Edition 15 August 2023

Page 8

Call for talks before blasts

LOCAL traditional elders are seeking assurances that Mt Coonowrin will be safeguarded if a proposal to double blasting and rock extraction at Hanson Glasshouse Quarry is approved.

Elders say they are also seeking more dialogue between Hanson and traditional custodians to secure a balance between economic progress and respect for the region’s rich cultural heritage.

The quarry sits at the base of the heritage-listed Mt Coonowrin and Aboriginal community members hold concerns about the impact of increased rock extraction. Full story p7

1/13 Turner Street Beerwah 5439 0188 www.hintertax.com.au admin@hintertax.com.au Supporting local business with: • Accounting & Tax • SMSF & • BAS & GST • Planning • Financial Statements • Business “Your Success is our Success 29 Swan St, Beerwah 5494 6999 1300 881 082 Landsborough Beerwah Kawana Become a GC&M News e-subscriber for a chance to a double pass to... 2 Double passes up for grabs (for 2 people valued at over $200). It’s easy – just go to gcnews.com.au/subscription, or scan this QR code. Receive the latest edition of GC&M News directly to your inbox every week! Closes midday Thursday August 31. Winners noti ed by email. Good Luck! APEX ACES IT FOR COMMUNITY PAGE 3 ‘Keep the climb’ www.gcnews.com.au





MITCH GAYNOR mitch@gcnews.com.au

JENNIFER KENT jennifer@gcnews.com.au

SONIA ISAACS sonia@gcnews.com.au

KIRRA LIVINGSTONE kirra@gcnews.com.au


IT’S pretty rare to see the kind of support and excitement that’s being levelled towards the Matildas.

Genuine high quality football, affordable ticket prices (if you can get them) and a great spirit on and off the field. Our win over France was a great evening - made better by the 5pm kickoff.

So I was taken aback when my older daughter told me she couldn’t wait for them to lose.

She’s a typical teenager with little interest outside her circle of care, a circumference of about ‘whatever’. Her issue is she works at a pub and last Saturday had to go above the normal call of duty as fans filled the bar.

TINA GRIEVE tina@gcnews.com.au

LEWIS KWARCIANYI lewis@gcnews.com.au


SHARON KING & KATIE BUCKLEY design@gcnews.com.au




Andrew, Donna, Ben, Craig and Brodie are passionate about allowing Glasshouse Country peaks to remain open to all. Full story p4-5

I was one of those punters and had a few awkward interactions with her, trying to be casual and witty. I don’t know why, I should have just apologised there and then for trying to be pleasant.

The next day you would have


thought she’d been made to run the Kokoda Trail as I was warned: “By the way don’t try to be funny. You’re not... and neither’s your friend.”

I consider her pretty unemployable based on these and more interactions but somehow is popular and manages to work full time while studying.

Still, I knew something she didn’t and casually asked if she was working Wednesday.

“What do you care?” she said.

“Matildas are playing again. I’ll see you there.”

Her reaction would have made Sam Kerr blush and I scampered away knowing my job was done.

Coincidentally this came as a friend sent me a story about families with adult children who won’t move out. “This one’s for you”, I was told.

The theme seemed to be that the household dynamics become more like a share house

arrangement than a family home. I concur with a couple of caveats.

The main differences being that the parents pay for everything, do all the cleaning and cooking and then get a stinky attitude if we complain about it.

But at least we all get to share a good laugh at the end of the day. As if. The other issue is that the longer they hang around, the more of a poor influence on their younger siblings they become.

Our 11-year-old came home with some ordinary Naplan results but being crafty had worked on some talking notes with her older siblings who assured her Naplan was one big waste of time.

So she could confidently assure me that “Dad, nobody cares”; that there were “too many questions”; and “you know I can read”. That’s okay then. If nothing else, I’m glad to get this off my chest. Happy reading!

Glasshouse Country & Maleny News @gcmnews

R a n g e C a r e ' s T i m e C a p s u l e B u r i a l E v e n t J o i n R a n g e C a r e f o r a m o r n i n g o f c e l e b r a t i n g h i s t o r y i n t h e m a k i n g O n T h u r s d a y 1 4 t h S e p t e m b e r 2 0 2 3 , R a n g e C a r e w i l l b e b u r y i n g a T i m e C a p s u l e f o r t h e f u t u r e R a n g e C a r e c o m m u n i t y t o d i s c o v e r a n d c e l e b r a t e .

W i t n e s s t h e b u r i a l o f u n i q u e i t e m s t h a t a r e u n i q u e t o o u r t i m e s a n d s o m e l i g h t r e f r e s h m e n t s a n d n e t w o r k i n g .

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PO Box 190, Beerwah 4519 www.gcnews.com.au Shop 6, 35 Swan Street Beerwah
Mitch Gaynor
our Local Businesses and join us in Keeping Business Local. Find out how we can help your business through local advertising call 5438 7445 www.golocalhinterland.com.au
Picture: Kirra Livingstone Support

THE 43rd edition of the Apex Maleny Business Directory is currently making its way to homes and businesses across Maleny, featuring an eye-catching cover (above) designed by talented artist, Charice Price.

The competition associated with the directory cover saw the Flexi School clinching the second position.

They chose to channel their prize money towards crafting hats for auction at the Maleny Arts Alive Festival.

The third prize was secured by Ilana Cowan, adding an artistic flair to the community’s collaborative efforts.

Aces all round for Maleny Apex charity

THE Apex Club of Maleny has raised an incredible $25,000 across two huge fundraising events with beneficiaries including local groups, individuals and causes.

‘Muscle on the Mountain’ raised over $18,400, with proceeds going to Prostate Cancer Research Foundation, the Maleny Auxiliary Hospital and local community groups.

Over 570 show cars were on display for the dynamic day out, with nearly 3000 people turning out.

The Apex Maleny Golf Day raised over $6000, which will be used to support the aspirations of Kael Thompson, a determined swimmer gearing up for the 2024 Paralympics.

from sponsors and the wider community is also fantastic.”

A remarkable highlight of the golf day was Amie Flanagan’s extraordinary achievement – she aced two holes, numbers 1 and 17. Having holed out on the Par 3 17th, Amie stepped onto the tee at the more challenging Par 3 1st hole just a few minutes later still buzzing and brimming with confidence.

“I’d jokingly said to the boys on my team, ‘Stuff it I’m gonna (sic) get another one’ as we were driving down to the 1st,” she chuckled.

“I didn’t actually think it was going to happen, and we couldn’t believe it when my ball landed just in-front of the pin and rolled straight into the hole!”

The group’s screams of astonishment and jubilation could be heard from the clubhouse when what’s been estimated as a 67 million-to-one shot found the cup.

The Apex Club expressed their gratitude to all participants and recognised Maleny Art Direct for Paralympian hopeful Kael

“It’s been a great year so far and it’s great to be out in the community with a dedicated group of club members always pushing our fundraising activities,” Apex Maleny president, Boyd Keir, said.

“The support we receive and continue to receive

Maleny Golf Club general manager, Stephen Porter, hailed Amie’s accomplishment as an extraordinary event in the club’s history, one unlikely to be replicated.

Amie scored two hole in ones at the 2023 Maleny Apex Golf Day. Inset - Ian ‘Dicko’ Dickson with Andrew Powell
Thompson and Apex Maleny President Boyd Keir

Maleny local speaks in Vienna

On 4th July 2023, at the invitation of the Scientific Committee of the 18th European Congress of Psychology (held in England), Maleny resident, David Fryer, discussed the contemporary significance of the emergence of public health psychology in Vienna in the 1930s. David’s presentation drew upon scholarly research he is doing as an Honorary member of the University of Queensland and his previous experience as: President of the European Community Psychology Association; Co-Editor of the Journal of Community and Applied Social Psychology; Reader in Psychology at the University of Stirling, Scotland; Professor of Community Psychology at Charles Sturt University; and Professor of Psychology, Head of Research and Academic Program Development at the Australian Institute of Psychology in Brisbane.

David expresses his gratitude to the Sunshine Coast Council who supported his participation at the Congress through an Individual Development Grant, which supports Sunshine Coast residents performing, competing or presenting at national or international competitions, conferences or events: sunshinecoast.qld.gov. au/living-and-community/grantsand-funding/grants-programs/ individual-development-grants

Climbing in support of

DOZENS of people climbed Mt Beerwah on Saturday (August 12) as part of a “Save Our Summits” event in support of ensuring Glasshouse Country peaks open to the broader community.

The mountain had been closed by the Department of Environment and Science in May following a vandalism attack, with a spokesperson saying it would remain off limits while repairs were undertaken and for cultural healing.

Following a fatality earlier this year as well as a series of other high profile rescues, Local Jinibara man, BJ Murphy, held a peaceful protest urging hikers to reconsider climbing the peak.

He said Mt Beerwah “is seen as a grandmother and ancestral spirit for us”.

He said if the mountain were closed permanently, compromises could be offered to hikers.

“It’s getting to the point where I want to jump up and down and scream, I’m trying to educate and ask them to not climb... but you will never stop everyone,” he said.

“If the summit was closed permanently, the parks department would put another trail in on the west side of the base, but the trail would have to cause minimal disruption.”

SOS event organiser, Ben Heaton, said the aim of the day was to show that the mountain

important for us to keep that open,” he said.

“This counter argument lets people know that it is important for other people to be able to climb the mountains. We get a lot out of it and if you don’t speak up and you don’t get heard, then you lose those opportunities and that access.”


“I’m not concerned with a temporary closure, in fact, I welcome that type of thing and

got stopped from climbing our beautiful Glass House Mountains.

“A lot of climbers use the mountains as a place for healing, whether it be a fitness challenge for them or to help overcome mental health issues, personally it has made me more confident.”

20 Karanne Drive Mooloolah (next to medical centre)  5494 7011 www.mooloolahdental.com Medicare Child Dental Bene ts welcome Dentistry you can trust Creating Healthy Smiles since 1995 Mark Hall Shreeragh Sagar Kelly Sweeting BA (Psy) (Hons) Registered Psychologist (AHPRA) 4A/21 Peachester Road, Beerwah 0407 613 099 admin@espritpsychology.com.au www.espritpsychology.com.au Phone consults still available Serving the Sunshine Coast and Hinterland since 1972 www.gregsonweight.com.au For caring, pro F essional service call: Caloundra 5491 1559 Buderim 5443 9953 Nambour 5476 2866 Noosaville 5470 2664 4 | AUGUST 15, 2023
SOS hikers at Mt Beerwah giving their support to keep the peak open. Picture: Kirra Livingstone
There are obviously a lot of perspectives on this but it would be really unfortunate if we closed the mountain because of one group. Jade King

You said it...

These peaks are responsible for the mental and physical health of thousands


Access to these mountains and National Parks areas are so important for our wellbeing and local identity, not just for now but for our future generations to experience.


Our National Parks belong to all of us and access to the beautiful places within should not be determined by a handful of activists on the basis of irrational beliefs. Greatest joy for the greatest number.


I can see both sides of the argument. I’m sure I’m not the only hiker to give a silent but grateful thanks to this (and every) mountain at the end of the hike for her beauty, healing and wisdom. Perhaps a compromise would be to close the mountains during NAIDOC week?


Thank you for writing this excellent article.

I have a strong spiritual association with this mountain, having climbed it many times with my young daughters. I also respect other people’s right to enjoy the mountain. It must be open to all Australians, not just those few that claim some Jinibara ancestry. Anthony

Think I actually felt all the SPIRITS also, there were so many who had expressed they were unable to attend in person but would be there in SPIRIT!


I am sad at the conflict this causes. Were there any indigenous people supporting the right to climb? It feels to me as if this a confirmation of invasion; that even now we are so socialised to the status quo that we cannot see the pain we cause.

They should be for everyone & the mountains are million years old way before humans were on this planet.

open Mon to Fri : 7:30am - 6pm Saturday : 7am to 4pm Sunday : 9am to 3pm 0432 141 878 www.meatatbeerwah.com.au Shop 2/22 Peacherster Rd Beerwah Located in the Bee R wah Ma R ket PL ace (near Woolies) TASMANIAN LAMB LOIN CHOPS $18 99 /kg HOME DELIvERIES STARTINg SOON! CORNED SILvERSIDE $13 99 /kg SUNDAY ONLY (AUg 20) FRIDAY ONLY (AUg 18) FoLLow ouR FaceBook Page FoR MoRe SPeciaLS open
Frances Rescues here we come! Mary Climb it
while you still can!

Wallace to represent Oz at UN Assembly

FEDERAL member for Fisher, Andrew Wallace, has been appointed to represent the Australian Parliament at the upcoming United Nations General Assembly, scheduled later this year.

Mr Wallace will journey to the United States in September, marking his return during the Spring Session of Parliament. The former Speaker has been a prominent voice in Parliament regarding security and defence. He said the appointment was a significant opportunity, especially

given the current state of geopolitics.

“We live in one of the most geopolitically unstable times since World War II,” he said.

“It’s an honour to have been put forward for this important role in light of the global challenges confronting Australia, Australian families, and their businesses.”

Mr Wallace has previously spoken on Australia’s responsibility to defend Israel, local support for Ukraine, Iran’s tyrannical Revolutionary Guard Corps, Australia’s Engagement with Pacific

‘Tour de Fisher’ set to go ahead

partners through labour mobility, as well as the threat of terror at home and abroad.

“This will be an opportunity to deepen Australia’s parliamentary relationship with international security, defence, and humanitarian partners; the kind of international cooperation necessary if we’re to defend Australia’s interests at home and abroad,” he said.

Mr Wallace was critical of the United Nations and the broader international system, particularly in safeguarding democracy in the

FISHER MP Andrew Wallace is set to embark on his annual Tour de Fisher, where he jumps on his trusty pushbike and traverses the diverse landscape of the region.

“I am enthusiastic as ever about hearing what you have to say,” he said.

“Each year, as I cycle over 200km across the Fisher electorate, I meet so many new people and connect with some familiar faces,” Mr Wallace said.

Mr Wallace will be in the hinterland from August 22 and is asking people to come along and discuss any concerns, ideas, suggestions and opinions.

Middle East and the encroachment into domestic policy matters. He emphasised Australia’s duty to protect its sovereignty from undue external influence, whether from Canberra or New York.

Mr Wallace has been a member of the Joint Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade since 2017.

He also holds positions as the Deputy Chair of the Parliamentary Joint Committee on Intelligence and Security and has previously served as Chair of the Defence Subcommittee.

Please note that these times are subject to change.

Tuesday 22 August: 8-9am

Landsborough - Pioneer Park, Caloundra Street, Landsborough

Tuesday 22 August: 10-10.45am Mooloolah ValleyMartin Rungert Park, Cnr Neil Rd and Bray Rd

Tuesday 22 August: 2.303.15pm

Sippy Downs - Chancellor Village Park, Chancellor Village Blvd

Tuesday 22 August: 1.302.15pm

Palmview (Harmony) Peter Crosby Way (entrance to Harmony estate).

Our team of male and female doctors can support you with: Children’s health Chronic disease management Family planning Geriatric health Immunisation Mental health Men’s health Minor procedures Preventative medicine Skin conditions Travel health Women’s health Same day appointments available Book online 24/7 via glasshousemountainsmedicalcentre.com.au or phone 5343 9700. 9 Bruce Parade, Glass House Mountains 6 | AUGUST 15, 2023 www.gcnews.com.au
Are you part of a sporting group or community organisation ? Did you know that GC&M News have special discounted rates for sponsored advertising? Call Tina or Lewis today to discuss how we can help promote your group! 5438 7445

Custodians call for talks

LOCAL traditional elders are seeking assurances that Mt Coonowrin will be safeguarded if a proposal to double blasting and rock extraction at Hanson Glasshouse Quarry is approved.

