Thrive Magazine

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INSIDE! The Low down on down hill



charlotte “Gav and I have a gym but we dont use it!” inside our first issue

the big summer debate

BED VS BOTTLE SHOCKING results as we put fake tan up against sunbeds!! issue 01

Real life stories Men’s AND Women’s fitness Food that’s good for you...and not! Boozy nights: how drink and drugs REALLY affect you!

Contents H

ello and welcome to Thrive magazine! Firstly, I would like to introduce myself and the team:

My name is Jade Kinsey, editor Jemma Owen, writer Andrew Butler, writer Maeve McKenna, writer Our magazine is dedicated to bringing both men and women entertainment and advice on topics including health, fitness, news and general wellbeing. We want to hear from you. Who knows, you may even be chosen to feature on our Reader’s Lives’ pages. We’re interested in your stories, advice, special knowledge or even just an opinion on an article. Here at Thrive we’re lucky enough to have a hands-on team that brings you the information and entertainment you desire. With your help we could make Thrive even better. This week we’ve been chatting to some nutrition specialists, a down-hill biker and a few of you guys in Reader’s Lives’ plus this week’s True Life Story. We have also reviewed some the market’s best skincare products to help you with those everyday decisions that make a big difference in Tried & Tested. Don’t forget to check out the Position of the Week, our featured recipe, and find out what Mystic Maeve has to say about the month ahead. Enjoy! Jade

PAGE 03 - ALL THE LATEST NEWS PAGE 10 - CHARLOTTE CHURCH exclusive! PAGE 15 - Learn the best ways to eat smarter PAGE 16 - FEATURE: FInd out the best ways to get a Summer Tan PAGE 24 - TRUE life story PAGE 32 - MYSTIC MAEVE Now you know who we are why don’t you introduce yourselves? Send us an e-mail or letter and PAGE 37 - SNACK like let us know what you think of Thrive. a star! 35-36 St Mary Street Cardiff City Centre PAGE 40 - SKIN CARE Cardiff CF24 ILP sorted! Follow us on Twitter: Or add us on Facebook

Thrive News

Women are rarely colour blind

The most common form of colour blindness is inherited. However colour blindness can also be caused by diseases such as macular degeneration, poisoning and side effects of medication. Women are usually the 'carriers' of the defect which is passed on through a defective x chromosome. It is mostly men who inherit colour blindness, affecting about 1 in 20 men for every 1 in 200 women. In Colour blindness there are a reduced number of cone cells in the retina of the eye. It is the retina that is responsible for colour vision. There are three types of cone cell, red, blue and green cells that are sensitive to light. The type of colour blindness a person experiences depends on; the degree of damage and on which groups of cells are affected. Vision itself is not affected, only the ability to distinguish between certain colours. The most common form of colour blindness is red/green colour blindness.

Is your calorie counter giving you the wrong information?


rning calories is crucial for losing weight. But most guys sleepwalk through their cardio and don't get results. If you've been bragging about torching 500 calories every session, brace yourself. The calorie counters can be inaccurate-and misleading. When it comes to the quality of your workout, think of the numbers ticking by in front of you as more of a guideline than gospel. The amount of calories you actually burn per session depends on your overall fitness level. A raw beginner may shed calories quickly because his body isn't used to training, but that will gradually change as you get in better shape. For maximum burn, switch workouts often. To get the best gauge of how many calories you're burning in every workout session, you need a heart rate monitor. Never rely solely on your machine's counter, even on high-tech equipment; little things can screw up the counter. Sometimes, it's as simple as how you grip the handles, if you hold on too tightly, the measurement will run too

low. If you hold on loosely, it may be much higher.

HOW TO MAKE CARDIO MORE EFFECTIVE 1.) Pick the Right Machine Ellipticals with levers that you push back and forth with your arms offer a better workout, since integrating your upper body will activate more muscles. 2.) Don't Hold On If you grip the frame of your machine, you're making it easier. Use the arm levers or move your arms in a natural running motion. 3.) Forget the Numbers stay focused on how you're burning the calories. Throw a towel over the display and just concentrate on pushing yourself hard. 4.) Pay Attention Listen to your own body and monitor your own effort. Soon you'll be able to rate the quality of the workout by how your body feels when you finish.

It is passed on through a faulty colour vision gene on an X chromosome as a recessive disorder. This type affects about one in 10 men and has two forms. In one form different shades of red appear dull and indistinct and in the other greens, oranges, pale reds and browns all appear as the same hue, distinguished only by their intensity. In one rare form of colour blindness, blues and yellows cannot be distinguished. Another rare form of colour blindness means that all colours are seen in black and white.There is no cure for defective colour vision that is inherited. Colour blindness caused by disease or medication side effects can sometimes be treated.

Aldi’s miracle face serum beats Boots best product

It was hailed as the most effective anti-wrinkle cream on sale and was so popular it had to be rationed. However, now Boots Protect and Perfect anti-ageing serum has been swiftly booted into second place by a shocking rival costing a fraction of the price. Aldi's superior version - Lacura Multi-Intensive Serum is better than Protect and Perfect at targeting and noticeably reducing the appearance of wrinkles, according to a study. The serum is one of the cheapest of its kind around, yet it easily beat 2,000 rival products in a series of blind tests. The Boots Protect and Perfect Intensive Serum came second. At £20.50, the Boots serum is six times more costly than the Aldi version, which is priced at a measly £3.49. The Boots serum sold out in hours after scientists on the BBC's Horizon programme found it worked better than expensive rivals. Women who tested the product said they noticed dramatic results in weeks. Christine West, a 58-year- old from

Sheffield, said: 'I noticed wrinkles reducing in the third week. 'All of a sudden my face just looked younger. My hairdresser remarked on the difference - I was delighted someone noticed.' Aldi claims the serum's combination of shea butter, macadamia nut oil and vitamins C and E smooth out wrinkles and improve the elasticity of the skin. The survey was carried out by 1,000 women who tested 2,000 products. All of the creams were put into plain containers and each product was tested by ten different women. They were asked whether they had noticed an anti-aging benefit, whether friends and family had noticed any difference, and whether they would buy the product again.

Finally it is here, a solution to carrying your heavy bags to work, college or business meetings without feeling the effects of a weak and painful back. Thanks to a new achievement within the science of ergonomic design, the Healthy Back Bag shapes to the natural curve of the spine, becomes a comfortable part of you and feels notably lighter. Healthy Back Bags have been developed in collaboration with a specialist doctor and a chiropractor to tackle weight stress problems in a simple teardrop shaped bag. ‘An ingenious fusion of function and style’ These attractive looking and healthy alternatives to the usual everyday bags can

be worn either on the shoulder or across the body. Available in a range of colours and fully water resistant these bags are an ideal replacement to any rucksack. The new idea behind the success of these bags is all due to the way in which weight is distributed asymmetrically throughout the length of the bag rather than pulling from one point on the shoulder. This reduces pressure on the neck, shoulders and back resulting in correct posture and helping greatly towards the prevention of severe back pain. The Healthy Back Bag is available at

Feel Good - Look Good

Green proven to boost self esteem Just five minutes of exercise a day in the great outdoors can improve mental health, according to a study recently released. Researchers from the University of Essex have recently discovered that as little as five to ten minutes of a "green activity" such as walking, gardening, horse riding or farming can boost positive emotions and self esteem. Many studies have shown that outdoor exercises and activities can rapidly reduce the risk of mental diseases and improve a sense of well-being, but Jules Pretty and Jo Barton, who led this study, said that until now nobody knew just how much time was necessary to be spent on green exercise for the benefits to prove successful. "We believe that there would be a large potential benefit to individuals, society and to the costs of the health service if all groups of people were to self-medicate more with green exercise," Barton said in a statement about the study, which was published in the journal Environmental Science & Technology. Barton and Pretty looked at data from over 1,200 people of different ages, genders and mental health status taken from 10 existing studies within the UK. They analyzed activities such as walking, gardening, cycling, fishing, boating and horse-riding. Later they found that the greatest health changes occurred in the young and the mentally ill, although people of all ages benefited. The major constructive effect on self-esteem came from a five-minute dose of "green exercise."




