Welcome to Gladstone Book

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2010 - 2011 Welcome to the

Gladstone Region

Welcome to the

Gladstone Region

Disclaimer - Please note that this Booklet is printed in good faith by a group of volunteers. While every effort has been made to keep this information updated, neither the Gladstone Reference Group or its volunteers can or will accept any responsibility for any person relying on the information herein. Users of the booklet are advised to make their own reasonable enquiries as information may have changed since the last publication date. Every endeavour has been made by the reference group to ensure all information is accurate and up-to-date at time of publication.

Throughout the Welcome to Gladstone Booklet reference is made to the following resources: Telephone Directory - To obtain a free copy of the local Telephone Directory visit any Post Office. Community Services Directory - To obtain a free copy of the Community Services Directory visit the Community Advisory Service, 142 Goondoon St, Gladstone, other Gladstone Regional Council facilities or access the Directory online at www.gladstonerc.qld.gov.au/ comdir

Phone Numbers EMERGENCY: Dial 000 Calls to 000 are free. Only ring 000 if you are seeking an urgent emergency response from Police, Fire or Ambulance Services. When reporting an emergency by calling 000 the telephone number and address you are calling from may be given to the Emergency service so they can respond quickly. The content of calls to 000 is recorded and may be disclosed in accordance with relevant legislation. Text Emergency Call – Dial 106 For hearing and/or speech impaired or deaf people 1800 Numbers - Telephone numbers beginnings with 1800 are free calls if rung from a private telephone and cost the same as a local call if rung from a payphone. 13 or 1300 Numbers - Numbers beginning 13 or 1300 are charged at local call rates. Mobile phone rates apply to calls from mobile phones.

Welcome to the Gladstone Region


The Region of Choice As a new resident to Australia, the Gladstone Regional Council would like to welcome you. The Gladstone Region is located some 550 kilometres north of Brisbane. It is a unique area where tourism and industry co-exist in harmony. The Region has many beautiful and exciting places to enjoy, from our pristine beaches to our wonderful array of national parks. We hope you will love your new life here and soon feel at home. We understand that interstate and international migration is one of the most stressful things you can do. You and your family will be experiencing many changes and the issues that you face as you begin your new life in Australia are complex and varied. It is important that you get to know your community and try to make friends. Joining social groups or volunteering - perhaps at your children’s school are great places to start. Becoming involved in your community may help improve your language skills as well as alleviate feelings of insecurity or sadness at leaving the familiarity of your home, country and friends. Remember, you are not alone, other migrants may have similar feelings, and meeting up with them may help. This booklet was produced by the Gladstone Regional Council under the Local Area Multicultural Partnership (LAMP) program and the Intercultural Reference Group and sponsored by QGC. The booklet is intended to provide a basic idea of the services and assistance available from government and non-government organisations in the Gladstone region, and where you can go to ask for advice. In its pages you can find practical information that may help you settle in the Gladstone area and integrate into life in Australia. If you need any further information regarding community and settlement services, multicultural contacts and resources please do not hesitate to contact the Multicultural Community Relations Officer at the Community Advisory Service. Community Advisory Service 142 Goondoon Street Gladstone, Qld 4680 Ph (07) 4976 6352 LAMP The Local Area Multicultural Partnership (LAMP) program was established in 1998. It is a partnership between the State Government of Queensland, 16 Councils and the Local Government Association of Queensland. After a positive review from the State Government Audit and Evaluation Services in 2001, the program was funded for a further four-year term until mid-2007. The key objectives of LAMP are to promote positive community relations across the whole community and to facilitate improved level of access to services by members of culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds.

Gladstone Regional Council Community Advisory Service


Welcomes “On behalf of the Balai people, I would like to welcome to my grandmother’ country all newly arrived people from either interstate or overseas land. I also would like to encourage them to respect, preserve and look after this country as much as us, the caretakers, have done over the years. Finally, I would like to invite you to embrace the community and most importantly, participate in it because you are also part of it”. By Maureen Eggmollesse (Balai Elder)

Hello and Welcome! The Gooreng Gooreng people know “Gladstone” as the “Place of shells - (Yallarm)” Our god is the creator and original owner of the land and the aboriginal people are the custodians / caretakers. To each of you who has come to share in the benefits of living on this land with us. We ask that you might take time to reflect upon the spiritual and eternal issue embedded in this landscape and its people. Jacqueline Johnson - Bulgwoyongan Gladstone 26/10/2007 Gullarn Ngheeree Gooreng Gooreng Nghulghees Yallarm Nallindoo Barrarrbee Gamarden Thdou Ngulghes Gillarmar Ohwhy Yettie Bitheree Thungool Goothoo Thdou Gwarl Yoorelgoo Thdou Nghulghes

Welcome to the Gladstone Region


Community Expectations Statement Personal safety and the right to live a lifestyle without fear or discrimination is vitally important to Gladstone Region residents. Therefore, as a resident our expectation is your behaviour will be conducted in a manner that is acceptable to the Gladstone community. Behaviours which will not be tolerated in the Gladstone community include: • Domestic and family violence and abuse: (Including physical violence, damage to property, non consensual sexual contact, financial control, emotional manipulation and abuse, or threats to commit any of the above) • Sexual Assault: (Any non consensual sexual activity) • Child abuse: (Including physical, emotional or sexual mistreatment of children) • Other violence or threats of violence: (Including physical or verbal force against others) • Racial, religious, disability, sexual orientation or age harassment and or other hate related behaviour: (Including physical attacks, threats of attack, and verbal abuse and insults)

Gladstone Regional Council Community Advisory Service


Index 10 Steps In The Settlement Process Step 1:

Open A Bank Account .............................................................................

Step 2:

Find A Place To Live ................................................................................ 10

Step 3:

Organise Transport ................................................................................. 11

Step 4:

Be Aware About The Health System ........................................................ 15

Step 5:

Get A Tax File Number ............................................................................. 22

Step 6:

Seek Employment ................................................................................... 22

Step 7:

Enrol Your Children In A School ............................................................... 24

Step 8:

Register For English Classes ................................................................... 26

Step 9:

Seek Additional Complimentary Assistance ............................................. 27

Step 10:

Get Actively Involved In Community Activities .......................................... 30

Testimonials ........................................................................................... 34

Other Useful Links .................................................................................. 34

Local colloquialisms/Terms/Abbrevations ................................................ 35

Welcome to the Gladstone Region



Just Arrived? Where Do I Start? NOTE: Be aware that some of the services listed in this booklet are restricted to Australian Permanent residents and/or citizens. Please check this with your nominated service provider. The information collected on this booklet shall be used only as a general reference; readers are encouraged to make direct contact with the service provider in order to get specific knowledge. Services exclusively for permanent residents will have * while services for temporary and permanent residents will have ** HINT: A General Information Kit “Welcome to Queensland�, developed by the Department of Immigration and Indigenous Affairs, is available in 10 Languages (English, Russian, Bosnian, Thai, Croatian, Tagalog, Vietnamese, Indonesian, Chinese and Spanish) from the Gladstone Regional Council Community Advisory Service.

Step 1: Open a Bank Account ** People in Australia usually keep their money in a bank, building society or credit union. Australians also use bankcards and credit cards for many purposes. It is advisable to open a bank account within six weeks of your arrival, as you usually need only your passport and Australian address as identification. After six weeks normal identification requirements apply. (A list of Australian accepted identification documents can be found on Pages 12-13) Current laws require investment bodies to withhold an amount from the interest or dividends payable unless the holder of the investment has quoted their tax file number to the investment body. HINT: A full list of banks are available in the Yellow Pages of the telephone directory in the section titled Banking or Other Financial Services. Note: Some banks and credit unions also offer personal banking services through Australia Post offices.

