Issue 17.5 Sept/Oct 2013

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Glad Tidings

Volume 1 7, Issue 4

For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also to the Greek. Romans 1:16

Family Camp 2013

September/October 2013

Glad Tidings September/October 2013

Something To Consider ............... p.3 by Vince Finnegan

The Congo Connection .............. p.8 by Richard and Cheryl Elton

Seek Yahweh: Praise Yah ..................................... p.4

Open My Eyes That I May See ........................... p.9 by Mary Ann Yaconis

by John Cortright See You In A Couple Weeks ........ p.6 by Vince Finnegan

The Body Snatchers................... p.11 by Kenneth Westby

Glad Tidings is published six times per year by Living Hope International Ministries 458 Old Niskayuna Road, Latham, New York 12110 USA Office






Glad Tidings is mailed free to anyone who requests it. Scriptures are taken from the New American Standard Bible unless otherwise noted. 2

SOMETHING TO CONSIDER: Dear Faithful One, Pentecost, the feast following the ascension of Jesus, marked what many consider the beginning of the Christian church since the holy spirit was first given. The inquisitive multitudes crowded the Temple area as they were beckoned by the supernatural happenings of the day. Peter raised his voice demanding their attention as he realized the significance of the moment and his God-given platform to witness. His God-inspired message centered on the resurrection as the defining proof that Jesus is the Christ. Days later, Peter and John came back to the Temple and this time healed a man who had been lame from birth. Sitting in front of the Temple gate, the lame man looked up at Peter and John expecting to receive something from them. Peter replied, “I do not possess silver and gold, but what I do have I give to you: In the name of Jesus Christ the Nazarene–walk!” He leaped up, walked, and leaped some more, praising God and drawing the attention of the crowd. Again, Peter realized he had another God-given platform to witness, so he did. Jesus’ resurrection, once more, was the essence of his teaching. Due to this event, the judgmental antagonists arrested Peter and John. His response to their unjust interrogation was, “…By the name of Jesus Christ the Nazarene, whom you crucified, whom God raised from the dead–by this name this man stands here before you in good health.” The history of the disciples in first century chronicled in the book of Acts shows they remained consistent. They witnessed the resurrection of Jesus because it proves he is the Messiah, the King of the coming Kingdom. In the early days, they did not place much emphasis on the Kingdom of God independent of the resurrection. They primarily witnessed to Jews who knew about the Kingdom but not about the King. When Paul came on the scene and reached out to the Gentiles, he communicated both the Kingdom of God and the resurrected Jesus as the Messiah. Since most people today believe that when you die you immediately go to heaven or hell, our emphasis should be like Paul’s regarding the Kingdom of God and Jesus as the resurrected Christ. Enjoy this issue of Glad Tidings as it holds articles of similar content. With love, Vince Finnegan


Seek Yahweh: Praise Yah By John Cortright


he name “Yah” is a contracted form of the name of God, Yahweh, consisting of the first two letters of the name (hy). The first use of this contraction occurs after the children of Israel crossed the Red Sea when Moses sang the first recorded song in Scripture.

God, hwhy (Yahweh). Because the name Yahweh is also substituted in English with the generic term “LORD,” this presents a difficulty for translators. Different English versions have chosen a variety of ways to handle these usages in Isaiah: Isaiah 12:2b

King James Version Exodus 15:2 The LORD [Yah] is my strength and song, And He has become my salvation; This is my God, and I will praise Him; My father's God, and I will extol Him. This abbreviated form of the name of God occurs 45 times, most often is used in song, and from this first use in Exodus, emphasizes God’s salvation. It is found primarily in the book of Psalms, but also twice in Exodus (Exodus 15:2; 17:16), and four times in the book of Isaiah (Isaiah 12:2; 26:4; and 38:11-twice). Most English translations treat this name of God the same as the Tetragrammaton. They translate it as “LORD” in all caps. In a one instance, the King James Version translates this as “JAH” (Psalm 68:4). Twice, in the book of Isaiah (Isaiah 12:2; 26:4), the name “Yah” occurs along with the four letter Hebrew name of

For the LORD JEHOVAH is my strength and my song; He also is become my salvation Isaiah 12:2b New American

Standard Version For the LORD GOD is my strength and song. And He has become my salvation Isaiah 12:2b

New International Version The LORD, the LORD, is my strength and my song: he has become my salvation. Isaiah 12:2b 1901 American

Standard Version For Jehovah, even Jehovah, is my strength and song: and he is become my salvation. Isaiah 12:2b

