Telephone: (07) 4902 1515

Agnes Water Library 71 Springs Road, Agnes Water Qld 4677 Telephone (07) 4902 1501


Gladstone City Library 39 Goondoon Street, Gladstone Qld 4680 Telephone: (07) 4976 6400

Gladstone Entertainment Centre 58 Goondoon Street, Gladstone Qld 4680 Telephone: (07) 4972 2822 Community Advisory Service 142 Goondoon St, Gladstone Qld 4680 Telephone: (07) 4976 6300 Discovery Coast Community Health Service 2 Rafting Ground Road, Agnes Water 4677 Telephone: (07) 4902 1100


Tondoon Botanic Gardens Glenlyon Road, Gladstone Qld 4680 Telephone: (07) 4971 4444 Boyne Tannum Community Centre & Library Cnr Wyndham and Hayes Ave, Boyne Island Qld 4680 Telephone: (07) 4971 9700 Mt Larcom Rural Transaction Centre/ Library 47 Raglan St, Mount Larcom Qld 4695 Telephone: (07) 4975 1205


Gladstone Aquatic Centre 60 Tank Street, Gladstone Qld 4680 Telephone: (07) 4972 6822 Calliope Pool Stirrat Street, Calliope Phone: (07) 4975 6455 Mount Larcom Pool Narrows Road, Mt Larcom Phone: (07) 4975 1185

Calliope Library 5 Don Cameron Drive, Calliope Qld 4680 Telephone: (07) 4975 8105 Miriam Vale Library 34 Roe Street, Miriam Vale Qld 4677 Telephone: (07) 4974 6241

Council progresses sports facilities for Boyne and Tannum communities Gladstone Regional Council is working closely with sports clubs and associations in order to meet the growing Boyne Island and Tannum Sands area's sporting needs. Council's Sport and Recreation Coordinator Steve Bankier has recently completed the latest series of future directions discussions with sports clubs operating within the existing Boyne Tannum Country Club grounds. The need for discussions concerning the various clubs' future development arose after the lapse of the contract for the sale of the Boyne Tannum Country Club site on March 31with Boyne Tannum Pty Ltd. Mr Bankier said his meetings with officials representing soccer, AFL, cricket, golf, lawn bowls and Little Athletics had been encouraging and he was confident that all parties would benefit under Council's sporting masterplan for the area. "Under the masterplan, it is envisaged that lawn bowls and golf will stay where they are, as will cricket and AFL with their shared oval," Mr Bankier said. "The soccer club will relocate to the new Boyne Tannum Sports Park precinct, enabling cricket

and AFL to share a second oval on the site of the existing soccer fields." Mr Bankier said soccer's move to the Boyne Tannum Sports Park, which would also provide purpose-built Little Athletics facilities and hockey fields, would enable the code to grow. "BITS Soccer Club officials have indicated that, in their current location, they are without avenue for expansion and with the population in the Boyne Island and Tannum Sands area set to expand rapidly, an increased capacity to cater for junior players will be necessary." In the meantime, Council is keen to keep the community informed of plans to develop the precinct and has established a Facebook page (titled BITS Sports Development) for those who would like to converse online. Council's website also has updates and information and can be accessed via www. under the following link path: "Recreation and Culture" - "Sports and Fitness" "Sports Facilities". If people would prefer to receive email updates, please email au or phone 4976 6946.

Nagoorin turns out for skate park opening Boyne Valley residents were on hand to enjoy a sausage sizzle and witness the recent official opening of the Nagoorin Skate Park by Deputy Mayor Matt Burnett. The new facility consists of pre-fabricated modular ramps, enabling it to have new modules added or be reconfigured to enhance the experience for users of the facility. In his speech at the official opening of the park, Cr Burnett expressed his delight that

Council had provided young Nagoorin residents with a firstrate skating facility. "I am pleased that Council was able to fund this project using the proceeds it gained from the sale of land in the township," Cr Burnett said. "At the time (of the sale), Council consulted with the Nagoorin community, particularly its youth, to determine how capital from the sale of the land could best be used to benefit the residents.

"In response, the community expressed its desire for a skate park, providing a welcome recreational outlet for the township's youth." Cr Burnett commended former councillor Clyde Cameron, who was at the opening, for his commitment to securing the project for the community. Nagoorin State School's P & C Association got in on the spirit of the day, conducting the sausage sizzle to help launch the skate park's official opening.


Welcome morning tea Welcome to Gladstone Morning Teas are held at Tondoon Botanic Gardens between 10am and noon on the first Thursday of every month. This initiative aims to provide newcomers with an opportunity to meet new people and local service providers. Information resources are handed out at the morning teas. For further information please contact Andrea or Luis on 4976 6300.

Home Library Services Gladstone City Library provides a Home Library Service to residents of Gladstone, Boyne Island, Tannum Sands and Calliope, as well as residents on sealed roads in the Beecher, Beecher Forest, Wurdong Heights, Benaraby, Pacific Ranch and River Ranch areas. The Home Library Service caters to the needs of residents who are unable to visit the library due to medical, physical, or other special reasons. For more information or to determine whether or not you might be eligible for this service, please contact Gladstone City Library on 4976 6400.

HACC Taxi Transport Eligible frail aged and younger people with disabilities residing in the Calliope, Mount Larcom, Boyne Island, Tannum Sands and Boyne Valley areas are reminded that taxi transport to Gladstone is available through the Home and Community Care (HACC) Service. To find out more, phone Megan Collins on 4976 6315.

Road reports Don't forget to log on to Council's website at www.gladstone. if you want to find out the latest road condition report. If you come across flood water or would like to report road conditions for uploading to the site, please phone our Call Centre, open 24 hours a day, on 4979 1134 or Council's administration centres during business hours.




Information sessions Newcomers who would like to learn more about services and networks offered in the community are invited to Community Information Sessions, coordinated by Council. The next sessions are scheduled for August 9 and 10. To book your place, phone Luis Arroyo on 4976 6352.

Development stats Council now provides development statistics at a click of a mouse at its website. Visit www.gladstone. to find out the last major development snapshot; monthly development statistics; and building and plumbing approvals.

Lending a hand to ease financial struggles

Help could be close at hand for Gladstone residents struggling to meet the demands of rising housing costs.