Gladstone Regional Council Community Advisory Service


Step 2: Find a Place to Live** You can buy or rent houses and home units (flats) directly from private owners or through real estate agents. Properties for Rent Properties for rent are advertised on the internet and lists of available properties are available from real estate agencies. You should arrange to inspect the property you are interested in before completing an application form. Most agents require a deposit of one week’s rent to be paid with your application; this then becomes your first week’s rent. The deposit is refunded if your application is unsuccessful. If your application is successful and you decide not to take the property, your deposit could be forfeited. Prior to moving in to a property, you will have to pay a security bond (usually four weeks rent) and at least two weeks rent in advance. As a tenant, you have rights and obligations. An information booklet is available from the Tenant Advice and Advocacy Service located at the Gladstone Regional Council’s Community Advisory Service, 142 Goondoon Street, Gladstone, or the Residential Tenancies Authority website www.rta.qld.gov.au HINT: The Tenant Advice and Advocacy Service is available to assist tenants to assert their rights in their negotiations with lessors and real estate agents, through advocacy, provision of information, advice and referral. Telephone 4976 6360 for an appointment.

Purchasing a property Homes for sale are usually advertised in newspapers and on the internet. If you want to buy a house or home unit, look in the ‘Real Estate’ section. A free catalogue advertising housing for sale is available from most real estate agents. If you decide to build your own home, you will need to discuss your plans with architects and builders. Licensed contractors should carry out all building and related work. Banks and other financial institutions such as building societies, credit unions, similar organisations or finance brokers may lend funds for you to purchase or build a property to live in. Solicitors can assist you with contract advice. Architects, builders, solicitors, real estate agents, banks, credit unions and building societies are listed in the telephone directory. First Home Owner Grant To offset the impact of the introduction of the goods and services tax (GST), the Commonwealth has requested that the States and Territories assist first homebuyers through the establishment of the First Home Owner Grant (FHOG). http://www.firsthome.gov.au

Welcome to the Gladstone Region


Connecting Utilities It is the homeowner/tenant’s responsibility to connect utilities (electricity, gas, telephone, internet, pay TV etc) to their new home. You can contact individual suppliers of the above services or there are companies that can arrange to do it for you for free. Connect Now

1300 554 323


Direct Connect

1300 664 715


On the Move

1300 850 360


Some utilities eg electricity, gas may require a security deposit. HINT: Do not sign any contract to buy or rent housing or build your own home until you fully understand all the terms and conditions in the document. This is extremely important because a contract is legally binding after you sign it. If you are planning to buy or build your own home, you should seek legal advice before signing any contract.

HINT: A full list of Real Estate are available in the Yellow Pages of the telephone directory in the section titled Real Estate Agents.

Step 3: Organise Transport Transport Transport options in the Gladstone Region include: • • • • • •

Privately owned Motor Vehicles Hire Cars Taxis/Limousines Public Transport (buses, trains etc) Privately Owned Transport Providers (buses, planes) Cycling/Walking

What type/s of transport you need will be dependent on where you choose to live, work and play.

Gladstone Regional Council Community Advisory Service


Driving Privately Owned Motor Vehicles Driving In Australia cars are driven on the left side of the road. Speed limits allowed are listed in kilometres and hours, and are signposted at regular intervals. Driving over the speed limit is an offence, and you could be charged by the Qld Police, have to pay a fine, lose demerit points or even your licence. Generally speed limits are: Highway 100km/h (unless otherwise stated) Main Roads 60km/h (unless otherwise stated) Built Up Areas 50km/h (unless otherwise stated) School Zones 40km/h (before and after school) The Drink Driving limit for Open License holders is 0.05 (Legal Blood Alcohol Concentration). Some other licence categories have a no alcohol limit 0.00. To keep below 0.05 men should have no more than 2 standard drinks in the first hour, and one standard drink each hour thereafter. For women the limit is no more than 1 standard drink each hour. There is also zero tolerance for driving under the influence of Illegal Drugs. Please note prescribed or over the counter medications may also affect your ability to drive. For further information see the Qld Government Dept of Transport website http://www.transport. qld.gov.au/ APPLY FOR A DRIVER’S LICENCE** If you have a driver’s licence from another state or country, in English or with an official translation, you are allowed to drive for your first three months as a resident in Australia. After the three months, if you want to continue to drive, you will need to obtain a Queensland driver’s licence, which may require you to pass knowledge, practical driving and eyesight tests. Driver’s’ licences are issued by the Department of Transport. To apply for a Queensland Licence, you will need to supply three forms of identification. A list of official identification is found below. For more information contact: Queensland Transport 2 Paterson St, Gladstone Qld 4680 Ph: 4978 4144 Acceptable forms of identification Primary • Full Australian Birth certificate • Australian Citizenship Certificate or Naturalisation Certificate Welcome to the Gladstone Region


• Australian Passport • Foreign Passport • Department of Immigration and Multicultural and Indigenous Affairs Travel Document • Department of Immigration and Multicultural and Indigenous Affairs Certificate of Evidence of Resident Status • Australian Defence Force Photo Identity Card • Queensland or federal Police Officer Photo Identity Card • Queensland card 18+ • Queensland Transport Driver Authorisation • Queensland Transport Accreditation Secondary • Medicare card • Plastic financial institution debit/credit card with signature and embossed name • Education institution student identity document (must include photo and signature) • Department of Veteran’s Affairs/ Centrelink Pensioner Concession Card (including Health Care Cards) • Australian-issued Security Guard/ Crowd Controller Licence (with photo) • Australian-issued Firearm Licence Secondary/evidence of Queensland residential address document: • Contract of Purchase, Lease or Rental Document • Queensland Vehicle Registration Certificate • Queensland Local Government Rates Notice • Queensland Land Tax Valuation Notice • Australian Taxation Office Assessment • Australian Taxation Office Tax file number confirmation advice • Electricity, gas, telephone account (current) Registration & Insurance All vehicles must have current registration (also called rego) and third party insurance. Vehicle registration is only payable to the Department of Transport and Main Roads; you can however choose which insurance body you wish to use for third party insurance cover. Please note third party insurance only covers you for any injuries your car causes to other road users if you are at fault in a motor vehicle accident, not the cost of damage to the other person’s vehicle or property. If you wish to cover your own vehicle for damage, as well as for any damage you may cause to the property of others you will need to take out comprehensive insurance, with the insurer of your choice. Gladstone Regional Council Community Advisory Service


New & Used Cars Vehicles for sale can be found in car dealerships, through the newspaper, online etc. When purchasing a registered used vehicle, the vendor must display a safety certificate, which guarantees the potential buyer that the car for sale has been tested and is safe to drive. Hire Cars For companies that hire cars see Car &/or Minibus Hire in the Yellow Pages of the telephone directory. Taxis/Limousines Gladstone Area only Blue and White Taxis

131 008

Public Transport - Buses Gladstone Area only Buslink 4972 1670 Information on routes, bus timetables is available at http://www.buslinkqld.com.au/gladstone/ gladstone.htm Public Transport - Trains Qld Rail provides train services to north and south of the Gladstone Region. For information on fares and services phone Qld Rail on 1300 131 722 or access their website http://www. queenslandrail.com.au/RailServices/Traveltrain/Pages/Traveltrain.aspx. Privately Owned Transport Providers Buses Greyhound Australia 1300 473 946 http://www.greyhound.com.au/ Planes Qantas 13 13 13 http://www.qantas.com.au/travel/airlines/home Travel Agents can also help you with bookings. See the Yellow Pages of the telephone directory. Cycling/Walking In Queensland cyclists are bound by many of the same road rules as motor vehicle drivers. There are however some additional rules for riding a bicycle, including wearing an approved, correctly fitted and fastened bike helmet at all times. For other specific rules relating to bicycles see the Dept of Transport’s websitehttp://www.transport.qld.gov.au/Home/General_information/Cycling/ Bike_user_guide/Road_rules_for_cyclists/

