Gladstone Regional Council 2021-22 Rates and Charges

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Rates at a Glance

Budget by the Numbers

for the 2021-22 financial year

for the 2021-22 financial year


 1.7%

Local Government Cost Price Index



 3.3%

increase (residential properties)

for capital works to maintain and upgrade key assets and community projects


h 5.1% increase

Scheme (per annum) Lake Awoonga Miriam Vale & Bororen Agnes Water / Seventeen Seventy

2020-21 $490 $538 $538

2021-22 $515 $565 $565


Consumer Price Index

1.7% increase

in the average general rate (in line with CPI)


on water and waste water supply infrastructure upgrades, renewals and replacements

$273.2M Total Budget (excl interest)

2020-21 $2.13/kl $3.73/kl $3.81/kl

2021-22 $2.17/kl $3.79/kl $3.87/kl


of capital works are grant funded

CONSTANT FLOW WATER SYSTEM Beecher & Burua Flow rate 0.4 0.7 1 1.3

Maximum Annual Usage Access only 211kl 368kl 526kl 684kl

**Discount may apply to this charge

2020-21 $490 $ 914 $ 1,230 $ 1,547 $ 1,865

2021-22 $515 $1,019 $1,395 $1,772 $2,150

2020-21 $750 $773 $919

2021-22 $765 $788 $937



on footpath and cycleway upgrades

current asset value


on capital roads projects


WATER CONSUMPTION CHARGE Scheme (per annum) Lake Awoonga Miriam Vale & Bororen Agnes Water / Seventeen Seventy


$4.55 per day

for utility (Waste/Water/ Sewer) charges for an average Gladstone household (4.9% increase)


on capital parks and environment projects

pensioner rebate has increased by $10


on bridge upgrades, renewals and replacements

Refer to Rates Notice for payment options Register for online services at

h 2% increase

Service Area (per annum) Gladstone Boyne Island / Tannum Sands / Calliope Agnes Water / Seventeen Seventy

GARBAGE COLLECTION CHARGE Garbage Service (per annum) Domestic Garbage collection charge for 240lt General & 240lt Recycle bin The charge for this service applies irrespective of frequency of presentation Commercial Garbage collection charge for 240lt General & 240lt Recycle bin

2020-21 $345.50

2021-22 $382.90



PO Box 29, Gladstone QLD 4680 Phone: 4970 0700 Fax: 4975 8500 Email: Council Office Hours: 8.30am to 5pm, Monday to Friday

2021-22 Rates and Charges Collective Delivery

Key Services

for the 2021-22 financial year

Funding Highlights

Total project costs for the 2021-22 financial year $51,634

Gladstone Regional Council’s Vision, ‘Connect. Innovate. Diversify.’ guides how we meet the needs of our community and how we will deliver on them in 2021-22. The figures below represent total spend. • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Library services $3.7M Arts and culture $6.6M Community development and support $4.8M Local laws $2.9M Waste services $22.4M Roads, bridges, footpaths and drainage $77.1M Water services $44.0M Sewerage services $37.3M Pest and environmental health $3.1M Parks and Environment $20.9M Strategic projects $3.0M Economic development $1.5M Disaster Management $1.1M

Restoration works at Gladstone Regional Art Gallery & Museum


Mt Larcom-Bracewell Road, Mt Larcom, Pavement Rehab

$1.95M $1.27M

Gladstone WWTP Distribution tower & process water reservoir

Gentle Annie Road, $2.24M Ambrose, Widen Sewer Mains Renewal, Gladstone existing seal


Philip Street Communities Precinct - Stage 1a



Gladstone Aquatic Centre Upgrade - Stage 2 (inc amenities)

Benaraby Landfill, Capping of Cell 2




Agnes Water SES Building Renovations

Turtleway footbridge replacements, Boyne Island

Upgrade Yarwun WWTP to meet licence conditions



Coronation Drv - New footpath from TSSHS to Tannum Sands Rd


Lake Awoonga – Mains Renewals and water meter replacements

Agnes Water Skate Park


Agnes Water/Seventeen Seventy, Water Meter Replacements


1770 Marina Precinct - Land Acquisitions & Survey Costs


Boyne/Tannum/Calliope, Sewer Mains Renewal


For every $100

Tableland Road, Calliope, Gravel Resheet

of your rates and charges, Council delivers a range of services...