Gladstone Regional Council delivers housing assistance and support programs to eligible residents through funding provided by Gladstone Liquefied Natural Gas (GLNG), Queensland Gas Company (QGC), and Australia Pacific LNG (APLNG). For more information contact the LNG Housing Officers at Council's Community Advisory Service (CAS), located at 142 Goondoon Street, Gladstone, or phone 4976 6350.

Website for volunteers Gladstone Region Volunteering is an online volunteer recruitment website that links residents to organisations in need of volunteers. Residents can search what volunteer positions are available or nominate themselves for future roles by visiting Council's website and follow the volunteering link under 'Community Support'.

Karen Robinson helps residents struggling to meet the demands of rising housing costs.

ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA Families with or without children - Rent Supplement • Hold a current RTA tenancy agreeme nt • Gross household income under $100 ,000 • Employed for minimum 20 hours per week with capacity to pay • Notification of rental increase or current rent exceeds 30% of gross income Seniors - Rent Supplement • Hold a current RTA tenancy agreeme nt Young People under 25 - Rent Assistan ce • Hold a current RTA tenancy agreeme nt • Employed for a minimum of 20 hrs per week with capacity to pay • Single tenant - gross household inco me • Shared tenancy - rent assistance will under $47,000 be shared equally • Current rent exceeds 30% of gross income Singles over 25 - Rent Assistance • Hold a current RTA tenancy agreeme nt • Employed for a minimum of 20 hrs per week with capacity to pay • Single tenant - gross household inco me under $60,000 • Shared tenancy - gross household income under $120,000 • Notification of rental increase or current rent exceeds 30% of Gross income Critical Workers - Rent Assistance • Hold current RTA tenancy agreeme nt • Employed for a minimum of 20 hrs per • Household income under $120,000 week with capacity to pay • Current rent exceeds 25% of income Families with children - Community Hous ing • Not eligible for any other housing • Employed full time (at least 1 mem ber • Gladstone resident (at least 3 years) of family) • Gross household income under $100 ,000 • Rent unaffordable - more than 30% of income • Tenancy has been stopped unexpect edly • Will be homeless in a specific perio d of time • No tenancy breaches - not TICA listed

Change of address Did you know that you can notify several Council services of your change of residential and/or mailing address by filling out just one form? Council cannot change addresses over the phone, but you can get the form by visiting our website at www.gladstone.qld. and clicking on the 'About Council', then 'Finance' and choose the 'Change of Address Form'.

Council meetings Did you know that residents are welcome to attend Gladstone Regional Council’s meetings? The meetings are held at the Gladstone Administration Centre boardroom, 101 Goondoon Street. Upcoming meeting dates are July 3, July 17, August 7 and August 21. To view agendas and minutes visit Council's website at au


Plenty on offer at the Botanic Gardens There is no shortage of things to do and see at the Gladstone Tondoon Botanic Gardens in July:

The tour then resumes before finishing at the Japanese Tea Gardens.

School holiday children's workshops Foam printing with Michelle Marquard: Saturday, July 7, from 10am-1pm. Cost: $20 per person.

Participants have the option of starting their tour with a free scenic bus tour of Gladstone, starting at Gladstone Marina Information Centre at 9.45am, or join the tour at the Gardens café at 10.15am.

Clay sculpture with Michelle Marquard: Sunday, July 8, from 10am-1pm. Cost: $20 per person.

Exhibitions and workshops

For workshop bookings phone Donna Hann at the Gladstone Tondoon Botanic Gardens Visitor Centre on 4971 4443 or 0409 628 277.

Shared exhibition July 1-31

Free guided tours of the Garden The tour includes a guided walk of the beautiful Port Curtis prime display and Far North Queensland rainforest. The group then stops for a rest break at BG's Café to have lunch, view the art gallery, and feed the ducks and turtles.


Julie Stiler - Handcrafted Pottery, Garden Globes and Jewellery: The organic shapes and flow found in nature and at the Gladstone Tondoon Botanic Gardens provided the inspiration for Julie Stiler's exhibition of handcrafted pottery, garden globes and sprint jewellery. Jarrod Beezley - Amarroo Kenna Art: Kabi Kabi artist Jarrod Beezley uses colourful acrylic on canvas and lino prints to tell stories of coastal and personal dreaming from a spiritual perspective.

Kirkwood Road now heavy vehicle city bypass The original purpose of Kirkwood Road’s 2.3km expanse has been realised with the road opening to 23m and 25m B-doubles in late May.

Gladstone Regional Council Engineering Services Director Paul Keech said the ability of Kirkwood Road to provide a vital city bypass for heavy vehicles was being recognised. “Council was informed in late May of the complete registration of the full extent of Kirkwood Road by the Department of Transport and Main Roads,” Mr Keech said. “The 2.3km of Kirkwood Road, which connects Gladstone-Benaraby Road to the Dawson Highway, is now listed by the State Government as a Multi-Combination Route in Queensland.

“This means Kirkwood Road is a recognised travel route for use by 23m and 25m B-doubles.” Mr Keech said since the full length opening of Kirkwood Road, the new road link had been well used by light vehicles. “Motorists have utilised Kirkwood Road to provide a more direct route to their destinations,” Mr Keech said. “Now, the accessibility of Kirkwood Road by B-doubles marks the realisation of Council’s vision to provide a much needed city ring road. “The heavy vehicle bypass offers a critical link between southern and western sides of the city, completing the ring road to major industrial estates and the Gladstone port.”

Volunteers thanked for their efforts The dedication and commitment of a group of willing workers at Gladstone Tondoon Botanic Gardens was recognised and thanked during National Volunteers Week in May. Among the Friends of the Gardens thanked were herbarium volunteers Pam Tanner, Margaret Worthington and Clive Rouse, who have literally seen the Gardens grow from its humble beginnings in 1988. John Fraser, well known for his informative guided garden walks, has been integral to the visitor experience of the gardens, as has Gaynor Russell, who has provided great assistance with school groups over the years. Bibiana Castro volunteers on her rostered days off and weekends and offers a wealth of information to the Herbarium group supported by her degree in biology. There were new volunteers welcomed to the group during the special celebration, including passionate photographer John Deno and Patrick Chambers, who is keen to become a Gardens tour guide.

