June 2011 Council Connection

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JUNE 2011 - ISSUE 34


Gladstone Regional Council Phone 497 0 0700 Fax 4975 8500 Email info@gladstonerc.qld.gov.au

Photos and information about the Airport Open Day - Continued Page 4

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Community feedback results in re-design of Tigalee Creek project The design of the Tigalee Creek detention basin at Kathleen Shanahan Park has been revised following consultation with the community. The new design reduces the project’s impact by protecting more trees and wildlife and reduces the visual and sound impacts on neighbouring residents. Director of Infrastructure Services Ross Paroz said the new design would still provide a significant benefit to the community by reducing the incidence of water over-topping Glenlyon Road during one-in-100 year flood events. "The design increases the available volume of water able to be stored effectively increasing the time it will take for water levels to impact across Glenlyon Road from 4.8 minutes to 17 minutes during a one-in-a-100-year rainfall event," Mr Paroz said. "This significantly reduces the chances and incidence of flooding over Glenlyon Road to occur." Other benefits of the new design that Mr Paroz outlined include: • The amount of cleared vegetation area has been reduced from 28,000 square metres to 19,620 square metres (approximately a 30% reduction). This will protect trees that have either possum boxes in them or have the potential to be nesting hollows for birdlife; • The closest residence to the site will have

an increased natural vegetation buffer of 18 metres from the cleared area for the detention basin, instead of the six metres of the previous design. This will result in less noise for local residents during construction; and • Improved screening (from the often busy Philip St/Glenlyon Rd Roundabout). Mayor Gail Sellers, meanwhile, said she and her fellow Councillors believed the new design provided a balance between the need to provide all-weather access at Glenlyon Road and the needs of the Sun Valley community. "We have listened to the community and are now satisfied that the new design provides a solution to the flooding occurrences downstream with the desires of those who have chosen to live near Kathleen Shanahan Park for the many benefits it offers." Cr Sellers said rain continued to hamper Council's ability to commence heavy earthworks on the project but it was now hoped work could begin about August this year. The project will take up to 13 weeks to complete once work starts, providing the weather is favourable. An updated plan and additional information can be sourced from Council's website at www. gladstone.qld.gov.au and following the Council Projects links to Tigalee Creek Project Creek Project.


Ecofest comes to life at Botanic Gardens Acclaimed as “the nation’s best community celebration of the environment”, Gladstone’s Ecofest is an event not to be missed. Popular television presenter and Queensland ranger Tim Moore praised the annual event in the lead-up to this year’s June 5 extravaganza. “The trees of the magnificent Tondoon Botanic Gardens offer the perfect backdrop to what I consider to be Australia’s best community celebration of the environment,” he said. “Ecofest showcases real examples of what industry, government and the community are

doing to protect the environment in which we live.” On behalf of Council, Gladstone Festival and Events has arranged a showcase of environmental activities, displays, shows, stalls, workshops and entertainment to please all ages. Ecofest 2011 will be held at Tondoon Botanic Gardens, Glenlyon Rd, on Sunday, June 5 from 9am to 3pm. Parking is available opposite, at Meteors’ Sports Ground, for a gold coin donation.



Mayor's Message


South End Street Sealing


Cat Traps Available


Natural Disaster Brochures

Visit Council’s Website - www.gladstone.qld.gov.au


Major Projects

e g a s s e M s ' r o y a The M

all the recent nd has been affirmed by sla een Qu of use rho we po Gladstone's status as a s. m our State political leader attention it has received fro der Liberal National Par ty lea Premier Anna Bligh and th bo ts m ugh fro tho its the vis in ed ly eiv gion is firm The city rec e sign that the Gladstone Re sur a ril, Ap late in an wm Campbell Ne al fence. of both sides of the politic ouncements about one to deliver a series of ann dst Gla to it vis day eethr d that our region was The Premier used her , and I, for one, was please nts ide res its and ion reg issues related to our the focus of her attention. for some preP Leader were just here LN and r mie Pre the ed say, and the Those who cynically believ genuine things both had to the of e som sed mis e hav election politicking might a local candidate in tow. had m the of r the nei fact that y to come by and I was ty leaders is not always eas par age eng ly ect dir to The opportunity for us all. pleased to seize this chance Region residents litical landscape, Gladstone po the on t res iefs bel ir jor par ties, and Regardless of where the on the agenda of both ma are ds nee 's ion reg the t should be encouraged tha future. e that is good news for our for our region as we prepar ays more that can be done alw is re ing the t hav tha but , are ent aw pm Of course, I am impending rapid develo ich will be created by our to meet the challenges wh od start. political figureheads is a go the attention of influential in the near future as iting the Gladstone Region vis s ian litic po file pro h hig I hope we see more ve of development. we ride the crest of this wa are situated sitive for our region if we po a be y onl can it g, itin vis es ahead. Whatever their reasons for ir support in the exciting tim the n upo l cal to e abl are and high on their list of priorities - Mayor

Gail Sellers

should “beResidents encouraged that the region's needs are on the agenda of both major political parties


Council appoints new Chief Executive Officer Gladstone Regional Council has appointed Stuart Randle as its new Chief Executive Officer. Council was unanimous in its decision to appoint Mr Randle to replace Graeme Kanofski who earlier this year announced his retirement, effective from July 8, 2011. Mr Randle is the current CEO of the Maranoa Regional Council, based in Roma, and has previously conducted the CEO role at the Johnstone and Barcaldine Shire Councils. Gladstone Mayor Gail Sellers said the early announcement



of Mr Randle's appointment ensured his smooth transition into such a critical role. "Obviously, any Council CEO is an incredibly important role, but at the point we are at in Gladstone's development, both as a region and organisation, this appointment could not be more critical," Cr Sellers said. "Stuart is a well-credentialled CEO and Councillors were unanimous in their support for his appointment." Mr Randle, who also served as City Engineer at Rockhampton from 2001 to 2004, was delighted at his appointment to the CEO role. "I am very pleased to be joining Gladstone Regional Council at this exciting time," he said. "I realise the incredible growth challenges facing the organisation and region, and look forward to working closely with Councillors, staff and the community to realise the very real opportunities that are being presented." Mr Randle, who will move to Gladstone with his wife Louise and their two teenage children, will commence duties shortly for a brief handover period before Mr Kanofski's retirement.

Council set to seal the streets of South End, Curtis Island All streets at South End, Curtis Island will be bitumen sealed with work scheduled in June. Work is expected to cost up to $450,000 with $180,000 of the overall cost to be funded through the Roads to Recovery program. Director of Infrastructure Ross Paroz, at a recent Council meeting, said $280,000 in Council’s 2010/11 Budget had been allocated for the sealing of a number of streets to reduce dust at South End. Mr Paroz said further investigations and consultation with property owners had resulted in the proposal to extend the program to seal all streets, except the narrow Wiggins Lane. The increased scope of works would require an additional $170,000 to the 2010/11 allocation. “Capital expenditure projects from the current operational program in the order of $8.5 million are unlikely to be completed by the end of June due to delays caused by the wet weather between

December 2010 to March 2011 and reallocation of funds from a project which is not programmed is suggested to cover this shortfall,” Mr Paroz said. He said road dust at South End was one of the main complaints Council received from the island community. “We probably spend about $30,000 a year on dust suppressants and grading costs probably another $10,000,” Mr Paroz said. He said the situation would likely worsen as population increased and more vehicles were used on the island. The works are expected to commence when sufficient gravel is transported by Curtis Ferry Services barge and stockpiled on the island. Work is scheduled for week days only between 6.30am and 5pm and is expected to take six weeks from commencement.

