June 2, 2019
2411 Woodlake Road Denison, Texas 75021 (903) 465-1016 glcdenison.org
Ministers: Members of Grace Pastor ........................................ Michael J. Mattil Secretary ....................................... Debi Wendorf Organist...........................................Cheryl Mattil Children’s Ministry............................April Gilbert
This Week at Grace Today June 2 9:15 a Worship 10:30 a Sunday School Hour 12:00 n Youth Day Tuesday June 4 1:00 p Lutheran Braille Workers Wednesday June 5 1:00 p Quilters Thursday June 6 6:30 a Men’s Bible Breakfast (at Braum’s) Saturday June 8 9:00 a VBS Workday Next Sunday June 9 9:15 a Worship 10:30 a Sunday School Hour 12:00 n LWML Gathering
Serving in June 10:30 a.m. Ushers
Altar Care
Glenn Dube Bryan Hantsche Phil Haning Open Phil Haning
It is that time of year again!!! We are in need of people to sign up and mow the grounds around the church. We have all the equipment. We just need your help for it to work!
Worship LSB1 Welcome to Worship Opening Hymn: LSB493 A Hymn of Glory Let Us Sing
Invocation Confession and Absolution Introit Kyrie This is the Feast Prayer Of The Day Acts 1:1-11 Gradual Ephesians 1:15–23 Verse Luke 24:44–53 Children's Message Sermon Hymn Ancient Words
Sermon Nicene Creed Offerings Offering Hymn Let the Vineyards Be Fruitful
Prayers of the Church The Preface Prayer & Lord’s Prayer Words of Institution Peace of the Lord Lamb of God Distribution Post-Communion Canticle Prayer Benediction Closing Hymn: LSB643 Sent Forth by God's Blessing
DID YOU KNOW… Sunday School Offerings: Each quarter, the Sunday School offerings gathered at Grace are distributed to mission projects (both local & global). This quarter (April, May & June), the offerings collected will be sent to Mission Central in Iowa for flooding relief in the Plains states. Gary Thies with Mission Central was one of our special guest speakers during our 75th anniversary. Here is a partial list of projects the SS money has gone towards: Sole Hope, Local Food Pantries, Lutherans For Life, LOMT, Family Promise, Grand Central Station Dining Car, Shared Ministries of Sherman, Food For The Poor, Heart of Texas (Hurricane Harvey Relief). If you would like to assist in this mission project, please mark your special offerings “Sunday School - Mission Central”.
Flood Buckets: Grace will once again be putting together flood buckets for future use. We are looking at putting 20 – 25 buckets together to be utilized by our disaster response teams and our members (for family, friends & neighbors). It cost between $20 & $25 to complete a bucket. If you would like to assist in this mission project, please mark your special offerings “Flood Buckets”.
Grace Youth will be meeting today at noon. Come and kick off your summer with loads of fun. Bring a friend and share a great time! LWML collects eye glasses, ink cartridges, and stamps. Money from ink cartridges goes toward mission projects. Stamps are sent to Project comfort to help cover shipping costs for Lutheran World Relief. Eye glasses are collected for the Lion’s Club’s “Recycle for Sight” program. Collection boxes for these items are by the mailboxes. Flowers today are from Glen & Gloria Dube in honor of their 43rd wedding anniversary on May 29th.
LWML will hold a gathering on Sunday, June 2nd at noon. The topics of discussion will be election of new officers and mission projects. A meal will be provided. All ladies are invited.
Baptisms, Birthdays & Anniversaries this week! Baptism Addie Patterson 6/5 Birthday Jake Jones 6/5 Lacey Braun 6/8 Tracy Childress 6/8 Anniversaries Wayne & Becky Simms 6/2/1984 35 yrs VBS Registration has begun! Miraculous Mission will be the week of July 22-26. Go to our website for more information and to register. You can sign up to volunteer also! Come and hear how Jesus saved the world. (glcdenison.org)
Summer Schedule today. From June 2 through August 25 the schedule will be Worship Service 9:15 Sunday School 10:30 On Sunday September 1 there will be one service at 10:30 followed by a picnic at the pavilion.