Mayor Gail Sellers congratulated those in attendance for their community spirit, commitment and dedication. “All volunteers from across our organisation are assets to Council and our community, and I thank them sincerely for their hard work and commitment,” Cr Sellers said. Each Friends of the Gardens volunteer received a small gift during the ceremony. Gladstone Tondoon Botanic Gardens Visitors Service Officer Donna Hann said volunteers' work never went unnoticed. “In addition to their time, each individual brings a different skill to the Gardens and we appreciate all the time and effort they contribute,” she said. Ms Hann encouraged anyone interested in becoming a Friend of the Gardens to contact her on 4971 4443. “Volunteering is a rewarding experience, so if you’re looking to meet new people, develop new skills and make a difference, give volunteering a go,” she said.

Briefly Language Café

Friends of the Library and Welcoming Intercultural Neighbours (WIN) invite residents to The Language Café at Gladstone Library between 9.30am and 11am on the second Wednesday of every month. Come and meet new people while practising the English language and share your language with others in the process. For more information, phone 0487 422 142 or visit Gladstone City Library.

Access services at BTCC Residents living or visiting the Boyne Island and Tannum Sands communities can take advantage of the services offered at the Boyne Tannum Community Centre and Library. Located at the corner of Wyndham and Hayes Avenues, the BTCC offers access to Centrelink via a fax, free public access computers seven days a week and access to most other Council services via the customer service counter. Phone 4971 9700.

RSS feed Want to keep up to date with the latest Gladstone Regional Council news? Create a link to Council's RSS feed by clicking on the icon on Council's web site home page.Visit

Need a JP? Do you need to find a Justice of the Peace or a Commissioner of Declarations? The Queensland Department of Justice and Attorney General's website has all the information you need to find a JP or COD. To search for a JP or COD near you, please visit http://www. justices-of-the-peace which provides general information and a search function.

Free legal help

Friends of the Gardens volunteer Bibiana Castro, Gladstone Mayor Gail Sellers, volunteer John Fraser, Tondoon Visitor Services Officer Donna Hann, volunteer Patrick Chambers, Botanic Gardens Curator Brent Braddick and volunteer Pam Tanner gather to recognise the work of volunteers.

Gladstone Regional Council’s Community Legal Program has extended its service to Agnes Water and Miriam Vale. Booking are essential. Phone 4976 6300.



New city sports facilities unveiled at ceremony Left: Three generations of the Laver family are on hand for the official opening of the new Gladstone squash centre (from left) Trevor Laver, Nick Laver, Betty Laver, Michael Laver, Nathan Laver and Sue Davis.

Gladstone city sporting facilities were the focus of attention recently when three big money projects were officially opened in a joint ceremony at the new squash clubhouse. Federal Senator John Hogg and Mayor Gail Sellers performed the official opening of the multi-million dollar hockey field and squash courts projects as well as a junior rugby league clubhouse and grandstand.

Below: Attending the official opening of the squash courts, hockey field and junior rugby league facilities are (from left) Heather Courtney-Burns, Gladstone and District Hockey Association President Dave Burns, Tony Sellers and former Member for Flynn Chris Trevor.

The ceremony, which was performed at the new squash centre, was attended by officials representing the three sporting associations involved in the projects. The subjects of the opening ceremony were the Gladstone and District Hockey Association's synthetic field at Rigby Park, five new squash courts for Gladstone Tennis and Squash at its Glenlyon Street complex, and Gladstone and District Junior Rugby League's new clubhouse, grandstand and storage facilities at Briffney Creek. In total, the projects represent an investment of $3.48 million, of which $2.15 million was provided by the Australian Government through its Regional and Local Community Infrastructure Program with Department of Health and Ageing funds, $1.13 million from Gladstone Regional Council, and $205,735 contributed by the sports associations involved. The Federal Government figure also includes $102,500 which was used in late 2010 to fence the perimeter of the future speedway facility site at Benaraby. Council's funding comprised $663,000 for the junior rugby league project, which included car park, access road and fencing work completed previously; $336,000 for the construction of the hockey field; and $135,000 towards the new squash clubhouse. Cr Sellers said the projects illustrated the important role organised sport played in the lives of Gladstone Region residents.

Below: Mayor Gail Sellers and Senator John Hogg put the new squash courts to the test. Above: Deputy Mayor Matt Burnett, Gladstone and District Hockey Association Vice-Presidents John Ogden and Gary Porteous, Senator John Hogg, Chris Trevor and Dave Burns get a close look at the new synthetic hockey field. Below: Gladstone Tennis and Squash Association committee member Michael Fallon, Mayor Gail Sellers, Gladstone Junior Rugby League committee member Jacquie Jones, Senator John Hogg and Dave Burns were all smiles after the opening.

"Sport is an integral part of Gladstone's cultural and social life, and organised competition provides an avenue for our community to optimise their fitness, health and well-being," Cr Sellers said. "The provision of top class sporting facilities also ensures our youngsters are not disadvantaged when they compete at representative level against opponents from outside the region."



Discovery Food Trail and Supermarket Tours set to start Discovery Coast Community Health Service (DCCHS) has launched two food-related programs which should delight those who love food and also want a healthy diet. Getting under way in July, the Discovery Food Trail will take participants on a guided bus tour of the Discovery Coast area to visit local food producers who will share their knowledge and tasty products. Tour participants will taste seasonal fresh fruits and vegetables; learn about locally made food products, including jams and sauces; taste a selection of locally produced olives and cook and taste local seafood; and have the opportunity to purchase products on the day. The Supermarket Tours program starts in August, departing from Agnes Water and picking up people en route, with participants accompanied by the DCCHS dietician on alternate supermarket trips to Tannum Sands and Bundaberg. The dietician will show participants how to accurately read and understand food labels, select healthy food alternatives, and identify products. Those participating in the tour will learn how to


Update pet details

read and understand nutrition information on food labels; identify meaningful health claims; shop to prevent or manage health problems such as high blood pressure, heart disease or diabetes; and find the healthiest food choices in every section of the store. Bookings are essential for both the Discovery Food Trail and Supermarket Tours bus services as seats are limited. The cost is $10 per person for each of the tours and bookings can be made by phoning the Discovery Coast Community Health Service on 4902 1100. For more information or to see the scheduled 2012 Discovery Food Trail and Supermarket Tour dates visit guest/582

Council is asking residents to keep their pet ownership details up to date to ensure pets can be reunited in the event they stray. Council also reminds pet owners they are obliged under Queensland legislation to complete a Change to Pet Ownership Form if they sell or give away an animal. Phone 4976 6972 for further information or visit Council's website at www.