Welcome to the Gladstone Region


Step 4: Be aware about the Health System Medicare * The Australian Government provides help with medical expenses through a scheme called Medicare. Most Australians have a Medicare card, which entitles the card holder to free or subsidised medical assistance in the public system. Permanent residents are eligible to join Medicare and gain immediate access to health care services and programs such as free public hospital care, help with the cost of out-of-hospital care and subsidised medicines. To apply for a Medicare card, you will have to go to your nearest Medicare office. Medicare Access Points are unable to process new applications. If you live in an area remote from a Medicare office, or have a genuine reason for not being able to visit an office, you may post your application, together with certified copies of your identification and your reasons for not being able to attend in person, to GPO Box 9822, Brisbane 4000. Medicare has Foreign Language Information available in 20 languages on their website. www. medicareaustralia.gov.au HINT: In Queensland, documents can be certified by taking the original and a copy to a Justice of the Peace, Commissioner for Declarations, Notary Public or a Solicitor. Justices of the Peace and Commissioners for Declarations offer a free service. The Gladstone Court House offers a JP Service between 11am and 3pm daily. JPs are also listed by area in the Gladstone Regional Council’s Community Services Directory. A Solicitor or Notary Public will charge for their services.

Private Health Insurance** Access to private health Insurance has become a key point of interest for families arriving from overseas as well as Australian residents. Information regarding Private Health Insurances is available on the website www.iselect.com.au. This website offers over 2000 policy combinations across various Private Health Insurance companies and gives estimated quotes of the amount that would need to be paid on a monthly or fortnightly basis, taking into account your specific circumstances. Some of the most commonly used private health insurance companies are listed in the table 2.1 on Page 31. To find out if your selected Health Fund is registered under the Private Health Insurance Act go to the website www.phaic.gov.au A useful site to browse for information about the Australian Health System is www.healthdirectory. com.au. This site includes information on dental/oral care; general practitioners; health insurance; private and public health care; bereavement/dying; complaints/legal; and much more. Gladstone Regional Council Community Advisory Service


MEDICARE & PHARMACEUTICAL BENEFITS SCHEME (INFORMATION KIT) The Medicare & Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme Information Kit is for new arrivals to Australia and has information about our main health programs, including Medicare and the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS). The kit is translated into 19 community languages and has useful information for everyone, even if they have lived in Australia for some time. Visit website: http://www.medicareaustralia.gov.au/public/migrants/language/index.jsp HEALTH Public Hospitals Public Hospitals provide an Accident and Emergency Department that can be accessed 24 hours per day, seven days per week in emergency situations, or where other services are not available. In non-emergency cases and where services are available please access a doctor. Temporary residents have to pay an up-front fee of $185.50, if you attend the Emergency unit; you may be able to claim this on your private health insurance. If you are admitted to hospital, temporary residents may face daily costs and additional charges for services received while you are in hospital. This could add up to a significant amount, so do not hesitate to talk to someone to make arrangements if you are unable to pay the fees up front. You are unable to choose your own doctor when you enter the public hospital system. Should you use a private hospital you will be able to choose your own doctor. Private Hospital - Mater Hospital Gladstone The Mater Hospital is a Private Hospital not for profit owned by the Sisters of Mercy and serving the community of Gladstone. The Mater provides general surgery and medicine, ear nose and throat surgery, plastic surgery, obstetrics, gynaecology, ophthalmology, oncology and palliative care, radiology, pathology and accommodates visiting specialists with outreach services such as cardiology and haematology. For further information, go to http://www.mercycq.com/hospital_ gladstone. Mater Private Hospital – Gladstone phone number 49713713

Your local public hospital phone number: Gladstone Hospital 4976 3200 Medical Practitioners (Doctors) Doctors are located in medical practices throughout the Gladstone Region. There is no rule governing how much doctors can charge you for a service, so you should always ask what the cost will be when making an appointment. Permanent residents need to bring their Medicare card with them when attending medical appointments. Welcome to the Gladstone Region


HINT: A full list of doctors is available in the Yellow Pages of the telephone directory, in the section titled Doctors - Medical Practitioners. Types of Medical Practices: Bulk Billing - The practice charges the Government for providing a medical service so the client does not need to pay anything. Bulk Billing for some client groups - The practice charges the Government for the medical service for some client groups (eg aged, children) but clients who do not fall within those groups are charged for a service, and the client will need to claim a refund from Medicare. No Bulk Billing - The practice charges every client for a service and the client will need to claim a refund from Medicare. Temporary residents, regardless of medical practice type they access, will be charged for the medical service they receive, and whilst they will not be able to claim a refund from Medicare, they may be able to do so from their private health insurance provider. Specialist Medical Practitioners To access a Specialist Medical Practitioner, you will need to obtain a referral letter from your doctor before you can make an appointment. Other Health Services Generally appointments with other health services (dentists, optometrists, physiotherapists etc) are not covered by Medicare. However some services may be wholly or partly covered by private health insurance. There is no rule governing how much health services can charge you for a service, so you should always ask what the cost will be when making an appointment. You can also check with your private health insurance provider what if any costs of the service will be covered by your health fund, and if the health fund has a preferred supplier. Using a preferred supplier generally results in you receiving a greater refund from your private health insurance. Pharmacies (Chemists) Chemists are located throughout the Gladstone Region. Whilst Chemists can supply a range of over the counter medications, many you cannot access without a prescription from your doctor. Prices vary from chemist to chemist and if you have prescriptions that need to be filled regularly it may be worth your while finding the chemist that can supply your medication at the cheapest price. Another way to decrease the cost of medications is by choosing to use generic rather than brand name drugs. Generic drugs are generally less expensive than brand name drugs although they are almost chemically identical, and meet Australian standards for safety and effectiveness. You can ask your doctor or your pharmacist if there is a generic drug you can use as an alternative to a brand name. Gladstone Regional Council Community Advisory Service


HINT: A full list of pharmacies is available in the Yellow Pages of the telephone directory, in the section titled Pharmacies - Pharmacists.

HINT: A full list of all other health services is available in the Yellow Pages of the telephone directory listed under each specific profession eg dentists, physiotherapists etc. Gladstone Community Health Gladstone Community Health is a Qld Government agency which provides a range of services by a team of multidisciplinary health professionals, focussing on primary health care (PHC) education advocacy and promotion. Through the various program areas, the service enhances the discharge process and transition of clients from hospital to home and promotes health, well being and independence. Programs include: Community Nursing Aged and Disability Service Community Nurses work with individuals, families and groups to support client independence within the community and the management of chronic illness through assessment, support, education, liaison, advocacy and referral to other appropriate agencies. Child and Family Health Services Growth and developmental assessments for Infants and children 0-5 years. Advice for parents on the care and management of infants and children. Home visiting when necessary. • F.A.W.N.S./Day Stay/Home stay to assist with feeding and settling problems. • Positive Parenting Programs group and one-on-one sessions. • Immunisation - Tuesday Clinic from 9am - 3pm • Drop-In Clinic Tuesday 9am to 3pm • New Baby Drop-In Clinic Friday 9am to 12noon for babies 0 - 4 wks • Education sessions on health and well being to primary and pre-schoolers. • Enuresis program by appointment. School Based Youth Health Nurse Program The Nurse will provide primary health care, support, counselling, referral and health education within the school environment to address young people’s health issues. Indigenous Health This service works with members of the Aboriginal and Islander community to identify their health, social and economic needs. Together culturally appropriate actions are developed to meet these needs via support advice, screening, educational information, child health assessment and Welcome to the Gladstone Region