Customer satisfaction results are out The first comprehensive community satisfaction survey commissioned by Gladstone Regional Council revealed that Council's overall performance rating surpassed the average rating for the whole of Queensland Local Government (benchmarked against the 2009 Local Government Association of Queensland Community Attitudes Tracking Study), with 49 per cent of respondents rating Council as 'good'. Gladstone Regional Council outperformed other regional local governments in three out of the five themes covered by the survey: qualities of council, customer service and communication and managing the region. Divided into basic services and infrastructure; community lifestyle services; managing the

region; customer service and communication; and the quality of Council the survey represents a region-wide snapshot of community perceptions from 300 residents who participated. The survey asked respondents to rank 42 responsibility areas by both how important each area is and how well the Gladstone Region performs in those areas. Not all of the responsibility areas are necessarily directly controlled by Council (such as public transport), but Council has a keen interest in remaining current with the community views in many areas that affect our region. The results are available from Council's website at http://www.gladstone.qld.gov.au/web/guest/ visions-plans-and-reports .

Gladstone at the centre of state politics The eyes of all Queensland were on Gladstone for Premier Anna Bligh's recent three-day visit to the city. Premier Bligh, pictured with Gladstone Mayor Gail Sellers, made the most of her visit, issuing a series of announcements including the free leasing of land to Council for LNG workers' accommodation and mandatory reporting requirements for industry regarding its accommodation and social infrastructure targets. The Premier also announced funding for dialysis machines and a refurbishment for Gladstone Hospital, both courtesy of donations from LNG proponents. National Liberal Party leader Campbell Newman also visited Gladstone, his arrival coinciding with the first day of the Premier's visit. Mr Newman promised an LNP government would rectify Gladstone's lack of infrastructure.


Census on August 9 The next national Census of Population and Housing will be conducted on the night of Tuesday, August 9, 2011. The Federal Government’s Census aims to accurately measure the number of people in Australia on Census night, their key characteristics, and the dwellings in which they live.

Lost or found pets Have you lost or found a pet? Hop on to Council’s website at www.gladstone.qld.gov.au and following the link to Council’s Lost and Found Register.

Agnes Beach camera A web camera has been installed at Agnes Beach to assist life savers. The camera, installed by Gladstone Ports Corporation as a joint initiative with Surf Life Saving Queensland, uses the latest technology from Coastalwatch and provides live video surveillance and critical real-time data to marine safety and coastal management officials. To check out the live streaming, visit the GPC website at www.gpcl.com.au

Change of address Do you know that you can notify several Council services of your change of residential and/or mailing address by filling out just one form. Council cannot change addresses over the phone, but you can get the form by visiting our website at www.gladstone. qld.gov.au and clicking on the 'About Council', then 'Finance' and choose the 'Change of Address Form'.



Airport Open D ay - Tarmac and Plane Exhibitio n

Gail Sellers, Graeme Kanofski and Leonie Creed

Peter amd Judy Morr ison look at the display.

Big crowd turns out for Gladstone Airport celebrations About 1500 Gladstone Region residents took in the sights of the redeveloped Gladstone Airport and its recent public open day. Gladstone Regional Council provided a free shuttle bus for members of the public to get a close up look at the runway and terminal building extensions. Council also unveiled the new name for the terminal - the CreedKanofski Terminal Building. The name acknowledges the contributions made to Gladstone Airport by former Mayor George Creed, who passed away last November, and current Chief Executive Officer Graeme Kanofski. Cr Creed was Gladstone Regional Council Mayor at the time the

decision was made to commit to the redevelopment of the airport and his passion and understanding for aviation provided the political will needed to drive the project. Mr Kanofski was Chief Executive Officer for the Gladstone Airport for 30 years prior to the local government amalgamations in 2008 and his experience in leading a team of airport and engineering exports ensured the redevelopment program went smoothly. Mayor Gail Sellers and her fellow Councillors were delighted with the large number of residents who attended the open day with several lucky members of the crowd taking away some great prizes on the day.

Council adopts Community Plan for the future Almost three years in the making, the Gladstone Region Community Plan was adopted by Council on May 17, 2011. The Community Plan is an important guide spanning 20 years that will steer our region toward the future this community envisions: A region celebrated for its balanced approach to living in a friendly and vibrant community. The Plan is founded on an alignment of existing strategic plans, including the Social Infrastructure Strategic Plan; Prosperity 2030: Gladstone Region Economic Development Strategy; Our Place Our Plan (Council's Planning Scheme discussion document) and The Hornery Institute's Gladstone Wellbeing Study. Each of these plans have enjoyed extensive community consultation about the many and varied opportunities and challenges facing our region into the future. The Community Plan contains not only a detailed vision for the future of the region, but also many practical strategies and actions to achieve the vision. With the community’s vision and priorities now established, energy can be directed towards implementing the priorities as determined by the Gladstone Region community. The comprehensive plan will be progressed by a community management framework.



Reference groups, each with a focus on economy, society, environment or governance, will drive the actions detailed in the plan to transform the community’s vision into a reality over the next 20 years and beyond. The Gladstone Region Community Plan is available on Council's website at http://www.gladstone.qld.gov.au/web/guest/visionsplans-and-reports and Council's administration centres and facilities.

Community Plan Reference Group secretaries, Veronica Laverick, Cale Dendle and Anthea Bennett look through the recently adopted Gladstone Regional Community Plan with plan coordinator Waneka Jannusch (second from left).

Traps available for nuisance cats Gladstone Region residents experiencing difficulties with stray cats on their properties can hire a Council-owned cat trap. The traps can be utilised for a five-day period without charge and are for use on the hirer's property only, for the sole purpose of catching roaming cats which may be causing a nuisance. Council's Local Laws Coordinator Sarah Kummerow said cats were drawn into the traps by the placement of food on a plate or hook which, when disturbed, triggers the trap door to shut behind the animal. "After the trapped cat has been reported to Council our Local Law Enforcement Officers collect the trap and impound the animal," Ms Kummerow said. "The cat's owners can then collect their pet upon payment of all relevant release fees." Cat traps can be borrowed from Council Administration Centres at Gladstone, Calliope, Miriam Vale and Boyne Island from Monday to


Friday and the collection of trapped cats can be completed seven days per week excluding after hours and Public Holidays. Alternatively, traps can be transferred for collection at rural transaction centres upon request.

Water meter readings

Residents wishing to hire cat traps are asked to phone the relevant administration centre prior to visiting to ensure traps are available. The traps are free to hire but a fee will be charged for lost, damaged or unreturned traps and they are not for use on native animals. For more information visit Council's website at www.gladstone.qld.gov.au or phone 4970 0700 or after hours and public holidays 4979 1134.