Elders say they are also seeking more dialogue between Hanson and traditional custodians to secure a balance between economic progress and respect for the region’s rich cultural heritage.

The quarry sits at the base of the heritage-listed Mt Coonowrin and Aboriginal community members hold grave concerns that the planned doubling of rock extraction to 1.2 million tonnes per annum could affect the mountain.

Writing to Hanson Heidelberg Cement Group, operators of the Hanson Glasshouse Quarry, Jinibara custodian BJ Murphy (DjiniDjini) implored operators to acknowledge and address the grave impact of the constant noise and reverberations from the quarry’s blasting activities on the inherent fragility of Mt Coonowrin.

“This wanton disregard for the mountain’s integrity has farreaching consequences, not only for the land itself but also for our cultural identity and spiritual connection to our ancestors,” he wrote.

“The impacts are irreversible and deeply distressing, as they undermine the integrity of our cultural heritage on multiple levels.” The quarry’s development

application states that a detailed (cultural) heritage assessment had previously been conducted, as well as an overarching Reconciliation Action Plan implemented in 2021.

In its development application, an engineering report concluded that if Hanson continued to operate within its current compliance requirements then “critical vibration levels at Mount Coonowrin will ensure the impacts of ongoing quarrying are negligible and without impact”.

“In addition to these models, visual inspections comparing the mountain surface over a period of years also confirmed no changes that could be

distinguished, other than those that occur from natural effects,” the report found.

Consultation with a Sunshine Coast Indigenous Heritage Consultant about the quarry and the proposed development had also taken place.

Speaking with GC&M News, local elder Uncle Alan Parsons said he felt a key question worth considering was what engagement to date had taken place with local custodians.

He also suggested that times, and cultural and environmental sensibilities had evolved dramatically since the quarry was initially approved and established

in the 1980’s and this lens of meaningful review in regards to cultural heritage, environmental impact, and amenity of the heritage listed mountains should be incorporated accordingly by both community members and governments.

“I think the question needs to be asked if the original application to start the quarry involved any meaningful cultural heritage impact; I suggest no. Who has been invited to sit in circle to consult on the matters of cultural heritage here, and have the traditional custodians and all interested parties been invited to contribute to any potential

impact?” Uncle Alan said. A Hanson spokesperson said there had been numerous engagements over the years with Jinibara custodians.

The spokesperson said Hanson had been working with a local traditional elder and a cultural consultant for the Glasshouse Quarry, and the results of multiple expert reports conducted over several years had concluded no impact to the Glass House Mountains from the operations.

“A copy of the heritage assessment for the 1995 Environmental Impact Statement for the existing quarry approval was not included in the current development application because it is not proposed to expand outside the existing approved extraction area footprint,” a spokesperson said.

“The changes to the existing quarry include a reduction of the extent of the extraction area compared to the existing approved extraction area, and a separation of greater than 75m to the boundary of the Glasshouse Mountains National Park and Beerburrum Forest Reserve 1 is maintained.

“Therefore, referral of the development application to the State Government for Heritage Places, is not triggered.”

ORDER VALUE PACKS ONLINE CLICK & COLLECT barryfamilybutchers.com.au WHOLESALE & RETAIL BUTCHER | 5494 6276 SIDES OF LAMB 12.99/kg TOPSIDE ROAST 15.99/kg Peachester Gold BACON HOCKS 6.99/kg USA PORK RIBS BBQ PORK SAUSAGES $ 10.99/kg $ 14.99/kg $ $ $ AUGUST 15, 2023 | 7 www.gcnews.com.au
Aerial view of Hanson Glasshouse Quarry (image: Shay Douglas) BJ Murphy Uncle Alan Parsons

Lots of Sconversations

of Transport to Regional Urban & Economic Growth Conference’ is set to provide an insightful platform to examine how transportation systems will affect the Sunshine Coast’s urban and economic development.

Presented in partnership with sponsors TAFE Queensland, UniSC, Maroochydore City Centre, Property Council of Australia, Stockland and Sunshine Coast Airport, the conference will be held on Thursday 17 August at the University of the Sunshine Coast Innovation Centre.

Sunshine Coast Business Council Chair Sandy Zubrinich said all interested businesses and industry leaders are urged to attend to build on the momentum to ensure transport is a key solution in securing a sustainable economic future for the Sunshine Coast.

Queensland’s leading academic transport expert Professor Matthew Burke, is one of the keynote speakers. He will discuss the importance of transportation for the growth of cities and their economic development.”

Also presenting at the Conference will be Paul Riga, Director of Urbis on the Sunshine Coast region’s pipeline of major projects.

eastonlawyers your local lawyers Open 8.30am to 5pm Monday to Friday p 5494 3511 62 Maple Street, Maleny PO Box 255, Maleny Qld 4552 www.coastimagewear.com.au Shop B, 48 Simpson Street, Beerwah Phone 5306 4999 or 0447 453 555 sales@coastimagewear.com.au EMBROIDERY & PRINT Beerwah Flowers and Gifts Call to place your order OPEN FOR FLOWERS, PLANTS & GIFT PURCHASES Ph. 0417 946 755 40 Old Peachester Rd, Beerwah Talk to Richard and Jane about optimising your business P: (07) 5239 8916 or 0435 877 802 E: richard@solutiondriven.net.au W: solutiondriven.net.au Shop 11/21 Peachester Rd, Beerwah Tax & BAS Bookkeeping Xero Specialists Payroll YOUR ONE-STOP TAXATION, BOOKKEEPING & PAYROLL SOLUTION! members FRIDAY SEPTEMBER 1 & 8 YOU’RE INVITED TO OUR TRIAL NIGHT! • Long jump • High jump • Triple jump • Shotput • Discus • Javelin • Sprint races (100m & 200m) • Longer races (400m, 800m & 1500m) Glasshouse District Little Athletics Friday September 1 & 8, 5pm Skippy Park complex, Old Landsborough Rd Lots of events: We are a fun and friendly club Registrations now OPEN for the 2023/2024 season! Sign On Night August 25. Trial nights for those wanting to try before registering. www.glasshouselittleathletics.net.au Come and try athletics 8 | AUGUST 15, 2023 www.gcnews.com.au DESIGN SERVICES WORKWEAR LEGAL SERVICES FLOWERS AND GIFTS & BUSINESS SERVICES ACCOUNTING
Conference targeting
Friday for Beerwah QCWA’s sold-out Sconversation morning at Beerwah Community Hall. The award-winning scones were plentiful and the tea, coffee and conversation flowed through the Beerwah CWA’s very own ‘Scone Queen’, Katrina was even on hand to demonstrate how to make her award-wining scones. Katrina from CWA serving the hungry crowd Glass House Hall Clever Crafters group Katrina with a volunteer putting on a scone making demonstration.

Tributes to former premier, Mike Ahern

FORMER Queensland Premier Mike Ahern has passed away at the age of 81, prompting tributes from local leaders.

Born into a dairy farming family in the Sunshine Coast hinterland, Mr Ahern ventured into politics following his father’s Country Party involvement.

Becoming the youngest MP elected in Queensland at just 25, he earned the moniker “Conondale Kid.”

Glasshouse MP Andrew Powell said while Mr Ahern “may not have had the profile of a Joh, a Goss or a Beattie his legacy in many ways was just as profound, if not more so”.

“Born to a Conondale dairy farming family, his fingerprints are all over the Sunshine Coast and the seat of Glass House - but few

would know it. However, it was his leadership of the state at such a pivotal time, for which he will be most remembered.

“Receiving the Fitzgerald report and agreeing to implement its recommendations “lock, stock and barrel” demonstrated a politician committed to reform and unafraid of the personal or political consequences.

“He was a gentleman. A man of integrity. And has been an example for those of us who have followed.”

Sunshine Coast mayor, Mark Jamieson, said Mr Ahern’s time as premier was steeped in “courage and resolve”.

Mr Jamieson recognised Mr Ahern’s contribution during the Fitzgerald Inquiry, stating that he “was a transformational leader

It’s Beerwah Sconetime!

YIPPEE! Sconetime Beerwah is at Beerwah Community Hall on Thursday 24th August from 10am. Buy a ticket for you, Mum, Dad, Nan,Pop or senior neighbour for just $8.00 at trybooking.com/ CIONZ.

Wendy & Tracy from Top Nosh Meals (Beerwah Store) will be making Sunshine Coast Foodie’s famous scone recipe, while Beerwah State High School

students will keep you entertained with a special performance!

Hinterland heaven

Thanks to Ben Cullen for contributing this very cool pic of a rainbow appearing next to Mt Tibrogargan as the Nambour train passes by. Great work! Send your reader pics through to reception@gcnewscom.au

during the Fitzgerald Inquiry into official corruption, standing tall and inspiring change that would set his state on a much brighter path.”

Mr Jamieson said his legacy extended beyond politics, as he remained an advocate for his region. “He had been a champion for the Sunshine Coast region, serving as State Member for Landsborough (now the seat of Caloundra) from 1968 to 1980,” he said. After retiring from politics, Mr Ahern pursued business and community projects.

He became a successful businessman and was awarded an Order of Australia for his services to politics, trade relations, education and charities, which also saw him receive a Queensland Greats Award in 2010.

Enjoy a Montville Coffee, a scone or two and chat with Glasshouse Country Chamber of Commerce folk, QCWA Beerwah girls & Glasshouse Country Men’s Shed boys.

And while you’re at it, put Thursday November 9 in your diary as well.

Glasshouse Christian College choir are just one of the special guests set to perform on the day.

Tickets just $8. Book at: trybooking.com/CIOOC

SPORTS BAR | POOL TABLE | POKIES | LOYALTY PROGRAM | TAB | KENO | FOX SPORTS | PROMOS 10 Reed Street, Glass House Mountains | www.glasshousetavern.com.au | 07 5493 0933 | OPEN 7 DAYS FOR LUNCH & DINNER Book a table via our website www.glasshousetavern.com.au MENU OUT NOW! Bring the family down for a Sunday morning breakfast! BRAND NEW KIDS MENU! NEW NEW OPENING HOURS SUNDAY - THURSDAY 10AM - 10PM FRIDAY - SATURDAY 10AM - MIDNIGHT AUGUST 15, 2023 9 www.gcnews.com.au LOCAL NEWS



THERE has been a big rise in the use of E-scooters everywhere, with both personally owned and hire scooters becoming increasingly common. An E-scooter is considered a Personal Mobility Device (PMD) as are electric skateboards, electric unicycles and other self balancing wheeled devices.

Unlike motorised mobility devices, such as mobility scooters or motorised wheelchairs where the user is considered a pedestrian under Queensland law, PMD use is covered by the Queensland Road Rules found in the Transport Operations (Road Use Management – Road Rules) Regulation 2009). There are over 200 regulations for users of PMDs and I certainly won’t be listing them all here, but you can find a good summary of some of the common issues here, www.qld. gov.au/transport/safety/rules/ wheeled-devices/personalmobility-devices

However, I would like to point out a few that we regularly get questions and complaints about. The figures in brackets are the fines associated with each offence. One of the most important ones is the age of the rider.

Children under the age of 12 are not allowed to ride a PMD ($154), from the age of 12 to 15 children must be directly supervised while riding ($154), this means that a

parent or another suitable adult must be with them while riding, not just aware that they are riding.

As with bicycles, everyone riding a PMD must wear a helmet ($154) and only one person at a time is allowed on a PMD (no doubling) ($154). In some instances, PMDs are only allowed to travel in bike lanes.

PMDs on footpaths or shared paths may not travel at more than 12km/h and are required to give way to pedestrians ($464). This is probably one of the more common complaints. While 12km/h is the limit, you are also required to ride at a speed suitable for the area you are in. If you are riding along a path in front of shops you need to be riding at a speed that allows you to stop for people entering or exiting the shops and ALL pedestrians. I really encourage anyone who rides or is thinking of riding a PMD to look at the link above before setting out. One last tip, the penalty for using your mobile phone while riding is $1161.


NOW the end of the financial year has passed, there is generally a bit of an increase in scams targeting all things tax return, including text messages requesting payment at a supplied link or recorded messages threatening some kind of legal action. Please remember that the ATO will not send you a link to pay your tax return. I’m sure many of us are familiar with the notification that you have a message in your

Happy 90th birthdays!

Contributed by Margaret Martin

myGov inbox. While this may seem like an annoying arrangement it is to protect you, so always check at the known source.

A new scam identified by Scam Watch relates to loyalty points. The scammer sends a text message with a fake login to the loyalty program and obtains the victim’s login details. The scammer then steals not only the points but potentially other personal information which can be used to commit identity fraud. Unfortunately, Australians lose millions of dollars a year to scams with almost $300,000,000 lost in the first 6 months this year. If you would like more information, go to www.scamwatch.gov.au


OUR last Blue Light was a huge success and we are hoping to build on that this time around. The event is open to all school age children and runs from 7pm to 9pm on Friday 25th August at Beerwah Community Hall (next to the library).

Entry is $10 per person and we have a small canteen with sausage in bread, drinks and lolly bags for sale. At this stage we are a cash only arrangement.

Parents are welcome to hang around or just drop off and go enjoy a quiet dinner. Doors are shut and there are no exits before 9pm without a guardian to collect the child.

Hope to see a big turn out!

Maleny Senior Citizens club recently celebrated our birthday month. Three members turned 90 this year. We were joined by Andrew Powell and Winston Johnston.

Our three nonagenarians (pictured below) are Howard Mear, George Diefenbach and regular GC&M News poetic contributor Lisa Plucknett (see below).

To join in our fun mornings ring Margaret 5494 2621 or 0419 179 516.

When i am asked to punctuate it’s worse than when I conjugate; My heart beats and i palpitate, At the other end I constipate. (Or go to church and congregate) I agitate, co-agulate, The deadline’s gone and I am late, I think I carry too much weight,

My nerves they just will not abate . There’s semi colons, colons, I thought that was a bowel, I had a colonoscopy, A procedure rather foul. (In fact it made me howl and scowl, And is a semi colon half a bowel)

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for the Beerwah Station 5436 5222.
Crime Stoppers 1800 333 000
with Senior Constable Susan Lowndes Beerwah Police Station
10 | AUGUST 15, 2023 www.gcnews.com.au COMMUNITY NEWS
Lisa Plucknett

Lit Live shines on local authors

DURING the ‘Lit Live’ event in Maleny recently, four Sunshine Coast authors read from their books at the Maleny Library.

Peta Miller, Karen Joy, Rebecca Lennard and Jo Barrett were delighted that over twenty people squeezed into the library’s meeting room for the readings.

Peta Miller read from her historical novel, ‘The Ship’s Midwife’. Karen Joy from her non-fiction book titled, ‘Lost Soul, Wise Soul: how challenging past lives shapes our future’. Rebecca Lennard from her YA fantasy novel, ‘Guardian’. Jo Barrett from her memoir, ‘They said we were isolated: my life at Top Farm on Tasmania’s west coast’.

