Agnes Water & Seventeen Seventy Proposed Planning Scheme Fact Sheet

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Gladstone Regional Council

Planning Scheme

Our Place Our Plan About the proposed Planning Scheme A planning scheme is a legal document that guides how land is developed. The new Planning Scheme will replace the schemes from the former Gladstone City, Calliope Shire and Miriam Vale Shire councils. It will provide one document of consistent land use planning rules and regulations across Council’s jurisdiction and has been prepared in accordance with the Sustainable Planning Act 2009.

LOCALITY OF Agnes Water & Seventeen Seventy Regional growth The Gladstone Region has experienced significant population growth in recent years and population forecasts predict that this is likely to continue. On average, the resident population of the region has increased by about three per cent per year since 2010, making it one of the fastest growing local government areas in Queensland. It is expected that the population is likely to almost double from the current figure of approximately 60,000 to almost 112,000 people by 2031.*

Agnes Water & Seventeen Seventy overview The localities of Agnes Water and Seventeen Seventy have a combined population of approximately 1890** people and are situated on the coast in the southern portion of the region. The towns are characterised by a mix of residential (including rural residential), small scale tourism and commercial uses supported by a school and community facilities. The proposed Planning Scheme proposes a number of changes to the extent of zones for the township of Agnes Water. This includes a reduction in the extent of land identified in the Medium density residential zone to more accurately reflect the take-up of some areas for low density residential development. A clearly defined urban footprint has been identified in the Emerging community zone in Agnes Water which can adequately accommodate future population growth in new neighbourhoods for the duration of the planning scheme and beyond. A precinct has been identified at Jeffery Court within the Mixed use zone to support coastal based tourism opportunities with a focus on short term accommodation and small scale food and drink outlets, bars, retail and community uses. A reduction in the extent of land identified for business and commercial uses has also been made. Some areas within these localities are affected by a number of overlay codes under the proposed Planning Scheme, such as the Bushfire hazard overlay code, Flood hazard overlay code, Acid sulfate soils overlay code and Steep land overlay code. Proposed developments within these areas would need to address the relevant provisions. *Queensland Government Statistician’s Office, 2012. **Commonwealth of Australia (ABS), 2011.

Has my zone changed? It is likely that the name of your zone has changed. New planning schemes in Queensland must follow State Government requirements for drafting which includes a standard set of zones. All properties throughout the region have been categorised into zones which reflect intended or previous uses for the site. In many cases, the provisions for development may not have changed substantially.


Overview of zones Zones are allocated to each parcel of land to identify its intended use. Below is a short summary of some of the changes or likely outcomes for the main zones in this area under Gladstone Regional Council’s proposed Planning Scheme. Please refer to the Planning Scheme document for full details.

Character residential zone • Applies to the town of Seventeen Seventy and the Springs Beach/Red Rock residential area. • The zone is to ensure new development recognises and respects the important scenic and heritage character of Seventeen Seventy and the natural landscape and existing coastal development character of the Springs Beach/Red Rock area. • New buildings are in the form of individual detached buildings, small–scale in size and low–rise in height (8.5m) • New development will minimise visual impacts and prevent buildings from dominating the natural landscape. • Zone promotes the use of light-weight building materials, generous roof forms, building articulation and overhangs.

Low-medium density residential zone

Low density residential zone

Medium density residential zone

• A new residential zone intended to achieve slightly higher densities than the Low density residential zone. • Provides for a range and mix of low intensity uses and dwelling types including dwelling houses, dwelling houses on narrow lots, dual occupancy and small scale unit developments. • Building height limit of 8.5m. • Minimum lot size of 400m2 unless associated with a terrace/row house. • A dwelling house, dual occupancy or home based business will be self-assessable development, unless triggered by an overlay. • Development should include a mix of housing sizes.

• Predominantly defined by detached dwelling houses. • Low intensity uses such as home based businesses, community uses and small scale services that serve the day to day needs of local residents may be supported. • Up to two dwellings on one lot (dual occupancy) could be allowed on larger lots. • Building height limit of 8.5m. • Minimum lot size of 600m2. • A dwelling house, dual occupancy or home based business will be self-assessable development, unless triggered by an overlay.

• Provides for medium density unit development in the existing developed area in Agnes Water. • Neighbourhood character is to be retained through design elements that reduce building bulk and create an attractive streetscape. • Building heights up to 15m (four storeys) are generally permitted. • Minimum lot size of 400m2. • A dwelling house, dual occupancy or home based business will be self-assessable development, unless triggered by an overlay. • Built form is guided by building types e.g. units on minimum frontage 30m, minimum site area 1000m2, 60 per cent maxiumum site coverage.