referral to appropriate agencies. Occupational Therapy A number of services are provided to adults and children within the Gladstone community. These include splinting and rehabilitation of adults with neurological, arthritic or orthopaedic conditions. Community home visits are undertaken to clients at risk within their home environment. Recommendations are given to clients and their carers regarding home modifications, installations of grab rails, appropriate equipment and general safety guidelines. Assessment and treatment is available for children with learning disabilities and/or developmental delay. Physiotherapy The physiotherapy department provides treatment to inpatients and outpatients including orthopaedic, neurological, sports conditions and paediatrics. Speech Pathology The Speech Pathology Department provides assessment and treatment of communication and swallowing disorders of all Inpatients, together with adult and child (not attending Department of `Education Schools) outpatients. Social Work The Social Worker provides counselling to individuals with depression, anxiety, phobias, grief, post trauma adjustment, family violence, (emotional/physical) and childhood issues. There are also various group programs. Outpatient Cardiac Rehabilitation Program “Heartwise� The Outpatient Rehabilitation Program is a 5-6 week program of education, support and supervised light exercise sessions, for those who have had a heart attack, heart surgery or other cardiac event. Families of those affected and members of the community identified as at risk of developing cardiovascular disease are also encouraged to attend. Mental Health Public mental health services are provided in each of the 20 Queensland Health Districts. They deliver specialised assessment, clinical treatment and rehabilitation services to reduce symptoms of mental illness and facilitate recovery. These services are focused primarily on providing care to Queenslanders who experience the most severe forms of mental illness and behavioural disturbances, and those who may fall under the provisions of the Mental Health Act 2000. For further information, please check the website: http://www.health.qld.gov.au/mh/default.asp?gclid=CNOv9tuoiqMCFRGrbwodTXNIZQ

Gladstone Regional Council Community Advisory Service


Gladstone Community Health Located in the Gladstone Hospital grounds, Flinders Street, Gladstone Phone: 4976 3130 Hours of business 8am to 4.30pm Monday to Friday (Excluding public holidays) Transcultural Mental Health Centre The Transcultural Mental Health Centre (TMHC) is an acknowledged leader in clinical consultation and assessment, transcultural mental health promotion, prevention and early intervention, publication and resource development and education and training. For further information, please check the website: http://www.dhi.gov.au/tmhc/tmhc/default.aspx Discovery Coast Community Health Service The Discovery Coast Community Health Service provides primary health care services to residents throughout the Miriam Vale catchment - Turkey Beach, Bororen, Rosedale, Baffle Creek and Agnes Water. Some clinics are conducted in outreach areas such as Baffle Creek, Turkey Beach, Rosedale and Miriam Vale. To minimise inconvenience, residents are requested to make an appointment to see any of the service providers. Phone 4902 1100. Open Monday to Friday 8.30am to 4.30am, excluding public holidays. All services are provided by the Discovery Coast Community Health Service are free of charge. Counselling Services Our team of professionals are available to assist in general counselling and drug & alcohol therapy. Healthy Decisions Youth Program The Health Decisions Youth Worker has a focus on prevention rather than intervention. Supports individual youth and their families / carers regarding healthy life decisions. Women’s Health Clinics Women’s Health Clinics are conducted quarterly throughout the catchment by a visiting nurse. Community Nursing The Community Nurse offers a wide range of services and regularly attends outreach clinics throughout the catchment. Child Health Nurse Immunisations and working with newborns to 12 years. Welcome to the Gladstone Region


Family Support Worker Supports our communities, families and individuals through practical and emotional support to those experiencing various problems. Diabetic Educator The Diabetic Educator visits Agnes Water to conduct one on one consultations for referred clients. Dietician The Dietician provides dietary assessment and advice to individuals of all ages for a range of conditions and conducts workshops throughout the catchment. Physiotherapy The Physiotherapist also assists and conducts health promotion which includes sports injury prevention workshops and community education. Tax Help Program Is delivered by community volunteers who provide a confidential service to help low income earners complete their tax returns at tax time. These volunteers are not Australian Taxation Office staff, but they receive training & support from the ATO. The service is available from July – October. Podiatrist The Podiatrist conducts clinics monthly in Agnes Water and Miriam Vale. Remote & Rural Women’s Health GP (RFDS) Conducts a clinic monthly in Agnes Water. This is a full GP service for all women’s health issues. Your Medicare Card is required. Needle Syringe Program Enquire at the Discovery Coast Community Health Service. HELPFUL GUIDE: A full list of all community services providers are listed in the Community Services Directory. Nhulundu Health Service Has a range of medical services including a doctor, child and maternal health, hearing and health screening, and immunisations. Phone to check eligibility for services: 4972 0992.

Gladstone Regional Council Community Advisory Service


Step 5: Get A Tax File Number** Everyone who receives any income in Australia needs a Tax File Number. Income includes wages or salary from a job, money earned from investments, and government payments. If you are a permanent or temporary resident in Australia you can apply for a Tax File Number online at any time after entering Australia. Website: www.ato.gov.au, - select, ‘for Individuals’, - ‘apply for a tax file number’ - ‘online individual tax file number (TFN) registration’ To apply online you must have a valid passport or relevant travel documents, must be authorised to work in Australia by the Department of Immigration and Citizenship (DIAC), have a valid student visa, or allowed to stay here indefinitely, and be in Australia when you lodge your application. When applying online the Tax Office will compare your personal details with DIAC’s records. When the Tax Office have validated your details they will give you a receipt number. HINT: Free internet access is available at all Gladstone Regional Council Libraries.

Step 6: Seek Employment Apply For a Job There are employment agencies in the Gladstone region that you can use when looking for a job. Those agencies provide up-to-date information about jobs available. To register there you will be given some forms to complete. You will have to provide agencies with your contact details and resume, or you can start looking for a job on the internet. HINT: A full list of employment agencies are available in the Yellow Pages of the telephone directory, in the sections titled Employment - Labour Hire Contractors and Employment Services. Government funded employment agencies can be found in the Community Services Directory. Get Your Skills Recognised In Australia no single authority assesses or recognises all overseas qualifications. Many professional, government and other organisations are involved, depending on the type of qualification or occupation and whether the assessment is for the purpose of migration or employment in a particular State or Territory of Australia. Please note that Skill Assessments are not an assessment of your suitability for employment or the likely success or failure of you obtaining Australian residency status. Welcome to the Gladstone Region


Skills Assessment for people intending to migrate to Australia as skilled migrants. To apply for a General Skilled Migration visa you must nominate an occupation that is on the Skilled Occupation List (SOL) at the time you apply. The Skilled Occupation List lists all eligible occupations for General Skilled Migration, and the number of points awarded for each criteria (a points based system). For further information please check the DIAC link as follows: http://www.immi.gov.au/skilled/_ pdf/sol-schedule3.pdf Local Skills Assessment Skilling Solutions Queensland centres provide interview and assessment services to new arrivals and resident skilled migrants seeking recognition of their overseas qualification. You are welcome to drop in to see the friendly team to make an appointment for the Migrant Services Officer or to get some assistance with career information at any time. The office is opposite Medicare in the Gladstone Central Shopping Centre. For further information please check the following pdf file as follows: http://www.skillingsolutions.qld.gov.au/services/migrant_service.htm Job Services Australia Job Services Australia folds seven separate employment services programs into a one-stop shop, giving you a single entry point to a range of user friendly employment services, with no interruptions in the delivery of those services. http://www.workplace.gov.au/workplace/Individual/Migrant/ Childcare Services Australia The Gladstone Region has a variety of Child Care Services, including Child Care Centres, a Family Day Care Program, Vacation Care Program, and before school and after-school programs. HELPFUL GUIDE: For further information on Child Care Services see the Early Childhood Directory available from the Community Advisory Service. Child Care Centres are also listed in the Yellow Pages of the telephone directory. Approved child care is child care that has been approved by the Australian Government for Child Care Benefit (CCB) purposes because it meets certain standards and requirements. To get a complete list of approved child care services in this area, or to obtain information on vacancy details please contact the Child Care Access Hotline on 1800 670 305. If you are looking for approved child care services, you can use the following link to find information about the services in this area (contact details and fees) http://australia.gov.au/ service/child-care-search-for-an-approved-service.