Noxious weeds are subject of inspections Gladstone Regional Council’s Noxious Weeds Officers will continue property inspections over the next three months, seeking to control infestations of a host of nasty weeds throughout the region. Council conducts an ongoing pest survey program, incorporating urban and rural properties, within the Gladstone Region as part of its legal obligations under the Land Protection (Pest and Stock Route Management) Act 2002 as required by State Government. Council’s program for the June 2011 to August 2011 quarter is designed to cover all properties within the Gladstone Region and includes all declared pest categories. Council Parks and Recreation portfolio spokesperson Councillor Graham McDonald said heavy rainfall and associated floods during the past 12 months had resulted in an increase in the emergence of pest plants and other weeds throughout the region. “This program will aid Council in mapping the current distribution of declared pest weeds and also their future spread,” Cr McDonald said. “The program’s purpose is to monitor all areas including properties managed by landholders, Mother of Millions

nurseries, landscape suppliers, quarry suppliers, stock fodder suppliers, and seed merchants and any property, residence or building for which there is a declared pest permit issued. “Council encourages land managers to continue to make every effort to effectively control infestations on their land and officers are willing to assist with advice and preparation of control plans. “However, taking initial control action with continued follow-up action will achieve a positive result.” Common declared pest plants for which control is required in the Gladstone Region include: Weedy sporobolus species – Giant Rat’s Tail grass, American Rat’s Tail grass, Giant Parramatta grass, Parramatta grass; Parthenium weed; Mother of Millions, Rubber Vine; Groundsel Bush; Prickly acacia; Salvinia; Hymenachne. Pest facts sheets for weeds can be downloaded from the Department of Primary Industry website www.dpi.qld.gov.au For more information phone Council’s Rural Lands Protection Department on 4970 0700.

Parthenium Weed

Rubber Vine

Gladstone Regional Council advises that water meter readings have commenced and will continue until June 30, 2011. Contractors, who are carrying out the work on Council's behalf, have Gladstone Regional Council identification cards. Residents are asked to assist the water meter readers by ensuring that the meters are accessible and not covered with building materials, top soil or other obstructions. If you cannot locate your meter or have any queries regarding water meter readings phone Council's Water Section on 4975 8204.

Funding submission

Do you need assistance with putting together a funding submission for your not-for-profit community group? Gladstone Regional Council's Community Development Officer is available to help. Contact Andrea Hughes on 4976 6358 or email andreah@gladstonerc.qld.gov.au

Road reports

Don’t forget to log on to Council’s website at www. gladstone.qld.gov.au if you want to find out the latest road condition reports. If you come across flood water or would like to report road conditions for uploading to the site, please phone our Call Centre 24 hours a day on 4979 1134 or our administration centres.

Access services at BTCC

Residents living or visiting the Boyne Island and Tannum Sands communities can take advantage of the services offered at the Boyne Tannum Community Centre and Library. Located at the corner of Wyndham and Hayes Avenues, the BTCC offers access to to Centrelink via a fax, free public access computers seven days a week and access to most other Council services via the customer service counter. Phone 4971 9700.




Natural disaster resilience scholarships awarded

Gladstone Regional Council has joined forces with CQUniversity Australia’s Gladstone Campus to fund two scholarships that are aimed at enhancing natural disaster resilience within the region. The two $12,500 scholarships for final year students in any faculty or course were awarded recently to two final year Occupation Health and Safety students. Natalia Muszkat received one of the scholarships to conduct a project that aims at helping small and medium business enterprises prepare for and recover quickly after natural disasters. Michelle Samson is researching

communication preferences among the community and developing social media and mobile applications that can help Council communicate during natural disaster events. Mayor Gail Sellers said the scholarships came as a result of a commitment Council made as part of the funding received for the $1.66 million Tigalee Creek flood mitigation project at Sun Valley in Gladstone. “The Tigalee Project at Kathleen Shanahan Park is equally funded between Council and the Federal and State Governments and part of our brief is a commitment to enhance natural disaster resilience within our

Businesses to benefit from natural disaster research and tools CQUniversity Occupational Health and Safety student Natalia Muszkat has embarked on a project that aims at helping small and medium business enterprises prepare for and recover quickly after natural disasters. As one of two $12,500 Gladstone Regional Council Natural Disaster Resilience Scholarship holders, Natalia will deliver an action plan and resource toolkit that Council will be able to use to help local business owners be more resilient during and after natural disasters. "My project aims at assessing the level of knowledge and understanding of natural disaster types and effects within the community; where to access information during natural disasters events; and what support networks are available for those who are confronted by natural disasters and their effects," Natalia said. "We want to inform businesses what support systems can help them cope before, during and after natural disasters and give them tools to conduct self-analysis of their preparedness, plus arm them with information and resources that will help them cope during such events."




Creek Project

community,” Cr Sellers said. “We only have to look at natural disasters of recent months to realise just how important it is for us to ensure we are prepared and know what to do when a natural disaster of any kind occurs." Cr Sellers said Council and CQUniversity were assisting the scholarship recipients with components of their respective projects and looked forward to seeing the outcomes later this year.

Survey aims at helping community get information during and after natural disasters Are you prepared for natural disasters? Where will you get access to information when a natural disaster occurs? Are you willing to share your knowledge with Council? If so, please visit the following web address and complete a short survey that is aimed at setting up processes that will help the community be more resilient during natural disaster events. The survey is part of a joint research project being conducted by CQUniversity Australia final year student Michelle Samson and Gladstone Regional Council. Michelle, who is completing a Bachelor of Occupational Health and Safety degree, was recently awarded one of two scholarships offered by Council as part of the Tigalee Creek flood mitigation project. The Tigalee Creek project is on hold due to a prolonged wet season but will result in the creation of a water detention basin within Kathleen Shanahan Park in Gladstone to reduce downstream flooding during heavy rain. As part of the $12,500 scholarship, Michelle will assess the best methods of communicating with the Gladstone Region community and then develop communication tools that can be used during and after natural disaster events. "I am particularly interested in the use of social media and mobile applications and how they can benefit the Gladstone Region," Michelle said. "We will not add any details from you to a mailing list nor disclose the details of responses as an individual to anyone else," Michelle said. Michelle said the survey was run on a Linux server that is not accessible by third parties. Some advertising material is displayed but Michelle advised residents that this will not affect the survey or the results. If you are interested in participating, please visit https://www. kwiksurveys.com?s=IBILOO_b5b89df6

Natural disaster brochures published in 14 languages common to our region


People from culturally diverse backgrounds will soon have access to disaster resilience information in 14 different languages, thanks to Gladstone Regional Council's Local Area Multicultural Partnership (LAMP).

A rates remission from Council equivalent to 50 per cent of the general rate levied (to a maximum of $290) is available to eligible pensioners who have completed and submitted a Gladstone Regional Council rates remission application form. The remission is in addition to the State Government rebate. To find out if you are eligible or for more information, contact Council's rates section on 4976 6999.

The disaster resilience brochure is being published in 14 of the most common languages used by residents of the Gladstone Region. Council's Multicultural Community Relations Officer Luis Arroyo said the brochures were designed to raise community awareness of the types of disasters most likely to occur in our region, and how to prepare and cope during these disaster events. "Disaster management programs are very new to all migrants, so having this information will help them be better prepared in the event of a disaster," Mr Arroyo said.

He said the multilingual resource had been developed as a cooperative venture between Council's Disaster Management section and Community Advisory Service. "We had residents from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds validate the translation of the document in each of the nominated languages. "The languages were determined as the most common using the ABS Census 2006 data." Gladstone Regional Council, Gladstone Area Promotion Development Limited and the Queensland Police will all have this resource available on their websites from May 2011. For further information contact Mr Arroyo on 4976 6352.