The New Jerusalem Bible For Yahweh is my strength and my song, he has been my salvation Isaiah 12:2b

The Hebrew-English Tanakh For Yah the LORD is my 4

strength and might, And He has been my deliverance It is interesting to note that although the Jewish tradition restricts the usage of the name “Yahweh,” here, in this unique use of the contracted form in Isaiah, the name “Yah” is allowed in the translation of the Hebrew Tanakh. The use of “Yah” is unique to poetry and songs of praise. Yahweh is worthy to be praised! Over half of the usages of “Yah” in the book of Psalms are preceded by the Hebrew word halal (llh). This word means to “praise.” The admonition is “praise Yah!” and is most often translated into English as “praise the LORD.” However, when this phrase occurs in the Jewish Tanakh, the translators combined these words together and use the well known English rendering of “hallelujah.” The Psalms close out with these glorious declarations. Translations from The Hebrew

-English Tanakh Psalm 146:10 The LORD shall reign forever, your God O Zion, for all generations. Hallelujah. Psalm 147:1 Hallelujah.

It is good to (Continued on page 5)

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chant hymns to our God; it is pleasant to sing glorious praise. Psalm 148:1 Hallelujah. Praise the LORD from the heavens; praise Him on high! Psalm 149:1 Hallelujah. Sing to the LORD a new song, His praises in the congregation of the faithful. Psalm 150:1 Hallelujah. Praise God in His sanctuary; praise Him in the sky, His stronghold. Psalm 150:6 Let all that breathes praise the LORD. Hallelujah. The Hebrew of this phrase is hy wllh. This phrase has a Greek equivalent. These words transliterated from the Hebrew language form the Greek word “alleluia” (alleluia). This word means to praise Yah or praise Yahweh! Although the name of God, Yahweh, cannot be found in any New

T e s t a m e n t manuscripts, this declaration to “praise Yah” is proclaimed in the end, in the very last book of the Bible! The first use of “Yah” occurred with God’s miraculous salvation for His people when they crossed the Red Sea. The name “Yah” was sung and declared by Moses. In the end, after the seven final plagues of God’s wrath are poured out on the kingdoms of this world, once again the name of God will be declared! Revelation 19:1-6 After these things I heard something like a loud voice of a great multitude in heaven, saying, “Hallelujah Hallelujah! Hallelujah Salvation and glory and power belong to our God; BECAUSE HIS JUDGMENTS ARE TRUE AND RIGHTEOUS; for He has judged the great harlot who was corrupting the earth with her immorality, and HE H A S A VEN G ED TH E BLOOD OF HIS BONDSERVANTS ON HER."

And a second time they said, "Hallelujah Hallelujah! Hallelujah HER SMOKE RISES UP FOREVER AND EVER." And the twenty-four elders and the four living creatures fell down and worshiped God who sits on the throne saying, "Amen. Hallelujah!" Hallelujah And a voice came from the throne, saying, "Give praise to our God, all you His bond -servants, you who fear Him, the small and the great." Then I heard something like the voice of a great multitude and like the sound of many waters and like the sound of mighty peals of thunder, saying, "Hallelujah Hallelujah! Hallelujah For the Lord our God, the Almighty, reigns.” Praise Yah! Praise Yahweh!!

KINGDOM COVENANTS Teachings by John Cortright and Vince Finnegan, The Kingdom Covenants’ class covers the promises referring to the time when God will have absolute rule over the earth through His Son, our Lord Jesus Christ. Then will be fulfilled that for which we now pray daily. The class provides a comprehensive scope of the overall theme of the Scriptures which is the Kingdom of God and makes known God’s purpose for the ages and what will happen at the end of the age. Available in our bookstore or online at! 12 CD set .......................$50.00 5

Study Guide ....................... $10.00

See You In A Couple Weeks By Vince Finnegan


taring out the window of my Southwest flight from Orlando to Albany on June 28, 2013, my eyes focused on nothing in particular as I reflected upon my final moments with my sister. I bent over to hug her as she laid upright in the hospice-provided hospital bed prominently situated in her living room. I kissed her on the cheek, prayed in her ear, and said, “I love you.” Still embraced, I strained to hear as Margaret spoke softly in my ear with her raspy, broken, cancer-inflicted voice, “I love you.” Then came the almost carefree and joyful assertion, “I will see you in a couple of weeks.” Odd words, since we both understood but lacked the courage to say that this would be our last time together. My contemplation centered on these last words. I wondered if she spoke from a confused mind influenced by pain medicine or a clear sound mind persuaded by our conversation in the days together leading to this moment. As I moved swiftly through the clouds, my thoughts turned to the day Jesus ascended on cloud into heaven. His disci-