Gladstone Regional Council Community Advisory Service


Step 7: Enrol Your Children In A School** In Queensland the Education system is organised as follows: • Kindergarten

ages 3-4

• Prep

ages 4-5

• Primary school

ages 5-12

Years 1-7

• Secondary/High school

ages 12-15 ages 15-17

Years 8-10 Years 11-12

The school year runs from the end of January to mid December. It is divided into two semesters (with two terms in each) and vacation breaks for Easter, Winter, Spring and Summer. School is compulsory for children aged between six and 17 years inclusive (earning or learning). Kindergarten Attendance in kindergarten is not compulsory. It provides an opportunity for you to introduce your child to a pre-school environment. Kindergarten is available on a two- or three-day-a-week basis and is offered both at Kindergartens and some Day Care Centres. Fees are payable. Kindergarten groups can get heavily booked and it is wise to enrol your child as early as possible by contacting the centre of your choice. HINT: Kindergartens are listed in the Early Childhood Directory available from the Community Advisory Service and in the Yellow Pages of the telephone directory. Prep Attendance in Prep is not compulsory either. Prep is the first full-time year of school offered at primary schools. Children must turn five by June 30 the year they attend. Prep provides the foundation for your child’s success at school. Primary School Primary schools provide the first seven years of compulsory education. Your child can be enrolled at your local state school from late January in the year that they turn five. Secondary / High School Secondary schools provide a further three years of compulsory education (Years 8-10) and two years of post-compulsory education (either earning or learning). Some schools in the Gladstone area offer education from Prep to Year 10 or 12 (P-10 or P-12 Campuses).

Welcome to the Gladstone Region


Public and Private Schools You can choose to have your children educated in public (state government) or private (independent) schools throughout the country. Public schools do not charge tuition fees. The parents and citizens’ associations of most schools, however, ask parents/caregivers for a financial contribution. This may be used to provide extra resources, such as art materials or sporting equipment. The amount varies from school to school. Secondary schools will charge a yearly fee for hire of text books; use of Internet etc, or the option is available to purchase new text books. In most schools, parents are responsible for providing such items as stationery and uniforms. Parents also bear the costs of sending their children on school excursions and to camps and for participating in extracurricular activities. Most Private schools fall into one of two categories: schools administered by the Catholic Education Office and independent schools of other religious persuasions administered by their own boards. Private or independent schools have their own fee structure and receive a subsidy from both Federal and State governments. To enrol your child in a school, contact the school by telephone or in person. You will need to take your visa or entry to Australia documents, proof of their date of birth and any papers, including school reports relating to their previous education. You may also need to show immunisation documents. HINT: Local schools are listed in the Community Services Directory and in the Yellow Pages of the telephone directory.

Gladstone Regional Council Community Advisory Service


Step 8: Register For English Classes** Communicating in English in the country where you are going to live is very important and the key to your successful settlement. English language courses for new arrivals in Australia are provided under the Adult Migrant English Program (AMEP). As a new resident, you may be entitled to receive free English language tuition of up to 510 hours under this program. Central Queensland Institute of TAFE delivers part-time English classes at the Gladstone campus in Spoken and Written English. These classes are available to anyone interested. For those not eligible for the AMEP, cost is determined by visa sub-class. Central Queensland TAFE can also assist those with overseas qualifications who speak English well and would like to prepare themselves for work in Australia, including Resume writing, job applications and job interview techniques. Preparation for IELTS exams can also be offered depending on demand. For further details or to arrange an interview at the TAFE please phone Karen on 49707743. Translating and Interpreting Service (TIS) 131 450 can also help you with your English. Use this number to inquire about interpreting services. Hours of operation: 24 hours a day/7 days a week. A summary/extract translation into English of certain documents which are necessary for your settlement in Australia may be provided free of charge by the Department of Immigration & Multicultural and Indigenous Affairs. The nearest office of DIMIA is located in Brisbane: Street address:

Level 13 313 Adelaide Street Brisbane QLD 4000

Postal address:

GPO Box 9984 Brisbane Qld 4001

Centrelink also provides a service for those who need assistance on its services. Phone 13 12 02 WIN also offers non-accredited Conversational English Programs throughout the year. For further information please email womens.intercultural.network@gmail.com or visit www.womensinterculturalnetwork.org

Welcome to the Gladstone Region


Step 9: Seek Additional Complimentary Assistance Gladstone Region has two main Multicultural groups: Gladstone Multicultural Association Incorporated (GMAI) Gladstone Multicultural Association Inc’s goal is to increase understanding and awareness for Gladstone’s growing multicultural population. The strategic objectives of GMAI are as follows: • To conduct and coordinate interactive social activities • To convene an annual multicultural festival • To provide support to multicultural organisations • To be a referral agency • To disseminate multicultural information • To develop strategic partnerships • To increase the awareness of the Association For further information on the Gladstone Multicultural Association contact the President Peter O’Dwyer on 0414 990 086 or email president@gmai.org.au Women’s Intercultural Network The Women’s Intercultural Network - (WIN) operates with the support and sponsorship of the Gladstone Women’s Health Centre. The network belongs to its volunteers and participants, while being financially supported by donations and assistance from various organisations and individuals. The Network provides the following services: Support: Offering a range of support services within a volunteer organisations, refer to existing professional organisations when required. Information Sessions: Conducting relevant information session. Education and Training: Identifying, providing and accessing relevant educational and training. Orientation Program: Making migrant women familiar with the area and the local people, highlighting some of the risks of the region. Referrals: Referring clients and members to existing programs and services conducted in the community. Resources Development/Provision: Identifying, accessing and developing relevant resources. Events Planning and promotion: Assisting ethnic groups to hold events that include the wider community. The WIN group bases its planning, initiatives and actions on high ethical values and human rights. Individuals and organisations that respect and share their vision and values are strongly encouraged to participate and/or collaborate with WIN’s activities. For more information please contact the Network Coordinator on 0423 177 411, email womens. Gladstone Regional Council Community Advisory Service


intercultural.network@gmail.com or visit www.womensinterculturalnetwork.org. WIN’s offices are located at 9 Derby Street, South Gladstone (call before for appointment) Fax: 4979 1901. Pathways to Permanent Residency If you need assistance with specific options for permanent residency you could visit Department of Immigration and Citizenship website http://www.immi.gov.au/ MARA In Australia, migration agents must be registered with the Office of the Migration Agents Registration Authority. The Office of the MARA regulates Australia’s registered migration agents to: • ensure that clients receive high quality immigration assistance, and • protect the interests of people receiving immigration assistance If you are looking for a registered migration agent within the Region please visit: http://www.mara. com.au/ Regional Certifying Body Gladstone Area Promotion and Development (GAPDL) is the Regional Certifying Body (RCB) for the Gladstone Region. RCB’s have three major roles: • have knowledge of the skills shortages in their local area • know whether a business is actively operating in their local area • are able to assess vacancies under the legislative requirements of the Regional scheme. There are a number of Regional Certifying Bodies throughout Australia. All Regional Certifying Bodies are endorsed by the relevant state or territory government and many are branches of the State or Territory regional development portfolio. Check your eligibility for Government Entitlements Newly-arrived residents may be eligible to a range of entitlements subject to meeting Centrelink criteria. Centrelink Centrelink is an Australian Government agency, delivering a range of services to assist people to become self sufficient and support those in need. If you have recently moved to Australia to settle, you may be eligible for Centrelink payments if you have: • a permanent residency visa. • a humanitarian or refugee visa. • a temporary protection visa or a return pending visa Centrelink has information written in your own language on: • Services and programs for migrants and refugees. • Publications if you have recently moved to Australia to settle. • Accommodation and renting issues • Interpreting services For further information, please check http://www.centrelink.gov.au/internet/internet.nsf/individuals/settle_index.htm Welcome to the Gladstone Region 28

