Preparing for your interview at the Cardiff School of Creative and Cultural Industries

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Preparing for your Interview Day at the Cardiff School of Creative & Cultural Industries

Interview Days at the Cardiff School of Creative & Cultural Industries The entry criteria for most of our awards require that an applicant undertakes an interview, so if you have applied for a place on one or more of these courses, you will be invited to attend an Interview Day. During the day you will be interviewed either individually or as part of a group by one of our experienced award leaders. You may also be required to undertake a test or audition depending on which award you have applied to study.

What will the tutor be expecting at interview? Each of our awards will have their own requirements in terms of what they are looking for during the interview process and this is explored in more detail within the award-specific information of this guide. In general, award tutors will use the interview to assess an applicant’s suitability for the course, both academically and practically, while trying to make sure that the subject selected is the best choice to meet the applicant’s aspirations.

Denotes courses that are available through the medium of Welsh, or that have bilingual opportunities / Y mae’r symbol hwn yn dynodi’r cyfleoedd dwyieithog.


DRAMA Awards n BA (Hons) Theatre and Drama

n BA (Hons) Performance and Media

As part of the selection process for these awards you will be required to attend a small group interview, which will last between 30 and 45 minutes. The interview will be informal and will consist of guided group discussion. Candidates will be asked to discuss examples of stage and screen performance that they have seen or been involved with creating. They may also be asked to discuss examples of work given to them during the interview.

Music Awards n BA (Hons) Popular Music As a Popular Music applicant, you will be required to undertake an audition and interview. During the audition, you will be required to demonstrate an effective level of musical competence by playing a prepared piece of your own choosing that reflects your performance skills and musical tastes, either vocally or with a musical instrument. You will also be asked to recognise and describe basic musical features and theoretical concepts as played to you in the audition in an aural test. You may be required to extemporise a simple musical part if you play a rhythm section instrument. The Faculty can provide the majority of larger instruments (e.g. pianos and drums) for the audition process. However, applicants are encouraged that where transportable, they should bring their own for ease of use and familiarity, except in the case of drums, where applicants are asked to bring only their own drumsticks and cymbals. The combined audition/interview will typically last no more than 30 minutes.

n BSc (Hons) Music Technology

n BSc (Hons) Sound Technology

While these awards do not require an audition, you will still undertake an interview which will typically last around 20 minutes. During the interview, the award tutor will assess your suitability for the course, both academically and practically, while also trying to ensure that the course you have selected is the best choice to meet your own aspirations. You will also be required to take a short computer based test (approximately 20 minutes) between 10am and 11am prior to your interview taking place. It is therefore recommended that you arrive at no later than 9.45am on your allocated interview day to ensure that the test can begin on time.


MEDIA Awards n BA (Hons) Film & Video

n BSc (Hons) Media Technology

Applicants for these awards are required to attend an interview which will last no more than 30 minutes. You should bring examples of your work which will form part of the discussion process. Film and Video applicants should also, where possible, bring a DVD showreel or short samples of their film work. n BA (Hons) Photography All applicants for this award are required to attend an interview which will last no more than 30 minutes. You should bring a portfolio of work and some evidence, where possible, of supporting visual research material such as workbooks, sketch books or visual diaries. Your portfolio must consist of no more than 30 of your best pieces, and should show a high level of creativity and originality. You will also need to be able to talk about your images and explain the thinking behind them. You should be able to relate your work to that of other practitioners, both historical and contemporary where possible. An awareness of current affairs and the role of the media in reporting and shaping them would also be an advantage. A recent example of formal writing used as part of your studies would also be useful for discussion during the interview. Candidates should show a genuine interest and desire to work within the area of photography, and be prepared to ask questions.


n BA (Hons) Journalism As part of the selection process, you will have an interview with one of our award leaders that will last approximately 20 minutes. You will then be required to complete a written test which will last no longer than 30 minutes and will take place immediately following your interview. While it isn’t essential that you bring a portfolio with you, you may find it useful to bring examples of relevant work for discussion. n BA (Hons) Media, Culture and Journalism

n BA (Hons) Radio

Applicants for these awards are required to attend an interview. While it is not essential that you bring a portfolio of work for these awards, you may find it useful to bring examples of relevant work for discussion during the interview. Interviews for these awards will typically last between 20 and 30 minutes. n BA (Hons) Film Studies Applicants are required to attend an interview that will last 30 minutes. In order to assess your writing skills and general critical capacity for the Award, you should provide us with a short piece of written work on any film, filmmaker or genre for discussion. Ideally, and to allow staff sufficient time to look over the work, this should be emailed to the Award Leader, Dr Lesley Harbidge at in advance. Otherwise applicants should bring it along on the day.