ples had gazed into heaven astonished when an angel promised them, “This Jesus, who has been taken up from you into heaven, will come in just the same way as you have watched him go into heaven." A huge smile came across my face as I concluded that Margaret knew exactly what she was saying. “I will see you in a couple of weeks,” was the declaration of her faith. Those weeks sped by, and my sister now awaits our Lord’s return; however, the comfort and joy experienced on the plane remain with me. She understood what the Scriptures clearly teach about the dead − they sleep un1l Jesus returns. Jesus, the first resurrected from the dead, is the “first fruits of those who are asleep” (1 Corinthians 15:20) and the “firstborn from the dead” (Colossians 1:18). Hence, he is the prototype of the future resurrection of the just. Two resurrections are coming: the first for those who believed and the second for those who did not believe.

Daniel 12:2 – Many of those who sleep in the dust of the ground will awake, these to everlasting life, but the oth6

ers to disgrace and everlasting contempt. John 5:28 and 29 – Do not marvel at this; for an hour is coming, in which all who are in the tombs will hear his voice, and will come forth; those who did the good deeds to a resurrection of life, those who committed the evil deeds to a resurrection of judgment. The popular world-view about the dead is reflected with statements such as “she has departed,” “gone to a better place,” “passed away,” “with God now,” “in heaven looking down on us.” Concerned people endeavoring to give comfort usually offer these sincere sentiments. However, the Bible never says that the dead have passed to a fully conscious existence on another dimension called heaven or hell or, in some circles, purgatory. The Scriptures refer to death as the sleep of death. Sleep is a natural, temporary, and periodic state of diminished activity of body and mind. Rest results from the suspension of activity, consciousness, and sensation. Death is referred to as sleep (Continued on page 7)

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because it is also a temporary state in which all consciousness and activity are completely suspended. The following verses clarify. Psalms 13:3 - …O LORD my God; enlighten my eyes, or I will sleep the sleep of death, 1Kings 2:10 - Then David slept with his fathers and was buried in the city of David. Psalms 6:5 - For in death there is no remembrance of You: in the grave who shall give You thanks? Psalms 146:4 - His spirit departs, he returns to the earth; in that very day his thoughts perish. Ecclesiastes 9:5, 10 - For the living know they will die; but the dead do not know anything, nor have they any longer a reward, for their memory is forgotten. Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with all your might; for there is no activity or planning or knowledge or wisdom in the grave where you are going.

be uninformed, brethren, about those who are asleep, so that you will not grieve as do the rest who have no hope.

the air, and so we shall always be with the Lord. Therefore comfort one another with these words.

The great hope for those of faith who have died is as follows.

When Margaret took her last breath, immediately her consciousness was suspended. When Jesus returns, she will experience her next thought. She may sleep for years or centuries like those of faith recorded in the Scriptures, but for her there is no conscious lapse in time. When she said, “I will see you in a couple of weeks,” she was referring to how much time she had left to live, just a few weeks. From her viewpoint, she would see me immediately after she died because her next waking awareness would be in the face of Jesus Christ at his return, and presumably I, too, would be there. During her 57 years of life, I never sorrowed when she slept. “See you in a couple of weeks” now is part of my hope.

1 Thessalonians 4:14-18 For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so God will bring with him those who have fallen asleep in Jesus. For this we say to you by the word of the Lord, that we who are alive and remain until the coming of the Lord, will not precede those who have fallen asleep. For the Lord himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel and with the trumpet of God, and the dead in Christ will rise first. Then we who are alive and remain will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in

1 Thessalonians 4:13 We do not want you to 7

Congo Connection By Richard and Cheryl Elton Enter the Ark and Royal Family Reunion Rev. Armel Ngo and Living Hope International Ministries of the Congo will host the annual Royal Family Reunion (RFR) in Brazzaville on September 8, 2013. Believers from across the area as well as Kinshasa in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) will attend. The RFR launches the theme for the upcoming ministry year, “Reform Your Ways and Your Works,” taken from Jeremiah 7:3-7, where God promises to extend His mercy to those who stop their evil deeds and get busy serving Him. Also during the RFR, the next group of “soul winners” in the Enter the Ark program will be sent on the field, this time for an extended period of one year. Committing to Enter the Ark is an exciting opportunity for spiritual growth for anyone