Industry investigation zone

Low impact industry zone

Emerging community zone

• The purpose of the zone is to identify and protect land that may be suitable for industrial activities in the future. • Immediate development of this land is generally inappropriate due to constraints such as a lack of infrastructure necessary to service industrial development. • Building are to be low-rise and consistent with character of area.

• To provide for service and low impact industry uses that generally service local needs. • Accommodates limited activities of wholesale, trade supplies. • A building height limit of 11m or 8.5m where adjoining residential uses. • Does not accommodate retail uses which are located in the Centre and Neighbourhood centre zones.

• Identifies land that may be suitable for urban development in the future. Interim development must not compromise the future development potential for urban purposes. • Minimum lot size of 50ha. • Acceptable building height up to 8.5m. • New neighbourhoods require structure plans to be prepared for urban development.


Overview of zones Zones are allocated to each parcel of land to identify its intended use. Below is a short summary of some of the changes or likely outcomes for the main zones in this area under Gladstone Regional Council’s proposed Planning Scheme. Please refer to the Planning Scheme document for full details.

Mixed use zone

Rural zone

• The intent of the zone is to establish an urban revitalisation area in the Jeffery Court precinct in Agnes Water. • The purpose of the zone is to provide a wide mix of residential and small scale commercial, retail, tourism service industry and short term accommodation. • Active uses occur at street level and after hours uses are encouraged to socially activate main streets. • Dwelling units occur above street level or to the rear of ground level businesses. • Building heights vary and are shown on an overlay. • Should maintain access and view lines to the beach and pedestrian links to Tom Jeffery Memorial Park.

• Rural and primary production uses are conserved through limiting fragmentation of land. • Opportunities in appropriate locations for small scale non-rural uses that are compatible with rural uses, landscape character, environmental values and natural features. • Urban/rural residential expansion does not occur in the rural zone.

Rural residential zone

Centre zone

• Intended to provide limited lifestyle choices on the fringe of existing urban areas. • Level of servicing is less than is provided in urban areas. • Development responds to land constraints including steep land, bushfire and flooding. • Changes to the minimum lot sizes of some existing estates are proposed to reflect the available level of servicing (particularly water infrastructure for fire fighting) and natural hazards and features. • Minimum lot size of 6000m2 where lots are provided with full service reticulated water supply, 1.5ha in all other circumstances. • Non-residential uses are limited to uses that meet the local day to day needs of the residents. • An Enterprise precinct has been included on Bicentennial Drive to permit low impact business activities, tourist and creative enterprises in the long term future.

• Provides for a mix of uses and activities in a highly accessible location to function as a town centre and meeting place. • Uses include (but not restricted to) business, retail, professional, administrative, community, entertainment and residential activities. • A mix of uses, building types and tenancy sizes are encouraged. • Buildings are encouraged to overlook external streets with active frontages and awnings.

Community facilities zone

Special purpose zone

Sport and recreation zone & Open space zone

• To provide for community related activities and facilities whether under public or private ownership. • Buildings are low/medium-rise with a maximum height of 12m. • Non-community related development (e.g. food or drink outlet) only to occur where they support the community activity.

• Provides for public uses that are owned or operated by a government, statutory authority, or government owned or private corporations in the course of a public utility undertaking. • The uses can include water and sewerage treatment plants and rail infrastructure. • Adjacent development must not limit their ongoing operation.

• Development is designed to meet community needs for sport, active and informal recreation purposes. • Building height limit of 12m in the Sport and recreation zone and 8.5m in the Open space zone. • Impacts on adjoining residential land are minimised by adequate separation, screening and buffering.



GRCRoadCentrelines GRCBaseParcel WaterWays Precincts GRCBaseParcel Centre (level 1 Zone) Character Residential Community Facilities Conservation Emerging Communities Environmental Management High Density Residential Industry Investigation Area Limited Development (constrained Land) Low Density Residential Low Impact Industry Low-medium Density Residential Major Tourism Medium Density Residential Medium Impact Industry Minor Tourism Mixed Use Neighbourhood Centre Open Space Principal Centre Rural Rural Residential Special Industry Special Purpose Specialised Centre Sport And Recreation Township

Printed: 05-Nov-2014 Map Scale 1: 53,112 1,327.79



1,327.79 Meters

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Š The State of Queensland Depar State and Gladstone Regional Cou gives no warranty in relation to th without limitation, liability in negli must not be used for direct marke should not be considered as any m