Funding submission Do you need assistance with putting together a funding submission for your not-for-profit community group? Gladstone Regional Council's Community Development Officer is available to help. Contact Andrea Hughes on 4976 6358 or email andreah@

Lodge an event Does your not-for-profit or community organisation have an upcoming event? Don't forget you can lodge an event on Council's community calendar by clicking on the calendar link on our webpage and follow the prompts. Visit www.

Pool times change

The Discovery Food Trail takes Discovery Coast residents on a guided bus tour to visit local producers to learn more about food and sample their products.

Calliope Crossroads Standpipe removed Companies using the overhead standpipe to fill water trucks at Calliope crossroads will now need to access other locations in the region. Gladstone Regional Council's Director of Engineering Services Paul Keech said the standpipe was decommissioned on June 1 to allow work to commence on the Calliope Crossroads upgrade. "In time, a new standpipe will be available in Calliope, but at this point a time a location has not been designated," Mr Keech said.

The Gladstone Region has other overhead standpipes available for use at Red Rover Road near the Reservoir Industrial Precinct; Glenlyon Road near the Gladstone Tondoon Botanic Gardens; and Mt Larcom on the corner of Balfour and Salisbury Streets. All existing keys issued to users are already activated for use at these standpipes, which are available 24 hours. For further information contact Council's Water Services on 4970 0700.

The Gladstone Aquatic Centre has commenced its winter opening times. The centre is now open Monday to Friday from 5.30am to 6.00pm, and weekends and public holidays from 9.00am to 1.00pm. The indoor pool is closed for aquatherapy sessions from 9.00am to 12.00pm Monday and Friday and also from 9.00am to 1.00pm on Wednesdays.

Lost and found pets Have you lost or found a pet? Did you know that you can register your lost or found pet at Council’s website free of charge? Simply visit au and follow the 'Animals and Environment' link from the home page.




Rain holds off for CQ's largest environmental awareness event

Overnight and early morning rain failed to dampen the enthusiasm of the 7000 people who attended Gladstone Regional Council's annual environmental awareness event, Ecofest, at Tondoon Botanic Gardens on June 3. There was something for everyone at the event which was coordinated by Gladstone Festivals and Events (GFE) on behalf of Council. GFE event coordinator Kathy Andrew said shuttle bus services between The Observer's Home and Leisure Expo at the PCYC in Gladstone to Ecofest was popular and reduced carbon emissions in the process. As a bonus, people who completed an audience survey went into a draw for a 1.6kW solar power system supplied and installed by Ian North, of Solar Power Gladstone. The ecstatic winner of the system was Stacey Cumner from Boyne Island. Mrs Andrew said stallholders, sponsors, spectators and participants had provided positive feedback about the festival, which has grown to become Central Queensland's largest environmental awareness event. "We modified the layout this year, in line with suggestions from the Gladstone Regional Environmental Advisory Network (GREAN) group,


Hubbub Sound Playground gets a beat


which successfully enhanced the flow of spectators through the stalls," Mrs Andrew said. She said Ecofest attendees particularly liked the Hubbub Sound Playground, which included an educational component this year called Marimbas on the Move; the crocodiles; snakes; Rosemary Anderson's wombat tunnel and children's activities. "Stallholders were kept busy and I had many comments from Ecofestgoers about the improved quality of the displays this year. "On-stage, the stand out was the fashion parade of recycled work wear from sponsor industries and businesses. "This year marked the 10th anniversary of having television personality Ranger Tim Moore as a compere for Ecofest." Mrs Andrew said the heavily promoted Wombat Factor auction raised $7500 to help save the northern hairy nosed wombat from extinction, including $270 raised from the auction of a papier mache wombat painted and decorated by Mayor Gail Sellers. In lieu of carbon credits, Ecofest this year is donating $1000 from each Gold Sponsorship to Conservation Volunteers to continue a tree planting project started last year in Gladstone.

Klanci Daly enjoys the song and dance of the shows at the Ecofest Main Stage, Gladstone Tondoon Botanic Gardens.

There was plenty of colouring in to be done for Sarah McMahon and Isaac and Joshua Edwards at the Council tent.


Brothers Jace and Kade Brammer were out for a good time.

Families made the most of Marimbas on the Move.

Toni Shannon shows Rori, 2, and Adam what a goanna looks like up close.

Sheldon and his four-year-old son Jack give a young wombat a tummy tickle.

of surprises for The Aussie Outback Show had plenty ment tent. rtain ente est the youngsters at the Ecof

Three-year-old twins Daniel and Luke Snow have a close encounter with one of the shingle back lizards.

Recycling mobile phones a winner at Ecofest Ecofest provided residents an opportunity to recycle their old mobile phone and go into the draw to win a fabulous prize. Gladstone Regional Council's Environmental and Sustainability Officer Heather Richards said eight-year-old Tori Probert from Tannum Sands was delighted to win a Makedo Find and Make Shop kit. Alex and Gordon Dwane and family met up with Ecofest ambassador Reece Cycle.

"The kit is made up of clips, hinges and tools that enable kids to make lots of different toys and items from recycled boxes, drink bottles, lids and cardboard," Ms Richards said. Ms Richards said despite the inclement weather in the early morning, thousands of Gladstone Region residents took to Tondoon Botanic Gardens in search of an eco-family day out.



Clinic Dates for July 2012 SERVICE



Child Health Nurse

Agnes Water

Wednesday & Thursday weekly Mothers Group July 5

Community Nurse TBA

Library website part of region's push into new technologies Gladstone Regional Libraries have a new, vibrant website that contains a heap of information and functions.

system integration but we've now achieved its inclusion and much more," Mr Cramb said.

Visit www.gladstonelibraries.qld. and check out the children's sections which features games and activities, the latest news, the library catalogue and much more.

He said the site also had links to the libraries' social media services, which had been widely well received since being adopted recently.