We are celebrating our first issue by teaming up with GAME by giving you the opportunity to get fit in the comfort of your own home with the fantastic and easy to use Wii Fit from Nintendo for only £49.99. A saving of £40!! If your in it for the long haul, the Wii Fit is the perfect partner to help maintain a healthy lifestyle!!


FOR £49.99

Take this voucher to your local Game store and get fit with Wii Fit and ready for summer!!





“What gets me moving . . . . . .”


Do you think you could do with some inspiration to get you moving and motivated. Check out what some of our readers do to get them moving!

I was waking up each day dreading going into work as I felt big next to my slim colleagues. So my husband, who never usually takes much notice of my moaning, suggested going back to what I used to love before having my kids, swimming once a week and walking . So I tried it and the results are brilliant I’m toned and back down to a happy size 10 and I’ve bought a dog, which is an added incentive to go walking whatever mood I may be in. Emma, 19, Beautician

After a workout I set myself a target to reach for next time and I tell my girlfriend. I have such a lot of man pride I daren’t miss that target or she’d never let me live it down. Dean, 22, Personal Trainer

I simply eat a pudding after every evening meal. I noticed that the days I happened to have one I felt inclined to exercise the following day, whereas the days I went without I wasn’t so bothered. Leah, 24, Accountant

My job means I eat out a lot throughout the week, if I did not do any sort of moving I know Id be looking like half the food I eat. So, running twice a week and cycling at weekends enables me to enjoy my job even more. Adam, 21, Restaurant Reviewer

I use my daily commute from work to fit in my exercise. By getting off the bus a stop early I have to walk for 30 minutes before arriving home. The idea of rushing to get home for tea is much more appealing than rushing to get to work, so it certainly works for me. Aside the health benefits of walking a mile and a half five days a week, I save money and on a nice day I get to enjoy the beauty around me which is easy to miss on a bus journey. Gareth, 24, Land Agent

Friends are the key to getting me moving. If they are doing some sort of exercise I feel I urgently need to join them. Lib, 18, Student

I’m terribly competitive so if I ever feel like missing a gym session I tell myself that there is another athlete out there who is working harder than me. This gets me there every single time. Tom, 18, Novice Athlete

Seeing my tummy looking bloated after a year of minimal exercise when I knew I had a wedding coming up in six months time left me feeling pretty low. So, as daft as it may seem, I bought myself the prefect dress to wear to the occasion in a size smaller than I was at the time. Every time I went to eat something really unhealthy I went and tried the dress on and soon told myself that I did not need that unhealthy object! Try it, it worked for me. Clare, 24, Bank Manager


Eat your way to immunity! Give your body a health boost after a hard weeks work or a few cheeky nights out with these super foods


This may be smelly and it might not get you that good night kiss you were hoping for but it will keep nasty bacteria and viruses at bay. It contains elements of sulphur that give your infection fighting friends a helpful kick-start.

Brazil Nuts

These tasty little selenium nuts help your immune system by aiding your white blood cells to conquer those viruses. A handful a day will help keep your body fighting fit.

Sweet Potato

It’s a little weird but the lining of your nose is one of your body’s first defence systems against airborne bacteria. A dose of Vitamin A from these yummy potatoes will keep it healthy.


The chickpeas in hummus are very high in amino acids, specifically lysine. This is particularly beneficial after a session in the gym as it will help repair tissue and produce much needed antibodies.


Probiotic Yoghurt

Make your stomach happy by eating some friendly bacteria. It’ll give your belly a boost and make less room for the harmful bacteria.

Oat Cakes

This furry fruit is packed with Vitamin C and aids your body in fighting infection. It also heightens the levels of interferon, an antibody that combats and protects against pesky viruses.

Lack of sleep means you are up to 3 times more likely to catch a cold. Snack on oat cakes before bed, they’re rich in tryptophan, to help you get some shuteye. Make sure you get your 8 hours and you’ll be ready for anything.


Tinned Pineapple

Not everyone’s favourite fish, mackerel is very rich in omega 3 oils that enable your white blood cells to seek out and destroy bacteria. It will also improve your body’s largest defence organ – your skin.

If you’re feeling a bit low this can generally mean your immune system is taking a beating. Pineapple is a lushious fruit full of amino acids that are need to make your ‘happy hormone’ – serotonin. So grab that tin opener!


charlotte the mum of two talks fitness, marriage and pub crawls


fter two years as a stayat-home mum, Charlotte Church has returned to the spotlight with an amazing new look, after losing more than 3.5 stone, just in time for the arrival of Andrew Lloyd Webbers new BBC talent show ‘Over the Rainbow’ where Charlotte, 24, will be a permanent judge. ‘’Unfortunately, in our industry you have to be slim’’ says a now size 8 Charlotte, who was a size 14 after her two pregnancies. ‘’I craved stodgy foods when I was pregnant, that is why I got so big’’. Charlotte however, got to the point when she knew she had to cut down, and told Thrive that personal training and the gym just didn’t work for her. ‘’The best way for me was cutting down on carbs, and eating smaller, healthy home-cooked meals’’ The young mum tried personal training up to 3 times a week as early as 6:30 am in the morning, but the stresses of motherhood told her that she was do-

ing too much. ‘’I couldn’t do it anymore, I was knackered’’ said the singer. ‘’We don’t have sweets in the house any more, as I like to cook healthily for the kids. ‘’We have also got a huge gym in the house, but I just don’t use it. I do enough running around as it is with the kids, cleaning and washing!’’ Refreshingly, Charlotte stresses to Thrive that even at a size 14 she was never unhappy with her weight, in fact was quite the opposite. ‘’Even if I were a size 20, I would still be a happy bunny. ‘’I am quite secure, so I don’t need Gavin telling me he still fancies me. ‘’Gav would love me at any size!’’ Charlotte jokes.


harlotte and Rugby star boyfriend Gavin Henson have been rumoured in the past to have a fiery relationship, but they have leaned to deal with their issues and move forward. Although, Charlotte tells Thrive that there are still no plans to marry just yet.

Charlotte was always known for her wild partying before she settled down to become a mum, and she tells Thrive that her and Gave still haven’t learned how to control their drinking. ‘’We still drink irresponsibly!’’ admits Charlotte while giggling ‘’we will be 50 and still causing havoc!’’


ven though Charlotte was a wild child her earlier days she is prepared to give her daughter Ruby, 2, and son Dexter, 1, the best and healthiest start in life and says ‘’I love my kids to pieces, and I don’t think you will catch me pub crawling in Cardiff any timesoon!’’ Thrive asked Charlotte what her favourite meal and snack would be to enjoy but maintain a healthy diet. “My favourite meal would probably be smoked salmon with roasties and some veg, and a snack would probably be carrot batons with guacomole and caramalised red oninon houmous for dips. But i still do enjoy my chips (laughs)”

“Even if I were a size


i would still be happy”


The low-down on down hill biking

erhaps the most often overlooked discipline of cycling in the U.K at the moment is Downhill riding. This gravity assisted thrill seekers sport is still very much a ‘grass roots’ affair with races and events often organised by lovers of the sport for fun. That said Britain has the current World Champion in Steve Peat, who is also rider with the most world cup wins ever. Downhill riding differs from traditional mountain biking in that the rider is focused on getting down a short, steep course as fast as possible. Courses vary from 2-6 minutes and are packed full of rocks, roots, tree’s, corners and jumps with the key being to stay off the brakes and pedal where you can. It’s no surprise that the bikes used more resemble motocross bikes with 8” of suspension, disc brakes and dual crown forks. From the outside downhill can look like a lazy sport, with riders pushing back up the hillside rather than riding, and then just ‘freewheeling’ back down again. In fact it’s a hugely intensive sport both physically and mentally. Trying to pilot your bike down a nearly vertical slope as fast as possible without bouncing off tree’s takes huge levels of concentration and upper body strength before hauling on your brakes to get round a corner and then pedalling hard to the next one. It’s a very high intensity sport.

How the bikes differ

Downhill bikes are some of the most diverse bikes around and although they share a lot in common with ‘normal’ mountain bikes they push materials and suspension technology to the extremes. Trying to make a bike strong enough to land a 25ft jump at 30mph but light enough to pedal is no easy task and one that manufacturers are still pursuing.

