B4 Magazine

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The amazing world of the animal kind.



Rio an Intelligent creature 1-2

No ordinary bird 3-4

Orky and Corky the killer whales 5-6

Twiggy the incredible Squirrel 7-8

The hero pig that saved a life 9-20


Rio an Intelligent creature Rio is a sea lion that lives in a University in California at Santa Cruz, She was considered the only one intelligent sea lion in the world. she is a non-human being that can do a lot of things, like: difference symbols, numbers and also she can recognize all the alphabet.

Why Rio is so unique? Rio is so unique and this is because she acquired the capacity to think like a human. Rio have a lot of skills that her trainer give to her and these skills are achieved in her brain. Her trainer use with her a differents ways to teach. This process achieved an important impact in the history of biology.

The University of California wanted to experimented with animals. They wanted to do this to know and test if animals are less, equal or more intelligent than human are. The University was right, they said that animals, in this case, Rio that is a sea lion is almost intelligent than we are, because all the skills she have until these days.


Interesting fact

The University achieved this process that the tests have success and Rio helped to realized this tests. She can find solutions to different kind of problems.

These are the

symbols that Rio can recognize.

Success Progress Ronald Schusterman is her trainer, he use his own perception to train Rio and teach her all the skills that she have now. He has a lot of perseverance, talent and patience to train Rio, because in the beginning to train her is difficult because she is an animal. For all these reasons we conclude that Rio is an intelligent animal, one of the first non-human being that can think like us, like a human.


No ordinary bird

Alex the parrot was a smart grey parrot and was an animal experiment by the animal psychologist Irene Pepperberg. His uniqueness not only regarded his ability to learn names of individual objects but also identify the objects and their colors regardless of their shape. But, who was Alex? Alex was an African parrot born in 1976. How he became famous? He became famous for being the subject of a psychological experiment at three universities: University of Arizona, Harvard and Brandeis University. The training of Alex the parrot was very special. When the animal psychologist Irene Pepperberg, at the university of Arizona and Harvard university bought him at pet shop. When she bought Alex, he had one year old. Irene wanted to training he for her studies. Irene said: “birds do not have a good cognition, birds were not considered to be intelligent and only repeat


sounds to interact with each other�, according to telegraph. The kind of training to give to Alex was model/rival technique. Alex have special abilities that make him special and different comparing with other birds. He learned a lot of words, almost 100 words at the beginning he could



expression. “For example, when shown a blue paper triangle, he could tell an experimenter what color the paper was, what shape it was, and after touching it what it was made of.� In math he can count numbers in order and differentiate it, like count objects. The experiments that he participated was in many. These are some skills that alex have, and make him special in the world.


Orky and Corky the killer whales Your life in sea world What is the corky show? The corky show is about her doing stunts in the air in a tank where there are people watching her. What happened to sea world? Spooky, born circular tank, Corky had between the wall of the hitting the edge of the Spooky from the wall of he learned to confuse instead of the white spot place to breastfeed. being born.

spooky (daughter of corky) in on Halloween in the small to keep placing her face tank and her baby to avoid tank. As Corky had to block the tank over and over again, the white spot with his eye, on his belly, as the proper Spooky died 11 days after

The benefits of the whales to have living in sea world is now they have a better life entertaining all the persons to go and have a more personal treatment.

History in the sea Corky was captured on the 11th of December, 1969 in British Columbia, Canada. She was only 4-5 years old. She was later sold to MarineLand of the Pacific. She lived there with many orcas but all soon died. Her main companion was Orky II. He was Corky's cousin.

History of Corky and Orky 7

They are the only killer whale that has surpassed 40 years in captivity and is now 47 years old.  It was captured in 1969 from its natural habitat in Canada.  Of the other members of her pack captured that day, only them survives.  Corky was baptized with the same name as another orca that had died in the same park, probably in an attempt to hide this death and imply that it was the same animal It became the first orca to be pregnant and gave birth in captivity. No one was aware of her first pregnancy until the baby was born on February 28, 1977.The baby died after 18 days. 


Twiggy the incredible Squirrel

Twiggy the fabulous animal that changed our way of thinking Did you know? In 1979 he appeared in his first nautical show and, obvious, it was a success, although he had problems, with time he acquired the ability to ski in the water like a professional and achieved fame.

The Impact that Twiggy left us...

“Animals are born as they are, accept it and that is all. They live with greater peace than people� said Gregory Maguire.


All the animals are the same The purpose of Twiggy show is to demonstrate that animals can learn Nobody expected a squirrel could surf.

How this works? She knows that if she does not cling to the skis, she would automatically fall to the water.


It was totally a joke… The Incredible abilities that Twiggy has different from other squirrels Twiggy is able to do things than other squirrels can not “The animals of the world exist for their own reason. They were not made for humans” said Alice Walker.

Twiggy is the most famous squirrel until today!

Why she is famous? She is famous because this squirrel has the ability to ski in the water.



A pig is “an animal with no fur and a curly tail kept by farmers for its meat.” said by Macmillan. It is scientifically proven that pigs are intelligent, this is controversial because they are more intelligent than a three year old child, because they are curious, intuitive and sincere. Pigs have a good long-term memory and the ability to recognize objects.

Lulu was a pot-bellied pig that was born in Pennsylvania in the 90’s. Her owner took Lulu to live with Jo Ann, the owner’s mother, in 1997. She was a very smart and protective pig. She developed a strong relationship with Jo Ann and her husband so she stayed with them instead of going back with her original owner. In 1998, Jo Ann had a heart attack and her husband was out in a trip. Their dog started barking really loud but no one was around to hear.

Lulu rolled Jo Ann to the door and went out to the street through the fence to get help. She played dead in order to get someone’s attention and it worked! A driver that was passing by saw her and went to check on her, she led him back to the trailer, where he found JoAnn and called 911. Thanks to the bright intelligence of Lulu Jo Ann survived and had a wonderful recovery. “Has 15 more minutes passed and she would have died” the doctor said.


Lulu was rewarded in different ways for saving a life. “The pig made news in USA Today magazine and People.� said by Bles. Obviously, Lulu received a medal for her actions. She apparently has a statue in the providence where she lived. Ever since this happened Jo ann gives Lulu one donut every day. She also achieved fame by making appearances in the Oprah show and the Late Late show. For these reasons Lulu the pig is considered a hero.

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