Gladstone Regional Libraries Manager Peter Cramb said the new website contained extra functionality on its predecessor and was the culmination of 12 months work by User Services Librarian Lisa Ryan and the web service provider. "There were significant obstacles to overcome in relation to our catalogue

"We're moving with the times at our regional libraries and in addition to this, we have free Wi-Fi for residents and audiobooks as well."




Tues, July 3 9am-11am

Gladstone City

Model magic, shoe boxes, photo frames, marshmallow snowmen.

Tues, July 3 10am-noon

Miriam Vale

Moon sand, masks, model boats.

Wed, July 4 10am-11am

Agnes Water

Marshmallow snowmen, tiny teddy totem poles, shoe boxes.

Wed, July 4 9.30am-11.30am


Moon sand, masks, model boats.

Thur, July 5 9.30am-11.30am

Boyne Island

Model magic, shoe boxes, photo frames, marshmallow snowmen. Bookings required. Phone 4971 9700. Model magic and seashell photo frames.

•Bookings not required unless otherwise stated.


Agnes Water

Monday to Thursday

Counselling Services

Agnes Water

By Appointment

Diabetes Educator Agnes Water

July 24


Agnes Water

July 10

Family Support Worker

Agnes Water

By appointment


Agnes Water

June 17 & 18

Miriam Vale

July 4


Agnes Water

July 10 & 11

Seniors Nurse

Agnes Water

Health Talk July 5 & 19

Baffle Creek

Health Talk July 3 & 17


Clinic July 2


Health Talk July 16

Miriam Vale

Health Talk July 4 & 18


Health Talk July 9 & 23

Mr Cramb urged new residents and those who have not traditionally used libraries to venture in. "Libraries are not what they used to be and I guarantee you will be pleasantly surprised at what's on offer," he said.

Enjoy School holiday craft at your Library

Thur, July 5 Mt Larcom 10.30am-11.30am

Community Support Worker


Turkey Beach Health Talk July 11 & 25 Youth Worker

Agnes Water

Monday to Friday

Please phone 4902 1100 for an appointment for these services

Expo promotes healthy lifestyles The Discovery Coast Community Health Service (DCCHS) will host its second annual Healthy Lifestyle Expo on the Seventeen Seventy foreshore on Sunday, July 15 at 10am. The expo promotes healthy eating and regular physical activity, reducing the risks of chronic illness such as heart disease, diabetes, and cancer. Local produce holders, sporting groups, and health and wellbeing services are invited to showcase products and services. For more information, including enquiries about displaying products and services on the day, email Megan Rodi at the DCCHS at or phone 4902 1100.

Water issues topic of discussion at environmental forum Gladstone Region Environmental Advisory Network (GREAN) presented the 2012 Environmental Forum at CQUniversity Australia's Gladstone campus last month to address a range of issues surrounding this year's theme - 'Water: Essential to Life'.

The forum gave attendees the opportunity to listen to guest speakers discussing a range of matters, including marine debris, biodiversity offset strategies, monitoring programs, impacts of debris in waterways, drought management and fish health in the Gladstone harbour. GREAN secretary Heather Richards said

keynote speaker and environmentalist Mr Silverwood, from Take3, gave the audience an eye-opening account of the immense environmental issues surrounding single use plastics.

titled 'Plastic Pollution - Sources, Sinks and Severity in Port Curtis', focused on sampling results identifying the amount and types of debris around Port Curtis.

“Tim's presentation left audiences feeling empowered to make a difference through choosing to use less plastic, and also encouraged them to support the ‘Boomerang Alliance’ to introduce a National Deposit Scheme for plastic drink containers," Ms Richards said.

"These studies undertaken by CQUniversity provided an insight into local environmental issues, allowing Council and other organisations to direct necessary funding to the appropriate areas," Ms Richards said.

Another interesting presentation, delivered by CQUniversity's Dr Scott Wilson and

Ms Richards said the success of the event was a result of the quality of guest speakers and a large audience attendance.

Tax Help Program on offer Gladstone Regional Council's Community Advisory Service and Discovery Coast Community Health Service are again facilitating the Tax Help Program. Tax Help is a volunteer program to assist people on a low income with their tax returns. To be eligible individuals must have an income under $50,000 The service starts at the Community Advisory Service and the Discovery Coast Community Health Service on July 16 and continues until October 31. Appointments are essential and strictly confidential and can be made by phoning the Community Advisory Service on 4976 6300 or the Discovery Coast Community Health Service on 4902 1100.

Historical cyclist exhibition

The Gladstone Regional Art Gallery and Museum is hosting a photographic exhibition 'Gladstone Cyclists from the early 20th Century to Today' until July 20. The exhibition features a selection of cycling photos from the Gallery/Museum's general collection, assembled to acknowledge Gladstone Regional Council's Year of Cycling for 2012 initiative. Pictured is an image of cyclists riding past The Grand Hotel in Goondoon Street circa 1900s.

Rebuilding Relationships program The Community Advisory Service at 142 Goondoon Street, Gladstone, offers a 10 week program aimed at helping people who have gone through separation or divorce rebuild their lives. The next Rebuilding Relationships program commences on Tuesday, July 10. Cost is $5 per week to cover the cost of materials from week two of the program. Bookings are essential. The sessions run from 9am to 12pm or 6pm to 9pm. Phone 4976 6300.

Community Plan groups gather to steer our region forward Representatives from local and state government, commerce, industry and the wider community met recently to ensure the aspirations outlined in the Gladstone Region Community Plan are advancing. The plan is an important guide, spanning 20 years, designed to steer our region towards the future as envisioned by the Gladstone Region community: "A region celebrated for its balanced approach to living in a friendly

and vibrant community". Three Community Plan Reference Groups were established following the adoption of the plan in May 2011 and charged with implementing the priorities as determined by the community. Gladstone Mayor Gail Sellers said it was wonderful to see many of the community's greatest advocates gathered in one place, dedicated to shaping the region's future.

"Each reference group is working hard towards achieving practical action over the coming months for our region, our communities and our families," Cr Sellers said. For more information on the Gladstone Region Community Plan and Reference Groups visit Council's website www.gladstone.qld. or contact Corporate Performance & Reporting Officer Sarah Pugh on 4976 6916.