Family Assistance Office The Family Assistance Office is an Australian Government agency that provides eligible Australian families with access to government services and payments. Family Assistance Offices are located in Medicare offices and Centrelink Customer Service Centres across the country. http://www.familyassist.gov.au/Internet/FAO/FAO1.nsf/content/multilingual_services Assessment fee subsidy for Overseas Trained Australian Residents (ASDOT) http://aei.gov.au/AEI/QualificationsRecognition/Default.htm State and Territory governments State and territory governments may also provide assistance, subject to eligibility, for public housing, training, ancillary health such as dental and optical, transport etc. HELPFUL GUIDE: Australian and State Government agencies are listed at the front of the telephone directory and on http://australia.gov.au/ (Australian Government) http://www. qld.gov.au/ (Qld Government) websites. Legal Aid Queensland ** Legal Aid Queensland provides information, advice and representation to eligible people with family, civil, and criminal law matters. Legal Aid Queensland is funded by the Queensland Government to undertake State law matters and by the Federal Government for Commonwealth law matters. http://www.legalaid.qld.gov.au/gateway.asp Gladstone Region Community Legal Advice Program provides free legal advice, assistance, referrals and community legal education. The solicitor is available for face to face or telephone appointments. This service is not means tested. Bookings are essential: Phone 4976 6300.

Anti-Discrimination Commission The Anti-Discrimination Commission Queensland is an Australian Government agency whose core business is to receive and deal with complaints of discrimination and other contraventions of the Anti-Discrimination Act, and to promote human rights in Queensland. The Anti-Discrimination Commission Queensland operates a telephone information and enquiry service on 1300 130 670. For further information check its website http://www.adcq.qld.gov.au

Gladstone Regional Council Community Advisory Service


Step 10: Get Actively Involved In Community Activities Welcome to New Residents Morning Tea Gladstone Regional Council is organising on a regular basis the Welcome to New resident’s morning tea. This initiative provides all Gladstone residents with an opportunity to meet and greet new people and also foster a mechanism of interaction and integration into community activities across the Region. If you want to participate of this initiative, please call either Andrea or Luis at the Community Advisory Service on (07) 4976 6300. Gladstone Region Volunteering Volunteering is a great way to meet people, increase your skills and give you work experience. There are a number of organisations in Gladstone that run volunteer programs. Contact the Community Advisory Service on 4976 6300 to discuss which volunteer position would best meet your needs and interests. Gladstone Region Volunteering is an online volunteer recruitment website that links volunteers to organisations in need of volunteers. General volunteer vacancies in the Gladstone Region are listed on the Gladstone Region Volunteering website www.gladstonerc.qld.gov.au/volunteer Gladstone Intercultural Reference Group The Gladstone Regional Council in conjunction with a number of local key stakeholders have formed a strategic group to steer, coach and supervise the implementation of various Multicultural projects including employment, integration, settlement, health, interfaith and education. The Gladstone Intercultural Reference Group meeting is held on a regular basis. For further information please call either Luis on (07) 4976 6352 or Andrea on (07) 4976 6358 Gladstone Region Main Faith Groups (Churches) HINT: A full list of Gladstone Region churches are available in the Community Services Directory.

Welcome to the Gladstone Region


Sports and Recreation Groups A comprehensive guide of sports and recreational clubs are listed in the Community Services Directory which can be collected from any Gladstone Regional Council facility or accessed online http://www.gladstonerc.qld.gov.au/comdir/ Why Should Migrants Play Sport? Sport is a very popular past time for people in Gladstone. By participating in sporting activities you can: 1.

quickly get to know the locals (this will assist with settling in to a new community);

2. be active and remain fit and healthy (many people come to Australia and change their lifestyles for example drive their car everywhere and don’t walk, eat different foods which may have higher fat and sugar contents than they are use to); and 3.

learn more about Australia and the Gladstone region.

Structure of Sport Sports in Australia have many different structures and costs; some sports (mainly individual sports as opposed to team sports) have professional coaches like tennis, golf and swimming. If you wish to learn these activities you can pay a private coach, however most sports will teach you about the sport at training sessions. It is acceptable to go and try the activity before you commit to participating in that activity for the duration of its season. To see if you like a sport, people usually attend a training session to determine if they would like to commit to that sport. Some sporting organisations conduct formalised competitions with teams competing in a range of different grades depending on the skill level of the individual. Golf for example, you can play the sport but not join the Golf Club, you will pay green fees and if you wanted lessons access the professional golf coach at the golf course. Many organisations will allow non members to hire their facilities at a cost if you wanted to get a group of people together just to have an informal fun session. Accessing a Sporting Organisation Many sporting structures will have a number of clubs who all play in a competition that an association conducts. If you want to access a sport contact the association who will refer you to a club, however if you are aware of a club than you can contact that club directly. All sport and recreation organisations operating in the Gladstone Region are listed in the Community Services Directory which can be collected from any Gladstone Regional Council facility or accessed online http://www.gladstonerc.qld.gov.au/comdir/. However if you are finding it difficult to access an activity contact one of people on the Multicultural Contact List found in the (Welcome to the Gladstone Region Booklet) for assistance.

Gladstone Regional Council Community Advisory Service


Most Frequently Asked Questions 1. Who should I contact to play a sport? The contact details for each sporting organisation are listed in the Gladstone Regional Council Community Directory available on line at http://www.gladstonerc.qld.gov.au/comdir/ or you can contact a one of the people listed in the Multicultural Contact List in the Welcome to Gladstone Region Booklet. You can directly contact a club if it is listed or contact the association who is the organising body for the formal competition. 2. Do I have to find insurance for when I play sport? In most cases insurance coverage for accidents caused while playing sport is covered in the individual registration costs. Sporting organisation can be quite different and you should ask when signing up to become a member of the club what does the insurance cover you for. 3. How much does sport cost to play? In many sports there is an annual registration fee and sometime a weekly playing fee. Registration fees can be around $50 to $400 and playing fees can be around $5-$10 per game. Some sports will only have one fee to cover both registration and playing fees. Some sports may also charge an optional fee to cover those people who may not want to volunteer; in this case you can pay the fee or volunteer to assist the club. 4. What is my commitment if I join a club? If you are going to join a club it will depend on if it is a team sport or an individual sport. Team sports rely on people participating every week and attending training, however individual sports can be played whenever the individual wants to play. Individual sports can be played without joining a club for example golf, tennis and swimming. When becoming a member for a club you will be expected to volunteer in some capacity to assist the club. The volunteer tasks that you may be asked to assist with could include scoring, umpiring, administration support, working bees, coaching, team management, writing newsletters, developing website and a range of other tasks that may be specific with that sport. You will only be expected to do small tasks initially, however if you ever wanted to you could become very involved in helping to administer that sport. 5. What sports are good for my family to play? There are only a few sports that will provide for the whole family at the same time. Sports like croquet, golf, tennis, road runners and motocross. There are many sports that have excellent introductions for children to learn to play, sometime it may be necessary to allow children a trial period to determine if they like the sport or not. 6. Who supplies the uniforms should I play a team sport? The uniforms will usually be supplied by the club however you may have to pay additional fees for uniforms.