who participates. During the month of August, LHIM Congo dedicated an entire week to prayer that God would send more laborers into the harvest as committed soul winners this next year. This past August, the last wave of volunteers in Enter the Ark finished their seven-month commitment, and Rev. Ngo reported the program was a great success. It resulted in the formation of new house churches in several cities, as well as great blessing and growth to the individuals who participated. Please join us in praying for the next group of soul winners in Enter the Ark. A Special Time for the Children Meanwhile in the DRC, Rev. Kennedy Kutukwa hosted a large fellowship meeting in July for the many children in

the church. The children were treated to a special day that included skits, games, performances, Bible teachings, and other activities designed to strengthen their walks with the Lord. Ten children were dedicated to the Lord that day. New School Year Beginning The 2013-2014 school year marks the sixth year for LHIM believers to be involved in the lives of our brothers and sisters in the Congo by sponsoring children to attend school. Through the sponsors’ generous support, 58 children were able to attend school this last year. These children may not otherwise have been able to go. Rev. Kutukwa expresses great thanks on behalf of the many families who are being helped and touched through the sponsorship program. The ripple effect of this support will be fully realized at the Lord’s return.

Children’s day in Kinshasa

A few of this year’s Enter the Ark soulsoul-winners 8

Children’s day singing unto the Lord

Open My Eyes That I May See By Mary Ann Yaconis


ing Aram’s encounter with the prophet Elisha is recorded in 2 Kings 6. King Aram tried to make war against Israel and failed miserably. Every time he set up a battle, Yahweh told Elisha to let the king of Israel know where the opposing army was awaiting for the battle. King Aram was in a serious rage and was determined that a spy was in his courts. One of his wise men was bold enough to tell the king that there was a prophet that lived in Dothan that knew even what the king said in his bedroom. King Aram sent out his best men, horses, and chariots to Dothan to capture Elisha. The king’s army positioned themselves to surround Dothan so that when Elisha and his servant walked out of the city early in the morning, the servant saw all the enemy horses and chariots lined up on the hills. The servant was quite alarmed, which no doubt he would be, but Elisha was not. What Elisha saw was the truth of the circumstance, and he asked Yahweh to show his servant this same truth. 2 Kings 6:16-17 So he [Elisha] answered, “Do not fear, for those who are with us are more than those who are with them.” Then Elisha prayed and said, “O LORD, I pray, open his eyes that he may see.” And the LORD opened the servant’s eyes and he saw; and behold, the mountain was full of horses and chariots of fire all around Elisha.

Definitely, chariots of fire from Yahweh trump King Aram’s puny chariots and horses! Elisha’s and the servant’s eyes were opened to see that Yahweh had them in His care. The servant initially saw what looked like a very real and very big problem, but Elisha saw the spiritual reality that was truth. The result was that the army was struck with blindness and was led by Elisha into Samaria. After Yahweh lifted the blindness, the army realized they were surrounded by their enemies. Fearing annihilation, the king’s army was greatly surprised to be treated to a feast and then sent on their way in peace. What a victory Yahweh had for Elisha and his servant. Even Israel was spared from King Aram warring against them for many years after this incident. Elisha’s focus was on Yahweh. What we focus on is of utmost importance to our success. When a baseball player gets up to bat, he has to keep his eye focused on the ball from the time the pitcher starts to wind up until it hits the bat. Also, when running a race, the runner has to focus on the track ahead and the finish line. The idea is that what one focuses on is what we attain. As we focus on being Christ-like in our thoughts and actions, our hearts will become full of righteousness, and there will be no room in our hearts for unrighteousness. As we continually surrender our thoughts and deeds by obedient love to Yahweh, we build a stronghold in our hearts of impenetrable faith in Yahweh. 9

Luke 11:35 Then watch out that the light in you is not darkness. If therefore your whole body is full of light, with no dark part in it, it will be wholly illumined, as when the lamp illumines you with its rays. Jesus is instructing us that we can allow into ourselves two lights, the light of Yahweh and the light of darkness or Satan. We are to be wholly illumined with Yahweh’s light and have no darkness. 1 John 1:5 This is the message we have heard from Him and announce to you, that God is light, and in Him there is no darkness at all. If there is no darkness AT ALL in God’s light, then when we accept Christ and live in light, then we have no darkness at all. To become Christ-like, we are given many Scriptures to help us transform our thoughts and behaviors so that we are full of God’s light. The following verse in Romans is clear that we can lay deeds of darkness aside. Romans 13:12 The night is almost gone, and the day is near. Therefore let us lay aside the deeds of darkness and put on the armor of light. But, we struggle so. Why does it seem to be such a horrific effort every day to live in light? There are probably several reasons, but one (Continued on page 10)

