Booklet Albania (Puke) - I Have a Dream

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Wellcome to ALBANIA

Welcome to Albania


This info booklet will give you a wide array of information to help you to have a perfect idea about country where you are coming. It will contain information about culture, places, info, people, ect... For any doubt or question just send an e-mail 2

Do you know where is Albania? Albania is part of the Mediterranean basin. It is part of the Balkan peninsula and of Europe, bordered by Greece to the south Kosovo and Montenegro to the north, Macedonia to the East and Adriatic and Jone sea separate Albania from Italy to the West.

About Albania Awaking Sleeping Beauty–like in the 1990th from her hardline communist isolation, Albania was a stranger from another time. Her cities weren’t choked by car fumes, her beaches were unspoilt by mass tourism, her long-suffering people were a little dazed and confused. While things have changed a lot since then, this ancient land still offers something increasingly rare in Europe these days – a glance into a culture that is all its own. Raised on a diet of separation and hardship, Albania is distinctly Albanian.


You’ll continue to find beautiful pristine beaches on parts of the Ionian Coast (try the charming town of Saranda), fascinating classical sites like ancient Berat, and dramatic mountain citadels, but the mad traffic of Tirana is symptomatic of a bustling, bright city shrugging off its Stalinist grey patina. Squat toilets are no longer the norm and you can even sip cocktails at hip bars while listening to rock bands. Meanwhile, Northern Albania keeps the country’s reputation as a wild frontier alive and well, with bleak mountains and the occasional blood feud

Arriving in Albania Entry by Air All international airrrivals enter through Mother Theresa International Airport, located 17 km northwest of Tirana. Linkage with the city is provided through a shuttle bus service, the Tirana Rinas Express, running between Skanderbeg Square and Mother Theresa Airport. Shuttle buses depart every hour at the top of the hour, with an approximate cost of 2 euros. Taxi service available at all times. Entry by Sea Albania can be accessed by sea through its main ports: Durrës: Italian ports of Ancona, Bari, Brindisi & Trieste Vlora: the Italian port of Brindisi Shëngjin: the Italian port of Bari Saranda: the Greek Island of Corfu Entry by Roadways • Montenegro • Kosovo • Macedonia • Greece

History of Albania Albanians call their country Shqipëria, and trace their roots to the ancient Illyrian tribes. Their language is descended from Illyrian, The Illyrians occupied the western Balkans during the 2nd millennium BC. They built substantial 4

fortified cities, mastered silver and copper mining and became adept at sailing the Mediterranean. The Venetians occupied some coastal towns, and from 1443 to 1468 the national hero Skanderbeg (Gjergj Kastrioti) led Albanian resistance to the Turks from his castle at Kruja. Skanderbeg won all 25 battles he fought against the Turks. After Skanderbeg’s death and for more than 400 years Albania w a s under

Illyrians settlements Illyrians coins findings in Teuta treasure

Ottoman rule. Further uprisings between 1910 and 1912 culminated in a proclamation of independence and the formation of a provisional government led by Ismail Qemali at Vlora in 1912. In January 1946 the People’s Republic of Albania was proclaimed, with Enver Hoxha as president and ‘Supreme Comrade’. Hoxha died in April 1985 and his long-time associate Ramiz Alia took over the leadership. In June 1990, inspired by the changes that were occurring elsewhere in Eastern Europe, around 4500 Albanians took refuge in Western embassies in Tirana. After student demonstrations in December 1990, the government agreed to allow opposition parties. The Democratic Party, led by heart surgeon Sali Berisha, was formed. After the resignation of Alia, parliament elected Sali Berisha president in April. A severe crisis developed in late 1996 when private pyramid-investment schemes inevitably collapsed. In spring 1999 Albania faced a crisis of a different sort. The general election of 2005 saw a return of Berisha’s Democratic Party to government. Albanian politics and the economy have been stable, but work still has to be done to ensure that there is an end to electricity shortages and other infrastructure deficiencies that plague the country. Hopes are high that NATO membership will be achieved by 2008, while an invitation to the EU club remains an elusive goal.


Mother TERESA Mother Teresa was born Agnes Gonxha Bojaxhiu on 27 August 1910, in Skopje, Macedonia. When she was just 17, she joined a Catholic order that did charity work in India. She founded the Missionaries of Charity in 1950, which was a new order devoted to helping the sick, disabled and poor, and continued to tirelessly minister to the world’s most needy people. Mother Teresa was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1979, “for work undertaken in the struggle to overcome poverty and distress, which Mother TERESA also constitute a threat to peace”.


Gjergj Kastrioti-Skënderbeu (1405-17 January 1468) was born in Kruje and Ottoman Empire took since he was a child and trained him. In 1439 he escaped and came in Albania to protect his own town. He became a hero by wining 24 battles and made greater endurance Ottoman conquest for 34 years.


