Term IV - Biology Portfolio 2 – Cancer Subject: Biology Full Name: _____________________
Teacher: Mr. Gerardo LAZARO Grade: 8th ________ Deadline: Nov-5
INSTRUCTIONS On a two-page layout, work following these instructions: LEFT PAGE: Classic I. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
II. • • •
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Answer the following questions: What is Cancer? Find at least 3 definitions from different sources (Cite your sources). How is Cancer classified? Justify your answer. Describe the incidence and types of cancer most frequently found in each continent. How does lifestyle influence in the development of Cancer. Are we all born with Cancer? And only some of us manifest the disease? What is your opinion? Use the information you investigated to answer this question. Video: Cancer (http://bit.ly/71m7E) Handling Concepts Select at least 3 important concepts from the topic worked in class. Provide the concepts’ definitions, describe their characteristics and functions. Prepare a mind map, concept map or web diagram to connect as many concepts, ideas, definitions, functions and conclusions. Make connections between the information from the topic and your own life and/or surroundings. Annotate 3 or more words and/or concepts that you need more explaining to understand. Fill up the KWL Chart.
RIGHT PAGE: Interactive •
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Use this side to represent the main ideas or concepts in a graphic way: make drawings, paste images, find videos or music that represent, complement or clarify the concepts. Write a comment, a script for a video or podcast to express your understanding and points of view about the topic. Produce a video and publish it in your Wiki. Predict new outcomes. OPTIONAL: Engage in a collaborative project to reinforce the concepts from the topic.