Jo read the passage in her memoir in which she’s at the wheel of the farm’s Land Rover as it’s hauled up a steep, wet, greasy hill by a tractor way above.

‘As I read, I felt again the terror of clinging to the steering wheel of the Land Rover for dear life that day,’ she said. ‘It was nearly fifty years ago, but the memory is still fresh!’

‘They said we were isolated’ was published by Ginninderra Press, an independent, traditional publisher that’s been in business for 25 years. Copies are available now

at Beerwah Newsagency and Rosetta Books in Maleny. Online at www.ginninderrapress.com.au, www.amazon.com.au and www. barnesandnoble.com.

The Lit Live Trail was part of Arts Alive Maleny, a vibrant evening of stories, poetry and performances, which drew dozens and dozens of people to the hinterland town.

New book tackles MS Maleny Rotary golf day

LOCAL author Sharon Millow is about to publish her second book “How Much Can MS Koala Bear” about her journey with cervical cancer. This book follows Sharon’s earlier book “The MonSter” published in 2019 about her journey with Multiple Sclerosis.

Both of these journeys would have been too much for most, but these inspiring books show that in

Sharon’s case they have only made her stronger. Follow Sharon’s journey and discover how she overcame her hurdles with humour and strength, always keeping a positive mindset and outlook on life, not allowing anything to drag her down. Sharon showed great resilience even through the tough times, allowing her faith to guide her through.

PREPARATIONS are in full swing for the upcoming Maleny Rotary Golf Day set to tee off on September 8th, 2023.

The event has garnered an enthusiastic response from local businesses and residents, all eager to sponsor the 18 holes and contribute impressive prizes. Proceeds from the event will be channeled towards the local charitable organisation, Orange Sky, aiding the homeless and disadvantaged in Maleny, alongside Shelterbox International, renowned for its

is still a top getaway

A NEW report by the Caravan Industry Association of Australia (CIAA) identifies tightening expenditure in the wake of rising living costs and underscores the enduring appeal of the caravan and camping sector in the face of adversity.

Key takeaways from the report include:

Younger Australians, while optimistic about their financial prospects, prioritise immediate cost-of-living concerns, notably fuel prices, when making travel decisions.

Interest rates now play a pronounced role in travel planning, reflecting heightened financial awareness.

The impact of COVID-19 on travel choices is waning, as economic factors take precedence.

provision of emergency shelter during disasters.

Early registration is encouraged for players looking to participate.

The event, structured as a 4-ball Ambrose, promises golfing fun accessible to all skill levels. At $100 per person, the fee covers golf costs, team carts, and a hearty breakfast and lunch orchestrated

CIAA’s Stuart Lamont said that amid the challenges remained the enduring appeal of caravan and camping holidays.

The report reveals that Aussies are opting for budget-friendly holiday alternatives, with 29 per cent of respondents planning to increase their holidays this year, a manifestation of the desire to indulge despite economic constraints.

Given cost pressures, the significance of domestic tourism, particularly in the caravan and camping sector, is accentuated, Mr Lamont said.

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Jo Barrett, Karen Joy, Rebecca Lennard and Peta Miller

Butcher that’s a cut above

Producers Name:

Narelle Barry

Business Name:


Location: 230 Bury’s Road

Beerwah 5494 6276

Not many people can say they have lived on the same road for over 70 years, or that they come from a long line of family butchers dating back to 1886! Both of these statements ring true for Robert Barry who, along with his wife Narelle and daughter Kylie, bring family values, tradition, and a genuine desire to offer top quality locally produced and crafted meat products, home grown beef and their award-winning ‘Peachester Gold’ ham and bacon, to customers both locally and further afield. GC&M News caught up with long term Beerwah locals, Narelle and Robert Barry to find out more about their farm-based retail and wholesale business.

Q: Tell us a little more about supplying direct from the farmgate to the public?

This October will mark 14 years that we’ve been operating our home-based butchers shop. We always know the date we started because our eldest grandson was born on the same day we opened the shop! We have a 20-acre farm with around 25-30 head of cattle at any one time. The idea for the shop grew from when

our own cattle originally from our Peachester farm. We sell both wholesale and retail, and people can buy as little as one slice or as much as they like. We offer a huge range of products from our beef and ham to lamb, chicken, pork and a wide range of value-added products and smallgoods. Mostly everything we sell is made onsite, and we have both locals and people from all around the Coast and North Brisbane coming in to our shop.

Q: What makes your locally

People can come to the farm and see directly where their beef comes from. Many of our cattle have been born onsite, and have been carefully hand reared, and they are beautiful, calm and quiet animals that produce good quality meat. We use no hormones or nasties and our cattle are grass fed. We supply good old fashioned, good quality beef that customers seem to love!

Q: How many people are involved in your business?

As well as the family members,

More than just a hearing clinic.

At ihear Beerwah, our mission is to provide the highest quality of hearing care to members of the local community. Our clinic combines clinical expertise with a focus on kindness and compassion in order to ensure that every patient receives the best possible service. We believe that everyone deserves access to high-quality care and we strive to make sure that our clinics are equipped with the knowledge and resources necessary for providing optimal patient care.

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a delivery driver. We are all starting to prepare for the Christmas rush now, and customers will be able to order their Christmas requirements over the coming months from October 1. We’ve got five grandchildren now, and we hope the butcher and farming tradition continues with the young ones into the future.

Q: Tell us a little more about your award winning ‘Peachester Gold’ ham?

ihear.com.au ihear Beerwah - Shop 3, 74 Simpson Street, Beerwah ph: (07) 5494 6985 BEERWAH l MALENY 60 REVIEWS! 5.0 Call 5494 6985 to book an appointment.
ihear Beerwah 12 | AUGUST 15, 2023
The Barry Family Butchers’ team (above) and Brenden slicing some Peachester Gold ham (inset).
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Book-ful of belly laughs from Maleny born author

IT’S always nice to be reminded that there’s someone doing crazy better than you.

In this regard, former Maleny student and debut author, Andy Kay, has taken a bullet for the team, releasing his memoir, ‘The Adventures of Little Andy’ last month.

Little Andy, as he is better known, hightailed it out of the hinterland town for the dreary but exotic lights of London just days after graduating from Maleny State High. It was a move to find himself after struggling through his parents divorce and questions about his own sexuality.

What followed was years, turning into decades, of typically weird, sometimes awkward, often insane encounters, from his accidental stumbling into his role as a highly successful bingo caller, to finding himself in dire straits during an Ellen DeGeneres interview.

On leaving Australia, Andy said it was the best thing he could have done for his own sanity.


“I felt like I just needed to get away and find myself,” he said.

“I had the space and the freedom to be who I wanted to be.”

Andy said he is regularly drawn back to Maleny and carries fond memories of his teenage years, growing up in the 90s without technology and the outdoors of a village atmosphere.

“Going down to the Obi Obi creek and all that kind of stuff brings back a lot of memories because I spent pretty much a lot of my time swimming down there and everything

like that with friends,” he said.He has especially fond memories of the Maleny Chocolate Factory.

“My god is that some of the best chocolate I have ever tasted in the world,” he says. After years of sharing his pearls of comedy gold at family barbeques – and countless people saying ‘you should write a book’, Andy finally took the plunge. While not convinced he had an entirely cohesive story - or one worth telling - it took the pandemic and some serious alone time to find the mindset to start writing. “I was quite strict in terms of the writing process, like after work every day I would write in the evenings, it was like a second full time job for me,” the Nova radio producer said.

Andy said his aim with the memoir was not only to capture his life to date but offer an escape for people to enjoy.

“If I can share stories with people and just give them a bit of a reprieve from their life whether they’re going through a tough time or they just need to have a bit of a laugh, that’s what I want,” he said.

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RANGEBOW Festival’s second outing has delivered on its promises of inclusivity and fun for all. Rev’d Deb Bird (above left) said it was “a privilege to be part of a program that gathers around creativity, diversity, inclusion, reconciliation and sustainability - all things that make our world more beautiful!”.

Don’t miss The Australian Voices in Maleny

THE Australian Voices wowed audiences two years ago. The group returns with a new program in the Maleny Community Centre on Sunday 20 August 2pm.

The Australian Voices have performs locally and international to rave reviews. When The Australian Voices sings, it is “as if the gates of heaven [have] opened” (New York Times, 2013).

Founded by Stephen Leek and Graeme Morton in 1993, this Brisbane-based vocal ensemble was created with the purpose of promoting the new and ever-changing

astonishing flourish of new Australian pieces, having commissioned hundreds of works, releasing eleven albums, and touring internationally.

Receiving five-star reviews from the New York Times and Limelight Magazine, The Australian Voices has brought their distinctly Australian sound to audiences in Guatemala, Mexico, China, the UK, Germany, New Caledonia, USA, Palestine and Woodford Folk Festival. Don’t miss this performance presented by the Maleny Arts Council.

Go to www.malenyartscouncil.com to book.

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A beautiful world

Scape success

A MOOLOOLAH-based landscape business has received national recognition with a substantial win at the inaugural Husqvarna Champion of Champions, Australian Landscaper of the Year awards. Following on from their Queensland state award win late last year, the Harmony Landscapes team took out the top gong at the national awards night held in Brisbane last month.

The winning project by the sixmember team was the Immanuel Lutheran College playground redesign. Winning the commercial construction category ($500,000$1 M) the family operated business reimagined, designed and delivered a multi-faceted nature play inspired space that had the national judges commending the Harmony Landscapes team for their “landscape construction excellence.”

Business owner Emarys Pratt said the win was an unexpected

honour, and he credited the vision, hard work and dedication of his team for achieving at both a state and national level for the project. He said it involved a bespoke, highly complex and technical design that required a high level of planning and logistics, and he was thrilled with the award.

“It was a privilege to be recognised for this project and although challenging to construct, it was wonderful to be able to create a funfilled nature inspired space for children to enjoy for years to come,” Emarys said.

In describing the project, Emarys said the design featured sandstone blocks, natural timber logs and a watercourse, along with a large play tower and

Say hi to the Zonta team

additional rope tunnels, bridges, nets and balance ropes. He said the project demonstrated the need for a high level of integration, with the playground incorporating numerous aspects and features such as in-ground water storage tanks and other filtration devices that required both custom designed elements and demanded a great deal of attention to detail.

Judges praised the project as a “very deserving winner” and acknowledged the design challenges, as well as the high level of planning, problem solving, and execution required to deliver the successful outcome.

“Safety, accessibility and inclusion issues were considered, and the contractor has achieved design intent with their construction resulting in a truly amazing outcome loved by the broader school community,” said the judges comment online.

Glasshouse Views Retirement 07 5439 0511 Glasshouse Views Aged Care 1300 899 2220 www.mckenzieacg.com 96 Peachester Road, Beer wah Contact us today to learn more about our family owned & affordable living and care options. Glasshouse Views Retirement 07 5439 0511 Glasshouse Views Aged Care 1300 899 2220 10% OFF TICKETS FOR SUBSCRIBERS 16 | AUGUST 15, 2023 www.gcnews.com.au
The Harmony Landscape team at the State Awards November 2022 The new Immanuel Lutheran College playground
IF YOU miss the wonderful Zonta gardening team at the Maple Street kiosk on 5th September, come and say hello We are raising funds for our local projects supporting women and girls in our community. Lots of great plants for your COMMUNITY NEWS Read your GC&M News online anytime, anywhere? Scan the QR code and sign-up to be an esubscriber. Have the online version delivered to your inbox each week.
Contributed by Linda McElrea

Backing Beerwah East

THANKS to GC&M for raising awareness of this very important development topic. As you reported Stockland is seeking a Commonwealth environmental approval for Halls Creek, or as it has now been named by the developer “Aura South”.

It’s important for the community to have a good grasp of the background facts and what this could mean if such a speculative development were to be approved.

Firstly, it’s a large site by regional standards; Halls Creek spans over approximately 1,400 ha and sits between the Pumicestone Passage and the Bruce Highway, south of Bells Creek Road. It’s important to know that the land is and has always been zoned for rural and conservation purposes and provides an important buffer to the very sensitive ecology of the Pumicestone Passage and Ramsar Wetlands. It also significantly contributes to what is known as the interurban break, which provides a ‘green belt’ or vegetated break between the Sunshine Coast, Moreton Bay and the highly urbanised greater Brisbane district.

It’s important to remember Stockland purchased the land knowing the development of the land for residential purposes is prohibited.

Given the existing regulatory framework for this land, Stockland’s attempt to receive Commonwealth environmental approval of this land has no identifiable legal basis requiring the application to be considered at this time.

The development is prohibited under existing Planning Regulations and is inconsistent with the planning framework.

In addition, any development in Halls Creek would fail to meet the State Government’s Urban Footprint Principles set by Shaping SEQ – The South East Queensland Regional Plan 2012. Basically, by trying to get environmental approvals without an overarching supportive land use plan, we have to conclude they are expecting to muscle in a change in the rules to suit their own time-frame and ambitions!

Contrary to being’ developed’, a key council intent for this land was for it to be rehabilitated to provide balance and offsets for the impacts of the 20,000 lot Caloundra South (Aura) development.

On the subject of impacts, we are all experiencing or at least witnessing the spiralling congestion on our regions road network; well if this development where to be approved, it takes little imagination to anticipate the added congestion of thousands of more cars on our already struggling road network (it’s not anywhere near any planned rail services).

The alternative future land supply is ‘Beerwah East’, which is already in the planning scheme and provides important ‘adjacent’ land supply as well as a critical secondary market of consumers to support the economies of our country towns.

Beerwah East, would provide sufficient greenfield housing supply well beyond 2046 and have capacity to house more than 50,000 people. Its development will also absolutely and

critically support the Sunshine Coast Direct Line rail corridor which runs right through Beerwah East and in turn ultimately provides direct public transport access to Caloundra, Kawana, Maroochydore City Centre and Brisbane.

Halls Creek needs to be protected as part of a green belt for future generations and I encourage the community to stay informed on this matter. I also encourage you to contact or write to the Minister for Environment and Water. The Hon Tanya Plibersek MP, and our regions state and federal members to express your views or concerns.

By unifying around our values we can better ensure the outcome for Halls Creek (or Aura South) is one that’s best for the social, economic, and environmental values of the Sunshine Coast community and its future generations.ns.

Give us a break

Following on from my letter

there needs to be a focus on what we will actually lose of our environment.

The land on which Stockland is wanting to build thousands of houses is actually part of the inter-urban break. It exists to provide a distinct break between suburban Brisbane and the Sunshine Coast and critical environmental ‘breathing space’. This break distinguishes two very different areas and someone had the foresight and guts to say “hey, we are not the suburbs we are not “outer Brisbane” and this break is important as it was established many years ago.

Here we have wetlands and a merging of Pumistone passage creeks and waterways. This is not an area suitable for housing and especially where flooding is more prone to occur. This is the Sunshine Coast and the rules are different here. Moreton Bay has unfortunately become part of greater Brisbane - the Pine River used to be the boundary between outer northern suburbs and semi-rural areas but that LGA is now part of the 5 or 6 LGA’s that

It’s amazing to me that although a community and council don’t want this development - all the developer has to do is take it higher (state) but if that doesn’t

Battling timeframes and mainframes

I WOULD support women’s sport a lot more if it was on at a more humane, or crocmane, time.

Surely I wasn’t the only one neck deep in the aural swamp of The Voice wondering where the hell the Matildas were last Monday.