SID Star delivers disaster resilience message to students Who's yellow, got five sides and spruiks an important set of messages that are aimed at helping the community be better prepared and cope during natural disaster events? SID Star! SID Star is the brainchild of a group of CQUniversity Bachelor of Learning Management students who are collectively delivering a special disaster resilience program on behalf of the CQUniversity and Gladstone Regional Council. CQUniversity disaster resilience project spokesperson Julianne Impiccini said SID had been created to help educate young people and their families about the importance of being prepared for natural disasters. He was introduced to the community at the Gladstone Harbour Festival Street Parade and will be used on promotional and educational material through the remainder of the project. The disaster resilience project has been developed as a joint initiative of Gladstone Regional Council and CQUniversity Gladstone campus and will culminate in a disaster resilience education day (SID Star's Safety Day) at Kin Kora State School on June 3. Ms Impiccini said BLM students were undertaking the project as part of their studies and were looking forward to the education day when their efforts would be realised when they worked with school students.

"The education day will include a 45 minute dramatic presentation for Prep to Grade Three students that focuses on the five key elements of the program - steps to take; stop and think; stay clam; safety first; and stick together in any weather," she said. "A smart board lesson will be offered to year seven students, focusing on the Tigalee Project which Council is undertaking to reduce the incidence of flooding in the Kin Kora and Sun Valley areas during heavy rain periods. "This lesson will be conducted on an interactive whiteboard and will focus on the danger surrounding floodwaters." BLM students have also organised activities aimed at highlighting the roles and responsibilities of the emergency services in natural disaster events. Ms Impiccini said students were also developing resources that would be made available to other teachers in the Gladstone Region. For more information about the CQUniversity Disaster Management Project visit www.disaste rmanagementprojectcquglad.weebly.com

Creek Project

Rates remission

C4C Forum Gladstone Region Communities for Children invites you to attend their annual Professional Forum to be held on June 3-4 at CQUniversity, Gladstone campus starting with a free early childhood information session at 10am on Friday morning for those interested in pursuing a career in early childhood. The forum involves inspirational keynote presentations to engage all early years' professionals, practical workshops and forum discussions, an art display from children across the region, trade displays and networking opportunities. The forum open on Friday evening, June 3, with a dinner at the Grand Hotel in Gladstone. For information or bookings phone 4976 6356 or email C4Cinfo@gladstonerc.qld. gov.au

Winter Woodenland All Gladstone Regional Libraries will hold their free holiday craft mornings during the June/July school holidays to help keep the children entertained. With the theme of Winter Woodenland, kids can choose from crafts such as decorating wooden rockets and aeroplanes to tealight candle holders and door hangers all made from wood. Some libraries will require bookings, so please check with your local library for further information. Parents or carers are required to stay with their children during the activities.



How healthy is your sporting club canteen? Healthy Active Gladstone Region (HAGR) has issued the challenge to all sporting clubs to complete a canteen assessment this month. Community Nutritionist Nicole Starkey is working with the HAGR program to assist residents, organisations and businesses be smart and take part in living a healthier lifestyle and has extended her service to include free canteen assessments. To further assist sporting clubs audit their food and drink supply, Queensland Health and the Department of Communities (Sport and Recreation Services) have developed Food for Sport: A Guide to Healthy Food and Drink Supply in Sporting Clubs, which aims to increase nutritious food and drink choices while decreasing the number of less healthy options. "The Food for Sport initiative aims to improve the availability and promotion of healthier choices while limiting the supply

and promotion of the less healthy options currently found in many sporting club canteens," Ms Starkey said. "The guide offers easy to prepare food options with no cooking involved, options for the grill, oven, barbecue or stove top and tips for a popular, manageable and profitable menu along with some sample menu ideas." Ms Starkey is available, by appointment only, to assess your canteen and assist with the implementation of the Food for Sport guidelines. The assessment can include: • Reviewing food products in the canteen • Providing advice and suggestions • Educating staff on the guidelines • General nutrition advice For clubs wishing to complete their own canteen assessment, Ms Starkey has also developed resources to enable clubs assess against the Food for Sport Guidelines. For more information contact Nicole Starkey on 4976 3106, email nicole_starkey@health.qld.gov.au or to download resources visit www.gladstone.qld.gov.au/healthyactive

QMF: A classic country treat for Gladstone! The Queensland Music Festival has paired Australia’s best country music talent with Queensland’s leading chamber orchestra for a very special free concert. Dubbed Classic Country, the performance in Gladstone features a quartet of Golden Guitar and award winning musicians amping up their sound with orchestral accompaniment from the renowned Camerata of St John’s Chamber Orchestra. Country music stars Melinda Schneider, Adam Harvey, Catherine Britt and Tamworth’s Artist of the Year Graeme Connors will front the show, performing their own material and collaborating on some of country’s best-loved songs. Gladstone Regional Council Mayor Gail Sellers said the partnership with Queensland Music Festival would be of great benefit to the people of Gladstone. “Creating cultural events helps foster a strong sense of community pride and the free concert will be a marvellous opportunity for the people of the region to come together,” Cr Sellers said.



e Britt

Graeme Connors


As part of the Queensland Music Festival's community outreach, the 15 piece Camerata of St John's, under the leadership of Brendan Joyce will undertake string workshops with local Gladstone schools. Classic Country will also feature local performers, community food stalls and everyone is invited to bring the family, a rug and a picnic, and enjoy a dazzling night with some of Australia’s finest musicians beneath the stars. Classic Country is presented by Queensland Music Festival and Gladstone Regional Council. Queensland Music Festival is a biennial celebration of musical excellence. Working with communities throughout the state, our vision is to transform lives through unforgettable musical experiences. EVENT DETAILS Venue: Gladstone Ports Corporation Marina Stage, Gladstone Date: Sunday, July 24 – Free Performance Time: 4pm – 6pm Pre-concert entertainment 6pm – 8pm Classic Country concert Other: Community food stalls available. A no alcohol, all ages event.


a Sch ne


Adam Harvey

Harsher penalties aim to deter late return of library items Regional library members will need to abide by borrowing rules to avoid incurring new penalties if borrowed items are continually registered as overdue. Gladstone Regional Council will adopt a revised Library Membership and Borrowing Policy effective from June 1. The leniency period for borrowers with overdue items will be shortened to a one week ‘grace period’, after the initial three week loan period elapses. In most cases borrowers have the option to renew library loans in person, by phone, or online. Under the new policy, when a library item is overdue for seven days, the borrower will be sent an Overdue Notice and borrowing privileges will be suspended until the overdue item is returned or paid for. If items remain outstanding, after a further 21 days, a Final Overdue Notice will be issued and immediate family with library membership at the same address will also have borrowing privileges suspended until the return or payment of items. And it will be a case of too many strikes and you’re out for those repetitively incurring overdue notices. As at present, if a member has had three Overdue Notices (and three ‘warnings’) issued within 12 months, the member’s borrowing privileges will be suspended for three months – or six months on subsequent occasions. Community Services portfolio spokesperson Councillor Maxine Brushe said changes were