A typical downhill bike will have 8” of suspension travel front and rear with 8” disc rotors and dual crown forks similar to those found on Motocross bikes. They are built to be strong and lightweight with suspension that absorbs all the rocks and roots but doesn’t ‘bob’ up and down during burst of pedalling. Bikes start from around £2500 for something that’s ‘race ready’ and go upwards of £5000. It’s not uncommon after a bike has been tuned and set-up for it to cost more than the riders car! Perhaps the biggest division in downhill cycling comes down to the pedals where it’s a fairly even split between clip-in pedals and traditional flat pedals. With Clip-in pedals the rider wears specially designed shoes that attach to the pedals allowing for greater pedalling efficiency. If you are attached to the pedal not only can you push down but you can lift your legs up pedalling the pedals around. You also have more control as you are more connected with the bike and can push it around corners easier. Although your connected to the pedals all it takes is a twist of your foot and the pedals release, so in the event of an accident you don’t stay attached to the bike. The downside to Clip-in pedals is that if you unclip mid run it can be tricky to get clipped back in. The more traditional flat pedal is more aggressive than your usual pedal and will consist of a thin platform with up to 18 sharp metal pins either side to hold your shoes in place. The advantage is that you can lift your foot off quicker if you get out of control and then just


place your foot back on the pedal for maximum grip. Something that you can’t easily do with the Clip-In system.



he average speed of Downhill racers is actually higher than that of your average motocross racer. Then imagine doing that darting in and out of tree’s and you’ll certainly be wanting more protection than just gloves and a normal helmet. Downhill helmets are full face like motocross helmets but are usually made of carbon fibre to keep the weight down. Most riders wear knee and shin protection to cope with the inevitable spills and off the bike adventures. Again, upper body amour is often worn but it has to be light weight and non-restrictive as not to hinder the riders movements. The last couple of years, after some horrific accidents on the world cup circuit a lot of riders have taken to wearing neck braces. These clever little bits of kit sit around your neck between your shoulders and helmet and stop you compressing you spine if you land hard on your head.

Where to ride

You can ride downhill anywhere that has a descent sized hill but most of the purpose built courses are found where the mountains are, so Wales and Scotland. Fort William is home to one of the most physical and hardest courses in the world. Utilising the Chair lift originally built for the ski season, during the summer months you can be whisked to the top in 10minutes ready to tackle the 1.6km long course. There are a number of purpose built downhill venue’s all over the U.K. Cwmcarn in South Wales has a couple of all weather rocky tracks that are served by an uplift all year round, www. will tell you all you need to

know. Aston Hill, nearer to London is another, with 5 well maintained and tidy courses, but you do have to push back to the top!


Downhill is a very high intensity sport so power is the key. Along with short hard bursts of pedalling you need the upper body strength to man-handle the bike around tree’s and over obstacles. With repeated impacts on longer courses you can find that your arms start to tire and you can no longer pull the brakes or hold on to the handlebars properly, a condition known as arm pump. The only real cure for this is more riding, although power balls and those squeezy spring loaded hand trainers can help. Once you’ve exhausted yourself pedalling to the bottom of the hill you then face a hard push back up which really works your calve muscles. Riders often use interval and sprint training to build up stamina and power, helping muscles recover faster ready for race day.


Downhill riding is one of the most social disciplines of mountain biking. Groups of riders will congregate at the bottom of the course discussing best lines and re-living the near misses from the bottom of the run before pushing back up and chatting all the way. Nothing quite beats rescuing a ‘dodgy’ moment with your mates close behind, and then laughing about it at the bottom of the course.


Racing is an exceptionally close affair, it’s not uncommon at a world cup race for 10 rid-

ers to be on the same second over a 5 minute course. This is all the more amazing when you consider that they may all be riding very different bikes, riding different lines down the course and have very different

styles of

riding. There are many different race series in the U.K starting with some quite small local affairs and moving up the the National Points series where riders attempt to earn points in the hope of being eligible to ride the World Cup Series the following year. The World cup is contested over the course of the year and usually consists of 7 rounds in varying countries. Riders earn points for qualifying and then more points for racing the following day. The winner is the person with the most points at the end of the year.

Towards the end of the season there is the World Championship where it comes down to a one run counts scenario. This is completely separate from the World Cup and often you’ll have a different world cup winner to the World Champion. Trying to keep your head together knowing that you have one chance to make world champion is a difficult task. One missed pedal stroke or a slide mid corner and it can all be over. Overall downhill mountain biking is an interesting way to spend your weekends and it gives you a focus in the gym during the week. You know that if you train that little bit harder you might just be able to edge half a second over your friends at the next race. It’s this social aspect that drives most Downhill riders forwards and keeps them riding all through the winter in the hope of dry and dusty tracks in the summer!



Eat Less, Move More! Losing weight and getting healthy is simple the problem most people tend to have is that once the decision to get healthy and drop weight is made, it is usually and immediately mucked up with extraneous baggage that makes life that much harder. For example, somebody says that today I’m going to go on a diet and lose weight and immediately they think that they have to join a gym. Then after the novelty passes they stop going to the gym for one reason or the other. You have to be committed to make yourself healthy and following fad diets will not work as they are just a stop gap, fine the weight will go off, but will it stay off? Losing weight is not really that complicated and it can be made easier than following the most recent of fad diets or believing that losing weight means living at the gym. First of all eating healthy is a lifestyle and you need to train your brain to pick the right foods and only eat when you are hungry, not when you are having cravings or having a bad day. Exercise is a must, but that does not mean joining a gym, walking is one of the best exercises you can do, from walking you can gradually progress to jogging and then running and as long as you are sticking to your new healthy lifestyle the weight will start to shift. If you are using excuses as to why you can’t exercise or lead a more healthy lifestyle, then you only have yourself to blame, and no one else! There is no quick fixes in losing weight no matter how much you want that gastric band would you undergo major surgery? So what are you waiting for empty out that fridge of fattiness and get your walking shoes on!

Daniel Morgan Personal Trainer

4 Simple Ways to Eating Smarter


We asked four top nutritionists to tell it to you straight

1. Eat more iron As you probably know a lack of iron cause anaemia and 40% of thirty-something’s aren’t getting enough. Blood cells need iron to carry the right amount oxygen around your body. Without receiving a sufficient amount of iron your body will experience fatigue, poor concentration, shortness of breath, weak nails and pale skin. Who wants all of that with summer just around the corner? Some of the foods you can incorporate into your diet are spinach, broccoli, eggs, baked beans and wholegrain cereals. These foods are all great sources of iron as is lean red meat, and because it contains unsaturated fat it’s rather healthy too! To help iron absorb into your bloodstream try and to include some Vitamin C in your meals. Have an orange after your toast in the mornings, add a hand full of berries to your wholegrain cereal or eat chopped tomatoes with your breakfast eggs. Olivia Daniels, co-author of IronSide

3. Don’t forget dairy Dairy is just as important to maintain a healthy diet as fruit and vegetables. The presumption that it is quite fattening is not entirely truthful, the fatty acids in dairy help to manage how your body metabolises fat which helps you to lose weight! Dairy can also aid in the prevention of heart disease. And don’t forget calcium is a crucial vitamin for keeping bones strong and nourished. When you turn 30 your bones will begin to deteriorate so use your 20’s to build up healthy bone density to avoid osteoporosis. The best way to do this is to eat 2-3 servings of calcium per day. Low-fat yoghurts and cheese are just as good a source as ordinary yoghurts and cheese. This is because calcium is stored in the ‘watery parts’ of dairy products and do not get cut out when the fat content is reduced. If you are lactose intolerant a great alternative is soya. James Usher,

One simple step to shop smarter! NHS-approved makes your food shopping healthier. You can select from one of four main online stores, fill up your virtual basket and then use the nifty ‘swap and cut’ button that will suggest healthier equivalents to your chosen products. You will be able to see the difference in fat, sugar and salt etc and it will tell you how many of your ‘5 a day’ each fruit and vegetable supplies. It will even compare prices between the four stores. This is one of Thrive’s favourite online shopping tools.