Welcome to the Gladstone Region


Recreation Anyone can recreate in a range of informal activities in the Gladstone Region. The most popular recreation activities are • Walking Council provides a number of pathways around the community which are utilized for both walking and riding a bicycle. See Gladstone Regional Council website to local pathways www. gladstoneregion.qld.gov.au • Fishing There are a number of fishing clubs that people can join, however if you want to undertake fishing than there are many creeks, bridges, beaches and rivers where one can fish. For more information about fishing in Gladstone go to: http://www.gladstoneregion.info/pages/fishingand-boating/ • Working out at a Gym (fitness exercise) The gym or gymnasiums are commercial organisations where membership fees are applicable. Gladstone also has 10 outdoor fitness stations throughout the region. Locations of the fitness stations, along with example workout sessions are included on the Healthy Active Gladstone Region website: http://www.gladstone.qld.gov.au/web/guest/events-and-activities • Swimming There are a number of safe places to swim in the Gladstone region, however extreme caution must be taken in swim in a safe place. Tannum Sands Surf Life Saving club patrols the beach at Tannum Sands and you can swim safely between the flags. Ask local people where the best locations are to swim safely; they will be more than willing to let you know. Public swimming pools are also available in Gladstone, Calliope and Mount Larcom. For more information on locations and opening times visit: http://www.gladstone.qld.gov.au/web/ guest/129 Other *informal recreation opportunities undertaken in the region are canoeing, road running, bike riding and dancing. (*Informal meaning no organisation coordinates the activity, the individual or groups of individuals undertake the activity and supply the equipment.)

Gladstone Regional Council Community Advisory Service




Contact details

Manchester Unity


13 13 72



13 12 43

Australian Unity


13 29 39

MBF Australia Limited


13 26 23

Medibank Private


13 23 21



13 14 63

People care


1800 808 700


Shop 31, Gladstone Central Shopping Centre 45 Dawson 13 20 11 Hwy


Shop 45, Hinkler Mall 16 Marybough Street

13 20 11

Medicare Access Points Agnes Water

Agnes Water Rural Transaction Centre Lot 100, Captain 4902 1515 Cook Drive

Boyne Island

Discount Drug Store Shop 5, Boyne Plaza

4973 7899

Miriam Vale

Miriam Post Office 25 Blomfield Street

4974 5226

Mount Larcom

Mount Larcom Rural Transaction Centre/Library 47 Raglan 4975 1205 Street, Mount Larcom


Fruitgrowers Cooperative Assn, Limited 40 Butler Street, 4973 6526 Yarwun

Welcome to the Gladstone Region




Phone number

Argentinean Community

Natalia Muszkat

07 4978 2079

Baha’i Community

John Abood

07 4976 9053

Brazilian Community

Alfredo Paiva

0401 610 215

Colombian Community

Rita Wilmhurst

0439 071 123

Chinese Community

Fei Matheson

07 4979 0034

Danish Community

Erling Stoldt

07 4975 7054

Fijian Community

Cemma Simpson

07 4972 9283

Filipino Community

Susan Watkin

0402 368 414

German Community

Brigitte Herbts

07 4975 7885

Greek Community

Angelo Maltabes

07 4972 0464

Hungarian Community

Kornelia Deak

0423 644 277

Indian Community

Murty Paluri

07 4979 1684

Indonesian Community

Ratna Sugiarti

07 4972 8338

Iranian Community

Enseieh Ranjbarnejad

07 4972 3998

Jamaican Community

Angela Maher

0424 283 866

Kenyan Community

Jessee Mugwima

0431 326 233

Korean Community

Julie Rheem

07 4978 2476

Latvian Community

Zaiga Stevens

07 4678 0758

Macedonian Community

Antik Suzana

07 4979 4889

Maori Community

Robina & Sonny Thompson

07 4972 4262

Muslim Community

Syed Quadri

0422 271 320

New Zealand Community

Sandy Beazley

07 4979 3889

Pacific Island Community (Fijian)

Rose & Sam Baravilala

07 4972 0798

Pacific Island Community (Rotuman)

Elaisa Fonmoa & Sue Butler

07 4979 2647

Peruvian Community

Farid Giha

07 4979 4082

Polish Community

Margaret and Paul Podgorski

07 4978 3130

Seychelles Community

Serge & Marie Delpeche

07 4978 1649

Spanish Community

Manuel Padron

07 4972 0863

South Sea Islander Community

Melena McKeown

0417 008 246

Gladstone Regional Council Community Advisory Service




Phone number

South African

Pearl Rahme

(07) 4978 3324

Serbian Community

Jasmina & Slavko Stancic

07 4978 3382

Sri Lankan Community

Nalin Pareira

07 4973 9640

Swiss Community

Stefan and Marianne Wurgler

07 4978 1449

Thai Community

Nok Phasuk

0448 893 615

Welsh Community

Sandra Atkinson

07 4978 5236

Ukrainian Community

Elena Dobrodum

07 4978 5502

Venezuelan Community

Carlos and Beda Oria

07 4973 2638

Zimbabwean Community

Leon Motoloung

0424 103 010

EMERGENCY SERVICES The following numbers are for non-urgent matters only. In case of emergency call 000. Rural Fire Service

QFRS Rural Operations 4938 4738 For your local Fire Warden and Rural Fire Brigade

Queensland Fire & Rescue Service

Gladstone Fire Station For community Safety Advice

Emergency 000 Non emergency 49796589

Queensland Ambulance Service

Pre hospital care, Community education. Baby capsule hire

Emergency 000 Non emergency 131233

Gladstone Hospital

Park St Gladstone

4976 3200

Mater Misericordiae Hospital

Rosella St Gladstone

4971 3713

Poison Information Centre

24 hour advice


Volunteer Marine Rescue

Gladstone Round Hill

4972 3333 0427 747 477

Queensland Police Service

10-12 Yarroon St Gladstone

4971 3222

National SES


For a comprehensive list of all Local Emergency Services refer to the Community Services Directory. The Qld Government website http://www.emergency.qld.gov.au/ and Gladstone Regional Council website http://www.gladstonerc.qld.gov.au/community/ disasterinformation.html also provide useful emergency information. Welcome to the Gladstone Region


CALD COMMUNITY TESTIMONIALS Peter O’Dwyer (Gladstone Multicultural Association Incorporated) “I have been involved in the development of this booklet, which main purpose is to help and assist with the integration and seamless settlement into the local community.” Enzeieh Rezai - (Iranian Community) When I was a child, Australia was a country of my dream that I could never get a chance to visit. It was home to Kangaroos, Dingos, Koalas, very far from rest of the world. The only city I ever knew was Adelaide as I heard in the film and of course Canberra as a capital city of Australia. 2 years a go, my husband has been offered a job in Gladstone, Australia. We took the offer without any knowledge about Gladstone whatsoever. we did search in the Internet quite a bit, but until we came in to the Gladstone we did not have any clear idea about living, working etc in Gladstone. Small town in Central Queensland. for us as a new migrant to Australia, I found Gladstone nice and pleasant city where people are helpful. Most of necessary facilities for having comfortable life are handy. But the only problem I think most of new arrivals to Gladstone, I mean migrant, have is finding an English class. Struggling with learning English is one of the most important problems that migrant have in the Gladstone. I hope this can be somehow be considered by relevant bodies. Pearl Rahme - (South Africa) I emigrated from South Africa to Gladstone in July 2007 and can honestly agree with the good old cliché ‘... things do get better with time’. The initial settling in phase presented many challenges which put additional pressure onto the family unit. Today with the support and tolerance of diversity from caring neighbours and acquaintances within the Gladstone community, many wonderful friendships have developed. Pamela MacDonald - Volunteer Engagement Officer - Conservation Volunteers Australia “I am pleased to acknowledge the inclusive networking opportunities for women who attend the Women’s Intercultural Network in Gladstone. This friendly group’s regular activities provide a welcoming environment for new residents to meet local women ensuring newcomers settle in well and creating a sense of belonging.”