Rotary International group study exchange program

Mayor Gail Sellers and Councillor Graham McDonald recently hosted morning tea for a team of visiting professionals from southern Indiana, USA, in the Gladstone Regional Council Civic Centre. The young professionals Jenise Platt (university educator), Molly Dodge (external relations director), Larissa Clinton (medical secretary) and Marc Steczyk (town manager) accompanied team leader Mark Pillar, a pilot, on a tour of regional Queensland under the Rotary International Group Study Exchange Program. The program enables business and professional men and women aged 25-40 to share knowledge and methods with host country professionals in their reciprocal fields and explore a different culture. In addition to visiting Gladstone businesses and services, the team also took in some of the Gladstone Region's sights with a LARC amphibious ride at Agnes Water and a visit to the Gladstone Tondoon Botanic Gardens.

prompted to the existing Policy as a result of a review of library procedures. “A significant amount of Council staff time and money are devoted to recovering overdue library items and in some instances, debts for non-returned items,” Cr Brushe said. In November last year Councillors discussed 58 general debts to be written off totalling $14,508, of these, 51 were library debts. Cr Brushe said Council expected an initial rise in the number of three month suspensions. “When people realise the importance of returning items on time, to avoid their borrowing privileges being relinquished, it is anticipated the number of overdue items will significantly decrease,” she said. The new policy also repeals two resolutions passed last year which permanent barred members, and the immediate family of members, whose library debts have been written off. “It was considered a rather harsh penalty to ban all family members from borrowing library resources due to the act of maybe one family member,” Cr Brushe said. “The member who has had a Council overdue library debt written off will still be barred from borrowing until the debt is repaid. “But family members of the borrower with the debt will be allowed to resume borrowing under standard borrowing rules once the usual three months suspension period has elapsed.”

US Consul General Visit

Gladstone Mayor Gail Sellers was pleased to welcome US Consul General Mr Niels Marquardt to Gladstone Regional Council during his recent visit to the city. The visit was Mr Marquardt's first to the city and the well-travelled diplomat, who is now based in Sydney, was keen to meet with local dignitaries to discuss Gladstone's status as one of Australia's key industrial centres. Mayor Sellers said Mr Marquardt had shown a keen interest in the Gladstone Region and was very knowledgeable about the area.



Project Updates - May - June 2011 t

Airport Runway Reconstruction Projec Project cost

$65-$70 million

Commencement date

May 2009

Project stages

Current project status


Continuation of the widening to 45m on the runway (including associated work on linemarking and lighting)

Total of 16 weeks - night works

All widening works are being under taken as night works. Rain has the potential to delay/ disrupt this work.

May/June 2011 for widening works

Local Laws Review NA

Commencement date

April 2010

Project stages

• Development of draft Local Laws • Development of local law making

policy • Council endorsement to proceed with proposed drafts • Develop community engagement strate gy • Conduct public consultation • Review and amend draft local laws • Council resolution to make amendmen ts and consult with public again • Final drafts proposed and sent for Ministerial approval • Implement local laws Amendments have been made to draft local laws and Council repor t going to general meeting 17 May 2011 for endorsement.

• Council resolution on final drafts. • Publish notification on amendments and consult with public • Respond to all submissions made


Anticipated project completion date

Project stages

• Planning (finalised) • Permits and applications (finalised) • Funding application and approval (finali

sed) • Preliminary community consultation (finalised) • Consideration of community input (finalised) • Redesign of basin to accommoda te community needs (finalised) • Construction work to commence (Augu st 2011 weather permitting) • Finalisation - Approximately 13 weeks after work commences (weather permitting) • Postponed due to prolonged wet seaso n. • Detention basin length reduced to approximately 150 metres following community consultation . • Work scheduled to commence Augus t 2011 (providing basin is dry).

Current project status

Works scheduled this month


Possible disruptions

Nil (awaiting drying of basin)



Anticipated project completion date

Approximately November 2011

Kirkwood Road Stage 3

Project cost

Works scheduled this month

$1.66 million (equal share funding betwe en Gladstone Regional Council and the Federal and State Governments) June 2010

Commencement date

Possible disruptions

Works scheduled this month

Current project status


Project cost

runway - completed Stage One: Extension of western end of 2009 mber Septe mid n and Stage Two: Central runway constructio Callemondah Drive commencement of the re-alignment of completed mid October 2009 ion - completed Stage Three: Eastern end runway extens June 2010 leted August Stage Four: Final section of runway - comp 2010 Runway commissioned August 17, 2010 n Safety Widening to 45m as per recent Civil Aviatio March 2011 and is Authority (CASA) requirements began anticipated to finish May/June 2011 elopment of the Other associated works such as redev ence in May General Aviation area are expected to comm 2011 and be completed by July 2011.

Anticipated project completion date

Tigalee Creek (Kathleen Shanahan Par


Possible disruptions



October 2011


Project cost


Commencement date

December 2009

Project stages

Road project will Construction of Stage 3 of the Kirkwood enaraby Road to complete the link from the Gladstone-B to defer heavy traffic the Dawson Highway and is designed and streets and from using the existing smaller urban roads the population allow for the increase of motorists during rises portions A, growth. Kirkwood Road, Stage 3 comp ood Road and the B and C, Glenlyon Road, South of Kirkw Road through to intersection of Glenlyon Road and Daley . the Gladstone-Benaraby Road intersection

lete. Portion A is approximately 90% comp Portion B is approximately 50% complete. lete. Portion C is approximately 10% comp ble disruptions Possi Duration Works scheduled this month Traffic management Portion A - sign installation, at Glenlyon/ Kirkwood . arking guideposts and linem Road Intersection.

Current project status

Portion B - stormwater pipelines, Earthworks (Glenlyon Road), kerb work, service trenches, pavement layers, seal, guardrails, light poles. Portion C - temporary wall, base, stormwater drainage, services installation, Anticipated project completion date

June 2011

Construction of roads in rural areas is the responsibility of individual landowners The onus to construct new roads to a rurally located property lies with the landholder, not Council. Rural land buyers are being urged to be aware of this responsibility when purchasing property, where no road currently exists, with the intention of building. At Council’s April 19 general meeting, Councillors discussed the need to dispel an existing public misconception that Council would carry out works. In a report to Council, Director of Infrastructure Ross Paroz said numerous enquiries and requests were being received by Council, for the construction of roads on road reserves, generally in rural areas where no road currently exists. “Typically these are historical subdivisions in rural areas which have gazetted road reserves but no constructed or maintained road assets,” Mr Paroz said. He said in the majority of cases land in rural locations was being acquired for building a home and owners were contacting Council with

the assumption all weather access could be constructed to their premises. “There seems to be an expectation that Council will build a road to their property,” Mr Paroz said. “Council is not obliged to construct and maintain such roads. The only requirement Council has is to have a register of all the roads it does maintain.” Councillors adopted a policy to clarify Council’s position with regard to requests for construction of roads in rural areas. Councillors unanimously agreed to articulate that Council was under no obligation to construct a road; to extend the length of an existing road or to upgrade the level of service or hierarchy class of an existing road. The policy adopted further states that “should a landowner wish to build a new dwelling which only has access via an unmade or unformed road, Council expects that the landowner will upgrade the road access at their cost”. In this instance, the landowner faces the same situation as a subdivider, who has to upgrade roads at their cost as part of a new development.

Scheduled Infrastructure Works PROJECT



Hawke Street, Ubobo

Formation, drainage and bitumen seal works, from Railway Street to the end of Lot 15.


Popenia Road, Mount Larcom

Widening and drainage improvements from the Mount Larcom Cemetery to the transfer station.


Lowmead Road, Lowmead

Upgrading of existing gravel surface to an eight metre wide bitumen June seal for 1km north adjoining the existing seal.