2. Plan, plan, plan! Being stuck at your desk during lunchtime can be a nutrition nightmare! You can end up munching on a processed sandwich or even skipping lunch all together. Missing entire meals will only cause you to binge your next meal. Eat regularly and steadily to maintain a healthy appetite. Plan your meals in advance to ensure healthy foods are on your menu. Freeze homecooked food and take it to work to make sure you’re not tempted by the sinful sweet and savoury servings in the canteen. Arm yourself with enough fruit and yoghurt to get you through the day without surrendering to the vending machine. We often make bad food choices when forced to make snap decisions about meals, and end up with high sugar and salty foods that are okay once in a while but not on a frequent basis, and they won’t help your mood either! Gregg Arthur,

4. Feed your skin Strict diets can risk the lack of protein, which is essential for maintain healthy skin. Sugary foods, on the other hand, such as biscuits and pastries can make your blood sugar shoot up which dermatologists say hardens the natural collagen in your skin and cause wrinkles! Protein and Vitamin C help to create collagen, which keeps your skin flexible and youthful so make sure your diet includes foods like baked and kidney beans, chicken, Quorn and citrus fruits. Try and have protein at every meal – milk with breakfast and salmon or tuna with lunch. Silica is another vitamin that helps to make collagen and is found in porridge, honeydew melon and green beans. Eat your way to healthy looking and feeling skin. Nutritionist Kelly Warner

Bed vs 16

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It has been a widely discussed subject for man result. What is it that makes more men and w for a constant tan, whether it’s from a sunbed shows that vitamin D may also protect against diseases such as multiple sclerosis, depression, and breast and prostate cancers. r Cox says the best way to get the ideal amount of vitamin D that an average human body requires is moderate exposure to sunlight. “In most cases that would be no more than probably 5 to 10 minutes on your arms and legs and your face, two to three times a week.” he says. “I strongly recommend that you put sunscreen on of at least factor 15-20.” He added that, “it is not crucial that you get that amount of sunlight as long as you simply eat a balanced diet and take vitamin supplements if you feel the need to.” When asked about the recent medical rumours that vitamin D can in fact prevent Cancer, Cox stated, “We don’t really know that vitamin D prevents cancer. It is simply guesswork and optimism. However, the idea that ultraviolet light causes skin cancer is certainly a fact.”



s summer approaches and the shops start selling off winter coats and scarves, the temptation for many men and women to hit the sunbeds for that perfect bronze finish is too much to resist. The frantic efforts of manufacturers to meet these needs have developed, thanks to science, a safe, realistic looking and extremely effective way to get a gorgeous tan without all of the dangers of the sun or tanning bed UV bulbs and radiation. Fake tans have come a long way since the sticky and useless lotions of the 80’s. They no longer smell vile and turn you orange. These days most of them will leave you happy and healthy with a sun-kissed glow which can last for weeks.

Where did tanning beds come from? Firstly arriving on the scene in the USA thanks to Friedrich Wolff in 1978, tanning beds saw a rush of people praising their rapid results. Soon afterwards, tanning beds were appearing everywhere, including the UK. It was only then that the reports on the unhealthy effects to the body due to ultraviolet radiation began to spread almost instantly, much like the discovery of the dangers of tobacco in the 60’s. This was the beginning of their bad reputation.

The vital amount of vitamin D Disregarding the rising skin cancer rates, experts have suggested that sun exposure may provide the essential doses of Vitamin D that our bodies need. The tanning bed industry is certainly happy to hear this. However, lawmakers around the UK are turning up the heat on the tanning industry, blaming the popularity of tanning beds among young people for the increase in skin cancer victims. The new research on the benefits of vitamin D has steamed up the debate. e know that the cause of skin cancer in almost every case is down to too much ultraviolet light. Yet still many young people insist on remaining firm fans of the sunbed. Some researchers and doctors, such as British dermatologist, Dr Owen Cox think that by avoiding the sun, we are preventing our bodies from getting a vital source of vitamin D. Tanning beds are especially popular among teenage girls and young women, which worries dermatologists like Dr Cox. “When you look at the British population and who’s using tanning aids, its young people, most often young women,” he says. Vitamin D together with calcium is renowned for protecting against bone diseases including osteoporosis and a growing amount of expert evidence


Why are tanning beds so popular and who with? It could be considered that the real challenge is combating the teenage culture that currently encourages compulsive tanning. Sabrina Booth, a 22 year old student and part time cheerleader says that, “Being tanned all year round is sort of part of the look needed. I think a team of tanned and toned girls look far better than a team of pale, weak and ill looking girls. It shouldn’t matter what you look like and I completely agree with many people that you should embrace natural beauty, but I feel that if I were to compromise my tan I would be losing my confidence. And in the cheerleading world confidence is everything.” mages of perpetually bronzed models and celebrities, such as Abbey Clancy and Paris Hilton reinforce a tans value, and so do members of the opposite sex. “Boys are always complimenting us girls on our tans.” added Booth. Over the last


s. Bottle


ny years, yet remains a topic of which has come to no exact women in Britain today more than ever before, feel the need d or a bottle? Thrive investigates... decade or so the numbers of men joining the girls with having a fake tan all year round has taken the world by storm. The noticeable healthy glow is actually hiding masses of damage that will eventually make the skin look much older than it is. The skin can become wrinkly, rough and discoloured at a younger age. Unfortunately for most people involved within the tanning society today, it is easily forgotten that when the tan fades the skin damage will forever remain. Even with these severe problems pushed aside there is no escaping the scientific evidence that backs the fact that the use of sunbeds can amplify the chance of developing skin cancer: whatever your age. So come on all you tan fans, get tan – tastic the safe way!


o excuses guys...follow our 4 fool proof steps to that stunning tan and find out which product is better suited to you. Everybody’s skin reacts differently to different types of fake tan, so it is essential that you figure out which one suits your skin best. In order to do this we advise that you begin by trying many different brands on a hidden part of your body. By doing this you will be able to see which shade looks more natural and which one stays put the longest depending on your individual lifestyle. Once you have found out this vital information you can begin to follow our simple steps to your flawless tan.

Step 1 – Exfoliate

If you have previously attempted fake tan and found that you had patchy, stripy or uneven results, the chances are you didn’t exfoliate enough. Exfoliating is vital so don’t even think about skipping this step - not even if you are in a major hurry as you will be streaky again before you know it! Fake tan colours the outer layers of your skin, so if you haven’t exfoliated enough your skin will flake away as normal taking your time, effort

and tan with it. Exfoliate gently every day for a week before applying any type of fake tan.

Step 2 - Moisturize

It is essential that you keep your skin moist as this helps the tan to absort and develop into your skin more rapidly. However, moisturizing the day before will stop the fake tan penetrating the skin as it acts like a barrier so only moisturize the day you are going to apply tour fake tanning product. he only areas in which you will want to put plenty of moisturizer on just before tanning are your knees, elbows, feet and hands. This prevents any cracks appearing in your tan as these areas are usually much drier than the rest of your body.


Step 3 – Apply your fake tan

For fairer skins avoid using dark shades or you could turn orange and nobody wants that! If you buy a dark fake tan such as St Tropez make sure you mix it in with some moisturizer as this will balance out the colour a little more. Avoid using a tanning product that has a lack of or no colour in it, as these types of products can be very difficult to apply. Apply the fake tan over your body using a pair of tan application gloves or a mitt. This will prevent your hands from glowing. After 5 minutes gently rub over the whole body to blend any areas that you missed previously. fter you have applied your product avoid wearing any clothes for a further 20 minutes. If you have to wear something then choose clothes that are loose fitting and ladies should opt for a bikini top over a bra. Remember that a tan can take several hours to develop so plan ahead if you are tanning for a special occasion. For a darker tan you are better off gradually building up several coats over a week rather than applying a dark tan to begin with as this could end up looking very unnatural.


Step 4 - Maintenance

To keep your tan looking good continue to moisturise your skin. About 5 days after applying the tan gently exfoliate to prevent blotchy patches. This will result in fresh, healthy and patch free skin and maintain your hard earned, healthy glow.