Gladstone Regional Council Community Advisory Service


OTHER IMPORTANT LINKS Industry Gladstone Area Promotion and Development Ltd www.gapdl.com.au - provides information on the area including places of interest. Gladstone Economic & Industry Development Board http://www.gladstoneindustry.org.au/ provides information on industry status Gladstone Engineering Alliance http://www.gea.com.au/ - Represent, develop and promote the capacity, capabilities, competitiveness, and the interests of industry in the Gladstone region. General Manager: Carli Hobbs Website: www.gea.asn.au Phone: (07) 4972 6090 Government Gladstone Regional Council


Queensland Government


Australian Government


Immigration www.immi.gov.au LOCAL COLLOQUALISMS/TERMS/ ABBREVIATIONS Place Names Awoonga

Awoonga Dam

Bilo Biloela BITS

Boyne Island Tannum Sands

Brizzie Brisbane Bundy Bundaberg Happy Rock Gladstone The Gardens Tondoon Botanic Gardens The Mall

Kin Kora Shopping Centre

The Plaza

Boyne Plaza Shopping Centre

The Valley

Centro Shopping Centre at the bottom of Goondoon Street

Rocky Rockhampton Yaralla

Yaralla Sports Club at Barney Point

Welcome to the Gladstone Region


Industry BSL

Boyne Smelters Ltd


Gladstone Area Water Board


Liquefied Natural Gas

Monos Monadelphous QAL

Queensland Alumina Ltd


Queensland Cement Ltd


Gladstone Ports Corporation


Rio Tinto

Business Bottlo

Bottle Shop where you purchase alcohol


Kentucky Fried Chicken


McDonalds Fast Food Restaurant


National Australia Bank


Petrol Station


Woolworths Supermarket


Port Curtis Sailing Club

Community ATODS

Alcohol, Tobacco & Other Drugs Service


Community Advisory Service


Communities for Children Program

Cop Shop

Police Station


Central Queensland University


Dept of Child Safety


Gladstone Area Group Apprentices Ltd


Gladstone Area Promotion and Development Ltd

Kindy Kindergartens PCYC

Police Citizens Youth Club


Salvation Army


St Vincent de Paul

Gladstone Regional Council Community Advisory Service


Terms on Invitations/Events All you can eat - Smorgasbord, where you help yourself to as much food as you like. Baby Shower - Party for someone expecting a baby. Black Tie Dress - Worn after 4.30pm. Men wear a black dinner suit with white shirt, cufflinks, a black bow tie, black socks and shoes. Women wear formal dinner dresses long or short. Bring a Plate - Bring a plate of food to share. Bucks/Hens Nights - Parties for the groom or bride to be prior to their wedding. BYO - Bring your own drinks, food etc. Cocktail Dress - Worn after 5pm. Men wear a suit and tie. Women wear dresses. Cocktail Party - Cocktail drinks and finger food are served. Esky - Portable insulated container for keeping food and drinks cold. Fancy Dress - Wear a costume to a party or event Sausage Sizzle - Sausage in a piece of bread. Sleepover - Stay at someone else’s place for the night (especially children). Smart Casual Dress - For men a tailored jacket and tailored pants. Women wear dresses or pants. Education/Schooling Terms 1st Break/2nd Break - Morning Tea/Lunch Chappy - School Chaplain Free Dress Day - Children wear casual clothes, not their uniform. Normally need to bring with them a gold coin donation. Gold Coin Donation - One or Two Dollar Coin. Prom - End of year formal function for Year 12 school leavers. Pupil Free Days - Days when teachers are in-house training, and children don’t go to school. SAIN - Schools & Industry Network (arranges work experience placements). Sunsmart - Don a wide brimmed hat, long sleeved shirt and sunscreen.

Welcome to the Gladstone Region


Community Terms Bucks - Money Chrissie - Christmas Mate or Buddy - Friend or associate Pressie - Present Rego - Registration Schooner/Pot - Different beer glass sizes - schooner is larger than a pot Shout - Buy a round of drinks for people in your group. Clothing Terms Sport Shoes - Runners, Sand Shoes, and sometimes brand names. Swim Wear - Swimsuit, Cossie, Bathers, Togs, Swimmers. Sports Terms Comp - Competition Footy - Any form of football e.g. Australian Rules, Rugby Leagues, Rugby Union or Soccer. Rugby - Rugby League or Rugby Union. Shoe and Clothing Conversion Table Shoe Sizes Centimetres Inches US / Canada Mens US / Canada Womens ** Japanese European UK Mens UK Womens Australian Mens Australian Womens

23.2 9

23.5 9.25

24 9.45

24 9.45

24.7 9.65

25 9.85

25.5 10

26 10.23

26.5 10.4

27 27.5 10.6 10.8







6 23 37 4 4

6½ 23½ 37½ 4½ 4½

7 24 38 5 5

7½ 24½ 38½ 5½ 5½

8 25 39½ 6 6

8½ 25½ 40 6½ 6½

9 26 40½ 7 7

9½ 26½ 41 7½ 7½

10 27 42 8 8

10½ 27½ 42½ 8½ 8½

11 28 43 9 9














8 6 4

10 8 6

12 10 8

14 12 10

16 14 12

18 16 14

20 18 16

22 20 18

24 22 20

26 24 22

Clothing Sizes Australia UK USA

Gladstone Regional Council Community Advisory Service


ARE YOU A NEW RESIDENT? Many people migrate to the Gladstone Region every year, and Gladstone Regional Council is keen to ensure new residents feel both welcome and have access to information that will help them with settling in the area. If you are interested in being contacted by Gladstone Regional Council's Welcoming Team please complete the New Resident Registration Form below.

Personal Details


First Name Surname

Town (where you are living) Preferred Contact Method

Home Phone

how you would like us to


(Please provide details of contact you)

Email Post

Would you like to be contacted about (please tick)


Invitations to Welcome Events (Morning Teas, Information Sessions) Information on other community events/activities

Attending a face to face meeting with one of Council's community workers Directories or other resources available Other (please specify)

The following questions are optional, but are included to give us a clearer idea of migration patterns and needs.

Town/State/Country from which you have relocated?

Welcome to the Gladstone Region


If you are from a non English speaking background do you require an interpreter?

Do you or your family have any special needs?

Please return the New Resident - Registration Form, by any of the following methods: In person

Community Advisory Service, 142 Goondoon Street, Gladstone


4972 6557




Community Advisory Service, PO Box 29, Gladstone, 4680

Thank you for taking the time to complete the New Resident - Registration Form. Regards

The 'Welcoming Team'

Community Advisory Service, Gladstone Regional Council Phone 4976 6300

Gladstone Regional Council Community Advisory Service


This handbook made possible with funding assistance from QGC.

Region of Choice

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