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that has a great effect on our behavior is what is it that we focus on? Do I focus on Yahweh and His Word, Christ and His sacrifice for me and love for me? Or do I focus on what I don’t want to do and the troubles of the day? It can be difficult when little annoyances, severe traumas, deaths of loved ones, and hardships beset us daily. If we ask God to open our eyes to what the battle really is, we are confident that the battle is His and we are full of His light. John 3:20-21 For everyone who does evil hates the Light, and does not come to the Light for fear that his deeds will be exposed. But he who practices the truth comes to the Light, so that his deeds may be manifested as having been wrought in God.” Yahweh gives us all of His light through our Savior Jesus Christ. He gives us light, and He doesn’t use a dimmer switch to control the amount we have. It isn’t that Yahweh says, “Oh, I will let Mary Ann have only 30% of the light today and let her husband have 90%, and tomorrow I will switch it.” Absolutely not! When we have Christ as our Lord, we have accepted the light of Christ, the whole light of Christ. What we are to focus on is the light and not the dark parts. The light will dispel the darkness. John 12:46 I have come as Light into the world, so that everyone who believes in Me will not remain in darkness.

How does one live in the light? As we go about our day, we accept that what the Scriptures say is absolute TRUTH. Elisha knew that Yahweh had illumined his eyes to the reality of what was happening. Elisha was focused on Yahweh and knew that Yahweh communicated with him on a regular basis. Elisha was not shocked in disbelief when he saw the chariots of fire. He didn’t shrink back and say things like he wasn’t worthy to receive such help or that this was the devil trying to trick him or he was so focused on getting to his morning routine he never bothered to look up. He was confident because he trusted Yahweh. We need to see with these same spiritual eyes.

Yahweh, loving Him, praising Him, living a life of loving and serving others, walking in peace and light, then there is no room in our hearts to have dark parts. The times are short. Why waste one moment thinking about the light of darkness when we can live in glorious light? The darkness has no power over us. Love and serve Yahweh with all our heart. Hold back nothing and allow the light to naturally permeate and infuse us. As young children, many of us needed a night light on to dispel the scary darkness. We learned at an early age that darkness was something to fear because we couldn’t see what was happening in the room around us. When the light was on, we now had a focus that gave us hope that all was safe, and we could rest. As we focus on the light of Christ, letting it shine for all to see, the dark parts flee and have no power over us. Ask Yahweh to open your eyes to see His chariots of fire around you. The servant saw the foreboding army, but Elisha saw the light. Focus on putting on the armor of light.

In keeping our eyes focused on Yahweh and His light, we do not have time to think about the darkness. If we focus only on cleaning up the negatives and sin patterns in our life, we are really focusing on the dark parts and not on the light. Focusing on the light dispels the darkness. If our thoughts are clearly focused on walking with 10

Romans 13:12 The night is almost gone, and the day is near. Therefore let us lay aside the deeds of darkness and put on the armor of light.

The Body Snatchers By Kenneth Westby


he great mysteries of

the human body are still being discovered. In the early days of medical science and medical schools, fresh dead bodies were in big demand. What lay behind the skin needed to be examined and understood. Providing bodies for dissection was a murky, ghastly, and illegal business. Early providers were called body snatchers, and those who entered the field professionally were called “resurrectionists.” The business is more sophisticated today, and it is no longer just medical men who are obsessed with the working of the body. We now live in a culture that is body-obsessed.

“I am fearfully and wonderfully made,” declared the psalmist.1 A body full of wonder, for sure. But how does it work? How is it put together? How can it be fixed when it is sick or broken? The inner workings of the human body have been in the past, and are to a large degree even now, a profound mystery. Early on, the specific functions for many organs were not known. Medical pioneers struggled to understand the body parts and functions and what diseased organs looked like. Cures for most common ailments were centuries in coming—and some have yet to be discovered.