Try Our 10 Top Tanning Products. Men: 1. Johnson’s Holiday Skin Body Lotion250ml- £4.95 2. Clinique Non-streak bronzer- 60ml£13.00 3. Lancaster Instant Bronze Foam150ml- £17.50 4. Decleor Express Hydrating Self-Tan Spray- 150ml- £20.50 5. Terry Bronze Expert- 17ml- £38.00 Women: 1. Rimmel Sun Shimmer Body Spray100ml- £4.99 2. Garnier Ambre Solaire Self Tanning Milk- 150ml- £8.99 3. Piz Buin Self Tanning 360 Multi Position Mist Spray- 125ml- £12.99 4. Clarins Paris Self Tanning Instant Gel125ml- £14.99 5. Fake Bake Tanning Body Butter (For Dry Skin)- 113ml- £15.99

Dear Thrive


. . . .

Need advice? Our experts Jacqui Thomas and Ollie Williams are here to help - email them at dearthrive@thrive

He a l th & Fit n e s s


I am a firefighter and have chronic Patellar Tendonitis. I'm a 34 year old active man who loves running. My knees often hurt from even simple daily activities. I take NSAIDs and apply ice twice each day as advised by my doctor, but this has brought no relief. I have not played any ball either. What can I do for cardio that will not worsen my knee condition and what type of help or therapy can I do or get to strengthen up my weak knees? Andy, 21, Port Talbot.


Ollie Williams says .... Firstly I would recommend that you get advice from your doctor regarding your medication – long term use of NSAIDs (Non Steroidal Anti Inflammatory Drugs) can cause problems with your stomach. Next, non impact pool running using a buoyancy belt along with an hours swimming session is an excellent method of maintaining fitness without inflicting stress on the Patella Tendon and other joints. Finally, forget therapy and exercises while you still have knee pain. I recommend that you have the condition diagnosed by a doctor or physiotherapist. An MRI scan will probably be required to determine the extent of the damage. If they confirm you have Patella Tendonitis you will have to rest from the impact of sports for upto 12 weeks depending on the intensity of the damage. If your diagnosis is confirmed as Patella Tendinopathy then you should undergo treatment with a physiotherapist who will be able to help you to obtain a strengthening programme.


I sweat a lot when I get hot or worried, and sometimes I can smell it badly. I shower twice a day and always wear deodorant. I really do not know what else to do. Please help as it is becomoming very embarrassing for me. Isla, 18, Tenby.


Jacqui Thomas says .... Sweating is a natural response to getting hot. It is the body’s way of controlling its internal temperature. However, if you find that you are sweating excessively, even when your not anxious or warm, you should see your GP as you may have hyperhidrosis. This can be focal, involving one part of the body eg feet or it can be generalised and all over. Focal hyperhidrosis is more common and often there is no particular cause. Avoid triggers, such as spicy food. It is also a good idea to use an antiperspirant as well as deodorant. Ask your GP for other options.


S ex

I am a 19 year-old male and I have not had any type of sexual contact before. From time to time I seem to get this burning sensation in my penis. Is this normal? I’m embarrassed to tell anybody. Jacob, 19, Rhyl.


Ollie Williams says .... A burning sensation in the penis, especially when you urinate, usually signals an infectious in your genital or urinary tract. Since you have not had any sexual experience yet, a sexually transmitted disease is unlikely at this point. Another thing which may explain what you are feeling, is what is known as a urinary tract infection (UTI). It is an infection of the passageway of urine, which may be anywhere from the kidneys to the ureter or the bladder. Whatever the problem is, it is vital that you go and pay a visit to your GP or call your local health clinic.



I have never found my G spot and now I’ve read it doesn’t even exist. Should I just give up trying to find it? Lucy, 24, Bridgend.


Jacqui Thomas says .... Firstly Lucy, yes everybody has a G spot. Secondly, even if you struggle to find yours, try to enjoy looking for it whether it be by yourself or with a partner. It sits within the front wall of your vaginal canal about an inch in. Hope this helps. Have fun searching.


Last week my girlfriend and I had sex for the first time. It was great until I came, as she began laughing at my facial expressions. How can I prevent this problem from happening again? Greg, 23, Fishguard.


Ollie Williams says .... I simply suggest you man up Greg. Every guy I know has laughed about the same thing happening to them at one time or another. Next time you have sex bring it up and joke about it with

your girlfriend. You will find it will be something you’ll both laugh about and move on from in a matter of minutes.


Lifest y l e

My boyfriend and I have just moved into our first house together, but we never seem to have any money. I have a graduate account so my bank charges for an overdraft aren’t extreme. But when my boyfriend goes into his overdraft there are huge charges for it. It’s a vicious circle as he’s on quite a good wage. Also, one year out of university and I’m still only earning just above minimum wage. I can’t help thinking that it just simply isn’t worth the hassle. Mary, 22, Llanelli.


Ollie Williams says .... Maybe money isn’t the root of all of your problems. However, money issues are a proven source of causing trouble between couples. Don’t let that happen to your relationship. It is crucial that you face this difficulty together.

Firstly, sit down and calmly work out your income and your expenses; you need to know where the money is going and where you can save a bit from here to there. Then, go straight to your local Citizens Advice Bureau where you’ll find information to help ease your financial burden. It’s even possible, for example, that your boyfriend will be able to reclaim some of his overdraft charges. Meanwhile, start thinking less about how much you earn, what job you have and whether it is all worthwhile and try to positively think more about what you want from your future. Look into other career interests and ideas and try to figure out a job or profession that really interests you; get a toe on the ladder or start training for it while you continue to make a wage. This may not be easy, but not everything in life goes smoothly.


I’m 24 and have recently moved back home due to money struggles, but I am planning to move into a flat with friends soon. A few years ago I accidently discovered my dad has a huge collection of porn magazines and DVDs. I know lots of guys do and my dad is only human, but I still find it disgusting and slightly sickening. Also, during an argument, my dad told me that he had at one time been visiting prostitutes. I now want to know if this is defiantly true, but then I’d lose all respect for him and would have to tell my mum. I’m so confused. Should I do nothing or should I tell mum everything? Lisa, 24, Cardiff.


Jacqui Thomas says .... Firstly Lisa although I can imagine how uneasy this discovery must make you feel I can’t help thinking about how bored you must be. Why else would you snoop into dark corners where you’re bound to discover unpleasant but harmless secrets? As for seeking further ‘evidence’ against your dad, his sex life is healthy and simply a part of human nature and in his and probably your mum’s mind it would be seen as none of your business. It’s time to move out into the big world as fast as you can. Well done on considering moving in with your friends, this is a great idea to help battle money troubles and at the same time live once again on your own two feet. Your mum and dad are grown-ups and must make their own mistakes and find their own solutions. As must you!

Recipe of the month

Succulent slamon fillets with roasted leek and rosti’s how. Ingredients: 2 medium sized potatoes 1 egg 1 small leek 1 onion

2 fillets of salmon Garlic cloves Salt and Pepper

Method: 1) Par-boil the potatoes for 10mins in lightly salted in water, when done rinse with cold water and leave to cool. While potatoes are cooling crush 2 cloves of garlic and cut a small amount of leek and onion-enough for two people. 2) When potatoes are cool enough to hold, begin to grate them and add to the leek, garlic and onion mixture, mix together, bind with an egg and season with salt and pepper. Place in a container and cool until ready to fry. 3) Time to prepare the salmon, pre heat the oven to 160 and cover a tray with tin foil, rub the salmon with oil salt and pepper and place on tray in oven. The salmon will take 20mins. 4) After 12mins heat up a frying pan with small amount of oil, remove rosti mixture from container and mould into two round pancakes, place on the hot fry pan and cook the whole way through until golden and crispy. 5) Place rosti on the plate and top with salmon. This meal can be served with white sauce and roast vegetables or just with some mixed salad as a light lunch.






True life story...