Roads construction and maintenance

$16.19 Water supply, infrastructure construction and maintenance

$15.12 Sewerage operations, infrastructure construction and maintenance

$4.27 Arts and culture


Parks, playgrounds, open space and environment



Dalga Rd, Boyne Valley, Renew culvert structure (Ch 1.77km)

Community wellbeing, sport and recreation and aquatic facilities


Many Peaks, Bridge renewal

Wheelie bin collections and management of waste facilities


$17.95 Other services




Asphalt overlays and bitumen reseals throughout the region


Bororen Raw Water Main Renewal


Miriam Vale Library, Shed & outdoor area


Miriam Vale/Bororen, Water Meter Replacements

Pacific Drive, Deepwater, Renew/replace culvert (Ch 1900)


Bridge relpacements Gorge Road and John Clifford Way, Lowmead (Baffle Crk Crossing)


Lowmead Sports Ground Toilet Block


Coast Road, Baffle Creek, Install shoulders & edge lines


Round Hill Road, Pavement Renewal Program - LGIP

Understanding your rates

Payment Options There are many ways you can pay your rates. Find out more on the back of your rate notice or visit

Payment Plan Ratepayers can apply to pay their rates in regular weekly, fortnightly or monthly payments. Property owners who have difficulty making their rates payments are encouraged to contact Council before 19 October 2021 to negotiate a payment arrangement. Interest will not accrue from the time a payment plan or arrangement is approved, relating to the current year’s rates, provided payments are made as agreed. 10% discount Council offers ratepayers 60 days to receive the full 10 per cent discount. This 10 per cent discount will be granted if Council receives your annual payment in full by 19 October 2021. Please note the discount does not apply to water consumption charges, special charges or the State Emergency Management Levy.

$$  Online Payments

Direct Debit

In Person

Credit Card

By Mail

Telephone & Internet Banking - BPAY® Arrears Overdue rates and charges accrue interest at a rate of 8.03 per cent per annum calculated from the due date.

Annual Notice Your annual rates notice includes general rates, waste charges and availability charges for water and sewerage, as well as your half-yearly water consumption charge. Your second half-yearly water consumption charge will be issued in February 2022. The annual rate notice also includes the State Emergency Management Levy collected on behalf of the Queensland Government.

Pensioner Concession Conditions

Water Consumption and Water Consumption Notice Council conducts water meter readings biannually in June/July and November/December of each financial year. Water meter readings can take up to six weeks to complete. Water consumption for readings taken in June/ July will be charged and issued within the Annual Rate Notice in August. Water consumption for readings taken in November/December will be charged and issued as a Water Consumption Notice in February. A notice will only be issued if the property has any water consumption for the period. Water is charged for every kilolitre (1,000 litres) that is used. Your average daily consumption in litres is shown on the graph on your six-monthly water notice.

You must also be:

Supplementary Notice Supplementary rate notices are issued by Council when there has been a change to the rating record since the last annual rate notice. Common adjustments are made to general rates and waste bin services.

The Queensland Government grants a 20 per cent concession on rates and charges (excluding water consumption) to a maximum of $200 per year and a 20 per cent concession on the State Emergency Management Levy. To be eligible, you must be a holder of a current: •

ueensland Pensioner Concession Card (issued by Q Centrelink or Department of Veterans’ Affairs), or

Department of Veterans’ Affairs Gold Card

The owner or life tenant of the property, which is your principal place of residence and located in Queensland and

Legally responsible for the payment of rates and charges levied on that property.

Please note the Queensland Government does not currently provide rebates for Seniors Cards, Health Care Cards, Health Benefit Cards and Repatriation Health cards for special conditions. Council also provides a further concession of 50 per cent of the general rates to a maximum of $310 per year to pensioners who: •

Meet the above Queensland Government guidelines and

Reside in an approved residence which complies with Standard Building Law.

If you have recently received your Pensioner Concession Card or have purchased a dwelling within our region and meet the eligibility criteria, please contact Council’s Rates Section on 07 4970 0700 for an application.

State Emergency Management Levy

Council is required to collect a State Emergency Management Levy (SEML) on behalf of the Queensland Government under the Fire and Rescue Services Regulation 2011. A discount does not apply to the SEML. This annual levy, applicable to your property, will be shown on your rate notice.

Rate Cap – Cap on Increase in Rates

A rate cap or a cap on increase in rates is designed to limit any increase on general rates on residential and rural land, that may arise due to land valuation fluctuations. This means that irrespective of any large change to your valuation, general rates payable will not increase by more than the set percentage on the previous year. A 10 per cent rate cap applies to residential and rural land and a 15 per cent rate cap applies to business and commercial and light industrial properties. Further conditions apply to subdivisions, resurveyed or amalgamated properties.

Rate category objection

An owner may object to the land categorisation by lodging a notice of objection in writing and signed by the landowner within 30 days of the rate notice date of issue. The sole grounds on which the owner may object is that, having regard to the criteria by which rateable land is categorised by Gladstone Regional Council, the land should have been included in another category. The objection must clearly state the facts and circumstances on which the objection is made. Objection forms are available from any Council office. Please note that giving a notice of objection will not, in the meantime, affect the levy and recovery of rates. If your objection is upheld, a rate adjustment will be made at that time. Refer sections 90-93 of the Local Government Regulation 2012 for detailed information on a Land owner’s objection to rates category.