Slow on the uptake, I’d Clockwork Orange’d my way through something horrendous called ‘The Blinds’ - where only viewers can see the karaoke performers - before the shocking

realisation that kick-off wasn’t at 8pm.

No, it would not be until 8.30pm. And on a Monday? No chance. I was in a deep slumber before the Matildas nutmegged their way to a 1-0 lead.

Thankfully FIFA got my email and Wednesday’s kickoff is 8pm.

What happens in Vegas...

Still on sport and what the NRL is doing bothering with a few games of league in Vegas next

year is beyond me. The headlines suggest Rusty Crowe, Mike Cannon Brooks, Hugh Jackman and ‘social media’ will play a part in getting Americans on board with league. Sure. Then in the same article Rusty says he hasn’t even been contacted by the NRL. He might even be too busy to go to a game due to filming commitments. If it looks like a waste of time and sounds like a waste of time, it probably is.

mainframe to the kitchen table so to speak. Maybe it’s the images and concepts from 1984 still seared in my mind. AI as of today though is a piece of crap. Asked to create an image of a typical

overrule it all.

If you live here and love this place then you need to say so ! - “this is my Sunshine Coast, I live here !

You are very welcome to visitbut hey, if you want to live here, great, but don’t try and change what we have and love and how we live - just to suit your needs and wants

We have to be very careful that what we have and love now, and what makes, the Sunshine Coast what it is - is not swallowed up by, expedient change, development without any forethought or community consultation and putting a environmental area at risk that is there for a very good reason.

There is a online petition which I urge people to sign www.scec. org.au/hallscreek_petition


Glass House Mountains

Stamp out slavery

FOR readers who are into statistics, here’s one for youThere are “40,000 IN AUSTRALIA” - With 50 million worldwide, that’s a pretty good ratio. There are also 11 million in India, 6 million in China, 2 million in Russia and millions more in America, Africa and Indonesia.

So who/what is this statistic for?

I was alarmed to hear these are all people trapped in modern slavery and human trafficking!.

It has a $99 billion per year turnover. Destinyrescue.org.au (based on the Sunshine Coast) and Australia Freedom Network (Australian Government, Canberra) are working to rescue as many as is possible. Who would’ve thought this many people are trapped in this modern injustice.

Name and address supplied

being so cliched.

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CONDITIONS Please keep your letters under 300 words, your name, address and daytime phone number must be supplied. Letters must focus on issues and not be personal attacks on individuals. Letters may be edited. SEND TO: editorial@gcnews.com.au or PO Box 190, Beerwah 4519 or text to 0488 444 525 YOU SAID IT
Call today to get real help with your marketing Independently owned and operated COUNTRY LEWIS KWARCIANYI advertising sales P: 5438 7445 E lewis@gcnews.com.au www.gcnews.com.au “Turn our readers into your loyal customers”
Maleny resident, it came up with an Akubra-wearing, bearded dairy farmer. Sad. At least a truly sentient machine might feel bad about

Rosetta’s Great Reads

What You Are Looking For is in the Library

Reviewed by Karin Markowski

An author signed my librarian friend’s book with the words: ‘Maria – because librarians heal hearts and save lives.’ Michiko Aoyama’s little gem of a book illustrates these words perfectly! We get to know five people in different stages of their lives; the young shop attendant, the career woman that just had a baby, the newly retired man and the dreamers. What they have in common is that they are at that crossroad when life is about to change from within. They also happen to encounter the peculiar and wonderful community librarian, Ms Komachi, who doesn’t just give you the book you want but also the one you didn’t know you needed. You will read this Japanese bestseller with a silly smile on your face. RRP $32.99

Tom Lake

Reviewed by Lea Dodd

Set in Michigan during the lockdown, this could have been just another pandemic story. But Anne Patchett delivers so much more. As Lara and her three grown daughters are brought together to conduct the harvest on the family’s cherry farm due to staff shortages, Patchett weaves the past and the present in a seamless dual timeline that brings to light both Lara’s pre-orchard hopes and dreams and her choice to be happy with the path down which life has taken her. This is a message she attempts to pass on to her daughters, and to her readers. Once again, Patchett has drawn complex characters in a wholesome and compelling story that is thoroughly enjoyable. RRP $32.99




The Sun and Venus in Leo offer your annual chance to show that real stars don’t just draw applause, they also lift up the people around them. And the new moon in Leo on August 16 issues a reminder to put your paws up and be rewarded with some luxury tribute from your adoring subjects.



Hosting the fiery red planet, Mars, in your sign can be both exhilarating and exhausting. When late week the moon in Virgo makes it hard to find the stop button, don’t risk burnout by just soldiering on through. Pay attention to your energy levels and take the breaks you need to replenish them.



When your celestial mentor Venus is tracking backwards, you might find yourself hitting the rewind button. Retrogrades of the planet of love and beauty are associated with creative self-expression, so this is a particularly rewarding time to revisit artistic interests you haven’t used in a while.

Talk goes to script

THE Maleny Players were excited to have Australia’s best known and widely performed playwright at the Playhouse this morning for a talk and Q& A session about the art of play writing and his experiences in doing this.




Relaxing the tendency toward judgment isn’t easy for Scorpions. But there’s no need to abandon your standards, just follow the planetary prompt of this week’s Mars and be willing to investigate (one of your superpowers) a wider, more diverse and delightfully different range of characters to interact with.



Your planet ruler Jupiter stimulates ambitions, while the planet Saturn affects concrete action. Jupiter’s expansive, Saturn restrictive. Jupiter talks the talk, Saturn walks the walk. Jupiter influences what we believe in, Saturn what we actually do. This week’s about getting these complementary energies in synch.



Forget trying to do everything yourself because you already know that can lead to resentment, which never works for anyone, including you. When the August 16 new moon invites some of your less exercised talents to flower, even though you’re busy, focus less on work, more on enjoying what makes you happy.



After an absence of two years, Mars, in your zodiac zone of intimacy and shared resources, could get emotionally intense. In which case, Mars suggests that as an air sign you destress with your favorite al fresco exercise: bike rides to the beach, yoga in the park, laps in the pool, just walking or sitting...



The current Venus retrograde encourages introspection and revision around relationships, what you value, how you make and spend money, what you find aesthetically pleasing. Think of this as changing gears, and make the process as pleasurable as you can – which, being a Pisces, is plenty.



You have so much stage presence this week, making a memorable impression won’t be difficult. Take advantage of Mars on the march through your work-and-service sector for the next fortnight to start shaping your visionary plans into something you can touch, taste or take to the bank.

Maleny Players Kim Zwalf, who invited David to come along, introduced him to the audience, many of whom are keen to write plays or have already started their writing journey.

Following lunch, five Maleny Players members who have written and directed plays, Christine, Rob, Andrew, Sharon and President and writer, Andrew Robjohn also talked about ‘Page to Stage’ which he and Christine introduced to the Players last year and encouraged the audience to become involved in writing, performing and directing.


APRIL 21 – MAY 20

With expansive Jupiter and progressive Uranus in Taurus energizing a makeover of habits, style, address or attitude, whatever the status quo has been up until now, this week is likely to see changes made. And with midweek new moon in your home zone, this could be your starting point.


MAY 21 – JUNE 21

Geminis thrive on stimulation, and this week isn’t short on supplying it. But stay mindful when sharing with friends, family or colleagues that differences of opinion could heat up suddenly and unexpectedly. In which case, it may be best to call time out for prickly feelings to simmer down.


JUNE 22 - JULY 22

The lunar lift of new moon on 16 August is all about revelry: sharing what you have to offer, letting that whimsical Crab out to play. So, what if you can’t sing, draw or have two left feet, the point is to dive in, unleash your creativity and find at least one thing to celebrate about yourself.

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18 | AUGUST 15, 2023 www.gcnews.com.au CULTURE CLUB
with Lilith Rocha

Oral health tips to keep your pearls all white

DENTISTS have introduced an extensive set of fresh oral health guidelines as part of Dental Health Week.

The 11-point oral health charter, funded by the Australian Dental Association, encompasses vaping, flossing, alcohol use, mouthguard application, and the recommended age for a child’s inaugural dentist visit.

Titled “Oral Health Messages for Australia - a National Consensus Statement,” the updated recommendations supersede the 2009 version and align with current scientific insights.

This move aims to synchronise oral health advocacy efforts among Australian healthcare professionals.

The revised directives are the result of a year-long project led by the University of Melbourne, involving around 70 experts from dentistry, medicine, policy-making, and other related fields.

Dr Mihiri Silva, Senior Lecturer at the University of Melbourne’s Dental School, emphasised the need to address contemporary practices like vaping and alcohol use in the updated guidelines.

The recommendations stress the connection between oral and overall health.

They cover various aspects, including avoiding free sugars in diets, maintaining oral hygiene, using custom mouthguards during sports, scheduling regular dental check-ups, and recognising the negative impact of smoking and alcohol on oral health.

Astrid first came to work at Beerwah Active Physio in November 2019 after an army career spanning 18 years, including 5 years as a Physiotherapist Officer in Brisbane.

She has extensive experience in complex musculoskeletal, sports and orthopaedic physiotherapy with a particular interest in sports and exercise related conditions.

Chloe and George are enthusiastic,

The Chilling Truth:

How Winter Weather Affects

Tooth Sensitivity

Brought to you by Toothkind Beerwah

also pleased to announce that due to high demand they are adding another hydrotherapy class at the Beerwah Pool on Tuesdays at 1.15pm from August 22.

These half hour classes will be run by physiotherapist Chloe Zettl and will cater for all levels of fitness and mobility. Call them on 5494 0060 to make an appointment, or to book into the new hydrotherapy class.


ALL our classes are run by qualified accredited exercise physiologists and registered physiotherapists.

Cost: $22.00 (Includes pool entry)

Schedule: Fridays at 1.15pm Tuesdays at 1.15pm (Starts August 22)

Benefits of hydrotherapy:

• Great for ALL levels of fitness and mobility

• Light strengthening and balance movements

• Good for back and joint conditions

• Heated pool maximises joint mobility & muscle function

• Relieves arthritic pain

• Classes held at Beerwah Pool

• 30 minute class

Covered by Health Funds

Tooth sensitivity is a common dental complaint, and one that many people tend to experience more intensely during the cold winter months. As the mercury dips, you might find yourself cringing when you sip a hot beverage, or wince in discomfort when a gust of cold wind blows over your teeth. While experiencing some level of tooth sensitivity can be perfectly normal, increased sensitivity could also be a warning sign of developing dental problems that require attention.

Amplified Sensitivity in Winter

The sharp increase in tooth sensitivity that some people experience in winter can be attributed to several factors:

1. Temperature Changes

2. Cold, Dry Air

3. Sinus Infections

Tooth Sensitivity as a Warning Sign

If your tooth sensitivity is persistent and severe, it could be a warning sign of an underlying dental problem such as:

1. Tooth Decay or Cavities: Tooth decay or cavities can expose the dentine, leading to sensitivity.

2. Gum Disease: Gum disease or gingivitis can cause gum recession, exposing the roots of your teeth and causing sensitivity.

3. Cracked or Fractured Teeth: Cracks or fractures in your teeth can expose the inner layers of the tooth, leading to increased sensitivity.

4. Grinding Your Teeth (Bruxism): Bruxism can wear down your enamel over time, exposing the dentine and causing sensitivity.

Managing and Preventing Tooth Sensitivity

There are several ways to manage and prevent tooth sensitivity, particularly during winter:

1. Maintain Good Oral Hygiene

2. Use Desensitizing Toothpaste

3. Avoid Acidic Foods and Beverages

If you continue to experience tooth sensitivity despite your best efforts, it’s important to seek professional help. A visit to the dentist can help identify any potential issues and provide a suitable course of treatment, ensuring your oral health is well-maintained and your winter days are enjoyed with a warm, comfortable smile.

Toothkind is located at 62 Simpson St, Beerwah.

Phone: 5494 0964 www.toothkind.com.au

In partnership with
17 Turner Street, Beerwah
5494 0060 Active expansion
It’s free, and easy just go to our website www.gcmnews.com.au or scan the QR code Read your GC&M News online anytime, anywhere? AUGUST 15, 2023 | 19 www.gcnews.com.au HEALTH & WELLBEING

Helping those out of depth Celebrating readers, writers and libraries in the hinterland

HAVE you ever thought you were walking on water?

Perhaps in a dream or a moment of quiet terror when you realised you were doing something beyond your competence or training?

You thought there was nothing solid beneath you to support your hunches and next steps.

You may have even felt you were a fraud, pretending to know where to lead others when you were not sure of yourself. So you cried out, “I can’t do this anymore!”.

In 1967 I was 16 and in Grade 12 at my final Secondary school church camp as an ordinary camper – no leadership responsibilities, just fun!

Sadly, two days into the camp, my team leader went home and the Camp Leader told me I was now the team leader because there were no more adults available.

My fellow team members were not co-operative and even openly broke camp rules. I tried my best but felt I was failing three days later, so I talked with the Camp Leader.

He read me 2 Corinthians chapter 4 from the simple English version Good News Bible. Verses 7-10 especially still inspire me.

“We who have this spiritual treasure are like common clay pots in order to show that the supreme power belongs to God, not to us. We are often troubled, but not


Saturday 5pm: Peachester Rd, Beerwah

Sunday 7am: Caloundra St, Landsborough

Sunday 9am: 45 Cedar Street, Maleny Ph: 5430 9390 9am to 1pm Mon-Fri www.caloundracatholicparish.net

with Rev Dr Elizabeth Nolan Glasshouse Country Uniting Church

crushed; sometimes in doubt, but never in despair…”

I used to think that the story of Matthew 14: 22-33 was about Peter’s failure of faith when he tries to walk on water and then starts to sink.

He calls out to Jesus to save him and Jesus reaches out his arm and rescues Peter.

After 50 years of adult life and responsibilities, I know that we often ‘walk on water’ and fear that we are sinking.

The gospel message for me now is that, like Peter, we are expected to call out for God’s help when life becomes difficult before we are overwhelmed. I believe God uses other people to be the ‘arm of Jesus’ reaching out to help us when they see our predicament and respond to God’s prompting.

Can you help someone who looks to be ‘out of their depth’ today? Are you trying to ‘walk on water’ when you don’t need to test if Jesus is real or impress others with a miracle?

May you enjoy the Peace and security of God’s love today and share it with others in need.


BEERWAH: Sunday 9am

Mary MacKillop Centre, 160 Peachester Rd

MOOLOOLAH: Wednesday 9am and 1st Sunday of month 4pm ST THOMAS, 31 Bray Rd

Office: caloundra@anglicanchurchsq.org.au

Priest in charge: Fr Paul Fletcher 0493 362 676

Local contact: Rev Tony Halstead 0455 554 930

DEAR Reader, an action-packed literature festival, is on again this September in Beerwah.

The Festival, presented by Sunshine Coast Libraries, is a great way for both lovers of books and aspiring authors to read, listen and learn from successful authors while connecting with the community.

Held at the Beerwah Heart Precinct, the event is part of the annual Horizon Festival and tickets are now on sale.

Sunshine Coast Council Community Portfolio Councillor, David Law said the day has something for everyone, whether that be participating in the literary scavenger hunt, meeting notable authors for book signings or simply chatting to other book lovers.

“You can come along and enjoy everything the day has to offer, or if you’re an aspiring author join one of the hands-on writing sessions happening during the day for a low cost,” Cr Law said.

