3 minute read
A Prickly Situation
THE story is told of George de Mestral who lived in Commugny, Switzerland.
After taking his dog on a hunting trip he found the dog covered in burrs tangled in the long fur. Lovingly he began to cut the burrs out of the dogs coat without getting upset about it. In a relaxed frame of mind he took one of the cuttings and put it under the microscope. Amazed at its gripping power he studied them further. He noted their hundreds of “hooks” that caught on anything with a loop, such as clothing, animal fur, or hair. He saw the possibility of binding two materials reversibly in a simple fashion.
He went on to invent the product Velcro!
All because he used a prickly sticky situation to his advantage.
It is wisely stated “trouble never leaves you the same it either makes you bitter or better”. It’s true that pressure brings out the best in us and also sadly sometimes the worst. The pressures of life though, are a call for us to rise to the challenge,
Glasshouse Country Uniting Church
29 Twin Peaks Drive, Beerwah
Come and worship with us
Beerwah – Sunday 8.30am
Peachester Community Church –last Sunday of the month 5.30pm
Minister: Rev Dr Elizabeth Nolan Ph. 0448 358 774 Email: churchgcuc@gmail.com
You are most WELCOME to join us 9.00am each Sunday Reed Street, Glasshouse Mtns (next to RSL)
Sunday School, Women’s Fellowship, Bible Study
Contact: 5439 9341 or 5496 9671 www.glasshousemountains.lutheran.org.au
Is there more to life than this?
Contributed by Kylie Woodhead and make life better.
The good news about life’s troubles is that God wants to help us through them and make us better in them.
Jesus said, “Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. Matthew 11:28
We were never meant to do life alone. We were born to live in community and have the help of not only a God who provides the soil, rain and sunshine, but people who care and support us. The Church is a place where people can find love and support in times of trouble and difficulty.
May our prickly, uncomfortable situations be a time when we find God’s strength to make life better.
Catholic Weekend Masses
Saturday 5pm: Peachester Rd, Beerwah Sunday 7am: Caloundra St, Landsborough
Sunday 9am: 45 Cedar Street, Maleny Ph: 5430 9390 9am to 1pm Mon-Fri www.caloundracatholicparish.net
ALPHA is a safe space to explore life, faith and God in a friendly, open and informal environment, with good food and good company. An opportunity to make friends and find out what really matters in life.
Running over 9 weeks it’s a chance to ask all those big questions like is there really a God.
“Alpha was the best thing I ever did. It helped answer some huge questions and to find a simple empowering faith in my life”.
Bear Grylls
Held weekly, starting Sunday July 23, 4.30pm at Church on the Rise, 27 Beerwah Parade, Beerwah. Registration is required for catering -
Free Dinner provided.
Child Minding (small cost) - Contact church for more info.
RSVP and for more info scan the QR code or contact the church office on: 5494 0655 or email: admin@cotr.org.au
Soup morning for View Club
Contributed by Janet Kitchin
GLASSHOUSE Country View Club enjoyed a soup morning for their July outing. A group of our ladies met at a member’s home – we had morning tea with some delicious slices followed later by a variety of soups all home made. We managed to sit outside on a lovely morning following the previous day’s rain where we chatted and drew raffles in what was a fund raising boost for our learning for life students. Our next lunch meeting will take the form of
Christmas in July on the 19th at 11am at the Glasshouse Country RSL 1 Reed Street Glasshouse Mountains. Our club raises funds for the Smith Family and the Learning for Life Program in all their activities. Our club currently supports 5 Learning for Life students. Any ladies who are interested in coming along to one of our events or would like to join our club should contact either Adrienne on 0408486124 or Janet on 0448845303. You can also visit our website on www.view.org.au or facebook
BEERWAH CHURCH 27 Beerwah Parade
Sundays 9 30am & Kids Church
Arise Youth: Fri 7pm (grade: 7-12 | term time)
E: wecare@cotr.org.au W: churchontherise.org.au
MALENY CHURCH Maleny Sports Park, via Porter’s Lane
Sundays 9 30am & Kids Church
E: info@cotrmaleny.org W: cotrmaleny.org
Welcomes you each Saturday at 27 Maleny Street
9:30am - All Age Bible Study Hour
(Includes Children and Youth programs)
11:00am - Worship Service
First Saturday of the monthCommunity Lunch
Contact p: 0424 901 301 f: @LandsboroughChurch w: landsborough.org