Ismail Qemali

Ismail Qemal Bej Vlora was born in Vlorë in 1844 and died in Italy in 1919. He was a great leader of National Albanian Movement and he wanted to release Albania from Ottoman conquest. In 1912 with Luigj Gurakuqi they took the independence from Ottoman and they raised up the Flag of Liberty in Vlora Ismail Qemali

Culture of Albania Albanian kitchens commonly used clay pots, wooden and copper for cooking, baking bread and maintaining dairy. Using more of one group or the other depends on the family’s economic strength and geographic environment of the establishment of the facility. In poor rural families overpowered earthen and wooden vessels. Their report differed depending on the location of the villages.


In mountainous areas dominated by wooden vessels such as those of eating, Milk or those Zahir storage (canned foods). In the plains dominated by earthen vessels such as those used for dining and food storage, they are for keeping dairy and water dishes. Rarely any container can be wooden or copper. In middleincome families and more Albanian traditional carpet affluent families, dominated by copper and porcelain dishes. Furniture used for sleeping environments varied according to geographic location and economic strength of the family. Usually these environments were quite simple. In mountainous areas with cold climate family members slept on wooden beds quite simply paved with dry fern or straw, covered with woolen coat. In the high plains of Albania and especially in Myzeqe slept on bedding placed on the floor. In cities these facilities was paid more attention, equipped with beds, mattress and sheets woven in “avlëmend” houses. Concurrent with these environments pitch and portmanteau of different sizes, which guarded the clothes of the couple and their children. Special care was devoted to certain rooms for the reception of guests. In some cases they resemble small ethnographic exhibits environments in which you can admire the best seating types as carpets, “velenca”, cushions etc; different carving Albanian traditional clothing during a traditional dance


wood ceilings, cupboards lids, etc., etc. . In addition to those in these rooms were always present different pots of copper or porcelain clay, grave goods of coffee, the province’s popular instruments, guns hanging on the wall etc.. Especially in cities distinguished guests rooms for multiple devices made with skill, especially in affluent families, could be seen revenue from equipment furniture centers developed European countries as well as from the east. All these facilities and other equipment were part of the lifestyle of the different regions of Albania. While working tools used by cowman farmers or different trades workers, reflect the lifestyle.

Place of accommodation



Why should you visit Puka?

Puka is a small turistica town in the North part of Albania with 8000 inhabitant, when most of them deal with agri-culture and mountain tourism. Puka is a town where is combined traditional values​​, culture and tourism with the production of organic foods (fli, tave dheu, pule fshati, lakrore etj.). Is a town who base the economy in extraction of Coal, Chrome ect. minerals. Mountain tourism is a key point that worth mentioning places like Koman, Pears, Munella etc.. Not leave without mentioning that the town offers many wonderful landscapes with the combination of natural beauty with traditional characteristic of a small town.


An important detail to be specified is the cleanliness of the city, maintenance and greenery that this city offers. Mirkpritja in this area is inherited from earlier generations and is at the highest levels throughout Albania.

Money Coins in Albania is “Lek”. Start banknotes with denominations 200, 500, 1000, 2000 and 5000 currency and coins with denominations of 5, 10, 20, 50 and 100 lek. However, some hotels, bars, restaurants, stores set prices in foreign currency, with payment also can perform well in ALL. In numerous ATMs located in Tirana can be used as cards: Visa Electron, Visa Classic, Business Card, Master Card, Gold Card and Maestro. Albanian ATMs will not impose upon transaction costs, but your bank will probably do so. If we take your foreign currency (EUR or USD), you can switch to banks or foreign exchange agencies. In Albania, you can use the check of the passenger, which can break the bank for a certain fee.

Exchange rate: 1 € - 138.6 ALL; 1 $ - 108.9 ALL; 1 £ - 174.4 ALL


Night Life in Tirana Tirana is full of night life’s and most of the people for going out are young. In Tirana you can find amazing clubs, girl, DJ, cars etc., bars. We suggest: MUMJA - It’s a fancy club who you can enjoy every alcoholic cocktail and wonderful DJ-s and girls. OLD HOUSE - It’s a bar who you can go out for a dring or maby for a beer and to have some conversation On Top of Pyramid - It’s the place that you can see all the city, but you have to climb up and you can make some drinking games on the top. Blloku - Is the most popular place that all the youth go. It is a square with buildings and with fancy clubs and bars. Imperial - Is the most popular cinema network which play’s the latest movie 2D and 3D. The price is from 300 ALL 700 ALL (depends on the day and on the time). TAIWAN - Known as youth park from Albanians. It’s a green place in the middle of Tirana and you can go for a coffee, drink, casino, restaurant, bowling ect. QTU, TEG, City Park - Those are largest shopping


cenre in Albania that you can buy everything in cheap prices and you can also enjoy the cofies and ice skating.

Some words in Albania Thank you - Faleminderit Good - Mirë Good bye - Mirupafshim Goodmorning - Mirëmëngjes Hi - Çkemi Dude - Plako Wat’s up - Ça bere School - Shkoll Education - Edukim Mistake - Gabim Problem - Problem Find - Gjej Food - Ushqim Meal - Vakt Bus - Autobuz Bus station - Stacion Clock - Orë Late - Vonesë Friend - Miq





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