“Join a crime fiction masterclass with Jack Roney, a how-to-write-a-picture-book session with Dhana Fox, or a workshop on publishing your book with Rachael Bermingham.”

Meet and mingle with successful local authors, join exciting storytelling sessions, find your next great read, and immerse yourself in a range of fun activities for all ages at the Book Emporium.

To view the complete program visit Sunshine Coast Libraries website.

Dear Reader Book Emporium:

Date: Saturday, September 2

Time: Noon–4pm Location: Beerwah Library and Heart Precinct

Price: Free

Dear Reader Creative Writing Workshops:

Date: Saturday, September 2 Time: 9.30am – 4pm Location: Beerwah Library and Heart Precinct

Price: Aspiring authors can attend a series of creative writing and publishing workshops for $22 per session (plus booking fee). Sessions available include:

• 9.30 - 10.30am Memoir Writing - Dr Paul Williams

• 9.30 - 10.30am Plotting a Page TurnerMelanie Myers

• 10.45 - 11.45am Crime Fiction Masterclass - Jack Roney

• 10.45 - 11.45am Writing in the Self-Help Space - Sheridan Stewart

• Noon - 1pm Writing Romance basics - Ally Blake

• Noon - 1pm Publishing your bookRachael Bermingham

• 1.15 - 2.15pm Social Media Marketing Your Book - Stacey McEwan

• 1.15 - 2.15pm Unscripted ScreenwritingDan Munday

• 2.30 - 3.30pm How to Write a Picture Book - Dhana Fox.

To secure your place and purchase Creative Writing Workshop tickets visit the Horizon website.

A Bible Teaching, Community Loving, Hope Filled Church on the Hinterland

h Parade hurch

Arise Youth: Fri 7pm (grade: 7-12 | term time)

Sundays @ 9am

12 Cedar Street, Maleny malenypc.org.au


You are most WELCOME to join us 9.00am each Sunday

Reed Street, Glasshouse Mtns (next to RSL) Sunday School, Women’s Fellowship, Bible Study

Contact: 5439 9341 or 5496 9671 www.glasshousemountains.lutheran.org.au

Welcomes you each Saturday at 27 Maleny Street

9:30am - All Age Bible Study Hour

(Includes Children and Youth programs) 11:00am - Worship Service

First Saturday of the monthCommunity Lunch

Contact p: 0424 901 301

@LandsboroughChurch w: landsborough.org

E: wecare@cotr.org.au W: churchontherise.org.au

Maleny Sports Park, via Porter’s Lane y hurch

E: info@cotrmaleny.org

W: cotrmaleny.org

Glasshouse Country Uniting Church

29 Twin Peaks Drive, Beerwah

Come and worship with us

Beerwah – Sunday 8.30am

Peachester Community Church –last Sunday of the month 5.30pm

Minister: Rev Dr Elizabeth Nolan

Ph. 0448 358 774 Email: churchgcuc@gmail.com

THISAD IS PROUDLY 20 | AUGUST 15, 2023 www.gcnews.com.au


Label Reading Workshop

Time: Tuesday August 15, 10am–12pm

Where: Maleny Community Centre, Bicentenary Meeting Room

1 Bicentenary Lane, Maleny

Cost: Gold coin donation

Aug 15

Info: Join us for a label reading workshop to learn how you can use and understand food labels on packaged items to help you make better choices for your health. Morning tea provided. RSVP by the 11th of August to judystubbs1@gmail.com or call 0411 647 140

College Open Morning

Time: Wednesday August 16, 9-11am

Aug 16

Where: Suncoast Christian College, Cnr Schubert & Kiel Mtn Roads, Woombye

Info: Your family will be warmly welcomed into the Suncoast community where we look forward to sharing our College with you. To book head to https://suncoastcc.qld.edu.au/open-morning/

Beneath the Southern Cross

Time: Sunday August 20, 2pm

Where: Stella Maris Catholic Primary School, Maroochydore

Glasshouse Musos’ Three Act Night

Time: Tuesday August 22, 6.30pm

Where: Beerwah Hotel, Beerwah


Info: This is the second in the Musos’ new series of “Three act night” events. This monthly event will feature at 7.30pm the Reserves, a Sunny Coast-based rock trio playing the hits of the 60s to 90s. At 8.30pm we will have new act Malcolm J Holz and the Black Holz. Kicking off the evening is Deni and the Doc presening a keyboard set featuring guest lead guitarist Peter G. https://www.facebook.com/groups/musosclub/

Kids Corner

Time: Thursday 24 August 10-11am

Where: Landsborough Museum

Aug 20

Info: FROM ‘Georgie Girl’ to ‘You’re the Voice’, acclaimed Sunshine Coast ensemble, Oriana Choir, will present a celebration of Australian music from across the decades. Bookings oriana.org.au

Healthy Forest = Healthy Us

Time: Sunday August 20, 11am-3pm Aug

Aug 24

Info: Enjoy great activities at Landsborough Museum on the fourth Thursday of the month. Free. Registration not required.

Scone Time

Time: Thursday August 24, 10-11:30am

Where: Beerwah Community Hall, 25 Peachester road , Beerwah

Info: Scone Time is designed to reignite life into the wonderful halls of the Sunshine Coast, and is also an opportunity for seniors, carers, companions and family to establish a regular monthly social event. Local business owners are invited to Volunteer or be a table host or be a sponsor.

The Incredible Race

Time: Saturday August 26, from 9.30am

Where: Landsborough SDA Church, 27 Maleny St, Landsborough

DIY Pure Plant Skin Care

Time: Sunday August 20, 3.30-4.30pm

Where: 30 Maple Drive, Maleny

Aug 20

Info: Rosetta Books are hosting a workshop by Carolyn Stubbin, author of Do it yourself Pure Plant Skin Care. Ticket and book $65. Ticket only $15. Includes wine, cheese and product samples. Call 5435 2134 to book.

Yandina Country Music

Time: Sunday August 20, 12noon

Where: 24 Steggalls Rd., Yandina

Aug 20

Info: Be entertained with popular country, including more diverse, crowd-pleasing favourites. Guest artist the Energetic Allan Reed! Raffle and door prizes, byo lunch, free tea and coffee. Entry $8. Enjoy a great afternoon!

Info: Landsborough Kids Church with Puppets, God’s word, Science experiements, songs, crafts, games and more. BYO Lunch. Register at https://form.jotform.com/231883231029857

GOSTI concert

Time: Saturday August 26, 5pm

Where: On the Deck, Crystal Waters, 65 Kilcoy Lane Conondale

‘Seasons In Song’

Time: Saturday August 26, 2pm

Where: Maleny Primary School, 16 Bunya Street, Maleny

Aug 26

Info: The Caloundra Chorale, conducted by Kim Kirkman present a concert celebrating the heat of summer, the melancholy of autumn, the depth of winter and the joy of spring. Bookings 0490 329 912.

The Families of Fairview

Time: Saturday August 26, 1- 4 pm

Comedy for a cause

Time: Saturday September 2,

Doors open 6pm, show starts 7pm

Where: Landsborough State School Hall, 41 Gympie St North.

Aug 26

Where: 15 Porters Lane, North Maleny Info: Maleny’s Fairview (Pattemore House) welcomes you this Saturday to come and visit. Home-made afternoon teas are served on the graceful verandahs, overlooking the pretty restored gardens! Disabled access, plenty of parking. $5 entry - kids free.

Apex’s Paws of Thunder

Sep 2

Info: Featuring comedians from Sydney & Melbourne International Comedy Festivals. This is an adults-only (18+) show. Full bar, hot food and snacks, major prize draw.

Tickets $25 or two for $45. Bookings essential www.comedyforacause.net/LSS

Mozart and More

Time: Sunday September 3, 2pm

Where: Stella Maris Primary School Hall. 5 Stella Way, Maroochydore

Sep 3

Info: Comprising Mozart’s Mass in C Minor + Mozart’s Magic Flute Overture and 5 Mystical Songs by Vaughn Williams. Contact paylkoster@bigpond.com for information.

Spring Orchid Spectacular

Time: Friday 8.30am-4.30pm Saturday 8.30am-2.30pm

Where: Beerwah Community Hall

Aug 26

Info: Enjoy World Music trio ‘Gosti’. Linsey Pollak plays a range of wind instruments. Phillip Griffin is an extraordinary string player. Tunje Beier is a percussion wizard. The fires a-twinkling, the lovely treelighting a-glitter.Entry $20. Bar, food, accommodation available.

Queensland offer guidance, information and assistance to people with disabilities and their carers seeking NDIS access, and those who have existing NDIS plans needing help. RSVP required; limited numbers available. admin@ghmnc.com 5438 7000

Little Athletics Trial Night

Time: Friday September 1 & 8, 5pm

Where: Skippy Park complex, Old Landsborough Rd

Sep 1-2

Info: Glasshouse District Little Athletics club is holding a Trial Night to see if your child enjoys athletics before the new 2023/2024 season starts.

Sep 8&9





Time: Saturday September 16, 7pm

Where: The Events Centre, Caloundra

Admission: Adults $5 Children Free www.glasshouseorchids.com.au

Sep 16

Info: Sunshine Coast Symphony Orchestra brings you a first half of Australian Favourites against a second half of British Proms classics. Tickets $49, $39 concession and $14 under 18. Book at www. sunshinecoastsymphonyorchestra.com


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to you by BEERWAH
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Aug 22


Over the past three months, home values have risen in all 15 of the capital city and regional markets of Australia bar Darwin and regional Victoria, according to the latest CoreLogic data.

The key reason for this is a supply/ demand imbalance. There simply aren’t enough homes for sale to meet the level of buyer demand in the marketplace. The gap between supply and demand has been quite large all year.

For example, over the four weeks ending July 16, there were 73,200 homes for sale in the capital cities. That is 19% below this time last year and more than 25% below the five-year average.

This lack of supply is not only pushing up prices, but also creating a fear of missing out,

budgets when a suitable home becomes available for sale, because if they miss out, they may be waiting many more weeks or months for another suitable home to come up for sale. But there is some good news for buyers on this front.

According to CoreLogic, an “uptick” in new listings was evident in the June data. This is significant because listings tend to fall in Winter. So, relief is on the way for buyers. Hopefully, this trend continues and you’ll have more choices soon.

But for now, I have some advice for buyers to help them deal with FOMO.

• Make yourself known to local agencies. Don’t just register your details on the major property

to their database clients before advertising them on the big portals. Getting the first look at a new listing when stock is low is a major advantage.

• Tell the agent you’re interested. If you don’t make your interest known right away, you might not get the chance to make an offer. Other buyers will be motivated to move quickly, too.

• Make good offers. Start with an offer that is close to your walkaway figure. As always, the agent and vendor will assume your first offer isn’t your best so leave some wiggle room. Waive the cooling-off period, put the offer in writing and mention your pre-approved finance. Also, look for ways to help the vendor. Ask the agent why they’re selling,

COMM unity Giv E ba C k

Over the past seven years, McGrath Estate Agents Coast & Hinterland has proudly donated more than $300,000 to worthy charities and organisations through our Community Giveback Program.

Last month’s recipients were:



might find terms like a shorter settlement or early release of the deposit appealing.

• Winning at auction. If you’re going to start the bidding, start low. Project confidence and make your bids fast and assertive. Call out your offer in full (ie. say “$850,000” instead of “$5,000”).

• Accept the hand of fate. I think fate can play a hand in finding the right property. When I was an agent, I saw many underbidders walk away miserable only to find a more suitable property just a few weeks later. If you miss a property – or several properties, accept that it wasn’t meant to be.

The Spring season is now only three weeks away. Traditionally, Spring is the biggest selling season of the year. We usually see a decent seasonal uplift in the number of homes for sale. So, try not to be too disappointed if you miss out on a property this Winter, and trust that another great home will come up for sale soon.


If you would like to speak to our team regarding buying, selling or renting, we would be delighted to assist you further. For leasing and new client enquiries please contact Rebecca Hill - 0488 771 626. For all sales enquiries please contact Cassi Nuske – 0415 304 127. We look forward to being of service for all of your real estate requirements.

22 | AUGUST 15, 2023 www.gcnews.com.au Coast & Hinterland
McGrath Founder - John McGrath
FO r l E as E lE as E D

Can we offer our help with managing your rental property?

• No-cost Transition: Switching to us won’t cost you anything! We believe in transparent, straightforward service.

• Hassle Free: Leave behind the endless management troubles. We handle it all, from tenant matters to maintenance issues.

• Smooth Transition: Worried about the switch? Don’t be! We’ll handle the process smoothly, including contacting your current management company to organise the full handover process.

• Your Peace of Mind: Your property is in capable hands. Relax as we ensure everything runs like clockwork. Our team of highly experienced and trained property managers will provide you with our six star service. Reach out to our New Client Consultant Rebecca Hill 0488 771 626 today for more information on our fees and services, or for your free, no obligation investment property market update.

S for g ene S Day 2023

Both our Caloundra and Beerwah offices were delighted to join in with Jeans for Genes Day 2023. Everyone donated to wear their favourite denim for the day and we sold cakes and biscuits to raise funds for this amazing cause. Thank you to everyone that came in and donated, and thank you to Daisy Cakes and Bakes for the beautifully designed treats.

Boasting a grand-scale, contemporary design and an enviable position, this breathtaking luxury Hinterland abode features a tropical inground pool, incredible east facing outdoor living, an impressive triple bay garage and stunning executive-level elegance in one of

AUGUST 15, 2023 | 23 www.gcnews.com.au Shop 10/44 Simpson Street, Beerwah (07) 5405 3628
2643 Old
Road, Beerwah 10 Avilka Place, Beerwah 4 Bed | 1 Bath | 7 Car 4 Bed | 2 Bath | 3 Car
Positioned on over two acres of level land sits the delightfully versatile property of 2643 Old Gympie Road. Boasting an inviting residence, spacious outdoor entertaining, an abundance of sheds and an established orchard, this property represents an incredible Hinterland treechange opportunity.
For Sale Contact Agent For Sale Over $949,000 WelCoMe By Appointment WelCoMe By Appointment aGeNT Cassi Nuske 0415 304 127 aGeNT Cassi Nuske 0415 304 127
Beerwah’s most exclusive enclaves.

Modern home with glorious views

SITUATED on an elevated 1121m2 block, this double storey gem makes an unforgettable first impression. Displaying

Northern rural views, it’s perfectly positioned in a peaceful area within walking distance to Maleny’s vibrant main street. A timeless palette of neutral tones, exquisite timber flooring, enviable high ceilings and quality finishes combine with light-filled interiors across the residence.

Occupying the upper floor is the open plan living and timber kitchen with European appliances where you can be part of all the action on the nearby deck that

captures stunning views of the neighbouring farmland.

Located on this upper level is the luxurious main bedroom featuring large French Doors which capture the breezes and breathtaking views of the pristine countryside. Servicing this room is

the en suite with bath and walk-in robe. The second bedroom and a home office complete this level.

On the lower level you’ll find two more spacious bedrooms, main bathroom and a second living area opening to another large verandah with glorious views.

Outside features include; under house storage, a double carport, 6m x 9m workshop and a low maintenance, fully fenced landscaped yard with room for a caravan.

Just a 10-minute stroll or 2-minute drive to the cafes, restaurants and facilities of the Maleny township; a property of

this calibre, in this location, will not last long!