“My drink was spiked an

Laura* 26, from Pembrokeshire had the perfect life, but one Saturday night out with her friends meant that she was soon to forget it all


knew something was wrong the moment I opened my eyes. My head throbbed and my body ached all over. Everything was blurry, but as my eyes began to adjust to the bright light, I could make out a drip attached to my arm and I started to hear the quiet, yet constant beeps coming from machines that surrounded my bed. I was terrified as I attempted to speak, but nothing came out. Not only did I not know where I was, but, as I desperately tried to sift through my mind, I found nothing. My memory was blank. I didn’t have the slightest idea what had happened or who I was. I couldn’t even remember my own name. As my sight grew stronger I could see a mobile phone next to the bed. I could only pray it was mine and that it would eventually be able to give me some answers. The next thing I recall is a lady standing at my bedside. She told me her name was Anne. I didn’t recognise her at all. She must have been able to tell I didn’t have the faintest idea who she was, she told me she was my mum and that it was ok to feel confused. Doctors explained to us both that I’d been rushed to Withybush General Hospital, the previous night after friends had found me collapsed on the floor in the local nightclub toilets. I had a mild head injury, probably from banging my head on the toilet as I fell. Despite what people might think, I hadn’t been drunk. Luckily my friends backed me up as they told my mum and the doctors that they had been joking

around with me earlier that evening for not letting my hair down enough. My best friend Emma* later told me I’d stuck to drinking lemonade after only two vodka and cokes because I had to be up early the next morning to catch the train back to Cardiff as I had university the following day. Worryingly, friends had seen a man acting suspiciously around our drinks, so the doctors concluded that mine had been spiked. I must have wandered away from my friends to go too the loo, but luckily when they noticed I was missing, they started looking for me. I can’t begin to imagine what might have happened had

My friends found me collapsed in the nightclub toilets

they not found me. That thought still haunts me now. I was released from hospital the following evening. Doctors told me to get some rest and said I’d soon be feeling better. Mum and dad insisted I continued to live with them so that they could keep an eye on me and take me to and from the hospital for my various check ups. So I also gave up university for the rest of that year, the lecturers were very understanding. As soon as I arrived home signs that something was desperately wrong began to emerge. y dad David*, 58, came home from work the following afternoon and went to give me a hug, but I looked at him blankly like I had the previous day in my hospital bed, oblivious to the fact that he was my



nd my life came to a halt” dad, my brain had totally shut down. I couldn’t walk and he had to carry me to the car before driving me straight back to the hospital. Despite staying at my family home, it didn’t trigger any memories of my school days, my family or even my dog Sooty, who before the accident I adored. Even little things such as what I liked to eat and drink were blank in my mind. Doctors told me that head injuries could lead to memory loss if the frontal lobe, which controls memory, is damaged. Victims can lose weeks, months or even years of their

life. They said it was crucial not to try and force my memories, I had to try to let them come back naturally. But as the weeks went by, and I still couldn’t recall anything. The fear and frustration not just from me, but from my family was overwhelming. Over the weeks more and more flashbacks began to flood my head, good ones and bad ones. Things began to get better. My speech started to become clearer and stronger. Finally the residue of the near symptoms of a stroke victim began to fade away. It was liberating, yet embarrassing, as

I tried to remember my old life...

people in supermarkets would look oddly at me as I picked up items and looked at them in a daze until its purpose or name came back to me, but I refused to be beaten. My brain was now beginning to stay focused, whereas before it would switch off at the drop of a hat. used photographs of myself washing my dog, on nights out with friends, and family parties to try to help me remember my old life. I knew it was distressing for my parents to see me like that, although they tried hard not to show it. They were very proud and encouraged me to not push myself to hard. The next couple of months were bleak. I’d spend hours quietly talking to myself, flicking through my 2 year old cousins’ number and letter flash cards. I hoped that the relaxation and simpleness would stimulate my mind. But my brain after a while felt too tired so there were many days that went by were I found myself walking Sooty up and down the lane, stopping myself from venturing out further in case I got lost. I maintained this day-to-day wander until I felt confident enough to walk a little further. When I began to feel a little uncomfortable I patiently turned around and returned to the path I had already followed, but patience was something I was swiftly running out of. hroughout this ordeal my friends were outstanding, not a day went by where at least one of them would come to spend time with me or take me out somewhere. For this I still feel very grateful for. I discovered over time that the less stressed I felt, the more my speech began to improve, which really helped my selfconfidence. A year on from waking up in hospital I returned to university to finish my studies. I loved getting back into a busy social environment. Over the 18 months my confidence grew, I decided to move into my own




apartment, and I finally felt comfortable socialising again as I finally graduated from university. ast January, I gave birth to my wonderful son Jack* whom has simply made me even more grateful to be alive and well and 3 years on and most of my memories have come back. I can’t put it into words how happy it has made me, as the thought of losing my memories for life was heartbreaking. For a long time, I was angry and eagerly wanted to find the person who’d spiked my drink. Although if I had ever found him I wasn’t sure what I would have done to him. Over time, I’ve realised that I’m alive and things could have been a lot worse. It would be easy to become obsessed with trying to remember my past, but that won’t get me anywhere. I know I’ll never be completely the same girl that I was before the accident as every time I go out I will always be too conscious of it happening too me again. I can only hope that the people that read this article give carelessly leaving their drinks around when they are out partying next a second thought. I never thought it would happen to me, but it did.


If you have been effected by anything you have read during this true life story then please ring the helplines listed below The Date Rape Helpline on: 0800 783 2980 Drug Abuse for Women on: 0800 568 9385

Above: Laura* and her boyfriend at her sister’s wedding being bridesmaid and usher

Below: Laura* and her best friend on their way to a well deserved girly night out on the town after her horrible experience last year


Wally’s Deli


ardiff has never been so adventurous when it comes to choosing your food. With the help of the Cardiff exclusive branch of Wally’s Deli, owner Steven Salmon has given everyone the opportunity to try a huge variety of products and recipes from all over the world, with the best part being the affordability of it all.


rom Spices from India, to the tang of Japan, Wally’s and its expert staff are delivering a superb service to us all, and now there is no excuse to get a doss of the healthy stuff. There is a huge selection of different meats, cheeses and even a great selection of wines and beers to wash it all down, all deliciously healthy and great for anyone just or on a diet of some sort. A Taste of the world: Wally’s has a delicous selection


ally’s has been around for over 60 years and is located in the Royal Arcade, its original premises. Just last November the branch celebrated the opening of their second store in the bustling St. David’s 2 centre where they hope to attract busy shoppers who will no doubt not notice the store’s unique simplicity when it comes to displaying the good they have on offer.

Delightful Treats: Most customers always come back to the friendly staff at Wally’s


ince all of us at Thrive are dedicated into giving our readers the best advice when it comes to eating and becoming healthier in lifestyle habits, we thought it would be a great opportunity to team up with Wally’s to give you a taste of the benefits they have to offer everyone. With our first issue and our first lucky readers, we are treating you all with a £10 voucher to use in the either stores or online via their new delicatessen website which is a great way of shopping if you can’t get into town or the City altogether. So what are you waiting for? Take this opportunity as a step in the right direction!

£10 off anything at Wally’s Deli Voucher valid until 01/07/10.T&C’s apply





very month in Thrive we are revealing the lifestyle and eating habits of our readers to give everyone the encouragement they need to succeed in getting fit and switching the junk food to one of your five a day. This month, our first issue, a friend close to us all at Thrive magazine has decided to be the first person to reveal her honest lifestyle habits and what she does to maintain a healthier way of life. This section we hope will run every issue and help inspire those in need of some enthusiasm, to have a chance to appear in Thrive for Life email your details along with a picture to

Elizabeth Sullivan, 21, from Merthyr Tydfil gives her health report


I always start my day with a glass of water just to wake me up and I feel so much fresher after it. Then for breakfast I don’t make too much fuss as I always need to be in Uni by 9am. On a normal day I will have porridge with blueberries and sometimes honey as I do have a sweet tooth, and followed by a piece of wholemeal bread toast and a cup of green tea as it is very good for your skin. Since my day differs all the time when I am in classes, it really does depend on my day if I have a mid morning snack or not. If I am having a later lunch, then I will always snack on an apple or banana just to give me some much needed energy to get through a busy morning. For lunch, I usually have a quick sandwich either of gammon ham and salad or mature cheese and onion hummus. But if I am not in a rush I would definitely have some Sushi or a soup and crusty bread roll.



Dinner time will always be different everyday of course, but I always try to eat as best as I can. Recently I have been having a lot of Thai green curries with a mixture of different peppers, water chestnuts and aubergines. Other meals I love to have to finish my day are roasted peppers stuffed with chicken, salsa and guacamole, or something less adventurous would be pasta with a fresh garlic and herb sauce.