The Family Fun Ride is one of the major events on Council's Year of Cycling for 2012 program, a key component of its Healthy Active Gladstone Region (HAGR) initiative. Participants in the fun ride have the option of completing 12.5km or 1.6km events with an emphasis placed on participation and exercise rather than competition. Mayor and HAGR Chairperson Gail Sellers encouraged Gladstone Region residents to get on their bikes and enjoy the scenic Millennium Esplanade. "The shorter and longer course options cater for riders of all ages and fitness levels and we are expecting a strong showing of support from residents on the day," Cr Sellers said. "Participants will be treated to a free barbecue lunch and healthy snacks and water will be supplied to encourage riders to keep their fluids levels up. The 12.5km event starts at Millennium Esplanade and progresses via Boyne Smelters to finish at Canoe Point. The 1.6km event also starts at Millennium Esplanade and finishes at Canoe Point. Participants are asked to meet at Millennium Esplanade at 9am for a 9.30am start. Event officials from Boyne Smelters' cycling group will provide necessary assistance along both courses on the day. Children younger than 12 years old must be accompanied by an adult. To book a spot in either event phone Council's Parks office on 4977 6899.

2012 Year of Cycling Calendar Road Bike Training

Sun, July 1, 5.30am at Bunnings Centre M1 Cycles

Matt Jenkins 4972 0007

Road Bike Training

Sat, July 7 & July 21, 6am at Gladstone Gladstone Bicycle Bicycle Centre, 151 Auckland St Centre

Dave McIntosh 4972 1142

Skate, Scooter & BMX Competition

Sat, July 7, Boyne Island Skate Park

Cycling Australia Freestyle BMX

Vernetta Perrett - 4976 6311

Family Fun Day

Sun, July 8, Millennium Esplanade – Tannum Sands


Lee Baker 4972 6822

Mountain Bike Trails

Sun, July 8, 7am at Choice Petroleum, Philip St

M1 Cycles

Matt Jenkins 49720007

Road Bike Training

Sat, July 14, 6am Gladstone Bicycle Centre, 151 Auckland St

Gladstone Bicycle Centre

Dave McIntosh 4972 1142

BMX Come and Try

Sun, July 15, 9am at Harbour City BMX

Harbour City BMX

Mark Rayner 0427 253 321

Chaplaincy Road Ride -Tour de Chaplain

Sat, July 21, through the Boyne Valley


Carmalita Vanderenter 0411 098 255

Ride to Work Day

Wed, July 25


Lee Baker 4972 6822

Donate Your Old Bike

Drop to Gladstone Aquatic Centre

Gladstone Men’s Shed and HAGR

Lee Baker 4972 6822

* Participants of all events are advised to bring their own bike, helmet, water bottle and sun protection.



The Tour de Chaplain fundraising bike ride will feature a new course for this year's event. This year's tour, to be conducted on Saturday, July 21, is a 102km ride through the Boyne Valley for student cyclists starting at Barmundoo (Futter Creek), progress to Builyan, and then return. The event raises funds for the Gladstone District Schools Chaplaincy Committee. To register phone Yvonne Kamholtz on 0417 743 016, Dewald Van der Merwe on 0408 292 319 or Shelley Harvie on 0411 813 859.



Gladstone Reg ion tive Ac i

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Date and Time of Event

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Name of Event

He alt

Event Run By

Tour de Chaplain

Scheduled Infrastructure Works LOCATION



Western Gentle Annie- Intersection upgrade. Bracewell Road Intersection at Ambrose

Works continuing through July and expected to be completed late July.

Morcom Street, Calliope

Construction of new Calliope Cemetery.

Works continuing through July and expected to be completed early August.

Targinnie Road, Yarwun

Upgrading of road as Maintenance part of QCLNG works. works ongoing.

Central GladstonePort Curtis Way, Gladstone (near Gladstone Power Station)

Road widening and new entries to the boat ramp and sewerage treatment plant.

Works continuing through July and expected to be completed by August.

Blain Sports Park, Gladstone

New access road to be reconstructed. Includes removal of existing access road across railway line to provide safer access to sports park.

Works expected to be completed by late July.

Captain Cook Drive, Agnes Water

Construct new footpath from Grahame Colyer Drive to beach access.

Stage one works expected to be completed by late July.

Blackman Gap Road, Colosseum

Realignment of Works expected approaches to to be completed Colosseum Creek by late July. causeway. Motorists are advised that traffic delays of up to 10 minutes may occur at this site due to traffic control for safety.

sport and recreation New information signs rolled out on Turtle Way The first stage of Council's Turtle Way walk/cycle way signage project at Boyne Island and Tannum Sands is almost complete. This opening stage involves the installation of directional signage at parks and other key locations along the Turtle Way path, replacing outdated signs in the area. Council's Sport and Recreation Coordinator Steve Bankier said the new signs also boasted a new feature, providing the distances between key locations. "The distance information will be displayed in metres and converted into a total number of steps," Mr Bankier said. "This is something that has consistently been identified by residents as a need during community consultations." Mr Bankier said Council believed the distance measurements would be a helpful tool in encouraging residents and visitors to the area to use the pathways as part of their efforts to lead a healthier and more active lifestyle. The Boyne Tannum project is jointly funded by Council and the State Government's Public Health Unit.


* Estimated completion date only and subject to favourable weather conditions.

Future stages of the project will result in the signs being rolled out across the entire Gladstone Region. Maps of the region's walk/cycle ways can be viewed on and printed from Council's website at

Sport and recreation events grants open soon Gladstone Regional Council's Sport and Recreation events grants program has undergone a number of changes for 2012-13. Chief among them is the removal of cut off dates for applications, with the new program opening on August 1 and remaining open for the year while funding remains. The program is open to sporting clubs, community groups, schools, and businesses that are hosting significant sport and recreation events or events that feature a major sport and recreation component. Council's Sports and Recreation Coordinator Steve Bankier said previous events had received up to $3000 in sponsorship and encouraged all eligible groups to apply. Application forms can be accessed on Council's website at www. by clicking on 'Recreation and Culture', then 'Sports and Fitness' and then the link under Sport and Recreation grants.



arts, culture & ente Gladstone Regional Ar t Gallery & Museum

for adults and young adults on July 22 at the Gallery/Museum - please book at the Library by phoning 4976 6444.