Online Services – Pay, apply and report

Become a Registered Online user by visiting Council’s website Once your identity is verified (normally within a day or two) you become a registered user and will have access to your rate notices, rate payment history and rate payment options. An email will be sent to your nominated e-mail address every time a rate notice is generated to prompt you to log-in and view your notice. Forgotten your password? If you have previously registered for online services and can’t remember your password, there’s no need to re-register. Go to the login page and select the “Forgot Password” option and you will be emailed a link to reset your details. If you have forgotten your user name, please contact Council on 4970 0700 and after answering some identifying questions you will be advised of your registration details.

Notice of categorisation


Council levies a differential general rate on all rateable land within the region using the criteria below. Description

1 Land used, or approved for development, for residential purposes, as a single dwelling, including a lot within a 2-lot community titles scheme, with a rateable value of or not exceeding $495,734, other than land in Categories 5 to 8 inclusive. 2 Land used, or approved for development, for residential purposes, as a single dwelling, including a lot within a 2-lot community titles scheme, with a rateable value of or exceeding $495,735, other than land in Categories 5 to 8 inclusive. 3 a) Land used, or approved for development, for rural activities; or b) Land located on any island, which is not otherwise categorised. 4 Land described in section 49 of the Land Valuation Act 2010, which qualifies for discounted valuation under section 50 of that Act. 5 Vacant residential land that has an area greater than 5 hectares. 6 Land used for: a) the purposes of multiple dwellings (the residential use of premises involving 2 or more dwellings for separate households) such as flats, duplexes, boarding houses, and guest houses, other than land included in Category 7, 8, 9, 14 and 15; b) residential purposes, as a lot within a community titles scheme, located on an island; or c) residential purposes, as a lot within a community titles scheme containing between three (3) and eight (8) lots, located on the mainland and which is not part of a gated community. 7 Land used for residential purposes, which is a lot within a community titles scheme containing nine (9) or more lots located on the mainland and which is not part of a gated community.

Cents in $ 1.612


Minimum $1,050













1.606 8 Land used, or approved for development, for residential purposes, which is a lot located within a gated community on the mainland that forms part of a community titles scheme. 3.780 9 Land used, or approved for development, for business or commercial purposes, including motels and caravan parks, other than land included in Categories 10 to 24 inclusive. 10 Land used for the purposes of a 2.163 Shopping Centre with a Gross Floor Area of at least 2,000m2 but less than 5,000m2. 11 Land used for the purposes of a 3.469 Shopping Centre with a Gross Floor Area of at least 5,000m2 but less than 10,000m2. 4.070 12 Land used for the purposes of a Shopping Centre with a Gross Floor Area of at least 10,000m2, but less than 20,000m2. 7.864 13 Land used for the purposes of a Shopping Centre with a Gross Floor 2 Area of at least 20,000m . 14 Land used, in whole or in part, for 15.291 Workforce Accommodation, with up to and including 500 rooms, suites and/ or caravan sites. 15 Land used, in whole or in part, for 95.889 Workforce Accommodation, with more than 500 rooms, suites and/or caravan sites. 5.682 16 Land used for industrial purposes, or approved for development for industrial purposes, other than land included within Categories 17 to 22 inclusive and Category 24. 17 a) Land used for, or in connection or 14.290 association with, major industry; b) All land within a Special Purpose Zone under the Gladstone Regional Council Planning Scheme 2015 adopted on 6 October 2015; c) All land within the Gladstone State Development Area being used for a commissioned major industrial purpose, excluding the land included in Categories 18 to 22 inclusive and Category 24; d) Land used for the generation of electricity; or e) Land used for the manufacture of aluminium oxide.






$311,202 $97,020




18 Land, within the Gladstone State Development Area being developed, or approved for development, for future major industrial use, including land upon which all or part of an industrial facility, the primary intended purpose of which is the manufacture of liquefied natural gas, is located or approved to be located. 19 Land used, or being developed for use, for the purposes of storage or handling facilities for the commodities or containers shipped through the Port of Gladstone, other than land included in Category 20. 20 Land used, or being developed for use, for the purposes of storage or handling facilities for commodities or containers shipped through the Port of Gladstone, which is Strategic Port Land and is occupied by a port authority, the State or a government entity. 21 Land used for the purposes of a bulk storage facility with a capacity greater than 1,000,000 litres of any combustible liquid or flammable liquid. 22 Land used for the purposes of a built oil recycling facility. 23 a) Land used for the extraction of minerals, resources or other substances; b) Land used, in connection or association with the extraction of minerals, resources or substances; or c) Land which is a mining lease issued under the Mineral Resources Act 1989. 24 Land used for an operational liquefied natural gas processing facility.













72.778 $3,897,494

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