Calliope River Road, Yarwun

Widening, drainage and intersection improvements to recommence. August

Harvey Road, Gladstone

Extend existing car park to service Junior Rugby League and Touch Football fields.

Flood damage - Main Roads restoration works will continue throughout the region. various locations



* Estimated completion date only and subject to favourable weather conditions.


Land valuations on display

Copies of the region’s land valuations, released by Queensland’s Valuer-General this week, are open to public viewing at three Council locations. Documents can be inspected until August 1 at Council offices at 101 Goondoon Street, 5 Don Cameron Drive, Calliope and the Agnes Water/ Seventeen Seventy Rural Transaction Centre, 3 Captain Cook Drive, Agnes Water. Council is providing the public forum for residents to view the figures, released by the Department of Environment and Resource Management (DERM) as part of new valuations across

Queensland. The Valuer-General has encouraged any landholders wishing to dispute their valuations to lodge an objection with DERM by July 4.

Morning Melodies

See Barry Crocker's 'Banjo' during the Gladstone Entertainment Centre's staging of Morning Melodies on June 28 from 11.00am. Morning Melodies is an opportunity for our region's seniors to see a live performance at a reasonable price. Morning tea starts at 10am. Phone 4972 2822.

Briefly Glenlyon bridge

Hutchinson Builders has been awarded a $422,350 Gladstone Regional Council contract for the supply and construction of a pedestrian bridge at Glenlyon Rail Crossing. The bridge is to be constructed next to the existing two lane crossing between the Phillip Street and Dixon Drive roundabouts and will form a safe pedestrian/cycle link between Dixon Drive and Rifle Range Road. Project work is expected to be carried out from May to September.

Black Spot work

Visability at the four-way intersection of Rossella, Lord, Side and Murray Streets will improve under a $165,000 Black Spot funded program. Councillors approved changes to the scope of works to include additional line marking, possible kerb realignment, signage to reduce speed and restrict parking, improvements to sight distances from Side Street into Lord Street and the installation of an additional culvert in Murray Street to improve drainage. Black Spot funding of $100,000 will be spent on the Beltana Drive and Brin Street intersection at Boyne Island with works approved for installation of raised medians in both streets, colour/stencil asphalt to visually alert drivers to road condition changes, installation of a pedestrian crossing point in Beltana Drive and possible pedestrian crossing island refuges.

Botanic To Bridge support

Gladstone Regional Council has pledged $10,000 sponsorship to Gladstone Port Corporation’s 2011 Botanic To Bridge Fun Run. Council has also expressed interest to be part of the Healthy Living Expo after the run to promote the Healthy Active Gladstone Region initiative.



sport and recreation Clinic Dates for June 2011 SERVICE



Child Health Nurse

Agnes Water

Wednesday and Thursday

Miriam Vale

June 9

Agnes Water



June 21

Community Nurse

Turkey Beach June 17 Miriam Vale

June 9

Counselling Services

Agnes Water

Monday to Thursday


Agnes Water

June 14

Turkey Beach June 7 Family Support Worker

Agnes Water

Monday to Friday


Agnes Water

June 3

Miriam Vale

June 8

Baffle Creek

June 22

Agnes Water

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday & Friday

Baffle Creek

June 9 & 23

Miriam Vale

June 2, 16 & 30

Agnes Water

Monday and Thursdays

Miriam Vale

Wednesday and Fridays


June 21

Agnes Water

June 7 & 8


Seniors Nurse

Dr Sue Redman Women's Health Nurse

DCCHS – MENS HEALTH WEEK, June 15 at Agnes Water Tavern Community Intra/Agency Meeting Wed 29 June 9.30am Please phone 4902 1100 for an appointment for these services

Expo to showcase healthy living An expo planned for the Discovery Coast in July will highlight what is on offer in the health and fitness industry for the local community. Local fresh and healthy food and produce will also be available. The Discovery Coast Community Health Service will hold the Healthy Lifestyle Expo on Sunday, July 31 at Endeavour Park at Seventeen Seventy, starting with a healthy 2.5km walk from the SES Grounds to the Expo at 10am. The day's aim is to encourage the community to engage in regular physical activity in an attempt to reduce the incidence of chronic illness within the community. Sporting groups, fitness instructors and health care providers will provide a range of information, tips and advice to people who attend the expo. People who wish to host a display or activity at the expo are welcome to do so but all vendors are required to supply their own marquees and equipment for their displays. Contact Megan at meganr@gladstonerc. qld.gov.au or phone 4902 1100.



Aquatic Centre still busy Residents may have noticed that the Olympic size swimming pool at the Gladstone Aquatic Centre has shut down for winter but that does not mean things are quiet at the complex. Learn to swim still operates all year round in the heated indoor pool and Squad programs will recommence on June 6 to allow competitive swimmers time to complete their pre season fitness work before the first competition of the new season. Tenders have been called for several off-season projects to be conducted at the centre including refurbishment work on the 50m pool itself and the construction of a splash park/water playground. The main pool will have reparations done to its circulation plant, maintaining efficient water distribution and ensuring the water remains clean, filtering any unwanted nasties from the pool water. The upgrade will also bring the complete filtration system up to current Australian standards. Inlets at the bottom of the pool will also be replaced to reduce the amount of turbulence experienced by swimmers in lanes 4 and 5. Prior to the draining of the pool, the inlets' water jets were directed towards the surface but adjustments made will disperse incoming water along the bottom of the pool, making swimming easier going for pool users. The Gladstone Aquatic Centre will also be transformed with work to soon get under way on its splash park/water playground. This new facility, which will be constructed on the site of the existing toddlers pool and its surrounds, will provide an additional family-friendly venue for Gladstone Region residents to enjoy. The spray park/water playground will cater for the growing needs of the region's younger residents and will stimulate mind and body through various interactive aquatic play equipment.

Anne's art inspired by Gardens' beauty The Gladstone Tondoon Botanic Gardens have proved to be a fruitful source of inspiration for ar tist Anne Huth. The gardens' enticing scenery has already served as the catalyst for an earlier collection of Ms Huth's work last year and now she returns with The Magic of the Tondoon Botanic Gardens - Par t 2. Ms Huth said her latest exhibition, on display at the Gardens' Visitor Centre throughout June, is a collection of paintings, drawings and prints capturing the beauty of the Gardens. "Many things about the Gardens inspire my ar twork," she said. "I love the interesting plants, trees and creatures found in the Gardens. "The varying light conditions and seasonal changes also attract my attention." Ms Huth will also conduct three workshops at the Gardens throughout June. Ms Huth will host two Creating with Ballpoint Pen classes, one for adults on Sunday, June 12, and the other for children on Sunday, June 26, as well as a Creating and Printing with Ezy Carve linoleum cutting medium for adults on June 4. For more information about the exhibition or workshops phone Parks and Conservation Visitor Services Officer Merilyn Haigh on 4971 4443 or Anne Huth on 0439 792 833 or 4974 1239.

arts, culture & entertainment

artgalleryandmuseum Saiki Children's Day 10am - 12pm Friday, June 3, 2011

To mark the 15th anniversary celebrations of the Saiki Gladstone Sister City Declaration of Friendship, the Saiki Gladstone Sister City Advisory Committee is presenting a series of events highlighting some aspects of Japanese culture starting with the Saiki Children's Day to be held at the Gallery/Museum Assistant Clare Case Gallery/Museum displays the carp designs for the Saiki from 10am to Children's Day event. 12pm, Friday, June 3, 2011.