58 Goondoon Street, Gladstone. Ph: 4972 2822

you’re looking for something in particular, this is your invitation to see everything to do with weddings under the one roof. Exhibitors range from photographers to makeup artists, decorators to planners. Even the most discerning bride will find just what she needs at the 2012 Gladstone Region Wedding Expo at the GEC Marquee at the Gladstone Marina Parklands.

I, Bunyip

Charmaine Wilson

Cnr Goondoon & Bramston Sts, Gladstone. Ph: 4976 6766

n Hermannsburg Potters Collection July 2 - August 18 The Gladstone Region will be treated to a remarkable exhibition of 37 terracotta coil pots when Museum and Gallery Services presents 'Insight: The Hermannsburg Potters Collection of the Moreton Bay Region'. These captivating ceramics, crafted by the Aranda people from Hermannsburg, are topped by modelled figures of animals and bush tucker and are decorated with paintings of the artist's country and landscape. This exhibition is developed by Moreton Bay Regional Council and Simon Turner.

Arts NAIDOC July 2 to July 28 As part of national NAIDOC celebrations and in recognition of the 2012 theme 'Spirit of the Tent Embassy: 40 Years On', the Gallery/Museum will show its annual Arts NAIDOC exhibition. Paintings and artist prints from the permanent collection will be shown in conjunction with artworks by local Murri artists and works by primary school students.

Picture Book Art July 21 - August 18 A selection of original illustrations by David Legge and Anne Spudvilas will be exhibited at the Gallery/Museum in conjunction with the Curtis Coast Literary Carnivale. Don’t miss these fascinating illustrations by two of Australia's foremost picture book illustrators. The Curtis Coast Literary Carnivale will also present 'Write On!' a writing and illustrating workshop

Thurs, July 5, 1pm Do you know what a Bunyip is? What about a Yawk Yawk or the other fascinating creatures that live in Australia? Would you like to meet them? If you were mesmerised by Earth’s dinosaurs from their Dinosaur Petting Zoo, you’ll love this new work filled with enchanting characters. Developed in consultation with five different Aboriginal communities I, Bunyip portrays the mystical world of creatures from our Indigenous folklore.

Simon Gallaher’s Secret Love Tues, July 10, 11am - PCYC Simon Gallaher is one of Australia's most respected and successful theatrical producers and is known to Australian audiences as a music theatre star, television star, concert performer, singer, musician, pianist, and songwriter. Simon brings to the Gladstone PCYC his new show Secret Love, a concert of classic love songs and torch songs from the past 50 years. From Secret Love, An Affair to Remember, Love is a Many Splendored Thing to classics by Burt Bacharach, Neil Sedaka and Roy Orbison.

Wedding Expo Sun, July 22, 10am-2pm

Tues, August 7, 7:30pm Charmaine Wilson is a worldrenowned Australian medium, who has been consistently recognised for her skill and compassion since awakening to her gift in 1999. She was the winner of Channel Seven's inaugural season of 'The One', and was also honoured as Queensland Psychic of the Year in 2008 and Australian Psychic of the Year for 2005. Charmaine Wilson will give her audiences a chance to connect with those who have passed over in order to give messages of peace and love to the living.

Jon English in ‘Rock Revolution’ Fri, August 24, 8pm Jon English has been working tirelessly to unearth, refine and rediscover a whole lot more from the great rock ’n’ roll archives to bring you… ‘Rock Revolution’! Experience more of your favourite classics, remember the songs you thought you’d forgotten, and breathe a sign of relief when you hear the one you believed was gone forever. You won’t want to miss this great evening of '60s and '70s rock ’n’ roll, so get out your diary, phone your friends and get ready for a rollicking good time.

Planning the wedding of your dreams is no easy feat. If you don’t know where to start or if

Popular Baby Bounce program leaps to four regional libraries Gladstone Regional Libraries’ popular Baby Bounce program is now available at four locations in the region. The lap-sit program is designed for children aged four months to 24 months and their parents or carers. It includes singing, rhymes, finger plays and musical instruments and provides a great opportunity for adults to mingle with other


carers or parents, and to socialise infants.

Older siblings can attend but are encouraged to bring a doll or teddy to be their “baby”. Bookings are not required. The program is offered from 11am to 11.30am, except at Boyne Island Library where it runs from 10.30am to 11am. • Every second and fourth Thursday at


Boyne Island Library in the Mt Larcom Room; • Every first and third Thursday at the Calliope Library in the Gallery Room: • Every second and fourth Friday at the Gladstone City Library; and, • Every first and third Friday at the Mt Larcom Library. Call your preferred library for more details.


Gladstone Region RADF committee nominations sought The Gladstone Region Regional Arts Development Fund (RADF) will host its annual general meeting at the Gladstone Regional Art Gallery and Museum at 5.30pm on Wednesday, July 25. Nominations are sought from community members interested in being part of this informed committee, reflecting the diverse arts, culture and geography of the Gladstone Region. The RADF is a project developed by Arts Queensland and administered by Council,

providing funding for the development of cultural activities through locally determined policy and assessment procedures. Each year Council lodges an official bid for funding from Arts Queensland and this money, together with an allocation from Council, is used to support projects throughout the community. There are two rounds of funding scheduled for the 2012/13 RADF year closing at the end of September 2012 and March 2013.


Groups and individuals make an application to be funded for specific activities each round and it is the role of the RADF Committee to decide, in accordance with the RADF Procedure Manual, if the application meets the criteria and is therefore eligible for funding. Further information and nomination forms are available on Council's website at www. or phone RADF Liaison Officer Di Paddick on 4976 6766.


As the result of a public meeting held in 1873, the Gladstone Town Council agreed to enclose part of the verandah of the Gladstone Town Hall (now the old R.S.L.) as a reading room and library for the newly formed Gladstone School of Arts.

The budget was increased from $80 to $4000 and the library was later moved from the Gladstone Town Hall basement to the new Gladstone Civic Centre (now the Gladstone Regional Council Civic Centre on Goondoon Street - same building, different facade).

Under the leadership of Judge Hirst, it opened daily from 9am to 10pm and in one year issued 1037 books and 596 periodicals - a commendable achievement for a town of 476 residents, including children.

Tenders were called in 1976 for a purpose built Council Library and Art Gallery on the site of the old Gladstone Fire Station. Miss Stephanie Pidgeon was appointed as librarian in December 1976.

