8th Chemistry - Class 2 - Branches of Chemistry

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St. George's College

Subject: 8th CHEMISTRY

Class: Branches of Chemistry Date: March 11th


Teacher's notes



Link and Learn

Prepared by


8th Milton ‐ Introduction to Chemistry Name

Oral Intervention



Marcelo Antonella Paulo Sergio María Fernanda Alejandro Alejandra Brenda Almendra Diego Anna Paula Gabriel Sandra E‐C Maia Valeria María Belén Cristina Alfredo Giuliana Joshua Kinley Arianne María Gracia Sandra M. Fiorella Gonzalo N. Rodrigo Giulia Paolo Gonzalo R. Giorgio Jaime Stefano Bruno Nicolás María Claudia



BIOCHEMISTRY YouTube Video ‐ Click here


What type(s) of chemistry can be found in this video?

YouTube Video ‐ Click here



INSTRUCTIONS G r o u p 1 R o d r i g o M a . F e r n a n d a C r i s t i n a A l m e n d r a G i u l i a K i n l e y

1. In a piece of paper, write a story about the circumstance suggested per group, including as many branches of chemistry as you can. G r o u p

2. Each member of the group must contribute with at least 25 words. 3. All stories will be narrated by one member of each group, and the audience must identify the central idea and all the branches of chemistry included in the story. 4. If the audience doesn't find all out, there's a bonus point for the narrating group. 5. If the audience suggests valid branches of chemistry that were not included by the narrating group, then bonus points will be awarded to the group that suggested them. 6. The best narration, and the best story will receive bonus points. 7

Group 1 Rodrigo Ma. Fernanda Cristina Almendra Giulia Kinley

Group 4 Giuliana Gabriel Nicolas Antonella Gonzalo N. Sergio

Group 2 Marcelo Belen Stefano Paulo Almendra Jaime

Group 5 Anna Paula Alfredo Paolo Ma. Gracia Brenda Sandra

Group 3 Bruno Giorgio Gonzalo R. Diego Alejandro Sandra M.

Group 6 Valeria Ma.Claudia Joshua Maia Arianne Fiorella 8

Teacher's Notes This class has been designed to cover the topics of Branches of Chemistry for the week of Monday March 2nd till Friday March 6th. For further knowledge about this topic: 1. Conduct a thorough search under the topic: Branches of Chemistry on the Web, books and magazines. 2. If findings are not specific, ask your teacher for suggestions.


Objectives • Analyze the importance of Chemistry in our world. • Describe the characteristics and fields of study of the branches of Chemistry. • Identify branches of chemistry.

Note: All, or most, of the objectives will be covered during class time, however the student must be responsible for those objectives not covered or concluded.


Vocabulary • • • • •

Biochemistry: Neurochemistry: Analytical Chemistry: Physical Chemistry: Materials Chemistry:

Note: Most of the vocabulary words will be covered during class time, however the student must be responsible for those words not covered or concluded.


Link and Learn You can visit the following websites to improve your understanding on the present topic: • • • • • •

http://bit.ly/akoQI http://bit.ly/UOvV http://science‐learning2009.wikispaces.com http://learningandscience.blogspot.com www.sanjorge.edu.pe http://libraryatstgeorge.blogspot.com


Prepared by

Gerardo LAZARO Science Lead Teacher Email: glazaro@sanjorge.edu.pe Wiki: http://science‐learning2009.wikispaces.com Blog: http://learningandscience.blogspot.com Twitter: http://twitter.com/glazaro


Resources Used Slide (Group)




G1 ‐ 2 Image

John Milton


G1 ‐ 4 Images

Methane Burette Flask

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