The event for primary school aged children is based on the Japanese Children's Day national holiday that has been celebrated on May 5 since 1948. A variety of activities including Samurai helmet making, origami kite construction and doll making for a Hina doll installation, will be available.

ARTS NAIDOC - Change: The next step is ours June 25 - July 23, 2011

The Gallery/Museum is welcoming entries in the primary school Celebrate NAIDOC Week art competition alongside Change: The next step is ours, an exhibition of works by Murri artists from now until Friday June 17. NAIDOC Week is celebrated nationally from Sunday, July 3 through to Sunday, July 10, aiming to promote a greater understanding of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and culture, within the community. Artworks by local Murri artists and school students will be exhibited during the Arts NAIDOC display, showcasing the extraordinary talents of the region's Murri community. Entry forms are available from the Gallery/Museum, Council offices or at the Council website www.gladstone.qld.gov.au For enquiries phone 4976 6766.

Council and Arts Queensland give boost to region's art Ten fantastic new arts projects have received vital funding following a cheque presentation ceremony by the Gladstone Region Regional Arts Development Fund (RADF). Cr Gail Sellers, Mayor Gladstone Region and RADF Chair, was on hand to present the cheques to the successful applicants of the latest funding round, providing much needed financial assistance for projects right across the region. And the recipients are: • Gladstone Independent Schools Music Association Incorporated (GISMA) for the GISMA 2011 Music Workshop • Creative Gladstone Region Inc. to host visual arts workshops • Elizabeth (Liz) Farrell to attend McGregor Winter School • CQUniversity Gladstone to host 2-day theatrical staging workshop • Faith Hutchinson to attend artspoken conference • Wendy Barker to host innovative choreography workshops in partnership with Gooreng Gooreng family • Discovery Coast Tourism & Commerce Inc.

(DCTC) Captain Cook 1770 Festival to host object manipulation opportunity during Festival • Gladstone Arts Council will partner with Queensland Music Festival to host Camerata of St John's chamber orchestra workshops • Baffle Creek Sport & Recreation Association to host Baffle Creek Public Art project • DCTC Captain Cook 1770 Festival to present Bustard Arts community workshop with recycled materials The RADF is a partnership program with Arts Queensland and the Gladstone Regional Council, presenting an opportunity for individuals and groups in the Gladstone Region to apply for funding to support their innovative arts and cultural activities. Each year Council lodges an official bid for funding from Arts Queensland and this money, together with allocations from Council, is used to fund projects throughout the community. Applications for funding close each March and September annually and a local Committee meets to assess the submissions, deciding if the project meets the RADF guidelines and is eligible for funding. Application forms, guidelines and further information are available on Council's website.



arts, culture & ente hereinhistory Kullaroo House In February 1909 the Commercial Banking Company of Sydney Ltd purchased land on the southeast corner of Goondoon and Yarroon Streets for £600 ($1200). The land was used to build the first purpose built bank in Gladstone. The building was designed by Brisbane architect James Percy Owen, and built by A.A. Carrick for a tender price Kullaroo House under construction 1910-1911 of £4650 ($9300) and was Courtesy Rio Tinto Alcan officially opened for business in June, 1911. The Commercial Banking Company of Sydney Ltd moved into new premises, further up Goondoon Street in May 1958, and a tender of £4650 ($9000) by M.A. Busteed to purchase its old premises and land was accepted by the bank. From the early 1960s the building was occupied as a boarding house, known as Kullaroo House. Kullaroo is believed to be an Aboriginal word meaning 'road that leads to water'. In the late 1970s lawyers Goodwin, McKenzie, Forbes and Partners refurbished the building as law offices and in the late 1980s Kullaroo House became a restaurant. After the building was acquired by the Gladstone Port Authority in 1993 it was refurbished to accommodate staff and in 1996-1997 a large extension imitating the architectural detail of the original building was constructed. The original Commercial Banking Company of Sydney Ltd building 1911-1958 was heritage registered in December, 2006. The Forming of the Boyne Island/Tannum Sands Fire Brigade Sam Myers, a Year 10 Gladstone State High School student, recently completed a four-day work experience stint at the Gladstone Regional Art Gallery and Museum. During his visit Sam wrote the following article about the history of the Boyne Island/Tannum Sands fire brigade based on his research and largely helped by an article published in The Observer on June 28, 1975. There was a meeting held on June 26, 1975 at Benaraby Hall to discuss the building of a fire station in the Boyne/Tannum area.

In due course, with government intervention, a new fire tender was made available to the Boyne Island/ Tannum Sands brigade and the QAL-donated jeep unit went to another rural fire brigade. In 1975 the operating Boyne Island/Tannum Sands bushfire brigade was a rural fire brigade.

Samuel Myer and Bob Beale discussing the Boyne Tannum Fire Brigade article in the Observer. Photographer Harry Gallaher

The difference between rural and urban fire services is that rural fire services have yellow fire trucks and consist of volunteer firefighters whereas urban fire services have red fire trucks and paid employees. The move to form the Boyne Island/Tannum Sands fire brigade was so the area's residents could have a permanent station with someone on 24 hour call.

This allowed for quicker responses to fires as Gladstone is 42 kilometres from Tannum Sands and more than 32 kilometres from Boyne Island, by way of the old Tannum road. It would have taken quite a length of time to get emergency personnel to those areas. I was taken to the Gladstone City Library to use the microfilm machine to find an article from 1982 when the station opened. After finding the article I discovered that Gladstone and 80 other state fire services took part in a survey to assess Queensland's future fire protection. Bill Hewitt, the state Administration Services Minister who attended the opening of Boyne Island Tannum Sands fire station, said it had been built at a cost of about $275,000. Mr Hewitt paid tribute to the auxiliary firemen who tended the Boyne Island/Tannum Sands Station and all of their counterparts throughout Queensland, saying they provide valuable community service in developing areas.

Queensland Alumina Ltd (QAL) had already donated a jeep fire truck to the cause in 1973.


The vehicle was driven from Gladstone to Tannum Sands and, at a later date, went across to Boyne Island.


Boyne Tannum Fire Station Photographer Greg Chandler


entertainmentcentre Kitty Flanagan Charming and Alarming

It’s been a long time coming but Kitty is finally heading to Gladstone, to launch herself on a largely unsuspecting audience with the show Charming & Alarming. For one night only at the Gladstone Entertainment Centre, she will showcase a definitive collection of her best standup along with some special extras as well ... just like a DVD only in real life. Charming & Alarming promises to be a fast paced evening of cracking stories, skillful characterisations, hard laughs and a little bit of musical spectacle from a secret special guest ... who, as it happens, is neither secret nor special. In fact, it’s just her sister Penny who works cheap and will provide a bit of atmos and guitar-noodling at various points throughout the show. Not suitable for children under 15 years. ID may be required at the door. Saturday, June 25, 8pm

Queensland Symphony Orchestra Healing Harmonies Family Concert

Queensland Symphony Orchestra is the largest performing arts company in Queensland. QSO is the state's only professional symphony orchestra and is making its way to Gladstone for the QSO's Healing Harmonies Family Concert. The concert will feature some of the greatest classical works ever written, as well as beautiful and uplifting movements from Haydn's trumpet concerto, Handel's Water Music, Beethoven's 5th Symphony and other great master works which will calm the senses and stir the emotions. Conducted by well known conductor Guy Noble this program of famous classical music and entertaining works is aimed at a younger audience and also appeals to everyone in the family. Proceeds of this concert will be donated to The Premier’s Disaster Relief Fund. Thursday, June 30, 6.30pm