9 North Maleny Road, Maleny.

Contact agent Jess Luthje from

Maleny & Hinterland Real Estate on jess@malenyrealestate.com or 0438 616 064 Price Guide $1.25M

Landsborough lifestyle

THIS beautiful home located in the sought-after suburb of Landsborough, offers a comfortable and convenient lifestyle for families or individuals looking for a Hinterland lifestyle change. Situated on a fantastic corner block, this property boasts a quiet streetscape and is within close proximity to schools, shops, public transport, and the upcoming Beerwah Health Hub. This spacious house offers 4 generous sized bedrooms all with built in robes and two bathrooms. The master bedroom is accompanied by a walk-through robe leading to the ensuite, offering privacy and convenience.

The open plan living area offers easy access to the kitchen and dining area. The kitchen offers plenty of storage space as well as electric cooking appliances and large pantry. Another great feature for the

property is the addition of a 2.75kw solar system to help reduce energy costs and a garden shed adding extra storage space for those outdoor tools. The fully fenced backyard and security screens installed throughout the property provides extra security and privacy, for peace of mind. This property also features an outdoor covered patio giving additional space for entertaining and relaxing with its well-maintained gardens.

Don’t miss out on viewing this great family home, give Tamara & The Team a call today on 0423 766 763.

• Two new large lot land releases scheduled to title late November, allows you to lock in the build price, secure finance and move in sooner!

• Spacious 710m2 lot sizes up to a remarkable 1,719m2 starting from $545,000 up to $680,000*

• Perfectly positioned large, elevated, level lots within a secluded hillside location

• Surrounded by nature in the picturesque hills of the Mooloolah Valley

• Minutes to the quaint Mooloolah Village centre, state school and Dulchura National Park

• A short drive to Caloundra and Sunshine Coast CBD

Embrace the Sunshine Coast Hinterland lifestyle. Your perfect location awaits!

SALES OFFICE OPEN visit hillsidemooloolahvalley.com.au or call 1300 556 950 LAND NOW SELLING FROM $545,000* Exclusive Large Hinterland Homesites from 710m2 up to 1,719m2 *Information is correct at distribution and subject to change without notice. No warranty is given in respect of the accuracy of the information in this advertisement and any intending purchasers should make their own enquiries in relation there to. Illustrations and all other photographic depictions are for presentation purposes only. Av. Land Price $591,944. Av. Land Size 863m2
Large and Premium Homesites
SOONER! Exclusive
24 | AUGUST 15, 2023 www.gcnews.com.au

Being an indoor gardener is a real thing

4. They can make your home quieter.

Indoor plants help reduce sound pollution by deflecting and absorbing noises, helping to maintain a calm and relaxing environment in your home.

5. Houseplants can help reduce stress levels.

A 2015 study found that working with houseplants can greatly diminish common signs of stress, including cortisol levels, blood pressure and heart rates. The simple task of watering or repotting your houseplants was found to slow respiratory rates and soothe unhealthy ‘mind chatter’.

6. You’ll sleep better with plants in your bedroom.

Lush green and vibrant plants can add charm and coziness to the bedroom. And the oxygen producing ability of plants can also help promote restful slumber. According to studies, exposure to higher levels of oxygen at night can promote deeper, more restorative sleep.

7. Plants improve concentration, productivity and creativity.

This is great news for children studying at home or for the increasing trend of work-fromhome jobs.

Studies have shown that workers are more content and take fewer sick days with indoor plants in their workspaces, and the test scores and attention levels of school children also improve when they have greenery around them.

8. Working with plants can combat depression and anxiety. Outdoor gardeners know this is true, and it turns out that caring for your indoor plants gives you the same sense of purpose and be ‘positively distracted’.

9. Houseplants can improve physical health and healing.

When a friend or family member is sick or injured, we often give them flowers or a pot plant. But it turns out this is more than just being kind and thoughtful. Plants actually speed up healing after surgery, studies have found. And having plants about can even lessen the need for pain killers during healing, helping people to get back on their feet quicker after illness or surgery.

10. Grow your own edible house plants.

discovered that indoor plants can absorb all sorts of harmful chemicals found in the home – things like nitrogen oxide, formaldehyde, benzene, carbon

indoor air, helping to improve respiratory health by reducing some of the most common allergens. Studies show that they can reduce dust in indoor air by up to 20%.

You can easily grow lots of different culinary herbs and healing plants like aloe vera, and also dwarf citrus in larger pots if you have a bright sunny spot. So you can help with the household budget by growing indoor plants too. So whether it’s in the backyard or in the front parlour, happy gardening to you all.


Talk to Tina or Lewis before Wednesday August 23 to secure your spot. 5438 7445 or advertising@gcnews.com.au Connect your business with the Hinterland Help our locals tackle those Spring jobs around the home with a cost-effective ad in our August 29 GC&M News Spring Home Improvement Guide. Get your business in front of our 30,000 readers. Book in before August 23 and run a FREE editorial for your business
Variegated Swiss cheese plant Peace lily (right)
AUGUST 15, 2023 25 www.gcnews.com.au IN THE GARDEN with
Prayer plant
26 | AUGUST 15, 2023 www.gcnews.com.au We’d love to invite every local business in our district to be part of Go Local Hinterland. To find out how we can help support your business through local advertising contact us on 5438 7445 Visit www.golocalhinterland.com.au and join us in Keeping Business Local www.golocalhinterland.com.au Support our Local Businesses
AIRCONDITIONING A ANTENNAS / TV A BUILDERS / CARPENTERS BUILDERS / CARPENTERS B AUTOMOTIVE APPLIANCE REPAIRS A Book your spot in the Hinterland’s most comprehensive trades and services directory. Call today to secure your place 5438 7445 5494 1653 or Brad 0405 985 139 www.mingleford.com.au Your Beerwah locals Family owned & operated ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS 27 735 124 718 LIC NO: 42045 ABN Electrical Appliance Repairs Gas Services Air Conditioning Refrigeration TV ANTENNAS | SATELLITE DISHES | PHONE | DATA | WIFI TV POINTS | CABLING | ALARMS | CCTV CAMERAS INTERCOMS, VIDEO & AUDIO | TV MOUNTING LETTER BOXES | CLOTHESLINES | SOLAR LED SKYLIGHTS WWW.ALCORNSANTENNAS.COM.AU LOCALLY BASED IN LANDSBOROUGH Michael Kossen ELECTRICAL ALL APPLIANCE REPAIRS 0409 266 807 Phone 5494 1877 Lic 10710 Terry Vost 0434 090 197 TNT MOBILE MECHANICAL Honest & Reliable Mechanical Repairs Logbook & General Servicing  Repairs  Log Book Servicing  Roadworthy Certi cates  Brakes & Clutches  Air Conditioning  4WD Accessories ELITE MECHANICAL & 4X4 5494 0755 4/1 Roys Road, Beerwah “OUR REPUTATION IS YOUR GUARANTEE” Your Complete Service Centre Your Complete Service Centre  Tyre Sales & Repairs  Wheel Alignments  Full Mechanical Services and Repairs  Log Book Servicing  Batteries, Windscreens  Approved Inspection Station 52 Peachester Road BEERWAH Phone: 5494 0944 Fax: 5494 0957 Email: beerwahtandm@bigpond.com For ALL Your Building Needs Oonagoona Constructions Mobile: Troy 0418 708 876 Email: fox24up7@gmail.com 36 Years Local / Industry Experience QBCC Licence: 32291 Insurance Recti cation Work New Homes Renovations Extensions Plumbing & Roo ng Concreting Decks Maintenance Carpentry Bathroom Renovations Kitchen Renovations Extensions New Builds Pool Fencing Shop Fitouts Licenced Builder 20 yrs carpentry experience PH: 0403 240 499 E: anthonycallegari@outlook.com qbcc licence15258660 | qbcc licence 15262656 vba licence 63042 | Master Builders Member Nathan Fowler 0433 431 470 nathan.rt.fowler@hotmail.com Builders Lic. No. 1255521 NEW HOMES. ADDITIONS. ALTERATIONS. EXTENSIONS. PERGOLAS. VERANDAHS. SCREENS. DECKING. FENCING. BATHROOM RENOVATIONS. AND MUCH MORE... Darren Fowler 0438 728 141 darrenmfowler@hotmail.com Builders Lic. No. 1287101 ABN 67 577 379 379 CABINETMAKERS C Ph 5439 0108 Fax 5439 0109 ABN 34 633 773 985 QBCC Lic No. 15187952 New Installations & Renovations Matthew Muller 0409 936 083 Email: knmkitchens@iinet.net.au DROP IN TO THE SHOWROOM www.knmkitchens.com.au Need the job done now? We can make it happen Small, medium & large renovations New homes built | Extensions & alterations Property Maintenance/Repairs Contact John 0401 637 262 info@gbchomes.com.au www.gbchomes.com.au Find us on facebook Local builder with over 30 years experience QBCC 55722 BEERWAH MECHANICAL SERVICES Repairs, Servicing, Maintenance Road Worthy Certificates Tyres, Wheels & Wheel Alignments Modifications & Upgrades RACQ Approved Repairer New car warranty compliant services It’S CuStoMER SERVICE tHAt SEtS uS ApARt 07 5494 0000 beerwahmechanical.com.au 8/47 Beerwah p arade, B EERWAH entry via Free Street) Certain work defined as 'building work' in the QBCC legislation may only be undertaken by licensed contractors or, if undertaken by unlicensed contractors, only to the value of $3,300. However, work falling outside of that definition may be performed by unlicensed contractors and is not subject to any value limit. To check whether a contractor holds a QBCC licence visit www.qbcc.qld.gov.au or call the QBCC on 1300 272 272. PLUS Be seen on this page by our estimated 25,000 weekly local readers with our NEW ADVERTISER SPECIAL* Book your 5cm ad in the targeted area to suit your business, and for the first 3 months ONLY PAY FOR 3 ADS and GET 1 FREE! Price - $47.50 per ad Get a FREE listing in our online directory golocalhinterland.com.au AND a FREE Story on your business during your first 3 months! Locals look for local Trades in Glasshouse Country & Maleny News. TRADES DIRECTORY LOOKING FOR A COST-EFFECTIVE WAY TO GROW YOUR BUSINESS IN 2023? Call Tina or Lewis on 5438 7445 or email advertising@gcnews.com.au 5494 1653 or Brad 0405 985 139 www.mingleford.com.au Your Beerwah locals Family owned & operated ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS 27 735 124 718 LIC NO: 42045 ABN Electrical Appliance Repairs Gas Services Air Conditioning Refrigeration AUGUST 15, 2023 | 27 www.gcnews.com.auTRADES & SERVICES LOCAL DIRECTORY Support our Local Businesses and join us in Keeping Business Local. Find out how we can help your business through local advertising, call 5438 7445 www.golocalhinterland.com.au 5 4 9 4 0 7 4 7 TV Ant en na s Cell Phone, 3G, 4G Boosters TV Tun ing, Wa ll mo un ting S a te llit e T V, V AST, Starlink Installations W i-F i, Net wo rki ng T V * C E LL P H O N E * W I F I * R E C E P T I O N w w w . t e c h ni c a l w h i z z. c o m . a u
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30 | AUGUST 15, 2023 www.gcnews.com.au TRADES & SERVICES R REMOVALS R ROOFING & GUTTERING Grant Baker 0438 637 008 grantbaker1974@hotmail.com Baker 0438 637 grantbaker1974@hotmail.com Moving & More More Prepacking Unpacking Pianos Pool Tables Antiques Prepacking Unpacking Pianos Pool Tables Antiques CLEAN GUTTERS BLOCKED DOWNPIPES NEW & REPAIR DOWNPIPES ROOF REPAIRS & LEAKS Fix leaking gutters New gutters & fascias Install & service whirly birds, skylights & water tanks ROOF & GUTTER MAINTENANCE FREE QUOTES  LOCAL BLOKE  OVER 20 YRS EXPERIENCE Phone Brad 0419 712 081 Jobs up to $3,300 www allenergyhq.com au 07 5438 7200 For ALL your Solar Needs 4 -10 Jeffreys Road Glasshouse Mountains QLD 4518 Solar - Hot Water - Battery Storage www.instyleelectrics.com.au 5494 0005 Dwayne Minchev LIC 71753 ACRS A030330 L083305 GLASS HOUSE MOUNTAINS Owned by Licenced Electricians & Solar Accredited Installers Solar Maintenance & Repairs Installing Solar for over 8 Years Battery Systems & Off Grid Systems Government Rebates Available David Lowden Tree Services Phone 0407 710 993 • Pruning • Lopping • Removal Comprehensive Insurance on all jobs Call 5496 9790 COURTESY TRAILER AVAILABLE FOR LOCALS LAWN YOU’LL LOVE TO LIVE ON Monday to Friday 8am – 5pm Saturday 8am – 12 noon Sunday Closed 5422 9431 info@completelytyred.com.au Shed 4, 26 Chambers Rd, WOODFORD Proprietors - Bill & Donna Hill Locally family owned and operated - 34 years experience S SEPTIC SERVICES Glenview Septic & Liquid Waste Removal Septic Tanks • Grease Traps • Treatment Plants • Holding Tanks glenviewseptic@gmail.com Danny McEwan T TREE SERVICES S SOLAR INSTALLATION S SOLAR CLEANING Specialising in maintenance: Taps | Toilets | Hot Water Systems Pensioner Discounts Glasshouse Mountains No Call Out Fee *conditions apply Emergency Call Outs PENSIONER DISCOUNT KRIS 0413 091 361 Local, Fully Licenced & Insured • All Areas Of Maintenance • Repairs / Replacements • New Installations • Hot Water Systems • Renovations QBCC 1278991 PLUMBER DRAINER GASFITTER P POOL SERVICES 0448 793 148 www.swimsafeqld.com.au 26 Tytherleigh Ave Landsborough • Yes – We Deliver All Areas • Comprehensive Range of Plumbing Supplies • Experienced Showroom Consultancy • Mon-Fri 6.00am to 4.00pm Closed Saturday until further notice 5439 9368 www.landsboroughbathrooms.com.au www.bigaplus.com.au BATHROOM AND PLUMBING SOLUTIONS P PUMPS GLASSHOUSE TO GYMPIE Murray 0416 256 536 Hinterland Pump Services GET MORE CUT FOR YOUR BUCK hinterlandtreessunshinecoast.com SENIORS DISCOUNT 15% OFF Call Wayne on 0477 732 170 S SLASHING • Treatment Plant Servicing • Repairs • Design • Installations • Septic Trenches CALL 1300 722 517 www.expresswastewater.com.au BSA:1180430 P PLUMBERS • Plumbing • Drainage • Gas fitting • Blocked Drains Call Luke 0410 314 192 W WATER BORES & DRILLING


Nomination Forms are available from MVCA Admin Office, 47 Bray Road, Mooloolah Valley between the hours of 9.30am and 12noon, Mon to Fri.

Nominations must be lodged with the Secretary by 1.00pm on 02/09/2023



Maleny Bowls Club

Contributed by Brett Gillis

MEN’S Pennant Competition launches this Saturday 19th August 2023 from 1pm with our first match versus Palmwoods Bowls Club.

Our next Junior Academy event will be held under lights on Friday 25th August 2023 from 5pm to 7pm with families encouraged to participate. This free twilight event includes a BBQ dinner which is a terrific way to start your weekend.