DESIGN Awards n BA (Hons) Graphic Communication n BA (Hons) Interior Design n BA (Hons) Animation

n BA (Hons) Visual Effects and Motion Graphics n BA (Hons) Game Art and Animation n BA (Hons) Computer Animation

Applicants for the above awards are required to attend an interview which will last between 20 and 30 minutes. You are required to bring a portfolio of your work to the Interview Day, which should be a carefully constructed selection of pieces produced during your most recent course of study. The portfolio should be geared towards the Award for which you are applying, and include examples of observation drawing, evidence of design and thought processes, technical drawings (if appropriate) and any examples of 3D work that are easily transported (or photographs of them if not). All work should be organised and well presented. During the interview, you should be prepared to discuss your work and the designers, animators and/or artists who have influenced you. n BA (Hons) TV and Film Set Design Further to the above, applicants to this award should also have evidence of research into TV and film production design and an awareness of the industry they will be entering. Examples of involvement in film making would be useful, along with a portfolio illustrating design and drawing skills.


FASHION Awards n BA (Hons) Fashion Design Applicants for the above award must be prepared to actively contribute to the course and have an original approach to their work, as well as a natural enthusiasm for fashion. As a guide your portfolio should demonstrate the following: n n n n n n

The ability to gather quality research with breadth and depth, and personal development of this research through a variety of media (2D, 3D). An understanding of the importance of fabric and materials in the design process. The ability to communicate your ideas visually, in whatever sense you feel is appropriate, and with a high level of aesthetic consideration. Evidence of practical work such as finished toiles and/or finished garments wherever possible. Your personal tastes and inspirations both creatively and culturally. This should include work you Have produced in your own time – i.e. outside of your current/previous course of study. Evidence of the ability to write critically through a short essay.

Above all, at interview you and your portfolio should effectively communicate your personality, ideas and thoughts about fashion both visually and verbally.


n BA (Hons) Fashion Promotion All applicants for this award are required to attend an interview with portfolio which will last between 20 and 30 minutes. Your portfolio should demonstrate the following: n n n n n n

An understanding of and interest in the fashion industry and fashion brands The ability to communicate visually The level of your digital visualisation skills Use of quality research with breadth and depth Your personal tastes and interests The ability to communicate in writing.

You should include a 250-word article on a fashion topic of your choice. This should be well laid out with appropriate images to illustrate the topic being discussed. We do not need to see garments or textiles. If you do have garments please undertake a project that shows how you would promote the product to a buyer. This could include one of the following: n n n n n

A fashion shoot An advertisement A film Packaging designs Brand and logo development.

Above all applicants must demonstrate the ability to communicate ideas and thoughts about fashion in 3 ways – visually, verbally and in writing. Applicants should also be prepared to actively contribute to the course and have an original approach to their work.

Yn siarad Cymraeg fel iaith gyntaf neu ail iaith? Mae gan bob un o’r llwybrau dwyieithog hyn godau UCAS arbennig. Gallwch hefyd ofyn i gael cyfweliad dwyieithog. I drefnu cyfweliad dwyieithog neu i wybod mwy, e-bostiwch Cofiwch hefyd i ofyn am fwy o wybodaeth yn ystod eich ymweliad.


If you have any queries about your Interview Day please contact the Enquiries & Admissions Unit on 08456 434 030. For further information through the medium of Welsh, please visit Am wybodaeth bellach drwy gyfrwng y Gymraeg, ymwela 창 The Cardiff School of Creative & Cultural Industries is a Faculty of the University of Glamorgan. The information contained within this guide is correct at the time of print. Produced by the Cardiff School of Creative & Cultural Industries Marketing Team. The University of Glamorgan is a registered charity. Registration No.1140312

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