In 1914, using £650 ($1300) raised by debenture loans, a new School of Arts building, featuring a billiard room, reading room, library and card room, was constructed on the site now occupied by the Gladstone Entertainment Centre. As there were no bulldozers to level the hill, access was gained by a long, steep flight of stairs from Goondoon Street. By the end of World War II the library had lost it appeal due to picture shows, other forms of entertainment and perhaps the stairs. The State Librarian suggested to the Town Council that it should assume responsibility and take over the building as the town's public library. This the Council agreed to do, but instead packed the books in cases, put the billiard table in storage and in November 1946, let the building to the Town Clerk for £1.2.6 ($2.25) a week. For almost 10 years the town had no library.

The building was officially opened by Sir Joh Bjelke-Petersen at a ceremony held in O'Connell Place, the area between the present library and the old town hall, on August 24, 1977. The present Gladstone City Library was built in Goondoon Street in 2003. Due to the amalgamation of Councils, the Gladstone Regional Council now administers libraries at Calliope, Boyne Island, Miriam Vale, Agnes Water and Mt Larcom, as well as service points at Baffle Creek and Rosedale. The first mobile library service was provided in May 1983 and this has been expanded to two home library services that take in Gladstone, Calliope, Wurdong Heights, Boyne Island, Tannum Sand, Pacific Ranch, and River Ranch Estate. Information from 'Gladstone City that waited' by Lorna McDonald

In 1956 the Council established a children’s library in the basement of the Gladstone Town Hall (now Gladstone Regional Art Gallery and Museum). The children's library, with Assistant Town Clerk V.P. Breslin as librarian, proved such a success that plans were made to add an adult library. The grand opening, with music provided by the Gladstone Municipal Band, was performed by J. Stapleton, the Queensland State Librarian, on July 19, 1957. Improvements to the library began in 1966 after a public meeting suggested to the Town Council that an increase in budget would "rehabilitate the library".

Youngsters using the Children's Library, loca ted in the basement of the Gladstone Town Hall, in the 1950s Gladstone Regional Art Galler y and Muse

um Collection



t’s On WhinaJuly?

Council’s Community Calendar



Date & Time

Event Description

Welcome to Gladstone Morning Tea

Tondoon Botanic Gardens Visitor Information Centre

July 5, 10am -noon

A monthly event that allows newcomers to find out more about what the Gladstone Region offers. For more information please contact 4976 6300.

General Council Meeting

101 Goondoon Street July 3 & 17 From 9.00am Gladstone

Community members are welcome to attend Council’s General Meetings.

Councillor Booths

Stockland Gladstone

July 21, 9.00am - noon

Councillors are available to discuss any issues, topics or concerns that residents may have.

Curtis Coast Literacy Carnivale

Gladstone City Library

July 22, 9.00am – 4.15pm

Come along and learn all you’ve ever wanted to know about writing and illustrating. Please phone 4976 6444.

Story Time

Available at most regional libraries.

Various times. Visit www. home for details

Story Time and Crafts for children aged 0 – 5 years. No bookings required. For more information contact your local library.

Baby Bounce

Available at Boyne Various times. Visit www. Island, Gladstone City and Calliope Libraries home for details

A lap-sit program is being held for a parent and their child less than two years old. This program includes songs and rhymes. Bookings are not required.

Happy Hour

Gladstone Aquatic Centre

Monday – Friday, 8.00am and 9.00am

This program allows pensioners (over 60) to use the Aquatic Centre for free to encourage staying fit and active. Phone 4972 6822 for more information.

Free Guided Walks

Gladstone Tondoon Botanic Gardens

Every Thursday, 10.15am

Come down to the Gardens for a nice Thursday morning stroll. Free guided walk from BG’s café. Contact Donna on 4971 4443.

Children’s workshops

Foam Printing

July 1 & 7, 10.00am – 1.00pm

Clay sculptures

July 2 & 8, 10.00am – 1.00pm

Come along to the Tondoon Botanic Gardens and print with foam or make creative sculptures out of clay. Cost $20 per person. Bookings essential. Phone Donna on 4971 4443.

Skate, Scooter and BMX Comp

Bray Park Boyne Island

July 7, registration at 1pm for a 1.30pm start

Youth only. Bring your own scooter, skateboard or BMX and compete for prizes. Phone 0417 231 608 for information.

Free Family Outdoor Movie Night

Gladstone Marina

July 8, 5.30pm start

Family event. Watch ‘The Adventures of Tin Tin”. Sausage sizzle and drinks for sale. Bring chairs and a blanket if needed. For more information please contact 4976 6356.

Write on! That's the catchcry for this month's fifth biennial Curtis Coast Literary Carnivale - a fiveday celebration of everything that is literary in Gladstone. This year's Carnivale again features the talents of accomplished Australian literature industry figures and an

exciting program of workshops and events for school students, parents, teachers, librarians, readers, writers and illustrators. The festival, to be hosted from July 22-25, promotes the love of literature through workshops and discussion groups involving Gladstone Region residents, students, authors and illustrators. Gladstone City Library Manager

After hours emergency number 4979 1134. Residents who incur STD call rates in contacting Council, can phone 1300 733 343 at a cost of local call rates. Correspondence Residents are asked to direct all correspondence to the Chief Executive Officer, PO Box 29, Gladstone Qld 4680.


Library Services and Curtis Coast Literary Carnivale committee member Peter Cramb said the impressive line-up of special guests reflected the growing status of the literary event. Attending this year's Carnivale are writer of children's and adult literature Jackie French, children's literature authors Deborah Abela, Patrick Flynn, Frances Watts, and Kathryn Apel,

Customer service Council is committed to providing you with timely, efficient and consistent service. Our customer service charter can be accessed from Council’s website. Council meetings Council meetings are held every first and third Tuesday of


and illustrators Anne Spudvilas and David Legge. The Carnivale is preceded by the "Picture Book Art of Legge and Spudvilas Exhibition" which opens on July 21 and continues until August 18. For more information visit http:// au or find the Carnivale on Facebook.

the month from 9am at the Gladstone Council Chambers, 101 Goondoon Street, Gladstone. A list of agenda items is available from Council’s website from 5pm the Friday prior to each meeting. Meeting minutes are also available from the website. • Planning Scheme Hotline: 1300 621 922

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