Maleny High School bowls for years 7 & 8 students is continuing with players being introduced to the wonderful sport of lawn bowls. For most students this is their first time playing and even those reluctant at the beginning are soon enjoying the skills and competition play.

Scottie Fawkes Memorial Day was held on Saturday 12th August 2023 in glorious sunshine with team triples play as well as a juniors competition.

Witta Tennis

Contributed by Pauline Fraley

ENTRIES close 20 August. Witta Tennis Club Tournament Sunday 27 August. Entries to paulinefraley@gmail.com

The Whistlers played at Witta against Nambour ZTA Allstars. It was nice and warm, perfect weather for tennis. And we had lots of good rallies and great shots as usual. We could not win, but had a great day. Score was 29-42 games, 1-7 sets. Team was Paula Cudmore, Maree Hooley, Donna Kuskopf and Aki Lepper.

The two Witta teams, Witta Wompoos and Witta Wikings battled it out in the Sunshine Coast Vets Tennis competition recently with a very tight and competitive match expected on the day. They didn’t disappoint with sets see-sawing through the day including one tie break set to keep things interesting. John, Kev, Glenn and Andrew Moser showed

The Range Croquet

Contributed by Ken Barker

Ricochet returned to the lawn on Tuesday with a tight game between Dianne Horsman and a team consisting of Priscilla Vickers and Sally Adams culminating in a win for Dianne 9 – 7.

There was an interesting game played on Thursday. Chris Borlase and Stuart Craig locked horns with Lynette Evans and Helen Andrews. Stuart made a break of 3 in their score of 13 while Helen and Lynette managed 14 overall – an extremely

Scottie Fawkes Memorial Day Trophy presented by Linda Fawkes to winners Ian Porter and Allan Cook

Friendly competition was followed by a BBQ dinner enjoyed by all. Les & Linda Fawkes were on hand to deliver the opening jack and make presentation to winners. their patience winning three out of the five men’s doubles sets played on the day and the Witta Wompoos team of Sean, Tony, Andrew, Jim, Paula and Annie winning four of the six mixed doubles matches. Annie and Paula then outplayed Maree and Stacey in an entertaining women’s doubles match. A close tally saw the Wompoos victorious 7 sets 55 games to 5 sets 43 games. Thanks to the Wikings for hosting us on the day and putting on such a great spread and wonderful weather. Two matches are left in the competition which is looming as a very close contest for the top 4 teams.

Katya’s Tennis Drills Thrills and Fitness is on Friday Nights at 5:45pm. Cost is $20. Come along and join in the fun. All levels are welcome. Enquiries: 0437 295 501

Social tennis: Monday ladies 8am and Saturday mixed 1pm. All are welcome. Court bookings 0437 295 501 or www.wittatennis. com.au.

from around the Sunshine Coast region. Play was fast and furious because there was no advantage in winning games, just accumulating points. With excellent catering and an easy to live with draw, the competition was so enjoyable that even the grumpiest of old men (read Ken) could find nothing to complain about. Thanks, Headland, for a great tournament.

Lynette played well in all her games to take out the major prize overall, while Dianne, who came in a clear second overall won her block.

Play days:

Association: Thursday and Sunday. Please arrive at 1 pm for games to be arranged by 1.30. Contact Sarah Widin 0417640704 for other days.

Ricochet: Tuesday. Please arrive at 8.45 a.m. for games to be arranged by 9.00 a.m. Coaching: is available on Saturday mornings at 8 a.m. Our web address is: https://rangecroquetatmaleny.org.au. For details contact Sarah Widin 0417 640 704.


All advertising and copy is accepted subject to the approval of the publisher, Seven of Clubs Media Pty Ltd, who reserves the right to make adjustments in keeping with the general format of this publication. Compliance with the Trade Practices Act 1974 rests with the advertiser. Every care will be taken in the preparation and placement of advertising but the publisher, staff or agents shall not be liable for errors or omissions or subsequent effects due to same. Any adjustments by way of remuneration or replacement advertising is at the discretion of the editor. Customers who place display advertisements before the deadline of midday Friday will receive a proof of their prepared advertisement. No responsibility will be accepted for the inclusions of or errors in submissions received after our advertised deadline.

Contributed by David Hayes

WEDNESDAY 09.08.23 9.30am Monthly Jackpot Triples.

The Jackpot was up to $270 and was won by Peter Bousen, Sally Squires and Kevin Cook with -14 drawn. The Jackpot for September will be $120.

Winners of the day with the highest winning margin were Steve Cassidy, Steve Phillips and Margaret Gibson with + 34.

R/Up were John Palte, Kerry Munster and Rae

with +

Marilyn Pormore and Rob Scullion.

Thursday 10.08.23 12.30pm Social Bowls. Our biggest numbers of bowlers on the green for a Thursday afternoon in over 10 years. 6 rinks of Triples and 2 rinks of pairs, 44 players.

Winners of the day with 2 wins and a margin of 6 were the Pairs team of Darcy Wilson and Vic Muscat.

R/Up with the highest winning margin in either game were Nicki Bedwell, Troy German and Brendan Freshwater with + 14. Lucky draw went to Sue Luck, Kevin Cook and Gavin Linnan.

Raffles were won by Anette Capern for the $30 meat Voucher from Glasshouse Country Meats and the $20 cash to Mac Townson.

Lucky draw went to Jill Kirchheiner, WANTED TO BUY GUITAR, PIANO ACCORDION & MUSIC Theory lessons. Professional caring teachers. Ph Bob 5494 7568 or 0411 959 157. ALWAYS TIDY & CLEAN Comprehensive service for domestic & commercial clients. Reliable, experienced & fully insured. Ph. 0452 569 243 PETS & LIVESTOCK CALOUNDRA SCRAP METAL Servicing Locals for over 20 yrs CASH FOR CARS Scrap metal bins supplied (conditions apply) Call Bryan & Leanne Eaton 1300 132 013 or 0414 925 890 CARS, BIKES, CARAVANS & BOATS CLEANING 5494 0008 31 MORONEY PLACE BEERWAH Mon-Fri 8am – 5.30pm Thurs til 6pm Sat 7.30am-12noon Pet shop, pet food & care, flea & tick treatment, stock feed & supplies Your friendly local pet shop COURSES & TUITION PUBLIC NOTICES 7.30am - 11am & 3pm - 4.30pm info@glasshousepetretreat.com.au www.glasshousepetretreat.com.au Work out the wording for your ad Phone 5438 7445 Pay over the phone on your credit card 1 2 3 3 simple steps Garage Sale Book your ad from only $14 Classified deadline 10am Monday prior to edition date FIREWOOD GARAGE SALES GOOD DRY HARDWOOD split from $140/ cubic metre, plus delivery. Phone 0419 784 642. BEERWAH 2438 Old Gympie Rd. Household items. Sat 19th & Sun 20th 6.30am – 2pm. GLASSHOUSE MOUNTAINS. 1 Peters Rd. Sat 19th & Sun 20th. 7am - 12noon. Deceased estate. Household goods. Work out the wording for your ad Phone us on 5438 7445 Pay over the phone on your credit card or at the office 3 simple steps Share your When you have something to celebrate make sure with GC&M News classifieds from $25 you let everyone know! with lots of love Mum, Jessica and Jake, Nan Mitchell and family … and Daisy LOOK Happy16!WHO’S Happy(25-06-2001)Birthday (25-06-2001)Birthday Follow us on Instagram @gcmnews NEVER MISS AN EDITION SUBSCRIBE AT: www.gcnews.com.au
Lynette in play, characteristically lining up black with blue.
Annual General Meeting of the Mooloolah Valley Community Assoc. Inc. (MVCA) is to be held on Saturday 16/09/2023 @ 3.00pm, in the Mooloolah Public Hall 42 Bray Rd Mooloolah Valley. Nominations are called from Association Members of MVCA Inc for positions on the Committee.
AUGUST 15, 2023 | 31 www.gcnews.com.au
enquiries to Judi Olsen (Sec) 5494 7822; secretary@mooloolahcommunitycentre.org
CLASSIFIEDS Email: reception@gcnews.com.au or Phone: 5438 7445

Hinterland boxing coming to Mooloolaba

THE Hinterland Boxing Club has a huge fight night coming up on October 7 at the Mooloolaba Bowls Club, featuring headliner boxer and club favourite Dana Coolwell, along with stablemates Liam Pope, Tyler Blizzard and Joel Walsh.

There will also be a corporate bout between Beerwah Bulldogs A Grade halfback Mathew Kidd and the Maroochydore Swans A Grade halfback from last year’s team.

Dana Coolwell will be headlining the fight card, fighting for the IBF Pan Pacific Featherweight Title against Angelo Beltran, who has won eight out of nine fights, six of which have been KOs.

“This fight isn’t going to be any different to Dana’s last fight, we’ve got a south paw Pilipino who has fought to get where he is and he’s got power,” Dana’s coach and Hinterland Boxing Club owner, Steve, said.

“This is a risky and big fight, but a fight in the right direction and when he does win this fight it’s going to put him in the top 10 or 15 in the world and will be 12 months away from a world title shot.”

Liam Pope is heading into his next bout following his Australian Featherweight title win in June against Nestor Bolum.

Pope will be facing up against Jack Tresidder, a super bantam weight from Newcastle who has won two of his three bouts so far, and Liam’s coach Steve said the fight would put him in the right direction.

“He’s going for a regional title, the Australasian Super Bantam weight title, he’s going back down a weight division, if he wins this fight and if we have a few more development fights he’ll be knocking on the door for a regional strap in one of the other sanctioning bodies also,” he said.

Tyler Blizzard will be fighting for the Australian Super Bantam

Bulldogs finals bound

THE Beerwah Bulldogs A Grade Men and Open Women teams are heading into the finals in top form.

Beerwah’s Open Women side smashed the Noosa Pirates 44-10 while the undefeated A Grade Men dominated the Noosa Pirates 60-10.

The Bulldogs A Grade side scored five tries to Noosa’s two in the first half and kept them scoreless for the rest of the game. Beerwah scored a further five tries, with centre Samuel Humphreys and wing Samuel Fullerton both scoring a double.

They have remained undefeated for the whole regular season, and have one match left to wrap the season up, against the 2022 premiership winners, the Maroochydore Swans.

Bulldogs prop Amy Bock kicked off the try scoring for the Open Women team in the second minute, with the team scoring another seven tries to Noosa’s two.

This was the women’s last game of the regular season, as they are going into a bye this week.

They are likely to play the third placed Caloundra Sharks in the first round of the finals.

‘Tillies to the semis

HOW good was our Matildas on the weekend?

winning three out of his four bouts, and will be Tyler’s first title fight as a professional boxer.

Blizzard is one of Steve’s newest boxers to join his club, however Steve has high hopes for the fresh boxer and can see him achieving big things.

“This will be his first title fight, we know that Tyler will work hard when he’s in there and he’s a pressure fighter, he’s big for a super bantam weight and strong,”

Steve said.

“We have got plans for Tyler, we want him in the sanctioning bodies

Dana within the next 18 months, it’s all systems go for him.”

Joel Walsh debuted at Steve’s club six months ago, and this will be his second fight as a professional boxer and will face Faavesi Isaako in the ring, who has won one out of his five past bouts.

“Joel is from New South Wales and he is a fly in fly out worker so when he is home, he trains hard, he doesn’t have as much time as our other guys but he is just as dedicated,” he said.

“He isn’t fulltime because he’s got a young family and a baby

coming, he is just hoping to get a few wins in the ring and a title by the end of next year when he gets his experience up.”

Capacity will be 500 at the local event, which Steve said would sell out fast due to community support.

“How good is it going to be, it’s going to be a great night especially for our club, we have a number of local corporate bouts on the fight card too,” he said.

“It’s going to be a massive night for the club and for the town, there’s only 500 tickets available so get them while you can because

The rivalry and pure skill between France and the Matildas was electrifying to watch, keeping everyone on the edge of their seats from regular time right up to the exhilarating penalty shootout. Matilda Cortnee Vine secured the winning goal in the shootout, sending the Matildas to their first FIFA World Cup semi finals match.

To watch the exciting clash between England and Australia alongside equally diehard Matildas fans, head down to the BeeGees clubhouse this

Blackall Range tennis community sends down some aces

THE Maleny Tennis Club hosted a Blackall Range Tennis Social playing event on August 6, which invited players from clubs across the hinterland to partake in

set up like a round robin, with players playing 20 minutes per opponent.

Maleny Tennis Club Secretary Peter Eason has been the driver

and players were able to self-grade themselves so they were playing against a similar level, but towards the end we just played whoever,” he said.

“There wasn’t any aggressive competition or anything on the day, it was all just very social and friendly, and everyone just played some really good tennis.”

Eason reiterated the importance of having competitions like this which connects the various other tennis clubs in the hinterland, and what he is planning for the future of the club.

“The event was supported by Tennis Queensland, they provided all the balls but above that they promoted it to attract more people to the day, and this could

be a start to an official Blackall Range competition,” he said.

“We want this event to establish regular communication and playing with the other Blackall Range Clubs, whether that be social or competitive, and we will refine the player grading as we go.

“It’s common for people with similar interests to come together,

like-minded people getting together is what we normally do in life and this is just another example of that.”

The next Blackall Range Social Tennis event will be a junior one, and although the date is not confirmed yet it is expected to take place around late August or early September.

32 | AUGUST 15, 2023 www.gcnews.com.au SPORT NEWS with Kirra Livingstone
Brett Smith, Tyler Blizzard, Joel Walsh, Steve Pitt, Liam Pope and Dana Coolwell
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AUGUST 15, 2023 | 33 www.gcnews.com.au



Rosemary Kampf

Great Atmosphere – Great Food

Jan Cornfoot

30 Maple Street, Maleny Phone 5435 2134 reading@rosettabooks.com.au

Bob Malcolm

5494 3444 mexh@tpg.com.au


Cattle Dog/Bull Arab

Age: 2 years 9 months

Sex: Male

Adoption Fee: $199

Weight: 22 kg


Klaus loves the company of people, especially kids and he’s looking for an active family who is committed to keeping him physically challenged and mentally stimulated. Klaus is fine with other dogs, but we would obviously need to do a meet and greet if you have another dog in the family. Klaus loves to chase the ball and play tug and is house trained. He has basic training and is clever enough to learn much more. Klaus does have a high prey drive so we wouldn’t recommend a home with a cat or chickens. As with most of our dogs, we recommend high secure fencing.