Mystic Maeve Get moving this May and start your Summer with a bang says Thrive astrologer Maeve McKenna Taurus


This month begins with the Sun in Aries, which leads to you to become more in tune with your spiritual side. This is an optimum time to nurture your soul at the deepest level. Meditation, yoga, or even time alone to daydream and journal, would all be favourable activities now. Its time to become creative in the middle of the month, really let that self expression flow in your most creative way.

You are going to feel your best at the beginning of the month, and may feel the need to help others, so seek out your nearest charity and volunteer for a day or two. However your main concern during the month seems to centralize around making everyone happy, but make sure you take some time to yourself and maybe treat yourself to a facial.



The Sun in Aries will kick-start your initiatives. You’re usually hesitant about trying new things and taking risks. A New Moon in Aries will give you further impetus to test your limits. For the rest of the month, enjoy the finer things in life, relaxing activities, and good times with people you like. Try to get outside and enjoy nature and perhaps do some gardening. This will help you to feel grounded. Keep generosity in check this month

Your energy will be high and vitality strong this month with Mars in your sign and the Sun in Aries. You can expect to have a lot of confidence and start new projects as of the New Moon in Aries, maybe take up a new class at the gym or start a walking or jogging group with your friends. Take a few risks, be decisive, and initiate change for the rest of the month.




(August24-September22) Your intense intellectual drive has been your chief ally before in your quest to figure it all out (particularly at work).So eat a nice brain-food-rich breakfast, lunch and dinner, and be sure to work out to get the blood flowing to your topmost appendage and let that brain of yours go, go, go. You’ve got a big plan in the works near the end of the month so it’s extra important not to overextend yourself.


(October 24-November22) It’s time to think start taking your health more seriously Scorpio, you need to start living a balanced lifestyle and learn how to juggle career, life and romance before it all gets too much. This is a month for healing, both mentally and physically so take full opportunity of any respite and exercise you might get.




(September 23-October23) Saturn leaves your sign this month until the end of July, so you should get a chance to stop with all the endless life lessons and catch your breath. Think about what you’ve learned over the past few months and ask yourself which situations you’d handle differently, if you had your time again. Learning your lesson is the one way to make Saturn’s passage through Libra less challenging!


(November23-December21) Take it easy this month. No, you don’t need to hit the alarm and stay in bed all day. But yes, you do need to make a real effort not to get too stressed out about stuff that’s just beyond your powers of control. You know? Stay loose and the fantastic developments coming your way will be all the more enjoyable thanks to the lack of stress-related kinks in your neck and back.




This is one of those months when having Pluto in your sign is a cosmic blessing. When he’s on fire in a good way you can throw out all the dead wood from your life and transform everything. Remember, stand on your own two feet, no matter how much easier it would be to lean on someone else for support. That’s crucial now.

You will be impulsive with money this month and splurge on un necessary things, just make sure to keep an eye on your bank balance and shop wisely! Also this month sees you getting active and having a new found energy that will carry on to next month, don’t waste this energy on carrying shopping bags though!




It’s spring, and that means it’s a good time for some new beginnings. So, in that spirit, take a long hard look at your health habits on the 1st. Are you running yourself ragged or exercising regularly? Are you eating well? What about a vitamin supplement? Check with your doctor before making any major changes, but do your best to take good care of you this month. It’s the best way to make sure everybody else will too.

You and a friend can celebrate a joint hobby this month, whether its tennis or baking, it will bring you closer together and may even become a recurring event. Work commitments will put you under strain at the start of the month but after a few days of hard work you will reap the awards of your efforts.

(December 22-January20)








The MTV reality star and fashionista likes to keep healthy at all times and needs to keep her energy up with all the drama she endures in New York. Whitney snacks on; Natural Popcorn, oats and Chocolate fibre bars, roasted unsalted almonds, granny smith apples with peanut butter and to top it off whole wheat English muffin with melted parmesan.


The enormous success of Gaga’ music has not stopped her eating or snacking healthily. While on tour Gaga keeps in tip top shape by requesting;

Some choice there, but just to be clear, you don’t eat all that in one sitting.

Roast chicken, low fat cheese spread, whole wheat bread and crackers, low fat milk, salsa and guacamole. All washed down with water, ginger ale or hot tea. Snack on these to maintain a perfect Poker Face...

Snack like a STAR

Want To Slim Down?... Team up! M

ost people would agree that finding a balance between work, keeping fit and healthy and spending time with your loved one can sometimes prove to be tedious. There are times when all you want to do is relax with your friends or simply cuddle up with your partner but you feel you can’t miss out on achieving your workout goals and why should you?! Now is the time to consider a fresh and fit approach to a healthy partnership. The following exercises are not only useful for training with a partner, but also ideal for doing with a group of friends for a fun and light routine. As we all

know too well, this is a year where all of us are tightening our money belts and the last thing on our minds would be the thought of paying out for gym memberships, personal training fees or hefty equipment budgets. Due to the fact that many of the exercises are done in pairs, you need just half the equipment you would normally require. Simply follow these steps in order to feel the positive effects of exercise, minus the usual steep gym class prices! Have a go at these effective partner exercises that will help you build muscle strength and discover a fun side to exercise.

Exercise 1. Posture Perfection

You will need: • Exercise tube • Flat surface • A cheerful smile Stand facing your partner. Interlock the tube, holding one handle each with both hands. Steadily walk backwards away from each other ensuring your arms remain fully extended, until there is some resistance on the tube. Begin in a squat with your feet positioned shoulder width apart. Slowly pull the tube, leading with your elbows and begin to drive them backward. As you’re rowing backwards, feel your shoulder blades rub together and roll them towards the ground. As you release your arms forward, squat towards the ground keeping your back straight at all times. Complete 1 set of 8–20 and if you feel you can then repeat. This partner exercise helps to strengthen back muscles and improve posture.

Exercise 2. Chest Stretch

(Excellent to help with rounded shoulder syndrome) You will need: • Exercise Mat or Towel Begin by standing up tall and straight with your feet a shoulder width apart. Hold your palms out with your arms straight, pointing away from your body. Once you are able to get close or touch hands have your partner hold that position. Next, slowly lower your body down by gently bending your knees. Chop and change the angle of the stretch and enhance it where possible. Repeat five times before swapping roles.

Exercise 3. V Catch

You will need: • Medicine Ball • 2X Exercise Mats Begin by sitting down and facing each other on an exercise mat each. Spread your legs into a V shape about 1–2 feet away from your partner with your knees bent. Keep abdominal muscles contracted tightly throughout the entire exercise. Start by holding the medicine ball into your chest. Both gently recline back a few inches, however it is essential to maintain a perfect posture. Hold that position as you both rotate one way and then the other, before returning back to the starting position. When you become upright and are once again facing your partner, throw the ball back and for to each other. Repeat the exercise for 30–90 seconds.

Exercise 4. Straddling Sit- Ups

You will need: • Exercise Mat Begin by getting your exercise partner to lie down on the floor facing the ceiling. Straddle them at the waist and perform the posture from exercise 1. Pull your partner up until they are sitting up straight and your elbows are bent behind you, facing the ceiling. Ask your partner to keep their elbows close to the body and they too get a bicep workout from this. Repeat 8 times and then swap.


If you don’t have the equipment, you can still try these partner exercises: 1. Squats The Word

Begin by facing your partner. Hold tightly onto each other’s arms. As you begin, each of you slowly squats backward, keeping your kneecaps pointing forward and your back straight. • Avoid allowing your knees to collapse inward. • Lower until your upper thighs are parallel to the floor. • Now slowly return back up. • Complete 1 set of 20. • Repeat!

2. Muscle Contest. (Simply to add interest, fun and humour within a workout) The stronger partner has to perform push-ups from a toe position. The weakest partner can be in an inclined position or do the push-ups from the knees. Make it is as fair as possible so that it’s actually a contest. Start together; find a speed that you are both comfortable at. Count together and discover who can last the longest. Nothing like a good old contest to have a little fun!