GRCRoadCentrelines GRCBaseParcel WaterWays Precincts GRCBaseParcel Centre (level 1 Zone) Character Residential Community Facilities Conservation Emerging Communities Environmental Management High Density Residential Industry Investigation Area Limited Development (constrained Land) Low Density Residential Low Impact Industry Low-medium Density Residential Major Tourism Medium Density Residential Medium Impact Industry Minor Tourism Mixed Use Neighbourhood Centre Open Space Principal Centre Rural Rural Residential Special Industry Special Purpose Specialised Centre Sport And Recreation Township

Printed: 05-Nov-2014 Map Scale 1: 26,556 331.95



Original Size: A3

Š The State of Queensland Department of Natural Resources and State and Gladstone Regional Council permitting use of this data gives no warranty in relation to the data including accuracy, reliab without limitation, liability in negligence for any loss, damage or c must not be used for direct marketing or be used in breach of the should not be considered as any more than indicative only.


Frequently Asked Questions FAQs Where do I find the proposed scheme & mapping?

What do the levels of assessment mean?

The proposed Gladstone Regional Council Planning Scheme and the associated mapping can be found on Council’s planning scheme website at The scheme is electronically based and can be accessed from any device with an internet connection. For assistance or to obtain a copy please visit our Gladstone Administration Centre (101 Goondoon Street), Calliope Administration Centre (5 Don Cameron Drive) or phone Council’s Regional Strategy Division on 1300 621 922 during business hours.

Levels of assessment are categories which are assigned to each type of development for a certain location and zoning. In a planning scheme, the levels of assessment for development are Self Assessable, Code Assessable, Impact Assessable or Exempt. These categories are based on the intended development for the area. They are used as an administrative tool to guide the type of development application and assessment that is required for any proposed development. Please refer to the Planning Scheme document for full details.

What is the Strategic Framework? The Strategic Framework is a part of the proposed Planning Scheme that sets the policy direction for the Gladstone Region. It provides the unique ‘story’ of our region and then identifies the future intentions for the planning scheme area based on this background. The Strategic Framework is used to assess a development application and covers the following themes specific to our region: • • • • • •

Gateway to the world; Community living; Connecting our places; Building it better: our urban areas; Our environment and heritage; and Our rural and coastal areas.

The aim of this scheme is ‘Getting the balance right: local benefits from global growth’. This part of the proposed scheme provides direction for achieving positive outcomes for the people living and working in the Gladstone Region. All other provisions have been drafted in accordance with this.

Is my property subject to an overlay? An overlay is a part of the Planning Scheme which identifies areas in the Gladstone Region where there is: • A particular sensitivity of something to the effects of development, such as the airport; • A constraint on the development of the land, such as steep land, flooding or coastal hazard; • A valuable resource that needs to be protected, such as our water catchment area, scenic amenity or biodiversity; • Character or heritage values to be protected; • A separation required from existing or incompatible development, such as hazardous activities or extractive resources. Overlays are applied across the whole region in varying locations, depending on their purpose, and may overlap. Multiple overlays can apply to properties. To determine if your property is affected by an overlay, please refer to the proposed Gladstone Regional Council Planning Scheme Mapping on Council’s website or phone Council’s Regional Strategy Division on 1300 621 922.

Have your say on the proposed Planning Scheme Submissions on the proposed Planning Scheme will be accepted until 5pm on Friday, December 19. Anyone can make a submission on any aspect of the plan. You can lodge a submission via:

Mail addressed to: Chief Executive Officer (Proposed Planning Scheme) Gladstone Regional Council PO Box 29, Gladstone Qld 4680

Lodge online at:

Email to:

To make a properly made submission, it must be lodged with Gladstone Regional Council prior to 5pm on December 19, 2014, state the name and address of each person making the submission and state the grounds of the submission, including facts and circumstances.

For more information: 07 4970 0700 or 1300 621 922

DISCLAIMER: The contents of this information sheet has been prepared to assist residents understand the proposed Gladstone Regional Council Planning Scheme. This document has not been formally adopted by Gladstone Regional Council and should not be used for the following: as an indicator as to the future intention of Council; in preparation of any development application material; in the course of making or refraining from making a decision, commercial or otherwise, with respect to a matter which the proposed scheme may discuss or relate to. You should not rely on any material contained herein as representing likely or final decisions by Gladstone Regional Council as Council, and its officers, accept no liability for loss occasioned to any person or entity making or refraining from making decisions acting in reliance upon any material contained within this document.

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