Teacher Survey

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EXPERIENCE WITH THE USE OF WIKIS – TEACHER’S SURVEY Please fill out this survey honestly and to the best of your knowledge. 1. Do you have a Wiki? a. Yes (Please write the address: http:// b. No. Skip to question 10. 2. What is the nature of your Wiki? a. Subject b. Grade c. Personal d. Other (Please specify: ___________________________________________________) 3. What is your role in the Wiki? a. Organizer b. Member 4. How many people can edit your wiki? a. 1 (Only me) b. 2 c. 3 d. 4 e. 5 or more. 5. How often do you upload information into your Wiki? a. Once a month. b. Twice a month. c. Every Week. d. Two or more times a week. 6. What is the main purpose of your Wiki? You can mark more than one option. a. To narrate school events. b. To upload school contents. c. To upload class instructions (homework, assignments, reading comprehension, etc). d. Other (Please specify: ___________________________________________________) 7. Mark all the elements that you regularly use in your Wiki: a. Text. b. Maps. c. Calendar. d. Polls. e. Audio. f. Images. g. Videos. h. Animations. i. Presentations. j. RSS Feed.

k. Chat and IM. 8. Apart from uploading contents, do you promote online activities or collaborative work among students? Yes. Specify: __________________________________________________________________ No. 9. What is your Wiki’s average number of visitors per week? a. 0 – 50 b. 51 – 100 c. 101 – 200 d. 200 or more 10. Do you have a blog that you use for school activities? Yes. Address: http:// No. (Go to question 14) 11. Compared to Blogs, how do you rate the use of wikis in the classroom or for school activities? a. Unsatisfactory. b. Satisfactory. c. Outstanding. d. Other: Specify: 12. What tools are easier to use in a wiki than in a blog? Mark more than one answer if necessary. a. Embedding Media (Chat windows, Forums, Polls, Maps, SlideShare, Issuu, Videos, Flash animations, Photo presentations, etc). b. Uploading Files (.ppt, .jpg, .mp3, .pdf, .notebook, etc). c. Platform presentation. d. Ability to find the information without losing previous posts out of sight. e. Possibility to create several pages within the same wiki. f. Other. Specify: __________________________________________________________ 13. How do you rate the use of Wikis as a teacher? a. Unsatisfactory. b. Satisfactory. c. Outstanding. d. Other: Specify: 14. What are your comments about using Wikis as a tool for education?

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