1 minute read
Fight is on to protect pubs
from The Guzzler
Scotland wants statutory regulation to stop big companies ripping off pubs.
That’s the conclusion from responses to a public consultation on possible new laws to regulate pub companies.
A Bill put forward by Neil Bibby MSP, and backed by CAMRA and the Scottish Licensed Trade Association, would create a statutory Pubs Code to regulate the relationship between tied pub tenants and their pub-owning landlords, and appoint an independent Adjudicator to enforce the code.
“Tied” pubs have to buy their beer from the pub’s owner: in the past this was usually a brewery, but these days it is more likely to be a pub company.
Some tenanted pubs have to pay as much as double the
market rate for their beer – and the inflated price goes to the pub company, not the brewer.
Under the Bibby bill, tied pubs in Scotland would gain similar rights to those in England and Wales and would be able to switch to a market rent option if they believed their pubco was ripping them off. Over 90% of responses to a public consultation on this proposal backed reform to the law.
The proposal is now in the hands of Parliament to decide if it will be put forward as legislation.
CAMRA is urging all members and supporters to lobby their MSPs. Please contact your MSP – especially if they have not already supported the bill – and tell them you want them to contact the Business Minister in support of pubs.