3. Crunch and Curl Firstly begin by lying on your backs, facing in opposite directions. With the outside of your hips almost touching, keep your chin away from your chest. Focus your vision toward the ceiling or id preferred close your eyes. Slowly curl your torso up. Rotate toward your partner and give him or her a “high five” or simply touch thumbs with your farthest arm. Be sure to contract your abdominals on each repetition. Perform 8–15 reps on each side.

Tried & Tested F O R




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Having a radiant and even complexion makes you look and feel beautiful. Using a foundation to achieve this look is sometimes disappointing as it can appear unnatural. Nivea Visage Natural Beauty Radiance Boosting Moisturiser has a pleasant shimmering effect for an instantly even and radiant skin. How does it work?

Protects against premature skin ageing Evens out skin tone Reduces dark spots Smoothens rough skinBrightens skin

Enriched with Mango Milk it hydrates your skin throughout the day whilst visibly refining complexion. The light-reflecting formula, with Cashmere Proteins, immediately gives the skin a natural-looking and even radiance. The special Nivea Visage UVA/UVB filter system helps protect your skin from sunlight induced premature ageing.



Daily use will give you a bright and fresh look

Instant natural-looking, radiant and even complexion

Did you know...


You can burn calories while doing trivial acitivities and you won’t even know your doing it. Here are just some of the everyday tasks that will help you shift those stubborn pounds. The number of calories burned are based on one and a half hours of each activity:

Housecleaning - 864 Shopping - 325 Bowling - 415 Yard Work - 555 Laundry - 150 Mowing Lawn - 325 Driving Car - 125 Food Shopping - 150 Kissing - 150 Sitting at Rest - 1.6

Tone in the comfort of your own home with our feature fitness DVD:

‘The Biggest Loser’ Short of time, cash and confidence? A new workout DVD could be the answer for you and your partner. Loose weight, tone up and improve your fitness by the summer from the comfort of your own living room. You’ve witnessed the astonishing weight loss achieved on ITV1’s hit show ‘The Biggest Loser,’ and have told yourself repeatedly that you too could easily drop

Name: The

Biggest Loser- The Workout

Genre: Fitness


Celebrity Trainer: Bob Running Time: 96 Studio: Lions



Gate Home Entertainment

“Loose weight, tone up and improve your fitness...” a dress size- well finally, just like the contestants, you and your partner can begin your first steps to a healthier lifestyle and experience a dramatic amount of weight loss! Join ‘The Biggest Loser’ trainers, Angie and Richard, as they guide you through their fun, intensive, calorie crunching

workout. Work out alongside the contestants and maximize your success by following the six week programme so you too can see those extra points disappear!

Thrive - Office Reviews Jemma Owen - After seeing the series on TV I couldn’t wait to try out this DVD. Almost immediately after the 10 minute warm up session I felt my heart rate rise as my whole body began to break into a sweat. After a week of healthy dieting and completing the workouts every other night I was over the moon to discover I had lost 4 lbs. I would certainly recommend it. 5/5 Andrew Butler - As much as I enjoyed trying out this DVD, I was quick to discover that you still feel the effects the following day. This DVD is a very honest one of its type and really does produce results if followed as instructed for a good length of time. My partner and I enjoyed doing it together as we felt it was a positive activity to share. However I did find that its not great if you are time restricted. 4/5

Position of the month


Doggy Style: The perfect ‘fat’ day position! Difficulty rating: 2/10 Good for hiding: • Tums • Boobs • Arms • Thighs What to do: You stoop on all fours as he stands behind and penetrates you, holding onto your waist and hips so that you move you back and forth. To keep it interesting adjust your technique by lying flat on your front on the bed with your legs spread far apart. If you’re feeling adventurous, try it standing up with him standing and penetrating you from behind. Slowly lean forward until your hands touch the floor. If it begins to feels uncomfortable, lift your bottom. Tip: Try keeping your legs closed as tightly as possible, this will make you tighten around his penis. Get him to kiss your neck and caress your boobs.

Why she’ll love it: • This deep penetration is one of the most natural positions out there. • It’s him at his most dominant and you at your most submissive. This can be a great turn on. • This creates a good start for any themed fantasies. • You feel his testicles beating against your bottom, this can give additional stimulation.

Why he’ll love it: • He catches a rather pleasant sight of his penis thrusting in and out of you. This is sure to visually excite him. • He gets to control the intensity for the both of you. • He can fantasise about entering your anal passage, for many men this is a big turn on.


Give yourself a good grilling this summer time S

ummer time is just around the corner which means, beach bodies, BBQ’s and cocktails. But you don’t want to be losing your beach body you have been working on since the New Year! So with that in mind THRIVE have some healthy summer treats to help you stay in shape but still enjoy your summer sun and fun.


The Stu Francis Martini

Ingredients Juice of half a bunch of white grapes Juice of a kiwi fruit Juice of half a galia melon Juice of half a fresh lime Ciroc vodka (45ml) Green chartreuse (5ml) The grapes in this snazzy number boast powerful antioxidant flavonoids, and the kiwi fruit has beta-carotene (which protects against cancer, colds, flu and infections) as well as fibre, potassium and Vitamin C. You’ll also get hits of Vitamins A, B and C courtesy of the melon and cancer-crushing limonene from the lime. Method Juice the fruit then shake everything and double strain Garnish Red grape halves on a prism stick Glass Martini

Tropical Detox

Ingredients Juice of half a fresh lime Juice of one peach Acai juice (25ml) One passion fruit Vodka (50ml) Acai is a super antioxidant, which boosts energy and aids weight loss.It’s got the highest Oxygen Radical Absorption Capacity (ORAC) of any berry in the world and will help protect against heart disease and cancer. Additionally, both the peach and passion fruit contain beta-carotene and Vitamin C, and once again, you get limonene from the lime.


With summer upon us, what better excuse (weather permitting) to dust off the barbeque and enjoy some time outside in the fresh air with family and friends. If your first thoughts are high-calorie, high-fat sausages and burgers - don't fret! Chicken, fish, vegetables and even fruit are delicious cooked on the barbeque.

The Gentle Palm


Kebabs don’t have to be a drunken fatty feast on your way home; you can have some really delicious healthy ones for the BBQ, try skewering peppers, mushrooms, onions, tofu, baby tomatoes or pineapple chunks for an all veggie kebab feast, you can always add chicken or fish as well. Your BBQ doesn’t have to be a meaty feast so try having fish, Salmon makes a great alternative to meat. Place a whole fillet onto a sheet of foil large enough to make a parcel. Slice half a lemon and layer over the top of the salmon, squeeze the other half over the fish, season and wrap the foil to make a make a generous parcel and refrigerate overnight (to allow the flavours to fuse). Cook on the barbeque for about 10 minutes - depending on thickness of fillet. This is delicious served with natural, low fat yoghurt, salad and crusty bread.

o summer party or BBQ is complete without cocktails whether you are male or female you will love these healthy cocktails. The hottest trend in cocktails right now is to serve health-focused libations that pack a nutritional punch. Everything from agave nectar to acai and from pureed mango to pomegranate juice is being infused, muddled and stirred into all kinds of drinks. Their bright color and lively flavor are underscored with antioxidants, though you’d never say they tasted like health drinks. Instead of being flavored with powdered mixes or white sugar, trendy cocktails get their sweetness from agave nectar (all natural and low on the glycemic index), pure maple syrup and honey. Green tea infusions are being combined with various kinds of alcohol to make seasonal drinks that are hard to resist. Are they healthier than drinking fresh fruit juice on its own? Probably not, but they’re certainly refreshing.

1 blackberry 1/2 ounce strawberry puree 1-1/2 ounces Gentleman Jack 1 ounce chilled black tea 1 ounce pomegranate juice 1/2 ounce maple syrup Fresh blackberries for garnish Place the blackberry and the strawberry puree into a shaker and muddle. Add the rest of the ingredients and a few ice cubes. Shake and strain over fresh ice into a rocks glass and garnish with fresh blackberries. Night Vision 30ml Arette blanco tequila 75ml fresh carrot juice 20ml fresh pink grapefruit juice 10ml fresh lemon juice 20ml sugar syrup 10ml aloe vera juice The vitamin C in both carrots and the citrus juices here can cut your risk of a stroke by up to 25%, according to a Harvard University study. It is also proven that it is good for maintaining strong eyesight.



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