1 minute read


Ideas for 2023 forums?

Maleny Forums Coordinating Team is in discussion with local residents who suggested topics regarding insufficient local Child Care, an opportunity to create local Community Battery Storage, and community responses to the challenges of Ageing well in Maleny.

Other important topics were raised but not pursued. Two such topics were with regard to issues around the local pool and housing/homelessness. Local groups already exist around these issues and so those details have been shared with the people interested in that topic.


The ‘Maleny Park for All’ working group

If you’d like to be kept informed of the progress of the working group, please email malenyparkforall@gmail.com

Waste Action Maleny (WAM)

WAM is seeking volunteers with a passion for a local sustainable environment who can assist with activities and projects. The intent of WAM is to run initiatives that inform, educate and empower local people to find local solutions to the global problem of waste and its many related issues. Prospective volunteers are invited to email wasteactionmaleny@gmail.com

Maleny Forums collaborates with the Maleny Neighbourhood Hinterland Business Centre, and Maleny Community The ongoing support of local Councilor Winston Johnson Interested in any of the topics? Like to receive notices of working groups? Please email malenyforums@gmail.com

The Maleny Forums Coordinating Team

If you would like to become involved with the team that convenes and promotes events to inform and engage the community, please contact the team by emailing malenyforums@gmail.com

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