The Real Body Snatchers One of the early challenges to de-

veloping an understanding of the human body was finding bodies to take apart and examine. They had to be relatively fresh, not decayed. To record findings and teach the expanding crop of doctors as medical schools proliferated in the 1800s, the demand for cadavers surged. Many of the early body snatchers were doctors themselves aided by their students. They would secretly case cemeteries for recent burials or bribe groundskeepers for locations. Andrew Carroll describes their method of extracting bodies in his new historical work, Here is Where:2 Then they would return past midnight, dig a hole near the tombstone (where the head would be), break open the top half of the coffin with a crowbar, loop a rope around the corpse’s neck or underarms, yank it out, and leave behind clothes, valuables, and whatever small tokens of affection had been tenderly placed with the departed. To ensure that no one recognized the body later, any scar or birthmark—sometimes an entire face—was cut off. Not all physicians, it should be noted, engaged in such deeds. Many hired professional “resurrectionists” to handle their dirty work for them. Low-life body snatchers would steal all they could from the dead 11

before selling the corpse to their doctor buyers. Eventually, so much body snatching was going on that guards were placed at cemeteries, and in time, laws were passed and fines imposed upon the practice. Yet, somewhere the medical men had to have fresh bodies. Some “resurrectionists” (in Scotland) were discovered to be killing people to provide a steady supply of fresh corpses. Most states passed laws allowing medical schools to get the “friendless dead” from hospitals, prisons, almshouses, asylums, and other public institutions. In the early 1900s, with profits drying up, the resurrectionist profession went out of business. It may seem strange, but the founders of Harvard Medical School, of the famous Mayo Clinic, and virtually all other early medical schools did business with body snatchers. In fact, in 1862 when thirty-eight Dakota Sioux Indians were condemned to hang in Mankato, Minnesota, a plan was already in place to steal their bodies. After the mass hanging, one of the largest in American history, the bodies were placed in sandy graves along the Minnesota River. At nightfall, a squad of diggers disinterred the bodies, and lots were drawn for the best cadavers to sell. Everyone wanted the body of chief “Cut Nose” as he was called. He was six feet four inches and considered a (Continued on page 12)

The Body Snatchers Continued... (Continued from page 11)

magnificent specimen. No records of where the bodies ended up were found, but it is known that Dr. William Worral Mayo got Cut Nose. Carroll writes: Today, medical schools rely primarily on plastic models and virtual cadavers instead of real ones. In 1993…within hours of dying, a thirty-eight-year-old man named Joseph Jernigan was flown to a Denver laboratory, where his still-warm corpse was dipped and frozen solid in a -100 degree Fahrenheit gel and then sliced into more than eighteen hundred sections. Each millimeter-thin sliver was photographed and scanned into a computer creating a seamless three-dimensional image.3 The lab was expecting him. Jernigan was a convicted murderer and had a scheduled execution date by lethal injection. After centuries of investigation, the human body still holds mysteries. The more we learn, the more complex and intricate it reveals itself to be. Modern medical science can only hope to discover how the body works and then to learn laws or properties or forces that can keep it healthy for its optimal life span. Over all, it is doing a good job at that. But, alas, all patients die. Years ago, JoAn and I took our

grandson Lucas to see the traveling exhibit “The Body.” Maybe you’ve seen it−a truly marvelous insight into what lies behind the skin. A real, plasticized body of a Chinese person was displayed in various cut-aways. How revealing, shocking, and totally amazing to think of creating such a living creature that could then reproduce itself!

BodyBody-Obsessed Culture God loves bodies—He made them! Yet, He cautions us that we are more than our bodies, and Jesus said we don’t live by bread alone. The flesh withers and dies. It is here like a flower today and tomorrow fades, is blown away in the wind, falls to the ground, and is forgotten. Knowing the temporality of the human condition, we would expect people to be very concerned about life after death—to be motivated by the prospect of living forever. We would expect people to be genuinely concerned about their spiritual health as much as or more so than their physical health. Yet, it appears the culture is all about the all-powerful and allimportant NOW—the body now. Watching TV commercials, one could conclude the target audience is preoccupied with body beauty and body health. Ads proclaim a relief or cure for every sort of a bodily ailment. Take XYZ drug (see your doctor of course), and the ad pictures happy, smiling, healthy people doing interesting activities in bucolic settings of country roads, fields of green 12

grass, pristine streams. Even though a long list of horrible possible side effects and warnings are quickly read, this message is muted out by the happy people we see who are apparently using XYZ to no ill-effect. Another aspect is shown by the ambulance-chasing lawyers posting their ads for people who used another XYZ drug and got sick or died—“Let us get you a cash settlement” (and enrich ourselves). Some troll for victims, while others troll for customers who, in some cases, will later become victims. Then there are the never-ending sex enhancement ads. You know the cheesy ads for older guys who want to be young stallions again. Is sexual “performance” the measure of it all? Would we ever have had such ads even 25 years ago? There is a coarsening of culture, a “defining deviancy downward,” as the late Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan put it. Diets of every sort to get the better more perfect you have great appeal. Beauty products will wipe