34 | AUGUST 15, 2023 www.gcnews.com.au SWAMP WEEKLY CROSSWORD 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 11 13 14 15 16 17 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 36 37 38 39 41 42 ACROSS 3 Devil 9 Strawberries container 10 Mexican ridingblanket 11 Unbound 12 Got up 15 Strict training 18 Reserved 21 Top card 22 Outlet 23 Least hard to do 25 Nullified 27 One who has special advantage 29 Appear 31 Spirit 32 Perfumes 35 Combine 37 Take in food 38 View through an avenue 40 Eastern dulcimer 41 Whirled 42 Letting contract DOWN 1 Weapon 2 Ask hospitably 3 Picked out 4 Make up for 5 Donkey 6 Require 7 Evil intent 8 Fit 13 Vengeance 14 Doing wrong 16 Attacking 17 Those granted leases 19 Approaches 20 Make lace 24 Musical composition 26 Exclamation of 35 Table-shaped hill 39 Anger FUN PAGE
homes are needed for...
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all joke tellers! Jokes must be clean, socially suitable and a max 250 words. Email your jokes to editorial@gcnews.com.au and include your name and what town you live in.
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Street, Beerwah 5494
88 www.spicerstamarindretreat.com
Beerwah Sportsground home to
secretary@beerwahrlfc.com.au Beerwah Bulldogs Maleny Realty 44 Maple Street, Maleny 0438 616 064 www.malenyrealty.com.au PEST CONTROL BEERWAH 1800 445 065 organicpest@live.com.au Maleny Credit Union (MCU Ltd trading as) Bunya House, 28 Maple St, Maleny Ph: 07 5499 8988 www.mcu.com.au Panthers Knights Rabbitohs Storm Cowboys Broncos Dragons Roosters Sharks Knights Rabbitohs Storm Raiders Broncos Dragons Roosters Panthers
1 / 16 Lawyer Street, Maleny
the Doggies.
Knights Rabbitohs Storm
5493 0493
3 Panthers Eels Rabbitohs Storm Raiders Warriors Dragons Roosters
Eels Rabbitohs Storm Raiders Broncos Dragons Roosters
Eels Bulldogs Sea Eagles Cowboys Broncos Dragons Roosters
Kevin Taylor Sharks Eels Bulldogs Sea Eagles Cowboys Warriors Dragons Titans Beerwah Bulldogs
Knights Bulldogs Storm
Dennis Simpson Ryan Dillon
Panthers Eels Rabbitohs Storm Raiders Broncos Dragons Roosters Brett Lunt Panthers Eels Rabbitohs Storm Raiders Broncos Dragons Roosters Mooloolah Valley Sharks Eels Rabbitohs Storm Kel McNamara Panthers Eels Rabbitohs Storm Raiders Broncos Dragons Roosters Ben Guillemet Panthers Eels Rabbitohs Storm Raiders Broncos Dragons Roosters John Merritt Panthers Knights Rabbitohs Sea Eagles 7 ROUND 18 GAMES 12 9 6 11 8 1 5 8 10 2 4 2 LAST ROUND: 4 TOTAL: 77 LAST ROUND: 2 TOTAL: 60 LAST ROUND: 4 TOTAL: 80 LAST ROUND: 4 TOTAL: 75 LAST ROUND: 3 TOTAL: 71 LAST ROUND: 3 TOTAL: 72 LAST ROUND: 2 TOTAL: 66 LAST ROUND: LAST ROUND: LAST ROUND: LAST ROUND: LAST ROUND: 2 TOTAL: 78 LAST ROUND: 3 TOTAL: 76 LAST ROUND: 4 TOTAL: 78 Panthers vs. Sharks Knights vs. Eels Bulldogs
Rabbitohs Sea Eagles vs.
Broncos vs.
Titans vs. Roosters
Wayne Pitt
vs. Cowboys
vs. Tigers


= Sharks Eels Rabbitohs Storm Cowboys Warriors Tigers Roosters

the PollieS’


= OVERALL POSITION Bonus points awarded for perfect round tips


5 GAMES 4 8 13 7

Your Member for Glass House 5318 8100 glass.house@parliament.qld.gov.au


Gwen Mathews

AUGUST 15, 2023 | 35 Beerwah Hotel THIS ROUND 10 TOTAL 120 Cnr Mawhinney St & Beerwah Parade 1300 BEERWAH www.beerwahhotel.com.au 7 Panthers Sharks Broncos Rabbitohs Warriors Roosters Storm Knights 0407 245 287 alex.garden@raywhite.com YOU COULD WIN! $50,000 Beerwah THIS ROUND 5 TOTAL 98 Sharks Eels Rabbitohs Dolphins Storm Knights Beerwah Sportsground … home to the Doggies. See you at the game! secretary@beerwahbulldogs.com.au Beerwah Bulldogs Rugby League Beerwah Bulldogs TOTAL 88 20 Panthers Titans Eels Dragons Warriors Dolphins Raiders Bulldogs Kirra Livingstone THIS ROUND 7 TOTAL 102 5438 7445 0447 303 002 17 kirra@gcnews.com.au Panthers Sharks Eels Rabbitohs Warriors Roosters Storm Knights 0438 616 064 jess@malenyrealestate.com Paul Hooper 5 TOTAL 115 paul@paulsbodyengineering.com www.paulsbodyengineering.com Warriors Dolphins Raiders Knights Mick Driver THIS ROUND 10 TOTAL Beerwah Marketplace, Peachester Rd 5337 8121 www.meatatbeerwah.com.au 10 Panthers Sharks Broncos Rabbitohs Warriors Roosters Storm Knights Naomi & Lauren THIS ROUND 6 TOTAL 106 hello@crestmarketing.com.au | crestmarketing.com.au 16 0423 838 152 Panthers Titans Broncos Rabbitohs Warriors Dolphins Storm Knights Martin Kavanagh THIS ROUND 7 TOTAL 121 0439 221 933 martin.kavanagh@boq.com.au boq.com.au 6 Panthers Sharks Broncos Rabbitohs Warriors Roosters Storm Knights 0413 118 279 WWW.ALCORNSANTENNAS.COM.AU Aaron Alcorn THIS ROUND 10 TOTAL 118 9 Panthers Sharks Broncos Rabbitohs Warriors Roosters Storm Knights 0404 903 801 www.gregsmallelectrical.com.au greg@gregsmallelectrical.com.au Greg Small THIS ROUND 7 TOTAL 13 Panthers Sharks Broncos Rabbitohs Warriors Dolphins Storm Knights Krystle Kirk THIS ROUND 2 TOTAL 97 0429 405 597 | themcgillgroup.com.au 19 Panthers Titans Eels Dragons Warriors Dolphins Raiders Bulldogs Kurt Quinn 5 THIS ROUND 10 TOTAL 122 Panthers Sharks Broncos Rabbitohs Warriors Roosters Storm Knights 01 8 8 x. com a u Danielle Booth THIS ROUND 6 TOTAL 114 12 Panthers Sharks Broncos Dragons Warriors Dolphins Storm Knights Sarah Kwarcianyi THIS ROUND 5 TOTAL 119 Sea Eagles Sharks Broncos Rabbitohs Warriors Roosters Raiders Bulldogs 11 5499 9200 4/16 Lawyer Street, Maleny Panthers Sharks Broncos Rabbitohs Warriors Dolphins Storm Knights SUNCOAST SUPREME CLEANING Phone: 0491-075-652 www.suncoastsupremecleaning.com.au THIS ROUND 7 TOTAL 118 Panthers Sharks Broncos Rabbitohs Warriors Roosters Storm Knights 1 / 16 Lawyer Street, Maleny 5494 3444 mexh@tpg.com.au THIS ROUND 10 TOTAL 120 Rabbitohs Knights 0458 162 022 www.jobeelectrical.com.au Brad Jobe THIS ROUND 10 TOTAL 124 4 Panthers Sharks Broncos Rabbitohs Warriors Roosters Storm Knights 2 Panthers Sharks Broncos Rabbitohs Warriors Roosters Storm Knights A.K. CABINETS Alf Kwarcianyi THIS ROUND 5 TOTAL 113 13 A.K. CABINETS 0408 154 386 alf@akcabinets.com.au | www.akcabinets.com.au Sea Eagles Sharks Broncos Rabbitohs Warriors Dolphins Raiders Knights Great Atmosphere – Great Food Rosemary Kampf THIS ROUND 10 TOTAL 127 2 Panthers Sharks Broncos Rabbitohs Warriors Roosters Storm Knights 10 Reed Street, Glass House Mountains ww w .g lass ho us e t a ve r n c om.a u 07 5493 0933 THIS ROUND 10 TOTAL 130 Panthers Sharks Broncos Rabbitohs Warriors Roosters Storm Knights Phone: 0427 709 011 No appointment Necessary
SOLICITORS Serving the Sunshine Coast for over 50 years 5491 1444 office@pollockingram.com.au 0421 865 633 Don’t dig blind... 0407 245 287 alex.garden@raywhite.com YOU COULD WIN! $50,000 Thanks to Andrew Dobbie from Just go to andrewdobbiesells.com.au and enter your details... Beerwah Connection
Obi Lane South Maleny www.spicerstamarindretreat.com 5420 5420 Sportsground … Doggies.
Panthers Knights Rabbitohs Raiders Broncos Dragons Roosters Panthers Eels Rabbitohs Storm Raiders
Roosters Landsborough Pool Supplies and Services
Road, Glenview 5494 5973 info@mooloolahvalleycountryclub.com.au until late – 7 days!
at the game! secretary@beerwahrlfc.com.au
Rugby League
Broncos Dragons
Panthers Eels Rabbitohs Storm Raiders Broncos Dragons Roosters
Panthers Knights Bulldogs Raiders Warriors Dragons Roosters
Robert Ingram Panthers Eels Rabbitohs Storm Raiders Broncos Dragons Roosters Dillon
Sharks Rabbitohs Raiders Warriors Tigers Roosters
Panthers Eels Rabbitohs
Roosters Merritt Panthers Knights Rabbitohs Eagles Cowboys Warriors Tigers Roosters Ron
Panthers Knights Rabbitohs Storm Raiders
Country Club
Alex Garden
Storm Raiders Broncos Dragons
THE POLLIE - ANDREW POWELL THE POLLIE - JASON HUNT THIS ROUND 7 TOTAL 122 THIS ROUND 10 TOTAL 126 Sea Eagles vs Panthers (W) (W) Sharks vs Titans (W) Broncos vs Eels (W) Rabbitohs vs Dragons Wests Tigers vs Warriors (W) (W) Roosters vs Dolphins (W) Storm vs Raiders (W) Knights vs Bulldogs
Cowboys vs Sharks Warriors vs Sea Eagles Eels vs Roosters Wests Tigers vs Dolphins Titans vs Panthers Dragons vs Storm Knights vs Rabbitohs Raiders vs Bulldogs 5 3 Your Member for Glass House 5318 8100 glass.house@parliament.qld.gov.au Your Member for Caloundra 5329 4100 caloundra@parliament.qld.gov.au +2
Panthers Sharks Broncos Rabbitohs Warriors Roosters Raiders Knights Panthers Sharks Broncos Rabbitohs Warriors Roosters Storm Knights +2 +2 +2 +2 +2 +2 +2 +2 (07) 5494 3800 5/17 Maple Street, Maleny manager@hinterlandsurveys.com Anthony Gray THIS ROUND 6 TOTAL 107 15 Sea Eagles Sharks Broncos Rabbitohs Warriors Roosters Raiders Knights +2 +2 +2 +2
BEERWAH CELLARS - BEERWAH SHOP 11, BEERWAH MARKETPLACE PEACHESTER RD TEL 5494 0477 BEERWAH DRIVE THRU - BEERWAH MAWHINNEY STREET TEL 5494 0555 GLASS HOUSE CELLARS - GLASS HOUSE MOUNTAIN SHOP 5, 9 BRUCE PARADE TEL 5493 0188 FOREST GLEN CELLARS - FOREST GLEN TENANCY 2, 5 VILLAGE CENTRE WAY, TEL 5406 2015 MOOLOOLAH CELLARS - MOOLOOLAH SHOP 3, 2 JONES STREET TEL 5494 7320 PALMWOODS CELLARS - PALMWOODS SHOP 5, 18-20 MARGARET STREET TEL 5445 9266 PALMWOODS DRIVE THRU - PALMWOODS 28 MAIN STREET TEL 5445 9003 QLD_P17_HP_GCN All specials available from Wednesday 9th August until Tuesday 22nd August 2023. Images are for illustrative purposes only. Specials available only in the state of Queensland. Prices may vary in country and far North Queensland. Different pack sizes and variants may not be available in all stores. Bottlemart supports the responsible service of alcohol. YELLOW TAIL WINES (EXCL. PROSECCO) 750ML TERMS AND CONDITIONS APPLY. WHILE STOCKS LAST. BONUS YELLOW TAIL 187ML SHIRAZ SIMPLY PURCHASE ANY TWO 750ML BOTTLES OF YELLOW TAIL WINES ANY 2 FOR $ 18 BONUS BOTTLEMART.COM.AU $53.99 EACH $51.99 EACH COOPERS MILD ALE 24 X 375ML BOTTLES $55.99 EACH $53.99 EACH PURE BLONDE ULTRA LOW CARB 24 X 355ML BOTTLES OR 375ML CANS XXXX GOLD 30 X 375ML CANS HEINEKEN 24 X 330ML BOTTLES EQUATES TO $44.09 PER 700ML 1 LITRE $62.99 EACH PEPPERJACK WINES (EXCL. GRADED & SPARKLING RED) 750ML BONUS PEPPERJACK PINOT NOIR WHEN YOU SPEND $50 ON PEPPERJACK 750ML WINES While stocks last. $19.99 EACH BONUS WIN AN ICONIC TRIP GREAT NORTHERN ORIGINAL 24 X 330ML BOTTLES OR 375ML CANS $55.99 EACH START THE GOOD TIMES JIM BEAM WHITE LABEL BOURBON OR CANADIAN CLUB WHISKY 1 LITRE GRANT’S SCOTCH WHISKY 1 LITRE EQUATES TO $41.29 PER 700ML 1 LITRE $58.99 EACH JACK DANIEL’S DOUBLE JACK & COLA 6.9% VARIETIES 10 X 375ML CANS $59.99 EACH JACOB’S CREEK RESERVE WINES 750ML $9.99 EACH $14 99 EACH SECRET STONE WINES (EXCL. PINOT NOIR), WYNNS COONAWARRA WINES (EXCL. BLACK LABEL) OR DE BORTOLI ROSÉ ROSÉ OR BLUE GRIS 750ML LIVE entertainment DJs Friday Nights | Bands Saturday Nights Check out our Facebook page for who is playing each week a taste of country ... great food & quality entertainment cnr mawhinney st & beerwah parade | BOOKINGS ESSENTIAL | 1300 beerwah | WWW.beerwahHOTEL.COM.AU | The Courtesy Bus is back! From 4pm Fridays and 12pm Saturdays for pick ups and drop offs around Beerwah, Glasshouse, Beerbur rum, Peachester and Landsborough every Friday and Saturday night from 8:30pm | Free Entry

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Articles inside

Blackall Range tennis community sends down some aces

pages 32-33

‘Tillies to the semis

page 32

Bulldogs finals bound

page 32

Hinterland boxing coming to Mooloolaba

page 32


page 31

Being an indoor gardener is a real thing

page 25

Landsborough lifestyle

page 24

Modern home with glorious views

page 24

Helping those out of depth Celebrating readers, writers and libraries in the hinterland

pages 20-23

The Chilling Truth:

page 19

Talk goes to script

pages 18-19


page 18

Rosetta’s Great Reads

page 18

Battling timeframes and mainframes

page 17

Scape success

pages 16-17


pages 14-15

Book-ful of belly laughs from Maleny born author

page 14

More than just a hearing clinic.

pages 12-13

Butcher that’s a cut above

page 12

is still a top getaway

page 11

Lit Live shines on local authors

page 11


page 10

Tributes to former premier, Mike Ahern

page 9

Lots of Sconversations

page 8

Custodians call for talks

page 7

Wallace to represent Oz at UN Assembly

page 6

Climbing in support of

pages 4-5

Aces all round for Maleny Apex charity

pages 3-4

Call for talks before blasts

pages 1-3
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