Breast Wishes

Meet four women, a fumbling boyfriend, a well-meaning husband, a bra-fitter, add some show-stopping numbers and a brilliant cast and you’ve got a small musical about some pretty big issues. Breast Wishes is a new Australian musical about love, life, loss and silicon; a witty and heart-warming journey of courage and determination through laughter to triumph. It is a celebration of breasts and those who support them. Tuesday, July 5, 8pm

Loop the Loop

Prepare to be impressed when master musician Gene Peterson, goes head to head with multi instrumentalist Adam Page, in this phenomenal musical showdown. Set in a boxing ring, complete with blue and red corners, ‘Loop the Loop’ is a musical battle like no other! As each artist attempts to out-play the other with their multitude of musical abilities, they continually record their music into a loop pedal, creating the aural illusion of an entire band playing live! As the competition is fierce, the musicians are forced to pull their best tricks out of their arsenal! ‘Loop the Loop’ also features a high level of comedy, and audiences can look forward to marvelling at the outrageous skills displayed, whilst being tickled by the humour. Gene and Adam will also be providing a free musical workshop for all ticket holders in the Basement Playhouse at 4pm. Thursday, July 28, 7pm



Contact Council Main Phone: 4970 0700 Main Fax: 4975 8500 All mail to: PO Box 29 Gladstone DC Qld 4680

t’s On WhinaJune?

Council’s Community Calendar


What’s On

Event Description

Every Thursday

Story Time

Story Time and Crafts for children aged zero to five years is held at Mt Larcom Library every Friday from 10.30am to 11.30am. No bookings are required.

Every Story Time Wednesday

Story Time and Crafts for children aged zero to five years is held at Agnes Water Library every Friday from 10am to 10.30am. No bookings are required.

Every Story Time Wednesday

Story Time and Crafts for children aged zero to five years is held at Gladstone City Library every Wednesday from 11am to 11.30am. No bookings are required.

Every Friday

Story Time

Story Time and Crafts for children aged zero to five years is held at Boyne Island Library every Friday from 10.30am to 11am. No bookings are required.

36 Roe Street, Miriam Vale Qld 4677 PO Box 29, Gladstone DC Qld 4680 Email: info@gladstonerc.qld.gov.au

Every Friday

Story Time

Story Time and Crafts for children aged zero to five years is held at Calliope Library every Friday from 10.30am to 11am. No bookings are required.

Gladstone Regional Art Gallery & Museum Cnr Goondoon & Bramston Sts Gladstone Qld 4680 Telephone: (07) 4976 6766 Gladstone Entertainment Centre 58 Goondoon Street, Gladstone Qld 4680 Telephone: (07) 4972 2822 Community Advisory Service 142 Goondoon St, Gladstone Qld 4680 Telephone: (07) 4976 6300 Discovery Coast Community Health Service Rafting Ground Road, Agnes Water 4677 Telephone: (07) 4902 1100 Discovery Coast Community Care 36 Roe Street, Miriam Vale 4677 Tondoon Botanic Gardens Glenlyon Road, Gladstone Qld 4680 Telephone: (07) 4971 4444 Boyne Tannum Community Centre & Library Cnr Wyndham and Hayes Ave, Boyne Island Qld 4680 Telephone: (07) 4971 9700 Mt Larcom Rural Transaction Centre/ Library 47 Raglan St, Mount Larcom Qld 4695 Telephone: (07) 4975 1205 Gladstone Aquatic Centre 60 Tank Street, Gladstone Qld 4680 Telephone: (07) 4972 6822 Calliope Pool Stirrat Street, Phone: (07) 4975 6455 Mount Larcom Pool Narrows Road, Phone: (07) 4975 1185 Agnes Water Rural Transaction Centre 3 Captain Cook Drive, Agnes Water Qld 4677 Telephone: (07) 4902 1515 Agnes Water Library 3 Captain Cook Drive, Agnes Water Qld 4677 Telephone (07) 4902 1501 Gladstone City Library 39 Goondoon Street, Gladstone Qld 4680 Telephone: (07) 4976 6400 Calliope Library 5 Don Cameron Drive, Calliope Qld 4680 Telephone: (07) 4975 8105 Miriam Vale Library 34 Roe Street, Miriam Vale Qld 4677 Telephone: (07) 4974 6241

June 7 & 21

Story Time

Story Time and Crafts for children aged zero to five years is held at Miriam Vale Library from 9.30am to 10am. No bookings are required.

June 10 & 24

Baby Bounce

A lap sit program is being held for a parent and their child less than 2 yrs at Gladstone City Library from 11am to 11.30am. This program includes songs and rhymes. No bookings are required.

Every Monday to Friday

Happy Hour

Old age pensioners (over 60s) are invited to attend Happy Hour at Gladstone Aquatic Centre for free access to the pool between 8am and 9am. Phone 4972 6822 for more information.

June 7 & 21

General Council Meeting

Community members are welcome to attend Council’s General Meetings held at the Gladstone Administration Centre, 101 Goondoon Street, Gladstone from 9am.

June 18

Councillor Community Awareness Sessions

Between 9am and 12noon, Councillors will be on hand to discuss any issues, topics or concerns that residents may have at Stockland Gladstone.

Every Friday & Saturday

Library Square Don’t miss the free live musical performances on every Friday Performances and Saturday night between 6pm and 8pm at Library Square, Goondoon Street, Gladstone Phone 4972 2822 for more information on how you can perform at the square.

Every Friday

Library Square Don’t miss the free live musical performances on every Performances Friday lunch time between 12pm and 2pm at Library Square, Goondoon Street, Gladstone. Phone 4972 2822 for more information on how you perform at the square.

Every Monday to Friday

Gladstone Aquatic Centre

Gladstone Office

101 Goondoon Street, Gladstone Qld 4680 PO Box 29, Gladstone DC Qld 4680 Email: info@gladstonerc.qld.gov.au

Calliope Office

5 Don Cameron Drive, Calliope Qld 4680 PO Box 29, Gladstone DC Qld 4680 Email: info@gladstonerc.qld.gov.au

Miriam Vale Office


Come and join in the fun and learn to swim with fully qualified instructors at the Gladstone Aquatic Centre. Bookings are essential. Phone 4972 6822 to book.

Council numbers and information After hours emergency number 4979 1134. Residents who incur STD call rates in contacting Council, can phone 1300 733 343 at a cost of local call rates. Correspondence Residents are asked to direct all correspondence to the Chief Executive Officer, PO Box 29, Gladstone Qld 4680. Customer service Council is committed to providing you with timely, efficient and consistent service. Our customer service charter details the service standards that Council aims to meet. The charter can be accessed


from Council’s website. Council meetings Council meetings are held every first and third Tuesday of the month from 9am at the Gladstone Council Chambers, 101 Goondoon Street, Gladstone. A list of agenda items is available from Council’s website from 5pm the Friday prior to each meeting. Meeting minutes are also available from the website. • Airport Hotline: 1300 419 991 • Planning Scheme Hotline: 1300 621 922 www.gladstone.qld.gov.au

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