“Just think how attractive you will be with abs that actually show” show (Continued on page 13)

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wrinkles away so you can look young and sexy again. Presumably, this will also make you happy. Exercise programs and devices promise another route to the healthy, beautiful, sexy you. Just think how attractive you will be with abs that actually show. The opposite sex will flock to you. Your time in front of the mirror will also be glorious. Presumably, this too will make you happy. It is all about being happy now, looking young and fit now. Don’t think about getting lame and old and dying. That’s too depressing. Let others worry about that. I’m going to keep my body going. It is as if we humans live in a fantasy of immortality when every reality around us tells us otherwise. Bodies, bodies, bodies: it is as if they are the center of all things. The health food industry feeds this notion, and medical grant writers are always looking for a study of what food is going to kill you and what will keep you healthy. The various studies flow out like Old Faithful. One study proclaims coffee bad until another grant study reveals how good coffee is for the body. Same can be said of eggs, oils, salt, water, and about every food in the supermarket. People are drawn to food gurus like flies to fruit, to the latest cure-all S. American fruit, the newest vitamin-mineral combination, etc. The human quest for living longer and healthier provides a market for products generating hundreds of billions of dollars in sales every

year. Do they work? Maybe some might be helpful, but in the end, everyone dies.

No Pill for Immortality All these appeals to bodily health and beauty come forth from an inward yearning for immortality. It may not be even realized in most, but within us is a force pushing for life and more of it while dreading its ultimate loss through death. Exercise, health foods, pills, diets, and therapies of all sorts are short term attempts to slake the thirst for immortality, for life. Like the famed Ponce de Leon’s quest for the Fountain of Youth in the rivers of Florida, we seek life and as much of it as we can get. The cruel reality is that all our attempts will fail, and down deep we know it. Only God has the key to eternal life. The fundamental promise of God concerns this yearning for life everlasting and how it can be truly satisfied−not with temporary palliatives like an aspirin for a mortal wound but with eternal life and a new body fit for eternity. Romans 6:23 “The wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.” That passage echoes the words of God from the Garden of Eden when choices about sin or the Tree of Life were being discussed. We know the direction Adam and Eve took. 13

Paul advises the Corinthian believers to take care of their bodies, but his emphasis is spiritual— and for good reason. Speaking of sexual immorality, he writes: 1 Corinthians 6:18-20 …He who sins sexually sins against his own body. Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, which is in you, which you have received from God? You are not your own. You were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your body. The analogy of the body as temple is instructive toward understanding its basic function. Life is precious, and we should fear losing it. Jesus said that if God could provide food for little birds, He would take care of our bodily needs for clothing and food, so put your trust in God, and seek His kingdom first and foremost in your life’s passion. The Temple of God was the place where the presence of God Himself was represented, and at times His glory even descended upon it. The holy spirit is simply God’s Spirit; it is how God dwells in us. Our greatest calling is to be a living vessel of honor, a temple fit for God. We, as we fulfill the first and greatest commandment, “offer our bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God—this is your spiritual act of worship.”4 The prime care for the body needs to be spiritual, not physical. However, the two are not opposites. There is no dualism in the Bible regarding the body as (Continued on page 14)

The Body Snatchers Continued... (Continued from page 13)

can be found in paganized religions: the body is evil; the spirit is good. But the priority for concern and care should be our spiritual “body,” our spiritual being. The writer of Hebrews puts the matter in such a clear context: Hebrews 10:22-23 Let us draw near to God [move Godward] with a sincere heart in full assurance of faith, having our hearts sprinkled to cleanse us from a guilty conscience, and having our bodies washed with pure water. Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful. That hope was the resurrection to eternal life. Our job now is the ongoing process of washing and cleaning our lives, perfecting our character after the example of Jesus to be the fit temple for God’s Spirit. You are not only your body. You, as a sentient being with the creative image of God impressed upon you, are designed, potentially, to live forever. It is a matter of our choices and the mercy and power of God whether we will realize our designed destiny.

Souls, Bodies, and Resurrection Jesus said not to fear men who

can kill only your body. That is where their power ends. Rather, fear God who can destroy (annihilate) both body and soul in the fires of the second death.5 Your “soul” as Jesus used it means the “you of your life,” all your character, virtues, personality, memories, everything about you. That is not lost when the body dies. I’m not suggesting the doctrine of immortal souls which is nonbiblical and pagan. For Jesus said souls can die, not at the hand of man, but, if necessary, at the hand of God. Waiting judgment, whether reward or punishment (see John 5:2829), our lives are hidden in God, in His heavenly vaults in a death-like sleep until He issues the call to life: Colossians 3:3-4 For you died and your life is now hidden with Christ in God. When Christ, who is your life, appears, then you also will appear with him in Glory. The biblical doctrine of resurrection requires “souls” to come to conscious life again in new bodies. The emphasis is upon the first and greatest resurrection which is in the immediate future in God’s timeline. This is the event accompanied by the return of Jesus and God setting up his Kingdom on earth for a thousand years. People naturally want to know what kind of bodies we Christians will have in that resurrection. Paul in chapter 15 of 1st Corinthians attempts to an14

swer, but I’m afraid that his answer is almost too fantastically other-worldly to be digested by us. To capture the mystery of our future bodies, we need to take this in slowly. 1 Corinthians 15:35 But someone will ask, “How are the dead raised? With what kind of body will they come? How foolish! Paul explains how God has designed the various forms of life to follow the pattern built into their seed and how even degrees of splendor for celestial bodies follow their Godgiven design. 1 Corinthians 15:49-50 So will it be with the resurrection of the dead. The body that is sown is perishable, it is raised imperishable; it is sown in dishonor, it is raised in glory, it is sown in weakness, it is raised in power; it is sown a natural body, it is raised a spiritual body….As we have borne the likeness of the earthly man, so shall we bear the likeness of the man from heaven. The “man from heaven” is Jesus, and Paul says we will have bodies like unto his: imperishable; glorified; powerful; a truly spiritual, eternal body. By “spiritual body,” we should not think of empty, ghost-like sheets floating about. God is spirit, and He is as real as can be. (Continued on page 15)

lowed up by life, Now it is God who has made us for ...will transform our lowly this very purbodies so that pose and has given us the they will be Spirit as a like his deposit, guaranteeing what glorious is to come. (Continued from page 14)

body Philippians 3:21.

Philippians 3:21 We eagerly await a savior from there [heaven], the Lord Jesus Christ, who by the power that enables him to bring everything under his control, will transform our lowly bodies so that they will be like his glorious body. The New Testament has a lot of talk about future bodies. We are encouraged to lift our cares and dreams above the mundane to a higher plane of reality—the reality of the Kingdom of God. Rather than questing to squeeze eternal life out of our human bodies, we should raise our sights to what Paul contemplated. 2 Corinthians 5:1-5 Now we know that if the earthly tent we live in is destroyed, we have a building from God, an eternal house [prepared] in heaven, not built by human hands. Meanwhile we groan [with steadily weakening fleshly bodies], longing to be clothed with our heavenly dwelling [body]….So that what is mortal may be swal-

The details of our new bodies are hidden with God, but this much we know: 1 John 3:1-3 …When he [the Father] appears we will be like him, for we shall see him as he is. Everyone who has this hope in him purifies himself, just as he is pure. Imagine that, if you can! Seeing the reality of God in all His power and glory made possible by being given a spiritual, eternal body akin to His. As His children, we will join Jesus and be able to fellowship with our Creator as the plan of God fulfills its purpose. The doors of eternity will swing open wide!

Heavenly Body Snatchers If you are looking for a tie-in to my title, The Body Snatchers, how about this: the great harvest of lives called the resurrection of the dead will be the greatest display of God’s love and faithfulness? It will be earth-shaking. How will it be done? Jesus said he would come with his angels at 15

the end of the age. He called his angels “the harvesters” who would select the righteous to enter the Kingdom so they may “shine like the sun in the kingdom of their Father.”6 These angels are the true “resurrectionists,” the heavenly body snatchers, carrying out the Divine command that the dead be raised to meet Christ as he descends to earth. Notice how they know already who belong as children of the resurrection. These faithful are the ones who had been moving Godward when they lived their short years on earth and were purifying their spiritual body to be a temple for God’s Spirit. They were yearning to be clothed with immortality, a new body from God. A new body is in your future. This is the only body that will last forever. 1

Psalm 139:14


Carroll, Andrew, Here is Where— Discovering America’s Great Forgotten History, Crown Archetype, 2013, pp 285-6.


Carroll, pp. 288-9.


Romans 12:1


See Matthew 10:28; Revelation 20:14 6

Matthew 13:39, 43

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And this I pray, that your love may abound still more and more in real knowledge and all discernment, so that you may approve the things that are excellent, in order to be sincere and blameless until the day of Christ; having been filled with the fruit of righteousness which comes through Jesus Christ, to the glory and praise of God.

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